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Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Oct 1911, p. 5

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EPORT rs per this is , Ont. ats )I +++++++ 7:31:03 18w 12 to mmww 7.020 1111 to UULUMM UL‘UHS'UNS ‘ Macfarlane Co. will tell you that they sell a great many bot- flilv U . tles of Parisian Sage because it . ntll OCt. 15th gives satisfaction. ' w , ‘~ , They guarantee it to eradicate “COW“, “Wu L\ELSON. RC- ’ dandruff, stop falling and splitting, STE}; 8 (f 13- Cu WESTMIN-lhair and itching scalp or money (0,, CAI ' )h‘h” SAN FRANCIS- Parisian Sage will make hair! Sly 110-8 AVGELES CAL . - ° 31‘ DIEM) C - , . ., grow 1f the hair root 18 not dead:' EX. ‘. ‘ALH MEXICO CITY, if “111'“ liffi and Inci'cn- {hfn (111111 Return Children's Coats Underskirts m to! Girls’ “ Sweaters Lad FARM PRODUCE AND LIVE PUL‘LTRY TAKEN AS CASH .Q1 5 and w N E W Dry Goods Store and Chinhing have 009116 198 which will he sold at the very I nwest PliceS. 3s Suits regular $15.1‘0for $12.00 ' “ 12. 00 “ 9. 50 {95’ ” “ 14.00 “ 9.00 ” ” 12.00 “ 6.50 5' ~- .. 18.00 ~ 12.00: -‘)‘Ch to Nov. nth Tir . GLASER one door south of Burnett’s Bakery Tickets at Single Fare 0th to Nov. nth x.+d.+.wa:. .».++++:++J¢++u3v .m. Trial Solicited. we are doing the la: career. M-«t 5 pt HE‘tang, Ldke Of :. 31: {gm wtdwan River, in :.-L k.- L m ParxySmmd rem}; Lindsay to Hall- ~ 11:11) Severn to NO!‘ th Lend :er min pnints {ht-1'2) Navigation 00- \ Llil for return until 11th. except, to points euner lines, Tuesday. u-ry a full line of Dry Good consisting of October 5th, 1911. 'r‘tzami, paints Matta- Immg and Kipawa. £1150 to Certain points w Brunswick, Nova rises for Every thing. up a. new Dry Goods Sim-e on Garafraxa St. Very low rates. 2.50 3. 25 Parisian Sage is the best hair grower and beautifier, dandruff cure and scalp cleaner known. Try it on our money back plan. Parisian Sage will .make hair grow if the hair root is not dead: it puts life and luster into dull and-faded hair, and is the most delightful hair dressing in the world. Only 50 cents a large bot- tle. O. . + . O A I .. .0 ‘. I. 1 C O ”4!. b E. "Q ._ I IT GROWS HAIR I[But not After the Hair Root is Dead -- ~ Dan. McAuliffe, D. McPhail, I Sums of $5.00 and under. Cash. 12, months’ credit given on furnishing} approved joint, notes. 4per cent. per} annum discount for cash in lieu cf} notes. ' HOUSEHOLD ARTICLESâ€"Kitchen cupboard. dash churn, butter howl. Oxford (Team separator, sap boiling pan and buckets. He also offers Lot 3 on 5th Concession, for sale on that day. The following Farm Stock and I JERSEY other articles :â€"- I C0W"T» Petty. l HORSESâ€"Heavy more 8 years old, m GRADE CATTLE. ; anl; heavy horse 4 years old: gen- eral purpose horse 10 years old:" Milch cow 'WA‘ 1*”in heavy colt3years old: mare colt 3. McDonald. J-E- G1bson, .111. year.» old: roadster colt 2 years old ' 2-year-old heiferâ€"A. Pet heavy colt 1 year old; aged road. , , . mare supposed to be in foal; 2 aged 1-year-o‘d nelferâ€"W, A, mares with colts at side; 2 suckmg; Eton. colts. I Heifer cabf~â€"J.E. Gibson, CATTLE, SWINE POULTRYâ€"J . ; Hunt. Cow 9 years old, mpposed to he m a calf; cow 7 years old, supposed to be! 1-year-old steerâ€"A. Park. in calf: cow 6 years old, SUppflSt’d to! SHEEP be in calf; cow 5 years old, supposed ; - ' to be in calf; cow 4 years old, sup-y OXFORD DOWNS. posed to be in calf; two heifels, 2: a . , years old, supposed to be in calf:!BR hr], “*0 Shears or over Hereford hull 2 years old: four 2-; “19: am. year-old steer-s; yearling steer: three| gem-ling heifers: six calves; two . _ young pigs; sow. due Nov. 24th:,son’ R' Brxgham, ahouc thirty hens; a. number of; Ram lambâ€"R. Brigham, V young fowl. , ~ , arm Q 0 0"). Wit TUESDAY, OCT. 10, ’n There will be sold by Public LOT 2, CON. 4, N. D. R., G] FARM STOCK 82 HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES gonna-filth} Also Agents for the Baker Bali Bear- ing Direct Stroke and Back Geared Pumping W'indmills, Pumps and Supplies. Write and have us call on you. Satisfaction Guaranteed {our Patronage Solicited. If you are in need of a. supply it will pay you to consult the AUCTION SALE WATER 2 WATER ! Proprietor. LOUISE WELL DRILLERS V. Oh TERMS OF SALE: PRATT BROS U‘CLOCK SHARP CREDIT Public Auction at ston ..,R GLENELG I l-x Durham. LOUISE P. O Auctioneer. Ewe, two shears or overâ€"A Muir, 1 and :2. Arch. Park. Shearling eweâ€"A. Park, 1 and ‘3. R. Herd.‘ Pen, dipIoma~A. Muir. C'OTSWOLD. Ram, two shears or, overâ€"A. S. I Shearling eweâ€"HG. Brigham, W. 3A. Livingston, H.G. Brigham. ! Ewe lamb-H.G. Brigham, land ‘2 Pen sheepâ€"HG. Brigham. LEICESTERS. Shearling ramâ€"A. Muir, land 9.3 Ram lambâ€"A. Muir, R. Her-d 2i Jéfszton. I Heifer calfâ€"IE. Gibson, H. W. T‘ 5 Hunt. {’2’ 1-yearâ€"old steerâ€"A. Park. 1 and‘Q £3! . SHEEP. p. , OXFORD DOWNS. r I" Eweâ€"W. Paton Son, land ii LLz’R. Brigham. 3 Sheariing ewe-â€"W. Paton 8.: Son -’ 1 and "2, R. ‘Brigham. 1; ' SHROPSHIRE. F5 Ram, two shears or overâ€"H. G. 5 Brigham. Shearling ramâ€"«WA. Livingston. Ram lambâ€"HG. Brigham. 1 and 2 ‘ Ewe, two shears or over-JV. A. gLivingston, H.Cr. Brigham, W. A. [ Livingston. I .’ I : l I 1-year-old heifer-â€"W A. Li\in,<.r- ston, 1 and 2. Bull calf â€"H. Wilkinsan, Livingston J. Park. 2-year- -o d bull or overâ€"H. kinson J. Fortney, J. Sinclair Specialâ€"foal by Ritchie. Lady driverâ€"F. Sprout, H. Mc Donald, W.A. Lawrence. Span, 15,; hands, or over Murphv, T. Mercer Brood mare.f0z11 at foot Grierson. ‘ Foal of 1911â€"A. Grierson. 1 year fillyâ€"J Sinclz'liz. 2 year fillyâ€"A.G1ieison, Drimmie. 2-year-old heiferâ€"W Span. 15% hands. or overâ€"J. an. R. Moran. Single driving horseâ€"«T. III. McDonald, Saddle horseâ€"TX}. Lauder, R. Morrison. Brood mare. foal at foot â€"- W. Patton Son. W. Ritabje. Foal f0 1911â€"W. Patton 3: Son, 'W. Ritchie. 2 year gel.dingâ€"J.J. Hunter, (3! P. Kinnee. f M o r- w” Mercer. Best animal in heavy and agricultural classes T. Mercer. ’3’ 'SOUTH GREY 9 .0 «2» AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY 3: "‘1 :2 Prize List 3 ‘ Continued from last Week. HORSES. HEAVY DRAUGHT. Span horses, 1400 lbs. J. Moran, R. Barbe: 'ith foal at foot-â€" T. Mercer, J. Moran, G. Ritchie. Foal of 1911â€"T. Mercer, H. Ridâ€" ?den, G. Ritchie. Year old fillyâ€"D. Edge. Year old geldingâ€"G. R‘ - ' . 2-year filly~~l ' - . Pettlgrew, Ridden. 01' Over“. Barber. AGRICULTURAL. Brood mare with foal at ’. Moran, 1 and 2., H. Gr Foal of 1911-â€"T. Moran. 1 lyear 01d fillyâ€"DA. Cam '2 year filly-â€"D.A. (‘nmhh COACH OR CA RRIA G HORSES IN ACTION. year 0'9 flingâ€"â€" ramvâ€"VV.A. Livingston. J â€"H.G. Brigham, 1 and ‘Z ‘ shears or overâ€"-W. A. 3. HI}. Brigham, W. A. M eweâ€"HG. Brigham, W. ‘ n, H.G. Brigham. sg -H.G. Brigham, land ‘2 J â€"H.G. “Brigham. A. .ICESTERS. I shears or nvm~__pnk+ 1‘91 CATTLE. SHORTHORNS . Livingston, land ‘24 ROADSTER V , Garnamentâ€"W or overâ€"1H. W.il- LiVingaton. H 1 2., H. Grasbv, . Moran. 1 and 2 heavy draught . A. Living- . Campbell. hmpben, M OVQI‘ lbs. or overâ€"- 9' J. Sinclair. foal at footâ€" G. Ritchie. Ritchie. .â€"-T. Moran; Special-â€" K bb. 'Crochet, cottonâ€"RM. Tribe, Jv O " . b ‘ ' vine arâ€"J. Sinclair, R McLachlin. , M3313}: 1‘3 s ShFancy knitting, C0tt0hâ€"-W. J.‘ JU‘dge, RIPS. D. H. Moffat. arp. _ “7' Table ,matsâ€"-T.J. Reid, R. M FLO“ ERS- ng~ Tribe. .[ Collection-CA. Drumm. Mrs. Battenburg laceâ€"W'. Hunt, J.M. Ge-ddes, T. Brown, J.H. Brown. W. Findlay, I Cut f10Wersâ€"J.H. Brown, J. C. Fancy centrepieceâ€"Tl Reid, J. Adams. dig Roberts. ' Embroidery silkâ€"R.M. Tribe. E..Arda.ms. Matthews. I j Coleusâ€"Mrs. Geddes. C‘. A.‘ Embroidery cottonâ€"R. Renwick, Drumm. ' bt. R.M. Tribe. ' House plant, any other varietyâ€"J Eyelet embroideryâ€"R1”. Tribe, Mrs. J. Bruce, H. Reid. I 8: 0“ Cameron. 3 Judge, Mrs. J. P. McDermott.‘ .tâ€" W.J. Ewes. ' 3 SCHooL CHILDREN’S SPECIAD I Fancy work, any other kindâ€"W. Coll. insectsâ€"8.8. .No. 10. EIIZ:1' ‘ Hunt, R. Renwick. ;Wilson. teacher; 88. No. 4. “I Pillow Shamsâ€"H. Sehenk, J. Mcâ€"E Judge, R. Galbraith. )- l I Laehlin. I' SHEEP. i )1) Tea cosy, battenburgâ€"J. M. Acred ramâ€"JA Swanston I 1 F142;?“ ? y u“ k' d JH Shearling ramâ€"J.A. Swanston,-1! Sh”? COS}, an} O 11 In â€" . . and 2’ J.R. Philp. I e " p. , . , 5 Ram lambâ€"J.A. Swanston, land‘ ' Fancy cush on. needleworkâ€"Miss 0 JR Philp I Walmsle)’, R..McCaW. . Ewe. agedâ€"J.A. Swanston,lland i. Fancy CUShIOD, any otherâ€"“J. ., JR Phil Sharp, W. Aitkin. “’ ' ' p' Fancy pincushion~R,M, Tribe, W Shearhng e“ eâ€"J.A. Suanston, 1 . , i O t ‘ ‘ 1 Y I ' i) J, Sharp. land 2. JR. P1117) I Whisk holderâ€"WJ. Sharp, W.J.? Eire Ia.mbâ€"-J.A. Suanston, 1’ 2' , . and 3. : G ECCIQS' I Pe JA 'Sw nst Di loma Dresser drape-J.H. Sharp, E. v.1 n- ' ° 3 on, .p ' ' Matthews. : OXFORD DOWNS. . - Handmade apronâ€"RM. Tribe, I Ram, agedâ€"J. Fairbairn. £D< Schenk. ‘ ! Shearling ram-W. Fairbairn. i i Handmade shirtâ€"H. Schenk. W.’ Ram lambâ€"W. Fairbairn, 1 and,; l A. Lawrence. ,2, J. Fairbairn. ‘ We Machine mad-e shirtâ€"WA. LaW-n Ewe, agedâ€"W. Fairbairn, J.’ rence, D. Bruce. . 5' Fairbairn. l C Home laundered shirtâ€"W. AId-} Shearling eweâ€"W. Fairbairn, 1- mm, A. McCaw. g2 and 3. Home made overallsâ€"D. Bruce. 2 ' Ewe lambâ€"W. Fairbairn, J. 2. Darning~Miss Walmsley. ‘ jFairbairn, 2 and 3. Rei Coll. ladies’ workâ€"W.J. Sharp,z Penâ€"W. Fairbairn, Diploma. C Miss Christie. ' . . Centre table coverâ€"J.M. FindlaYl SHROPSHIRE' _ ax: Handkerchief caseâ€"W.J. Sharp, Ram, agedâ€"G. Hokbom. Wil Miss Christie. . Ram lambâ€"B. HOlbOI‘D. 1- Mending-Mrs. J. Bruce, . b Ewe, ageg-QG. Holbor-n, R. Hol- H1 '- . cm, 2 an . - Margaret ‘C‘impben’ Judge' Shearlin'g eweâ€"R. Holborn, land Hm} FINE ARTS- ’2, W. Hunt. S F‘ Hand painting, satin or velvetâ€"i Ewe lambâ€"R. Hglbom, 1 2. c3: W.A.. Lawrence, Miss Walmsley. l Penâ€"R. Holborn, Diploma. ‘ Hand painting, landscapeâ€"'WA. Judgeâ€"13.28. Bassett- ‘ ‘- . Mar- . -,‘..-\.AJ|5, VV :râ€" J. Sharp. Toilet setâ€"W. Hunt, H. Schenk. Crochet slippersâ€"Miss Christie. Knitted slippersâ€"W. J. Sharp, 8. ‘ F. Sharp. h Crochet woolâ€"T. Brown, Miss Walmsley. Fancy knitting, Wool â€" Miss Christie. f00t- . Crazy quilt, silkâ€"Miss Christie. Crazy quilt; Woolâ€"G. Cameron. L09; Cabin quiltâ€"G. Cameron. Miss Christie. Ornamental quiltâ€"JV. Hunt, F. Hopkins. Quilt any other ki-nudâ€"â€"W. A. Lawrence, E. Caulffielld. Knitted c-overletâ€"P. Mutch. Crochet covcrletâ€"J. Roberts, Gu 1 Cameron. ! Coll. button holesâ€"A. Schenk, W.; ‘I" .,_---, “nu bllC' Classes {were all well filled. We under- ; stand from- Secretaryr i harp that ' as a record breaking year in the :number of entries. The weather in the froenoon was ex- cellent, but the rain, which began to fall about three o‘clock, marred the closing hours of the exhibition without injuring the gate receipts, The concert was attended by a packed house, who Were Well pleased with the entertainment. ‘ 1 The following are the prize win- ners. D j The Holstein Fair c [was a great success. ,its in every departme 'the best variety. Th Pair spring pigsâ€"-â€"H.W and 2. Breeding .sow Hunt. Boar, any and 2. YORK Ram lambâ€"AS. 'Mu Ewe, two shears or ‘ Muir, A. Muir. . 'Shearl-ing eweâ€"~â€"A .S. Muir. Ewe lambâ€"AS. Muir. Penâ€"~A.‘S. .Muir. Best fat ewe or we breed-W.A. Livingston M. Barber. TH E HOLSTEH‘J FAIR LADIES’ WORK SWINE. (I , OR OTHER WHITE BREED i at ewe or wether. any-‘J-H- Sharp. :.A. Livingston, A. Park,{ Marga TAMWORTH department were ram‘-‘A.S. MUir, f vâ€"A.S. Muir, A. Mum!i Hand 13 Shears or ,OVerâ€"A, S. :M3tth9W’S, of opinion to the exhibit was. quite y show he officiat- T u. Fortney, H.W‘ Margaret Campbell; Ju DAIRY PRODUCTS. EDoxx'Iing, H. Love. I‘H I Crock butter, ’20 lbs.â€"D. ] N, Hunt, 1:H. Schenk, J.A. Ferguson. 3 Crock butter, 10 lbs.-â€"B.F. S ‘D. Bruce. Butter, pound printsâ€"D. I ,G. Legge. Butter, 5 lbs, moderately s :'D. Bruce, B.F. Sharp, -... Cheeseâ€"IA, Swanston. s} FAIR , HOME MANUFACTURES ‘ -' ‘ __ ‘ ‘ on Tuesday Stockmg Yarn G.‘Cameron, The exhib- Walmsley. ‘ortney, H.W. j I.W. Hunt, 1 the classed '0 utter was by the .' A. Muir v 1; u Lall"-d. UO‘Vling, “’ ‘ OXFORD DOVHVS' I 1-37951? heiferâ€"E. McRm- Ram, agedâ€"â€"J. Fairbairn. ‘éDowling. ? Shearling ramâ€"W, Fairbairn. ] 2-year heiferâ€"W. Gillies 1 Ram lambâ€"JV. Fairbairn, 1 and‘ Heifer calfâ€"-J. Dowling, 2, J. Fairbairn. 51188- *. Ewe, agedâ€" W. Fairbairn, J.’ GALLOWAY.‘ .Fairbairn. . 'i Shearling eweâ€"W. Fairbairn, 1 I Cowâ€"A13. Caulfield. 2 and 3. GRADE CATTLE. 2-year steerâ€"B. F. Sha' Reid. Cowâ€"J. Sinciair Jr., W.T. ? Ewe lambâ€"W. Fairbairn, J. gFairbairn, 2 and 3. Penâ€"W. Fairbairn, Diploma. , SHROPSHIRE. ard B..F Sharp. ' Ram. agedâ€"G. Hokborn. . 2-year heifer-â€"B..F Sharp, Ram lambâ€"R. Holborn. Wilson Ewe, agedâ€"G. Hoibom, R. Hol- £79” heifer-A Wilson. Shearlin-g eweâ€"R. Holborn, 1 and 2, W. Hunt. Ewe lambâ€"R. Hglborn, 1 8: 2. Penâ€"R. Holborn, Diploma. Judgeâ€"RB. Hassett. Muir, A Geddes, T. Brown, J.H. Brown. i Cut flvowersâ€"J.H. 'BI‘OW'J], J. C . Adams. j Hand bouquetâ€"W.J. Phip, J.C. Coll. preserved fruitâ€"W. Hunt. Coll picklesâ€"J5. Woods. -C-o]l. canned vegetablesâ€"J. R Sharp, H. Reid. Raspberry Wineâ€"LC. Adams, E. Robb. ‘ liday, Apple jellyâ€"W. Groat, J. bairn. Marble. cakeâ€"J.H. Sharp, H. Sinclair. Pumpkin pie-A. McCaw, W. Lemon pieâ€"W. Hunt. J. McRob‘n Pie, any other kindâ€"BF. Sharp. W. Aledcorn. Honeyâ€"A. Aitkin, J.S. Woods. Maple sugarâ€"W, Rama-are, J. Sinclair. Maple syrup-J. Sinclair, R. A. nicholson. Currant je‘zlyâ€"WT. Orchard, G.!son, ameron. I Q“ Bread, Encore flourâ€"W Fancy bunsâ€"â€"D. Bruce, ling. Plain bunsâ€"RM. Tribe. Tea biscuitsâ€"J. Sine]. Bread, Jewel flourâ€"1A SOD. Home made McCaW Woollen socksâ€"J.A. Gillies. Men’s ’oherts. mittsâ€"G. C { Lawrence, E,V‘ Lawrence, E.V. Matthews. Band painting, figuresâ€"E Matthews, WA. Lawrence. Hand teinting, flowersâ€"E. Matthews. . Hand painting, glass~W. Lau'rence, Miss Walmsley. Ornamental Workâ€"BF. Shar] Pen and ink sketchâ€"BF- Sh , not hookedâ€".Mrs -â€"-J. Sinclair, R. A.’ COACH n .5 0 lbs.â€"D. Bruce, 13311313911; Judge Sinclair. A. H. . Cameron, Miss ' ‘ ___'â€"VJJ’ ‘vllaa Gillies. W. Hunt, Ferouson ‘V Spring: c(;]t__R A 1. Sprung- fill} -â€".W N m r 1) lies. W. Hunt a e 0 7 Ji lâ€"V'ear fi}l}v _’B.F, SI “1 H Sin...‘ J-Stevenson. Ham th, H. Si z'ately salted Sameron. J. Dow- '.Schcnk, .17. Sharp, Heifer calfâ€".11. OTCilâ€"gl‘d, W Hunt. Fat beastâ€" T. Weir,1 and 3; W. Scarlett. Dairy cowâ€"A.E. Caulfield. Fair-I, Rendall. __-r ‘- l ’-. Reid. Cowâ€"J. Sinciair Jr., W.T. Orch- ard, B.F. Sharp. 2-year heiferâ€"RF. Sharp, ' A. Wilson. ' -â€"W. A.! Spring filly- VIIIICD. ; Gillies. Cowâ€"AB. Caulfjeld, ‘3'. Gillies. B' 1] calf-â€"J. Dowling, W. Gillies. 1-year heiferâ€"E. McRo‘ob, J. Bruce, year steerâ€"B. F. Sha‘rp, grison. â€" *OD" bairn. 2-year heiferâ€"J. Fairbairh Weir. Caul- ;' 2-year gelding-E. Robb. 3 2-year fillyâ€"A. Drimmie Robb, J.VV. Walls. Carnage horses-32 Ore] A Nicholson, H. Reid. rison, W.A. Lawrence. Spring colt or filly, hack Hunter. Cow-â€"H. Reid. J.D. Roberts. POLLED ANGUS. Cowâ€"JV. Aldcorn, A.E. C‘ulfie AYRSHIRE. Bun-Geo. Holborne. Cowâ€"Geo. Holborno, 1 and 2. HEREFORD. 1-year bullâ€"J. McRobb, V Continued on page 1-year heifer-J. Heifer calfâ€"J. ] 1-year 1-year Ren-dall. r 2-year 2-year _-â€"v~â€"-‘~"’ “a A. Hunter. 9-year fillyâ€"~W. Nelson. Buggy horseâ€"WE. Orchz McCaw. W.J. Philp. Pair driversâ€"D. Holliday, McArthnr. Single driverâ€"WA. LaWre. Aitkin, R. Irvine. Saddle~F. Moolnnl-lu'n ‘D Judge. J.S.A. M. THOROUGHBRED DURHAM Spring coitâ€"G COI‘I]. Spring fillyâ€"JG Spring coltâ€"E Spring coltâ€"IL BTcGillinay Robb. Spring: fillyâ€"W. Fairbairn. 1-year fillyâ€"W. Aldcorn. 2-yewr geEding,â€"â€"A. McGilh’ E. Robb. Teamâ€"G. Harris, W.J. Philp 1-year geldingâ€"A. Hunter }ardiner. Teamâ€"A. B Eccles. H. Love 2‘3’931‘ fiily iner, S. Part: Robb McArthur R. A. N J-vear {iilxâ€"BHF Robb. W. Aitkin. 2-year golding~VV onu n » 2-yeal filly-R.A. 1 Tear Aitkin HEAV Brood mare '. Robb. Spring any born, J. Brow Brood ma Brood mareâ€"«1.8. Woods. Spring coltâ€"IS. Woods. Spring fillyâ€"G. Harris. One year fillyâ€"G. Harris. '\ .lrf CV lzlyâ€"A. '-â€"-J. DOWling, W. Gil- gelding~A. Hunter. fiflyâ€"J. Sinclair, JERSEY. HORSES. REGISTERED CLYDE z fillyâ€"J. McRobb, R. H01- ". Brown ‘atterson EAVY DRAUGHT AGRICULTURAL mareâ€"W. Fairbairn r. Hunt. coltâ€"-R. A. Nicholso filly-â€"-W. Nolan»: “ AND CARRIAGE geldingâ€"“f, Ait ' McClocklin, Holborn M cGiIlivra y, A. Nicholson ,. McCaW, E. Robb. .. Hunter, , Patterson, . Rendell. .E. C‘ulfield, .A. LaWrence, A .. McGillivrz '. Orchard R .T. Orchard A. Harris, E. G ardâ€" Nicholson. IN elson, W. G Calder. J. Mc- Nicholson, harp, G, I I. Ramage, Sharp, C, M Calder, J. Mc- . Mor- . Mc- 511C li‘.‘1‘ay. AH- . Spicer. W 11, Ggge as:

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