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Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Jul 1911, p. 3

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Haunt F nank accounts ned 1n cube;- 1 the name of the parent’s name “in latter method the ;' the withdrawals. LSC the Child can and learn early the .215: and the value hould have a bank 300.258” tub! “(Ni '9wa atocbd m "m - 9 for tumtmz out J uly 20th, and ’irectorw 'anager AM EHHBNlCLE -. (ukuxzatu: will be at O0 address. he of pan Dwyw. mythic!!! ffid if not no my" Ms are in demand. ystzlte that they are tents from the 61355 ! ‘wl recently at 345’ $70 per month. 11 some experience *vrntly at $1800 per graduates secm‘o he demand in p81“ : times the number “'9 have three de- mmercial. Slun'thll‘I 7. Get our free 68"“ U§§§§§Q§§§§§§§Q§Q§ 'rintina M 'npfion m mid i. W Mm» Label No “1 ‘5‘" W pod. oxocptu UBLYSHED «'RSDAY MORNING Street TMfitt-nt u! , ‘~ M in» for the first 3 can!!! pox-lino” IRWIN UGHES timed by stranger. id emu. Principal ;~¢%A+¢¢ 0000. .‘fo as; Is 'x A¢¢¢-¢” 5r bCflOOL 2 RM. OiLHamess King St. W515 mg (m shades: mu 2 2;“ ELL TAKER *Xt t0 Swallows {PI IDEVCEâ€"Nw a‘ \1. ROPRIETOR Robes and black tgud people. 'orest and Am - $6550.00. use, Bum/rm QANADJ Lawrence?! 1911, THE DURHAM CHRONICLE to January lst, 1912, for $1.15 Always First in the Field T1?E--M4il_.flfld Empire MORNING EDDITION of th J ber lat and at paper July “20th. 1911. has made arrangements with us _____-_---â€" â€"â€" of Newspaper Enterprise ‘The Monday evening train on the L.'H.’B. pan over Willie Mar- shall, the six-y'ear-o-ld child of .Mr. Frank (Marshall, sectionman, at Hensall. With healthy kidneys, one has Calgary a good chance To live long, but erences to Weak kidneys afflict old age with Seugeen - great discomforts. The back be- thse deal comes bent and lame. rheumatismfarly in th is chronic. eyesight fail-s. and tooz‘JUne Erth, a frequent or in-idflb’s from 1 voluntary pas-llfi'iter part sages of the er. Mc-AIvtl urine c1113»: disiinct sigr embarrassment ' on the nigh‘ by day. and:t0 Sink fast loss of sleep at it was p133] nigh-t l‘VaS near. BOo‘th'S K;d_}de«a'th. lM'rs. I , ney Pills brin951ittle boys. . ‘Vnew strength to old backs. andfand ‘tthee of iquick relief be weakened kidneys. 5 ent, in addit; Booth’s Kidney Pills are for sick kidneys in old or young and are guaranteed by 'the prOprietors. The RT. Death '00., Limited, Fort Erie. Ont. Sold everywhere 50c. box. Free trial on request. CHILD {RUN OVER BY TRAIN HOW TO LIVE LONG DOUBLE DWELLING HOUISE'ON Garafraxa street. Durham known as the Keeler house, -Will be 601d. Very reasonable, and .on easv terms. Apply. to-A. HmJ'ackson. or F.‘ Deurtschmann; Hanover. 720t '1'u-e'sday, the 25th day of July, as he is leaving for ’Winnipeg', and Wishes to leave mattems in such shape that no accounts will be placed in other hands fro collec- All persons indebted to Mr. T. Moran, are requested to settle either by cash or note on or before Tuesday, the 25th day of July, as .Mr. .McArthur was a c the chArthur families “Glen,” Glenelg, and also Neil McCannel, of this pl Chronicle. --____------- ....... vau ,“Py‘l. stéting qualifications and ‘ 'exper-r‘ enjceé Applications ‘ reqeivéd tum td, J uly 22nd'.44S.T.' Chzaptfi‘ang Se}; V’qrnPy P;O-.c~v... ...... 43""! _ ,- . i I _ ___ -â€"- ‘- Calgary; and four sisters, Mrs. McInnis, 20f Paisley: ’Miss C.S. Mc- Arthur, .and Mrs. iLynes, of Innis- fail, Alta; and iMiss Mary McAr- thus, of Paisley. The bereaved ones have the sincere :sympathy of their host of friends in the old home sections of Bruceâ€"Paisley Advocate. 9H 5.8. NO; 2, EGREMONT; Duct-l. 1e to commenreegst ”Sept _'Apply: M. +:“~ A.n‘ 4‘..’. a , C d' Prbtéstant ‘ :Téafchéf 5.? Wanted.) ‘1 “$.1- The deceased is survived by his widow .and two young sons, Peter Donald, and Archibald Alexander. one brother, John P. .McArthur. of The funeral took place on Wed- nesday last from the family resi- dence in Crescent Heights, to the Union Cemetery. The Alberta Provincial Government was to be represented at the obsequies by Hon. CIR. \Mi'tch-ell, attorney-gen- eral, Hon. Duncan (Marshall, acting premier, and Hon. J.A. McLean. provincial secretary, also a large number of members of the provin- cial assembly. 1 His first acquaintanc ewith the west was on a t '- 1889. It was no had acquired in‘ which linked his Calgary and Al- possibilities of the POrter of Premier ‘Sifton. 'Whilef yet standing on the threshold of a'; bhft his family out here :from Scotland in 1859. of this notice was then 5 Calgary papers made many t erences to the death of this to: 1 Saugeen - and :Paisley resi: L'early in the morning of Mon .;June 5th, after an illness of .}days from pneumonia. " ,5 ladter '? er. McAnthur's condit‘on slm' ion the night of June 4th, he be gto sink fast. and before midnli; .it was plainly seen that the pvas near. At the Hmn n' For Sale 1 last year he was e1- nember of the Alberta asa Liberal and sup- ~Premier 'Sifton. "While Notice school and at Paislev early showed a busi- -and became engraved in 0m the threshold ofâ€" a career, he was called beyond the activities this Place.â€"Ed. _â€"â€"“l\', Paisley resident 'AIdzam Anderson. cousin of in the I) of Mrs. in that city: Miss Bessie Weir, of Egremon-t, of Monday attended the picnic on Saturday. ass 0f ten [and SPGD’t several days among rel- During the ative-s here. "3.01115 Week Dr. Ffir‘quharson conducted on showed prayer meeting in the Grange Hall 'ement. 5.1,. on Tuesday evening. 1, he began Mr. and Mrs. Gates, of Chicago. I ; midnight. called at the home of Mr. George at the end I Ritchie the beginning of the week ne of his I Mr "Wm. Kenny has lost another their two lhorse. This is the third in six r. John P. months. were pres- Mr. Arthur Edge has secured the )ctors, and ‘ services of Mr. Wm. Walker. fm~ O â€"â€"â€"-d -“ _;'downst~airs, and, unarmed, :sallied i forth into the night. The two men Liwere waiting for him. (‘With a 1 quick uppercut, Mr. Caesar landed 1'on one fellow’s right jaw. which ; caused him to reel. .and. the other accomplice then coming up, he {dealt him a' smashing blow over {the left eye. His two assailants ' now rushed forward with the in- 'tention of making short work of our agent, but the latter, knowing that he would be unable to hnGdle: both, made haste to a nearby res- idence for assistance. He could easily ou'tdjstance his opponents. who, when they saw he intended to secure help, beat quick retreat. up the railway track, and disab- peaied from view. Mr. Caesar came through the escapade with slight injuries, but we would ad- vise him to be better prepared next time he attacks single-handed two such desperate characters.â€" Markdale Standard. JO amid 32nd 1* AN EXCITING EXPERIENCE. A few nights ago our station a- 'gen't, (Mr. Caesar, had an experi- ‘ence ,with a oouple of hoodlums : which he does not care to have re- peated. It was approaching the :midnight hour when Mr. Caesar, {not having retired for the night. heard .voiees at his parlor window. and a noise as if someone was en- deavoring to) raise the sash. Going upstairs and raising the window he peered out and beheld two men attempting to gain en:trnace to his house. He called to them and en- quired what they wanted. but was met with a torrent of abuse and Violent epithets and a demand for ' a night’s lodging. .Mr. Caesar warned them that if they did no . move on he would shoot, but this! failed to fni'f'ghten his tormentors. As it happened. Mr. Caesar was was without firearms of any kind in the house. but he hmmv ran] refâ€" “R’s {he bait-5103M: ham; Scott’sâ€"it’s the world a standard flesh and Whuflder. ’ is? the only --emulsion imi- tated; The reason is plain- spare you are most likely jco take diarrhoea and lose several days’ time unless you have Chamber-1 lain’s Colic. Chol-ena and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand, and take a dose at the first appearance of the dis-y; ease. For sale by Gun’s Drug" Store ‘ On Saturday last, the Edge Hill Union Sunday school held its an- nual picnic in Mr. Wm. Edge’s bush. The attendance was about as usual, and a very pleasant af- tcrnoon was spent. Some pitched horse shoes, others played ball. While others found enjoyment at the swings. A number of races proved very interesting. After tea, a good game of baseball was played. Herb. Edge and Victor Williams were captains, and sel- ected two teams from those pres- ent George ‘Ritchie made a good umpire. ‘ I Mr. Joe. Vaughan received a "nasty fall off the Glenrvoaden dam I the other day, which necessitated ’s.2veral days off work. Messrs. Thos. Greenwood and C. III. Moffart have each erected neat :stretches of Wire fence along the front of their forms. I We were busy during the past week building a woodshed. Mr. AW.L. Dixon, of Egremont. Ii was out this way on buzsiness on ‘Saturday. MI Frank 'Hurd, and mother. of Toronto spent several days a- mong Ithe Greenwood families. Mrs J. Edge is spending this Week in town with her daughter. .Mrs. Wm. Scarf. Mr Malcolm Cameron. of Antler N.D.. has been visiting friends in thi a neighborhood. the haying and harvest On Wednesday, July 5th, a young son was born to Mr. and Mrs. [I 7.. n. EDGE HILL . Wm. Walker, Mrs. A; SULLIVAN Upper Town -_ Durham MoowM+¢¢§¢¢§§§§§§¢wM¢ Butter and EggsIékén in Exchange ' OQQ§§§§§§§§§§§O§§§§§§§§QW New Grocery Store Fresh Groceries Always in Stock . Trains will arrive and depart an foL lows, until further notice:â€" CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME TABLE T ~ arrive at Durham . L50ng.a2fl850pm. “10.3): A'- ‘ nvm Myriam SUNDAY H G. Elliott A. E; 035, _._.A. STUDY 1AT HOME and qualify for a good aituatiqn iansinéss life. Itwill costlittlo to do thi's. Get our plans: Write THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE; SfiHQQL,, 3391 Yonge St... Torop'to J. TOWNER Depot Agent JAMES R. GUN. Town Agent PUMPS OF ALL KINDS Central Business College, Tomato Invites you to write for its handsome catalogue. N o vaca- tions. Summer Term from July 3rd. W. H. SHA\V, President, Yonge Gerrard Sts., Toronto Also FRESH OROCERIES Cooked Meats and Candies DON’T FORGET OUR ICE CREAM PARLOR and Restaurant LUNCHES Served at All Hours DURHAM lfl. N. BURNEfi“ The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his TIME-TABLE â€" and all kinds of . D. Connor ’oralh.

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