West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Sep 1911, p. 8

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921- IN .‘«. LARGE SALES The hum of the threshino; machines is now heard all over the land, meanimr more u ork for the housewife to keep the table supplied. We have an excellent s’rmk of fresh groceries just suitable, carefully bought, so that we can sell them to careful buyers. With the change of the season comes the renovating of the house, new Papers are required for the rooms, new Carpets, Bugs and Linoleuml for the floors, and new Curtains for the windows. Come to see our stock. We have the newest designs in the most approved patterns, which we are selling at reasonable prices, The stock is large and complete in all lines, heavier makes to suit the cooler weather, all made on easy fitting lasts If we have not the styles required we can have them delivered in 12 hours. The Highest Prices for Butter Eggs. G. J. McKechnie. 3 pounds Valencia. Raisins for 25 cents. 3 pounds good Currants for 25 cents. See the 256. Mixed Tea. It is extra good. Granulated Crystal Sugar at less than Wholesale Price. A fine selection to choose from. In great quantities, the newest cuts. House Furnishings Boots and Shoes. Men’shClothing Dress Goods SMALL PROFITS THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. May 29â€"Paid Fred Cooper for 80 yds gravel got in 1910, ......... $6.40 June 3â€"George Christie others filling sink hole, Habermehl..-$51.00 June 27â€"Amdrew Milne, putting in culvert :lot 20 con .12.-..........$1.00 July 6â€"Henry Gander and others operating grader ......... ..-......$48.2‘5 Robert 1VIcCaslin, hauling tile from Elmwood ......... ....-.$‘2.00 Aug. 12â€"W,.m Leaske, for tile ......... $12.00 July 1‘2â€"Alf. Redford, 90 loads .. .. .$4. 50 Aug 16â€"Con Cotter, 80 vds" ..$6 40 Aug. 18 Fred Cooper 82 yds...$6.56 Aug. 16â€"W.m. Owens 45 yds...$3.60 Aug 30. Prter Krauter,, 104 yds. .. . ...... $8. 32 m‘Sept 1-:Henry Subject, 100 3ds ... ..' .. ...$8. 00 George Ernke and others, hauling gravel sideline 10, con 13 ......... $24.25 All of which is respectfully sub- mitted, Henry Cross, Commissioner R. D. No. 4 Crossâ€"Metcalfeâ€"Tha't James DIG... Mahon be paid twenty-five dol- lars in full of his account re Sau- geen jam.-â€"-Carried. Crossâ€"Metcalfeâ€"That Efinwood be granted an additional amount of fifteen dollars to cover the shortage of last grant, the balance to be applied 'tO sidewalks,,â€"Car- ried. G-riersonâ€"-Metca1feâ€"Thalt the ac. counts of John ' Collins-on for painting and putting signs, $200. also of Wm. 'Bi-eqlstein for a $3.25 sign in T [L :B B, and the Munici- sign in the. T L !B 8: B and the Mud cipal IWonbd for s-taionery be paid $2.42,â€"Carri~evd. Metcalfeâ€"Griersonâ€" That Chas Knapp he paid $5.00 for notifying the reeve and digging grave for unkno‘nw manâ€"Carried Gri-erson-Crossâ€"That Henry Metcalf be paid one dollar for one half day re deviationâ€"Carried. Bv-laW No. 4. for 1911 levying 3 mills for township rate, 2 mills for county'ralte and 3 mills for general school rate was duly passed. Application for ‘the office of col- lector receive-d, J 01111 H. With. Crossâ€"Metcalfeâ€"That John H. Smith be :tax collector for 1911 at a salary of $90â€"Carri'ed. Crossâ€"Metcalfeâ€"That we take no action With regard to the de- via tion on the 2nd and 8rd concea- By-law No. 5. for 1911, confirm- ing the appointment of John Hen- ry Smith was duly passed. Aug 1:6â€"Con Cotter, 80 yds... Aug. 18 Fred Cooper 82 yds... Aug. 16â€"W.m. Owens 45 yds... Aug 30. Prter Krauter,, 104 June 22â€"Chas Lorenz, 65 yards .................................... $ 5.20 south of the Durham roadlsepto 21"3 opposite ldts 5-6, 5 riL-d. )‘Ietcalfeâ€"Crossâ€"That we now adjourn to meet at Lamlash on the 6th of November for the transac- tion of general business.â€"Carried. S. PUT‘HERBOUGH, Reeve. . Miss Mary McMahon of Hanover spent over Sun Ch? n th her aunt, lJIrs. “CE. Patterson. I Mr. Andrew Der} y attended a meeting of the Presbytery in Mt. Forest on Tuesday last. Miss Eleanor Kress attended the Western Fair, London, last week. Mrs. Andrew Derby is visiting friends a* Tara and Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Merk-linger return- 93 Monday night from a short honeymoon trip. Mrs. Pennington is spending a few days with Palmerston friends. Mr. Jos. Reid returned from the West. and will soon reâ€"enter the Toronto University. Rev. and Mrs. McCausland have returned from their honeymoon trip. Mr. Jos. Brown intends leaving for the 'West on Saturday. He will be absent four or five weeks. Mrs. Wm. Walls left Thursday morning for Minneapolis. Minn. to visit her son, Geo. Gamble. Rev. Wm. Dinwoodie of Califor- nia, a former pupil of Ye Editor, was in town for a couple of days. and gave us a call. Rev. NV. H. Hartley Was in Shel- burne on Tuesday attending the meeting of the \Ruri Decanevl chap- ter of Grey county. Mrs. F. Metcalf, and her daugh-| ter, Miss Ella, returned to their ; home in Blyth, after a week‘s visit at the rectory. I Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Pollard, of. Detroit, are visiting at the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W'J. Hewitt. ' Rev. T. Bart Howard, Diocesan Secretary of Sunday Schools and ‘Young People‘s Societies for Hur- on Diocese, visited Durham and addressed a meeting in Trinity church on Monday evening.in the Vinterests of the work of these or- ganizations. Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Ritchie, of Markdale, visited the latter’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Hewitt, on Monday. Mrs. S. Scott. of Countess St, has returned from Visiting Lon- don friends. and attending the Western Fair. Mr. Sylvanus W. Wigle, of Kingsville, spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. W. P. Paterson. It is more rthan thirty years since we first met in Leamingwton. Mr and Mrs. TVJ. Hewitt and family, accompanied by their son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pollard. visited their aunt, Mrs. Eliza Scott. of the town line. Mr. W'.K. Reid returned Monday from ’Bowdle, 8.0., where he at- tended the funeral of his daughâ€" ten Mrs. McGovern. who died from the effects of being burned with gasoline. . Mr. A. R. Fawcett. the editor and proprietor of the Burks Falls Arrow, spent a couple of days with Ye Editor, and left Monday morning. He founded the Flesh- erton Advance about thirty years ago. and afterwards owned the treetsville Review, the Toronto Junction Leader and Recorder, and for the past six years the Burks Falls Arrow. We were boys to- gether, and we think it was a mutual pleasure to renew an acquaintanceship extending over a period of forty years or more. CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POST- ING 0F VOTERS’ LISI‘. Voters’ List, 1911 Municipallty of NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVE: THAT? 1 have transmitted or delivered to? the persons mentioned in sections‘ five and six of The Voters’ List Act, 3 the cepies required by said sectional to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said act. of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections for members of the Legislative As- sembly and at municipal elections; and that said list was first posted up at my office, at Pomona, on the sixth day of September. 1911, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected ac- cording to law. ' Dated this 16th day of Sept. 1911. J. 8. BLACK, Clerk of the said Municipality. PERSONAL. gPlCKLlNG TIME ;:!The Central Drug‘ ;gSt0re :: Durham 3 You can buy Spices 8L fitnost anywhere, but you “can’t get Pure Spices “83*. 'Where. E You Can Get Them Here . The same is true of Vine. Egar. To have good Pick Eles you must have gOOdin ‘gredients. Don’t take any risk in the matter when You have our guarantee And Enote particularly this fact that our prices for the 1m Eare no higher than Priael Echarged by the grocers. E Pickle-Bottle Corks. Sealing E Wax, Gem Jars Gemla; E Rings, etc. ,etc., E -' “Quality in Everything” ' is our motto. CentralDrugStore Second Class, Sept. 15th to Oct. lith. Proportionate Rates From Ontario Points. Through Train Toronto to Vancouver 10:20 p.111. Dally. a. A. HAY. ' R. MACFARLANE. is almost the worst thing for ‘c‘onsumptiva. Many of the Just-as-good” preparations contain as much as 20% of alcohol; Scott ’3 Emulsion not a drop. Insist on having Scott’s Emu!siun COAST VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE, PORTLAND. SPOKANE, From Toronto. We have just put into 5L0?k a. nice lot of Hosiery. women! and children’s. pink. cardinal, blue. tan a white. Embroidered in and whine. Ladies’, embt-‘oidelc white and black and plain t and tan. . Our wear-well for womer}. girls and boys are what their name means; you will not be disappointed in them. Ladies’ Summer Vests. with- out sleeves. with short, sleeves and lung sleeves. We htve a few Waistus leftâ€"only,» 25 want one don’ t delay. SPECIAL RATES Ken‘s White Shirts. 0'1““ 81151 Worklng Shirts. Men" 3‘1' bngan Underwear. Men'S Sun}- mcr-weight Wool Shirts. M9“ Cotton half Hose, Men’s Cuh' mere and Wool Hose. Men's and Boy’s Straw Hans. Summer Goods 1'03 am 3! ALL 9306611513 Call and see us. $41.05 Men’s Wear TO THE Sept. 2151‘ Depot Ate!!! Town Aicm. in that 0 “V, “40 not be very if they refuse to are barbaric gladiators m 8r(:I'alpfests Thg my one to apply. arrests, and a g()(,.( would PM an end to for a H..- -L . The Conservatfr. anover on Thms marred by Th1 I:~:. drunks “ho qe take in these arm miserable for he K up “11:11 thik‘. :' population, and res; 1189’ can not be very their surprise. TWO Durham 1003's. teen or eighteen year themselves into a I onJWedmesday night When they went out I Stewart’s. at Bunessaz‘ beating up the occu‘ house. Mr. Stewart were handled so mm}: Were forced to flaw under the doctor‘s also reported that used in the affr'm. Weapon was nut'tii~» Harvest Than"s<_*i\ r1 Will be held in VIIiIEiIf' Thursday evening: a: - on Sunday next. 0:: '1“: ening. Rev. Ro‘rt. HM" of St. John’s church. P preach. Mr. and BIrS. F. J. ‘C‘s'e street, are mourning : one of their little m Norman. who died m; S at the age of two m three weeks. Interment at Uxbridge on Tuesday twin brother is 3150 in state of health. 3m 1 his recovery are enter: formed that the ten-tiary offense. lads will pro b :1 ‘2 1] Wiser men who: through with the New dress goods. velvet ribbons, tray low covers, five o‘c-Inc etc., at Grant‘s, Call at Grant‘s who: anything in dry 3006;. me to Show our goods cider it a pleasure. t The many frienuc :1” Wright. Kincardine, win to learn that she is {1011; from a severe attack a: fever On Friday evening. 5:14 of the Baptist choir m home of the choir leadur Bell, and, after prari-ziw. him and‘Mrs. Bell with some rocking Chair. Search. in behalf Hi the congregation, called 3:1 the valuable services of 1 leader of the choir. 31 his reply, said that fat had been surprised. H the people in a fluke: the gifit, and for their . and thoughtfulwu. freshments .had been se gathering- Was broker: 1} took their several W41." For eale.â€"1 pal-1m. “0V8, 200d heater. 31 For particulars 31”}‘113’ office. NEWS ‘9 utter disgust of 1 " male attendants w re at least a spark and common ever} about them. Ladies Mrs. Bell to NO. 23|

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