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Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Oct 1911, p. 3

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amen” arm! allows It. The BLE Rt: eel? V hou with. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++;e- REMEMBER October 5th, 1911 . STERNALL THAT OUR TINSHOP IS AT YOUR DISPOSAL. t+++++++++++++é V 21%: Chancellor Special Demonstration of the IDICUOCKlng teeth that save waste, maximum heat with less fuel. Another advantage lies in the interlocking teeth that save waste The Divided Oven Flue Strip is a great ec danger of failure in baking is minimized with this c1 even distribution of heat. There is no better tc work than this perfect oven control. '-a marvellous device for the control of the heat in fuel, besides economy of time and labor. A 1 this line. now on display at our storeâ€"a demonstration that me achievement 111 stove- -making. Come and examine t excellenceâ€"- others of the splendid line of durable, economical, reliable and attractive .8. Hunter 6: Son 3:1; YEAR=$L§Q ORDERS TAKEN AT THIS OFFICE lies in the Reveraible Grate equipped with strong iH. Kelly performed the ceremony in the presence of about forty [guests and the bride s sister, Miss “Edna Fisher, played the wedding march, to the strains of which the bride entered the room leaning on the arm of her father, and looked very pretty in a dainty gown of cream embroidered net, over silk. The young couple Were un- attended, and the marriage took place beneath a pretty arch of evergreens and autumn leaves, decorated with flowers. After the season of congratulations, achoice wedding Slipper was served, and the company spent an enjoyable evening. The .bride’s travelling costume was of blue cloth. With velvet hat to match. She was the recipient of a large number of beautiful Wedding presents, the was joined in marriage With Mr Harry Patton, of Ceylon. Rev. J The residence of Mr. and MrS. Jas. Fisher was the scene of a pretty wedding at 6 O‘Clock on Wednesday evening, September 25. when their daughter, Margaret A., At the election of officers in the Presbyterian Guild last week. the following were appointed for the ensuing six months :PI'es., Mrs, H. Wood; Vice Pies" G. CairnS' See, Miss M. McTavish; Twas, C Stew,art Organist. Mrs. Blackburn. tions before commenced. on and Piggott, well known enter- tainers, were the attraction, and the large audience in the assembly room of the High school was kept in roars of laughter throughout the lengthy program. Miss Boyd and Mrs. Blackburn were the ac- companists, and also gave a Well rendered piano duett. President Mitchell occupied the chair. The hand gave several outdoor selec- tions before the TH‘OL’SI‘amme With the foul weather encountered. On Friday, the second day of the fair here, a Adrizzling rain contin- ued nearly all day, which affected seriously the attendance at the paratively small. This is to be deplored the more because the show was excellent. There was a. splendid exhibit in the hall, andi on the field. There was a re- deeming feature at the fair con- cert in the evening, which was a splendid success. Messrs. Camerâ€" FLESHERTON. With other fall fairs he] last week, East Grey {air with the foul weather enm On Fridav. the gamma {In this clever arrangement for better test of practical stcve- programing 1d nearby ‘ suffered Mrs. Thompson, of Lanark coun- ty, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. J. White. Dr. OtteWell returned last week from a month’s holiday in the West. From the Dr. we learn that his brother-in-law, Mr. Chas, Stai- ford, who recently went to the West, has purchased an improved farm at Griffin, Sask., of! which he is now reaping a seventy acre crop. in that section, crops are good, but the weather has been cool and wet, delaying harvest. , While clipping a horse at the livery last week, Mr. John Stuart was kicked by the animal, and painfully injured in the knee, which has crippled him much since Misses Zell and Willa McLeod visited their aunt, Mrs. Thibaudeau and other relatives at Markdale during the past week. Rev. W., and Mrs. Gaudin, of Uffington, were visitors at Mr. W. -H. Thurston’s on Thursday last. Miss Flo Roome, of Wareham, visited Miss Agnes Henderson for a few days last week. Mr. W.J. Henderson, of this place '. has rented his farm near Warcham, Ito Mr. Wes Fawcett, centre line. I Mr. J. Wesley Wright, wife and ’daughtertof San Francisco, (,‘al., .made a short visit here on :Thurs-day last. accompanied by his ' brother, Mr. Thorp Wright, Toron- lto and sister and nephew, Mrs. Pickell, and Mr. Charley Pickell, of? Mark-dale. Mr. Wright drove his family out to the old homestead, ‘and scenes of his chilo‘hodo, where liu 8.8. No. 3, he and the writer Iwere school mates in boyhood days. We were pleased to again meet him, after many years of sep- aration. Mr. J.C. Wright, Mr. J.W. Bates. and Mr. Arnold Thurston, of To-l ronto, were visitors at the fair; hero on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wickcns Vis- ite'l the past two weeks with the farmer‘s parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Price Teeter paid the former‘s sister a short visit at Owen Sound. Mr . Hobert is Visiting friends at? Owen Sound. I Mr. Fred Karstedt'has gone tc Toronto to attend University. Miss Gertie Bellamy, accompan- ied by her little niece, was home from Owen Sound for a few days visit. Mi 5 Annie Howard 1‘ to Toronto after an ex with her mother. Mr. Henry LeGard had the mis- fortune to lose a calf, valued at $15, from the pasture field, one night last week. That the calf was stolen away in a Wagon, was evident from wheel marks found .next morning, where it had been loaded. Rev. J.H. Kelly closed. his pas- torate here on Sunday, and with Mrs. Kelly left on Monday for their new field of labor at Palmyra a desirable change, with but one pulpit to supply. Candidates for the vacancy here will now be heard. feature in the hall, and much ad- mired by the visitors. Mrs. Hastie disposes of her household goods on Saturday, at an auction sale conducted by _R.J. Sproule. Mr. Ed. ‘Whitten moved his fam- ily on Monday to their new home in Toronto, Mr. Whitten has been a respected and industrious resi- dent here for about thirty years. His son Oshwell, who has been re- cently assisting him on their new residence in the city, is now in the hospital with typhoid fever. At the Fair here last week, the natural history exhibit made by Messrs. Geo. Mitchell,. P. Munshaw and J. Weber, “as an att1acti\e featu1e in the hall, and much ad- mired by the visitors. took place last week great attraction for t were loud in their I artistically trimmed beautiful display m Woodcock, and her a Show room decoratio pretty. The rain on Sunday made the attendance at the churches smaller than usual, which was unfortunate, on account of spec: :11 ex ents i1 all places of 11 orship At the Baptist church Rex. Mr. K911} pr-eachedhi 1‘ farcuell sermon. At the P1esbx- terian (.hUlCh Rev. Dr. Gra}, agent of Knox College Toronto, delix- exed a very able sermon, and pre- sented the claims of the college. At the Methodist, Rec. Mr. Young, of Marktdale. who exchanged 111th the pastor, conducted anni1e1sar} services, and his earnest thought-1 ful sermons were much ap- 11.c1ate1d. gift of the groom being a sih'er tea service. Mr. and Mrs. Patton will reside at CeV'lon, and a large. circle of friends Wish them happi- ness and prosperity. r oom decorations were . Boyd‘s mj'lli‘nery opening m for the ladies. who their praises of the 'immod goods and lay made by Miss 1 her assistants. The Week, and was has returned xtended visit an_’CANADlAN PACIFIC RAILWAY .mc; TIME TABLE to very Mrs. A. SULLIVAN Upper Town - Durham Hoownmmwwwwm Butter and Eggs Taken In Exchange ’ 15mins lv‘emre Dudmm at 7.16 3.x: ; 2.45 32m. ' Trams at we at Durham at 10.61 1 1.50pm.. 850 pm. ‘ EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY J I I "I 7.10 “ Durham “ 11.54 7.21 “ McVVilliams:‘ 11. 44 7.24 “ Glen 11. 41 7.34 Pricev ille “ 11.31 7.50 " Saugeon J. “ 11.18 7. 50 “ Toronto “ 11. 15 .MACFARLANE. - Town A :0 S-‘PPFPE‘ H4». bâ€"l CIO§$:8 New Grocery Store Fresh Groceries ’ Always in Stock :09009000000900090009999o 5 ‘ O o ’ u. 3 II. G Elliott J. TOWNER Depot Azent JAMESR. GUN. Town Agent were received last month for office help ~37 were left unfilled. Demands for trained help are so great that we can afford to “guarantees position to every graduate or refund tuition mon- 99 ey. If you are anxious to suc- ceed write for our beautiful entalogue tn-day. Central Business Colioge, Toronto. W. H. SHAW, Principal. 5 Brass Lined and Iron Cylinde: SHOP OPEN EVERY AFTERNOC Pumps From $2 Upwal ALL REPAIRING promptly a: properly attended to. W. D. CONNOF Grand Trunk Railway _ TIME-TABLE PUMPS OF ALL KINE DON’T FORGET OUR I CREAM PARLOR and Restaurl LUNCHES Served at All Ho: 83 CALLS Also FRESH GROCERII Cooked Meats and Candi This is the place to buy y FRESH BAKED GOODS. A Ft SUPPLY ALWAYS ON HAN] ZENUS CLARK DURHAM - - ONTARIO PLANING MILLS 25 .38 . 47 ~- LV. Walkerton Ar. 6‘ 6‘ Maple Hill " Hanover “ Allan Park “ Meflééd Also a limited emu-mat of iron work and machine ro- pairs. AcaJlsnlicited. Ask for quwtntious on {your next. job. The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To . D. Conno SASH, DOORS House Fittings Manufacturer And Dealer and all kinds of â€"-â€"* . BURNE'I A. E_._ Qufi‘, a 10.80 am 12.10 12. 25 12.17 1208 10.05 mw§ 9.9K». 9. 19

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