West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Aug 1911, p. 8

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5 cents. ickets Here lutb 'raxa St. Returning :0RERS ONS ass 1 :en t. >ront0 comf is the HAM via. SLY? and e )I kleton Gramd Canav- mto m‘t‘u wwww‘ m «mp-”$00.0 ‘vw \\ ’ "“ WWW; THE TENDERFOOT’S WOOING 9m” ‘ ' . 1 Continued from page 6. g \\ ;: ~< HT ALMOST AM FEET 53%???"5.;g‘a.:°vt’7"é i TREE TORONTO NEWS Spring Fgmiture Sal; Fumitune! Furniture ! be 5231110 any address in Canada forthe balance of the year for 25 cents, and P861,- {my ox?’ NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY mums DISPLAY EVERY EVENING? "3,411.. Town Shoe Store .._...-..â€"-»-m J. S. McILRAITH «- ::~ g; @M00030000000000 WW TH E CH RONICLE 1: Ex 151 of Oct( her for 25 cents extra. ,y walking and long ,hnes here is the «,3 t them. You will p: mul as a. lurd in m, Space won ’t per- .mth p! n 9% \ ill mi tn haxe you call ;.:- ll as and see styles \‘z:il')lll(h'l§901‘h0t ' i,- {n supply good am) prices. a, Canada, Sept. 8th to 16th $28,000.00 "a _ __ ..- _ __ N 01'. c All letters from Canada must be addressed E to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- m ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to 94:3: call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat ':1 0111' Windsor ofiices which are for Correspondence and 01’ C’nadian business only, Address all letters as follows: 025. KENNEDY KENNEDY, Windsor. Ont- DI. f Live Stock. The best ever seen iii Canada L'nique Special ttracticns, including MILITARY AND HYDRO ELECTRIC FEATURES .lL'TvH’lNG AM) SPEEDING CONTESTS '0‘} AND CAT SHOWS. FOUR SPLENDID BANDS I‘TRACTIV'E MlDV\’AY-â€"BEST EVER SEEN IN LONDON President. Al ED WITHOUT ate address g . Prizes and Attractions ORE \VORK AND as usual at t'K JVST ARRIVED and will XZRTAKING FLOURâ€" Rugs. all sizes and colors, Floor Mats, >r ()ilc-loth of different colors. \YlNDO‘VSâ€"Tapestiy Curtains. Lave Curtains, s. Bobinette Poles. Brass Poles of differ-Put kinds. Kl'l CHFNâ€"Tables. ('hairs. Glass Cupboards, etc. DINING ROOMâ€"Buffets, Sideboards, Extension Chairs. PARLORâ€" Parlor Suites, China Cabinets. Odd l‘al'lé's. Music Cabinets. Picture Mouldings. Picture other requisites. HALLâ€"Hall Racks. Hall Tables. Hall Seats. RED ROOMâ€"Bed Room Suites.Mattrssses.Springs. ix-s. (‘mu-hes. Lounges. etc. 1911 Spring is here and our v>¢#v¢+¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢6¢¢+0é+900690¢¢> Qvfi+¢¢¢§§§¢? > some Hnsi k at moder- . ”In U I 'V A“ n a 7- - - dcntial. Question wt and C1 RHH'CEI) RATES ON ALL RAILWAYS Entry Forms, and all other information from EAT EXHIBITION OF 1911 E’RECEIVES SPECIAL ATTENTION THE thé {:iC'tims of REhDER Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you intending to marry? “as your blood been dist-9.5811? Have you any weakness? Our New Method Treatment Will cure you. What it, has done for others it will do fur you. Consultation Free. .\0 matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Books Freeâ€" "f-tayhoo'l, Manhood. Fatherhood." (Illustrat- ed) on Diseases of Men. YOUNG C URA 3 LE A. M. HUNT, Secretary. SENT. ”No names on fast of treatment FR MEN AND‘MIDng-AQED mm, I lnfnn .)v_ 7595‘ min, Iv-wâ€"â€" - _ >f early indiscretions and later ex; are failures in lifeâ€"you are the restore to manhood and revive energy and vitality. Dun‘t give rbcczmse you have treated with re 121041 eicctric belts and tried undrods of homes and L011 01' those who were rescribe specific rem- a case according to the dicationsâ€"gvge have no A.â€" -n strait, Mich. '- vâ€"__ 'Pmedies adanted to !\ curabie cases ac- business throughout has snatched :pair, has re; No matter an honest ’1‘; Free- ( Illustrat- Al hung his head. It is dispiriting when you have a great story to tell, to have it understood and sentence pronounced before you have had time to open your lips. “How many Injuns were there?” “About fitter-n. I guess." “More than that,” said the man who had not becx stop to argue tails. He rem which he had : Creek, and be vital to know theroe quiethr juries, hOWQVE ciently simple. “A bundle 0 hig, h str1 11" " An ordimry case of diarrhoea can. as a rule. lm cured by :1 single dose of Chamberlain‘s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy has no superior for bowel complaints. For sale by Gun‘s Drug Store. scratched.” “Didn‘t try to rush the ranch then?" “Broke the store-house and got the guns v{bile we were at the stacks.” ~- v-v “5 \MV Ubuvngo “Might have known that they would try that. What did you all want to go to the stacks for? Didn‘t ca’culate to blow them out, did you?” The doc and soon a capable “No: not “And yo! Lord! \‘x'h doesnt dri: Your case ‘ perhaps we ed cheerfu} has broken As soon was over. in the (111211 d0('t01‘ (Th? of trouble given I": Now wc' .' “You leave r muc but play m( from thc table. HOLSTEIN. Miss Lila Ham. daughter of a former G.T.‘R. agent here, and now of Fergus. is the guest of friends in and around the village. Grant «ML-Ewen and sisters. Ida and Jewel, were the guests of Miss Ethel Sharp on Sunday. Our baseballists went. to Durham on Monday and tried cnnclusions with the \team of that town. Of course Durhanlxvoukl have ‘won had it not been for the umpire. Experts as they are. they should have “THI over unufire and teanl :Xs ii'uYUi the score stoorlzz tie,£§ all. The game was called on ac- cn.unut of darkness. Mr. Jas. Durant. though border- ing on the .four score mark, went to Harriston on Saturday last to learn of reciprocity. He was de- lighted with the Borden address, and also that of LB. Lucas. Amongst those who left for the West on the first excursion were Messrs. A. Hamilton, A. Baird, J. Horsburgh, T. Hunt, A. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John Orchard lei-t for Denver. Colorado. on "inesday, to Visit her sister. Mrs. Kngiht. Will Orchard left on a trip West on TueS'ay. Miss Laura Nay, former teacher in the RS. here, spent a week here renewing acquaintances. The harvest has nearly all been The prize lists of the Agricultur- al Society are in the hands of the Secretary for distribution. If any desire «them, drop a card or call. The harvest has nearly gathered in. The crop is There will be plenty for gathered in. The crop is average. There will be plenty for all. A meeting in the interests 01" the Conservative candidate, Mr. R.J. iBall, will be held in the hall here on September 4th. Mr. and Mrs. Ross, of London, visited at the home of Mrs. J. Rogers during last week. Mrs. Malcolm returned from C0- bourg last Friday, after attending the funeral of her sister. Buy it now. Now is the time to buy a bottle of Chamberlain‘s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- edy. It is almost certain to be needed before the summer is over. This remedy has no superior. For sale by Gun’s Drug Store. Anst H he ( O drink C1 n 0111' \V 8T \\' 21 S 11'! think H' t1 it ther or i ‘onld K €11 C SO and (i h 'dV ‘3 W h (U a: (\thrjl‘S.' 111* add- :ivat old Khelowna lm'mr’s i of war .VhiESt Jir said the man who ; but he did not far any more deo 'ed the two bands 11 his way to Soda v ail that it was 16‘ followed Pro- 2 house. 'Ol'th 0 G I) 11 {I m DURHAM CHRONICLE g1 ve nuch I‘f HI sober f if sisters. Ida five. erd! a 2129?) who twentyâ€"five? :he ride, but TS." he add- were suf i H rm: mu do you C‘d R0. t. l hain'r hull 1 1d ha t 0"01“ OH} to ertion 5 held :16 the 211121k8 n the (1 one .3 was rm I] ("a T § knowed Injuns since I growed grasz high for nothing. When Injuns start on a racket of this kind, they've got to be wiped out or they’ll come back like chickens to a doughnut. Ain’t that so, Jim?” But Jim was busy eating and listen- ing. He was not much of a gas bag anz» ' may. the men said. But at last eVen his appetite was 11-35889d and he turned from the m. n to the Boss. “i111 anaid that it has got to be. ‘13}. them are more Indians out "tan 121:; bOB's think, and it's a vast Zeal "v‘f‘lc serious than I like. I saw 11m i111; 1118 coming this way on my turned on the cowboys. “What are we to do, Jim?" “Well, Rolf, if these Indians we? not_ Chilcotcns. I should say that: \x' had seen the worst of it and it migh ail blow over, but. they are Chilcoitn' and (Thilcotens are not like Other B.( amongst them. Government KIIOWLG it. but couldn't do nothing." “Do you remember, Doc, that smoke that I thovght 1 saw late yeztgrdziy evening?” asked Jim. “In the timber towards Grouse Creek?” “Yes.” “I remember, but you don’t tlx‘E: that. that is where they are? If tlat had been there they would haVe 58 us and cut. us off.” Ind “I'm not sure of that. They might have been scared that one of us would break back to Soda Creek. It would be safer for them to round us all up here at: the ranch.” “You think that they have cut off our communivations then?" “With Soda Creek and Faircloughs; yes. That‘s what I’d try to do if I was in their place. Al’s plan is tie right one. We had better go after them. The first blow is worth a dozen later on. and it won’t do to let them think we are scared, but we must leave a strong guard with you and the ladies.” “How would it be if the doctor, old Toma. two of the breeds, and the Fa r. clough boys stayed with you and An- struther. i'm afraid about the Far- cloughs. I doubt if they will ever got heref’ “Yes, 1 mean to,” said the Boas, waking up and taking command. “Pick your men to say Combe.” “They’re in the corral now. Won’t believe a word about the rising. and think as we're scared at our own sha- dows.” “Go and bring them in. Al.” Al went out and returned presently with two fair-headed young English- men, beef-fed giants, with gaiters and other relics of the Old Country still clinging to them. Until now they had been looked upon with a certain amount, of disfavor at the Risky as not belonging to quite the same class as most of the English importations and as intruders whose small hay meadow hardly justified their exisâ€" tence and the presence of their herd upon the range. but in the straits to which the Rolts had been reduccd, the Faircloughs were accorded a Very hearty welcome, although their obxi- ous scepticism and too loudly pro- claimed indifference to anything that ter,” 1 a 110“ xx 1m us ale goin owna a1 ta ICC“ and sure.t along 1'1 you know, 1: ton, and I ( times.” Rolt smile ment, but In hit somethir target at a yards from shOOting would do fro: windows, but if it cam. off-hand from the sa« ferred to t ust some of had never heard of Win “Thank you, very mum. :n‘ut i think you must be content with rit- place of honor. It will be. good to know that two such shots are watca ing over the. ladies’ safety. 1’11 tak the trail to-night, Jim.” “Better let me go instead, Boss.” “One of us two must stay, .3111, and you have had your share of fun.” Jim hesitated, and prepared to ar gue. “Besides, I don’t want the wife to think that there is any serious dan- ger, and if you stay behind she will not think so much of my going. She Will argue that if there was anything ad “1 ho d I d e care 01' \V 11 3‘ .n of a1‘058\‘ 1'0 X‘ I1( (azne baffli. I didn’t cal- would, but I thought he’d h them than w kind of swine Dan here and amocsed. Do: Bob flreek. I met Khelowna he has raised the whole. mon' in t u and indeed that w ut in A1. “There ain’t old lilooch left at the the burning.” know, Al?” >f the b'reeds to pros- Could you mind staying ay or two? Half of us ) try to round up K119!- and. and your pr 5 n :2 851111 greater \K’ O est. Th do from fine inge ted mu sre diffi (i h mean‘ng Mr. Faircl sadcm of his (1 ar for t'm. ‘sense Jhn?” Indians were say that: we and it m i~ht with us if me he was. Lnd he says Don’t you, at \\ P‘airclougil, agela 8 :he 1 imalid t) 111 know 1) t- . hand ins; .V 1‘ bOB'S 011. 11 another the two “What a fool I am,” he muttered to himself, “and all because a parcel of white iivered Siwashes burncd my stacks. Even that was rather heroic for them.” But when he reached over his horse's shoulder for Jim’s hand, which he gripped hard, his voice had a queer ring in it. “You won’t let any harm happen to her. Jim.” ' “Not whilst. I’m 3“"9.” and if “her” meant, Polly to one ...;;.11 and Kitty to obli‘j‘cd sc eVCn with loved. If 1 Finally it was arrang; d in th: 8 way, and in the dark, long after the lad es had retired to rest, Dick Rolt stood for a minute looking down at the fa e be loved so nhite and calmly lovely in the moonlight. It was too white, he thought, and then a hidwus vision came to him of how that face might be when he hem saw it. really to be done I should take my best man with me. See?” mg by local applicatinn. as they cannot reach the di‘if‘at‘u‘d portion ofthe mm l'he-ro is nit-y one way 10(‘111‘0110-3ffll‘8h. and that. is by constitu- tional rommlmq X‘uafiwss is mum-d h'.‘ an in- flamed conditiun of the mucmu lining nt the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sunnd or imporfwtt hunting and wlwnit is mum-1y (tihhfld. Deafnmas is ”1" result. and unions the irflam a atiou can bt‘ taken out and this tube run-um! to its nox'maiconditinn hear ing will be destrnyod forever: nine unsua nut. of tenure caused by Catart'h. which 18 nothing: but an inflamed condition of thv mucous surfucva We will give Onc- Hnndred Dullarn for any case of Deafness (cauwd by cmarrh; Ilzut cannot be cured by Hall’s CamrrhCure. Send fur Circular free, NOTICE is herehy given that a Court will he held, pursuant to The Ontario Votera’ Lists Act, by His Honour the Judge of the County Court of the County of Grey, at- Miller’s Hall. Hanover, on the 25th day of August, 19”, at ”I o’( lmk in the after - no m toheat and deter: ninm mnplainrs‘ of BHHIS and omissions in the \ otexs Lizt of the Municipality of the Town- shipof Rentinck fox-1911. Dated the 15th day of August, l‘Jl l. DUNCAN CAMPBELL. (film-k 0f the Munivinnlity of thy Township of Hentim-k. Hnnnvm' P. (’ “I suffered intensely after eating: and no medicine or treatment I tried seemed to do any good," writes H.M. Young‘peters. editor of The Sun. Lake View. Ohio. “The first few doses of Chamberlain‘s Stomach and Liver Tablets gave me surprising relief, and the sec- ond bottle seemed to give me a new stomach and perfectly good health.” For sale by Gun’s Drug Store. Sold by Dnlggistu 75¢. Ta ke Hall's Family Pills for mantipaioin. Seemed to Give Him a New Stomach. Constipa'rion is tho root of many forms of sickness and of an endless amount of human misery. thoroughly tested by over fifty years of use, have been proved a safe and certain cure for constipation and all kindred troubles. Try them. Our courses are far anove that. of the ordinary Busines College. Our teachers are all experienced instructors. Take a course with us and you get the best. We do more for our gmdu ates than any other Business ( alleges in \Vestern Ontario do for their graduates. Business men state that our graduates are the best. Write either eoiiege at once for our free catalogue. W hen Continued next Week. waiting Deafnesa Cannot be Cured Dr. Morse Indian Root Pills, WC“ T it. F. J. CHENEY «- C0,. Toledo 0‘ Central Business College, Stratford, 0nt., and Mount orest Business College, Mt. Forest, Ont. v7 ~‘ r V? v ‘ JAJL-ka‘JA-EJA- 25c.abox. . I’m a”"e,” and if “her” :0 one ...;;.11 and Kitty to ade no difference since cgether. turned away from the NOTICE address the college. are being run under the same management TWO GOOD SCHOOLS ay from the with his men ving that he pain of part- king but not ler paleuess the L110 who pain of that t 1103 aided. L saidiezs S, is 1-- 44..--.â€" .â€"â€"â€"-â€"--- ”fl » 777M dHunteI Look ..H MILLER W _ _-_..- - . vuuu ‘J|ot|ll“ nu. Sangeen Jmction. fine brick residenw.~ splendid harm. mleudid soil. good water. orchard 8m. mu sail less than $25 an acre. “A bargain surely. 325 ACRES close to Proton Station, brick dwellingfine large out-huildix Windmill ~v.: hay, 2 tons to acre. 01$ â€" u v f . $0,000. lxmmks the sunshmc off AJ- l- A ‘ ‘ $5,500. Kmmks the sunshine berm bargains. A HARHWARE and Tinsmith Bus 0688.01'83’ Countv. post office in connec‘im Less than $10,000 will buy 40 arms of ham store and dwelling, barn, other {man dwelling and 3% 000 Mo k. GENERAL COUNTRY miles from Durham: very cha Large number of cheat) ta: Money to med at L0 Innis bought and said. I All kimls of writings H. H. MILLER A small or Image hm: 01' a fine gram, White, nutritiuus Hum; is mld as our Drama. Have you eve: [vi (1 it? Get ymu- grmm‘r Lu) give you 0111' kind {3.19:3 time and see the supm-inr baking (gt-Rf»- itflcs it possesses. Better and more wboiesmno. because of :1. secret process: that we put the wheat thl-uugh Don’t forget. Goods delivered anvwhere Special Reduction on Hour 10 Bag Lots. All upom-date flour and feed :m grocers keep out flour for sale. Vom gmcex does not keep it come L- the mill and we will use you right People’s Mills Our pure Manit-uha flnur, made fy-nm N1). 1 Manitoba wheat ammo! he beat; For eitrher baker-b or dmnestic use Chopping Done Every Day ls made f n m selected winter Whe and is a superior article for making pastry, etc. stands to-day without a superior in Canada. Graduates highhy sum-mm fa]. Catalogue ”we. Call us up by telephone N0. 9. ill kinds of Grain bought at Market Price. 533 ACRES near Fully guaranteed. at Macfarlanp‘a blend ofé anitolm and; Outage heat and is a strictlv first. plank Fall Term Opens Aug. 28th. The Chronicie to J anuary lst, 1912. John McGowan 25 cents PASTRY FLOUR flanover Conveyance:- ECLIPSE TORONTO, ONT. is :1 st1ictly fi‘st (:11? family flour ‘. 0 Wm 3" it TH E roger! Statimx tad LI’Y Busines mm: properties. Low Rates. Dabts collectefi as drawn. Onpusi-tc The m House. “anon: ST 0 RE with H. H J elsewhew. Negfigem“ BEVBH in town. in ‘ “5")" 1'5! *2 : E1. V.

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