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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Nov 1911, p. 2

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”0;.” \‘-..n'. ‘ _ _ gifâ€" .. . i E i . THE DURHAM CHRONICLE j I m . ‘ ‘ . _ _, ‘ ...,,_. , - _ almflfflfa-L’J 1*1'211‘""“’3-'1 -' ‘:‘m‘ti‘3‘"5 ‘ i. l I . " LL 8 suNDAY SOH0.L| An excellent (-oncertdwill be held it} . SM A Al, . the hall on \Vednes ay evemng 0 w”. , . - o ' . next week under the auspices 0f. the ‘ , , . ' ' ‘a s. ‘2’ cent:- for first insertion, and 10 cents for each .--â€"-â€"-- , Public library here. The commutee t O , ‘ l" I fun:;;xfe:1:p:i:m (1:: 0;”: sine; and under two mob“, double the 8W” l F rth Quarter FOI‘ are sparing no pains to make the event“ armers a e 0 es 9 “9 Gal‘l‘V T i‘ » ' . . .1 ~ ,, .. l' t . .-' ~ -- - ~ .' - c be served. - . - t - l” m: w Lesson V ou , 1‘;::(§::l1 %;:3[:1(1Ee:â€"Q111‘11lglkbglbscriptions corrBCt DOte forms to be used at a sale may be Obtalned at this 0ch free 0; Gent’s E‘111‘311‘1£1L _;‘ . . 1 DZ" t 1 NOV. 5, 1911. ,5. the. means bv which our excellent charge. All notes shou3d be fmade payable at a stated place. We invite \ou l .. fl IJaTmS fOI' bale. 1 Medic“ 66 0W' l ._...â€"â€"-â€"-â€" library is supphirted. hence we look to use our Bank 5.15 a P ace .0 payniien - l f is . . g . Before .\'(lll 11‘ ,7 l .21. . - "‘“f a F" .l ieson i for a good attendance. Sale notes may either be discounte or 9.1; r collection, wh1ch assures yo“ h‘ t -. , 1 ‘ - 1 ,3}, r I r as scans so. 1 LAND, Brno oars. laznaesoa am - THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. RM, .m- qnd in: Foreman of of prompt attentlon at matunty. ,2, o w a he 1.1.x. . ~- .- ls _ v "' ‘ ‘ .' ' ° ‘ ' L U ‘ ’. O 1 i I . . L03 3. Con. 9t, ilznelfaflvcfsaf , )FFICE AND REfSiiDElg’bl'w: . Shallow Lake. are. the guests of Rev. : ClOt-hlng. alltl 193...... . an an on easy 91' - - i 1_ ‘. h, tartan-e easto nap 5 ““3 . _ - r . .. .1 ' . . . ' 1... A’ Russell Box 39’ Qngew‘iE-k“ {.azntitbii Stieerl'iblfllfer .T°"«“’ Din-“mi . Text of the Lesson. Est. iv. 10 to v, 3 A“ L. Marshall. . Y . ' capital and Surplus TOldl Assets : quality. IP ,, 3 Alberta. _________,9:_4_::‘...- )t‘Ecenoursfi-om12t020c10ck Memory Verses, iv, 13’ illâ€"Golden Mrs. J. 13.13“? mm 131,55 3331113.} are $6,650,000 850,000,000 3 . 3. 3b .1 . S P C) - __. _ .___..._. â€"-â€"-â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"- T t Ps cxlv 20â€"-Commentary Pre- the guestsoi \\. J. Plillp during the DOlll Iiysrm was at 2. (13’. 2. TOWN Hi ~r' " ex, - ' .. '. * " “‘ “â€" -3'I’ l ,0 3m: 0 106 acres 3 .41- . C M b R D M St piestntutek ‘ ‘ ‘ H3 .. IN “€53???" cor‘mifi‘éné‘t. sod ‘nvv-i L 6- lib-“m M' D" ' " pa'ed ’ ev' ‘ ‘ “'"3' Will I \V-ilker ma wife left for 9011;,” and 1 N... J area 1 r H. "“5 .‘l - - wr ‘ ‘" \ " .r . 0 u . .. '1 x (' ‘4‘ '. , . d :acurcr swagin tim‘izered. the r vat {)Fl-‘lf-E. TlfilfiOlbD .5 blLOCI}7 ti) As we have but one lesson in this tn‘eir home in .xlooseli-WV 011 Build} "f g “7 1 - 3" near; barn 30x50. stable 3““- "., ““3““ “““mu’.,Fhleeth R 75.13.55} .‘ wonderful portion of the Bible. we WMWEL- e a ‘5” ‘- . d 1 v we'l~ Corner queen and (Jewish bums?“ ‘ L. , . 1 .- S Hu has Manager utl Orchard. 1 acre. waters ofi: h 25 u olsatir;it'l'ist Church. Utlice hours 9 11 i must try to get some idea of the “H1019 ”Mesdames 5t- L“??? and .MPSES’ 0f ' i g V ’ ‘ Here l . 1* t.’ m1 393'1’13' P1.” 0‘ no.0 3.18 sin. :4 in. 1-": am. Telephone N"- 2:59 b ,. It is the story of God watching l(.1roi'1to, spent the 'll'lai'iksgivmg fes- 5 fl: muggy can remain on mortgage. ‘ 00‘“ . . ' H' ll\'lllt_-'S with their parents, Mr. and 1199* l)()\' r sh For particulars angrily William, â€"~â€"â€"-â€"~-â€"- :over and providentially caring for IS Mrs. J. mem Mr. Geo. Moses sma . c _ ,. . a -. Willi??? OFChard' Untl -___ -- Arthur all“, M. D. lpeorle, and. thoil‘lghi He is ”0:11:12; claine up Saturday and returned Mon- ._ 7 __-_ Brand ()V'Ql'ailré. " ' ’ 0 ’ *‘QTOA' BE-'T- - w . . . '1". s “"z-I“\” (“i tioned by name. - e s seen wor ‘ s l a). sOT 95 -nd COBCEEW . alslplas . In) soltomh . J . . - . . . . , I ‘ . ‘0 inck;,ioins corporation. we t 01 _ {ice in the he: l-lunter Block. (.niir'zt through. '1 be book ends most beautl- Miss 1.1mm Brown, oi Moulton (ml- FLESHERTON. AIi BELL Call all“ lm :- -- Durham. 0“ Durham Road' mi 10119.8 to 10 a»: is;- m. and? "”9 fully and suggestively with these loge. Toronto..crn'ne home forl‘himks' , ‘ 3 ‘ a h .. r‘ north Side- “ell Watered, (TOM .3- m- Special afintmu “”29- “.” (U83 A. words: “Mordecai the Jew was next ngg, returning on Monday. Intended for last \1 60K. Gus TA bank barn, comfortable frame 3f women and children. lxesiaente up .. . \l' I) P C‘ 1,-1 . no 'tl‘llPd .. ~- [1? and locr house. Will sell crop, , Queue Presbvterian Church. {unto Ling Abasuerus and great among 3 1 \Is.“ C .. .. .xgleiu ge, (”Firmbnw Mr. Jos. Clinton spent a couple of TA . i stock {Sid implements With farm} ”mm ~â€" -â€"---â€"~â€"~~~â€"-â€"-*~"'“’““ ’ the Jews and accepted 0f the multi~ 113:1}? “1119‘ i‘ 11:11 13h Willi-‘15”... with days 1351? week With his uncle inl For further information. agilfi 38 BUR-l .tude of his brethren seeking the $25511 ()‘Stogclsigfills e 1o1 .iys Owen Sound. l. eo- W. WLOD . 'l'me Assmam Raymund” ophthalmic Hoe. wealth of his people and speaking The p'i'l' threeg'ibb'uhs have been “Missy. J. “mite arid] daughter, and - - 's ',. , . ~ ,. -. . .‘ .. . . , ‘3‘ ‘ .‘ ' . " ‘1 "(1, "5 J; r: 1' , + ' ‘ LOT ‘2. CON. 1., E.G.R., ULE} ELM. : i 2.. ant to Golden 5(1- Thmfl and M“ a“ peace to all his seed (1:. .31. We can devoted m the mlssu‘mary cause on with “1838333438 S;:1;r£r\Vi1;tt()gx all Next in LllL‘ 100 acres: 70 acres working 13”?" l ,.. SPECIALIST: DOt b1" think 01' the kingdom of which the Holstein circuit of the Methodist . ' ' Funeral D' t 9 _ 10 acres new land. :‘Oacres haw- ; EYE >..’ A3, THROAT 8L NOSE this book is a historical and prophetic church. The pastor officiating on the Mr. and Mrs. R‘Pbt" Henderson, of ll‘CC Ol‘\, ‘ Wood bush. Two good “'9115 OD . 1,153-3; ,3, F‘Tfigt 55,, Owen sound. picture. illustrating the grace of God. 1511 inst... Rev. Mr. Aye’r. 0i DPeW, 0}! RM} Roy, WH'B Vlr'llm'b at. DIN Mur- ' Full line of C‘llhol'c P 1 3 . ' “filliiTa"?kw++’"""""""" _;§" premises. GOO, ,Conmift; Foss}: -~â€"â€"--â€"â€"- ~l Amos vi. 10, and Dent. xxxi, 17, 18, le22nd. and the 29th \yas Layéman’g rayslast week. and White Cipsfoi-;1:r:;lv}:;.fn,ll3~.him 3 ‘ ‘ ' $1»: frame barn, drnmz S 9‘ “,3“ _ , 5-, ., may possibly throw some light on the Day. the canlp'ugn being CO" ucte Dr. and Mrs. Carter were at Schom- h _ '3' I" ‘ 5‘ d W ‘1 f DC ( v“ m 59‘} R BR“: \VN b'th ° t ' \Ir J A Lambert Mt . i " orchar ° 9. , Eb .9. For fur.- ” ’ ‘ ' . . , absence of any name of God in the ,3 cpas 0R; 1' h‘ f . '1 °l burg last week attendmg the funeral . , t I D " cfieap tOt‘qulgks :35: to D'Ivi L R“ C' P“ LONDO‘\° EM, book and yet the name of Jehovah is Borgibggatlignv . i'llhbe 3381313231131? Of the former’s niece. ‘ Embalmmg a Specnalty ) ‘ . ‘ t er par 1cu_.r ‘ s. ‘ _ r 3 . ° _ congr. : 10 . , ‘ ' ' . if" McAuhffe Upper TOM- DPI‘ha’“ .1 :‘RADULATP. °‘ L°nd°n~ New really there four tunes in the form 0‘ uted was about $157.00. When all BORNâ€"On the 14th 1nst., to Mr. and. â€"-â€"â€"--- OCt 3th tf' ' J. York and (.hxcago. an acrostic in the initial 01' tinal letters local work has been completed the Mrs. Richard Allen, twins. a boy and Picture Ffdfiililg 07?. 511071851 . ': “nausea of Eye, BailNorc a: Throat4X of four words in chapters 1, 20; V, 4. funds to that department will have girl. The former survived only a few. notice ' ' vi“ he "'3 the a m ons“ 11g. See Dr. Bullinwer's booklet. substan'iallvincreased. hours. ' ' ' ht] till!“T ‘ D h l SHOW Roomsâ€"Next lo Swallow - S . 1": y . . “me ‘ Stoxes, Tm air: i 13; Vii. 7. This any one wit h a Hebrew Bible can 3 said that Dr. Gins- Dr- 0- SCrBlQ- DMVS v-5 V 0- burg has discovered three ancient MSS. lSE-A'SES OF EOMESTICATEP in which these acrostic letters are animals treated on most smentlf- written in larger characters and in g : ______________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"'â€""" ! 19. Sept. 16. Oct. 21. Hours, 1 t06 p.111. 4:? ' A Bâ€"ROOMED DWELLING ox soon I, i l l .â€"â€"F.W. Kelsey 9'31 _â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" s LE. ON LOT solo. 6. Con. 3, N.D.R.. Clenelgé-gg {-5 . . . 1 A“ 11 0 may i :2 s ' ~ . at. I ‘0 PPmCIP 5'5- 0“ S Pr," in“ ent form. The absence 0 . ' - , . . . . f . g Lhas Ail}. -Iâ€"olâ€"v/ attended to. Office and resxdence. Eorengge ill) any ordinary form sugâ€" Detimt on 'luesday 3 . MYS- Kehller, 0f Toronto. is VISIUDK ' y it; E ' DfiIRABLE BUILDI)G LOT, 1-?â€" Garafraxa Street. Durham, nearly op-‘ e . . “0h blest is he to My. Thos. Brown, Mrs. \V. T, Petr-1e her cousm, Mr. P. ngg, and other 3 ' I N H , re. corner lot. OPPOSNE‘ Clark 5 posite the Chronicle Ofiice. 623 1‘ gests the l1nes. ' and Miss Anna Cams Wpl'eith‘filsuest‘ relatives here T ‘ . Planing Mill. For particulars ap- _____-__.__._,___-.._-.___- _ whom is given the “Mine" that can of Brantford friends during ,Thanks Mr W R0 W 'i‘ . ii ' " . Dlv at this office. 1 . i tell that God is on the field when He 'giving' visitili her :03) . ”if ,’ ”3"%“"’0 ”1 ’5 PUBLISHED w+++~zo~z~e~t~>~ ;:; ___;â€"â€"â€"â€"â€":-â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"’.""""Tâ€" Dental 037661071). is most invisible" (Faber). “Most hid- A , . . tz-wt' r F ii I .1 1);”) g“ d oth let! ‘ 15' O n 5'1 EVERY THURSDAY Mbiimo m . ...-._ 5T AN EXTREMELX LO“ F1 ,_. -__.._ __._‘ ‘den yet most manifest" (Augustine). veiym (It‘alllb .p‘wor 1 1e. gue ( , .1 er tea nes. l . . . 4111:1114}:th '" l 1 » d. on easy terms. an up- ' _ meeting was. held last, babbath even- M _ ‘ . ‘ :At the Chronicle Prmtmg House, Garafm: , --- -â€"' ‘ -' T» ' ' gainagropertv in good location. w ' - l Some one has 531d that it is the story ing. when Miss L. Tasker, of Mount. ‘ IS} Fox’svihe,‘ gthlasgoLv, (2‘3“: 1 Street. {3‘ - I Particulars iurnished 'at the Dr' ' 6" chkermg ' 01' the P901719 0f GOG delivered from Foaest. grave an interesting and profit- 32:3: \fitighie w‘l‘ibthaseherggtillex but! 1;. DURHAM ONT . , 3 . . . h o. ' . . 3 . " 3 . ‘g. . . .0 . , . . . . .“ (3...... 0m Mr MM» by assigns:gross as: tarot 1 - ......... Mr. John Gibson. of Toronto, visit- asubscription Tm: Cunowrtr will My”. Liver J J HDntpr’e rank.who lFFICE: ger and is 03‘: COUNTESS mysteriously one of them. â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- Ioosn AND LOT c; ‘ 32:18:. lag-$13.30 Mrs. 3011213333313; J F GRANT. D. D. S . L. D S The time of the story is supposed to be A ___j__ __« _ _‘_ __. _.,_ __..._...__ V . v. v between E2. vi and vii. The primi- - . Oi OR (TRADUATE. UhIV E831- ?AM‘VORTH PIGS FROM EIGHI‘ W of Toronto. "mum Rays. . p31 truth seems to be tn . ‘"~ weeks to 10 months ,Oldi 199th ‘ollege Dental Surgeons Data io. God in history working Ollt His 8006 'dls' "* ’ " sexes. Prices reasonable; Satls- Dentistry in all its Bram: - pleasure through human lives and or- l . ' -, ' faction guaranteedâ€"H. “3 Hunt 'Office-â€"Over Douglas’Jewellery Store. (final-y means. As one has said, “All ‘ “°§??_S_i _ history is His story.” God and the to Rev. xx. Here it is Haman as the 1,,“ l l l l M .4§A£fis‘ w Rev. Mr. Loughecd, sionary from China, 0 Presbyterian church Sabbath last. Miss Lizzie Ross, week’ Messxs. N. and E. Lambert, Mrs. Lambert at there is :1 led he morning service Mrs. J. W. Hunter went to Luck- now on Friday to spend Thanksgiv- ing Wlill relatives there. deril are seen in CODfliCt from Gen. ill l Alf. Buller reached the village again 1 BarberShor). Rfisninxcnâ€"Ngr l dour South of W. .l Lawrenoe’: blacksmith shop. returned niis- J efi‘ Thistlewaite was fiiciated in the from Toronto last week on a holiday. Mr. R. Carson. of Proton Station, is , Plumbing; :11; neatly and pin m: C a three learning the tonsorial art with Mn! after ned to T. J. Fisher. : 5 visit. in the burgh, retur ++++++++++¢+~+§4+++4++o+¢~ ed his grand-daughter, Mrs. \V. J. 1 B. any address. ffl‘t“0f WWW: l ates . $1 OOper year. paynhki 1 -$1.50 may be charged if not no pain. Boyd, part of last week.‘ nfilu _ . . . , . - egg Mr. J. VV. Tucker. of the Markdale . W "hml em" ‘mel‘mn 1“ 1'1"“ 19" by z the numom or the address lalwl. So 393$}; Standard. was a welcome calier on us comm“... to all are...” are paid. erratum on l‘hursday last. minor or the proprietor. For transient adrenals-merit? Mr. J. \V. Douglas was in the city .Amerfismg on business on Friday and Saturdav lBE cents per line for thr tim‘ fir l‘ ‘ ’ ES 1:101); 3cenha ['lt’l‘lllliff‘af‘ 5m .ist. lqnmt insutioxé'd minion mans-my. dilemma .. . ‘7 ,- . , , .Mnot exce ing one inch $4.00 rm . lhe 3191.11“f113t_hl’}““lh League h‘id Adventsemente without specific dirgtigrsfil' a socm exvemng 1n luau of the regular bepuhlnshed t5)! forbid and c-lmvconnmlingl; and two lady friends attend- in the Metho- church here S unday . week after over a month’s absence. gm~1~l~ ‘ 1 in Durham. ’2 storeys high. hard __ __ w _, H__,_«__fl,__fi___..__,_,_. __._-,-_ l and soft water inside, £200 cem-‘. , devil’s man and Mordecai and Esther - . _ . 3.31.3; . b 1‘ 1 r on to . j P TBlfor' , . Our local nunsods spent Monday in . . . . . .. .. . ~ . _ t . .. CDT sta 19 rame ’31" * . p. l ’ ' ' h rd 8 Side. . . , , _ - . meetm 1* last week under the aus res , Wnflfiitnotamaâ€" List. ‘timmn. ”Fusing. ~- f ’ - . -l _ ' w x on e the swamps and surroundm'r iorests i" ’ p L . - - ~ « . 3 quarter acre of land. Pr1ce an a} i ARRISTEL, SOLILITOR. ETD Thus far in the story up to our les- 1% "tub of rum - \‘m m, “Rm“: i”) of the League. liiicli:eg(iz§iili§8nfmtfim li1st-rtmn.;.’oCe-rtsforew l ‘ :Ome t3" 4;- it 1* z - v. . 5 . ' v, - ~ 9 . z " .. i. i -. ' ‘ 1 ser ion. a}, . 13., .. , ’ down to QuICk purchaser. .§D £2131. . Ufiice‘ ngarly ODIN”! e the Regkvtfy ’ son tOdQV “'9 see the greatness Of an sillted 55 R x v I? \K’ A . ~t . r? . 3 . . . t . lg n ‘ l g at the Chr0nicle office. '2. t1 Thee. Lamhton *t.,llurl1ain. Any amount * “~] '6 f l" ' , 6 ‘ - - - _ ”“5 11.0“};- HHSSH’W!) 3 Allaclverusements ordered by strangers as: l l -. -. _.._ â€"---â€"-1 3" money to loan at 5 per cent. on farml earthly king and the magm cence 0 Two large flocks of wild "Hose prO- 1n the Peace River DISHWL wm glve i b60313 for mad‘wce' I V3" ‘5 . _ - , .- , . . .. .. . . e . - n . dom' his ill treatment of a .7 _ . .111 illustiated lecture this \londav . . 1 l ~\ HO ~\DSTER FELY, RISIBG o l ropertx. his Ling . ('ecded west“ ard over the \‘11'2W'e on ‘ - l gourmet rates .or vear.v mix-cl‘nsrmemrl’m ' a v i . - ~ ‘ . ' . . - ' i i a ' JV . or H ' n -' - " - - ' 1 " ' I' i“. . " . years. bred from a {10011 mare l _____.______â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- noble woman. Pill". away. DUt Yemen) Monday. (‘ 9111313,. 0n Lift- dlld \\ (Jllx 1n the .111. ed on applica. ion to tht 0,“... ti . and Ab Brino. Is Well halter. A a jack-son bered; the choice of another who re- ‘ \h \' l 3‘ f *1 (‘ T It \I i lun- .\oi.th. All admfismmnm m “mm mm“ ,_ i. ‘ ,~ W o ., n. ‘ l~ . . . 0 _ r 0 ‘ '. o 4:) '1' () L. 19 I . . . Q - ()‘xI-l r V o . ‘QHIII'Pnt Week 81'1‘)“]d be} r() , . 5" ,,,..‘ 99...»... f; : d b 18 b oken. 1‘0le 111 511‘ . - " - ‘ l n thin but what was a )oint- , , ’ . ‘ . ~ ) s ‘- ~ w - .1 .. ' ’ “3" ma ....1. - ‘ aiize 21rd Florsherton fair and ‘ Worm? Pb BLIC mouuissm-l gum“ ho . 3., .. 1 1- the 311,, m, l Wrest- mg a sum :11. the 1110111111.; , f, 13:,3'15‘,‘ ‘f‘lm‘h‘, ““1““ l" “3“ IMCL‘m 8‘ 6 p- m- . . _ -t . ‘ u * ' ‘v r ‘ V "H . .- . ; ° : 1 .. . . . . _ _ ’;.l ”1 1 (") .’ :1 a ‘ v.) ; rs - (r ' ‘ .. . l p d t \I *‘l' 13’s in heavy ‘: er. Outreauixu-er. Cu lnslirgrrz l ed for 91 (1'. 1 .11. ' 3 ”' ‘ iron ice in the Methodist church on r . t' - . v‘ l) \ ' ‘ \\l 339 ll)? {db l The Job ,3 (.,,m,,]‘.,,_.\ ,an- ,..,~. g ’ l BC‘COD a - £1- “ L i. i 3 ‘1‘ i twen‘ Money. ‘o l nan issuer .ii Vin- and unwavermg interest Of her gumd‘ v Hilllllzlv ”’3an 1011 “L “W . i l. \P 3' M“ i D ' . VFW TYl‘l‘ ' - “Will“ a“ Ch ‘ l) h i If . . ' ., S“ i-“ . fl ,7. ”3 . . , 4 , L. . ‘ . _. ' . .1 ‘ . .t . . ’ . . - , .. 1 . ’ ) ' - I f'. 4 . - -‘ ~.. LU‘ :1 , :ao}. a. compclition. .Also :U‘ 0 \C.. u . ‘ 'i-xiza Licenses A general bur-”mull bum-l inn. Mordecai; the DI‘OmOUOU 01 1111‘ . . . .. . :1“ E n ‘L ”n'”_“““’”“ ,‘1131 i“ H" \. Ml- E Epartment lhllrsfor tnrz. : _ r‘r-‘vU-r- g OlCC ~ - jg.- . {111105, one bred iron: -lcil}, , \ __,, 4 . a 3 3. .7 ,. , Miss Ins-sic Swanston “out to .l1el31<_~1.;11'011. oi Stool} \“llc “-1 , it . ~_: worl. H a... 1 --~ ~ K' 0.1 -*’-â€"““- ”3””“7921- : man and his [not {0 loll 311 the 39“”. . 1- . ~ r . - n l . ‘ ' "” ‘ “\ i ' " $20 00 C’l‘ ’l 7... Mason; no other ll‘Om . 1n? 1 filming,“ (1):: i1.H‘A‘i~f'l.tl\\“ll.l . Th‘ b . u t the in?“ (W101) of Hues! ( It} tor lmmlxsgnm". Him-ted llt‘l‘t‘ llns Week. My, (now, : -_.-___ H ' P» s y s - z. - - ..-. ‘ * ‘ ' ' ' '. lS i‘lll"'s s o t t. ‘.-> , l ' ' ‘ v . ' . .. '2 *3 bherman. PIXLQS right to (l “1C“ . l i” ‘ . l .‘lt‘.u£l>l(‘i' L HM (*1'511 \’ Slll(l(‘lil. Ell i-‘ y ‘ . .f .. . l _ ‘ i l purchascr.â€"-.. T. Edwards. E‘oor-r' _ ...._.___________.________._'» Esther in the lesson oi today. 111 W‘nm‘h l W~~ Mod 11”. lWll’ll m, S.‘,.,d.,\. 1 ‘, V‘v’ . ”‘3‘“ g C'hOlC': lil‘: " ,. "" " ' " " “" ’“‘ "“‘ _‘ """""â€"“â€"‘_"'â€"", -. s ' -â€" 3- 1 v.l.. . . -- “ 7 _- l t Q'IVE fie l ‘ . : I? « ~ p . ., )., . H ’ l (idle ’ 5L8 1-0le the i-utli UL (‘C‘Itl () ~r -‘ 2 ‘ " . ' . . . , . . ' alllllln .\.\1) l _ is. â€"-â€"- -----â€"-~--‘ '"v‘m‘" " l lives C," lli‘l‘ l‘O'l'lt ”V 11} Ol‘l‘ lllf‘Cl- l R[\ LRDAJâ€"‘E l All-“3“ ”Hill" \\ illlilC‘t‘ \‘lbllx‘tl i‘l'lt’lltlr' ' lg! $35.00 peg ,“3 ‘ P‘ v - «v V:‘V ‘ v 'r‘ 7“ " " T\ 7" . L‘ ‘1 _ ' ' ' \ ._A o - - ‘-‘ ‘ ; l ’ o a ‘ . â€" " 5'“ 1. Di t_l\i.\t-r C01. .f. Ha. ‘. i uRAFl. S at KFT'I‘S ('ORYLRS ! ,0, “NW l‘ly Ci: -‘ i~1 01w mm,“ to do '1 The Similar School “Mm...1mm“m ‘ 111 L unalalh over \mnlar. 4: 6"". ~ .1. ~’- ('3 "n 'j: _. .. L. _ A H A ' T A . (1L 5. g 3.. .: i. u l -"xL Al ‘ u . k L J _ .’ | 3 ‘ “'_ ‘ . -» A . ._ tn ‘ ,- ' - .W ”‘1'!" .2; The 1,1.th E‘ln“--Lr 3-50m} ‘._s_._,-- :1 .- 1- s .- ~ . . i .- -- . , c 1... . C‘ ‘ti-‘Hl ll: lili‘ Hjllnuul llel~U till ll‘ltlilVl My 1“,} \l}'< }. w. _\... . .. . a You C? i"? 1 «r» --- 1 \‘ .. . --.v.'\\":'i:-. 111 iii-st in.“ 1 in: mi o >llHW! liver us irom the rinse oi then-1" ‘ “‘1‘ .: .1. ~ . . . . ‘ i ‘ ‘ " “' " " ~‘ - "W‘lmlliw'. b. “i" l "'3 A' >\ i i“ 3 ii i‘ i wk" vA-‘AA. ‘H "'i'l'i" q? 1.7 11‘1”; il\ ‘\- [1111: ill 0. l? i r), r ‘110 “'(H‘llfi' iii l\' 1,1 “i‘;i‘l' ““L “i' “T H ‘L'l‘t-Ilt hill'l'iibs- in“ 1 \Vlltl ill'f‘ lllil‘fllli: fl'illll NU“ l.l.~i{t‘.l)'tl : WrHAT I: VOLT? T .‘i ‘7'" ‘ ‘3 37; 7:71“; '3‘. ti] t - ' I: , . I ~ 1 _ t1 _ ‘ r A it i I . t o . - ‘. A. t l v ' . .- ‘_ . _ . . .\ ‘ . . . 1 3.3 .1 . . ‘ ' ‘ \ . _ U .1. ‘ L‘ ... 7 . ..o i 3 v .3 ‘7.- {'1;" ‘li .‘ L _" i“ -‘;‘i_‘._'.;. \ k{‘- t" V 1” \-i t;) f l ?\ I '*' l , U" , 1 3 1 t} t (€1.11) :‘lli‘él,l:1!\\;1\(“\('(11“{"( i"!l(,: \\ :l.‘ l|l!l(\\-ltl) l‘)l("ll() :l"(‘ £i)!‘f‘lill]tr ’} "4311}‘11‘n ‘\}'. ‘ L i‘jfl a \\ l1. LsK' l m _' .~ .._~‘ ._ " -K‘L > 4“ i‘,. ) _“‘. .. ~~ .‘ , v “, L "3. “ :1" 3 3 ‘ I v. s A . q l ‘ ~ a . r“ ,y . 1 ., ‘ 0‘ 11:. :;\.‘ I \.\ " -3‘11- ; , \\ no 15110“ Cl 1 '0 .l‘r ALI l‘_)u .1. ’ t it‘l 3)} (J\»‘;! " ‘:;‘(,i l}l(|“‘llt‘ \;;l1:.>>‘ it 1L.\\' 1 \“.L‘(.I{1, \‘.1t‘:! 11‘“ lilltq‘i' \ lll()l;!(1" \I 1“ 1 I! \“lll“'1“11v‘\‘:~\. ;“ it}: aCre d! g.: , ., ' . .. ‘ ' t . v y 3 ,‘T ‘ ‘ . .7. :' t" 3, .' '( o ‘.' 'a i ‘1‘, :1: ' _ 1 3“ ‘ _ v:_ . _ .. . . V ‘ ‘ 0 A A . .. . ' . . _ ‘ ‘ .17 . . U‘.‘ \T" 3.: \l " ~ ;*:.“.'\:} ._‘v‘,._'; \H‘ ‘-.l “ii” ‘ 11" ’ ’ “3"lH‘“ 5 {0 th‘ l.lll,_(1~l.ll 1‘1 E‘uh fl ‘1, ‘C 3 ain‘t‘ullt’s “(All ltldll. \\.'.H il:t\('ll t ..“allli‘.t‘t I'«'tllitl‘. l’t'l.\.!l'l’ rul liiim311th..i»-f"i1ll “-fllli'ii 3’1 '- El d .bi"! S‘liy ‘.'-‘~'.~ .7 ~ ~ » '£\-7~ ‘1" P- r "I l lldi‘; this?‘ lllfilx’t: lis lllllli; Cf lilt‘ Vv’Ul'dS 0f ,e‘rnrlltsl: illit'w'svns‘t' ill list-1‘1 in :l 1.1“); ti 51,111; it ulna ‘1i's l’wll‘y “"'ll '.,:“l"lil(‘>’~ l5 3? l“? will ~_ ‘. _‘; ‘ _ , ‘ _ . .. " . . ‘ 1 ' . ._ '. . ‘- 7‘ . 1 ‘ . ‘ . a . .. . . . .1 _, 0- . ‘ , l. " . . ; 3 . . .‘ 3. in? l- ' .-~. .).-:_ ;- ‘1' \i i ”is 21'4"" “l: the Lord Jesus. "l- or this C1111?” (3111101 '.”4““i-Hl‘zl'h'hl. HIM UH ‘5 HUI: I. 1-.::1.i ;()x~.'c11 Sound (:11 Saiz'rdwy 1.1 rkiv. l‘w'r ’ ”“4 “" “"~‘ 11' A": ‘ V3 ‘ ha ‘ "’ ‘ " i fw”“'w” ’ '“‘L *l ‘ f “ “‘ ' T“ " ““1 "“ urto this hour " “'rvl‘ this cause came . W U”. «HOW-"1} “is“ lH’Hlv -\ :INNl Hill :sis a: in; :1 low l mu ”w! lnr boys :11... i2] Prig‘w‘fi " ' ‘ ” :1 .., r ‘ 11"., . r ‘ if? 1.. ‘ ‘- I I" ‘i’ -‘< . A H h . ., .0 .' II- "‘ ll; 1'. \ lt,‘\ -‘ Ii "" '-.t. .5 . H ' 2"; \ l ‘ . ‘ . i.‘ . i ‘\ ‘ ‘VL . . I 1‘ if ' , .5 1‘1. K-‘L iii 11".?» (L ‘ ‘ ““ i into the world {.lOllll X11. 3:: 3‘71“» l 1‘3!" .13....11. \‘l.l In” F l L” n. [H' \lr' \Vn ’lii‘ \' 'i l ‘ hm] “mm I: "N l: .. ‘ ‘ . j ‘ 2‘ , 3, .’_.v 33;,1' V>1 (‘~ ‘)"I'~' . 5. .1. l ,5.-;, “3‘1. “H (3"..1- silll-i‘. :11 3-” '. H. . ‘: i \I - - l. I ,. \ _. 9| 3-1â€" {‘ V. x ‘ . n ‘l \ y» 1" l ‘ t‘li) fire. ‘ “1‘} ‘ l“ \ ‘ ‘ ‘1 ‘ - 1“ '1 ‘ i1‘l( ' i i H . ‘ . V l‘ xllll “ ll...) l_[;. v" ,_,- ,- «“1“ vv, v' -1, ;‘ " *1 h ' ~‘ a (l I: L .. ‘ i 1.. . l‘, t \ L sill.) 1((.£\l\_ L‘£'6 kl} L ‘ L I i . 1' ‘ ~ l H ' ' -\\' H h -, .x. i‘ . , , ‘ rf' . 'J i uz:\~ 30031.1}."1 “‘“\:)..‘ DE ‘ug..\:\ ; "1‘ l“ ‘3 ,7 I“ >\' \’." :2 )‘ ‘11 \ 1 P I“ . X I‘.I\. ')(\ (or illlll‘li. \t‘;‘:‘ ‘lllillllll‘lli. (13‘.‘ (11“ 3-115i'lilillill‘F')‘LKl‘t Al"llll~(.\ \\ ll); ll'. L 5 v‘l'o 0}. L. ..' (ii >l'lllll “ .‘ 2W. Tl‘fie s. . - w ‘ " ‘_' g ' ‘A'l’.. rl 1‘5“; . \i,1ll“. .v'; 1“ .ll . 3“ â€":,l. ‘7 \- ) \‘; .‘l . l‘_ I . 3‘ '1 . . ‘ ' ‘3: ‘ ‘; . 1 . . ... . . .' zeros of land in Ins; tom .1 cf, .. 1 . . J '1 . ”ML. 1 (M'o‘ “ 3.1%. L l I 1 1' is "NJ”- i“’”‘"~‘-”f'â€"£ 1* l‘i-i‘ “V‘sllfllnnwz “ ‘ 'mlxlk. :l‘l‘li ‘ “WWW 3* 'J \ lCti‘i‘ - ' . a. - r x l ‘ 1 - i 1‘. l - ’ ‘ ' “ ’-n-~. . . 1- .~ ‘1 - i r - V ' ' _ - . - '- ‘ ‘ . : . . ‘- ' “ a. , I ' “1"“ J ’ .5".al'§Lr.‘.Z‘J. 0:1 T lfm't‘él‘ 1:13 :00“; l } = ‘ . 1 lit Ll Jildt. t. 1 Util li-0- lb lll‘dnnk‘k‘ J1 “‘ ‘lf‘lILJlli‘r ll\' iiillll“il”l': Iil.il\"‘l' ll\- ill.l I\)w\' ll l“ \“'(l1-\\v‘) 1(1‘V‘o ‘ ‘1‘ i I I'll” l’: ‘1‘ "ll ‘ . I,“ j l.‘-.‘ , ' - ‘ 1 ‘ l' .f .-.' l l; l l.’ 1i:.l" v , ‘ " . . . 0' '. grv i ‘ u ‘ . . n ‘ ‘. 1 . ' . " ‘ \‘A ‘ 4‘ 1 :‘u ‘5‘ k n“‘ . 'v' ‘ x '* 31' ‘ot-fi. her. house 2:111 Stable. _ . . . l r._ . i 1m 3.3L“ Phil-ll.1U..imlHulk-1L“: ’. l'nrinll: Inn-11: 9'1! Minoan s :lau‘lrws:| ‘(‘ 4i \hu ‘- - . . . .k . l tr ‘ r" t .7 g 3 - t . \ ‘ - ‘ A '4‘ i‘- ll' ‘ 1. '1 1’. ‘.\. r _ -. . -_ , l l ... . ~, - ‘ '-\\ ”k 1"“ ' lulul} lull'HULHH-L H |.\l‘ ‘ I“ 1” “H ‘ TH Y! .r . ill 1'5"); 115311": “'17h011~- .3734. 1* ‘. «'1 . .. ‘ . , :.. 1 . -.. - M' . no :lsmii 411'()i‘i'lilll'illlill)‘ “9 11111} ivlmrlm ‘l; >~11111I12i'1' ham. My the ! sarv svi".'im~< <~11 its “V'Hl’i‘r (-1 a, llll‘\ (':1~‘ ' - ‘3 ll,‘ {18'} * .1 '3 - . â€"‘ w- 'x1V' 7 ‘ s“ ‘ 3‘: L4» ' 1i 'I‘ 4 ‘ - . "li’d 'l‘ Q‘L‘. “lt ‘ i ‘1.- "£.\'\ ".‘0 , 3 . . .‘ . . . ‘ ' . .. :- v . .. . i o : .. ‘. . l ‘ ‘ 0 i A 3- ' l i. I:..' I.‘ it b 1,1 '5? -:firulieki- laid?“ to Jon“ J15‘fi??? \ ..- c ‘;'|» 31.. ‘ \" l \v 7.’ . fit“ ‘11.? ll Ii 1t ilIlS bot)“ flitflhllt‘d it)? ‘.\I'li(\ n 1*‘1'1'2illHll. \ l;lvl l\)1t\.llll'. .t't“, 'll._ Pulp” llt‘l't‘ “31> Fililllllvll 3‘ l" V l(‘(-]“ 1 3,. ,.,. \I S: L “ w‘"" " 3/“ 1“ .-. T A E M D s . . - : ~ ~; . ~ . -:. - ‘1' ii ‘ r 1h :11." ‘l: ~l .1 . E l .. ' . - " " ‘ ' 1.. . . J ' ”WW“ ...':.'.::.:...:.-......_-_..-...... wanna".-- W.-- “x ‘r‘ i N 1 ‘ . ill. 1 U" tillit 1“ W. ll.‘ (1.1.11; t0 5‘1!» “L may ; . If. 1,... “‘ h 3111 H1 ,. 12.1”“.L1h 1 ‘l‘ ””11 LN . <1! lliilhlsllk. ‘~\'lli:;-t‘ s”;â€" T “"5 L“ ""_ ‘3' s ‘ .._ ‘3 3 V“ l .. . k 3 I}, . mum: i‘.-:lll’i.0’5f lllt? life Of JCSUS (11 v.1,“ 11““. til-\y ..-:~l\' iii. .u-sllh. -1'(:|U.Hfit- 1 1:31-115 “(11-5 ”High iil'lll’t'l‘iilit \‘t \‘ill'l: (l .43.} 1}, v. '3: i4 '3‘ 1‘ ‘r i ‘5 1., ‘i’ ." R . \i . :‘r 'r 7'1 o 11 ‘ sin v "i '1“ " 'i"“'”l‘”'" ‘“""\ “’2 ""‘"”"m“"“l \ \ . . tics--‘i"1l~ 1‘ ’3' i k i a ‘ . ~ ' t V‘ ‘ \. t' ‘\ l‘ illi" | . ' l ‘7‘ ‘ ,. 1 A . b i y'- - n g b a ‘ . ‘ .3. 0 ' v . W - '-\\.‘ “, . ' . ‘7 l ‘ “ ‘ '. 3 i . t s at.. 1 . . . l H l()~inl i'ifl inWl:Hi<nr. )lnz\ \\ hll-l .ll. .loi \\i.>H.L \\lhi ti \ n’lq}I~-P.Hll, , a Q ,~ .‘ .:,'r~ \f‘ ‘r . ' , K-r~~ ‘: 1: Xv... 1-0 ‘11} \-liiill2 11(3 \‘(lll ('11 $090 11 1'- ‘;“(3 \i- "H lu‘. \v(“‘ll" l“)‘] ; i'ill'llfill: ill 'HllllH‘i'lii'H \\‘i'li ,; “ ‘ -‘ ‘Q ‘ \. ' «I _,,: ‘ ‘.\_,‘.... J. . -‘L L . » ' . _ j l l': ,1. . 3-‘> F .2.» . tr: n1 l} . I. ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ H-‘ " l.“ ”:1“ ‘H. \ 1 ‘J‘ fi-,‘v ' '\ l ’\ A"\ V l \l‘ ‘l - ~ ~ _ ‘ . ‘N ‘ Q. .. 1‘ . ‘_ ‘ ‘ . J . l9; 3'. D: -l_. . II- ~< '5 3 g 41 S‘V'YN‘ ~'\'.-.-l“â€"§ \‘i»“~“l 1" ._LC(:»ll‘.;l.l. J h“ I! g]. 314,},3“ ;‘.-.-‘.l:~3‘iui;. 111;; 1-13,};,V.::ll;~““l"- :- ll \\ soils. ll:l:~ 311‘... 111,,‘1 ‘-.““1"_‘ ,1" 2i 3 . _ - . , .~ , . . . ~ . , , i . . ‘9 _,,. 1.. q 1‘ -. , ... .‘ ~ , y 0,. 733.3 .3 11.3. 327: . f'x‘J- , t f 1.7; MM 3:14.11 lllt’ l055 “1“ he Gill-‘- 1 l’“ ‘('lf lh- l‘ill'Hlillill'SHir: l‘llt)l'll§;. \\ (3 l 3'“ .w‘f “A I‘M-m 1r: l.it'111 “:1. ll: . :51 ”'41:.(3 11.;1 .-» «i .1 g, £73; “my; tits. it: 13111.- .~ :6 --"i;â€"i .r. V , ‘ .‘H E‘ g .1. 5.- »;t \\'.:‘.‘(l to Mordecai that l than}; ms:- Hi 1\"t'l.l\ Father.s*l1m1l:"""“"“M“ ,.n1>.-h,,,--, 11.....13, El 4 " - ‘n‘LW-wsvz‘v'ro i ‘ -" l A I: _ ‘ . . i 3. . ‘ 1 . ‘ ‘ AI 1 . . “W' . 1 . \' i a r. mm .1." 1m leS 111 billlfillilll sliouad lri t‘ililll"!1- “WW-I“ “"11 (1‘19“ l‘Ali‘n'l-l \l1' (2 i3 \Vc’mi‘ (“I 'l'( wmm o it \“W l‘ ‘1’ ‘ r4: 3 â€" -.s v" 4' « ‘ - \ . E l: \ '. '. Li: I U ‘ ‘l . " ‘~ .'I \ ~ ‘ - .. ‘. .“, g ‘ . . . ‘ '~ 1. ’. 3L ‘ . “fl O'l 1 ' ‘ ‘5. Q . --. l“ l *3 ’ KC .‘~ l - , i, . ii,” I l'.» ". lw' ill-ii "or limitdrtls in a three ; 114 l" 1‘“ l: 3'31”“ l’~"'1""i WH- lbw/J: '; low 11 mi WUUl; '111 .‘l lmli l .y p it hm... ‘ H-‘w swim-1 31w *3; Piezflvt‘a . . . . . 7 .. . . ., . 1.1l.L'.~l'l.. (.l' l=l-‘. (i‘ll.« ullll l llt’ ‘\‘«"ll 11" ‘~-*- . l . - 'M-.ii. . ‘. y l .. 7 O. 4“ .9 *\‘ l . b 1 H s . l \ I 1’ - ‘_ . J . \ . , i i l, _ . Y ‘ _.‘ , 7-.. - . ,'-- v.¢.r‘, A ~ ' [y .‘ ‘ 1‘: : I; I‘I] >llh \‘)l‘.(1 Pt) 1‘(0 . ‘ . . . _ . I i ‘l 1(lllnl A ll. “I\“ - .' - ~' ‘1' _ «ll» \ is llall ..,I U HAM} l‘ In; J. .‘I. ,:.t.\‘.i..;1 ‘1 "‘ ‘(i “5 LL" 1” h _ . i 1:2: It‘l\l§’>.‘: l'vt'linllllll \vi';lllni‘;i.l'1<-'. ‘l“' - i ‘3" ‘1“! ;. 1 5’ ‘x “ ‘ ' ‘ - “it "l't‘\'t"l~'i: o" the lilllQ' on behalf of 1‘ ‘ .‘ . . 1.. ' ~. ' l" '. ” ‘ ‘ '“ ”‘“' «“1 3-1“ pm: « . wt. DTCthI'- '. 5.7-; ‘(j‘vl‘l‘fl --. "- '" ' ~ " 1 a 1 iii {1' ‘1‘ 1' i ‘ ' U ' ‘ 1:, 1 :i’ 12 . l.“l;.‘1 ‘tlix'litt‘i t1:ll£‘r'-".it- l . 9" it.” 7: W s, s v x ‘ - 1 . ‘3 . â€" J A ‘q: -, ‘3 ~ ’ ‘ .‘v -, ‘1‘, «. 1i, 1‘ ,_\.-y f ‘ . . ‘ T . ', . 0.1...9 . , ... ‘ ‘lll ‘..| .. ('IIIA; ;. .‘ _ I“ _____. 511‘5. 39“ MCA‘OU‘U '3 1);. .1 CT ‘ 1.4'1‘ 32 s 1:- .lLIlll‘tl" t:t L’s" lrt’“; w. Ur »l ll snoutl Ills-d.) l.\\‘. :1; “mm 123st: i'l‘ifllilli-lll. (, lll'lH-fiz‘l {1}»;an ““11 ‘l‘i-‘Hl :1dil‘.‘ him last 1:, \- ..{ l’ h}, it 1 ‘ mfipjxw” ’ n -. â€",-- , , . v‘ . : . . . . , ,- ’, , . . 1 - ‘1 in. . ' "'-:_.‘,‘ 5017:. 31, ti: .‘"~ ~ . :1 tki: ‘..‘, ”it ' '1 (lot: E1 to llt‘l‘ l“ 1*] ‘i UL “'9 “Hid l,‘~lz't»‘1. i'lw'ilnilwl. ‘- lam KHAN“: i “Him ”I” Em“! hh “4:311"? 0111:“ 1V": ~"m'\ (it l1~ i' \‘h “’fiw~w,. . ' '. -_,, _,, _,,, ‘ ‘ '- . . ..,; . . ‘ . . . 3 , ai' ’ '., ‘ .1 l . . l. l . H -~â€"..___ ._. """““’“‘ N" "W t \H . ' Lay she went. to two hm; «1W1 U'-“~---1W-l ruinz'ii“ 1 llu l. .\-.'\'i-1‘ {wrist in lxecni ~" ”‘3 l" l’lh- N :wol. its... my .3 , 2,. r- ~ - .. ' ""n- r' V 1' l - - ~‘v -. -. iv ‘ .' , . i. ~ "~' . . " l 7 A M ‘ i L ' ‘ i ' "1" - .4 -’ , .. rt»- :7 ‘ :- 3 \g , 1 , ,. 1,] 1i fin or in his suit. and the thrill-:11“? 131’: 5w 1" ~-.\ \ WNW l'.‘ J“- Alâ€"t'k.; Mr J lni'ime-r who l‘l: " w i" 1‘ "ill“ "Fl 11* 'l‘ 1- l ‘ " .. . - . . . .3- . \ ‘, ‘7', .1 \ g * ‘):' ‘ l). ‘ ‘ . ~ , ‘ \‘.. ~ -; ‘ . . . ‘0 o 4. . ‘ l.‘ .. .. ‘.“ I . . o. . _ I i " ‘ 7 "~ 4. , : .:. ~.' n . '1‘ i . t‘w \“41'l that he would do for her \i'bate‘fer she .‘U’J'H'z *i"".‘:“<'n. m'l‘” "”“l‘dlf” all”: “I“ Ul‘MH the Work of ov-w-miw-i- vip- iii. 1 {W “”33 a ' "1' ‘ i... 4' J ‘3 S‘slw‘ ,r' v 1 .â€" .‘ r i '1: .111‘ ii”: (5‘11”; 2 nsl'vd even to the half of his lilll”'(l0lll Nil": H" “11"” “in ”W ('z‘izlllrm. in i "."U‘l' \\- h'l“ 1’“ ‘H "ii‘T‘l l4 1"}. .11: “""lr‘ .. ii'lr ' ' ‘ ~ 1 L V .' l 'c‘ Ll \ a. .. 1 ‘~‘ " v _. I I ‘ ‘ . a 7.; . ‘ _ .. I " I ‘. ’~ - 7. .‘ t ' " h D. l“; ‘1‘ E: I ' . ~ ' i .i I. 'T l ' . . . . - . l ’lu llltl“"'-"' l’w ‘uuls l'zw lll lluv'n \ ' 1. - ‘ ‘ 1 . 5‘ - 4 r,-' q‘ r 1 g \,\ ‘ 5 ‘ .-. ,- \ if. h , _ “ . l . {3"}.‘F . - r .3 (-’\‘v in 'llf“ 31.93- g t A x g .k. . \ l‘_l1.\ (KI \ :i'ktlllt-f-1 -: <¢ ..‘ 1 . I" k" I" _ ;‘ .‘ (‘1‘.‘1‘ 2‘4 .1 ‘) ‘\v >- i' .‘ A :3 L l t“: )L'. ~)0 l ()ur 3A..“ ‘,\U_n..\\n\) 1‘ n“ . L I; . ll‘ZEifit. VHSHII'. (.‘l lllv ill-xi llllllllutus (‘lll “1', (i 3 3))” “‘1 .111 ”M; ”t ‘51:.lglillthl.‘ it,“ '1 1 i 5’. . . -. 1‘ " . - 3 ‘ ‘ 8,190 ('1- (’(“l 11.]:- 1‘33 btis (1‘1“(111 u:‘ all , ‘ . . . . . ‘3 :1 0- o I a ){ .lll.‘\ {‘hll‘ 3,115; ) lil‘si‘ll ‘1 )lll \ 11”.! \ li 1‘. \ 1 3. ', -. ‘ '* ~- ‘ -1 .11.» ~ 1 »: w xvi-amen “ , _ , ‘ t“ . y. ., l 1:112 I)l'(»f.;2:11.1 and i'vl'ulllil) pmaso: 1‘,\.().[' \\' \w‘il' .. 1 . 1 l l 1}“. “I.“ 4...:,.-: . 3 .- -~ - =~ ~‘ .1 .5 ~ 1 .1». 122,. :11. a that IS 1118 and made US 301M “9‘13 l . ins-111.111 m sixteen (vi,-1.-l,,.:11 1.1.5 "-“m‘ 1“" W" l“""“""‘ if 9-3 54" ""113‘115 V - ll . .I It». 2 J . MO. t I v.* . ‘ ‘g .H v ‘ ‘ tr. 1. ; . I . 2 ‘ . a h a ' i ‘ t‘ 1 ( (J 1115 llelgf ,‘) i‘i _ (‘:‘ ‘{.‘ E () hL';" : .1 j "- r.‘ . n; s. .f r 1.; 3, g t‘ :1 ' 121:. ;‘.‘..\’:1‘,’ 3.1”, <.:1zlsl1wl11.cl '3th lllillstni. llc lakes emu} L-O‘.‘ i.l:v>~'.~‘ttl as lmlmn hands With l'i(l\\'5i ‘ t ‘ \ ‘1“ Hi'k" '[()\' i ll 11 . ‘ ' ’- " ' ' " ‘ . - . ' i .x n . 1 \ . - - o . H l - . 3. D '. 'x 1‘ N i ‘ 2: 41-1."- "Ulllllilit' ’ 1 r in he ‘3.sz “.ll DellltO'Gt 3111210? 11:10 lull [n.I‘tiielShl'fl 1-121.” :1: rows '.\‘:i~ Vi}: \ l‘l‘w x\ illitl ('lnv-l Mr. 'l . Levt‘i' who hr the t- \‘ll“'l i l Vi W ‘1" ' ‘ 2 “4 i ‘V " . A o " - ‘ >4. ' . ‘ .' ‘ ‘I a ' ~) v. .‘ D\'o(\~‘ . ' ~~ ' ‘ '. . "‘ "‘1 ll 1. I ‘ I 5' ‘L‘ ‘:.‘i 'L. 3 -1 _ . -.-.- ; ; .,_?-,;,~’ ,, ’3 -.‘ ‘; W1th i‘i1msef. liloitliig out all that was ~-1l_\ lloiw .lla ll}: “~13 inf ”hull. \ihu'hlfll lhfdllg””1009“wa “3-1ka a: 11“. n W lump... --__,_ l attains: us and buttingr all His 1311‘? ‘lH'l‘Hi ill“ WW“ UAW“ ”l l‘l"1"’~1‘-'111K.1mg“ >"<"h'ml., has the lnl) 114w wlmmi ! . ’ ' " "' -- i. i ’ 3 --â€"â€"¢--â€"--â€" ! coumecs to orr 'u-covrt because 11 i l H“ 5"“":""'”1“' -" "Vim” shmvml :21; ‘ “"lilllilt'tml ‘ i ' l A B? “Til-3Y7. 3" . _.,. 1- ‘ "I ‘ . ‘ .. t - _ f .. - t .1 t A ‘H “ ‘ "" ‘ . ,.â€" . l ' . u u A .- '~ A 1A3..i ~- I .‘ . ‘xJ- l t -1\4 an... - ‘ 3 g . ' :l\W-l.l“f’:lli(‘l(lilllPt’ill hi ltlr {119 <1}. I ~ . . . . . - ~ so»; and rose strain the . c , _ ~ ' ' . D'l , 1 .. \. \f~ u ' a _,, r! 3‘1 -v is Y’sâ€"l“‘ (31061 *(Jr our ‘ “ ‘â€" i J ~g ' vxv I \‘f.) -(I “, n ,:;p l v . ,3 31).. .1;ll})(lg “ . y 1 . _' . _.‘ . V I .'\ !) (‘l'lllll‘ll \l": ‘ “r 'r V)” “I“ "‘3’ "M“ *" ' 2).;1'2‘ w \- \- ~ 1 T "‘1’ w ,.~ t‘~1‘"ddav. if : 1117 are berplexed h? the llm‘l’sdm 1/. i' h 3 \ '1 “L .-nt ”(1.3 ‘ r 11; -.‘ (‘M‘d 9"“ N” "3““; Th“ .iii-i -. .. . . ..V.. 3 - ’~- .3 I: ~ 1“ '1‘ . q .s--; -. .t k ‘1 fl - . - o -\ ). Ju.“‘\ l4L‘ 7i. ‘ “ . 1 s f l l :1‘ (f i‘illlllilV'. 11)“ fl!):!"1“(l\‘. f(\'(‘. ”1‘3 Ill 3 I" >1..()r‘ ()1 (:;i1'(_lt:lk‘)lt ‘31 [1.1“ §(.11‘“,‘ .1 l‘(1 ! ill! . Q'l.‘ 1‘“ i. ‘ .«- t.-:-« . 4‘... : s _ . , -.. .q» z... . , g ) . : . _ _ ‘ , -.~. 3 . . -‘- .. - -, . . vs. 9:: 0 A... u-.. .-.. . . 1‘. .~- U “‘1‘ l thiec (1.3}3‘ «“1 “tum-r 0 tk’ 0% ,gawd sllslpv, \\'l[ll a balancetm1\.md.()t.tlllt~tl llpnn 111,; dun...- 1;”, Wynk [1,. l ”1““ N thou 11.15 » _ I L . o ‘1 z. ' x t Y t . 1 {nu _ _ , .7 ' .l V . . . , . ‘. . - i ' ' ».- ’I‘ V_! - ,. __._. in 1- \1 1. 1. ., l Jesus Lhr.st in the tomb and cannot lalmo.) to «11211111911912 next year < win-l,- ,“ “m‘ (’lltlwn'ormg to pr more :1 1'(-\l: i "”d \\ ' "Ml 5‘ 3‘ J‘r \“"‘ ' ‘1 \ ‘ “‘ ‘1‘. "'.. . , ., . J .' 7.. .4. - 2 1.- . '1 . a I’ I ‘5“ ‘ - . . , . fi ‘ 0 . _ a j 'u l . ‘ ‘ I ' 'Q' _, Q ‘. ‘ 5~ ~’ ‘\-‘ 1 -‘ *~ 1' ‘ \ i ‘ u i w i 1 work it in 111%“000 Friday dfid C119 ilk-t l he l't‘t't‘lph of the, eiltcrtz-mnmlt i den“ >0 that. he may more 111 from ”3”“ don"t .z. y. ‘ r ‘ ~- -' ‘ v v - 1 t ‘v 7 . . - .» ,â€" < A‘ V’ ' .' A. '1 . ‘ ' L - s .-'v' .~ - ‘j:' u 6.1 (g y 5- Q. to I‘L'E‘t I“ i Lit 9.: ix; ~ 5% ll l -â€"â€"~.-\ 311'. liitt . 1].. llqlll’ J . da‘v Of the \‘ 99h let them find the key 3”“ “pied [1) ”15.20. tile IJIUI. lltllll it ‘1 \\ 1, il ill.‘_ N . \_ . ‘0‘. ’ ‘ ‘ ““ y: ' fl ‘ \ "“‘> Y: Z ‘.‘ L‘ ‘l ‘ . o . f .. ‘V . ." ' , . . .a J) . ‘ .“ .).) " ."c ‘ ‘ I 1 con { . . \ \kl \' .. .c .. . t I. in ii l . 1 ‘ l to the real 1119411111,; of the lee In thlb )Il-‘SQS fillillp {illil Afilltts BICCIII'I' I)! QIHW.‘ 1( ‘ ‘ f . 1 . l E lCtll} (â€"3 l. '7‘. .\ -3- ‘ to l‘ 1.. " ”.0 a, 3 s .\k . t n .l l'. Ill ”3!, ‘,\ Light. l\. A.kl\\ .t. -l_‘, I“. 1 SlOi‘T. The? W919 t0 filat thrée ddyfi. ‘pifqlt [119 11011dn§ ({t [he p'dl‘C‘l‘lt'dl I“]Pgl\( I" ’1‘ K ‘1 1‘2”]? lUlis 11(1)“. h] \l\i‘ln;\lig. 1 ill . ‘ - -. ,, . . _ ._ _ . , ) . ‘ ‘ ) 1) . ‘ _‘ v“ 1 ' e ' 4 , . 3 3 3 .. . J 1.! , '{ l“ ' 1' ' ‘ . : . _ . ~ , , s ' . .‘ . 7. ‘ _ ' ~\ 73* ’~ -. ‘~~‘~ “5 19-“? '~‘ ‘~ r. ‘ .l "”1" 1" ”l“ l‘"”“ I“ 1 ‘“ l“ 1'“ l“l’l night and Gav. and vet on the third Home here. 11181.9(,(Wnii-0: Hf‘llilql ”.0 ”19‘1“ ‘1 ‘U 1' H -\ TM‘ 1 “. . . . . ~ . 2 ~~ 'â€" . .\ “ ' ' " 7‘, ' ~ . l ' v ‘ * . . ‘ , f. ‘ I l (1“ z 1 - v ; . . . ;i‘ ;‘ a . v ‘ . v - ‘(I . -, . " . for. 5“ "‘l‘ AK. : \r‘ l \ \‘Ui‘L I ‘v\ ;t\ :‘\\. . .x . . “|‘A ‘1‘. 1-1- 1‘ "211‘1 (1x9 . I. lift!\‘\ ‘ I\. l I ( t the leurth‘ we ‘Vent to the \lqu .\“i‘llp I fl\\“'tJI](-'e (‘f q '. ‘ . '. I .D .‘ j l?“ I .) 11'} [11“ 1()l!‘l ~t‘ I Q \(1) 5‘ ll o l 3 '_ ..,|. “A; j .~\ ' ,, 7 . . . .- : t‘ m»; l7 ‘Ci lt'l‘i l (513' no ' ' i ' -) if -. 3.1 l 1- .1 ' . " “ mton SH‘KL‘ In his devotion to the honor- 111“ ne\\'sp:1}'wr “21111.. i " i ‘ 7"” or \_ ' ars. ..' .. .z 3.; e... . i 'r - -- - - - ,. . ; -' 1 1 1 . -' - . . . . . .. . . . . . . rg‘. : r k 3‘ r . ' - ' ll \l \r l ‘ L Ainl ison l Ling: (in 16' v. 1" i n i 5pm“; ‘ u ‘0 ‘L “3 V\Itli 1181 [MP able Position oi Nirziker oi the llrmw, "l“ll N llH'l‘U't‘ “‘ H” A- 1 "i”? “ r i ‘ ' “; ~‘ ' I ‘7‘ "1. s .. ~ g”. o J 1 r; . o .i . . Q ' ° N‘ ‘fi ‘J \ ., ‘ I \â€" l ‘ . , '-“‘.‘ ... .. t slam. minus»: ~0 \ ._ - MM 3 . . ) . “f 8“U“ 3 ‘ ‘ ‘ k . ‘ The rest of the Esther story 15 thl'ln' “‘5 ‘9“ - as has been announced. \Ve join in 1”" 0119 dollar :2 “~17: ‘ 1‘ ‘zt‘i \‘ ‘ ‘ . : A‘ 't at?" r3511. :‘0 i ' r.â€" . ; . ' . i 1 . . ‘ . ‘1 . *- ‘ .1 r . v"). C 'D I . . . , no , . _ . _ r . _ o . ' 3 V. , ',- ' “I N -.I a “‘ ‘ “t m ‘-‘ “1 ‘ W . ‘ ‘ 1 1‘ h ' Il‘g‘K’r", it. M“? “ii ‘1‘“: ‘ in: as we read 01‘ Haman’s gallows Miss Lil/.1: \\ t u minined lionmlast ({UUgIdtulations to the Honorable the c1rculat1o11 urns .~. 3‘1- .. ‘5.» L) 1‘ : II. ‘ ‘â€" ' ' ° ' 'V' ' ’ ‘ ‘ I ' " r . o I ‘ ’ ' ‘w . t i ‘_ 1 “I. L ‘ ‘ “‘0‘“ ‘ ' t (3'9 [HS supposmon that be “W'sdfl «Int! r”Wilt-i: a couple of *Iemher for East Grey. Canada should spew. . 1 “" season on this great ”HTâ€"“"5“" :n'.‘ 111:: ~'? I, ,\ - ‘ s1'°" ' i 'E‘ 1‘ U ("‘Im‘ for Mordecai. . ant fools M good as m“: 1 was 1.3.5:“, L J, )Itf(;llll\'1-:t)'. P. Rye, \V. Anderson. was the man whom the king would d9- acquainted .with the late Father Zionist} ‘ 81'. lâ€"‘\". Gray. C. C(mk- light to honor. the king’s Sleepless and km“. l‘m rem... .â€" are goo-d: A533; ~11 ' 1 {Byâ€"F. Haley. J. Peart, M. Green- niaht the record found in the book of SulTCl- 11g 'f'om R"‘:‘.i uatzszn and 1‘s: 2'1"; wood. [11; bhronicles concerning Mordecai. “0,9,1: Snould by all means try .‘-0- {l I(\A‘)â€"â€"1\I. Anderson. E. 0001’». J. 8' Harman's beino' (3011199119d to do to cow‘- :2 its Haley, H. Firth, VV- Haley. Mordecai whatahe had longed to have Tablets, as I can clmerftifiy r PATRICK Eisnuzrt, Provincial De.cctxvc, St. join The above prescription is not a “ Caz-c- 11".01' -so_-.called patent medicine. Dr. Morrigcfi prescribed it for 44 years and it cured thousands after other doctors finial. done to himself, then his being hanged on the gallows he had prepared for Merdecai. How grand the statements of chap- ; tars viii. 16: 11.3. margin. “The Jews bad light. gladness and joy and hon- MRS. J LOVE, Teacher. them." \.‘ n ‘ fi‘OL). l ‘ I f -._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-I-- Pnce, 50¢. per box at your dc -rs. ct _,” ‘ Father Morriscy Medicine Co., Limited, 01'. “Those whp did the business that "film‘- 3“ t"any summed. at W belonged to the kins'h'elp‘ed the ‘9‘"! weeks with frirnds at Greenoch. Miss Bessie \Vcir. of Dromore. spent over the week end With relatives here and took in the entertainment. Friday night. ' Miss May Hopkins, who Spent the last. couple of months in Toronto has returned home. . M.iS.S.F' McCr-skrey. of Georgetown, is Visiting at Mr. G. Newel’s. Mr. Jim Coutts. of Vickes’s, spent a couple of days at Mr. J as. Atkinson’s. M 188 Evelyn Counts, of View»? 599111; 'a. few davs at Mr. Joseph A.» kinson s l Castings a nd gl Iran M Blues W. Engines and 1} diff SWDARD Q OF CANADA Satisfactory Service assured to all B Entrusted to this Bank. Savings Department at Every Bram”l l

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