West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Dec 1911, p. 2

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iii] oZJ ll~ lb JESIRABLE BUILDING LOT, 1-2 acre, corner lot, opposite Clark 5 Planing Mill. For particulars ap- olv at this office. if )fiOOD I ACRES N0. 1 LAND, BEING Lot 3. C011. 9, Glenelg. Cheap and on easy terms. Apply to J. LRussell Box ’39 Sedgewick, Alberta. 7 5-} t1 a PAIR OF ONE-HORSE BOB- slerighs. and a cutter. Apply to D. MacKenzie. Upper Town. Dur- ___ham. 5 1'2 11tf_ 80083 AND LOT ON 000 NTESS Street, Apply to Mrs. John Har- hnfl'rm Durham. 6303p“P 100 acres: 70 acres W'Ul'nxug, um“- 10 acres new land, ‘20 acres hard- . Two good wells on premises. Good concrete hOuSe. frame barn. driving shed.» - orchard. Well fenced. W' cheap to quick buyer. ther particulars apply to David McAuliffe, Upper Town. Durham Oct. 5th, tf. SUCKING COLT, HEAVY DRAFT. The right kiwiâ€"G Finney. L COMFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE In Durham._2 stforielys high, hard â€"-“J AA“, aéi‘6§fi” FORMERLY OCCUâ€" pied by Mr. Mockler. Good con- venient stand. Apply, for par- ticulars, to David Allen, '2-9t-f A 3-YEAR-OLD GENERAL PUR- pose horse. Apply to Samuel Ritchie. Durham. 1123tf Evtife.’ Ddihém. FIVE SHARES, $20 EACH "7 - _1__ A“ Vickers. For Rent THE ROCKY gum; N HOTEI LU UULWo .- . -___, -4. and soft water inside, good cem- ent stafln frame barn on too, quarter 2mm of land. Price away down to quick purchaser. Apply 0* the Chronicle office. 7 27 tf In the matter of me BSIaLe 01 James Edge, the elder, late of the township of Glenelg in the County of Grey, Farmer, de- ceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursu- ant to “The Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897 chapter 129, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said James Edge, the elder, who died on or about the twenty-eighth day of May. .1911 are required on or before the 2151: day of December, ‘ ‘ “ ‘-" “-A“A:A Advertisements of one incn snbaeqnent insertion. Over or William Scarf executors of the last Will and Testament of the deceased their Christian and sur- names, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts. and the neture of the securities. if any held by them. And further take notice. that after such last mentioned date the DISLI-IUULC L11 guys-u v- ed among the parties entitled theretohaving regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. and that the said Ex- ecutors will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of Whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distriâ€" bution. uv-v Dated at Durham this 20th day of November, A. D. 1911. W. B. Edge, Edge Hill, Wm. Sari, Durham, Executors 0d the last Will and Testament of the said James Edge, the elder, deceased. the Kincardine ply to W.R. Ed the esttae of Edge. ' gait Works. Ap- ge, executor for the late James 11233 propertY- Durham. r‘arms for Sale- Wantâ€"Apply to J. A. brownag An auction sale of 20 Imported o- rham.1-.tf Clydesdale fillies. ranging in aO‘e __________________________ from one to three vears, will be NOTICE TO CREDI I‘ORS held at the the matter of the estate of QUEE\‘S HOTEL. HANOVER 35 Edge the elder late of; on A. $0“1 FOR ‘ C F0 K 1' Sal? b tore to Rent SMALL ADS. incn or less. 25 cents for first inn mon, and 10 cents for each Over one inch and under two in; hex, duuule tho above amount. Yearly rates on apphcanon. '3 3oz: 3.17 .tf ' HYSICJAD fice in the hours. 1'; to 1.0} 5f women and en omits Presbvteria {I ank 4nd Chicago. Dlzases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. \Vill he at the Hahn House, Nov. 18th, and Dec. 16th. Hours, 1 to 6p.m. L; 4‘. L R C P” LONDON ENG RADULATE of L< :1don New York 4116 Chrome. U animals treated on most scientlt- ic principles. All calls promptly attended to. Office and residence, Garafraxa Streeo. Durham, nearly Op- 000 1 V‘v-“-_-__- posite the Chrom f L ' 'le Office. Dr.D.S.Craig, D. V. S. V S. V. D. n [SEASES O F DOUhQTIbATLD Office»; IFFICE: I F GRANT.D.D.S.L.D S ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. mduatb Rays infiege Dental Sqrggong 0 Ontario. Dentistry m all its BrancheS. l. P. Yelfort'e. ARBISTEL, SULICITOR. ETC. Office. neafly opposite the Rm omce.bambt011 ~t'..17urbam. Any' ‘ f rxmnev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm v58 All-Ufltant Roy. L 2.. and co Gol'len Sq FOR 8.8. NO. 13‘ BENTINCK. SAL- ary $400 per annum. Duties to commence the first of the New Year. Applications will be re- ceived up to Tuesday, December 26th.â€"Hugh Ridden, Secy., Dor- n’och, Ontario. 72pd V or. Com-'nymx‘er. c. 1- range igent. Money ”0 Loan. Issump V139 tinge Licgusm A genaral financxal bus: aess framacted. UURâ€"HA M ONT (Lowe-Lt Town.) ’mpertv MALE 0R FEMALE, PROPERLY Qualified‘, for U.S.S. No. 2, Eg- remo'nt and Normanby. Salary $500 per annum. Duties to com- mence at the beginning of the new year. Applications ' re- ceived up to the 15th of Decem- ber.â€"W. Bradley, Sec., Orchard. For Sale WE ARE OFFERING FOR SALE These fillies are all impaorted‘ and are highly recommended by their breeder. Mr. Wm. Montgom- ery. of Scotland, as the best that experienced and careful breeding can produce. Farmers, and others, desirous of obtaining first class animals of high-bred stock. should attend this sale and look these animals over before making 'pur- chases. THURSDAY, DECEMBER '28, 1911 SALE AT ONE O'CLOC‘K SHARP These fillies Will be sold on easy terms which will be made known at time of sale. T. D. ELLIOTT. Bolton. R. R. KINNELL. Dumdvalk‘ It is truly the National news- paper o-f all the Provinces, and The Chronicle is pleased to ad- vsae its subscribers that it has made an arrangement with The News under which both papers Will ,be esnt to any address for 12 months for $2.25. Send in your subscription to The Chronicle. No paper in Canada wielded a wider influence in the late cam- paign than The Toronto News. uiitcriais were quoted in Can- adian papers from the Atlantic to the Pacific. A. H Jackson. 0mm PUBLIC. COMMISSION:- this Week 18 \earlino steers, f vearling heifers. and a fat COW R. T. Edvmrds. Ebordale AUCTION SALE Mad [cat Duectorv. Arthur Gun, Teachers Wanted SPECIALIST .- TAR THROAT NOSE Over Douglas’ Jewellery Store. Legal “Directorv. . w. 0. Pickering Second Annual 3' 'B.rt".‘t $4 lxew Hunter Block, Gage a. m., to 4p. m. and? m9 LUL VI-Uu v uubton Street. Rnaidelxce and Georggz Streetsâ€"North Church. ()tfice hours 9-11 7-9 (“v.m. Talenh'one No. 39 DH. 3 km- R. BRIGHAM. Allan Park, D. McPHAlL, Cexmlon JAS. MY LES. Heathcote, Auctioneers Over J - J. Hunter's Proprietors. med on most scientif- All calls prgglptly London Ophthalmic 8.03 a. Throat and Nose Hos UY So You Want -â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-¢â€"â€". an A Cheap Suit? T O K LIVE POULTRY FARM. PRO DUCE TAKEN AS CASH Regular $10.00 and $15.00 OVERCOATS on sale at; from $9.00 to 12.00. One Highest Pr'lce, in Cash ()1 Trade. fm Raw Fuxs. Hldes, Sheepsk \Voo]. Etc. You are invited L0 call an stock at any time and yourself that. we can 8;: money in anything we 1”. MEN’S PA I ‘7' 1....“ F5" . flat“ .Jm‘ t0 ' Monsoon-nuooow any other source. HAIR BEAUTIFIER Re fined Women the World Over Use It Every woman knows that there is nothing so good for hair and scalp trouble as Parisian Sage. If Parisian Sage is used two or three times a Week it will keep the scalp nice and clean and remove dandruff. It makes the hair lust- rous and fluffy, and keeps it from falling out. Door South of Burnett’s Bakery GARAFRAXA STREET We urge every woman who loves radiant and fascinating hair to go to- Macfarlane Co. to-d-ay and get a large 50 cent bottle of Parisian Sage. They guarantee it to cure dandrqu falling hair and itching scalp, or money back. Is it *ust to put in the time, or fr: 1‘zofit‘.’ .No doubt you will say for profit In that case You shouid take a weekly paper that looks after the business end of the farm. That paper is The Weekly Sun. Its market reports are Without an equal. They have made many dollars fox Sun readers. They Say so. \Vhen renewing your SUbSCrip- tian dio not forget The Sun, the farme'f’s business paper. LADIES’ WEAR . GLASER clean-d at ”WHY DO YOU FARM? NTS at Similar Reductions Full Line of .g HE mnm n 0 we y s; can close prices. .111 and see our and see for cWNIUbL- MR. RAMAGE SAYS HE DIDN’T GET THE BOODLE S e (30 nu Again, Whatever of government pap came our way (and it was m many cases less than independent journals received) full value was given therefor. Its coming did not elate us or make us rich, its going does not depress us, nor cause us to “become soured.” The merits of an election, as far as we are concerned, depend on other issues than whether we do, or do not receive government favors: if this be the View the Rep. takes of an election, we must Offer it con- gratulations on getting on the Winning side. We have read our little item aâ€" gain, and fail to see where the “abuse” comes in, or the “hyster- ich’ but are sure your readers will find the latter commodity aâ€"plenty in your editorial. “What’s the matter with the Durham Review.” you ask. The Durham Review is all right, and will continue to treat fairly public questions, shun insinuatiot‘ns, and respect fellow e:ditors.â€"even he of the Rep. Yours very truly. C. Ramage, Durham, 11th December, 1911. Editor of the Clhronicle;â€"“ Editor of the Clhronicle;â€"‘ Dear Sir,â€"I notice you saw fit in' your last issue to copy from the Mt. Forest Representative 2111 article containing insinuations unworthy of a brother editor to utter or to copy, gven in the heat of a campaign. You will be fair enough I hope. to copy the answer I made to that article in last week’s Rep, that thus the truth may reach the same readers as did the slander. In some remarks of your own you say it has “been frequently hinted” that our 1910 trip to the old land was paid for, or was a favor of some kind given us by the Dominion Government. If you heard this hinted it would have shown discernment on your part to give it prompt denial, or laugh it off as a fioke. We would ver}r much like to «discover one individ- ual who for one moment seriously believed any such yarn. We have so far in life been able to finance 'our own trips, and pay our own debts without appealing to, or looking for, or receiving assist- ance from Governments or from This denial, I am afraid, will destroy any rising hope in your breast of similar alleged favors coming your way, owing to change of governments, but for this I am not responsible. l Students receive the best posi- tions and the demand for them is many times the supplv. Thousands of ambitious young people, who pork during the day, are preâ€" ,paring for useful careers by studvâ€" ing in the evening. The Winter term of this popular school begins 'January 2nd, as Will be seen by an adV e111sement on page 6. Snpotton lsehools are located in the towns of Wingham, Clinton, Walkerton, anl Orangeville, and the cities of iLondon Welland and Peterbonro erywhere speak well of -Chamber-. lain’s C‘Ough Remedy“ The}, kn'OvW; from long experience in the sale, of it that in cases of coughs and! colds it can always be depended, upon. and that it is pleasant and} safe to take. For sale by all deal-f You will find that druggists .e\'-! PI‘S. Yours v er y truly C. Ramag‘e. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a dividend ~t h n the paid-Up Capital Stock of 3th: 1333360: declared for the current quarter, and that the 53138331 be payable at the Bank and its Branches on am after thezn areholders of record of 1531 De 0mg ber, 1911- By order of the Board. STUART STRATEEY, Between Toronto, November 3rd, 1911. NORTHBOUND~First train leave: Tor- onto 8.3" p.11). Dec. 2nd. arriving South Porcupine 4.2!”) p.111. following afternoon. SOUTHBOUND--â€" Fir st 1 min lea V99 South Porcupine 12. 30 p.111 Det. ‘3id ar- living 'lorouto 7.30 a. :11. following ' morning. The Attractive Route to Winnipeg and Western Canada STEAMSHIP TICKETS on sale Via all lines. Make your reservations earlv. Full particulars from J. R. GUN, Town Agent. J. TO‘VNER, Depnt Agent, ‘ or address A. E. DUFF, I). P. A. TOI'UHU). .‘ms “%M‘Q~m m g etween TO RONTO and P O R C U P l N E Messrs. George Grav and All ext McNally came home from E1130“. NSaskatchev» an on Saturday. Thex report crops as good in that viâ€" cinity and look as if the Western clime agrees with them. Mr. \V. J. Cook gave his order last Week for an 8-h.p. Interna- tional gasoline engine. a grain crusher and a sawing outfit. with saw of 32 inch diameter. The out- fit is expected in a few days. Armstrong Bros._. of Markdale, have a gang of men engaged in cutting into sawlogs and wod. the bush they purchased last spring from Mr. Jerry McAss-ey. i rounci 1 )r MrNally nurchased re- cently the “Flynn Farm” of 50 acres from Mr. Malcolm Black at a fair price. Mr. McNally is going more extensively into stock in the future. It is well watered and is a most suitable property for grazing. Mr. John McArtJhur, wife and two children arrived at the form- er‘s old home on the 4th conces- sion on Tuesday of last week from Bruce Alberta. Mr. Will Ryan of the 6th concession. \\ ho has been assisting the McArtshur Bros at harvest and «threshing accompani- ed them (home. Messrs. Will and John Timmons were engaged in plastering John McNally’s home on the 10th con« cession last Week. John 0. Greenwood is going in for a herd of Uhoroughbred Poll-- ed Angus cattle. having purchased a young cow with {her calf from Col Varcoe. of Carlo. Mr. James Nelson took advant- age of the mild days of last Week to get his big ‘henn-rery and piggerv shingled. . - n h B â€"‘-__ Our big hearted brother cor., of To'pcliffve will realize this week that our predictions on the result of the election in Glenelg were not very far astray. Mrs. Thos. McNally, sr., has an ls Via Grand Trunk and Chicago fisz adds Daub] e'Eaclfi The Accounts of Corporations, fl Manufacturers and Individuals Small Savings Bank Account: Special Attention, TRAVER‘STON. Line; OF CANADA Funeral Directom, WE DURHAM EHHUN IS PUBLISRKJ EVERY THURSDAY MORNHG it the Chmm’ck Printing House, Gm 8eet. 3 ubscription ~fl50 y be charged if nut 59" . on ever) mm is fhenumby: m the addm In No continued to all a 'ears are mimetm mnop of flue p or. Adwertising F“? mm: ad = cents pct line for the '-. 3-8138 - V5011: 3 cent! perline ;: 2. man: imfinn miukm measure. ' m not exceeding one M $4.09 1'82 Ad ‘ is without specific .3 , be “shed till forbid am} chad”... m" Tandem nomgesâ€" “List; ‘2'F‘nqnd,’ ' ' z ' etaâ€"50 cents for first insertion. 25 new r. subseq nant Mama. All GWW' ' ,DKS «1131ng by strangers II1 be 934% for m adx mum“. Full line of Cathol and Whitle Caps fn mhfiMon to Mom. All admdsemqn' tag, to engage ‘ml 3m week. shmnc‘ be brought n no! Moron at 6 p. m. 18 9.9 The Job . . KEV Department ° ' 5N, worL. ”acture Frammg notice. last te: of a. II dozen I cox I always 7 kidneys I the pain w finished 1h boxes, and left me. I try. and h thing I 0' good dC’tt I hope eV cure. an d and sure only t The above All” or so- Morriscy PT it cured th failed. Price. 5 Father M Montreal. attack of shingl' medical care and speedy recovery. DURHAM. (DN'Tq SHOW Tk)nM€-~â€"vit to SW Barber Shop. lmsmm‘czg‘ dbm South of W. J Lanai blarfiksmith shop. ‘ Morriscx'k ‘ Other Doctors a dividend at RA ten December for yea‘rg' advemsem. . IRWIN PRaPmETOB [1 L\ m and .. Peak“? cral M, .. 1m no I“. r o 0 OF. IN. 0 c 0‘..." O .M. a? O + As Christmas Ti' needful for evervone t no line of goods 11101 ..‘ able than is the bho Colt Blucher, lowest prices. We have a full stock Ladiea’ Patent. Colt, Vici I both Button tnd Laced Bl! Ladlcs’ Men's and Cl Julieta in many different 8' Hockey ShOOI for an You can buy your Cl other srticles. and they W1 Don’t faii to see our We law: also a m men and women. When you came to 1 are only too pleued to sh! Wishing my many 0! Also Christie Br< sale for Chris? We have a larg‘ Bon Bons for Iab'o'“ r J-‘k' £5; { v NERVO “CHRIS 118 Cor. SHA‘VL ST ready 1e The Big Shoe Store M+++++ DEBI +~§°+++

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