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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Nov 1911, p. 4

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1, .5 p {t . .. 3.5 I" , . ’aef 5.? ' . 'Vv , » 9" ' ‘ . '« r1 if ‘ , ' .. v‘ i l .‘ '. I _Q . .wzam 13% _; 1‘» “1-; “of“! ’21. ~‘ 0 {ol‘” FOUR llli DURHAM CHRllNlClll, 11'. IRWIN Editor and Propriemr. DURHAM. NOVEMBER 2. 1911 _â€"-â€"-â€"-’ PURPOSE A Paper Read by President I. J. Halpe ny, of Ayton, at South Grey will like the fine flavor of Red Rose cleared here that can be bought dirt cheap, farms that. if they were l occupied will double themselves in value in a short time; also somel .homesteads are to {be had that‘ have "never been filed on, and some places with small improvements on them that can .be cancelled. As you know, this where 160 ac got by anyone who has a mind to come and take it, for the sum of You res of land can be Teacher’s Convention Oct 19th. ’ Tea” It has the CUP fifty cents for filing fees. The great question for everyone is goodness that Comes are‘al‘WaYS quite a. number who come from the city who think the." not where are thou but what doest thou? Not what position do you oc- cupy but what L58 are you making of your position. Circumstances are not always within our control. but we are all absolute masters of purpose. \Ve cannot all of us choose the exact sphere in which our labor shall be per- formed but we can choose how our work shall be done. 'l'rue life clusters around a clearly defined purpose from which it takes direction and foam. in- spired by the conscious loyalty to its purpose. its challenge, oprmsition and criticism “ill: the bold assertion, to this end was] l)’./I'Il and for this pur- pOse came 1 into the World. For such, life failure is impossible. The man with a purpose is immortal. invincible and in esis! ible till his pur-l pose is realizml. \Vithout personal: efforts the best, of circumstances can produce no results. Environment and opportunity never yet made a great life unless they were interwoven with tlzr» web of noble put pose and earnest. 6th l. 'l‘hzs ('lbllSt'ltnls, continuous court. .1 trntiou to attain an owl gives impulse. a new interpretion to linng At its best it means our kingship over 1 l i-â€" I ll) conditions. our mastery over self. 0111“, teachers. dedication to something higher than i “f? .l,,.‘(_)\,,_, all others? ,.. ‘, -, ,:,. .49: r', ‘. -‘ _ ‘ . Fill flgllrlllg ll” Ill? 1%,le (11A. .lghclngl 9L1 111111 \Vltll()ut a IJe I. 3it: L1)e Sllllllllll makes man ‘ “f hunr-tn his own second Creator and by 1'5 he, Few are r 'J‘lter b9 l stances h _ . iâ€"‘IC‘ ' It was the sublime purpose that m it to the end, It. indeed can make himself largely what he will. He seems to grow fore our eyes in his efforts to reach siir and grasp the crofs of some ideal gm though it may seem to us unattam- Wm. able when the inspiration and the only from Red Rose qualityvthe reason Christ is universally lie the greatest of earths great Every teacher should follow the c can farm. but after they have done quite a bit of hard work on the place they find out they have no business there, so they go back to the city and the next man coming in reaps the benefit of their WOI‘k. So “here's to the men of Eastern Ontario,” as our Crown Land Ag- try It” . ent says “They are the best there is to build up a country and they always get rich here, Anyone interested in this part of the country and wanting to get 160 acres of good land free or buy \an in proved farm may write to me best way I can another neighbor. Yours very truly, J. F. Vickers. Bar‘nhart, Ont October 17th, 1911. acknowledged “hat is it that exalts His \Vhat has plac- living I“ Circumstances I“ the men for whom circum- as done less than for Him. ..a-M- M FLE‘SHE’RTON. ed Hlm from the beginning to the of life that shone out in every (1 and look and act. ' ' . '- - . ' ' “-a s more 810W "i ll“ struggle “‘9“ mt n ample of the great master teacher and tion was held in the kssemblv hal to him than even the crown of victm y. is union and unity. body, mind, heart be t . -. ,' ._ , .- ~ cs nc . - - and $001 acting together ”‘5 the 9‘ e F result of his teaching the highest pro' l During the duct of education, and 18 this product. program was rendered. of many flowers may be fused into a single perfume. There are merely drifting. surface of life like jelly fish in the sea, mere inert and pulpy masses. They not l nv in life who are . . _ . n a They float about ihe taking up the active work of life after ' his school days are over. _ ' , , ever keep befOre him a definite pur-| . . , T Purpose can be greatest when there. pose in all his teaching. This should l of Lhe High SChOOl and about 011'. iMr° Lou 'Bothwell visited his cous- First, to produce as the hundred and fifty wo-fold : evening 21 Richardson Shor the child, who is best prepared for l . . premdmg. The purpose l D. D. G. 31., of Orangeville. in a new country like, AVONDALE, N. 3., October, 15th. “I have been a great sufferer from There. Indigestion for fifteen years. I was . for information of different places. I will be glad to respond in the. in order to get Thanking you in advance for the space in your valuable paper. I am .'rion Habert, Toronto, visited her present. , in, Mr. T. J. Fisher; pleasing Mr. NLK. speeches were given by Rev. Mr. of the school is to train. the acquisi- MilliO‘an and Mr. R, B. Hean the h, . i .. , p . tion of knowledge is but a means tol 5‘ ' ’ ' ome, Mr. ‘S‘ 8’ Blackburn and 515' add no strenghth or interest. no char- acter to the society in which they move. l am told there is no peril of the sea more to be dreaded than a derelict. It carries no light on bow or stern. no passengers. no rudder, carrying no cargo to no port. Help- less in itself it is a menace to all others. So on the great sea oflife there are human derelicts. men who lack real definite purpose. which is the l I the great end of all education, thel formation of character. I took a piece of iiving clay And gently formed it day by day L 1 ‘ ., -» . l . .‘ . . o . An“ “lo“lde‘l W‘th “‘3 power and art. itette and salection by the Ceylon ‘VlSlted hlS relatives. A young child‘s soft and yielding! _ . \Orchestra which also later furnish- heart. [came again when years were gone It was a. man I looked upon. He still that early impress bore And I could change it never more. The musical numbers were a so 10 each by Miss Lily Boyd Blackburn. a juvenile quar ! 5 Mrs. l .l music for dancing for those wh lremained after midnight to tri i‘the light fantastic. The member l and;Blake1y was home from Orange- I'C‘)‘a.l road to drifting and deviation. They are not victors: of their course. but victims of the current. They be '1' “uric. s wrs- l of an aim in life. contribute nothing to tha- .. - | dom while they live and they are not. l, by nlissetl when they die. Soun- one has said th'tt drifts through life letting the golden years of his highest hopes is working overtime to ?_ no darken his'r un "hc who l Vll zliv lessly away" accumulate remorse to ‘ :uture. \ ' The ti ur- man or Woman is the one: ha. with a definite aim and who- I'irc'.unstances to the of that aim. 'l‘here are no t'lt'tttltli-l stances so adverse. no sphere so small , that Hurst lie limt‘lc Lillll'llll15l3y :1 high. aim. The aim is: indeed the value of": fr anv life. Wealth. culture. opportunity‘; all: all valuclcss unless thcv are! tiii't-Mfletl by :L t-otnplisliuuuit of sonw worthy end. : 'l‘he luxurimis but :iitnless‘ idler. who; though he may bl' :1. model of tastel and xlciinettient is a greater curse to; society than pauper who b to door. A single dollar wedded to a noble , 0 l l l o l cgs his bread from door”t l purpose is worth more. lllilll a .n.llion , in Durham. but it hardly seems as aimless dollars. 'l‘wo mites stood through the ages as: th the largr 2st beRCVolt-nce. while less gifts but e been forgotten in a day. town. Because the mites embodâ€"‘g and the mostl he human soul . 3 “by? led the largest purimse lofty desires of which i _is Capable. It. is this purpose that takes a man . ,1 out of the orchestra. of life and puts: ‘ him 01) l-ll'.‘ slugc of real notion. lt. makes him par; of the sperm-uric. not i t a mere spectator. it gives him 1 real part. to play. one no other can play in the great drama, of humanity. it is lll'rl.i'lltlll"ill rm.- us; to realize our put- I use ii. liz-g. but the main thing ' lighting for it um‘tpunted to the end. " t 'l‘cnucity of l?‘.l‘.‘}.‘-H>t‘ has ircen clmrac- . tcristic of all men who have (H'Cullizi- "‘ ~‘ r." ' things in this world, Stephensons, the Edison-s. the “hits, the Nelsons, civilization, \Vt‘l't’ they ‘zs... . cl .- ‘ L-l’.’ . V" ‘uv a. men dom- Second, the teacher’s purpose should 1 l - . . 1 teaching, each lesson havmg adeiimte gllClt' USU“ l: Others. l. , , ' . . . "f“‘~l-‘ 4“ l cess aclnevemont. is purpose in some acctunplishmcnz. 1 fnx-m. (‘haracter is purpose crystalized. the rude. and thriftless’ ‘ stranger to me because the Chron- i icle seemed to change hands pretty ‘ havei ,, 9 type of"; 11 Count-i writing to anyone 'tana. Manitoba and Saskatclie\\‘:m .ut. the .\orth of Scotland Mort- Ontario in the Rainy River Dis- with a hard to Is and I have. yet to see having a men who have minted . . ‘ ~ renewed like an old wagon when. :t =w1ves furnished choice to impress upon the child the value , ments for the OCC‘JSiOD- This may he done"i methods in‘ ,week. Mr. R. J. 11. lessons on purpose illustrated by that 13’1309- formerly this village, such men as the use of re er ., p p Matthewson, < es of Parker and line, near ca :,tur.r Wncd because. they were men of h 1 . ’7‘. a j ‘ (lying purpose. It“ C St COLL l‘he greatest treasures this world driver. 1 31‘ "- : m ; Mrs. J. 31. Duncan had a su so. time with his fix s to offer. namely. character. cessful . and farm imizrlcmri‘nts. Success is purpose lovallv obevcd. l. . . . ., o. . \\; i.) Achievement is purpose bearing tilt. Thursto n we ck att c n d i n g Miss Florence Massit. last lmecting of the Sound District executive of t W _ l.) \V E l.) GREATEST COUNTRY OUT DOORS woith League. Mr. \V. J. th'mglas left for Col .1 on Thursday last. on a . 3 " o , 11‘“: ‘1 trip. Editor Chronicleâ€"- Dear Sir,â€"- You are Miss Brown of Miss Richardson for a men living" . ~ ' ‘ returned to the city on Friday. ften when I was a boy in m y h 0 m c f“ O wen b o und. I have. wandered around through 31155 B9113 brown spent [“9 l) Iichigan. Illinois, Dakota. Mon- "‘ R. N. HC’lldCl'SUll. Inspcc nd have settled down in good old for gage (_‘o.. Winnipeg, met rict and not far from the river. runaawy accident a few days 1 The country is new and pretty account of thn good price the iron clear o n imber, but timber is a Mrs. Ii confined to his home. but has raised any objection to “£0113 3in “31811 011 3 little timber on his '11109- a dog and severely bitten. one A. n1.o\'emt‘~nt is on met by \Yoinen‘s Institute to ~ the Public Library which has b T‘ '.o‘ o. o ." the .111 is flll.“ and snakes l who have become world re- m . , , . 1. . , » r . . the 1400.00 sweepstakes cup .01 Miss Florence Thurston. Mrs. R. W. 1 ‘10 last \\'(_‘-.’.?l{. of her Fl‘ffl'ii Mrs. S. C‘olquet. Mrs. \V. Mars and‘ business . who was the guest two weeks with friends in Toronto. in which he sustained a badly dis-u located ankle by which be is now: dcrson was also unfortunate four: visit at Fort . Saskatchewan. she was attacked by % resuscitate ._ Forced to Live on Stale Bread and l Porridge. l forced to deny myself all such hearty [ foods as beans, meats, gotatoes and could not drink tea or co e For the past two years, I lived on porridge, stale bread, etc. I had treatment from two doctors, and tried nearly every kind of medicine, but got. worse. “Finally I saw a testimonial of “Fruit-a-tives” and concluded to give them a trial. 'I took nearly four boxes of “Fruit-a-tives” and they have made me feel like a new man. I can eat all kinds of hearty foods without suffering, and am no longer constipate . LEMUEL A. W. BROWN. l Many people look on “Fruit-a-tives” l as a miraculous medicine. It has indeed performed what have seemed ‘ like miraculous cures in hundreds of s 3 cases of chronic Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Constipation and Biliousness. ; “Fruit-a tives” is the only medicine l in the world made of fresh fruit juices l and valuable tonics. see. a box, 6 for ; $2.50, or trial size, 25c. At all dealers I or from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. 3 _,,._.__.__.___... W"... of Cobalt visited his mother: Mr. Fred Karstedt. Toronto. visited his home; Miss Celia Van-dusen, Torâ€" lonto. visited her mother; Miss Ma- George and Ed. Chard, of Owen Sound, visited their parents; Miss Hattie Cole, ‘1 'Toronto, visited her parents; Mr. Roy Kerr, Toronto, visited his ‘ter, Jennie, of Mount Forest, vis- - ite-d their relatives. Mr. Elmo - ville; Mr. James .Hempill, Toronto. Mr. Sex- ismith, of Toronto was a visitor 0 lat Mrs. Wilson’s. ‘0! Among those abroadâ€" W. J. ‘9 .Bellamy visited his son at Ailsa ,9. ye. . _' . . . . . . : ICde-‘h Craig, Mr McIntyre VISItcd his '5 or ghome at Richmond Hill: Miss Bell At the Newmarket Fall Fair last "Visited her sister at Owen Sound:l )f ,Miss Switzer visited at Shelburne. . .7, ,f, . v . . of Tt)-0.l..ol' Miss houng visited her home at “1 HillsburO': Miss Maud Richardson, W ShaW. Mrs. J. Blackburn, Mrs. IV. illoore, Mrs. . râ€"ZJ. Bowler, Mrs. Albert Stewart, iMrs. P Lone-ks visited friends in at ‘ Toronto. :1. Thanksgiving sermcms liclprcachcd in the Presbyterian and of the Ep- lMethodist churches on Sundav. In 2 ‘ ' b l ,the latter tne pastor also gave in] l f‘ I ' r . ' . . the morning an interesting rcvrew‘ alt l '01 the Ecumenical ctmfcrence in :Toronto. l l j , _ v r ' . l hex John “oils. of Alisa Craig. th. ‘whc conducted anniversary servi- ‘at Eugema on Sunday, and is visit- ,1ng his old friends, will - - - - - . \Irs (SC-org" P ‘t l‘l ‘ t ‘ 1: among I were writing to a stranger - . . - nk JCS 1‘5 19 “1139C . . , - -, . h ’ ' fl -- a - .. 1 . ~ .. :pteach 1n the PI‘GSDVtC‘Tian chrrcl from xisiting oer daughter atl1 , ,, . ~ I l ietc on bunday afternoon next, i . . . "‘ ' ' I Mis. Geoxge “Mitchell entertained aSt I tl‘ ‘ ‘ ! re teachers of the public and high a . , . . , . _ . ‘ schools at a pleasant social evenâ€" , ,1 ' [“1 [on Fl'l'dilK last. v U ; A travelling troupe are spending :a week here giving entertainments :mghtly in the town hall. W1" lg." K) I Messrs. George Mitchell, S. Ped- ( i .v ‘ 1 “ ‘ Q P ‘ . ell-,l‘u’ \l. H. Tourston, l-Icrb Smith sand George Stewart left on Mon- day tto tom hunting parties in l Parry Sound. ' Mr. Aaron Worts has returned “as i. from the West visit. M. Sproule, 31.1). 11115 mother who is on a con i Hon. T. was ~1~°++d+++++~§°+++°§°++++v°¥ weeoee 0-0 0 accompanied by, Be sure you hav. the cold, wet and Windy weather- sickness from Coughs. Colds, a hands and faces to bother you. an teed. It will be strange COldS if everyone doesn’t ‘ have some slight attack of Grippe, Influenza. Cold. Gun’s Grip Capsules will et soon dispel any attack, 25c. box. g Cough renew your cough, A slight wet- ting or expos- ure will tend to and every it will be time it’s renewed . . , . 1 . worse. Get rid of it for good weather as bright (hicks Mrs ,0 others. The people wuh bright. with Honey, florehound and Tar ['1‘ Hazel Cream. ?;°:l::};e;Ҥ1Smi‘licgudgi’: dToif’}; é; There are two articles of universal lam» my, . . 1 -‘.-‘1’3 ’;‘11..t - ’ i 1; Ethel, Trimble, Owen Sougd, “Sm 3, every well-eqmpped home should have. A Happy led her home: Miss Marcellus. Thought Range and a gOOd RoaStmg Pim- :- iteacher, Guelph, visited her bro- :i: . ~ . 7 . The A. .0. U. w. lodge here gave lther; Miss McKenzie, teacher, All- , Tire poultry Season is now in, and there Is no an enjoyable At Home on Tuesda.V Iisfon, visited friends; Mr. Robert :5 benefit-fin buylng chome DOUW‘S 113ml do “Oi. own x- evening of last week. The func-lVl'right, High school principal, of :i, a first-class Roasting Pan. We have a great 1,Hagersvflle, visited his mother; varlety of Roasting Pans ranging inpriceimm . 350. to $1.50 each. See south window. ' and inspect our stock. We have a number Heaters. .9 Q '3 a. e these Remedies in your Medicine Chest lief Ore comes on, and there Wlll be less nd no rough, chaffe.., Each one of these remedies guar, distressing as to have the head stuffed up with a cold giv Price 15o. Skin Chaps as natural to some. people in cold cheeks usually use flung, Le?“ If you require to buy a Range, ask your neighbor about the Happy Thought. then call Coal and Wood Heaters, Canadian Coal Oil at 13c., Coal Oil at [5 . per gallon. ~â€" w. BLACK -; I A smart ing in the Head, There is nothing so Nasan . ,, “e sat. the root 0f the lltllllllo ing instant relief. 'l‘iv it. .lllst ‘ ‘ 4 - 'll‘y 1L. 2,3 Cents. the assortment in our VVVVVVVVVVVVWV \‘VVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV‘VVVW‘JVWfi’s “I :" "V‘JVVVVWWV .’ fv." fv‘ ‘2' I l of choice Coal Heaters. and purely Wcod mus-en» _.. -:-a-s- -so.s~so-.-so++ 4.4- ,~.... - and American 1' 4- 4- 4- 1- ~:- v"- -â€"a..... _ , We are in the Market for Milling Oats I i any quantity delivered ! ,. l Ii 1. i . I as we do not keep a bu ver I l Peas or Barley and are prepared to pay Highest Prices for Drive your Loads of Grain Direct to . Feed flats Vt . . o ‘ \ . ', \ \ i \ ' k. ~ 0 'O -‘Q \ ~ c H. ' I O C'. ‘ t u. \ O m-mnmwo- "i at Our elevator. m m r:- l 4"? O J 7’: .._ n ‘_ p l1f(5\,ltlll. on the street. iruted lav a. mighty purpose. which has had its til‘C‘S set and 3 i0“. . . . the? lir‘l‘w. above and lH‘l"’ml Elm)!” “4“ {NEW €431?)ch Put into its v.'ht‘=ol“-‘. umnutnt 01' some 11-1112" 311*} we XISItOr in town on Blondilv and TC" IVIrs McVauGht 1 ' I - r l l - "' U‘ .“ ~~." ‘ ‘ .‘.‘-s--;“‘\ 1 . '9. -.vo o .â€" ~ i'... -.. ,, ‘ 1. _ _, z." r 1 . . ‘4 .‘ ‘1' - l T V , ’11? l“ U ‘L I fill" r‘“"“." ”“1: 9‘“; and a new box. on. I iicl‘x‘é'x'tb :1 L1 List .lzc ladlcs may LL‘ SUC‘Ct-‘Sftll ce“€‘1 nearly sreetmgs from the’ - b on ~31“ young son i i “r?OR the L'oziijnths vi the tilttllllt‘l'. -‘le'iiz‘t; s w... p ,. , 1 _‘ ,p - 7 , ,r f H their 3f, '1; . ”19,113 he 1: ' are 11p from Dumfries to spend al J K T if - . - . _ ; .l ,‘ , .- .i 1 ‘ ‘,, - ‘ ‘ ‘1. i" LSl)“ \‘l L (.0 JITOix? “All; 1"_,l()z\: He," *1 H l s. 1.01 ‘ k ‘ n18 . l v . l JL‘ opinion is ural .lic vw. l.'.i ill-on} ltt.l.:~ . . _ . p _R . few (12138 \Vlth Mrs Nfls sister T“. 3 men l'zll".>t‘t‘l'.‘lit‘ii to ll-aiifi’ in mg to toe 191‘ m “115 COUNT-FF 1111.1“ IT‘- 3313' 1119 POST. office here Will soon ' J- n‘ICAulaY: 0f Newcastle, and James Nelson , -uI‘S. l __ ill-‘Plllflfl llhillllililTH‘II “1 «'11! lt‘q‘il‘u 13911 other country I knon of occupy quarters in the fine new le‘ley Jamieson Toro t .3. _ ' , : DURHAM. .\‘:;v; ‘22 V . l a . - 1 ~ . . D0: 31L. Large flocks of ’ld - who nurse with uas count mt watc- m. - l . r . ...- l‘ - 0. , , ,1 d - .w, - ,- . home . ,- - h “'1 geese have lFall “‘1 r s“ thing t t’ "-l o *‘rt-t » Hi C-iv“ 'n‘ u t inc fld‘ 313L513“ 101‘ 3 family set- shop Jema complete in “W 11101" 1 “ “ on ‘1 “Slt- been hieinO‘ south“ aid tl ls 1m...” """ i i .. I"; 1- ~~ 3-H” "i“ :- p‘“ *= . . . . . ‘ ,. , 1 i- a *4 ’ ‘ ie as W C ri cr ‘ with a new harvest oi £Il‘l u it": those thug 1“ thls country are the TRY}: £11 ClSOll Blo‘l" V. {nah PQSLmaS‘LC 1' i -â€"â€"_.............. days There’s a lll‘E'ltll 1") t't O iogtgnb \‘ ht ”I i i A i i. V C b. -- ‘ . ,. . .5" I . . \~r (fl. - 'o.» l i . c v. ’ ‘l k" """"""""" ' around tnem and. w the “mild. as best up to the present date. The 771111101911ch SGCUled. lne blcufl-B T , 'up north OI “Intel P9118 Vac)-_.‘l‘,,\‘\' \' .Q. "l ' 'l‘: Ar. ‘;""‘â€"-‘ ° ' . a o ' . ' - ' 0‘“ l “'- . ' ‘ ~' V ‘ V . 1 ................. s 1'. l. '°..a‘lll‘:“ no: a Com 1 Hi. smu- . . ‘ , - . - . _ . ' ~ . ~ . . 2 ’ . - l """""""" .. i .. m ‘91”,03 .f night" x-e mg out of doors anvwhcre. and Cch emence and m its commodious . Rem e Hunt most ably filled Zi- s e d' c ntOSh! 0f ‘DOInoch 1s ‘Hay ...l , "C ‘ t. . t t A. a s‘ ,‘ ‘ ‘ . ' - '1 p H“ ' . ., J n _ 0‘ ' v ,_ ‘0 . ' ' . .,. 1 3\\" 1101.110 rleshertoll 1)!)Si.“3lll('e 0D 5 Ilu11)lt on SUIfidaE“ afterIlO()n Jph ”Ina thlS “‘ 98h \\1th “unC‘le , Quilt?! . .............. - -' t") pollll.‘ 1?: l ' ‘ ‘ O n-' reenwood tugs ................. - “'3 to 'l‘h-L . Que i i “ l“.li£:‘~l‘\ thins: done. has post..." is it not true that. if the world is not daily better because we have lived. if the littlecircleof thoseartmud is not brightened. strengthened. help- ed, and in some way made happier by our direct effort in our conscious liv- ing. we are not true to our purpose? “’e cannot. all be Lincolns and save a nation. but we can put the spirit of, Lincoln into every trifle of our lives. , The greatest good to the world is? not the magnificent power ofafewltook a prize and over two great men. . . colossal scale. but these same qualities in a smaller, humbler way, manifest- ing itself in the millions of simple un- to print this letter you will do me known lives throughout the world. Now. to whom does purpose mea more than to the teacher ? er and more lasting than his, and at that stage when impressions are most easily made and most lasting. mamfesmng ”self on 3”lot the prizes taken were firsts. There is if possible, to impress upon no individual whose influence is great- minds of some of the people for he . . . . . Eastern Ontario the best people f0 me: contact w th so man lives ‘ ’ . , , . co m i Y in the wide world to-eday, that [non lCole, of Calmlachse, who Visited ;Satupday evening to visit his parents; Dr. Ennest Armstrong, ' sister, Mrs. W. J. McFadden Will raise anything you put into 1.. northern climate will W “'8 can brag of it that a allow to grow. her-3 siding. of grain and roots around that has been grown in any part of the world this year. Nearly, everything that was here to Port Arthur Fair this year occupy their If you can find room. Mr. Editor. ‘ late here on Sunday and his inaug- 1 better Potatoes. per bag . ...... l l i In (\llltâ€"‘lnw'. :‘\. il be u -tO-date_ - . ,- , 1 - p . . . ’ Thanksgnmg Day “'88 Very. A. social meeting f ‘ ‘ a . Mr. “3 BPSkm has “Tl-PTOVE‘d 1118 VQHletly observed in this neighbor- ' Worth Le b O Zion sEpâ€" 161mm, pert-‘Wt- - ‘ ' ' ' " 3 q . havmg some 0f the "91‘1" “est CI‘OPS building Wlth a veneer of metathood. Quite a number of tamnv ague was held at the} ,atmeal. per srit"i{.... . : scotia. and 31...- Progress is being made on . reunions took place . 3 home of Mr. E. W. Hunt on Mon- 1 Gimp, per CV” ----- i .go \ . h’s eW addition £01 r side i ‘ ‘ 11 day evening, at which a most iii“? Hogs. will “V“ A “no Belushi,“ L: 1 n - ‘ e nce. : . ‘ ~ en- i'd . vs. . W.» ' , , u Mrs. J, J, Peart s .i . -. , 1 ‘1 98. per 10 ............ ,_. , . .- 3 .. (mm . ReV. J. B. McLaren, Wife and two 7. urday till lllonday €93: 1flrovrn.Sat..l 103 able tune V as spent, '5heepskins .............. lilll ka'kehdd‘ MM“ H ,_ ' . -, i sent from daughters arrived on Saturday tOMrs H M-etcalf 1 91' SlSter,l Councillor McNally made a $7001 --------------- " 3w ,, ' biggie "" l, ‘.’“‘““,'l j ‘i new home in thessubdrbs. . e. in Hanover’s complete circuit of his ward on Lflgw """"""""" 1210 .Bavmilnfliiilrib 2' l i ‘ ° - I . . ., . - . .... ,,,,,,,, ,. , ‘. '. s ‘c. :t'- . â€"th1rds {Baptist parsonage, and FleSherLOD: ,Satunday letting the Statute La- Turkeys ................ 1'13 1 reached by Not-u»... \,\’ "extends a hearty welcome. Mia; George Peart was a grass wi_'b0r Fund Moneys g0 fairly into Geese. ....... 11m 1 _ , lMcLaren commenced his pastor-flower fora few days, too, as his peach subdivision. - . 8:116? .. . T131283“? v33“, _.|, , half 8 i . I ‘ lc ens ................ ‘ ay. tfl'. l‘llh. « \f‘i" pent the holidays! T1115 has been a most happy 1§AChed by steamer and.“ « i OYember 14th. ‘ the ibis congregations. of l Among those Who holidayed ver Thanksgiving were Mr. . ...~v-»~-» _ *‘ - wa'p.-.,~,,-s . . .__. ... ‘1‘ ,M“ -« h...) A . I, IMWMIO 0* 0mm .- - M .a‘mfif>”m ”Mum. .W 5.. 3W ‘ ' gm‘mumhrhw' pegg- K‘WWM‘W n a great favor because I would like, i ural address was :much enjoyed by WORM“. “my -n-A... ronto. here Tom Cook and his sister, My- Jennie, drove over to Etgremo. .,.,. . o - MM“,MW with her mother and Sisters in To- ; fihanksgiving week for Mr. and i re. qu11 JaCk: for on Wednesday Week puttin- in a new . Oct. 251:1. a so- . g M188 born to t] . 0 Was Sidewalk, nt on They are magi-£19" firSt‘bom- Mr. Collin McArthur “'35 c - m‘g m0“ hearty tgineet . Mason- lataons. Nurse Carmont of and Master morning, town is in attendance, ee 3‘2 There was a big b Full particularsf steps J. R. GUN. Town .5. J. TOWNER, Dew 9“ address A. E. DUFF Toronto. ' 'be '3 big improvement W Ploted.

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