West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Aug 1911, p. 6

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anges alps to blood I (33883. G C0. Return on nditlons: _ RE lars per {Town :8 and h and Feed TED 4th A d t11.;1rn.;1 111an1. 11:1 Str; 1tfnrd in and 1m.11u1r.g Um: um. u UUSt 1 2th lurnntnt11.\nrth HuyLmd “as: in Ontario. A d Prnm T.ur1mto 21nd St M10119 cast n()nt;1r1( alum-3% (_.f u buSt 1 6t 11nd 5.11:1.1Junctmnin ()11t. .1riu. AugUSt 23rd Fzrun :11 tutinns Toronto. North Bay and ‘Wcst in (Etttzrrn Aug Frnm all stations lm‘nntu and 1; 1st (:f ()rilii u and Suctiu uSt 25t tmn in Can 1d:.' CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITIONL TORONTO ‘A-I " Munimum Charge 25c. FROM ALL STATIONS IN CANADA WEST Spec FALL MILLINERY Lambton Street, +++++++++++++++¢+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ mmers that our NEW STOCK of orders at once. inspection. Last Saturday had our first display and received .VULLINERY is TRIMMED and UNTRIMMED in: mum Charge 1:)» LTATIONS IN CANADA WEST OF CORNWALL AND OTTAWA in“ Rates and Train Service on Certain Dates ._\. mm.» \r A idress A. * ”UH. DJ’JA .. HTM’ZU. MISS DICK great many orders. We wish to advise our cus- are prepared to take NEW Trunk Agent now ready for or Address A AUGUST 26th TO SEPT. 9th INCLUSIVE h! mt mciudmg mam to and Includmg :1” in Ontario. Durham. Main L‘nc'l‘nrpntr line from mgrâ€"fl Public P1 litical Meetings ! Put; ltm-S. per [1“10m. m I o“ i Outuwal, pct '( hop nu (\x Fall \thnt . . ‘ Spring Vthut ()ats .......... Fons . Barley Hay . Bntrm‘ Hidvs. prr l'n Shm'pskins ‘VOUI ..... Tanw Lard . . 'l urkovs .... (i000 CHANCE Fill? CHEAP DAILY. NOW that the. elections are alâ€" most upon us. the public will he more than ever interested in their daily paper. The RPPEDI‘HCEIY i8.â€" sue. which will he the chief topic of discussion, is of Vital interest In every citizen of (":inzulu. :md to keep closely in touch with the campaign a daily paper is a ne- cessity. The Toronto News is the leader in the fight against the rat- ification of this pact, and with its able editorials and complete news service, is doing a great work. ‘if‘f‘SP . Durks ... Chit-Runs We have an arrangement with this paper whereby we are able to offer it together with the Chroni- cle for $22.23 per ammm. This is a remarkably cheap offer. and should be taken advantage of now o 0 0 o 0 o O o o o o o o O 0 O O 4 O 0 O CO 0‘0...“900-0|n.00-0- ‘0 00‘. CO‘OKIQOO'fi'O-IOKC .M. +++ MARKET REPORT Hid nthwr Spp:ka'> will 3(1er SCHOOL SHOESâ€""WV“ are this \(;n- nfi'm'illg a 51! with every pair 0f St'huul shnes sum at $1.53“ and (WM enlighten the hearts of your hnvs and gills :nml e-nuhh form their duties mum pleasanfly. This premium i5 cm'lraining (me lead pem-il, (me slat? pmwil m «1 (HP articles that an’ always useful in >("h(m], 50 (h) hut h0ys and girls ()f this xxx-(mt oppm'tnnity. Buy ynur Shoes here. Don't fail to sow nnr Tr: Cases. the hush unmvy mm huy. Custom work and Rvpniring prnmpfly attondul tn. 'l‘ERMS-J'ash 0:- Exam. Don t, fxil to see our stock of ball Sht best quality and lnwcst p1 ices that can H DURHAM, Al'tH .9?“ 1- ('wt . . THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. 5-)“ H) f 0 [A ) U) h) to tn [U to to H 10 Q. | G In 1911 this School passe-(l 17 58th candidates for entrance into Nor- zmmmal Schools. 11 for Junior Matx'il‘f- “thu‘t‘th‘ufl. 4 for entrance into tho . rPaculties of Education. 3 for “5t 9 Commt rcial Diplomas. lstl 7. Inspector Wcthcrcll in his 2nd:IC[â€")/)I't says: It is with unusual 4th3 pleasure that Imakc rny first ro- purt on the Mcaford ”19:11 School. 5th . N) School in the Province is in a. more flourishing condition. The l u. itrustecs are alert and progressivc ;t'l.§allil all the «members of the Staff .15. iaro mwxg‘etic and capable. 'Ihc g. gspirit of the school is excel-lent: " iand inwrcss‘tcs a stranger at oncc will as Quitt- out of the common.” m- : Sum] f0] beautifully illustrated 'Ann.»._;:'.c'(:zne_t‘it. ntailt-tl free on, a}:â€" ._- K, it a two ycars’ trial, then we be in a position to judge for ourselves. as: the Icputation oi politicians in thc past is largely made up of liars and deceivcrs. -+~--.--â€"â€"â€"â€" ’I‘RAVISRS'I'ON Mia: Emma Ritchie. of Educ Hill IS th-c guest of her cousins. Misst-s Jcnnic ('onk and Etta McNallV. thifi wot-k, Shh is a gifted lassic, Torn (‘ook am Harry (imv loan on “'(‘thll".‘i(itl.\' morning for (‘al- gary. 'l'ht-y are strong. actiw felons. as good ntcchat‘iics as thm 1 4“ n THE MEAFORD HIGH SCHOOL Tuesday, Sept; 5th, [0H mm wide. largo nu'mtm' dents. and has 0111131”! i ance to int'rmlso rapidl‘ 1010 our sindonts pump c’iiforon-t centres. ? The high stand ta! 5‘. .ufionta in the various tics. and the large nur mont unoxceilod in HM! fmn and :1 11'1”" new“ \R'iih splendid athletic \(mi :11 0d (ll_St.I‘!)0.nSI healthy town :Ihsuluiolx fevers: grand 1‘ mrl in : ilies:chonhor than in c $1?‘-a your. '3. The splendid Wm School has UhiVC‘X‘Si'ty graduates holding Folâ€" lowships in Canadian and Amvri- Dan Colleges. 4. A. new and upâ€"tn-dnte Foionrn Rnnm. fully onuimmrl. in which the student performs his own oxmwiâ€" 'monts ujmlm' {hr r'npm'x'iSIc)n «bf :hv teacher. 5, A, fully organizer! (‘ommer- eial Dem-irtment in Bookkeeninq. Sle';‘.oi:ra}-hy. Business Law. Type- writing. English branches. in the hands of :1 Spm-cileist. who is :i Chartered Accountant: special at- tention given to writi-ir: and spoil- ing. This Derartment is equimied With seven of the latest. lip-to- date Underwood 'I‘ypo‘writers. Each graduate receives a beauti- ful Diploma. Our graduates eas- ily obtain positions. No expense fees to pay. Hunt. \lk91‘S, Prince HOLWU’ 7313. Highly \ommeidedxâ€" 711093 McGirr, Durham Banner, 73. Com- McKenzie, We regret to say tinuc to get weaker, and mary friends are beginnin fear there is little hope for covery. Miss D. Watson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Watson, of Thistle, Who was operated on by Drs. Groves, of Fergus, and Sneath, of i. '1'. SITTHERLAXD. St“(‘:.-TI‘P;IS A. A DUNDAS. B. .‘\.. Principal r of our farmers are [Druugu ting, and soon threshing 2 all the order. James Brown, and Mr. John azie, We regret to say, con- to get weaker, and their friends are beginning to REPORT) FOR 1911 MCVVILLIAMSVILLE {2917‘ will I'D-(men (m Jrham. Sim lge Hi’l. Si 'AI‘IhUI‘ Standzn' crop (:0 Siberizn‘ ttr'nct'vw'l to if 111:0 mmflmrs 2 large 1m nhm‘ of x‘ndufles holdim: ] Canadian and Am itch w i ZE WINNERS 'midly. ])l 21310 from ls: gymn'a Holy «froo in 'm'fi'uto in cities. D ta 1: on 11 [S If)“ throng h \V H re- H Dromore, for tumor, is recovering nice-1y. Mr. Arthur Wells is down with an attack of typhoid. Bornâ€"On Sunday. August 20th. to Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Moore. a daughter. NH. and M'rs. Wm. Ectm' and familv. of Durham. spent Sunday in this noisflflmrhnnd. \Vifh his fnflwr. near Hokfifin. Misc Alim" Tjndcm'. of Toronto \‘icifnfl m this noirflflmrhnod ro- mmflv. 371'. Frank 900” i9 hnRV hnWflinw n new hnnsn. You“ a Phanm for 907110 hroff‘s’ Stir]. Cf CLC MLLLVC ? £t:C.:: CLC :2: r. c350 (3179:1177 Dm‘hn m m1 wnfhmx HM 1")0'11 Mr ”\Vm. Dir-Ream on UN raisod his hzmk burn on :Ifi'mwmnn and Tuesday. pan-h taking so far we an Si'HC'P the main 01' no rt‘wriprncity. how :my 010(31- m' can VUIP intelligently g-ither for or against a measure in which he has had no exp-priem-o. and We think Borden would have actor! more wisely to act on Mr. Field- ing's suggestion. and have giwn it a two years’ trial, then We 1min a position to judge for l‘ ourseivos. as: 11w mpuluiion m I'h'c'rything in and firmly! the ('nnmr.‘ is coatod with :ocim'm-ity. We have been up on (mr 10ft)‘ U710”): Master-r Lauder ed to his Torrm after spending idilys at the ho Masters Charlie and Hug of Eden Grove, drove ( Sunday, and are spending dayS' at the home of My Hunt. mg some Mrs. W.L for Zion‘s garden party on Tues- day evening, August 29th. Many and sincere are the Words of sympathy extended hereabouts to Mr. and Mrs. H. Williams, over the loss of their fine barn and its contents. It means so much hard and slavish work to rebuild. UT ‘Tv ll 8101 1r K no ~: 0 hm unrl'u‘ ig preparations are being made f0 2‘“ ,T. J1 1H pr \"T‘TY‘Q r‘fih‘VT‘Y‘C “fin Mrs \‘isiw U " tmfil‘in ix can no A ”than v Uki I'H‘VPQT :1 r'm on d u ri m: 0} 0 [TH nf ht '1‘? smw vations .Cuo is I‘(><'i;n'nri’zy '. how any elect- McKinley I'etur \Tfik’ “hi-9. of Edge Hill 1‘ cousins Missps ma MON :51]\' this gifted 135530. “.1 0 Yr (1 \V homela f9 w wee ll ('OTN T" rm in H on Mnndny (mzin nghic Pu Hv SO 3 ['0 S“ I"( them Conn st om \\ Mr (-11 u rchvs In M 1" N”? “Y OVBT ”:1 lVS r1 rix'inw K np-r sorVivo friends (rrn \'( H) ll hi1 hf w h at ) '\K O “'64 Ill 110W 1m< hm a m! H1! H H ll U \V H if You canno‘ wisely consider Cana- dian nationality without keeping in the front of your mind the division of Canadians into those who couldn’t help being Canadians and those who couEd-â€"the native-born and the immi- grant. 1‘02"“ hi3 s‘r'nrvd hv tho immim'nni ihad almost 52. counted humps. (”ICE to forcigz ped singi.,zr m the flag that. h: braved the b. Canadian 21am double harness elements in tin tho ()ne of these days a full-bloodc hobm‘ wi mons. I the Sas Rutheniun word of hi isn't far, 3' to the (.‘C the Lit-on: who came from Minnesota. wa: elected a scnato Saskatchexxau, a vinm’ The lama in P0“ AT ers. In V to a Chim formanm s bocmm is a man infreqm i'ng to other In whivh 1‘ men y ()1) ped singi.;.r songs in harmony “ith‘ the flagr that has these thousand yt ars braved the hattle and the breeze (‘anadian nationality is marching in double harness, with these imported elements in the team. I tell you ('anada is infinitely more than an Ontario concession line, a little red school house and a Loyal Orange Lodge. What is to be done about the amazing medley of kindreds. and tribes and tongues which I have hinted at, and for which the liible‘ Society prints the Scriptures in sev- enty different. languages? And, mind you, there is more than the differences of race and langnage between you and your feilow~eitizen from the South of Europe who flour- ishes alongside the South Saskatche wan. He comes from a country you never saw to a country you have never seen, and he knows nothing of the distinctions of the country You in- habit. The prairie country and the mountains are apt to produce people different in their make-up from the dwellers in the east. A high :ailway official who came east two years ago, had never seen apples growing on the trees. The non- English speaking people who have come to the country where he was born are twice as unfamiliar with the east as he was. It. is something of a job in Canadian development to get all these people up there to live like you live, think like you think, and see things as you see them. And they are Canadians with full rightsâ€"«<itizens. Their children are the native-burn, even as your children are. What, do you think about it? What ground can we line tht-m up on so that they will stand when. we stand. and be governed by the same on so stand. well-s us? and I save me nu: other side of people are S King” exact]; have YOU to have they to ian fellow-cit chewan? It is a mi Canadian nal of WhiCh you with the cron who have CO? all the come: sure about I Suppose yo: mu 1 SCOtCh alld 3 “9.01 ac cquaimanr: friend to talk abo But, V5112 you; for you knO‘ when .VOU 0 :rour ligh Down in Nova Scotia l( Ill H .v i .U I) 0f prings You m d on w deal at (i 21 '0 V be P sv'arod by the immigrant. for you and worse for him. think you know all about fi 01'! y 3'08! who d rom th e vote on put a collar on a 1101‘80.‘ :: never saw a Doukhol‘ ician. or a Buckowiniam m. Thousands of theses. red over the prairies are! wns juSI as much as youl sky greabgrandson or ughter of a United Em- l’l ouver I could theatre where now, fn l( nging our nonpla in the as an €XC( in m and foreign w h c n on Reciprocity tW0§ mm where you are.» and worse for him.« you know all ubouf 38.? and their con!)â€" you him-d a green couldn’t a a few years worshim‘wd At. Red Door, sentiment, H e of put lef collar on a an n‘ I'l ( H Fatherland to turalized and Minnesota for )O'S Grit: 30d OI) 13TH mus ouse of on the JE f1 en l( 1n l< .\'h0 S S ('2 idn’t, 02 :4 apâ€" \‘ it b. y( ars r(:eze._ 1 are 011% n6 at

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