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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Sep 1911, p. 5

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Ci thanks to the :‘it of Canadian ' makers should 1‘ office depend! [er of their ad- t‘s time for 3 SALE LLING ON J. )I. HUNTER >oms. Apply to 'chnie, Durham. O RENT 1 Toronto. on to Mr. and Mrs. , nee Kate Mc- .ter. RTP1 [he helps to 9 blood it h cases ourown ants and resh and FICE in Canadian N's-ver before . deeper in- d it will be see Miller ;aurier Gov- e had land- RE +++++§ m Low Rate Excursions A. that \w 211-» offering: at Twem} =_= F ch [farm 5 per Ton, in run lot-E. and if )‘m: 1304(1 mg is s (3 H235 is the cheapest feed you can My. Oatmeal Millers We have also a stock of FARfv‘sERS’ mwm SEPT E 3‘. B ER 30th “F Second class. Very low rates. Full Particulars from J' R' GCX. Town Agent. J. T0‘VNER’ Depot- Agenfi, We Have a Small Quantity of Mixed Fwd Barley, W’heat, Pea-as and Oats Lam bton Street, I lie 40+ 0;. nzoato Q1040 â€":O {O 0:. bl INN [XEUHSIUNS ." Until Oct. 15th \x 'c hawe the Largest and Most Elaborate Stock of in our showrooms. It surpasses any previous season, and we invite every lady from town and country to visit us on Fair Day and see our grand stock. TRIMMED MILLINE'RY 3R. B. C.. “’ESTMIN- .. TACOMA. \VASIL. . OR 15.. SAN FRANCIS- LUS ANGELES, CAL» '. CAI... MEXICO CITY. WASH. NELSON. R0. let, 1911. - E. DUFF, D. that We are Offering 2: DL‘RUAM, HurumhRZ. 1911 I‘M] \thun . «‘9 Spring \\ hriit . . . .. ..... 75 to Oats ..................... 36 to Peas 77 to Barley ...... ; ........... 45 to Bay ..................... 9 (K). to Butter. .......... ...... 19 to Eggs ................... 20 to Potatoes per bag ....... 50 to Flour, pet cw: .......... 2 40 130 03141163], pt! sack ...... 2 40 to Chop. per cut ..... 125m Lixe Bags. pex cwt.... 760 to Hides per I‘o ............ 8 to Sheepskins ............. . 75 to Wool ................ 18 to Tallow ................. . 5 to “) ‘1‘ fl 4:) to S 10 ‘1'“ (ON; Full \Vheun . . . » . . . . . . 3 75 to S 80 Spring “7hr“: . . . . . ..... 75 to So Oats .................... 36 to 33 Peas ................. . . 77 to 80 Barley .................. 45 to 50 Ha,» ..................... 9 no. to 10 00 Butter. 19m 19 Eggs ................... 20 to 20 Putatoes. per bag ....... 50 to 50 9 40 to :2 60 Flour, per cw: .......... .. Osluneal, pz-r sack -. . .. 2 40 to ‘2 50 Chop. per mm , ..... 1 2.5 to '1 60 Live HOgs. per cwt.... 7 60 to 7 60 Hide-s. per lb ............ 8 to 9 Sheepskms .............. 75 to 75 Wool ................ 18 to 20 T2111an .................. 5 to 5 Lard.... . .. . 12 to [3 Turkeys ................ 17 to 17 69656... ....... . 10 to 10 . . 12 to 13 (ic:zt!emcr:.â€"- votes {:3ch 3.313: as your repres Commons Let Canadians. in me {Sig-c: MARKET REPORT Zurs of Mm’fi U.C‘~ ;._- 52,â€"! rc:;'~ecs£:el.} sotdt your -f!ucme to 52cm: [23V eiectéon "Q0‘ 0: prescntatixe ii: the fin.-- 0. Let as hair; Canada {Jr the )mham. 3L£P§Tam. B 51 L L. 17 to It) to 12 to 10 to 10 00 19 .1 60 $0 I3 Call, or Write to Officers for Programs and Prize Lists. GEO. BINNIE. ’ C. FIRTH. I“ ill be held 111 the TOWN HALL on WEDNESDAY EVENING, the 27th when there will appear Specia! Px-f7e given by the N( rthem Business College Owen Sound: Three months scholarship (valuefi- ‘30) for best specimen of WI iting by student of Southfile'HfiPul Iic S( hools. (.apitals and small letters and tvso verses of the “Maple Leaf". Students can compete at only one fair. Scholarship can he. used no to or before Sept. lst, 191-4. Students who passed entx-ancein 1911 may compete. _____.OFâ€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"- Lne Stock, Farm Products Dairy Produgtg, A EW'E AND TWO LAMBS ON OR I. I. .‘ Gil-15’ “ “ Sweaters “ .5 .s Children’s Coats “ Underskirts “ 12.01) “ (5.50 18.00 ‘ ‘ 12.00 2.075 “ 2.00 2.50 “ 1.75 3.2.5 “ 2.50 2.50 '“ 1.50 The Lowest Prices for Everything. which will be sold at the very Lowest Prices. Men s Suits, legular $15. 00 for $12. 00 65 “12.00 “ 9.50 Ladies’ “ ' " 14.00 ” 90‘) 66 06 .6 12.00 6. (-5.50 Gil-15’ “ “ 18.00 " 12.00 and will carry a full line of Dry Goods, consisting of Ihave opened up a new Dry Goods and Clothing Store on Garafraxa St . N E 4W Dry Goods Store (Milverton .................. Sept. 28, Onangeville ............... Sept. 14, Paisley ......... ............Sept. 26, Plnkcvton .................. ...Sept. Port Elgin..-...... ...-.....Sept. 28, Ripl'ey--....... ......Sept. 26. Râ€"ocklyn .................. ...Oct. 5, Shelburne......... .-.......Sept. 26‘ Teeswa-ter ......... ............Oct. 4, about the middle f0 July. Any information leading to their re- covery will] be suitably reward- e.d.â€"â€"J-ohn Collier, lot 48, icon. 3 E.G.R., Glenelg, Edeg Hill RD. 3 DURHAM......... Fex ershtam Gorri e. . ...S-ept. 26. 27 ....Oct 3. 4. ..Oet 7. Grand Valle) ........ ......Oct" 17 18. Guelnh-.. Holstein......-.. ...... .....Sept. 20. 21. ...Sent. 19. 20. Kinc-ardine... . .. Listowel......... .. Markdale......... . Meaford ......... Mildm«ay......... . <MII\’erton..... . Orangeville...... . Paisley ......... . Plnkevton ......... Port Elgin..-...... ......... . S..'eut. 1.0- 21. .- ........ Oct. 3. .Oct. 3. 4. Sept. 28. 29. Sept. 25. 26. Sept. 28, 29. ..Sept14,15. Sept. 26 27. ....... .Sept. 22. ......Sept. 28. :29. Ladies’ 8: Men’s Wear FARM PRODUCE AND LIVE POULTRl TAKEN AS CASH Atwood......... . .S-ept. 21, 22. Ay‘t-on, Sept. 18th and 19th. Bolton.--“ Oct. 2 Chla*tsworth...-..............Sept. 14, 15. Chesley......... .-.Sept. 19. 20. Cl-arksburg......... .........Sept. ‘21. 22. Desb-oro......... ...Sept. 21. 2'2. Dra'ytom ......... .......-.Oct. 3. 4. Dundalk ......... ......-.....Oct.12. 13. SPEEDING IN THE RING . GOOD PI'RSES. GOOD I OF HAMILTON . who in musical tours from com-:1; to coast have wan golden opinions. Three renowned Artists. Voice and Violin. Tues. W’ed., SEpt. 26 27, 1911. South Grey Agricultural Society The Exhibition this year prunises 10 he BIGGER and BETTER than ever in Exhibits, Special Attractions, and other Features, which will interest and please ail visitors. one door south of Burnett’s Bakery Dates of Fall Fairs. . GLASER Trial Soiicited. PRESIDENT. For the Last The Stare’s Concert Company, Poultry, Fruit and Ladies’ Work. {timezu‘ILL BE HELD AT ANNUM FALL LOST GRAND CONCERT DURHAM TEE DURHAM CHRONICLE. SPECEAL PRIZES and Important Day of the Exhibition. 15. 20. 22. ‘22. 13. 27 , Mr. William Frederick, a commer- cial traveller, of New York, is said to fbe the only man who has committed {the Bible, with its three and a half imillion letters, to memory. He can , repeat any passagein it, given a start. If the baron was staggered he did not show it. Gravely handing her a bank-note for the amount, he said: “Madam, this autograph shall occupy ad. honored place in my collection.” Then, catching sight of a little pile of papers, each bearing the author’s signature, he added: “But I shall be proud to purchase your autograph.” With ready wit the lady writer took a slip and scribbled above her name the words: “Received from Baron Rothschild the sum of fifty pounds for charity.” “Won’t you buy? Won’t you buy?” sh§_cried,_ gs 11gwalked past her stall. “I would willingly,” he said, dblâ€"1t really, the articles you have for sale are rather bulky. ” How Lord Rothschild must hate bazaars! At the last one he attended he was badly victimized by a well- known woman author. Bull-fighting levies a heavy toll upon human life. During a reoent season in Madrid at lcast twelve bull- fighters were killed and 111 inju'ed. a record of casualties unprecedented in the history of the national Sport of Spain. It has been computed that about 2,500 bulls and 3,5OC horses are killed every year in Spanish bull- tights. Bands of schoolboys in the agxirul- tural areas of the Ka1st Mountains, Austria, strixing to keep down .1e plague of lowsts, have captured elexen railxxayâ€" â€"wagon loads. T31 number of locusts \xhic‘a haxe been converted from a pest into a valuable food for farm stock is estimated a: 45,000,000 A Yorkshire collector fo medals. Dr. A. A. Payne, Hills’oorough, She-f field, has been amassing medals for over twenty years, and has a collec- tion of 2,500, worth $130,000. He has fifty medals that have been connected with either the peerage, baronet‘age. or knighthoods. Where the telephone wires are over- land the Speed of tratsmission is at the rate of abet. t 16 ,000 miles a second. Where the Wires are through cables under the sea t1 e speed is not moxe than 6,000 miles a second. Naturai gas has been used in China for many centuries. It issues from fissures in the earth near the coal mines, and is led through bamboo tubes to the point where it is con- sumed. If there were but one potato in the world, a careful cultivator might pro- duce 10,000,000,000 from it in ten years and thus supply the world with seed again. ‘ Under the sceptre of the Czar oi Russia he thirty- -eight different na tionalities, each speaking its own Ian gugige, which is foreign to all others. Sixty years ago the popu ation of the United Kingdom was onl: 27, 000,- 000.” In 1901. it was returned at 41, 458,421. It IS now estimated at 45‘ 500,000. ’ Little Bits of Information that Come From Far and Near NOT GENERALLY KNOWN AN EXPERT BEGGAR GOOD HORSES. SECRETARY. [ Ven. Archdeacon Dewdney. of {Saskatchewan who was the Eng- 1 Lhsh church minister in this parish twenty-one years ago, preached to large congregations last Sunday morning and evening. His ser- mons were impressive and prac- tical. His old friends were deâ€" lighted to see and hear him again, and were surprised to notice so little change in his appearance, af- ter so many years’ absence. He ~left on Tuesday morning for Owen ‘ Sound, where he took the boat for Port Arthur, and then proceeds by C. P. B. to Prince Albert. Sask.§ While in Durham he was the guest . of Mr. and Mrs. :W. B. Vollet. tawa, says “I have been a dreadful sufferer from Cons- tipation for over thirty years. After taking ‘ Fruit-a- tives’ for a few months, I feel I am well from this hor- rible complaint”. -- “ Fruif-a-tives ” Sharron comma will cure you. 50¢. a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size 25c. At all dealers, or from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. To cure Cons- tipation, the liver must be stimula- ted to pour out more bile and the weak muscles strengthen_ed. Mr? and Mrs. J. W. Fox of Ncwburgh, Ont, say“0urdaughtcr ‘ - ». - -i was cured of dues Pox Appendicitis by ‘Fruit-a-tives’ after doctors said only an operation could save her life.” age and find ‘Fruit-a-tives’ do me more good than any other remedy”. R‘emeniber --â€" chronic Constipation cannot be cured in a day, but “Fruit-a- tives” will quickly relieve the trouble and certainly cure you if taken a reasonable time. Senator JOHN COSTIGAN of Ot- Bile, a liquid secreted by the liver, is the purga- gzg .. .. 5;: L3 .. ti'v'e Of tile bUdy. $3215}. ' 2? Two pints of bile zkfgfiv.-."2,._-_..;fii_g. i should be poured :1_" "~-';-:.~r L: :g' into the bowels '1} ' - T;’,.'--‘ T. c‘,ery day. In severe constipation only about half a pint is secreted. \Vith the muscles of the bowels weak and little bile, it is impossible for the bowels to move regularly. A. G. VVIL- LISTON ESQ, of Hardwicks, N. B. says “I tried ‘Fruit-a-tives’ and now I am well from Chronic Constipation from wlgjch I suffered for many years”. ----- ...... ..... . - .uu‘ -------- I. ............... ,,,,,,, ;.._. A“. g.. La- .e_ _.~. . Vin WI LLiSTON Chronic Consti- pation means Para- lysis of the Bowels There are two layers of muscles in the bowels which duringconstipation become thin and Weak and cannot act. In severe cases, people go three and even ten days without the bowels moving. N._ Words, a stronger fruit :uice ‘ is created. This is made into tablets which are known all over Canada under the hameof “Fruit-_a-tives”. “ Fruit-adives” is the only medicine in the worid that cures Constipation. JAMES PROUDFOOT ESQ. of Vankleek Hill, Ont. says “If it were not for ’Fruit-a-tives’ I am satisfied I could not live”. ' MR. PROUDFOOT Fruit juice is about nine-tenths water and one-tenth solid matter. Ami this solid matter is eight-ninths sweet and one-ninth bitter. It is the bitter principie that is he curative pent of fruit. To get the full benefit of fruit, one must eat great quantities of frc :1) fruit. By the dis. covcryof tiz‘sCaznu diam physician, the bitter or curing“r pa rt of fruit juice is so combined that it is made to grow or increase many times. In other It takes Canada to do the really big things that are being done. For thousands of years, people have known that fruit was good for them without knowing exactly why. A Canadian physician experimented until he found out. Wonderful flew Substance Famed By Combining Fruit Juices GANADIAN PHYSICIAN MAEE ET A DISCOVERY THAT 'IS BENEHHNB IHEWHMEWURLD MR. PARSONS nerves ana bowel mu scl es a n (1 increases the flow of bile. “ Fmit-a-tives” is not merely a relieving a ge n 1'. but actually cures Constipation. It ton cs 11 p t h e WM. PARSO‘N'S ESQ, of Otten ille, Ont. says “I am eighty years of a 0- S J'OllflCl‘ l i She was hurried to the hospital, gand all that skill and loving hands j could do .to alleviate her suffering fwas done, but to no avail, and about nine o’clock Tuesday even-1’ ing the death angel came to re- , lieve the suffering one in the only Eway that relief could come. ; The deceased leaves {our small ichildren, the oldest only twelve ‘years, a husband. anda commun- Iit}? bowed in tears over .the un- timely demise of one but in the Eurime of life, and so universally admired by all.â€"Bowdle, S. D. Pio- .neer. Deceased was the eldest daugh- ter of Mr. W. K. Reid, of this placerâ€"Ed. Chronicle. At 9.45 Monday morning. ~cries of“‘fire,” and “help," 2 .1 excitement to run hizh. I: soon Whispered around that . Matt. McGovern was frightf burned in her home in Fuller .- We sincereiy hope that some of the perpetrators may be hauled up short and be taught a very sai- utary lesson by our police magi;- trate. Only on Monday nigh-t a very respectable young cngie were insulted by a maudlin crowd as they returned from their 1;; Hey- moon, and the night was made 'hideous, not only to the. young coupie themseiyes, but to the residents of the. DEigh'bo{Tammi}. Much indignation is exglzt-‘sed over the affair, and such cistiucr must be stopped at any c-wt. She was cleaning the carpet with gasoline. and stepped on a match. the gas was immediately i:r:i.ed, and in an endeavor to sta no out the flames, her skirts, which were permeated with rche fumes. burst into flames, andb before help could reach the unfortunate wom- an, her clothing was burned from her body. The charivari. that old relic oi barbarism. has been revived in Durham, and threatens to become a public nuisance, if the authoriâ€" ties don’t take hold of the pew petrators and .make xt'hem pay the penalty of their folly. A young couple has a perfect right to Eat married and settle down peaceably Without interference from the rougher element. Two or three times of late. these ab- ominable charivaris have been in- dulged in, and it is a downright shame to allow them to continue. The? gazette Niayara Pa 15 .- \Y, . savs: “Miss Victoxia Stares. a verv +2.!ented singer was heaidi n tuo soJo numbers~they u ere mas delightfulâ€"her voice showimr ex- cellent culture. heaustiful xu: ge, and full round tones, and was used with most pronounced musi- cal understanding.” Will be heard on ‘27th inst, in Durham town hail, at Show night concert. 'f The party who stole the bicycle from J05. Firth’s staifle in upper town a coupTe of weeks ago is known. and wit! save himself 00”- siderable trouble by returning: it at once to Thos. Ryan. at' the Middaugh House, or leaving it at the stable. where he got it. Call at Grant’s when you want anything in dry goods. No trou- ble to show our goods; We con- sider it a pleasure. W. H. Hartley will conduct Har- vest services in Palmerston at The same timo. Missionary anniversary services will be «conducted in the Metho- dist church here and at Zion n‘ext Sunday, by Rev. A. E. Marshall, B. A., of Holstein. Rev, Randolph N‘ie, of Palmer- ’Ston, will conduct ‘the services in Trinity church next Sunday. Rev. For saleâ€"Two first class York- shire s-ows, rising two years old. due to pig last of October. Apply to Franklin Murdock. Bentinck. 1‘1. miles south-west f0 Durham. New dress goods, velveteens. velvet ribbons, tray cloths, pil- low covers, five o’clock tea cloths etc., at Grant’s. For saleâ€"1 parlor cook coal stove, good heater. almost new. For particulars apply at this office. Remember Durham Fair, Septem- ber 26th and 273th. See ad., page 5. DEATH OF MRS McGOV LOCAL NEWS LIL“ iva U

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