IP IF 3-8 eâ€" t 10 acres hardwood bush. '. acre' swamp timbered, the rest Mr: barn 30x50, stable 30x40. inward 1 acre, watered by 2 wells and spring. Part of purchase LOT 56, 2nd CONCESSION, BENT- inck; ioins corporation, West of Durham. on Durham Road, on north side. Well watered, good bank barn, comfortable frame and log house. Will sell crop, stock and Implements with farm. For further information, apply to T1305. E. Hutton, Hutton Hill. ‘ and 0.11 e33} terms. Apply to J. A. Russell Box ’39 Sedgewick, Alberta. 7 ___§:§__t‘f._ 21. YAMWORTH PIGS FROM EIGHT weeks to 10 months old; both sexes. Prices reasonable. Satis- hction guaranteed.â€"H. W. Hunt Vickers. i. COMFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE in Durham. 2 Ed’oreys high. hard and soft watar inside, good cem- ent stamp frame barn on too, quarter 901-. of Land. Price away down to quick purchaser. Apply 3* the Chronicle office. 727 tf SUCKING COLT. HEAVY DRAFT. The right kiwiâ€"G Finney. )ESIRABLE BUILDING LOT, 1-2 acre. corner lot, opposite Clark 9 Waning Mill. For particulars ap- n'tv at this office. if HOUSE AND LOT ON COUNTESS Street, Apply to Mrs. J ohn Har- cottle, Durham. 6303ptf zeros of land in the town (:1 Durham. On premises are good nil pen. hem house and stable. wm rent house without land. it Mind. Apply to John Hoffatt. Durham. 3.17 .tf two-ACRE FARM IN THE TOWNâ€" ship of_ Hollagfi. lots 52 and 53, ,__..J__ A‘s! m éfEï¬E FORMERLY occuâ€" pied by Mr. Mockler. Good con- venient stand. Apply, for par- ‘Sculars. to David Allen. ‘2-9t-f 100 acres: 70 acres Working land. 10 acres new land. :20 acres hard- Wood bush. Two good Wells on premises, Good concrete house. frame barn. driving shed, 1Jé-acre orchard. Well fenced. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. For fur ther particulars apply to David McAuliffe, Upper Town. Durham nn+ uh ff. In the matter of the estate of James Edge, the elder, late of the township of Glenelg in the County of Grey, Farmer. de- County ceased. C ountd} of G???“ L‘rme“ 09"! The issue price during the month 093.59 - . . {of November, 1911. will be 102 for NOTICE IS hereby gn‘en. Pm‘su'ieach $100. and after the 30th day ant to "The Rensed StatUtes Of'of November. 1911. the issue price Ontario. 1897 chapter 117-531 thatï¬luiwill be 102 and interest accrued creditors and others havmg clamps I from the lst November. 1911 against the estate of “39 5915“: ALL BONDS AND INSCEIBED James Edge. the elder- F110 ‘dled‘STOCK ISSUED UNDER THE AU- on or about the menty-elshth d3." , THORITY OF THE SAID ACT of May. .1911 are requu‘ed on or : ARE FREE FROM ALL ONT into before the 215t day Of December. PROVINCIAL TAXES CHAIQGES A. D. 1911 to send by post prepaid I,SU_CCESSION DUTY AND IMPOâ€" or to deliver to VS. R. Edge 0r;SITIONS WHATSOEVER. ’ ' .' s of the; fgstW‘l‘llillflnicargegt‘xgggar of the? alurlchasers.of Stock or Bonds deceased their Christian and sur-gvâ€˜ï¬ e required to Sgnd‘ocertifled names, addresses and descriptions. 315313;) ‘t‘ï¬th 2119 apglï¬â€™latlglg- D3?- the full particulars of their claims. . cial Treasten-g 91; <6 . 9 7’ mt 1n- the statement of their accounts.1 This loan ,1' 0 . Sitarlo. and the neture of the securities. if 5 credit of th 13C ralsâ€˜ï¬ gon -the any held by them. éue Fund of 8111;123:011)? is (Exile:- And further take notice that‘able thereon. ' p 9:» after such last mentioned date the‘ A. J MATHESOV said Executors will proceed to! distribute the assets of the deceas- ; Provincial Treasurer, ed among the parties entitled I'Treasury Department. Parliament theretoliaving regard onlv to; Bulldmgs. Toronto, lst Novem- the claims of Which they shall then i ber, 1911. have notice, and, that the said Exâ€"l Newspapers inserting this ad- ecutors will not be liable for theivertisement without authoritv assets or any part thereof to any I from the Department will not be person or persons of whose claims 2 paid for it notice shall nod: have been receifed I by them bution. Belted at Durham this 20th day of November, A. D. 1911. W. R. Edge, Edge Hill. Wm. Scarf, Durham, Executors 0d the last Will and Testament of the said James Edge, the elder, deceased. 5‘ A}? EXTREMELY L me‘ and on easy term town pro-petty in good Particulars furmshed 'bronicie Ofï¬ce. lit} Vb “V--w--v - concession 2; 75 acres under cul- tivation, besides a quantity of pasture land; about 30 acres of hardwood bush. also a large quantitv of cedar. Good spring creek running through farm close to barn. also two wells. Brick house containing nin-e rooms. also Woodshed. First- class bank barn. 52:60, with cem- ent stabling. G-ood pig pen and other outbuildings. Terms reaSâ€" onable. For further particulars. apply to Joseph Beirnes, Wil- liamsford. Ontario. Nov. 9-41) h as. Amett. â€5-; “u“ Advertisements of one subsequent insertion. 1‘61- Sï¬léï¬r Rent. on . "arms for Sale. Emmi: T0 CBEDITORS. For Sale or Rent Store to Rent E‘t the'time of‘such distriâ€" ,Vo-wâ€" v 32‘ shed,“%‘ac"" fl RADULATE nf London. New need. W111 8911 I York .md Chicago. uyer. Foli) {131}; f Diseases of Eye. Ear Nosc‘and Throat. $13337 $11321; ; Will be at, the Hahn House, Nov. o 021‘. 5th, tf. ; 18th, and Dec. 16th. Hours, 1 t06p.ml are-ï¬â€™elg.â€"Mrs. 3 30tf terms, an up- good location. shed at the Mar. Qtf SMALL JG ON GOOD W. Kelsey 9‘21 incn or less, % ante fur ï¬rst inn». rtmn anï¬. Over one inch and under UM) :mhcs uu amount. Yarky rite. on applxcacmn FI(_ I) animals treated on most: scientif- ic principle-s. All calls promptly attended m. Ofï¬ce and residence. Gavdfraxa Sci-.eet Dmhmn. neatly 0pâ€" pnsite the Ulnnnicle Ofï¬ce. 623 1 PHYSIGLAE AN U aux . ï¬ce in the New Hunter :zours. 8 to 10 a. 0)., to 4 p 3. m. Special attention giv i Women and children. ? omits Presbvwrian Church. J! ï¬rm. 2'4 m . N! e Qizéeu Ami GeorggS CW tb‘Jaist U h ‘4ij. 799 (La). 3:8. Jamieson . FFICE AND as: { short (instants east or bapb ton b‘nreet, Lower ‘ 3 be?! hours frnm 12 in '2 o’c. Dr. D. S.Craig, DVSYSVP OFFICE: Ofï¬ceâ€"Over Dtmglzis’ Jewellery Store. l. P. Yeiford. Rmms'rm, 9.1101103, ETC Uï¬ioe. nearly upmvim the Registry n°ï¬ce. Lambton t..D'.1rba;n. Anyxmmm‘t f monev to loan at :3 per cent. on farm anertv. J F GRANT. D ; ONOR 93mm ! t." of Tornnto i ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- g t" of annnm. Graduate ' R0373 Yange Baum! Surgeons ofï¬ntagfio. Dentistry in all its Branches. ‘1 er. Conveyant-er. 8:0. mm £23m. Money to Loan. Issuer of flags Licgusea' A general ï¬nancial «ass trjmactefl, . O N T A R I 0 Provincial Loan of $1,000,000 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. under the authority of Chapter 4‘ of the Statutedoï¬Ontario. 1911 invites sub- scriptions from the public for a loan of $1‘000,000 on bonds of the Province of Ontario, or “Ontario Government Stock.†A. H. Jacksen. OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- er. Converyarwgr. 5%; IMP? The bonds will be dated lst Nov- ember. 1911. and payable on the lst November, 1941, in denominations of $1000 each, with coupons attach- ed f-or interest at the rate of four per cent. per annu-m. payable half yearly on the lst May and lst November in each year. at the of- fice of the Provincial Treasurer. Toronto, or at the offices of the Bank of Montreal, in Montreal. Canada, and in New York. N.Y.. at the holder’s option. Bonds will be made payable to bearer, but on request will be registered in the office of the Provincial Treasurer and endorsed as payable only to the order of certain per- sons or corporations, and on re- quest of holders will be exchanged for “Ontraio Government Stock" at any time. HAVING RENTED THE McKECH- nie chopping mill, 1 am prepar- ed to do all kinds of custom chopping and grain crushing, at reasonable rates.-â€"Wm. Lou-ghead Durham, Ont. 11 30 ha A. J. MATHE‘SON. Provincial Treasurer. Treasury Department. Parliament Buildings. Toronto, lst Novem- ber, 1911. Newspapers inserting this ad- vertisement without authority from the Department will not be paid for it Purchasers of Stock or Bonds will be required to send certified cheque with the application. pav- able to the order of the ‘Provin- eial Treasurer of Ontario.’ This loan is raised upon the credit of the Consolidated Reven- ue Fund of Ontario. and is charge- able thereon. imwmmmdflu scammï¬cgmc an†m Golilen Sq. Throat and Some H.012 SPECIALIST .- â€AR, mac“ nos: AA.“ stunt R03 Dï¬lï¬ihj'fl. ONT (Lower Town.) flim- .3, Frost-8‘ Dr. WC. Pickering Dentist. 3133; (her J .1. Br Mwwat U22 ec'lorv. Arthur Gun, “5- Dental Directorv Legal “Director? Grain Chopping Lurn } i If so you cannot do better than give M 1661: UZ/ï¬tlw’v .us a call and lllSpECt our large stock. â€â€˜â€" ‘ We have them in the latest style â€MM“- l 3880!: Jam3esofl. except inn AND RESIDENCE a ihigh-class garment]. lance ea“ 01 iiuapï¬ï¬ “0‘9‘ : Regulax Prices from $9.50 to $14.00 - ' Durham: ï¬t‘lalfg’gï¬zï¬fi‘v†; Our Prices from 6.50 Lo 11,00 ‘ ally Well tailored-a really ____-â€"â€"-â€"-_____,â€"_ “LII-vâ€" :nbwn Street. Rc-sidence arid G90th Streetsâ€"North UhuLdJ. (Mice hours 911 7‘9 FLU). 'I‘Pdenhone N0. 39 London Ophthalmic Hon '0. Throat and Nose Hon am: In cvntn for each mm .10 the throne .v, . I I at L 3 Lmndon. New J. Hunter’s \ up “5‘ and iDo You Want A Cheap Suit? LIVE POULTRY FARM. PRODUCE TAKEN AS CASH Regular One Door South of Burnett’s Baker-y GARAFRAXA STREET Highest Price, in Cash or Trade, paid for Raw Furs, Hldt’S, Sheepskins \Vnol. Etc. You are invited Lo call and see our stpck at. any time and see for yourself that we can save you money in anything we handie. MEN’S M. GLASER to be- FIVE SHARES, $20 EACH, IN the Kincardine Salt Works. Ap- ply to W3. Edge, executou' for the esttae of the late James Edge. 11233 Canadian Pacific all Canadian route entirely over its own rails. operates its own equipment of standard and tourist sleeping cars. dining cars and coaches, every day in the .year between Toronto and Vancouver Without change of cars. A train in Very truth that is the .last word in luxurv. The A 3-YEAR-OLD DRIVER APPLY to Samuel Ritchie. Durham 1123 t cars. A train in very truth that is the last word in luxury. The route is via Fort William, Winni- peg. Brandon, .Reg-ina, Moose Jaw and Calgary. Connections for all p0: flats in Canadian West and North Coast points. MILES 2716 MILES 2TORONTO AND VANCOUVER WITHOUT CHANGE CANADIAN PACIFIC W'AY LADIES’ WEAR 1‘ $10.00 and $15.00 OVERCOATS sale at: from $9.00 ‘to 12.00. PANTS at Similar Reductions A Full Line of cleared at close prices. For Saie mtmm (,WMmL. i, LE‘r'g'FR TD run EDITOR -â€"â€"â€" Z This 'is Thanksgiving Day, and ~ the People of this prairie [can be TRAD] itruly thankful for the delightful THE l ’ ‘ ‘change In the weather, w.h;-n for! f ‘ E ithe Past ten days has been such :1? it" bring 303’ and comfort to the DIVIDEN: grifï¬n fgrowers, whose hopes were NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEI‘ an the last two months down to 87 per annum upon the paid-up flzenc- several times every week, 3rd beoen declared for the current 1 §at their wit’s end to l-rnezw what be payable at the Bank and Its‘ to do, to put the grain in stack meanat heating, and to thresh it ber’ 1911' BY order 0f meant (moulding in the granary.‘ 81 am“ "the eefeee men in the end! “3:33â€"â€" were those who left it in stool:.,[ DEWJB as it is new in better counuditionlw ‘ I . ' ‘ 3 i than at any time Since cutting, ill' RED PAINT x s . . . t ‘ A . l tms (dlStI‘ICt November 4th, about t d t d 't'esg ~â€" . . ' e. owns an, c1 1 . ‘3 'PGI‘ C9013; 'Of the threshing 13', I haxe paan ‘ . d , , Im the good old fashione: u a}. .{lnne The yield is very gmmi'iaod I tell you, William Henry, 'but the grade is away Off, ‘7 3Ethat such painting doesn’t pay. Northern being the best Ever." g1 am in the SEN? and yello-W, and farmer has from two to ten thorsâ€"Emy life’s not worth a darn: I aml and bushels wheat, and as the I working as the butler of a, fourth-I price is very good for the qualitv. Irate liv’ry barn: I am everybody’s [it will. mean considerable cash in I servant, butt for everyb'ozdy’s je-er: !ci1‘f°ulati0»n in the West Other ? even mules reach out and kick me ‘grains and vegetables are. al 9 ; when they see me standing near, I ‘good but as there is not .i'Z'lllLil A might own this blooming villageâ€"- outside market'for them, owing to that iS truth WithOUt a taintâ€"If I heivy freight charges, it does nniétionly had the money I have blown ‘ ply them to ship Ontario would for crimson paint, I might ride in inm allow us the American market 2 chug-chug wagons, I might cut ‘which is the nearest, and the railtall kinds of dash, if those scarlet haul is too far to put oats andidecorations Cbuld be realized in barley on the eastern market. and , cash. To us poor old worn-out leave the grower a profit icodgers memories are running a t O V . . (r 1. . ()0 1- Ontario may have her lawn good § sores, We are runnlng tnflm? f†? rands, we are doing childish reasons for voting against reci-I . . . procity, but rural blwnitfl'ba‘ the I chores, taking kicks and geers and cradle of the o. o. AqSh and theicurses for the pennies that they “ - h h‘ A e -: '~ -' “ftvicld. iust to keep our bones to- ' that province, to be strangled he»; (gether tlll W9 land in POtt‘fâ€"IY‘S ' ‘the parent, passes understanding {Flel‘d’ and our thoughts 0f youth- When we consider that Wheat at i ful folly make us sick at heart and Minneapolis is from 8 to 1:2 cents 1, faintâ€"we might 11"" in 1’93"? and t a bushel higher than at Fort VVil- 3 honor, bit for ventures in red [ Epaintlâ€"Walt Mason. | 'I:nyn {Jan 1vnnv~ “1}.“an and mm i‘HJY‘iflX' . l I pact. the child of the farmers Ontario may have her own good reasons for voting against reciâ€" procity, but rural Manitoba. the cradle of the g g. Assa., and the pact. the child of the farmers of that province, to be strangled b the parent, passes understanding When we consider that Wheat at Minneapolis is from 8 to 12 cents a bushel higher than at Fort Wil- liam the year round, and ‘on barley and flax, the margin is much greater That any intelligent western farmer, who gave the matter thought ‘OII' consideration, would so (far forget his own inter- est and vote for a restricted mar- ket‘is beyond comprehension, but sentiment means much with some people and it is wasted words fighting for a “Lwost Cause" and I will accept defeat as I often did before with :as good grace as pos- sible and trust that the Borden Government in whose platform there are .a number of splendid planks and if they are all imple- mented which doubtless they will.‘ we may not regret the change, and the country go on to prosper, and if we :have good government it' matters not be it Tory or Grit The Liberals were not all that wasi expected of them seeing the manu- facturers “had (nothing to fear" as they were told in pre-electi in speeches, and the Railways and Express Companies are not much iafraid of the Commission as they do business in about the same way... at the old rates which according to the iWinnipeg Free Press the C P. 'R. charges Canadians more for hauling a loaded car a hun- dred 'miles than they do the Amer- icans on the “So-o Lineâ€. The re- joicing in Ontario at the defeat of the Pact reminded me of the story of “The boys and the Frogs", it was fun afor the boys in the east, but something different to the boys of the west, in Saskatchewan and Alberta, who voted for a free exchange of natural products. 15 to '2 J C. JOPP. Moo-50min, October 30th, 1911 (2-22? YOU ASK MORE? our Mon: 3* Back for the Asking You Promise Nothing. We are so confident that we can furniish relief for indigestion and dyspepsia that We promise to supply the medicine free of all cost to everyone who uses it ac- cording ‘to directions. who is not perfectly satisfied With the re- sults. We exact no promises. and put no one under any obligation whatever. Surely nothing could be fairer. We are located right here Where you live, and our repu- tation should be sufficient assur- Rexall Store. Macfarlane We want everyone who is troubled with indigestion or dys- pepsia in any form, to come to our store, and buy a box of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Take them home and give them a reas- onable trial, according to direc- tions, If they don’t please you. tell us, and we will quickly return your monev. They have a very mild but positive action 11 ion the organs vith which they come in contact, apparently acting as a regulative tonic upon the relaxed muscular coat of the bowel, thus overcoming Weakness, and aiding- to restore the bowels to more vigorous and healthy activity. Three sizes, 25c., 50c., and $1.00. Remember, you can «obtain Rexall» Remedies only at our storeâ€"The ance of .the genuineness at our offer. of Canada DIVIDEND No. 63. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a dividend at the r 8% per annum upon the paid-up Capital Stock of the Bmfleol been declared for the current quarter, and that the Same hi“ be payable at the Bank and its Branches on and after th 2 day of January next to Shareholders of record of 15th 1):ch ber, 1911- By order of the Board. STUART STRATHY, Return tit-kots m“. r-r'r‘m-ed rater. now on sale at any Grand Trunk Ticket, Ofï¬ce. California M ° HLEXECO or Hddh‘s“ Tort. m t ( ). Q-tite a number from here took in the Whitney meeting in Durham last Wednesday night and heard a good address. The municipal pot is beginning to simmer, and with W'm. Weir out for the reeveship, and Bob Lind- say and Jim Atkinson out for the. council things will likely be pretty lively in this part. Quite a pleasant time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGirr last Friday night when the members of the Literary Society. to .the number of about forty met to make arrangements for a debate which will take place in the latter part of December. Mr. Ernest McGirr and Miss Anna Scott are captains. Mr. Grorge Alj'oe has finished fitting up part of his stable with cement flooring. It is fitted up with steel stalls and stanchions of the famous Louden make, sold by George Arro'wnmith, of Durham. Mr. ‘Wrm. Atkinson has bought a dandy new cutter and he intends to make things go. Mrs. Robert McFadden spent a couple of days at her old home at Traverston last week. The election campaign is no“ on in full swing, though not so live- ly as the last. There are a great many questions to be considered. The present Government has given good service during the past seven years and While they continue the people have no thought .of turn- in them out and replacing them by others of 'whom we know little or nothing. It would be foolish to do noLmng. it would be foolish to do so or even to think of such a thing. «Lâ€" a Vote for Jamieson Whitney and summed. progressive Goxernment. My In: 3‘“ ‘ Canada’ S R“ ‘3‘3‘3 Deï¬neruack J. R. GUN, Town Aguxt. J. 'I‘OW'NER, [)9an Agent, Every Department Is fully Equipped to an!†Prompt and Efficient Service. Full particulars from Savings Bank at all Branches RIVER DALE. Fiorida Line; [Him-x D. P. A. OF CANADA A. BELL ' UN DERTAKER. Funeral Directorx IHE UUHE‘QAM EHRUN IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING At the Chronicle Printing House, Garafrm Street. Sumption THE (LRIIMWKTLK Will he mu any addrvem free of Rates - - $1 001w? yew. myflg‘g «ï¬g? guy b8 charged If um m mm, the an w c e the nnmqvn 6v the addrms Mm], Kn m to: very. - ubncrimiun is paid is d g oontluuvd to all arrmwa arw paid. “mom mum of the proprietor. ‘ ' For t'raneijmt advr‘rruwgeuu 5 Amertlsmg cans pH Eine fur the m1! ' Rates - tion ; 3 cents pm‘ iiue $3 ' q‘mt {Ridden minim: manure. P a. not cumming mm inch $4.09 per . (1"an wit-bout speciï¬c (how be pdbliobed till forbid and «119.73de â€handout aweâ€""14st."‘:Fnun(L‘ “ or eta-50 can ï¬or ï¬rst insertion. 3., cents for subsequent insertion. AJl dmflseme an em: wk. shun d HONDA! at 6 p. :11. b1- Gmtnwnnnts qrrimed by strangers wt $5M form “Va-ace. The Job Papal-uncut is com me Moth mm â€ï¬m’mm Mae for tar-aim: out Morriscy’s N0. 7 and meat Curcd his kl “Feels good as 116‘ St. John. .\'.B.‘ “I am glad to rcpor" Completely cured of R21. to Father Morriucy's X 8: Kidnoy Tubing, as 1. spanxible for my cure. ' a number of years. and ' heard of, and needle“ h asum of money withm; have no further troubEc z feels as good as m'w. acquainted wiLh the in." and know his rcmcdéux a suffering from R'nvunx trouble should by an Tablets, as I can ci‘mt' them." 1’,\'t;<t Full line of Catholic Robe and white Caps f0!" :ig‘vd Provincial Den-c1 The above prescrip: 3c A4!" or so~cullcd pate Marriscy prescribed it ‘1 cured thousands ax'u-r c 'zcture Framzizg on Shim notice. Price, 50¢. per bcx Father Morriscy Mud "'mtreal. DURHANI. ONT, SHOW Ik)0‘.\w-â€"â€".\’ext tn Swallow Barber Shop. }{ESIDENCEâ€"M door South of W. J mime“; blacksmith shop. tract mites for year v aglvemsemenuh d on appfication to 916 um Embalming a Smc'ralty EDITOR AND Paopmmon W. IRWIN Novem}; gammy s are h dyes, an} m 179d Danie. \V (1 S. Iv: Kne . 0 zflï¬OOOOOOQQv0990¢¢¢WNgtl We carry the m Gent's Furnishings on mwvwrï¬m I A MOUNQ Before you get )1 what we have. Ww aw Clothing, and thew are quality. IKE ONLY THROUGH T“ TO [WESTERN CA) "18 the Canadian Pacific “\f Fer Express? leaving 1‘ Union Station daily at 10.2< -_-_'â€" “â€"â€"'U for Vancouver. The trip t aim is practical!) a day Pl u neatly : “11!! us ard svc ht) ' Will mean vur :uc Your cmzrsp at once or your life, is winmng this prov past few Nearly 60 for in our C Weston. Tc ment-patie: through fear hospitals. In the Muskoka F caring for 156 patient single cent for the cc 70¢. per day, 1 pays 5 per day. Our Trustees, ha- people of Canada, ha during the past year Money to pay dOCI these sick ones, is urg help and have the joy the promise of the 84 SPADINA AVE TORONTO *4"? an: 1 his '. A. McLachIan, PRES man \' ’80 schools Next t4 "’1 I. Furni BUY EGGS TAKEN that MOU