West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Nov 1911, p. 3

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rse Estray 38 new ted to nice. 's No. 7 and Lif- ,urcd his Knee. V. IRWIN '1 we. Mb AND chrmmon 37393 dgafcrim'hium BE 1) PUBLISHED [URSDAY 1108me Printina House. 8am maxim?! me Lad 1M 0 AN lid 8, {0 ensure l bebroughtmnm Je‘nd at the Bk of the B- that the Sm yeafiny advemumm . ATHY 31¢ nk“‘.v anc M a'xtism a £1de at of me. It .16 XS CHRUNICU :enera] 44 by strangers .383 a $11.5 'OOC ”writ (“In Garafruu '1“ "CW“ "‘9an .flI‘C at). L: xi ”1E ONLY THROUGH TRAIN than by any other mute. Through TO WESTERN C.-NADA._9taadar,d and tourist sleepers for is the Canadian Pacific “Vancouâ€" yWinnipeg and Vancouver, are car- "? Express: leaving Tomato ridâ€"Canadian Pacific standardâ€" Imien Station daily at 10.20 pm,, the service is the best, and all {91' Vancouver. The trip to Win- custttms or transfer troubles en mpeg is practically a day shorter route are eliminated. WOMQQ v9+§¢¢Ww MOOMWMWW '01] i). A. 3W Di: w ‘ a’xL'fiEMBER TORONTO :.::.: Muskoka Free Hospital alone we are now , for 156 patients. 128 of these cannot pay a .7: cent for the cost of their maintenance, 15 pay :53: day, 1 pays 57c. per day, 12 pay 50c. or less ;: ru,stees having faith in the generous-hearted :: of Canada, have continued to carry on this work * :1 e past year. oney to pay doctors, food, nursing and caring of sick ones, is urgently needed. Will your readers :-:::d have the joy of sharing 1n 3. work that has r‘znise of the Master’s reward? ~ -..i..-mt.rxut-snut offered in any mher school in the province» ' ‘K 3.13:3!in with ('cmml Business College. Stratfoz-d,and . iwss‘ L‘oiiege. Tm-nntn. The courses are practicuiiy tho same - >s-lzouls. Tim proprietor-s nf this school are receiving seven .mny app i.-:it'<>r:.5 us they hm? sttldPntS graduating. We can 1' ;~ «m than any uther simiizu- scham in Canada. Take a course "ti 999 how quickly you wiii Secure a. positTOn. Your success '1 «'ur success. Students are entering each week. Commence w at once. 'â€"â€"MOUNT FOBEST ONT.â€"â€"-â€" 5; ..I:ti;:‘>’)xttf01.1.6214} izznn} n'hHI NhHOI in the p10v~ince ents who, if théy had _the money, could not ar of contagion gain admittance into other 5000 of these poor sufferers have been cared Consumptive Homes in Muskoka and near I‘oâ€"day we have 300 patients under treat- PRESIDENT. Chairman Executive Committee, National Sanitarium Association decrease 0! over H STEQNA W. J. GAGE THAT OUR TINSHGP !5 AT YOUR DISPOSAL. C LLULU. bUll H19 m'u3 n HM F. W. Kahle, PRINCIPAL E1011 1n ;..s. ‘30 0‘. .2). .2... o ’ J. -§“§' the For the South Rir‘ing of the County of Grey, on me Twenty first Day of September 1911. with greater authority as to the market end. This one copy: will ‘re worth a year's subscriptirm 1'0. any practical feeder. You cannct afford to be Without the‘informa- tion given in this talk. The Sun will be sent free for the balance of 1911 to all who subscribe now. A postcard will bring you our clubbihg list‘ and special premium offer. NOTlCEiS iwrehv given. that the umim'writtcn statement is a true copy of the abstract statement of election expexnes of Rimert J. Ball in rlw above elecsion,’ deliverd to me by Milton L. Ball. Agpnt for the said ROht’I‘C J. Ball. and that» the bills and \‘0H(.‘h("‘> in c mnectign therewith are in my possession. and open to ins‘pevtina far the period of six months from this date. Dated November 22nd. All. 1911. JOHN P. TELFORD._ Ii this exceptional is full of Dractic is fun 01 pra‘ cattle feeding with greater : Wi Sept. 1. Oct. 1. “ 13. :X 11;: Sppt J uly Sept Oct. (3. \nx. 7. 89131216. Oct. 14. Oct. 30. Oct. 31. Nov. 2. Sept.22. Sept. ‘23. Sept. 27. Sept. 29. Sept. 30. Sept. 23. Aug. 30. Nov. 8. Sept. I got sick again. And thuswise all the kids were treated by grannies in their day; they swallowed yarb tea superheated. and sickness skipped away. But now the World is so enlightened. we jeer at grannyb dope; at old- time remedies we’re frightenedâ€" the surgeon is 2oxur hope. The surgeon comes with saw and cleaver,-he comes in sombre garb: he gives no tea to cure our fever; he scorns the ancient garb. He tells us that some cog Or ratchet has slipped in our insides; he cuts us open with a hatchet, and all our works divides. He hews us with his gory axes, till. with ex- piring sigh, We sadly ask him what. the tax is and then curl up and dieâ€"Walt Mason. SKIN A MASS OF FIRE Horrible tortureâ€"pain unendurâ€" ableâ€"days when the whole body seems to be burning upâ€"lo-ng nights of sleepless agonyâ€"Then Thousands testify to thisâ€"thou sands who suffered from Eczems Psoriasis and other skin troubles until they heard of that simpic cooling wash of Wintergreer Thymol and other ingredient known as D.D.D. Prescription. J. Samuel Lewis writeszu‘q 11991 three bottles of D.D.D. Prescrip $3. me: she held my nose and kept me taking boneset and ginger tea. Then soon departed all the colic, the anguish and the pain, and I Went forth to sport and frolic, till INSTANT RELIEFâ€"The skin cooled and refreshedâ€"all burning and itching gone! TIMES HAVE CHANGED. In chibdhozod‘ when my works Were aching, my granny doc-tored Total Hanover, Ont" Nov. 2), 1911. 1911 THE MATTER OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS ELEC’X‘ION 10. 13. 31. 14. nd now my --- V Returning Officer South (hex To DSOD H. Rudolph. liver-y ' 96 ()0 Rettingez' Mutz 43 5” Chatswm-th News 3 (X) Standard Printing Co. 4 00 Gen. H. Mitchell 53 57 (3. Ramage Son 3 85 Mt. Forest Rep. 16 93 Mt. Forest W. L. C0. 1 O7 Wm. Irwin 51 00 Express 80 Com. on postal not-es 23 Postage 51 30 Personal expenses 48 50 \Vm. Knsxchfel «‘C San Thedmf Rink rflns T3310: Cu. hall lent Jae. G at m l. \K. J. Shax p, “ J. S. Blar‘k. " \V. Huer‘her. “ te1 P. Gr. Doers-am “ E. E. Eydt livery M. Cm'r'oran. livery “7m. Umbach, livery T. N. “’alpolff. livery Rubt. Duncan Co Hamr-‘er 31. SOL-‘y Bell 'lelephone MILTON L. BALL, Agent. I’l .fy ,to thisâ€"thou-a 'ed from Eczema, Ler skin troubles, of that simple. of W'intez‘groen, .kin, 0' stitution \\‘(:-al<r.=ned, and t! 2: late:- 3'ears of her life were spent in tug- ture ' nd pair but generally Mylo to look after her household umics until last March, uhen she took to her bed, and has since been almost constantly confined to her room. Four Weeks before her death, the last ray of hope for recovery had fled, and .her husband and family. who had so tenderly cared for her. began to despair of her ever get- ting Well again. She gradually failed, and on Saturday. November 18th, at 8.50 p.m,, she pass ed peacefully away, surrounded by all the members of her devoted fam- ily, to meet the army of the faith- ful, who are gone before. The subject of our sketch was Mary Ann Wright daughter of Mr. Wm. "Wright. .now of Philadelphia, .US.A., and was born in County Derry. Ireland fiftv-eight years ago. At the age of two years. she emigrated with her parents to Canada, and settled near Orange- Ville. Forty years ago, she mar- ried James Brown, and settledo lots 6 and 7, concession 2, S.D.‘Rq. Glenelg, W here she remained until the time of her death. She leax es to mourn 'her much regretted de- mise, her husband, three sons, and four daughters, James, ‘William. Mrs. Henry Denn‘ett leaving to-day, Tuesday, f Mrs. in. Watson, sr., has been quite insdisposed in»? some time. tana, U. S. A., Where she will ‘ for a time, or perhaps remain good. She w ill be accompanied McWILLIAMSVILLE. Miss Edna Dennett, of Owen S’d. spent a couple of Weeks with her mother, and other friends. VISI'CID ’1‘? he annou tea is the result of care and experience in blendingâ€"“must be the combination of fine flavor, smooth strength and richness. Because all these elements are so generously included in Red Rose Tea it 1ter [188 eme )I‘ W'aS range-i The boy’s appetite is often the source of amazement. If you s D R. lwould have such an appetite, take :1 until Chamberlains Tablets. They not leaxes only create a healthy appetite ed deâ€" but strengthen the stomach and as, and enable it to do its work naturally. Villiam. For sale by all dealers. M on- Visit in Durham, Lottie, in Toronto, Jennie (Mrs. Wm. Hargreave), in Egremont. Thos. T.,_ Ester and and David, died in childhood. She also leaves to mourn her loss her aged father, who is nearing the four-score mark, also five sisters in Philadelphia, and Mrs. Anthony Lawrence, of Glenelg. She was a most devoted wife and parent, and was respected by all who knew her. In religion, she was a faith- ful and consistent Methodist, and was seldom absent from her church in Durham when health and weather permitted. The funeral took place on Tuesday, flat, to the English church burying ground and was ,very largely attended by friends and relatives, from far and near. The impressive services at the house and grave were con- ducted by her pastor, Rev. Mr. Wright. The beautiful casket was covered with flowers, which were tributes from those who were near and dear to her, among them being a pillow from the family, a wreath from her sister, Mrs. An- thony Lawrence, a spray from W. .Zufelt, and a spray from the employes of Annesley Hall, To- ronto. also a beautiful Wreath viraln the officers and students of the same place, the two latter ones arriving .too late for the fun- eral. The pallbearers were her three sons. James. William and Joe. "Wm. Hargreave, \Vm. Zufelt, and Thos. Bile-ore. We join with the community in extending our sympathy to the bereaved tries. “There could be no better medi~ cine than Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. My children were all sick \\ 1th whooping cough. One of them Was in bed, had a high fever and was coughing up blood. Our doctor gave them Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and the first dose eased them, and three bottles At last Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills were brought to my notice, and they are one of the most wonderful medicines I have ever known. My blood was puri- fied 1n 1 very short time, sores healed up. my indigestion vanished. The) 31.2; 3 s have a place 111 my home and are looked upon a_s_ the family remcd y. i“.‘ “For some time I had been in a low, depressed condition. My affixetite left me and I soon began to 5111317 1' rom indi- gestion. Quite a number of small sores and blotchos formed all over my skin. I tried medicine for the blood and used many kinds of ointments, but without Satisfactory results. What was wanted was a thorough cleansing of the blood, and I looked about in vain f or some medi- c'me that woulrlaecomplish this. ’Dr. MOI‘SC'S Indian ROO't PiUS Cleanse a! system thoroughly. 801d by 211 dealers at 25¢ a box. 6 When the sewers of the hodv~howels kidneys and skin ductsâ€"gc {'10:ng up, the blood quickly becomcsi :1 pure and frequently sores break out 0» er the body The way to bee. 1 them, as Mr. Richard Wilson, who lives near Lom‘xm, Ont" found, is to purify the blood. He writes: Dr. Moree’s Endian “93:: $3 Healed Mr. Wilscn’ 5 8mm ll! vlrs ottles Donv Galvanized and Iron Piping, Brass Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. SHCP OPEN EVERY AFTERNOON Pumps From $2 Upward ALL REPAIRING promptiy and properly attended to. W. D. CONNOR Also FRESH GROCERIES Cooked Meats and Candies DON’T FORGET OUR ICI CREAM PARLOR and Restaurant LUNCHES Served at All Hours Trains have 0mm at 7.15 11.01.. and Zfipgn. . n . ._....- CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME TABLE Trains will arrive and depart as fol- lows. until further notice:â€" P.M AJI. RM. RM. 3.15 6 25 Lv.\VaIkertnn 9.131340 1005 PUMPS OF ALL KINDS R. MACFARLAN E. 1.00 7. 10‘ Durham “ 11.51 9.19 1.11 7.21 \IcVVilliams“ 11.11 9.09 4.11 7. 21“ Glen “ 11.11 9.06 4.21 7. 31‘ P1 168V ille “ 11.31 8.56 1.10 7. 50 " Saugeen J. “ 11.18 8.13 5.15 7. 50 “ Tomato “ 11.15 7.55 - Town Agent. H. G Elliott, A. E. Dmi‘, G. P. Agent. D. P. Agent. MWal. "oro J. TOWNER Depot Azent .TAM'ES R. GUN. Town Age: New Grocery Store Fresh Groceries Always in Stock Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange "V.Q.¢7¢.¢.9*V’*VVV"'* Mrs. A. SULLIVAN Upper Town - Durham W. H. SHAW. PRESIDENT Yonge 85 Gerrard Sts Toronto VVI'mtea1 PLANING MELLS Grand Trunk Railway TlMEcTABLE . N. BURNETT { Elia" 17% at Durham at 103011.111" 8 50 p m. EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY . D. Connor 'l‘ht Manufacturer of And Dealer in ”ICE Ll \Valkertnn AF Maple Hill “ Hanover “ Allan Park “ P Term I] M ‘QI ‘oronto. 9.42

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