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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Nov 1911, p. 6

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.~ . i v... .,_ .- aw. .- j.» ,.. ';" u, Ada-4 m 'i" w: 3‘30 “swim” Jug «NW: J‘N' . ' " , is. ~ . _ . A Come With. the Crowds ‘ Ti . tern at the p63:â€" in the race .to looked at me WW ka’rv YEARss home, he may be ' anything may happen 0 1 ex! A She make him as I thought almost ‘2 A's-RV“, ‘i‘k i,‘ . ‘(rtfi-‘.'f*_ Dm.-}~‘l‘.:. :: I If; “ 7:5 . At. A ‘ ----- Patents taken through 11min 5; 1'86ch special aqua, without. charge, in the. ' Scientific lineman. haiidsomely illustrated: wn‘fiy Lamedci: a; niqn-of any scientific journal Terms to.- azafiayeaapnstase premix]. Sold {,3 allâ€"Wen. Min aar'mm in PS: Wuhan-rump. A 1 an endless procession. It was life, teeming and exultant. The world was on parade dressed in its best clothes and with its pockets lined with 'mo_n< ey. and right royally did it proclaim the fact, its headache of the marrow an unthouahtâ€"ot thins. . iy upon your judgment. At ten to one. should I win, I will have made $5.000. Do you wish me to go myself? If not. you had best hurry.” For the first time really chilled by doubt and feeling my convictions ooze, I continued to protest. “But he may he pocketed. he may foul another m i . . .. , . . . . . ., . . « .~‘ . 3’ M? "‘. _ . ”a... wwn9.wa...w,}mmmm “WW”“‘MWE‘L“FWMWWHU A: Man 5 ”mam fl}, 1.... . O 0 il , silently E i "' BY "' ibiiatgmgtuously. ’ and without morteA i o s c .1 ~ 1 . 6 63 0 a m reene * .0... limfiife‘l tiers. 'f‘lii‘li. ° 0 ()W E’S Ice Cream Parlors iir._'even 0 ages have men § " rry I “g the crus o e e t , a , . , . the- ' CAN Fl I ALMOS ‘éibllahed dump the ast all) 0 . . laced my money in . . : Sitar-e The l‘irgeéft. traigers lll . . O the my (fag? aprorspiring man Who StOOd ’ . WE . , '~. ”(l 0 .-¢ t. r conoec 9 Author ofuyoeoude 0f ban 5 t .Iv and came back to her. For ea: wanting and mi. (”fwd ‘L “mg 0 “ll ‘ ’ ‘ Wilderness” upon a 500. Already the talking slices lli‘l‘i‘ x.» Th tion all over Untario. we do .l rarm and crumpled. d the course. ' “lice u; out “W“. v... ..‘ . . - b I ‘ ' ' ' 6 ~ . o ' i -' h . ‘. ‘ ‘ I . : better for our graduates than 1 Derby racersAhad gallop , u and The Ice Cream business 15 38310 P) l as prowl A”. :. A ~:«.. 1 o any other School. Eon may 9’ in their preliminary warming P H . - f(.€ .‘ g nee AAAAAA .A : studv all at home or partly a! 3 were now chafing before the flag. d" With us and we are better prepar a no“ {Amt-AA. AIA' A-A. ‘ ng ' . . _ a o . . . ‘. - r ' A .‘ ()r (‘2. ‘ l'ix't‘. \~ § hmiie and finish at. [Abe Lolwgc; : 2 Supplied Exclusively in Canada by The British 5 Colonial Pius Set-Vice, gave her the tlclxeAt for Illlel‘bgiigell‘lggh ed than ever to cater to the ter8 {lift ‘lZas‘ul AAA };:;xw- AAAA : Amhdted mm The'LUunfnf‘rmm 9 Limited- resumed my seat m alilier‘lihe cgash of‘ l . in this line. We also keep BtOCk- Jhdpizotoriws and a . i PZdqu.atnl.s".\§5n(fizltl{ill 0 .31121- . Then came a roar I g , ‘ * ("A .. ,..,. A. .. 3 da. It would be Well 1'01"}‘0'1 I“ : surf and a thunderous wave of sound ‘ ed With Cooked Cured anddSau; ix'lietllf)l'.“,“_‘ 3‘ .' _ A - O investigate hefm'c choosing. 9! A boomed across the field and Wits A: Meats Green Vegetables an .31 3 Our RHHAAAl-‘AA‘A A‘A - I ! 2 Exclusive i'ighY fui‘AUAnlavI-ign «Alf :; echoed back by the ‘diitaréthynaéuihe; i. Frllitfl In season, In 0111' Baking A goods AA: ‘g AA; A the an'lil-l'iiim 11> $185 w '- . , compact bunch and 5 re C 1 ‘ . l TI‘HI} - 41.. A d . ~ : keeping “sham which i~ im- 3 ; â€"â€" Mrs. Dace came down in a creation Selves like greyhounds, the horses!A Department we use noithing but ,, . copes. A 2. A1 - , it): : emuillr-rl. It is Ar-tnnl Business 3 3 CHAPTER VII. I hiid neger seena befgtfl’l g“; 2.310}; swept past us. For an instant I felAAll: firstâ€"class material an fifafl guard 9m. lll‘d“ m .- .. . r“ ”.1. . . .. 'v eme s '1 e1 . ose '. . an .‘ .:.. IF ' fimn hunt in limb. 4.1.1 rAre e A I have now come to the period 1111- £31r~ m: after; t to d S gib it a sensation of giddiness, and c . antee everything appe 18mg 3 . .ite pi... fb - Qf‘J‘IPr‘r k,_(sp" >;-11!IH h()('k.‘ (15. Q l - . . o of Dhall ma 8 no p e or e D m‘r eV’es° then Openlng them once h ‘ . . ' A “_'. 9" ’ l'xh‘ll‘lt‘l't‘d Ballk‘ “”1 Whole- ‘ .mediately pieceding theh runnintg i but the general impression it gave me morefiriv’eted them on the field as it' 8 W o..esome. Cl Sill“- _" " h 3 911.19 Houses. Enter any time. zltl‘let 13:33)? am; (will with 23:11: Spaci- was Of fleecy CIOUds in WhiCh- We}? circled the course With the Speed Of I REPAHHxl‘ ”‘ I! ’ Individml iiisti'ut'tl-"m. . ‘ tifularitv igi'lsthe reason that they blended delicate and changeful rain- hawks. Well placed among the lead- . d . i i : form ayverv important part of this bow tints that came and flitted like ers I saw the powerful haunches of 3 1’ Dowsing; ' . fa : Fa“ Term From Aug' 28th " narrative llrs Dace was to go With summer shadows. She seemed rather Eagle BOY working With the smooth 0 - g at ‘ .m . t' ' ~ ’ me Aft .r torturin me by a week 0f to float than walk, and when I-gaie power of pistons as they steadily : . Confectioner «w . . I 9 “771W. "all 0" Pth f“? ‘ l . ' e g her my hand at the curb and she arose . - - ost rank. . ,. A t8 - ‘ Silence and suspense I had been re- . . . drove him into the forem 0 o e an rOCBr aggg.s.g,gw ii 3 pmm'lm' ‘ ' ceived back first upon probation and mm It to the h‘gh seat With the “ght‘ With a roar of hoofs they turned the. 3 W " i l ’ 5 - ss of a feather, I could scarcely be- . 5:: ' . WALKERTON : |soon later. more or less uncondition- llZve that she was made of warm firm last1 Clllhve and fogmnelailniig $2131.33: 0 raisin . . . allv. It would do no good to go into ‘ . ’ whi e e sea 0 u . W allâ€"”ms _. ' - ~ . . . a 0'reSSi of her . . g i BUSINESS COLLEGE ‘ the details of our readjustment of our flesh The“ g" d veness A tiptoe, burst into full tongue. Mrs. A _ z . beauty cha enge nearly every eye , on her feet and watching . _ A . : former relations. There are some d h . th i Dace was up . wmtgsflh a... C GEO. SPOTTON - PRESIDENT 0 things which may be expressed by that we passe , t e men craningA er them with parted lips. I sat beSIde l ”.0 ‘-'~' 5 1 cold ink, but you have to see the hu- $2351.12: hirlgiiguiioh 1:11;}? ($151: her with parched lips, my knees shak- S A‘ : IFI‘ :E ‘ :01) I in :‘l‘ p a W“ man countenance with its lightning h .y‘ h .lng. Then from out of the bunch a - \ ,2 him” it": a}:- ‘ )9” play of eicprecsion and hear the hu- Of her andAt e enthuSiasm 0f t e Kiloqtblack horse, that shone like a polish- d, c. x... i . . -. man voice in all its wondrous inflec- ‘wngttfiewfifié’?rfgafiiffi‘fr;0agmt§afil sag l ed shoe, forged a yard at a bound, and m. ,__... P Curb!“ Tile tions in order to form a correct mental. h orld and that I lov d .P er d earfirlputting a good length between him- ' \3 “mp5, 9 picture of certain scenes. But on the ; ihznwmv own life M Seward was “a? self and his nearest follower, led the l A . 1 .. ‘ lwhole her restoration of me was both ; smile and a flash ofy her won derfullway homeward m a burst of speed I l , . . syn . 2 AYYOVE ONE NEEDING womanly and gracious. I came to her; e es that was truly magnificent. . Pettit l l 4. o . .. V ‘ i ‘ a kneeling and penitent sufferer; she y“I.am lad vou t‘i k 0 Tom ei'enlwas fairly lifting hAimAfrom his feet,> OF iThe Stationery YOU ‘ {3 E New Pumps, Pump RB- touched me upon the forehead and I thou h ofg 00111389 A5113”: 67mm”, And his whip flicking, sunglqg him on like 1 . . . . 3 _ . C t Curb Iuarose healed. My spirits revived m- it isgsweet of you3 to be so defoted‘toIa‘ venomous yellow stripedAwasp. I I use IS an index OI ' r ' pairs, emen mg 0 stantly in the sunshine of her forgive- l m I am reall v r ha j,“ to b 'fiercely clutched my companion 8 arm. 1 IS NO‘V OX. .\ U C lVCl‘t Tile gee ness and I renewed my worship. i wlath ou ., M ,y fe. y r ppAyA ht 1‘,§"‘Eagle Boy wins,” I roared in her ear. ‘ a . . your characterâ€"moral- ‘ ‘ . A ll ’ " ' ' ' ' The race was to be the out-of-doors about ythe. 1.91115) anal??? geethgcleiibh Then, as in a nightmare, I saw the l ’ ‘ , FOR THE I I} "f . JNO. SCHLLTZ or myself at the sliol social as well as sporting event of the d In my heart I sivohre that she happening of an evil thing. A dozen l i USE THE BEST A Door Mats. ppm, (1”,; . ‘ ' ’ 5935011. I “'35 an admirer 0f the beau- ehould becbmp min. ‘11 , 0,1 A; 11.2“.” ' yards from the wire and when two . ' i - OR Till“ \\‘i y: ., , \ .. eorge Whltmore‘tiful. Next to a beautiful woman, a Sns fell ’ " ’ ‘e ‘ OJD‘ “‘8 “ ”more leaps would have brought hlm ‘, ""” ” ” “ “ ' ,. F_ , “mi“. ”5.7. ~. .4. _.._ .thoroughbred horse appealed to me as e - . . 'victory, there came a stumble that . . E l e u mdrm ._ l. . .. w fthe most perfect of the world’s crea- We turned into the crush where tile'sent the great black one crashing to Prices almost Cl”: 111 2 SYMPHONY LAWN ' FOR TH li lil'li .3.- .\ Every omanltures. And although I had never bet converging boulevards emptied trieiArothe ground, while over him his near- l ‘3 J THY UNIV» . . ”I isixitercstcd andshouldAknow lupon them. I had kept myself well streams Into the “311ng sea 0.1 Whl'lest rival hurtled as a jumper clears 3 For 30 Days only {Fills the bi” L t , FOI‘I- -..‘, (-3.7 3.‘ i mefithfi?fig§ spraYAposted upon their performances cles. Bugle C3115 Vibrated lll ()Alll‘la fence. From the vast crowd there i i . e US Show A Tables, )lDlui. ,....1.. . The nchaginalSyringe. Best I thrOUgh the medium 0f the DI'ESS. ears; 001mg}? yells Shattered 3:36 all'; 'al‘OSe firSt 3. Cry, Shrill and GXPIOSivei : COlne and See! it to ycu A 130R 1‘11}: })\l-::A¢ . -M°s=ccy;;§;;§f; 1‘;j;‘;‘g§;‘ : Bruce, however, was an enthusiast. the beat 01 h001%» sounded use thc' follovved by an instant of silence, and l ' Chairs, park” Tau... x: . ‘ " druflist‘i'firs ‘Coming in contact, as he did, with 1011s 1‘0“ Of drums. Throw“ the Wide ' then a raging tumbult. I heard an in- i ‘ r Frames and all oil»: :- ' "bassoon...” many of the more prominent horse entrallce ‘0 the Chlb grounds “’9‘1ml0’voluntary exclamation from the lips; 1‘ '1 Au , .. . lg“ " l,“1‘ll$3.3:C.33‘.".‘£f.3:3§.24 [Owners and turfmen’ he generally had into an arena banked by 30’0"“ 1‘80: ' of the woman at my side, and turned 1 AA- FOR TH. - i - .. .. - 4 ‘ 5;,;:,.,;:.,F,.~.,.A...r..np.....c. .- .a store of more or less reliable inside p18. Already the racmg ““218 011 anu'to her with the cold ,perspiration; FOR Tllli mg: _»;a .9 A alarm-'14\ir"==w*-*;;;;bggWe" . ,. iinformation as to both the runners before US S‘erpt a cloud 0f Dl‘ellml“bursting from my forehead. Her lips ; " Bedli(‘<'1'll('llfiiir~ (I 2 . ~. A wwllzgffigfll Gm“;Amtbf‘mcmd," Aand the imps who rode them. Conse- nary iilacAers “'lthl'tli'le Jockczys liuiAzip ‘i'were tightly compressed and she was i Q \AF “. erm- AAAA .. . A . J fluently I \Vas not surprised “1161} over I 911‘ 1160 {S 1 e 80 nlany CC‘AOI.‘,( l" ’ ixedl r at the fallen horse as ; . -f a , . J _.l\ \ \ :upon the second day before the great simians. Not far away 1 saw Clal‘:},'§:z:1r%sfe with difficulty. The jockey : Druggists and BOOkSCHBI‘S Th3 Rexall SIOI'E. living profits. ; : .race was to be run he came to me in a ‘ Standing uprighton her seat, her face ' was already limping about and the 1 C. P.R. TOWN OFFICE .. BU YOUI‘ Tickets H L'NIlERTihE‘H} I? B I G Estate of whispering excitement. ' aglow with excitement and her headlmob surging upon the track. w. °- 3’ ere a . He Sens Calder's El i‘Sa-V» 01d mam I’ve got the b... nodding rapidly as she earned .On a «1 guess that race is settled for .11.; - -- - - . _ ; - thing that is ever going to happen in running tire of conversation path a. . . p... she Qaid quietly as she , . . . A - A _ . - AA ‘ ’ ' ' . ' ~ . 'tlme’ . " ‘~ WWWMW ' ' . Cheap Block 5 i this world. and of course I Want you clusrer of friends. Her eyes fell "ponlsnapped her pocket-book shut. “I sup- . o W i: l 3 to be in on it. I wouldn’t trade it for me and She, waved her hand Wilh the ' pose We might as well be going.” Her i o ‘3' A ._-â€"_â€". A AA :.-<._~_â€":~.â€"-:_â€":::_-_ :3: l EAlladins lamp. You know that Eagle airy grace of a plume; but as she "face resumed its placidity. hilt. .5119: [NS FOR 20 DA‘S v :1. §“m“‘r m , . jBoy horse that we have been watching noticed my companion her smile grew turned it awav from me. Half dazed . o 5 i 4 r . 7-for the last vear" Well he has do thin and vanished as for a moment’ ' = a . . . , . ~ g 7 . . - ... , ‘ . the suddenuess of the catastrophe, , O 1 . ~ ‘ -. u 7 __ _. -_ w . , . ... _. ____ I)“ 391127. A LZJ‘AJAARAFAI: A): TEE ? .lveloped into a Simon pure World she surveyed her With a face that was . 33; hand sought hers in a sympathetic : ll] bCOtCIl and (-dlltltllall 1 weeds. Men's 51“.”:st a A â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"_ .--H__ , - - . . *h H a. -. - '- ‘ ‘i- â€"' C W ' ' abeater I got this on the dead Q T " absolutely eupressionless Mrs Dace l i .- i .. i .. ’ - . r » ~),- . -. . -~. .; ' - ° , T. ' ° ". ' ze. She did not respond. . (\13“]s o, . ,v_ ., i. .r ) Ir. .J. .A A :5. rm} in... 211‘.” \\ 11A ‘31? p... .A .mm his omen who would break his whose attemm had been attracted :5 sqllei'hipped thi‘Oigh the crush reck- ., z ) . 1a 1.1 and head) made I ants, 1 nuts, . l.lllll<,..- .3 A . .-; .‘ v. s. mm.» m. “'lut'. . ‘l’lll' , I , _ ~ . - . . -. . . - 1 .. . , - w . “w . .. ° . ._ ‘. ‘ -- ~ . ., m.- m4 m m w; 1,. who. , :arm to do me a favor. That horse lS_ my cousm by m) maxed reply to no. less”, in m. chagrm and blttemess. 3 ettes, Ginghams and iiiuslms, Hats and Laps. o _, if 11: 1 3 1“? our l = ismaShmg 3“ records by moonlight, salutatlon' returned Clams gaze"suentiv cursing my folly I drove her ‘ 0 lb - r .. q - - i = "T” __ - 'u 3‘ r- “Wm ~ H- M “~ 5 W” : and even the railbirds haven’t gOt on- smiling faintly. Amusement lurked homegard wit}? but a perfunctory at_ » , 3 S. of the best coda. Blscmts for 25c. : .i- ‘ '"”"'"3"'7’â€"_.â€"" * _.___- I" 2 ‘ ' ’ ’ . - ' ’ ' » '. "' ' ‘1 tion dee ,. 'o . . v r. : L'uuv \\ MM ”unwind”? . :to It yet. He 15 50mg to run 3““ , “ithm.hel e3 (is. 11“ at“ ec p' - conciliation. Even to that . . n, i ' 0* '- ~ - . -. . . .. ”.7. .. o 3 ' ............ .. .fSlJn) Huh .3 ifrom that bunch like a locomotive . down in unruitled waters. igflglpdtidatnot reply and I decided that z A“ the "‘b(“ I 9 {200‘}? “ 919' bOllglit 1n the “Elma r ,: ‘ 1}“)Qt (FUNNY, LU'gU 114. l“l£lll- Ele'afiie‘g a1, mU-d tprtle-h. AndI the OCAldSi “Ely COUSlll, Bliss “'illton, Of “'homtl had better renlain quiet until 8119:: \\ fly 2111(1 are all g‘eIIUIDG bargzllllso 2' '2 ‘ ) “9”“pr E;i;1[}kpts_. . .81 .3” pilll' . l‘vl e ong agalns". Im‘ an) gOlng I have Often. SDOken," I explained ‘ had reco‘rered her equilibrium I had . . - , A A . o - . Q. .j u . . , . ‘_ . ' .' v ‘ W, . ‘ ' ° . g ' 0 . ‘ a ' , ()‘ ! . “a ’i ‘. , ~ I. ,1,,1,.,,,.11,A.,1 ghwtmg. ‘_.» m. ‘Ato plungBe,taAi%d advise you to do tne nonchalantly. The one at my sids‘never seen a woman whom I conSid- 0 \ll Otllel €500le sold elf. l‘lbllt pllces, 2 .. . ' v. . C I o ' râ€"' . ' ' i I' ' ‘ ‘6’ ‘ ‘v AA .n. ., 1;. .- . who .................. m.,»_\.....i , . saline u ,, 30“ are b Came It “1 gaie her attention to the miss racerS-[ered a good lose. and there was that 9 ball and see for \ oursclf. and net a pound (v o ' .:- I 1' ‘4 ' . .. Vr' ‘ H- - _. ;;po son you. i “An exceedingly pretty girl. You'm her demeanor now which warned 3 ,, t . f " ’ D ‘ ‘ ‘ “”‘ e .-' .‘-_ l ' l__ “llfl‘ilf'hi‘il Fltlili‘ .illlt‘llyjl ltl. I I “as IlOt startled. AS a matter Of are very fond of each other, I be-:me to caution. Silence 0n the part Of _ 0 0111 35C. 9d 01“ 25C, .3 A:;A _A ‘ ‘A\\'lllAt:. . . .A. "11’. .....-.)v' )‘Aii'zl AAAA fact for some time past I had had my lieve,” she returned, With a slight ris‘Hhe fair sex 1 had always regarded as o i . l limo :)ln.~l.(_'All'.'il lilili‘ l.m_m, m A Aeyes on this great son of Black Eagle ing inflection. I hastened to answer. ominous. and before her quietness I " Garafvaxa St. - . . m 'lim; WM». 'i‘l: \ ”till A' as much the best horse of the lot; ‘ “In a way. yes, She is a very good ”HOW sat wretchedly. :: I := D U .' 1 , - .- -. . ”A -_)_ -. . ~T” iAtherefore the news 0: his midnight a tnrsrasm r'e popped mv com 2171- _ . a R H A M f ;_ . 3 “ .\\MHH-‘t“l ““I-IN -“ “3 "t ‘ -' performances merely corroborated mv “n ‘ “ .’ "_ ., . ‘ p CH AXDTF‘P VIII ‘99999999999000090009000009 r ‘: " ' . ...:<'3.:m .m-o , own judgment. I answered in an off- ion a hurried b0“, and othen shouted i .. - i 7. \. . WW 3 ~. . ; Filmy- ()El“ii)-'ll, l i;.:l '3. yards ”hand manner. ‘ something to me as a surge Of the~ 1 know of few things more uncom- . g l \\,,l(!.. ..... ill? Sil'l'll-u }' il‘il A"? I CI‘OWd bOl'e llllll along. . fOl‘lfllllO lllall for 3 1113.11 to p088 be_ A,A . .A A ,H * \t;iii' H 1. . uh .......... 13» 5' :rl 3 i “I rather look to see him win mY-t “Last call for prosperity in the bet-1,901.9, me woman he loves in the garb 4 - , ' ‘ “" 1 “ .’ T self. But you know I do not lie-l, and ting ring," was allAAthat I could catch i of 9 Sage. and being suddenly un- « .‘ ; 2.; ~‘“'"".“"’ ’ Til-“E“lim‘.‘ “'“"“ “therefore cannot take advantage OI of it as. still scsuculatms. he “'asiwi‘mi .o realize that he stands -re: " 3' i a 1 .‘r '“‘ “"1" 1:: ““1"“ _’!""‘3" , . the Ollili‘vl‘lllll‘lly, But I thank 3’ u .‘lusn swept away. Mrs. Dace looked after; 1] WS 3 ImQF , ' i‘ ., ‘ . WWW“; 'i'l’ll'll“ . -A-A_’“' 57'2"“ ; the sqme, for the illfOl‘lllElIiOlLUA . »hln1. . , Continued on page T_ 2 . C““"”"“"‘ ' "' ' :1 flu *‘ '_" H'H' I’I’i'jj‘ ("Mahdi-'5' “N . l Bruce's (‘01‘ itcnaiice fell. “T‘iats‘ “What did he mean by that?” sheé ___ _____“____,_ __, _ a F Fl ] _ i, . . . _ i f \f SWAT)”; “if" ‘-A'V"lf';"l 3’” “Mt . 7 so. You bm'KlCC fellows have to be demanded. I enlightened her. . How’s This? Ol‘ our 3 1 .A 'A “ ‘ =5 *1- ~ ' . 132‘s” 'i‘i. :r‘1;".‘.:ir :~ ‘4. . .. . . ,v... ‘ . .w . wr‘ ' a- “ ‘v ' l ' z . . . " , . . .A \ 1 . A lA ‘ l A piou} (ariA...1Aoi 3 ... s,30..1ngAtraii- . 0.1. Bruce has got a stialgit tip: \veofferone Hundred Ihfllmskewmdm, 2n)? g Feed b-Eé‘d M ‘ ,, . ' 3‘ ' l. i I \ .‘» .l 5 - l l 5 aCIlOIIS.' .ir orig “"11. Lip aga.n 21le II'OmA a turf friend Of lllS that EangAeawol‘ Cutarrlilhat cannot lw Cured '1’} 11;. 1 s e -. A " 'wli‘lspcz'ed I "“Scl} in my ear in stage Boy is gomg t0 W111. SO I suppose he ‘; (Satan-h Cure. 0 Fresh Groceries . . fashion ‘Ilo'vever, in this instnn- e is DOW {-30ng to back him to his limihl 1‘7 l- (311353”‘3‘5 s\' "‘7’ - 'l""“"l' “ 0 . p . l “‘i ‘01}. had :‘a'lll‘l‘ like [1 chance; ‘3: 118 VVOUld as $0011 Slt (lO'Wll and watch; \‘HA- :EwAiAimAlsz~Ai'_’z.A.-Al luv: knowiiA l" .l ('lAiu‘Ili:3' 3 N8“; rfuls; and Fi‘lués A w 50:1“:- fld’xl‘: " ‘ 3-3:. it 111) for you: say In? hands Of a 010C}: :0 fli‘O‘illld 218 toll: 'nlllyr‘f‘filllir5“31.1..fil’.;lll:ll:~.ll‘igl“.~l.l~. ly-(‘rta‘l'iiflion)?null.iiiinii- a Cl “(a 4-' z i u some \ sr "7‘ e, for ins:anco. A see a race unless he rod :1 ‘xK'RQ‘Cl‘ on g _, _. 3m. 7 MN} U... My (,r,-;A._...A;;.,“A.mm...1:). g JOlL-e COHfECtEOnCS‘F 3 . 7...“: t . (A... o 1.5.; “'0..de not dazii- it.” The light of lillt‘l'i‘Si. r-ziiiie intoiVF'u-w. . m ) “r9 r‘ 3,, . ,, 5 AA J A sJL s l -‘ A”, 'Il‘\" ;*. A . \A \ v} . a», A O p n ‘ ‘ . i 373? you ‘17“.‘11. (111.1 a .\ thousand her eyes. 3 “iv-3......“ .\_‘ - - \g, \ :1?) Â¥ ‘ k ELL/'3 and ’ Allegars a -;~~.v .:~ . T-‘f‘ T‘.T‘li‘l‘.‘{".'5ll‘. Clid ILQC‘ ; ‘ ( 4.. ‘.(- .: 1.1 ,. (“3 ("Ci par ign' "l“"l §)-g..,‘ N, o * N. . A 1 - -~ ~ - -r -- .. l c: .‘» . .1 l 1.“ li'."' \ .L’ ., " 1 ‘ b it p _ - ‘ ,. A l" f/ (nip . g 1‘ ' ‘ 3'1‘1::O"'5‘:\v° “A116 Vi“... Lilian. .I‘V':1.t.e.‘\;.o)ll 1):-CJ 1-1ueried,i‘ill"“ i llll'I‘ll ll ‘A'H’ll 1'l ‘ 'l‘ l‘ ‘ ‘ (it. ‘3 ‘VI. - , , ~â€" ‘1‘" k ‘ g» 1": 81L) I'd Q. g ,. . . ..‘ ' .:n .‘pAo ' (\f" ‘ V. .A‘ l. T 1- + ,. ,. \\“.-" A l “I" ‘ ‘ l t j i' r"! i " r y: r 4- ‘, 10‘ ‘ ' ” 2 “1‘ ' ‘ "‘i ._ ““ “3...: 51. 59§104311L-%.“3“1‘;} illséfld‘vi‘dgor e§.>..:..,...‘.-l‘.‘... ., ’ l W‘ 3”" '7 ’-’ :i.-. 5 Produce R‘s/bu i , ; s.A A..- .0 r. ; trim} Illi‘ii 1.15 .i s g 'r-x; APAH :- , AHA ,7 . .. AAAAAAAAAA _ .3 i : 1"“ a ‘ e will win. I Tiny»: :3:"f".letl‘:ll‘.§1‘ a‘out the ‘ §W$gfiawwaf:¢%figfifi%fim newessssoesmcrw ~ 2' I * beasts. :“311 ‘;“'i<:r"‘. ?~ bier. raised *"Twm "-4..” - . ~ I“ ‘ ‘j mung... -“*‘":5’::T“‘“Mr~~wwâ€"m.m m...“ -_...,.,,:‘_,-_--,‘ _ .. i - -‘-‘- 1~ a ,. are . nag. 81.0 3r: 3‘ l" i“ i .53-; A-j.‘ f A. a, m. t -... W. 2 _ 1' says. .» ._ ,‘ M .. -.ll g records by _- + .2, ‘ r if; EA j'.i_' m... g. . H .A y ‘1’. , l . . 5’ 1‘15 moo: “ PC‘IIII. «1.0 if 4' 3.. : 3 i..- ' \5‘" . ”f. ”1 “' i ' ‘ - ' ‘ ' ' " 13’â€" 4" 1‘" rid-s . s ”I end 3117116 '8 ‘-' ‘7‘ ‘ ' 332 I i..j-._' ' a“ will“. E ‘ . a .1, i .... i r‘o ;. ' I ' . .. : z. .2' 1. 3' vi??? . (”we off his 110315 _' ~1.Ta ' M’ r... ‘ gr: - ‘ “mafia, 533t‘ahgha '33, “he. ‘1‘ A“ . ~A '.. 'A'A ' 3 31:6 _, , he, "7'9,“ F“. tile TI‘QC‘W' 136‘: , ‘ _ A .1" AAAA-A fifth"? fr AA v. - "An,“ AA .3. _‘ j . , - . . , r » r- . .‘g . . .. u. .. til.“ L. as l~ ._ . A A!-A A '. A > r :3"? A»: .AA ., 4 _ my.» a ~ ‘ ‘ , - w l MTnimlcavc Toronto 2.00 am-oa ‘ _ ' l“? C; 7? ‘ 1 113“ twee-:1 If»: tiers a Witch rides al ' g f - _“"{‘â€"'3 f '. T 7f; : Q‘pfi’; it 7: .' g Pm ‘ 13 a“ 1015‘ 39 JU'rlt13. 27 ‘ . ' ' - ,- 1 3157' 1'1“." bi‘:‘>0t1:. Y I . as .0 bet or :11: 13:9,? I " U « r 3% ..a;.-.:.-....._: n3 tins: -.........- _ g k“ .f.;-.';__1 If “ w" ‘1‘ ““3”“ l m? 7’. 25 AUG- 3. 29 SEPT- 5- 19 ‘ . '. - .i ‘. s .2495 as...“ 33:) ------- . .1 1133‘ W88. ’1- to-: ~’ in“ : ill ’ ' "uuudahnnckenhmOi-iufio muons in print-bad :‘ . ‘ :.' if»: 1' m1; " '1 d3". ’2 ’ - "" " in» ”Map” ”‘ Ra‘s: ~3~ f- .1: ~ ’.-. .., . r 5 . _._ .3 Swims-twat”! .- -‘ ‘ , ‘i' '1‘. V ~ ~17 ‘ .~. .7: :17 “3773‘.“(3 ? A. lb ‘1‘ d L J ”iv, .. -- V ' U" ‘V " i : p . 5.4; “:1. , q- ‘Jn 'y \ k“ - ‘ . 5 u - " “" R ,m... -3.â€" .. - ".5. ’~ fl. - . ’ «n " ‘Je Low ROU N O‘TR} P RA! ES 2 e .‘Pj‘ . p 11- -8. â€" 0:, 8373‘: 3 ll. 3 a: A . r L -w .3. Q,» , .J _ ,.' AA’ it“) :' i W (4. fr x}-‘;A W‘ ‘ mam-i33300: “33109:?” Md ”m a. V 1 T‘Q‘QL‘; . go C J .11 7‘55: . “ .- .» n ":7; 7 . . r , , :i M 91.. and no sis-room in simmer“ Tam?! . 1 - - Wad: 0 . é '” ‘ ' ' "“’ ~..» ' ” - J ; ~ sarcom- rkhinwdaysmrwsdm- 3 ‘ j ‘“ "“ T " ‘. _ “f. - a...“ f‘ ’" ~ ' .77? , ’ ~ -: fr 5'“ r. . - § . n a. -. . .‘ - _;~ n15; ‘ ’ . ‘.j.' 117 i‘r; : "1.; DIET. ' ' W ”' ""““'“,’° '*'~’ 4- x -- , - _. .7 f. TOURlSTbLEEpzNG CARS - A A v rL .. ’i. m A 4 f , -, : ”AA -.-.~ ”A, . ~ , A o}: b .;.~ 3 .gm' a... ”.miunabkberiafnfiysm’xoed! " _. 1“,, .T f I ‘. L fl: , ~ * ‘ ” ‘* 3V“ “..- -- :‘ ill.” .2- 1» Q5” "l2" "' a l"; fiWmhAdrcmzdalnoémiznbéqug’a "‘"i.. . . _ ._s s“. - - :;:- fl“ ,.. . AA_ --. -. - ,1, ~.. .~ ----.. . ~~. .‘A'. , . . ,A ‘ p A- I use”. 77:" ; ‘- : ’ ;.,~ .. . ‘ . i-_"- 331.; j. (37: .43.: -.;;;;. “3...; - .. --. s .r - -1, --,,.,.v,_ r” u‘ _ .Q‘ 3â€"- Z- i. a, r’r. a“. 1L “MafiMMbGMO - ‘. - , 3 .t; .1 its this.” : 8'1“: , V -- W“ - . ,_- ,V fr”? , «m... . m "33' nupnu’v ... - . . ‘ s- 9- if- ;‘~~, 21w 321‘; ’ .. -‘~"~ ~ C11? in fl '7: 323-? .‘ ‘~ - - i ‘ H 3‘1 4 m‘gfiwm . . , i ’. .~ 7 ”_ 1” '- 9 “ J ' k g ' w so. ..... ‘ i, 7' ntiul, uri. -~â€" ,_ L ‘ “w" 31,:qu.: hasâ€"E £.A-wbR.LTh-v-s."~ “' ‘ ‘4 “ ., ~ . ~: ‘ - ~ ~, 5 3;- 1... tr»: : .. . ~._~ .. is Z .1 £1.22 ; I M m ‘ ~ 5 L ‘ "I L L l '. .4 ‘1 . n . ‘ . "' -'- t: .J In F 3,4 I .Y m ”a "Tcgflm 8F CARS E ' H l ‘1’ “ . j H. - LS {HQ-f: “1‘ "ti‘ 2 \ \ -\L illlfl I: k 29‘ l .. ~'1. \ o ‘1‘: l C .l 71â€": :.' 341 3 CCIlCe‘i :9 r}, 2, bar ‘ .’..‘. (.g -- “haul”, ,3 E_)() i? 'T; 4:“ $ ’ , - “\.-' a a l.“ 7'... . ,... . g 4 7.7‘. ‘3 l"? \ l 1 < f .. f . 1 ‘ fi . I .. U V ‘ ‘ H‘ S A ' ‘ L4 jA. t __ ._ . - e .i, l . :i J. .1 \_ -._Â¥ . :_ ‘ Av: 13‘ - A“ ' r; l ‘3’ AL 2-. x â€" '~’~ ~ ~~ he“) TICK 151119114013. 2 " y A‘," :;..\ v , ‘,-‘. 3' :g .\ I r v q‘ 37 ‘A "‘7‘ . [\I . _,-‘. - ,»_"'\‘ \r ‘ , :f . 1 1.18:9.“13 Eu‘:;.‘--\‘.:‘l 3L? ‘ CE I: . ‘1. ;‘ fl ‘(A: C‘ Lillll‘x :‘ X ‘1- Aa;. .. 131?. l T ;\ 3-.., "v ,1. _’ V": I,’ ,1 Bul\ II~ i {:6 “A. ? ; SE)‘\/25 :1" \‘V -_ A;.\_ i. .l A..‘.l‘.'.“‘ .LJ. 1 '- P ' = A.."‘ I " \ V ',‘.v. n .‘. :.: {7vi r’ I ' '~ ‘,<\~ ,7 ~ .1,- . '_ fl‘ ‘ T" } '\-..A- «A - .3 L t) (â€" $A\ ‘ 'V '. J"- x '- .. ‘ . "' ‘.’ ‘-‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ - - 3 . I;r\" ~‘.j\A\\ F; L1;i"” ‘r‘ l ‘ ' L_!'.~ \JR .7.‘. . O. -._c.‘ x). D .L’LI: ~.a 1.) q S 8H (s l- L" u-s \ L s~ r. LA. J.) - t -’ ‘ («A ~ . * I) ..., T- a ‘L . d J 43 I ‘ .. _ -. . . ’ k - ‘. ‘ I - ‘31.; - ’ ‘.' ‘2 Lu H ‘e IV [-...C I ‘1‘” “"7 l‘ ‘ "il it n... L: r V fl . 1 film. when as a we-.-::ig;i er. .:53 horseman. a ii :5. .13. t‘ e 3 .p .. - I -. - .r. .3} L re... £”(“L.‘]“" I C‘t’d‘mued “It“ I" FIND” A' :1 1‘15" ’ J ____._.._...-_......_....._-_... . rimrose viii}: siz'.:c':‘;es before him ink-03° “outbii‘w ‘ lil'wfi‘li”: 1 “r ‘1 ' .1 -‘ ‘ ‘ ' V ‘ “ “A” rune... was £333“ 1 into 3* PCI'IHGRCUC cure. ' i 1 J v U‘ Ta ViSi sli'I‘iOUS YO 00339313279â€" Lvou’; so a". .- 1V3“: -5 Ci- 5 ll“ ’4‘? '77? ”Till“? " "T C of VI). cr Vine Milo Fire Tlir C " Second 0355’ gem 131‘s. ‘ 3' ) 5 ‘- .‘,.‘.‘ ail .3 " " " i . .\;... ‘-,« afinhiirfir “a -«+ - T I' V 4 ,‘I.’ -i‘ f . ‘ni ~ ‘ . 1‘ V ‘* l P L c 173 ’ ‘3: L 1 K A‘ri A r. as l was at. the l.-ll Lite Cg .» 91:19: all}? hope. 31.3. i a: L: u....ui...._i C i-e.- A. .\O y A g- ,1 s-lijwhi 531;;V-iil; ‘i'jL‘Il’JLLF 1.730111 1’433 the Paill at tlz'l"‘ b‘ - )1 ‘L . g" P ‘ 0 . ’ x _ g first .-.' :44 5v .JtFio ? Charged To :‘lie full with .iea'tn and tad amass ( wiismered that to cons-e .: 1 ,A ......'.-.i,. I - .--_ AA - AAAAA. mm.-.“ . t b" .. . . . “cs sing almost un- ropoitionate R3,“; - - ‘A “fl‘tA-A'E‘r133EEEENC: lvitality, deqrcrately in love r. 1th and; to be an 82.9111 €01 a woman in garb: . .--A.:.A. . , by, . thew-fa 5 “tall failed to do me the slightest good. ‘ . . .. - l ‘35 l v ‘Hééiiig‘i";:; ‘*"‘~*e' . " half accepted bf" one whom 1 11101011811" ins :rai‘saction was rushing ii. where 1 ' ~ “I": W ‘lfi’hfi c'fj‘f'ti;1V”*C:1Allheal‘d Oflflm-Buk, and thought 5,513,138..“ A Ofltfll‘ll) pilm‘u‘w 3 4;... 3- .- . r ?' ‘_ ’. . ~ , ' - . . ‘ * fa“, -, . . .11 ” ...‘ I - u . , rye-14:08 .t waits '1'0 ‘lil? :‘ a {‘4'}. , , .. . . . . 3;," ms ,3 . A_ A , -. ff": ll? 138116385230 he the_ mostAAbeautiffiulaLéplb might be . Ieai o tread I A AA AAAAAO AAAA . a; 210:4»sdtm1. ‘ IprocureAd asupply, and after-aver), : TILOJQh Tram Toronto lo . -â€" l a. W 1' A ~. ;i l .3 9K iwoman m “19 “Ofld' 1 shock 11}? “.liexared. . f‘ ““1” "my CWW" W1” several other Omtments and medic' h d ‘ 10°90 'n llailx ' ”‘3" -15 - 1i ’5 _“ F‘\‘3' ‘ defiantly in the teeth 0f the grinning; “But of course I do not know ‘NlllCh .... to or..,.-:â€"..~. complete cure.” mes a E "- p.. ' " 1‘12... -. j- a..- . “' spectre of inv lack of money. And re~' one win win 1: is difference of Judg- , - ‘ E, A, my - _ m...“ ‘5 v.‘ «1‘ ' "3)“ v . . . ' . . " - ‘ ' . . ‘ "71' -- ”l: ‘ :- e , I- -- ' ° . 51' ”7....A7,»-.z, 31m 1‘ alizmg my domination for the da}, thelmem that makes horse racmg possr i :Lifés aéffyguce:Q“ECZE"'wg%p BLOOD POISON' l R- MACFARLAVE. - Tow \:‘~"--= . 'g...ii§.;;é’.H.,,' 73308 MAW? spectre cringed and fled before me. ble, you understand.” I warned her. 1, 5o€§é ‘CCI: gggg Bang?) HANDS’ SCALP } â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"‘" l"‘¢-“‘¢~%” Demons!” The great migration of the day was She tightened my fingers about the l ;,.‘m I’ngfés 1,;{1 D‘ISVASEQS °‘ SCALDSAand all send this coupon.nameof ‘ 1'": -_._..____... “mom...“”kgcggfigfiitfifigu; in full movement. Automobiles were money. thrusting my hand from her 3‘43 gr Zeti-Bulc‘Co Ton‘mm- All druggzsts and paper, and 1,, stamp to l S’ k ------ . »â€"-- b a 2. namely ascertairg euro ...~.=.‘..;Hrreecé:;.s;..rr a.‘ whizzing past, honking like flights at imperiouslV. - Rex; 114.1}; subsfitugés. ' ’0“ free for price. lain-Built 00.. Toronto, g 1° headache is caused y i . :l a is re ably vLLentn c. .mmuriim - - u . ° .: - _ . 'sc " .. A , m . . . txlgfsnst(gialygomlucntal. Bassoon some... Wlld geese. ViCtOFIaS and traps, drags I have Said that I am gomg ’60 re , .. "m '°_ “’1‘“ b°“- '. disordered stomach. Take Cham s. .(mtlroe. Oldest agency for securing nt .A and tallyhos streamed behind them in ~ Wonderful Nervous Sys‘u. mi } DeaKElQEir‘l Cor. Michigan Ave FNOTIGI {face as Personally call at on: if." M in our Winds M for Canadian l: berlain’s Tablets and correct that {and the headaches will disappear' g For 3316 by all dealers. ! / I The Chronicle will be sent from Inow until Jan. lst, 1912. for $1.00- to any address. in. Canada. .3 . ma.- H,

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