West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Nov 1911, p. 3

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. T‘l‘: Hf Zldfiitw‘ {.C‘. rial-s mama c. ‘ L l I’ll: d it Q 54 denied by X“ .atirer (li- ". except at tho ”-1 I:i.'.. tx;'.‘vrf:.-x-nvent.s . ,;; - first inset :' ‘ r‘hfif‘: lIy'fi“ A .AA‘ ETIILQEGP i-~,-l‘ residue. ' hr? 3111113111 .‘I‘, I‘ny.6‘fv‘~w.:- .4. -.._.*_{.-.'..N I. : In t .".I"“ »l“if‘_.‘El«19253 . x V ‘ ' ‘ ‘li‘l. I 1"”.‘8' A ‘2 A. A:\‘ ‘ fair 83‘}: ,n‘ 391‘ 2nd, 1911. 1 \IO V? m “J _._....__.- -/I LI- : __ The Ideal Gent’s Furnishing Store We carry the most up-to-date stock of Grits Furnishings on the market. yupâ€"me you get your New Suit call and see L . have. We are agents for 47. N. R. Brand him. and these are up-to-date in style, fit and * I ~\‘, jmi't forget to look at our display of Shirts, 1‘s and Ties. L” c...“ .aw " ‘ . ... :JI' ‘. h . also carry a. No. 1 line of Raincoats. {if-15 is the place to buy Overalls to fit the " ' My 01‘ biggest man; the EPeabody \ , ii'x'tll'alls. U ml and look over our stock. EGGS TAKEN SAME AS CASH gen. 5. Burnett Next to the Standard Bank is the hand that rules the world. In Spite of what they say about “cradles”, the stove is the all-import- ant factor in “home-rule.” A O O O O 9 0 O O 9 O O O O O 1 O O O O 9 9 O 9 9 .9 t 9 .9 9 O 9 9 O o O O O O O O O O l I O O O O 9 O o W ' , , :~-i-~:~<4«é--:~:~~t»il.;«:o~2o+§i¥¥z~31i~Ai-+~.'-‘-i~3i:.§-i4Â¥$éi~-:«;Â¥-i-12.42-§T~H4}4Mi»;- r-r'l'v. . . . a + j . i 1 ~ I I I I 3 R THAT OUR TINSIIO'P [S .3. is the best guarantee that the “hand” will he: ‘ ' . .;. , . _ 9 your home movm in e , T . ~I~ right direction of economy and health. g th : A YOUR DISPOSA] ~‘ 3-“ Please call and see our line of GURVEY ’ 4. , L . ~ . 1 ~0XFORD STOVES and ~i~ {.‘j EAR C(iiEb that are béult alrid sold on honor. The Chancellor and Imperial _ .. , _ . . L _ q. x or are equippe wit the Oxford Eco ' ' l .. -. ‘ .r p _ ' . nomizer. Come and . . . film; ”1" the. 11118 0f ,. UPI} 31095, Ranges: 3: Show you how this marvellous device saves time and fuel by a singlelfdugli g» 33...; i ill and (iraniteware can be had‘ 3‘ of tne lever; how it holds fire, and directs odorsu ' . é. Tl D d O S p the chimney. , ie ivi ing ven t-rip guides heat equall ll ' Y . ‘ . , _ r _ . . . . . + . . . y a over the ovenâ€"a . 9L7] ill { llllé’l‘ 8.1] d FlDSIDlthlIlg‘ III 8;“ le ilDGS .;.. l ' grille bakinghinSErance. fThe- Reversible Grate saves time and fuel-waste ' , _ ~ a ese Wit area - .. ' ‘ zillli l)l‘()ll]l)ti V executed. i i .» 9 0t er st 1' tgesmake us proud to showiheGurnty-Ostord ' .. . t .. a. $me ,. . me. esxgn~â€"finishâ€"-workmanshipâ€"all these details _ .;. ' we want to demonstrate to your entire satisfaction. ‘ °i~ “N. H. S I ERNALL QL~LLv,L:..‘..:..:..1..:.-:-.:.{n}. .;..{..:..:...:«:.~} panic-{0}“? I ' ' " ‘i":":“‘.":“:":"z"i’é‘d‘é‘d‘d‘é‘d‘d‘d‘é”? I O O ‘ 7’7“??? :Ifio m '" "7' mmmmmop 5%] ‘ w;;*_::;:_____~â€"â€" â€"â€"---â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" “no 3; II II. Iii-.6...“ If; LI‘ u I” . 'MI'IIvWW In". ”* ‘ ~‘ ' {'6 'n’ti-s‘ln‘ " I ”",".'A‘;":â€",LJ5". J) .-x :1 :1 :1 ’X ,1 ’1 :1 'X :1 , GENERAL NEWS SERVICE Ibill r P l *1 if : T H E SPORTING PAGE 5“ u 1' {at - FINANCIAL PAGE " *' ‘ BEST '2' 'l‘ ’ .. l WOMEN S PAGE 3 p THE NEWS WILL BE SENT DAILY BY MAIL TO ANY ADDRESS IN CANADA , r4, , 2 FOR ONE DOLLAR AND A-HALF A YEAR "‘ El l l . a I - -- ,___, _._.___...____.._.___.._.__.____ >3 (- , _---_ _____-_-_._,_,.. _.__-,___.__...,_.__-. -_____..... t. a i .2 P ‘ ' f“ a WW A TREE OF KNOWLEDGE CPL ,4, 5, ,«i‘ <5! I h t Belt £4 i ' . A student of holy writ has composed : ~_ (iJ‘ggta S rea 65 ea (8 g g statistics of the l' :3 mm... f4! 3 Hardware 3 ized version of the ‘ I “ l %i . Tl‘e ~ ..E:-Z.:e Prairie Lands at from $10.00 to Q g . 3 Bible 3 ~ #4 . g : contains ~ 33 , ‘3? ’ICI‘B- t4 ' an lll‘lll Ill 8 .1 " . to: 8 8 {ms tilllxl‘si' E x... 1;; improved Lands at from $l5.oo to H; 3 L 3,173 r 3 ,_ ,_ . V24; 3 v.3: s s, 1.1.75" 2 \ ” “Si e are. Si O ”m C1,;Cll'U.S u: (1 J5 : . 1‘ Spin! : b‘wlir. I‘le 1-1.11- . 1 _ 'c‘ 0 118m l"sa‘:.. l ,3 I “ L‘ I ZIGCE‘ irom $3‘00 to $10.00 per 1:! a 7 e 5, “"03. and fnn'dfe , .310 new year Psi O STOV ES ’3‘ clzipzcr the 117121 T “ v “ ” “ ‘ ” ~ " id, 3 g Psalm. The middle ,. Y 1" . ,3,” ‘ §-. 41-3 \‘f‘ 0? tiara “2.. ‘ â€" ‘ v ~ - ‘- ‘~ 0 l H , , . a i ‘Ll.l. “ti tilt, L.-.l L if... . _ e :mestments along the New 3,: 3 .\..w 1.. ,1“. mm mg m.- § i no}, mm. no 1031103: 5. >4~ ’ i *‘ ‘ I “ ' _~ ‘ i. . . z" 7 *.L....: 2‘ ‘cl' . ~:~_..‘.. ‘5 li'l l 1‘itzem' .111” I; .. ~_ LI dattIeIIJI L5 game. 122‘; 1 g >‘x'ili' itii ‘I(.A.\\’IID llictl tiling; ! 1‘ ‘1 l: ‘11“ “.1118 ‘ U I) f‘ . _ _ ' a I -1 UI but. golA. I. . i A .. v o " r y .. .l . “l"r >i_\l\'U-" LU (’:\Iiili' l o n :n ,1 1"... 1" ,, - _ L: . .. , .' I s‘ lfii'g iI‘I‘(‘1‘l U" 8' u .. ‘(~ .5 .J..)...i x .i :2. IL {I the 3‘ CIA age I IQICL “I III“: Li“ lllt' )1‘ "u ~‘i Hf lion-n»: I’ i the “"“"‘ .l.ord” (i (__l s 1‘53?» ,. 1 , " (I. I 5~ 1' H" T" " - l .. . L 1 ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ I" ' ”ill 52 .- . 8! times. ' H3 {hill (1. '“2 oi isz’ a! ' ‘I‘ 3" ' .5439 (foul; Stores and ll<:'-‘tl«‘l'>‘”l lit 3 and if“; 1"31 “221M: t. (Te sworn VIII 5 " " . ‘ ' : y» ' ~- -, I’I’ gBook r\l' l‘.‘ a .- al 1" e ' llL‘C t . . rial»: '75 D115 no." acre tips in “M“ ii ‘ ~ .~ ‘ ‘ . . . t“ 3-~ ’- . to. 9" a. « l‘ .. . .(l'htlSi.‘w1.{. . . ' .. I 3.!“ . 9‘ A, v ,_ ,_:‘., .. . ,. , i ‘ “‘ VIII“ ‘7 ... ihjglg any ll‘li;l‘. ;:~'. llu;;l\,,..t 3'1"(- :9! Ci llil‘ti ti,“ L3,); L C M... ..,...-..... *mw” 22:4» 1 9 :2: ’ .â€". ..- , . . ‘»‘ ~ ': e.,..;l_ .w‘l‘ i .. iI‘r‘l *9 till Hindu in, ii illâ€"i ‘ M511” 93'; I -. .. ; .1 .. . If mu; IL I'ILIV:T(I (I; (‘1)Ilii) (llikl bt:tI E34! @ 5?: I ”:1: . i i... 4...‘l v. - - A ‘QA-v ‘54: ‘3 \‘l in i ll (1-17.“ “\ l i "in " If: i fl 1 ‘Ci C i? .19" I::‘ I2: .‘. ‘ l .1 .. a}: “'1‘ i l . l 3;: 3 '7}; ‘1") [\ll’LIK 1’ il( \L .:‘ll\.l;if_.' ~u . ' .. ‘__‘ ~r ......, fl 7'1 “i ’ a Q 5’s: :33 ~ a; g . . . .. ..s .. I ‘U I g ' E 5 E3: I2 {{(lIILIL‘ ‘\ ill ifIl Iv ;l(ll:l- If; I I e ._ ' ii p,“ , I I - 5‘3 L' " "'7 I I 10 I “’4 a 5"“, If k ‘ it"ii ’93 l l (l in, ‘.l.l 1 I.\ s R z i 1 ' L 7 gas. 3’3 ‘ ‘ ‘ 3?, : l' o '- 2“ 4- - \ - n ii»: ? ‘L’t’ . li‘ lill’t‘ ”1 '.1I'\ Alt‘i‘ g. I < _ == sasltaachwmfl- ,3 9 _ a; :2: ~ I‘ 33;; g Iil‘l 14111:, C“. iiilil iillk“ £i1‘L a} p, I. 23.3 3 ‘ 3 , rial}? (Ki) {“1 £7 E if, ;‘~-~.., -.... -._...-.- _; ________________er3 3 i‘llnl‘l‘c 3 1 ‘ H ‘ I i 3? 7L { _- ‘ .. : ye, '~ " 1 :-*:~:;+:‘*:".;::;.‘s L..-,,L,._,. .rwrv nzxr 2"?"ch ngâ€"‘r . i. . , , s ., _ . ._ ' 13;, L".".-‘%L'~-:~3â€"Ab - .. A14:- ‘5- '13:." .1" 1:1: f‘.€"%_~1:i“::£;ir‘"‘c ‘5 I 5; Wood bnYt'lV. fl . v s, ‘ ' ., I‘ izi 13".? ” a .. - i : ___,“_, .. fi SEDVt‘ i’iiws‘. luilnn‘.‘s. Ulllllp E; l m . “-2? I ; l 3' Ui'b‘ (X) .l ill) is Ai‘ll \1 l “ r g 1 § a ’ 9’ «-â€"â€"â€"â€" III. I?! (it! a" : ah - I it" a ' 3 l ‘- 3 Ira-1m“ {a i gar-"Q; «In I , if, s , . . _. ~ l {with SI 8 a5 «“3 \\ t are the l'ltllht' l l g: l 3.3;, :53 is? u. g .3‘ B . 1" fl ‘3,’ ,1 I, ‘. I! H n 5??? ' ‘9 F14 ‘I N ‘T ‘IE 3 i 335?. Andrews praises Dr. ‘ - ' a T ’ ‘ .. .- -y. 'nciian Root Pills. {- éfi v . .i ..7 .. u. ' :i‘ .-‘l‘.- ’5 “‘0' 5" d ' ° I‘MIflOUNT FORES‘T 0N1..- . ; 6. \ti kit... .1 t i,U( iii [lit Lil o ' ' ' ' I‘ ' w ~ ‘ I i tint) ul" our f! it'lials to llil‘ : :ziz; -'~i 1.; -t:,r,~r than those of the Ul'tllllitl'} )ll->'llll’ ssx i .. . . _ 1 t. . ‘ l ‘L 1‘. 7Ul\'.llli,§l"’:‘.< lmt- (il‘ft’l'eii in any Olin-‘1‘ similar? a additruus we have mitt? U a w: Cs ' i h I. .,‘.o o ‘ a ..1I ‘.‘ .I ‘ -. ‘ .i: . o 6 i The school is minimized With the Letitia: busimss : our Furniture me. O ‘s L I‘ ~v = i . I (T .. -' , ~ ). (01 ‘ " L I .Ie IIIILG Ir(-I()L1 )‘):1-.’ . . g I: ‘ , , .14. .ul grain-tits (if at... otiim) s L 1 ”\V ) Iaive . AS we are now hnndhng 8 ~ ‘ -: ' “(i l‘el )is - 'mes the SUPP 3" L D C - . . . . . . . - ‘ - L h {mi L I 7 many [I ~~ “ ' ~ Get our free .41 '9 the Durham Furniture we 3 that constipation brings in its train. 1' ., ‘ ‘ ‘ - :. and students may enter athanthtlll-eo - ' . e on 3 Medicine after medicme I have taken m l ‘ 3 are u" a position to II I a order to find relief, but one and all left i X“ _____ o $ on all their lines, as we 0 D. . n 8 i - v it ’ fI'EI ht. 3 A. LIILLachlan, F. W, Kahle, 8 dont ha e to p 3 l g g - I will rove this W 3-570“ PRESIDE) T: PRINCIPAL . . p I Indian Root Pills; ! calling. 3 That was indeed a lucky day for me, 4 : ments made .that I deternuned to ~â€" § give them a fall. M. l TH E DURHAM FOUNDRY : . h . I L i F0 Leflahan Cine.” ’0 ‘ o 3 ‘ . fit: md.3ra2s0asntngsandml Repairing. Feedhmlecs. Steam 5 i L . , , . . I- I . s v . '3"; 3-1., . “Smith’s. Bummmm‘hem Saab wflDmMng and. e w - . WW ‘ - supauon and clogged. mt“ -~. 0mm! Wood Work. ' . an . flm‘pflfly with all the ailments which result from I I 4 . . . , ‘ I L I ‘ \ v «a .LI .. w o J 2 pk. . a. 4. '. ,. . u A . . , Cs SMITH G: SONS, DURHAM. ONT. g . , L . , _ . _ THE TORONTO NEWS H A THE MILLS OF THE DIVORCE GOD. Text, “Whosoever putteth away his wife," etc.â€"-Matthew v, 32. “For better, for worse, till death us do part.”-â€"Marriage Ceremony. “Mr. and Mrs. Firstinie. allow me to present my wife. Mrs. Gayburd." Con- fusion and perplexity play on the faces of the Firstimes. “Pardon me; I should have said ‘the new Mrs. Gayburd.”’ There's much laughter and congratula- tions. “It surely doesn't seem six months since we entertained him and the last Mrs. Gayburd. Time files so quickly,” says Mrs. Firstime. “Sioux Falls?” asks her husband laconically. One of the largest questions before the American people today is that of divorce. Figures alarm. They vary from Maine. with one divorce to six marriages, to the last government fig' ures with a national average of one in twelve. Our nation leads in drink, mur- der, suicide, divorce. We are nearing , where Rome was when the storm broke, where France stood before the reign of terror. The nation‘s sky is dark and would be ominous were it not for signs of better things. f, Light and Shadow. Possibly we exaggerate the divorce evil, or, rather. underestimate the “, the other side. Houghton. the eminent sociologist, says: "American men and women today hire their wives and bus- j, bands as they do their horses and car- ; riages. When they are not suited they 3. dismiss one and hire another. Women ' mostly think they can hire, tire and ,Z-‘r fire.” Hire! Tire! Fire! Is that the or- der? Sometimes. In theatrical circles, most prolific in divorce, Mr. Hat Good- fellow may write charmingly of “Why l Beautiful Women Like to Marry Me.” In the “smart set,” where “affinities" come and go rapidly, among some heir- esses who are put on the auction block it; and sold to the highest bidder, and among some millionaires who have much money and no work, divorce is the correct thing, and that happy con- summation with the taking on of a new amour is heralded as leading news. But back of that is the ten hun- dred thousand happy men and women who through poverty, sickness, calam- ity, are faithful to each other “till death them do part.” They form the backbone of the great American repub- live in the foul moral sewer, the nau- seous mess, that constitutes the testi- " mony of cabby who carried milady up the steps too drunk to walk and of the sergeant in the “red light” district who i told of the escapades of milord. The ‘ devil’s meal is mostly bran that goes i as grist to the mills of the divorce god. The Road to the Mill. I believe in lawful divorce just as mm in this form: stands wide open day and night the ' back door of divorce will be left con- veniently ajar. it is not only to di- vorce. but to marriage. that attention should be turned. A man anxious to “do" a rival. a social clothes rack ' craving the title of “Mrs.” before her _ ’5‘ name. an anxious. minded mamma. the pocketbook of an overworked papa, are mighty important factors in many marriages. As a rule, a fairly wise normal marriage does not end in the divorce court: the figures show that. It is the hasty, impulsive. {0011811 11331“ : riages that end on the rocks. A Penn- . sylvania village stepped smilinglv into I t the limelight for recognition when a ‘ young fellow took a dare to propose to 3 . ..__._..._-. _._M._-â€"__..« n «a. .a- “W‘ .. ".â€" ._.__. .___._,__â€"â€"-.~_._.- lie. Feel thankful that you do not well as lawful marriage. But just as 5 0' 'n. ' i n' in: James author- long as the front door of mainagel Manufacturer of And Dealer in PUMPS OF ALL KINDS , Galv : Bras SHOP OPEN EVERY AFTERNOON Pumps From $2 Upward The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrmmding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and lis prepared to take OI’LIVI’S for SASH, DOORS â€" and all kinds of â€" House Fittings Also a. limited amount of iron work and machine re- pairs. A call solicited. Ask for (Notations on your next job. tended To ZENUS CLARK DURHAM - . ONTARIO ls the present salary of Miss {ally Long, who obtained her business training in our school. Results :â€"-Sn::;_: mvings account, lii'igl’it ulltln'ik. prmnulimls. \Vould you likc lo (‘ill'll SH :1 week. 5013.} for our ('flllilii‘glli? to-day and learn how. Central Business College TORONTO \Y. ll. Sll.\\\', Principal ,She caugit the spirit of thejclte. They : '. . . . applied for :1 license; were married he- ' fore midnight. It. shmzld be inipos- ’ sible to murrv without six weeks of ‘- .public unnminceuzent through [mlpit ' or press. There's a town in Delaware - where marriage is a local inclust‘y,; and another Jersey town until recently , was just as infamous. We read daily ; of couples “married by phone.” in a ledge at a ring-us. on a merry-goâ€"round 'at the picnic. on top of the Ferri r wheel at the county fairâ€"all sorts of antastic situations that furnish “fun” for their friends. They are followed ' by a hail of rice. indecent suggestions, old shoes and obscene postcards. It’s ' a great “lurk.” surely, but it. takes at l l l is strange girl visiting in the. town. I l l I i i l I l l l l l l l i . . ileast three dunces to complete the The viciousness of our present di- ,vorce evil lies in lax divorce laws, ecrecy. quickness. larger number of auses (01‘ lack of causes) and permis- ion of speedy reinarriage. One west- rn judge announced he would grant divorce to any couple three days after i The Cure For the Cancer. l l l l l in Ceorve Andrews of Halifax N.S., filing. He was swamped with appli- .1A. ’ b A p 't cations. Divorce should be at least inf: manv rears I have been troubled as public as marriage. Screening the will! chronié ICOBStiPQtiOH- This 311‘ parties by a secret order, as a friendly meat never comes single-handed, and I judge did recently in New York city, have been 3 ViClim to the many illnesses is as scandalous as the divorce while you wait plan of the western judge. Many shrink from publicity. The me in the same hopeless condition. It newspaper is a good policeman. .Of seemed that nothing would expel from course matrimony develops friction me the one ailment that caused so much with some well nigh intolerable, but trOUble» yet at last I read 3130‘“ these marriage presupposes patience and forbearance. "Incompatibility” is as elastic as the most fickle conscience for I “'35 5° impressed “nth the state-- needs or the occasion demands. Re- marriage forbidden within a year 1 apâ€" gulated m stomach and would check the speed of lustfu b03555: hivgni'ecured of coInstipation, and plicants. Uniform laws would give I claim. they have no equal 33 a medl' some legal safeguards. But way down deep underneath must be a more sa- FO!’ over half a century .1)“. Horse’s cred view of marriage, better home ‘ ' ' urln - quial.‘ RO‘?‘ Plus havebeen. c 1:332: training of both“ men and women and ’-_ a public sentiment by those in high 2 «w - ”aflowu m "L I I ‘V '. .‘ liIJAIl-i." 1).! il'vI'f‘ (LI .517 -...-A- _._..-«.‘.-â€"-â€"-e- ‘4 ‘ a ' . o O o - a ' L“ \â€" v v v v'v .34 v o o , v o H 7. i 7.34 “ 'l’ricoville “ 11.3], lull) 7.50 “ Saugeelil. “ ILIS 5.15 7.50 “ Toronto “ 11.15 it. MACFARLAXE, - Town Agent. m*--â€"~_ -.-._... -__. .â€" .. -- I. I. I 1. 1 ‘t. Butter and Eggs than} I, ‘ wise 1‘01? “n ”‘31“ ”an-k that "l“ “1"“ i“ “an Upper Town niéflimham and puriIfIyImtIhe:l blood. t'hSeol‘cilI "Gym 1931:11me PM" ' . . . ...5~...-..- , 123.. Illul {‘3 ill p in. EVERY DAY EXCEPT SI'PJIJAY Elliott E. 1):.13', ‘r 1’ Agent, 1) i’ lgeui ‘u' li‘ledi. 'hUl’llf in f ‘ “iv . ' _ 7 ‘ irmizs and an no :i;.:l twin": :is hm s. 3:21:22 2' il“ll 'r Molinaâ€"- -\..‘ii. PH“. 3 r'i 22.3 l.\'.\'\':ili-;c." m .\r.i‘_’ ll) ‘% l; is ' Maple illl ' ‘11:?) 7 Ti? H Iidlllth‘l‘ " 13.37 .3 ll 75 ‘ Alla!) Park ” 13.1.5; .\.M. 7H) 7.10 “ liar-3mm Q“ ll.5l ii 7.21 ” ,‘wltt ‘Cilliams“ ll.“ :34. “ (if. ll ” ll.i-}_ -_. â€"â€"~‘-~ ”~.:...._..--_-__-â€". .~ -_.. - _* .fi--. .__-._,- r00¢ooeo+ooocemqs.,,, New Grocery Store Fresh Groceries, Always in Stock. .Tékenih Exchang ‘ ' ~ . .-_ ._,’J . .. 7' ,.'I .I ,.‘. :... 1’ f 'i’ "T“ 35 wt any... OOOOW”9Q 09” anized and Iron Piping, Brass 3 Lined and Iron Cylinders. ’3 -.-- ._. .-._- --- fi.$-r‘ ‘I..' S ( "4 l'311 J' ' I '\ ' ‘gmofin,a-y on; v "in" «was *‘v‘ 5-41" ’ ; ‘ 6 . ‘ v . v 3 , -, , . .‘3 ' VAN

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