West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Nov 1911, p. 8

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oZJ IF EIGHT. DURHAM CHRONICLE. An event of interest to many Chronicle readers took place at the residence of Mrs. Joseph Edge. Toronto, on Wednesday evening, November 8th, when her only daughter. Dorothy, was happily united in marriage to Mr. Arthur D’Orr Le Pan, B.A. Sc.. one of the Queen City’s clever and most pr:- gressive young men. The bride Was given away by her brother. Percy. The young couple haw- taken up their residence at '34 V'Tranby Ave. Your scribe took a trip up into Euphrasia last week, and while passing through Mark'dale was surprised to see the large quantities of grain, potatoes, and dressed pork being marketed there, at prices almost surpassing belief. Peas were in good demand at $1.25 a bushel, and oats were 45c. It dawned on our mind that there was room in Durham for a side-awake produce shipper. Miss Mary Peters spent a few days cf last week with her auntxe. Mrs. Rob. McFadden, and the lat- ter accompanied her niece home and spent the week end here Mr. George Peart and Miss Mary spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson, south Bentinck. Mr. Peart has been importuned so strenuously, that he has consented to become a candidate for the council, With good chances of be- ing a' Winner. Reeve Hunt attended the Novâ€" ember session of the 'Cmmrty Coum- cil in Owen Sound, last week, and took an active part in the dis- cussi-ons. Mrs. T.E. Blair, and Master Nor- man, spent a couple of days of last week at the parenta! home is Markdale suburbs. Quite a number hereablouts at- tended bhe..big meeting that wel- comed Premier Sir James Whit- ney, on Wednesday of last week. and were greatly pleased with his frankness, and his convincing ar- guments. Old Gletnelg will give Dr. J amieson over a blinds-ed of a majonty. Mr. W.L. Falkinghazm has had cement floors put in his horse stable, and in his piggery. Mr. James Ritchie perfiormed the task, consequently, neat and strong is the workmanship. Mr. Bob. Bryan, orf Varney, is spending afew days with friends here. Miss Jessie Peters left on Satur- day to spend the winter momths iw Toronto. Jessie is a clever maid- en, and a most likeable lassie. Miss Jennie Davis and Missy Gladys Firth, were guests of Mrs. Robt. 'Webber, cf Hutton Hill. last week. gram chopper and is busy on the line grinding grain for r>me of our big farmers. « Tax collector, Thomas Wallace, starred on his annual round-up 13,9; week. and it is a matter of consider-- able satisfaction to know. that while Egtemont and Glenelg are putting up with “hard tack” in taxes Normanby continues to "do it ’ with a moderate 5‘- SURE SIGNS That You Have Kidney Trouble If your back is constantly aching: and if you experience dull shoot- ing pains, if your urine is thick and cloudy, or your passages freâ€" quent scanty and painful, your kidneys and . , bladder are out i’éfmzui‘éifi J} 0 0 1/13 briggs omdrhgu- «’1 .d ‘ S r ’ -. I a:1 niumSdeo- 5::- I 1‘61 sciatica, etc. _ Mr. John .0. Greenwood disposed of his fine there-bred Polled An- gus bull last week, to Mr. Watson, of South Glenelg. Mr. Com-ad Becker has grain chopper and is busy grinding grain for r)me farmers. Booth’s Kid- ney Pills are guaranteed to relieve or your money back. They are the world’s greatest specific for kidney and bladder troubles. All drug‘g‘ists, 54') cents box, or postpaid from tho proprietors, The RT. Booth. Co.. Limited, Fort Erie, Ont. Free trial on application. My. David Mambo-all who purrrhasad the frame ho-xse fornwrly m:r..-upied by the. lute Mrs, Mary Diafislemnn moved i:. on Satin-way inac from the Johuswn fm-m down u bin own WhPr'P he in- tend» to convert it into a hen house- At a sgiu-ci.=-xl uweting of the Vat-nay Grange. 133:, Friday night, called on account of pressing bu~inos~3 an order for 20 tons of salt wa snnt to the Kin- cm-dine Sal \Vm-ks. Avaluable addi- tion was added to film membprship in the person of Mr. \Villiam Mountain. The regular- momhlv moptinc will be held on Friday night. December 88h. Mt. Forest mvrohants Par. set. the pace for the: merchants; of Durham as Chev are paying 250 per pound cash for all the good bu tier they can fret. M r. John Marshall purchased last‘ week quite a fine flock of sheep. Mr. Com-ad Beckoerlhas purchased a “-n:“ AL‘A Sle ighing for the [)3er few days has been cXt:eJ.Gnt, but at tim“ ui’ \\ I'il'ing the hwmtiful. mild. bunny \chithcx‘ it, making it scarce. BL-YTH'S CORNERS TRAVERSTON '3 Mr. David McAuliffe, Who re- cently purchased the property of :.Mrs Burwnett up town has opened .up a grocery business, and is prepared to cater to the public whose oomfijdence he hopes to W1!) 'and retain by fair dealing, and the lowest possible prices for goods consistent with their qualitv. We hope he may be successful in his fnew undertaking. IBURNETT.â€"-In Durham, on Tues- day, Tovember 28th. to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burnett, a daugh- t-er. There is nothing just as good as Parisian Sage. See you get the package which contains the girl with the Auburn hair. LOUISE WELL DRILLERS Also Agents for the Eaker Ball Bear- ing Direct Stroke and Back Geared Pumping Windmills, Pumps and Supplies. VVx-ite and have us call on you. Satisfaction Guaranteed 1’ our Patronage Solicited. Mrs. Wm. Carson, who underwent a successful operation a fortnight ago is so far recovered as to be able to re- turn home on Saturday last. to eradicate dandruff and maké the hair lustrous and radiant or money back. Judging by the dissatisfaction ex- pr"ssed on every hand. of our educa- tional sysu m, we predict Calder will giyg Jamiesnn the chflse 9.; his lifo. V [Our cor. seems to be off his eggs again.-â€"Ed.] HAIR GI: OWS THIN Use Pavmon brgein rims. and Pre vent. Baldness If your hair is growing thinner and thinner, and causing you anx- iety, go to Macfarlane Co. to- day and get a large bottle of Parisian Sag-e for only 50 cents. It use it regularly. Parisian Sage is guaranteed to stop failing hair, and itching scalp people Lh-as steadfastly refused the offers ofs peculators‘ and con- tinued to warn the public of com- ing dangers of storm and Weather. As they should have done, the people have .nzobly . stood by Professor Hicks, their faithful pub- If you are in need of a'supply it will pay you to consult the. Jns how thnsn gees e got benighted we can“ all, but We are not aurprisod at, thr-m humming: bJWildered af‘er smvi' g m mind so lung in the puse at. musgahem» whih cnmrasted so greatly u ith the. atxm sphere they came from. Sh 11:] may Amide to winter over wn h ilu "u. d father gander” they will um Hills be m nigbtpd and bewildered “W “MW. Thry “'1'" he henumbod, hef n. E d’u 'n sightlvss, hehogholed. “It is a pleasure to tell you that Chamberlain s Cough Remedy is the best cough medicine I have ever used ” writes Mrs. Hugh Campbell, of Lavonia, Ga. “I have factory.” For sale by all dealers. Don’t waste your money buying strengthening plasters. Chamber- lain’s Liniment is cheaper and bet- ter. Dampen a piece of flannel with it. and bind it over the af- fected parts, and it Will relieve the pain and soreness. For sale bv all dealers WATER ! ‘ " WATER z Rev. 11'] R. Hicks 1912 Almanac MMEKET REPORT PRATT BROS , LOUISE P. O. EMBER 29 1911 ..... $ 8}) to 5; 10 '21 m 26 to 85 to 40 1:) 610 15 10 10 10 ‘26 85 [3 g30ur Prescription Files Central prugStore Winter Term From Jan. 204 1/) ELLIOTT /;r M Show the estpem in which vse are held by physicmm and the public in general. Our prescription depart- ment is conducted on the most careful plan, and pro scriptions are compounded from only the purest and freshest drugs. and no mis- takes are possible here. prices. The Central Drug Store :: Durham Bring in your prescription: and family recipes and be convinced as to quality and TORONTO, ONT. Stands in a class by itself when strictly firstovlgss work is consid- ered. \Vritv for catningue. ‘V‘? have :1. gnnd suri’k “1 011 hand. AIS” (,‘Iuws-~ [Here and Rlllgu‘uud. XV" had good suéwss with L art-d Children’s Swmtvr ‘ thlfi season and expuvt more in a. few days. \V always pleased to ShOW goods. Ask to see them. Mach: ne UH. Harness Od’ ”he Grease and HOG! Ointment, go to s. P. SA Ulybfififiu We were a listlv lulv in in our Underwear. “wing hig demand fm' thew gnu a. part: of mu- shipmom 1s hand and We Wmlld :Hh‘ t0 buy 931'?) as it i.~ :2 {31' Truro, Nova Sontin. ii“ I" Wanted in a hurry. or a nice Silk Waist. will szand the wear-:11 time. If Y"“ du, ('01 “"8 have the silk in m 36 inciws Widv (PM! in black grev, (1: 'uk in light blue, \xhitv. ki and if there are nu} are out of w: :mw mi can get them fur y< days. These 31'? th« and best values ever this town. and Still re. mains the Standard tonic-food-medicine, used and recommended by the medical profes. sion the world over. is the embodiment of elements that make for good, health and strengtn. A GOOD SILK DRESS Stanfield’s {Jaderwear scott’s E nwfision DO YOU WANT Dress Goods The 7' Uâ€" ' ' Harms“! 5k" t, one that and tear 0f )me D0 no“ de our ID Wednesday evening, 13th. Some prominent from Toronto will add: meeting. Go to E. A. Roue'sfo oyster stews, fried 0} st: 08. em. Also Christim plum pudding for sale t< mas dinner. We haxe a ‘ sortment of candv and for the Christmas trade. see us before buying e1! E A. Rowe. A Japanese tea-mom opened up th‘s week i; Intyre block, two doors Vollett’s barber shop. or street. Tea will be Tuesday, Thursday, Fri~ Saturday afternoons (rm six o’clock, and also in ings after the rink clo Opening day is this Sat: Commencement exerci: held in the town hall by be rendered by the pa medals and diplomas Admission 10c. and 15c to be applied on paymex All invited. The annual Christmas' ment of Trinity churq school, will be held on 11 of January 2nd, in the! Mr. Robt. Clarke, ventri} entertainer, of Toronto.1 heal talent, will profiq tram. Mr. Clarke supp] Pure fun, for old and 1 lots of it.” The publiq‘ Welcome. ‘ The bazaar he'ld on F. and continued on Satm “003. under the auspitw Ladies’ Guild of Tricia-i: was amost gratiixirtg s ceeding the expert. 1 id who took an actixr: int The large stock of m nanciental articles made ed Was almost an (new Premises where the ‘0 held was beautifullfi With bunting, rib‘t-er 98¢ lanterns, the red blue being blended < a delightful spectacai The young ladies who 1 the Various booths we'd dressed in white. and l Dutch hornets. The Pr 'Onnted to $160, and as tyre‘ granted the use 0: and electric light free, 3.180 game help free, in were very light. So I the ladies with the 11361 efforts that they purP< another bazaar early in m rear. ‘ fl“ saws gumm

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