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Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Sep 1911, p. 5

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ET REPORT 586 »r cwt.... sag... urham. Ont. .teed. gt xed Feed 1d Oats ING C0. ++++++++++++++ Dollars per .‘V fwd this is ‘PS blood Felps to Lh cases. ourown rnts and '98h and FlCE 8th\ 1911 MBER .240“, mmmm mwmm 18 to 5 to )2 to 17 to 10 to 12 to 10 to QA IO 1911 1000 17 10 [pm To ' '30n ASH. NELSON. BUG m ER. 13. 0.. WESTMIN- Dani-V V TACOMA WASH. '0” CAL U ORE. SAN FRANCIS- “DIR" 108 ANGELES CAL, ’0 CAL. MEXICO CITY, MSW ONTARIO Children's (‘oats “ Ynderskirts ‘ ' which will he sold at the very Imwest Prices. Men’s Suits. regular $15.00 for $12.00 ” " ” 12.00 “ 9.50 Ladies” " 14.00 “ 9.00 Girls‘ Sweaters 1nd win var 13’ :1 full line of Dry Goods, consisting of W” Particulars from J. - . J. $069? Town Agen “KER, Depot A; .‘ddrese A T.‘ n__ __ LOW Rate Excursions lhave open. d up a new Dry Goods and Um’lxir g: 5101'? (m (w‘rax-afraxa St. N E W Dry Goods Store FARM PIHJDI'CE AND LIVE PUI'LTRY TAKEN AS CASH M. GLASER Ladies‘ 8: Men’s Wear The Lowest Prices for Everything. ”ATM SEPT}: HBER 30th One Cent A Trial Solicited. one door south of Burnett’s Bakery INIST [XEUBSIUNS y Until Oct. 15th Lam bton Street, S W The Millinery you want and when you want it and are representative of the most and correct designs. ()wer One Hundred Styles to Select from .. . .w a. Aid. .n..w..n. +++$++ov++$m§mtms .':‘222.\'s 1x ONTARIO. 2 .\1.~\I)AW‘ASKA A .\'12 \VEST. swx'r. A3203 .0 BY :z' 2 \ AND NORTH. -.5 in: issued at rate of per Mile Each Way “In“. Um. I”, 1911. ”EL IA L" leaves Toronto 1.. daily, carrying mgb coaches. 23th, 1911. DUI:I"! D- P. A.‘ Town Agent. .. Depot Agent, TU o a o 1 0 fi 4 0 o O o O 0 J60... .oOoroooo to. omoouoNOIWIQoOo 60¢Ooro+1no MUG»; 1". on. twat“. o owoona Ono ~ $09.09.. .«. ox. o . CALL 6: SEE OUR DISPLAY. MISS DICK Very low rates. Embracing all the desirable 18. 00 2. 75 3.25 12.00 6) ' g... 1.75 9.00 ,i Among the new shades shown in £ Miss Dick‘s show rooms during the EI'GCGDt millinery opening, was the :Paddy green, combined with blue gand black. While black combina- {tion is particularly good this sea- !son, small hats with high crowns {are still shown in profusion. One ‘of these‘hats shown was a black pann velvet, with narrow brim, and high dome crown, with velvet wing, faced in white corded silk} cerise. Another combination that called attention was a medium sized hat with high coron-et on left side, and high dome crown, draped with black and cerise satin, with fringed ends. Miss Dick invites inspection of her stock, and will be pleased to show her large as-‘ sortmenrt of high class hats to, all prospective customers, ‘ Our beef ring closes for this season this \V‘Pé‘k. The annual meeting is to be held on Tuesday evening, Oct. 3rd. The young people were given a very enjnya ble party by Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Ritchie on Friday evening. Mr. Jaw. Heslip and sister, Mrs. Ed. Bell. drove up to Owen Smmd on Friday. Mr. J. “7. Greenwood and sister. Miss Ethel, left Monday morning to attend Norma] at North Boy. Mrs. MoArthnr. of the G191). was visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. Firth. Miss Mom-L Ritchie visited friends in Durham last week. Miss Maggie Ritchie spent last wwk With her aunt. Mrs. W. J. (Took, of Crawford. Mrs. Thus. Firth. of Clinton. was visiting here for a couple of days 1;»! week. Miss Valerie Edge is home after en- joying a two months’ Visxt with friends in different, parts of the W’est. Mr. Geo. Arnett is employed with Mr. A. Greenwood for the fall months. Mr. Clifford Howell. of Toronto. is visiting at Mr. Thos. Ritchie’s. Mr. W. \Vei. and sister Miss Bei’P, of Dromore, were visiting at Mr. D. Edges’ last week. Mr. Robt. Banks returned last. week after spending a couple of months in Dufferin County. assertion is the fact that largest business of our Pdmping W’indmillSâ€"i pumps and Supplies. Write and have us call on you. Satisfaction Guam n teed [our-Patronage Solicited. Also Agents for the Baker Ball Bear- ing Djrect 9110159 and Back Great-ed If you are in need of a supply it will pay you to consult the WATER ! WATER I LOUISE WELL DRILLERS PRATT 8308., LOUISE P. EDGE HILL Cabbage, . redâ€"A. Grierson, Binnie. --â€"â€"'â€"â€"_v HY. “'illis. l % Rasvb‘ Mangels, large 1'9d"A' Edge, G' AI‘derSO 5 Binnie. ’ l‘ Mang‘els. any otherâ€"W. Willis, All Men's 2 B-wown. , Grasby. Carrots, fieldâ€"W. Willis. i Men-s Beets, sugarâ€"J.M. Latimer, W, ‘ Brigham l - W omex l Squash, largeâ€"MJ. Smith. gIllcliec-lmc I Ensilage corn~â€"J. Fortney, 31.! Womer 3 Barber. ’ Darned ‘ Coll. field rootsâ€"W. Willis. {Andersor GARDEN VEGETABLES. I Rag m. Coll. garden vegetablesâ€"W. J : Yarn m Adam, G. Blackburn, J. Fawn-U Log cal harson. Cot-ton Salsifyâ€"A. Brown, C.W.- Lang. :J. Mars-h: Cauliflowerâ€"N. Harvey: C. W, Quilt, w Lang. 3 Wilson. Cabbage earlyâ€"A. Grierson, J. E Quilt, < J. Hunter. gBlack. Cabbage, Winterâ€"J. J. Hunter, {w Quilt A. Grlemn. Thraia' Turnips. swede-T. Brigham Barber. .LunUL-nyâ€"U. range. '1'. NCUII‘I‘, J.’ W. ‘Blyth. son Girr. derson Indian cornâ€"D. Edge. Wine-â€"N. Harvey, J.J. Hunter. , i O Flax seedâ€"W. Ramage. T~ 310'; Light cakeâ€"J.J. Hunter, A. An- I i ‘ Picklesâ€"W. Scarf. Coll. grains in sheafâ€"W. Ram-‘3 age. 11- GI’aSbX- i Maple sugarâ€"W, Ramage. FIELD ROOTS- ‘ Mapie syrupâ€"A. Anderson, W. Potatoes. whiteâ€"SIT. Edwards. G ' Ramage. Alice. D. Edge, ; Honey in combâ€"S. H. Edwards, Potatoes. any otherâ€"R. Barber. M. Barber. C011. DOtaJtOQSâ€"T.G. Lauder. \V, Honey, strainedâ€"M. Barber, S J. Adams. m min-man Timothy-D. Edge, T. McGirr, J. W. ‘Blyth. Flax seedâ€"W. Ramage. T. Mc- Girr. Indian cornâ€"D. Edge. Coll. grains in sheafâ€"W. Ram; age, H. Grasby. FIRS 1‘ DAYS JUDGING. FIELD GRAINS. Fall Wheat, Whiteâ€"G. Binnie, J. W. ‘Blyth. Fall wheat. redâ€"T. Brigham, T. .McGirr. ' Spring wheatâ€"W. Ramage. Buckwheatâ€"H. Gm'sby, W. Ram- age. Oats, Short whiteâ€"H. Grasby, A. Edge. W. Paylor. Oats, long whsilteâ€"G. Aljoe, R. Barber, M. Barber. Oats. black-«JV. Ramage. Barley. 6-r0wo‘dâ€"W. Ritchie. Barley. ‘Z-rowedâ€"W. Ramage, J. W. Blyth. M. Barber. Peas, small whiteâ€"D. Edge, G. Aljoe. T. McG-irr. ' Peas, any other kindâ€"W. Ram- age. It mus-t be truly di cmn‘nqing’ to the manage em. who have hoped so often, year after year, and still met with disappointment. V . , 7', VVVVVVVVV , ,' ) ‘ ‘ w -."x + â€"- 'and although mau-thormed in say- (‘Qnu “5 Kbgill‘ll lmtam 74.. l . . . . ‘ ‘S ‘ . J‘ i ‘. mg so, we believe the somety “.1“ ”‘10! on, ge ‘suffer to a large extent financial- Onions, Dutch se'ttsâ€"~A. Grierson. by. In sheep, swine, cattle and Onions, from Dutch setts â€" W. horses. there were a great many Ramage, A. Grierson. entrze , and an extremely: good Squash, “.i,,,tep_(}. Blackburn, w showing {when the state of the Ramage. w 8. er i taken in o ,onsirlmu- _ . {e th 8 t C '1 l Squash, hushâ€"W.J. Adams. 1011. . \eg‘etable marrowâ€"1‘. Brigham, We re ret \"erv much to re ort' .. g‘ " p Buss Mockler. that the elements were againat them, and this is not the first Turnips, tablé-“A- Edge, D. time they have met with such mic-- Edge. fortunes. For a number of year-s: Sweet cornâ€"J. Farquharson. SH. the Weather seems to have gone Edwards. Wrong on Durham‘s show day. ;‘ Watermelonsâ€"EA. Hay, A. An- It murt he truly (ii eourng'ing to derson. the management. who have hoped: (‘itronsâ€"VV. Willis, M. Barber. so often, year after year, and still DAIRY PRODUCTS, t .79 ‘ ' ,q‘ j . mat “"h d‘sappmntmmt' , j Butter, 50 lbsâ€"D. Edge, G. Rit- Here is the liut of prize-winners: ‘ chie, G. Binznie. Turn-ips. an 3' otherâ€"J The exhibits were good. in many lines much better than last year. and the poultry oxhn’bits were ahead of any previous year. The bad Weather spoiled a good Show. The gate receipts were very small. and although inau-thorizcd in sayâ€" ing so. we believe the society will ‘suffer to a largo extent financial- ly. In sheep, swine, cattle and horses. there were a great many entrie, and an extremely: good showing when the state of the weather is taken into considera- tion. of the society, who depended, to some extent. upon the gate r9- ceipts .to helm them out in their financial obligations. The South 019}; Agricul'r uial So- ciety held their annual exhibition here on Tuesday and W ednesdax of this Week. leleaday beinO' an ideal day, the society \\ as jubilant ovex their success, hut Vi odnesday was a had one. A downpour of rain from early right up to the middle of the afternoon, and the rest of the afternoon threatening and showery, took the heart out Tuesday was ldeai, but Wednes=' GOOD EXHIBITS, BU'l‘ POOR ATTENDANCE South Grey Agricultural Society Encounters the Dirtiest Kind THE BAD DAY SPOILS A GOOD SHOW : Apple jellyâ€"J. J. Hunter, G. . Fortnex'. Ritchie. .‘ Rasnberry je]1y....vv 1- Anderson. -- . r‘ ‘ V Y :1 Mame Sympfik Anderson, W S\__.HOOL CHxLDREN EXHIBITS. ; ~‘ Ramage. t County Grey mapsâ€"C. McArthnr é Home}, in combâ€"S. H. Ed“.ards, E’E‘OV”; B. MCAI‘t'hUI‘, YQOVil; J. M. Barber. McGiIlivray, Ye-ovil; M. Reid, Hul- Honey, strainedâ€"M. Barber, S. stein... ‘H. Edwards, VS ntmg. 2nd classâ€"B. Mather, N0. 3, -. - . °§ Beeswaxâ€"SH, Edwards. A 1 ”BCflt’lulAck, B. Gnerson, 3()_ ‘ Quilt, knitted cotton-J. Marsh- all, Mrs. Maurer. Quilt, Craig. Rag matâ€"Dr. Craig, A. Anderson Yarn matâ€"T. Petty, Mrs. Maurer. Log cabin quilt-â€"Dr. Craig- Cotton patched quiltâ€"G. Binnie. J. Marshall. QUilt, Woollenâ€"Dr. Craig, Miles Wilson. Quilt, crazyâ€"Dr. Craig, W. J. Black. Women‘s mittsâ€"Dr. Craig. G. McKec-lma'e. Women’s stockingsâ€"L. Harris. Darned stockingsâ€"EA. Hay, A- Anderson. LADIES’ WORK. Men's mittsâ€"W'. Willis, Grrasby. Men's socksâ€"A. Grierso n. Pie, any otherâ€"H. McDonald, A. McDonald. Apple pieâ€"A. Anderson, N Harvey. Pumpkin pieâ€"N. Harvey, W Scarfl aLd. But'ter, prints-41. Barber, W.‘ Grant, G. Ritchie. I Cheese. home ma.de-â€"J.W, Blyth.. MISCELLANEOUS. ! Breadâ€"R. Barber, W. Grant. ' Bread. brownâ€"W. Grant, 3.: Barber. = Bread, McGowan’s flourâ€"R. Bar-, ber. J. Mather. .' Bunsâ€"J. Mather. R. Barber. Tartsâ€"A. McDonald, H. McDon- Butter, 5 lbs.-â€"M. Aljoe, A. ‘Brown. Barber, Butter. 15 lbs.â€"-A. Edge. D Edge, M. Barber. Onions, silver skinâ€"T. McGirr, C W. Lang. Beets, longâ€"A. Grim-son, D. Edge. Beets, uturndpâ€"A.‘ Griorson, J.M. Latimer. ' W. Lang, Tomatoes, rodâ€"G. Binnie id 5:0. Bra-dish, summer~l Famuharson, \\".J. Adams. Peppersâ€"G. Blackburn, C. W. Lang. Radish, winterâ€"A. Grierson, A. Fmtney. E (I Cabbage, table, longâ€"A, Gr son, M. Barber. Cabbage shm‘thornâ€"T. Petty Pavsnipsâ€"A. Grierson. J. Farm: ZHS‘OH. all. tomatoesâ€"BIJ. Smith fen-1 y_â€"C,VV. Lang, N. Harvey. (TI fancyâ€"L. Harris, Grierson. T. ScarL Dr. Grier- Colvertsâ€"M. Barber, S. Putherâ€" bough. Duchessâ€"J.G. Gray, G. Binnie. Golden russetâ€"H. Grasby, A. Edge. Kingâ€"H. Grasny, W. Grant. Mannâ€"WA. Livingston. Spyâ€"J. Marshall, R. Barber. Ontario-S. Ritchie, C. Lang. Special, Northern Business Co]â€" Iege~G. McIlroy, Yeovil. FRUIT. '- Coll. fall applesâ€"G. Blackburn. Coll. winter applesâ€"G. Binnie, G. Blackburn. ‘ Alexandersâ€"E. Matthews, G gnackbur-n. - vxxuljt Aâ€"gunl URI), Writing, 3rd classâ€"L. Doupe’g Light Brahma henâ€"N. Harv-c \ Holsteif): E: ReTay, NO- 3~ lBentzn.<:l;;:i D ark Brahma cockâ€"N. Harvm IET. Mat-.hev. s, 3"‘0- 1.2‘ Egremont. ‘ ': and :2; henâ€"N. Harvey 1 and ‘2 Shortrecd Top Claff. ' ’ White P‘ymouth Rock rk._ Wl‘,iting 4th ClaSS-â€"G.MCE1T0},I ‘ 9" Crm an henâ€"T. ( on an Yeovil; G. Hooper No.12 Egre-f ‘ ’ mont' F McDougall Yeovil' M.‘ Barred Plymouth Rock comaâ€"â€" Wheeler Ho eville Cowan, G.A. Thompson; hon â€" ' S . ; N’pth ' B 5.!) 55 Of Cowan, G.A. Thompson. . , u'1 e ) - leggicéa $1L1?:oyer§eovi1. Buff Plymouth Rock hen -. I ’ Grasby 1 and 2. ’ Sin 'Iv 0'm'anium white â€" \Iisg Toilet Set, woolâ€"(i. McKochniv.E g " ’ Mnckim‘. V Mrs. .Mzmrer. i S' I h \I ’ . .' £10 "MW-n. mfl V .I'-- 3 . Fancy towelsâ€"EA. Hay, J. Tow-I Mueller fiftiuéhmflcggx‘lafi C 88 'ner. I V ' 3 ‘ . . . Iv ' erandum lainâ€"T. t't . 3 Centrepieceâ€"J. vaner, E.‘ I 3 g . ’ p . Pe y 1’ Matthews. ‘ vy geramum, ‘m‘leagated -â€" T. . ‘ . Petty, Hugh McDonald. 1921 cosyâ€"L. Harms, Mrs. Maur- ‘ L er O;(*7:12.(!-(’1',â€"T. Petty. [' Crochet table mats-J}, Black-g Ivyâ€"A. hdge, T° Petty. ‘Jburm RA. Livingston. Hibiscusâ€"N, Harvey. W Five O‘clock tea Clo-thâ€"W. J,’ .‘AmaTYIiSâ€"G. BlaCkburn, G. Savage. L. Harris. ' Bmme. 1 Hemstirtchcd hdndl<erchiefsâ€"W.J.! Fuchsia, Sing.-A. McDonald, V I. .Savag'e. EA Hay. iBMck‘mxm. 3 Gent‘s sxhir-t-G. McKechnie, WA.“ Abutii-(mâ€"Hugh McDonald, " Lawrence. I Hydrangeaâ€"Hugh McDonald. 1 Col]. ladies’ fancy workâ€" G. Tuhm‘oseâ€"N. Harvey. McKec'hnfe. RA. Livingston. FINE ARTS. ', Pencil drawingâ€"Dr. Craig, (3. Lann. :McKechzn-‘Ie. I 11-..-..- HcZiotmreâ€"C.\V. Lang. __ 1 1 . -, __ _ Writing. 2nd classâ€"B. Mather No. 3, Bentizuck; B. Grierson, No 3 Bent‘ifnck; P. Philp, Yeovil; G. Lung, Yeovil. Crochet table mats-â€"G.- Black- ' Jburn, RA. Livingston. "~ Five o‘clock tea Clothâ€"W. J. Savage. L. Harris. Pen and ink sketchâ€"G. McKee-h- nie, W.J. Savage. Painting on chinaâ€"Mrs. Maurer. Burnt wood work-E.A. Hay, F. A. Livingston. Watercolor. animalsâ€"WJ. LaW~ rence, Dr. Craig. Painting, sarti-n or silk - .W. J. Black, ‘W.J. Lawrence. Painting, veivotâ€"WJ. Black, S. Ritchie. ’5 Pincushion. fancy-G. Mc-Koch- ' nie, Dr. -(.‘raig'. Pincushion, any otherâ€"F, A. : Livingston, (i McKechinie. j Sofa cushion, paintedâ€"W. J. ' . Black, W.J. Lawrence. ‘ Sofa cushion, emuâ€"L. Harris, Dr Craig. ‘ Sofa cushion, any otherâ€"F. A. ' l Livingston, Mrs. Maurer. Pillow sha.msâ€"J.J. Hunter, FLA. Hay. Oil painting, animals-W.J. Law- renco, E. Matthews. Watercolors, landscape-J. M. Latimer, D. Edge. Water col-0r, flowersâ€"W. J. Law- rence, Dr. Craig. OT] pain-ting, landscapeâ€"J. M Latimer, Dr. Craig. Painting in ink-Mrs. Maureor. " Oil painting, flou'ersâ€"WJ. Law xence, J.M. Latimer, AVLLIXUL'ILHJV. ‘ . A Hanging basketâ€"C Crayon drawmg-J.M. Latimer, F Potty. A. Livingston. ’ f‘YY'I‘ n! nirv- Kitchen apronâ€"Mrs. Ma u n: Miss Mockier. \Vollochinâ€"G. McKeChmie, Harris. Bedroom slippersâ€"G. McKec-hnie. G. Blackburn. Nettingâ€"Miss M-ockler. W. J. Savage. Mexican Workâ€"EA. Hay. Ca nadian Workâ€"L. Harris, J. Towner. Bat‘tenburg‘ Workâ€"G. McKochnie. L. Harris. Tattingâ€"Miss Mocklor, Crochet Iacéâ€"Miss Mocklcr, RA. Livingston. s I ? Holniton or point lace-â€"L. Har- ris, RA- Livingston. Knitted laceâ€"Mrs. Mauror. Tenm'iffe laceâ€"-W.J. Savage, J. Towner. I Crochet cottonâ€"Dr. Craig. Coll. quiltsâ€"E. Matthews. Women’s underclothdngâ€"E. A. {Ham J. Towner. ! Ladies’ waist, e,m«b.â€"Mrs. Maurer Shadow embroideryâ€"WgJ. Sav- age, G. McKeehnrie. Centrepiece, emb.â€"W.J. Savage, J. T-owner. Other embroideryâ€"E. Matthews. Embroidery linenâ€"J. 'I‘owner, G.‘ Binnie. Duchess laceâ€"FA. Livingston maurer.g, Verbenasâ€"J. Parquharson, Hugh Hay, F. : McDonald. Grasby. Buff Leghorn cock~A. McDonald 1 and 2; hen~M. Wilson, R. Hillis. S.S. Hamburg cock~M. Wilson; henâ€"M. Wilson, 1 and 2. Hamburg, any otherâ€"N. Harvey. Continued on page 8. J .E. Gibson. S.C. Brown Leghorn cock â€"- H. Grasby 1 and 2; hen-41. Gras‘ry, S.C. White Leghorn cock-â€"C. W Lang, W.D. Connor; henâ€"T. Cow. an, J.M. Latimer. RC. White Leghorn cock -â€" H. Grasby; henâ€"H. Grasby, 1 and 2. vey. POULTRYâ€"MATURE. Light Brahma henâ€"V. Han cy Dark Brahma cockâ€"N. Hanes and 2; henâ€"N. Harvey 1 and? Zinniasâ€"Hugh McDonald Bouquet large-â€"Hugh McDom.,1d T. Petty. , Bouquet, handâ€"Miss Mockior, G. Blackburn. Bouquet. house flowers -â€" Hugh McDonald, J. Farquharson. Table ornament-G. Blackbu: ',n '1‘ Petty. Phloxâ€"N ald. Display. wild~T. Petty. G. Blackburn. Asters~G. Blackburn. G. Binnie Dianthus-N. Harvey. Gladri'oliâ€"Miss Mockler. Larkspurâ€"T. Petty, T. McGIrr. Marigolds-â€"T. Petty, G. Black- burn. Display, son. Dbl. geranium, any otherâ€"Miss Mocklcr, A. McDonald. House plants. Uâ€"A. McDonald. N. Harvey. Double geraniumsâ€"A. McDonald, H. McDonald. Single geraniumsâ€"T. Petty, G. Blackburn. Tricolor geraniunIâ€"-Hugh Mcâ€" Donald. H. McDonald. Scented geraniumâ€"N. Harvey. Begoniasâ€"G. Blackburn, '1‘. Pony Coleusâ€"CW. Lang, T. Petty. Cactiâ€"G. Blackburn, N. Harvey. Foliage plantsâ€"CW. Lang, H. McDonald. Dbl. geranium, white-A. McDmr al‘d. Pears, fallâ€"M. Barber. Grabesâ€"J. Farquharson. PLANTS. Hot house plants, 20â€"OW. Lang. Houso Wants, EEOâ€"G. Blackburn, H. McDonald. House plants, 12â€"T. Petty, H, McDonald. I Ribstonâ€"S. Put‘herbc ’ Hunter. Greendngâ€"R. Barber ‘ Snowâ€"R. Barber, J. 1' K St, Lawrenceâ€"E. 3121' Ed ge. J. Hunter. Talmcn S\veet-â€"J.VV. Blyth. H. Grasby. Standard, any otherâ€"G. Binnie, . Marshall. Crabsâ€"R. Barber, H. G-rasby. Pond‘s seedling plumâ€"N. Harvey Plum, any otherâ€"D. Edge. Pears, winterâ€"AS. Humor. Pears, fall-â€"M. Barber- c... Wealthyâ€"D. Edge, J. ter. Baldwinâ€"J. Marshall Ben Davis-â€"W.A- Lh 'BI'O WI) Leghorn hen C‘U'I‘ FLOWERS. , open airâ€"J. Farquhar- Harvey. Hugh McDon- .A. Livingston, J. arber, A. Edge. er, J. Marsha". 3. Matthews, 1 .VV. Lang. J. Hun-

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