IP It' 'IAMWOeRTH PIGS FROM EIGHT weeks 1:0- 10 months old; both sexes. Prices reasonable. Satis- taction guaranteedâ€"H. W. Hunt Vickers. DOUBLE DWELLING HOUSE ON Garafraxa street. Durham known as the Keeler house, will be sold. Very reasonable, and on easv terms. Apply to A. H. Jackson. or F. Deutschmann. Hanover. 7201: THE STORE FORMERLY OCCU- pied by Mr. Mockler. Good con- venient stand. Apply, for par- ticulars, to David Allen, 2-9tâ€"f .â€"â€"â€"-â€".._______â€"v I! ROOMZED HOUSE AND TEN area of land in the town of Durham. On premises are good â€a pen, hem house and stable. ill rent house without land, it hired. Apply to John Moffatt‘ canto L COMFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE in Durham\ ‘2 storeys high. hard and soft water inside, good cem- ent stable, frame barn on top. quarter acre of land. Price away down To quick purchaser. Apply at the Chronicle office. 727 tf IJUSE AND LOT ON COO NTESS Street, Apply to Mrs. John Har- bottle. Durham. 6303ptf AT AN EXTREMELY LOW FIG- me. and on easy terms, an upâ€" town pro-perty in good location. Particulars furnished at the Chronicie Office. Mar. Qtf WIRABLE BUILDING LOT, 1-2 acre‘ corner lot, opposite Clark 5 Planing MLII. For particulars ap- ply at this office. if N0 APPETITE? This Remeéy Will Restore It If you have no appetite for meals. can't work, can't rest. and are ann<>yed with too frequent urination. and a burning,scalding pain in making passages. B?‘.‘..~LL’.73 U‘Cn'fl'u' â€U“ I L R. (3, P,, LON D03T ENG â€"â€"__â€"â€"____â€"__.â€" _,, -- f {‘1 RADULATE of London. -New B‘Ol‘ Sgilev ; KI York and (‘hicagm w†Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. 33001) sow FOR SALE, 0N LOT Win h» at rm Hahn House. Aug. 6. Can. 3, N.D.R.. Glenelg.-1VII‘S- 19, Sept. 16, Oct. 21. Huurs. 1 t06p.m. Chas. Arnett. 3 30tf ,____._m_-_-__.,_,,-_ _ _-_,_M_ A__.__- A LAEEE QUANTITY or FIRST class: shingles for sale at reas- onable prices.â€"The Durham Furniture Co., Limited. '2 2tf Fully guaranteed. at Macfarlane’s If at nir‘nt you reï¬ne. liopinf: for sleep that either does not come. 01' is ti‘:>11“z..)letl and fitful. you have kidney trouble, and need Buoth's Kid~ ney Pl'ls. thr gnarl n t e. .ui remedy for all kidney 3 n d ‘ bladder tr vu-r ble. A few ['3 d o s e s o f Booth's Kid- ney Pills will Wake up the sluggish kidneys ant? regulate the urine. Continua? treatment will cure and heal [ll-f,â€" weakened kidneys and restore the appetite in the natural “'11)“. 8‘31: everywhere 50c. box. or postp‘aid from The R.T. Booth (70.. Limited Fort Erie, Ont. Free trial sent 0, application. . “ZOO-ACRE FAR-M. BEING ONE of the best farms in the Town- ship of No‘rmanbyâ€"recently valuated at $5800 by a, Loan Companyâ€"at present placed in my hands for immediate sale. $4850 cash. or $2500 cash and $2500 mortgage at 6 per cent. Title perfect. Call or write at onceâ€"A. C. Grant. Durham. “l'u' Himâ€"J clear , barn 30x50, stable 30340.3 Man-d 1 acre, u atered by 2 wells ' and Spring.P1rt of purchase money can rema n on mortgage. '0'? 7)":"7:."". 7" " lw'fny William} OT 5 AND 6, 2nd CONCESSION Bgremont, 200 acres of good land, 120 acres cleared, good hardwvood bush. well fenced, we’d watered. For further particulars. apply to Robert Mea-ie. Varney. June 4 ti 0T 21, CON. 2, TOWNSHIP OF hremont, containing 106 acres about 10 acres hardwood bush. 8 acre! swamp timber-ed. the rest I ACRES NO. 1 LAND, BEING Lot 3. Con. 9, Glenelg. Cheap and on easy terms. Apply to J. A. Russell Box ‘39, Sedgewick, Alberta. 5-54 tf_ 0T5 AND 6, 2nd CONCESSIO\ Advertisement:- 05 one inc! subsequent imrttiun. (Eve FOR IMMEDI ATE SALE Shingles for §z§hlme_ Store to Rent arms for Sale. For Sale For Sale For Sale -..-::: SMALL ADS. -’ one incn, 0: has. 2'!» cent am-ount. Yearly rates 3.17 .11 60116208; 06‘3â€â€œ Surgeon}? of Out rio. Dentistry in a†its Brant 68. Ofï¬ceâ€"Over Douglus’ Jewellery Store. Seemed to Give Him a New Stomach. “I suffered intensely after eating â€"- ‘ _. .. ‘ |and n‘o medicine or treatment I Leml DwL’Etried seemed to do any good,†:Writes H-‘M- Y’O'ungpeters, editor of l P. Teiford. ;The Sun. Lake View. Ohio. “The ARRISTEL, SbLlUlTOR. ETCgfiI‘St few doses 0f Chamberlain's I . . . ~ . ï¬ce. nearly opposie the Registry bf‘Omach and Liver Tablets O'aVe ol'ï¬cefjbambton t., Durham. Any amount 1 h f muuev to 'oan gt 5 per cent. on farm 3 me Surprismg relaef, and the sec- "rooertv. lond bottle seemed to aim: mo 9 (Succussm' to \V. F. Dunn) ARRISTER, SOLICITOR. CON- veyancer, Notary Public c. Money t0 luau (m farm property. In- ~m°auce effect-ed. life or ï¬re. Ofï¬ce over Standard Bank, Durham. Ont. Mr George Brown. postmaster at Shakespeare. has resigned his office as Clerk in the 4th D‘EViSiOn Court. which office he has held continuously for over 45 years. He has never been known to miss :1 court. Forty-five years is a long time for any man to he in office. Mr Brown. however. has been postmaster for :31 years. He also held the G.N.W. telegraph agencv for over 40 years. so taking all things into consideration. he has been a faithful servant of the public.â€"Listowel Banner. of Toronto. Gr.- ad mate College Denta' Sigruennn of Outright Dentistrv m a†its Br me DISEASES OF DOMESTICATED animals treated on most Scientif- ic prim-iplos. AH ('RHS promptly attended In. Oï¬â€˜h-p and residence. Gax'afraxa Street“ Dm'hmu. nearly 0p- POSiteo the (7}11'Mziciv ( ffrv. (3231 V er, Conveyanoerf 8m. lnsu xgeut. Money to Loan. Issuerpf ‘ingP Licenses A general ï¬nanmnl regs tra imam. - A_‘â€"-‘ ----â€". - _ 0er .Cfth. [J‘s SMD J F GRANT. DD S.L.D S E ONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- ty, of Toronto. Graduate Rays Late Mani-am Rny.L0udnn Ophthalmic Hos. $32.. and so G‘midm: Sq. Throat and N086 Hus. SPECIALIST : u: :‘Aas mama Nose wFFIfTE: (hm J 8: J Hunter’s ' I ahurt distance 6am u! Knaxzp’s Hotel, numb m" Strap: [ï¬x-:91 Town, Durham “$99 ‘10!er f'rnm ‘2 '0 2 -:'ank ’ swine, Lamb’hur Srreef 9:045}de Curve! Qmen am? George htl‘Q-‘Hrâ€"bo n mâ€"thudirt (‘htrch L'fl'fce ‘ 120133â€" W hen you want to Clear your house of flies, see that you get Arthur fiun M. D. 'L‘HYSICIA \ â€"\ \ i? SU KG EON, OF- ' 609 in the New! H unter muck. 0166 5 01115.8(“ 10 a. m†to 4p m. and? to9 '. m. ï¬gxecial at .29: tint: gin-m to diseases *7 women 4 kd child; .m Rendence 0p- 0 wwitf‘ Preï¬xbvte; (an ~ Ihl‘m n. ï¬rs. Jamieson Mactaurin. VFW E AND RESIDENCE A 3. 8. Hutton, M. 0.. C. M. m-Ir‘E. TELP‘OR D’s BLOCK UP A. H. lackson. O’i‘ARY PUBLIC, conmssmm. DURBELT ONT. (Lowe: Town.) on apphc twn A FAITHFUL SERVANT N {I Dr. W. 0. Pickering Bentï¬st. Mm [4212! Directorv. Imitations are always unsatisfactd: Den/a1 Directorv -‘ . I U k\.o A. C. Grant BR. BEER? 79,299} r 1w IV. we" “and Mr. A. T. ’Wilgress, editor of the Brockville Times says to the To- ronto News: “There is every indication that Canada is soon to «see one of the great political upheavels which now and then mark the existence of intense national feeling. Canadas sentiment is thoroughly British. Reciprocity is thorough- ly anti- British by President Taft s own deliberate declaration. The fight against Reciprocity in Can- ada is not a party fight but a fight for Canadian nationality and for imperial union, waged by pa- triotic Canadians who haVe set aside party prejudices and minor issues. Mr. Borden has Canadian national sentiment strongly behind him and that is stronger than any p31 ty tie.†ulvxuacu uuu mver Tablets gave me surprising relief, and the sec- ond bottle seemed to give me a new stomach and perfectly good health.†For sale by Gun’s Drug Store. This year’s wheat crop, accord- ing to .a conservative estimate. will be two hundred million bush- els. and the Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan governments advise that fiftv thousand men will be re- quired. The majority of these wiil have to be recruited from Ontario. and the Canadian Pacific Railwav are running excursions to Winni- peg and West at $10. Free tickets will be supplied at Winnipeg to destinations in Western Canada east of Molosejaw Saskatoon and branches. Special through trains to fWinnipeg will be run by the C. P IR." the only through line, on :he following dates: Through trains will be run from Ontario points on the above dates to Winnipeg, avoiding all trans- fer or customs troubles en route. Ask any 'C. P. R. agent for circular giving rates. conditions. special train service etc., from Toronto and points in Ontario, or write to R. L Thompson, D. P. A" C. P. R.. Toronto Aug. 12. from all points in Onta- rio north of the G. T. R. main linc» Toronto to ‘Sarnia. which includes all branches of the Torontoâ€"Sud- bury line. Aug. 16. from points in Eastern Ontario. Aug. 23, from all points west of Toronto in :Ontario. Aug. ‘25.. from all points East of Toronto in Ontario and Quebec. FAR‘M LAB'ORERS’ EXCURSION For over half a century Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills have been curing con- stipation and clogged, inactive kidneys, with all the ailments which result from them. They cleanse the whole system and purify the blood. Sold everywhere at 25c. a box. 2 0 They have regulated my stomach and bowels. I am cured of constipation, and I claim they have no equal as a medi- cine.†T hat was indeed a lucky day for me, for I was so impressed with the state- ments made that I determined to give them a fair tfial. STRONGER THAN PARTY TIE V'..\w- “For many years I have been troubled with chronic Constipation. This ail- ment .ncver coznes single-handed, and 1 have been a Victim to the many 31111355 that con;:tipation brings in its train. Medicine after medicine I have taken in order to ï¬nd relief, bnt one andall left V.*-- ‘v _ me in the same hopeless condition It seemed that nothing would expel from me the one eailment that caused so much trouble, }ct at last I read about these Ind Lin Root Pills. writes: Mr. Andrews praises Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills. CHEER 0F BUNSTIPATUN Mr; George tiate our claims. This remedy is called Rexall Orderlies. 'Rexall Orderlies have a sooth- ing healing, strengthening, tonic and regulative action upon. the bowels. They remove all irrita- ition. dryness, soreness and Weak- Vness They restore the bowels 'and associate organs to more vig- orous and healthy activity. They are eaten like candy, may be taken at any time Without inconvenience do not cause any griping, nausea, diarrhoea, excessive looseness. flatulence or other disagreeable effect. Price 25c. and 10c. Sold only at our storeâ€"The Rexall; Store. ‘Macfarla'np, Xv (“A Buy it now. Now is the time to buy a bottle of Chamberlain‘s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- edy. It is almost certain to be needed before the summer is over. This remedy has no superior. For sale by Gun’s Drug Store. Mrs. John Ferguson, and childâ€" ren. of Owen Sound, who were visiting her father and sisters have returned home again LUCRATIVE POSITIONS. It. is generally conceded that owing to the chain of seven colâ€" leges with which the Walkert-ozn Business. College is connected‘ that its graduates get the choice positions. Many young men who graduated two years ago are now receiving from $1000 to $3000 per vcar young women from $60 to $110 per month. The Walkerton Business College is one of the largest schools in the province, and the demand for its graduates is many times its supply. Mr. Snotton has solved the life prob- lem for thousands, and put them on the “high road to success,†and he is in a better position than ever to do the same for you. You will be welcomed at any of his town or city schools. Mr. John Newell was engaged Working .at *Mr. Jas. McGillivray’s for a few days. A CHANGE MADE IN THE NATIONAL ANTHEM. A change has been made in the National Anthem. In these days when the main thought through- out the civilized world is peace, one of the old verses of the An- them is said to have struck the King as sounding a somewhat discordant note. It runs; Oh Lord. our God. arise, Scatter his enemies, Mt. and Mrs J. McComb, of Rainy River are visiting their relatives Mr. Irwin Reilly, and sister, Miss Prudence. Mr. Hugh MacArthur, of Alberta accompanied by his uncle, Mr. Neil MacArthur expects to spend a few weeks among his friends. Mr. John Arnett, of Hanover. was the guest of his mother or Sunday. That verse has been replaced by the following, written by Dean Hole, and breathing a more peaceful spirit; Oh Lord. our God. arise, Scatter his enemies, SAUGEEN VALLEY. It is some time since I Wrote to your paper. Hope you will excuse me. and I will try and do better in the future. Mrs. A. Graham, and little son, of town, spent over Sunday With Mrs. C. Arnett, of the Valley. Let there be peace. This alteration has been special- ly sanctioned by King George, and is therefore of national import- ance. seeing that it is now likely to be universally followed. hMlsses Annie and Ida Dav‘s are . ome from Toronto for their h 1da'ys. 01- Miss Sadie McGrillivrasy visited Miss .Meade Hincks, Priceville, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. McKeen, of New York, Visited the Reilly home. "110 511 And make them fall; C'onfound their politics, Frustrate "their knavish tricks, On him our hopes we fix, 0 save us all. tMake War to cease. Keep us from plague and dirth, Turn than our woes to mirth, And over all the earth ea, excessive looseness. we or other disagreeable Price 25c. and 10c. Sold at our store-â€"The Rexall Macfarlane Co. FOR AGED PEO PLE nands or feet, and all Applied to these it the smarting, healing. As it skin injuries quickly steps and ensures quick is free from animal fat, and mineral coloring matter, it is particularly suited to the deli- cate skin of babies suffering from heat rashes, chafed places, etc. sold eVEI'VWHDro RY? Ayeaummzni.‘ -uJ 'We regret very much to chron- icle the death ,of Robt. ‘tSmail, of Balsam Valley. We always found Robert kind and honest in his dealings. Death is sad at any time. but when one is taken away in the prime of life, makes it more sad. I'We extend our sympathy to the sorrowinig family. Mr. Herman Haw has taken his departure for the West. As he had some boys out there. and a married daughter, it wom’t be like going amongst strangers. His family still lives here, Rev. Mr. 'Matheson, accompanied by 'Rev. Mr. Lane, held a very well attended prayer meeting at Mr. G. ISackett’s recently. Mr. Lane’s discourse on his mission work in Alaska Was much enjoyed. The prayer meeting service was very much appreciated Neglect of a sunburn on face. arm, or neck, often leads to the after growth of skin. which is freckleol or coarse: and this is par- ticularly distressing to ladies. Timely application of Zam-‘Buk, and regular use of Zam-Buk soap will prevent this. Zam-Buk is a herbal balm. Which soothes and cools the burned skin, and assists nature to replace the damaged tissue with soft, velvety skin. Zam PuL is specially made for tender 'We regret to hear that Henry Hannam, of Swintoin Park. is under the weather, but under the care of Dr. Sneath, of Dromore. we hone to hear of his recovery. Mr. G. Sackett now owns the 1,4 acre lot Opposite his place, being lot ‘26. con. 18. Slow. but sure Wins the race. SACKETT’S CORNERS. Well, Mr. (Editor, it is some time since We sent a budget from the Corner. H‘a'ying is a thing of the past and it won’t be long till We hear the rattle of the binders at work. Prospects for crons .are fairly good. Mrs. Salter, of Toronto, Visited her father. Mr. Jas. Renwick, this week Church and Sabbath school is held at New England for the summer months. and have a fair attendance. We understand that Weslev Lane, of this place. intends going West. We wish him success. An inventive German has recentâ€" lv taken out apattern for apis-tol for producing apparent death for a brief time. It is loaded with a bullet made of. a chemical composi- tion. to which is added enough powder to propel it. The bullet explodes and causes a thick cloud of vapor, which envelopes the vic- tim. makes it impossible for him to see, renders his breathing diffi- cult, and he finally falls into a swoon that lasts from ten minutes to a half hour. It is believed that the new pistol will be able to overcome rowdies or even un- manageable crowds effectivelv without killing anybody. ZAM BUK CURES SUNBURN HEAD OFFICE THE TRADERS BANK ofCANADA THIS Bank is open to receive applications for junior clerkship, at salaries. ranging from $200 to $400 per year, according to age and experience. Applications to be made by letter to The Superintendent, The Traders Bank of Canada, Toronto, giving age. references from teachers or employers, also certiï¬cate from famdy physwian as to health. 12 Junior Clerks Wanted EVE?! Department ls fully Equlpped to an!!!" Prompt and Efficient Servlce. . . Tn: (mm will be 08‘“ :thzzrlpuon any address. he 0 p ~81.5D may be chm-god if not no p13? to which over) rnbncripcion is ' the nque: an the 8(1de continued to all m are pad, amt-put mum" of in mm. unmet races far abbot! on apphmï¬on by adve {162119 amoe. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY 13011me It the Chronicle Printing House, Gan «Street. A" “Mme-mute b t en Id! be DON! Minad‘mmm y a rang Rang“ mm for year.vadvernnnmpnn fl. All adverï¬wmenz w ensure WW 3 amt week. should brought in not Mam MONDAY at 6 p. m. THE DURHAM CHEDNIEU and Funeral Director ¢’¢6¢A¢A‘K""9‘6A‘--‘A..\.A ‘ ‘ A A“ : FALL TERM FROM AUG. 28th. 'QOIDNQtely Stocked I I wgtYP'E. musaï¬ntd f A. BELL UN DERTAKER STRATFORD. o~r.\-./ There is a great demand Hp- On us for trained help. Busi- ness men state that our gradu- ates are the best. “'4; have three departments : Commercial. Shorthand and Telegraph}: . The tuition for six months 13 $55 and for one yeux'330- Investigation will prove myâ€? satisfaction that there is 130 better Business (‘ollege 1†Canada. Get our free catalogue NOW. D. A. MCLACHLAN. Principal ‘r ’ VV mmmoww v§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§t§§‘ ++e¢+¢+++¢¢+++¢+¢++wuw v â€" - â€".â€" ,vâ€" ~V‘V-v' 5 handsomely muqmpca vpe‘uy. Lures: cm Marionrof any acxenmaic 30m n3}. ’A'mns for Canada. 63.75 a year. postage prepaid. so“: by w newsdealers. MUN" 60.36'Ww- New ank Branch once. 625 F St... Washington. Q Q Full line of Catholic Robes, and blart and white Caps for aged people. ' 'I'Sit’éxiié idkéh' E5 E56“ 6 $1335 ’ 32‘ "(:2 mega! gotta, without. line. in the A. ‘ A- '" "' "Nix“... Anvono sending a sketch "1d dnép- .M 1n:- .a quicxw ascertain our Opini “:1 {men m, a; Invention is phlroba LLemnhle ( ( mu 'ca; no .yussmctl commentul. (Ll-HANDBOOK 05p ‘ sent. free. Oldest agency for securxm. patents. “_A-_A- A-L-â€" Al_‘_-___, ’zcture mezflg on Shams: / 05mm m m éflfflé DURHAM.0N1 $§£ï¬Â§i§i§fli€i§ï¬Â¢an. SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallows Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"N61? d'om South of W. J. Lawrence't blacksmith shop. Machine Oil. Harness 0i]: Agile Grease and HO"f Omtment, go to S. P. SA UNDERSW Embalming a Specialty EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. work. ’. IRWIN notice. '1 Vivaâ€"'â€" .- T he Harnessma kel aflgf‘ernsemenu â€- 1mm: patents. I16; C0. recem 21hr; 1911‘ IAGNIFICENT DISPLAYS o For all information w ite MEN‘S CORONATION YEA Gm v“ " “SIMIllll‘â€"â€" test show on comin- Special PHI-o 0X :500 eac h . Increased August 26th . TORO Canadian Nati O c Q o a a o o c o . Ortkdho‘o-_v‘â€"haco¢5nooouo‘ O O ‘ O o o o o a o o 0 Iron and Bra 5: ï¬tters 31H)1)}':P_\ Anything: in The Stoves, Tim and Hraui‘ Plumbing: and Ti neatly and }_)r'<)111}n‘1y e August 10th, 1911. REMEMBE THE DURH to January 15 Always First in the The Mail THE EARL THE EA has made arrangements HORNING EDDITION of her at and A NEW AND IMPROV} augurated by which the can he landed here HOUR C. SMITH SO THE DLRH O I 4 t O O ‘ O \ O Q ‘ ‘ A '0 '06 0.9.0 ’0‘ '06 0.0.0“. ’7‘... .0. .ï¬â€™â€. .0... SEN D ALL ORDERS 35> THREE GR Next to the! ‘nâ€"Gems pcan galle from best Canada States.