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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Dec 1911, p. 3

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cunts HfiM CHHUN UH“ PI'HLIBRE) LAY manure "9 House, em 'uaemento W1 mum '1‘“ w“: gets an! ””9009: “IL are Y“' u 992; You came to town drop in and inspect our stock. We miy {no pleased to show goods. Vx‘isizing my many customers A MERRY CHRISTMAS. Laziigs‘ Men’s and Children’s Fancy Bedroom Slippers and Trziiets it: many different styles and colors. Hoo‘key Shoe: for men and women in all sizes. Yum van buy your Christmas Gifts here for half the cost of other artirEv-s. and they will be more pleasing to the receiver. 13-. n“: fail to see our Travelling Bags and Suit Cases. We have also a new stock of Over Gaiters and Gloves for men mi women. Men's Gun Metal Calf, Tan Calf, Velour Calf. and Patent (‘nlt Biiwber. in the latest and most. up-to-datelasta, at the Zowest prices, ks Christmas Time is close at hand and it is needf’u! for everyone to buy Xmas Gifts, there is no line 0} goods more suitable and more service- able than is the Shoe Line. We.» have a full stock in all kinds of Footwear on hand. In Ladies’ Patent. Colt, Vici Kid, Gun Metal Calf, and Tan Calf, in both Buttun and Laced Blacker. NERVOUS, LIFELESS' ’â€" ,Afiâ€"r- / _~,_...-' I WWW“ ROLL FOR NOVEMBER _ ‘ “---â€"â€". 1:4+++++++++++++¢++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ “CHRISTMAS GIFTS” The Big Shoe Store 14th. 1911. DEBILITATED MEN ++++F9H5ONCQMOYHHH0989 0?”... .-~.. T HOS. McGRATH KENNEDY, Vv'indsor, Ont. Our New Method Treatment has snatched hundreds from the brink of despair. has re- stored happiness to hundreds of homes and has made successful men of those who were "down and out." We rescribe specific rem- edies for each individua case according to the symptmns and complications-we have no patent medicines. This is one ofthe secrets of our “finderful Success as our treatment can- not fail. f« .r we prescribe remedies adapted to mm; mdividualcase OMy curable cases ac- vented. We have done business throughout Canada for over 20 Years. WWW}; YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLEACED MEN. the victims of early mchscretions and later ex. cesses, who are failures in lifeâ€"you are the ones we can restore to manhood and revive the spark of energy and vitality. Don‘t give up in deSpuir because you have treated with other doctors. used electric belts and tried various drug store nost rums. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY GNSENT. No names on boxes or envel- ad Lost of Treatment FREE FOR HOME "pl L‘V'Q :! di‘ .‘1_\{_‘I LZ’ §‘\}_\~t\!J‘n 15‘" -‘.V‘ Cur New Method Treatment “All - 3 81‘ 1:31 \ amt. it 11:11: . «mos 1w 0 1‘5 2T. “51" .' 3131311311. Cc nsuL anon Free. \Q matter 5;“- , or L" -3?‘â€"‘- ' I“ \sli~\‘. {£31. (”I $011883 ‘_‘ . .a‘ Brace rec of \ zmrgc. Book» Free-â€" i" '15» I 43' A AuAL‘IUOCU. ., NHL-.Sll‘at' L565 of Lisa. {THSS NO ET. T79 names on boxes or crave]- ' SP. 132-: of'Iremment FREE FOR HOME “3135,“. v. 1 Jr. I\.-â€". 31012: anal. Sr. Ill-A M. 1“ CD)! Jr. 111â€". E. Runcim 81211â€"3 MC Donald. .ILâ€"A ~. 3 81‘ Lâ€"L. Marshall. Jr. 13â€"} ". In)». j Jr. 11-7.: t-v-l 8 YOU 3.3% 3“ in“; E of . Barge. Bookg "My? i' uiucrhOOt'. ” (‘ ,tion Method Treatm'eut W111 '_m? Have you lost mtendm: to marry? {a “Cl 36 Jr. IIâ€"R. Thompson, M. Byers, L. ‘S-eim. H. Young. A. Diebel. Sr. Pt. Ilâ€"E. Miller, B. Fritz. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"M. Whiteford, C. \thtefor-d, H. Fritz. Sr. Iâ€"M. Robinson, A. Pfeffer.’R. Marshall. N. Thompson, F. Kreller. Average attendance, 31. W. S. BINNIE, Teacher. USS NO 14. EG’T AND PROTON. Sr. LV-E. Sackett. G. Sackett, J. \VHSEHI‘. Jr. I\'-â€"J. Weir. E. Harrison. A. Sr. IIâ€"N, Anders-on, J. Pfeffer, H._Bal}_. M. Schenk, C. Schenk. slainâ€"E. Sachs, 'A, 30305563, C Th_0mp50.n. Jr. IIIâ€"D Widmeyer D G v . A .\ . eo . Eénlvoung, O. M-etzger, C. Regine? Iâ€"V. Ritchie, 0. Bell, A. Ritchie, M. Newell, M. Davis, and M. Whit- more, equal. Primerâ€"R. Davis, M. Aljoe. Average attendance, 20. E. SCOTT, Teacher. NO. 8, NORMANBY. Vâ€"W. Anderson. IVâ€"G. Ball, C. Young, I. Mar- s‘h’glltiAf. Anderson, A. Di-ebel. NO. 9, GLENELG. Sr. :IVâ€"C. McGirr, J. Bell. B. Bell. E. Atkinson. Jr. IVâ€"E. Patterson. Sr. IIIâ€"M. Lindsay, M. Bell, E. Lindsay. Jr. IIIâ€"E. Ritchie. L. Alj'oe, L. Ritchie, J. Bell. IIâ€"M. Atkinson, W. Matthews, G. ‘Be_ll,_:k. 7 Lindsay. Jr. 'Iâ€"W. Griersosn. 8. Sharp, H. Hopkins. Average attendance, 31. A.C. Ma-CKENZIE, Teacher. Sr. II;G. McCaslin, M. Smith, H. Armstrong G. Cuff, A. Mountain. Jr. IIâ€"-â€"I. Alexander. M. Lawrence L. 7 Hopkins. Sr. iâ€"W. Noble, H. Mountain, A. Knisley, M. Mighton, A. Arm- strong. Langrill, A. PickTe'n, L. Mountain; Jr. IIIâ€"«S. Lawrence, M. Webber, E._»S..‘h§rp,f R. Noble, W. Vollet. NO. 11. BENTLIN-CK. IVâ€"M. Donmelly, S. Lawrence, A. Srgith, ’B. ‘Knisley, J. Lg'nggrill. IVâ€"M. McMillan, M. Beaten. Sr. IIIâ€"E. Poole. Jr. III-O. Pe'nneolck. F. McFarlane M. M-cKeown., E. Beaton, S. Mc- Millan. Sr. IIâ€"A. Penmock, D. McArthur, L. McKeo-wn, N. McFarlane, A. McGillivray. '1‘. Edwards. Jr. IIâ€"M. Edwards, A. Brown, P. Penn'ouck, J. McFarlane. Pt. II-â€"E. M-cInnis, A. McInnis. Pt. Iâ€"-W. Edwards, C. Smellie, A. Edwards. Cabe. Sir, \ -â€"M. 1.098011. Jr. IV-â€"J. Kerr, G. McLaughlin. G. Grant. P. Barber. C. Barber. Sr. III-C. Blyth, A. Lauldér, W. Eden. Jr. IIIâ€"J. Leeson. E. McIlvri-de. W. Brown. A. Hoy, E. McLaughlin. Jr. II-â€"-C. Grant, L. Keller, T. Finnigan. M. Morris, J . Richardson. Pt. IIâ€"â€"A. Marshall, W. Barber, R. Morrison. Sr. Iâ€"L. Keller. H. Eden, V. Blyth. R. McCabe. Sr. Iâ€"L. Sackett, L. W'itter, M. ‘ shall. J: Iaâ€"E Kinsman, R. Williams, . I; IV. ‘___-‘_â€"-. .v . 4.1V; Vb. Cox. J. Burns. Jr. Iâ€"W. Adlam. M. Bailey. H. Bailey. Sr. Primerâ€"I. Brunt. N. Mc-Doug- all. Jr. Primerâ€"R. Boyce. A. McCal- lum, M. A-dlam, H. M-cCallum, Number- of pupils enrolled 31. Average attendance. 2.1. H. I. LAWRENCE, Teacher, ‘ 8.8. "NO. 1, EG'T 6: NOR. Vâ€"M. Clark. Sr. IVâ€"M. Luannsey. Jr. IVâ€"E. Redford, H. Cox. 'Sr. III--N. McDougall, W. H01)â€" Jr. IIIâ€"E. Twamley, D. Nuhn. Sr. IIâ€"G. Noble, Jr. IIâ€"â€"J. McDougall. E. Boyce. Sr. 1â€"8. McCallum. W. Boyce. E. Cox. J. Burns. J.I_'. Iâ€"W. Adlam. M. Bailey. H. h Aâ€"H. Livingston. A. Vessie, M Ryan. T Brown, F. McKay. Jr. Iâ€"H. M'atthews. \V. VVelsx'h, G. Watt. K. Kelsey and B. St-onehouse eqf. 0; Bartlett. am. R. Carson, and B. Everett eq.) Sr. Pt. II-O. Mil-burn. J. Davis. R. Hutton, S. Donnelly, W. Clarke. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"I. McDotugall, A. EV- erett. E. W’att, W. Snell, J. Lawâ€" rence. and 4C. Wiggins, eq. Sr. Iâ€"M. Bryon. N. Falkingham, and B. Pilk-ey eq., M. McKechnie, G. Armstrong, S. Russell. 'IQtermeidiateâ€"V. Bartlett. E. (Y ALL AAA-1L .lUllh) 0.1'1Ubb911.’ Intermediateâ€"V. B211 tlett 13.5 Wakefield R. Burnettpb .Hillis, W 3 Ector. ‘ Sr. LIIâ€"J. Pett'y', I. Vo'liVet, G. DURHAM SCHOOL. HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Form IIIâ€"M. Backus. W. Petty, J. Clarke. V. Crawford, A. Petty. Form IIâ€"R. Famuharson. J. Isaac, S. Kelsey, A. Hildebrandt, E. Ritchie. ‘. Form Iâ€"I. Turnbull. M. Hutton. E. Mood-y. Z. Crawford, B. Petty. PUBLIC SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Sr. IV~M. McIlraith, I. Everett F. Barclay. .N. Lenzahan. H‘. Vollet. Jr. IVâ€"â€"T. Levine. M. Daniel. M. Smith. M. Hartford, G. Search. Sr. IIIâ€"A. Whitmore. M. Greig, F. Catto-n.. H. Brooks, I. Redford. Jr. IIIâ€"E. Hildebrandt. E. W'hitmore. L. Wilson, L. Ector. H. Everett. Sr. II-E. Schultz. H. Campbell. F. Burnett. L. Smith. R. Hillis. Jr. IIâ€"E. Browning, S. McCrae, F. Lawrence. R. «Snell. (E. McDon- n'lJ T3 Ill-«M. McCann-el, E. Sackett. 0D .mgall. lI-â€"A. Witter, B. McDougall umiman. 11â€"1. Runciman N .Hawl: G- snald. ’ hâ€"A Harrison. A. Clark, W. -â€"A.'-‘.\_ Clark, L. Pollock. J. L MCDONALD. Teacher. . Grant, E. Morris. T. Mc- D. MCDONALD, Teacher. A. M. PETTY, Teacher, NO. 1, GLENELG. 'NO. 6, BENTINCK. Weir, E. Harris-on, DURHAM CHRONICLE. ay, A Des Moines man had an attack of muscular rheumatism in his shoulder. A friend advised him to go to Hot Springs. That meant an expense of $150 or more. He sought for a quicker and cheaper Way to cure it, and found it in Chamberlain’s Liniment. Three days after the first application of this liniment he was well. For sale by all dealers. Mr. W‘m. Sackett has sold his cow and colt at good prices for both. but is still keeping his dri- ver. William is thinking Off movâ€" ing“ to the city in the spring. We regret to learn that Mr. Plu- mer Steam‘e, of Dromore, is very sick at present _anud has turned the mail service over to Thomas Gar- SOLD; of (Dramorxe. We trust that Mr. Garson will discharge flhe duty as faéthfullx as Mr. Steanne (has. :by local application. as they cannot reach the Idiseased portion of the ear. Ihere is only one way to cure deafness. an" that is by constitu- tional remedied Deafness is caused bv an in- ‘flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed 3 you have a rumbling sound or imperfect heating ‘and whenitis rntisely closed, Deafness is the I result. and unlea:~ the inflam J ation can be taken ‘ Out and this who rest! red to its normal condition hea' ing win he (lestroyed forever; nine cases out i of ten are (mused by Catarrh which is nothing INN it'll inflamed (‘nhdifinn nf Hm ninnnna nanonnu We Welcome Miss OliVo Siclgéjc‘t' who in (home on a two weeks’ va- cation from the Toronto Telephone staff. Intended for last week. W'ell. Mr. Editor, here we are again and at the time of Writing: good snow storm is on hand. but the weather is not so very gold. Mr. John Atkinson. of British Columbia is visiting his father who is Very ill atlp resent. Mr Atkinson visited here 16 years ago and sees a decided change for the better. Mr. James RB:n:Wi!Ck. lOtf this place, had a very good -W00d- bee and Wishes to thank those who turned out to help him so faith- fully. Their kindness is mudh asp- prggiateedi by Mr. and Mrs. Renwick. v.- ..v . vu I£3 IIUUUAUS but an influmml run-[dition of the mucous surfaces We will give (mu Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafmss (caused by calarrh) that. cannot be cured bv ILLU'S Cuarrh Cure. Semi for circular irru \'--M Allan. I\-"-S Morrison, H. Meade, M. Mead-e E McMeeken, M. Kerr, R. Marsha’l. \ IIIâ€"L. (.‘hanman. B. W'oods, IIâ€"B. Noble, B. Allan, L. \Voods, A. Noble, J. Kerr. 'Sr Iâ€"E. Noble, I. Barbour, R. McMeekin. Primerâ€"C. Gordon. C. McMeekin R. Barbour, A. Noble. Present every day-â€"'S. Morrison, B. Wood's. .kNNA SCOTT. Tea/(4191'. gold bv Druggists 750. 13149 Hams 1‘8mih Z _V._ __ __....â€".. u u- 4. 5. .xr. cg» LJ .3. f" “3" .. -~ '37 we.“ '51. V. sass mat aicohol lowers the germicidal power of the body and that alcohol paralyzes the white cor- puscles of the blood and renders them unable to take up and destroy disease germs. Disease germs cause the death of over one-half of the human race. A blood medicine, made entirely without alcohol, which is a pure glyceric ex- tract of roots, such as. Bloodroot, Queen’s root, Golden Seal root. Mandrake and Stone root, has been extensively sold by druggists for the past forty years as Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. The refreshing influence of this extract is like Nature’s influenceâ€"the blood is bathed in the tonic which gives life to the bloodâ€"- the vital fires of the body burn brighter and their increased activity consumes the tissue rubbish which has accumulated during the winter. Dr. R.V. Pierce. the founder of the lnvalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, and a physician of large experience and practice, was the first to make up an ALTERATM'F EXTRACT of roots, without a particle of alcohol or 113.com: A #14991) MEDICINE WITHMIT A '2' Cement is particularly adapted to the con- struction of Root Cellar floors and walls. Experience proves that for the farmer, Con- crete is superior to wood in every point of comparison. Concrete permits of a desirable degree of coolness without freezing. There is no question as to its durability. Concrete lasts, not for years, but for ages; and needs no repair. Anyone who has scooped vegetables from the old plank floor will appreciate the fact that Concrete offers a smooth, continuous surface with no projecting plank ends SACKETT’S CORNERS Deafness Cannot be Cured Mas. HRYES. NO. 2, EGREMONT F. J. CHENEY 6; CU., Toledo HR for 3 «\tmtipaioin SCOTT. Teacher. “It is with the greatest of measure. that 1 wntc to 1c the great benefit I received from the Net of your medi‘ treatment at home," writes Mas. WM. Harm, of Ladysmiti feed for three years from a running: 60 Cunsni'eri "0 they failed to mend or give reliez. i‘inaliy 1 was 13‘" 1 w; tion and would have to consult a specialist concerning m dead bone must be cht out before the wound monk: 'r-erl. adVised me to write to Dr. Pierce. which 1 did‘ and after use of the treatment the sore is healed. and I enjoy better ever did. I dressed the wound with Dr. F-‘ierce's eel-1482:: took the ‘Golden Medical Discovery" am: ‘ Plenum: P! troubles. Ishall always recommend ym'r mtrdie'itms_ Dr. Pierce’s Plea for some time, Ber cries Wer‘é heard by two neighbor women, who carried her to her home. l PUBLIC GUARANTEE. ’ We are authorized by the pub- lishers to guarantee that every ’person, who, during the {month of December, pays a year’s subâ€" .scription to The Family Herald land Weekly Star, of Montreal, will receive a capy of their val- uable premium picture, entitled “Home Again.” The Family Her- ald and Weekly Star’s subscription receipts in November were 60 'per cent. over 1910, almost en- tirely owing to the picture, which is admitted by all who have seen is _to be the best premium ever given with a newspaper. Those who fail to secure a copy will have themselves to blame. The Family Herald and Weekly Star and such a beautiful picture, all for one dollar, is such rare value , that no person can afford. to miss . it. The picture is given both to‘! renewal and new subscribers. 1 Mrs. Thos. Estell, near Walker- ton, fell While going to the barn, gnd broke _1}er leg. After calling or nails to mper of the H. Lawrence; Committee; Herb. _Aâ€".1-l leln, WJ. McFadden, T. Collier, W. Hewitt, J. Allen. Monday evening was regular lodge might in L.O.L. 1192., when a goodly number of members were present. After general business was all finished up, the elections and installation of officers for the ensuing year was gone through, when the following offiâ€" cers were duly elected and in- stalled; W.M., Jo‘s. Brown: D. M. A.A. Aljoe; ,sChaplain, G. Aljoe; Rec. \Sec., Jas. Brown, in; Fin. Sec., G.A. Watson; TrleaSn T. McFadden: 2. 91 C.., Wm._T. Brown; Lecturer, The dog tax does {not seem to be very satisfactory. Some have to pay for dogs they ihave not got“ and others with two or three dqgs hinge 411.9 taxes to pay at all. Mr. John Staples puréhéised a fine young horse from Mr. Har- rison, of Egreamont. The tax collector has been going his rounds, and taxes are rather high in_ this part this year. 38811? Miss Jennie Peters, of Normanbv Spent over the meek end W1 h her cousin, Miss Mar Patterson. Mr. Jos. Atkinson purchased a fine horse last w eek from MI. John W',eir of Boothville. A very pretty and quiet event took place at the Methodist parâ€" sonage in Durham on Wednesday November the 29th. when Katie. the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ritchie was united in Hymen’s holy bonds to the man of her choice. Mr. Wm. J acaues. The ceremony over, the {happy couple left on the afternoon train for Inger-sou and other Doints Miss Bella Weir. of Boothville. spent a few :days last week Visit- in}; friends in this part. RIVERDALE. Intended for last week. Quite a number from this part gttended the nomination in Durâ€" re sw‘rr and bowels. EL ““T‘P' All up-toâ€"daobe flour and feed an grocets keep our flour for sale. your grocer dues not keep it come t» the mull and we will use you light Call us up by telephone No. 8. All kind: of Graig bought st Into: Chopping Done Every Day Goods delivered anywhere in Special Rodnda'on on Flour in 5 and 10 Bag Lou. is made from selected winter whe and is a suwrior article for mafia; pastry, etc. A small orlarge has: of a fixw gram, White, nutritfimhs flour, is mid as 0!! brand. Have you eve! U'i' d it? flat your grOCar to give you our kind next .' .. . and see the snpofim' baking qual- it possesses. Better and mom Wholesome. because of a secret prom that we put the who-at through. Don’t forget. 0m puns: Manitoba final”. 8 anon. No. 1 Mmfltotn «fluent (313% Best For eith‘e'r m (1‘ domestic use A blend offi Maniboln and§ Onurio wheat and is a strictly Mat dais family flour .1 No man who doies business with H. H. mm 1’ is ever axt’fied to go elsewtoré. Our methods seem to please ”ADWays Prompt; â€" Never Negligent.’ H. H. MILER - 3111?.” trait A HXR'WWARE and Tinsmith 8'1 oessflrey Cauunv. or)“. office i': connecrioa Less than $13,000 will bwv 40 a"m~‘ ”f In: store and dwelling. barn. other fran dwelling and $1 000 sto 1:. GENERAL COUNTRY STORE fix miles from Durham: very chap. 533 ACRES nmu' Proton Station as 8111382“ Junction brick residexn splendid barns Wsolemdfi? soil mod wax .‘chard ': Wm «ell less than 823 :cre. Abwrgain surely. Large number of cheap farm pro; Money to L 'nd at Low Rates [Janis bmsz‘ut an! 901d. Debts co All kinds of writings drawn. 325 ACRES close to Proton Static brick dwellingfine large nub-building windmill c.; hay, 2 tons to ac e. v m $5,500. Knocks the sunshine nfl Al berm bargains. People’s Mills MI. Land Hunts! Look Hen: John McGowan PASTRY FLOUR The Hanover Conveyancer SOVEREIGN ECLIPSE . MILLER THE MONTREAL farm properties. Low Rates. Debts collected SEVEN.

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