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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Dec 1911, p. 2

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H‘ I” ’10 ACRES NO_. 1 '.OT 56, 21rd CULVL‘DDDJV-“ A“.-. - inch; ioins corporation, west 01 Durham, on Durham Road, or north side. Well watered, good bank barn, and on easy ter LRusse-ll BOX Alberta. _7 __.__ £06813 AND LOT ON COUD‘ aireet, Apply to Mrs. J ohr bottle. Durham. 6 taxes. Prices reasonable. Satis- hctio-n guaranteedâ€"H. W. Hunt Vickers. ~â€" ‘ COMFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE in Durham. 2 woresys high, hard and 90:1: water inside, good cem- ent stamp frame barn on tomi quarter acre of Land. Price away down to quick purchaser. Apply 3* the Chronicle office. 7 27 ti} Advertisements of a subsequent insertion . Year. Applications will be re- down face, and With bOb “211' ceived up to ’ljuesday, December bout three or four years 0rd“ 26th.â€"Hugh R1~ddell, Seem, D01- ‘ “ ° - o . Finder will be rewarded on. . 1‘91 ‘ n'och, Ontarlo. 1 -pd turning to the undermgneg . ‘ w _ Anyone found harbormg dog 1 - _ _ .. _-11 L- “.chArn-fafl ‘ ,__ _ _ _- m n ‘7 0 1'1... Mâ€"-â€" 19ng OF ONE-HORSE BOB- utter. Apply to er Town. Dur- D. MacKenzie. U'pp ‘ 5 12 lltf. bifi BOOMED EO‘YSE AND TEN acres 01 land in the town cf Qurham. On premises are good 038 pen, hen house and stable. ‘wul rent house without land, 1: desired. Apply to John Moffatt‘ 3.1711 n___Â¥ ‘- FIVE SHARES, $20 EACH, 1).”. the Kincardine Salt Works. Ap- ply to W.R. Edge, executor for; the esttae of the late James: Edge. 11 23 3 ; For Rent v THE ROCKY SAUGEE) HOTEL propertv.â€"App1v to J. A. Brown, U Durham”. 12 hi Durham. JLLJJ VLAV av â€"___. ter this notice will be prosecuted.\ â€"Juos. Schrider, Dornoch. ‘| "arms for Sale. 3â€"YEAR-OLD GENERAL PUR- pose horse. Apply to Samuel Ritchie, Durham. 1123tf An auction sale of ‘30 Imported Clydesdale fillies. ranging in age from one to three years, will be heldat the THURSD AY, DECEMBER These fillies are all imported\ and are highly recommended by their breeder. Mr. “’m. Montgom- ery. of Scotland, as the best that experienced and careful breeding can produce. Farmers, and others, desirous of obtaining first class animals of high-bred stock. should attend this sale and look these animals over before making pur- chases. this u eek 18 yearling steers I yearling heifers. and :1 f9 .t co“ ‘9 .Eduards. Ebordale. "As. SALE AT ONE O’CLOCb'. These fillies will be sold terms which will be mad‘ at time of sale. AUC'HON SALE 4‘71" Sale 03" Rent. CON QUEEN‘S HOTEL. HANOVER COLLIE DOG LOST For 3316 ARE OFFERING- FOR SALE JFS. Idiiucau )FFICE ANL‘ ' I} shun. dlstzmce f Mmt‘ton Strpet, - ”2-in-8 hours from 12 ‘. D. ELLIOTT, Bolton. L. R. KINNBLL, Dundalk‘ o S cond Annua} char AT ONE O’CLOCK SHARP R. BRIGHAM, Allan Park, D. MCPHAIL‘ Ceylon, JAS. MYLES‘ Heatbcote, 305' Sale Proprietors. one inch or less. 2'.» n. Over one inch amuunt. Yuriy 1’: ghefigfi‘fffgfi €‘fiRAI3ULA'I’E of hyeer. F0” "up. if Yfifk and Chlcag : to David (3198568 of Bye.Ea: lppl? a \\ ill be at the E u-u~_' 5.1.85 by 2 wells of purchase \VOY‘KIDTâ€"fi coo NTESS . John Harâ€" 6303ptf __-â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"â€"â€"- be sold on 8393' be made known BEING ? Jrs. Iamieson Auctioneers. 25 cents for first insertmn, aux w ca 2}: and finder two inchcu. douule fly rates on apphcatxon. of ’ , 1911i 131% ‘ Dentistry in all i (”fleaâ€"Over Douglas ISEASES ()h‘ animals trea ic principles. 2 attended 10. Of Garafraxa. Su-ee L. Dusite the ()hron I. G. Hutton \FFICE. ff-EU 2H Y5! fice i IFFICE: ‘ : of Toronto Graduate 1 U} “liege Dental bugggg‘xgnofgflfghfi The C.P.R. Co. have had agang of men along the right of Way cutting stumps and making~ a- general clean-up. which ‘gives‘their track a somewhat improved ap- Dearance. at ‘\T1 ’ HUS-‘51“ FB‘LtG‘I‘SDD. \X"h() 1135 ‘ . â€" ‘ ‘ ' ’ . ‘ a ‘ . spent the past couple of year-5‘: IA!“ (2 > ' ' ' â€"° 1- W me- out 11 est. is hohda3 1119; at ms C-l.l ”.QEBQ‘Q‘W home at Cement Lake. ‘ _ .. ..._. Mr. John Lawrence, sr., Whol ; ‘ BUNESSAN had the misfortune to get his leg‘ hro‘ en in two blag-es below the It is some time, Mr. Editor, Sin-0e e will try knee is not improving as well as you heard from us, so W is looked for. \\e are sorry tomnd jot down a fem of the 3.19.: 5213. He has disprso ed of his stock \penings in and around this burg. - a" 1and farm to his son, Arthur, who ‘ ”W e start off 31 ith Wishing 3011. 1 -1‘. takes possession immediately \1". aitor, the Chronicle staff. am? ,I 1 . a Merry Christmas £ 1 y 5 mean readers. u : Mr. A. W ells -s engaged at ourland a Happy New Year 3ranch at present. Mr. Sandy McCormick came home 1 311‘ Joe “atson .tafter 3:1 essence from British Columbia lait W65; t 01113 in 1:19 mes as re-ll . t 1: remain or 19 and ex 9C 5 0 .turned to his old home for the .,+ p I 11 inter Although among theiuin er firm-forthrate ones this year 11‘ Mrs Victor Wilson, (EmmaBeat isetting his crop frozen. he stil nitom' of Jeri: (31:37., Elaiherls M: ”meaks in favor of the West foresent “SI g , t 1‘ ' tTnkn (1 Rnaton. BfiRH-A M UN? “stunt Mr. W.R. W'atsoa purchased a thoroughbred Polled Angus cow at the sbotk sale in town Saturday w eek . Denial Dlrédm Dr. W. 8. Pickering Dir Art W 9115 Mr. W m. \Vilson’ s. is visiting at Abba k’L‘ UU~LILJV .n. - .. __ .imals treated on most; smenufâ€" 5. All calls promptly >d to. Office and residence, um Screen. Durham, nearly op- the Chronicle Office. 623 1 When you have a bilions attack «rive Chamberlain’s Tablets a trial. They are excellent. For b0 um the? fiR.BUH§. Ehitdran bton Street 'e. Ear Nose and Throat. Liw Hahn House. Nov. 16th. Hours, 1 to 6 p.m. \N L) 513116.130}: w Hunter BIOC‘K‘ 11.. to 4_p XXL-{Ln 0 v er 2:3 W N .ORDON.EN( \ T BdSI'ESTwMEp rc-f given no (1158335: Residence op! t. Residence treetsâ€"quth 96 hours 9-11 lenbone N0. 39 .u 10 H05 If so you 0 us a call and “’8 have exceptional} high-class g? mega F.â€" 4 m VOGF‘HWM- % 5,95”: 1”. H‘PWEZ wwm Cn’rmE Om yr. 5-4 71 iUhe-st Prlce, m fm Raw Fms, MEN’S PANTS at on are invite-d took at; any yourself that money 111 any on sale 11' $10.00 an: STOVES STOVES ST 0V E S LADIES’ year 101' pel'snuh u-ur.u...h stoves to 9..an- purchasing stock of Ranges, ine our Cook Stoves and Heaters of A:m.\-.I\I\f {‘qu'1.i‘)tli(,118‘ to S‘lit Cook Stoves and me: different (lescripbiuns. any home, at the righ The Pandora Range equal for economy am. hilitv. The he‘st equal Im- m- «mum, bility. The he: Range sold. Full teed hy MCUIM'y’s. See our line 0 Base Burners. Tortoise Air or South of Burnett. GARAFRAXA STREE . GLASER Stove Pipvs, Elbows Dam p ers, Coal Hnds Ash Sifters. Mrs. Victor Wilson, (Emma ton). of Jersey City, N.J., present visiting her father: John G. Beaton. bLâ€"vâ€"l vâ€" I. zany readers. " Merry Christmas ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Atkinson. ,_- Sb “d a Happy New :1 ear. ' The first debate of the year will Mr. Sandy M'CCOI‘ml‘fk 031179110“? be held in the school on Dec. 29th.‘ rom BritiSh Columbla last WQFK' The subject for debate is resolved~ and '9Xp90t5 to gremam for the “that Mlontciam was a better winter. 2general than ”Wolfe.” -iSpeakers} Mrs. Victor Wilson, (Emma Beaks for the affirmative Miss Anna Scott i tom. of Jersey City, N.J., is {it and Alex. Alice; negative._ Miss M.i present visiting her father, Mr. ‘McFadden and Ernest McGirr. 1 John G- Beaton. ', The 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mr. (Charlie Jones. of Artemesi€1~ McFadden was the scene of avery called on friends in this burg one , happy gatiherinlg last Friday night :when their many friends and day last Week. -- ‘ Mr George Binnie and (son. Thos. ». neighbors met to say good-(bye. new “Jammy: Hap. Fat Stock Show in ibefzore they leave for their Now is Mr George Binnie and son. ’1nos.a neighbors . aH 91!]:de the Fat SSt'O-Ck ShO‘V in Ibefore the) . eek. 1home in Du Ed...» . Mr. Fred McArthur, of Priceville, ‘- read an- at i McFadden, is in this neighborhood at present ‘ pruning fruit trees. Fred is a I Mr. and M \Ve desire to call the atten- tion of 0m- fx-iends to the additions we have made to our Fumimre Line. Asflve are now Inmdling the Durham Furniture we are in a, position to S.\Ve you $ on all their" “HE‘S, as we mm‘r havv to Dav freight. them in the latest style. '9 we]! tailoredâ€" a really -1 1 1 y LIRI'nlen t1. don't have to pay Ire I will prove this by calling. ice. )od Savm‘s lea Ft (1 pines \Ve are [the house for f 01' Fu 1! FURNITURE 0111 f to [11 $950 f rom 6.50 the time of the persons intex‘ding r smve-s to eXam- time W e L0 call Similar Reductions $15.00 OVERCOATS $9.00 m 12.00. i‘ARM P RODUCE ‘ If] t‘ Fully guaran- e of Heaters. Belle Oaks and mm CAME and mee has 1m my and dura- hpst haking and see IU m SAVE" 5"“ we handle. )Se right pnce. wd see our 0f Bake: ~ V ‘3 ll Owing to the anniversary serv-‘ lines-a in the Baptist church in Dur- iham there Was mo service at Glen- 'elgz Centre. A number from this «L a.1'..e.»;2ded the service in town. Edwards. On Tuesday of 139': week a num- be: of the boys in and around this cry a man at the EC (rests plenty to do. ‘ “Sweet and happy be your Yule- fiide." is the sincere wish of your humbL e scribe to all old friends and associates. 2 é a '09: of the bpys in and around this buzz gathered togeiher for the pur- hasucf having a scrub shunt. Will Edwards and C. H. Kennedy were choaen captains and flhe former w '1 b} 60 points. When night ‘1» Meal appliuatinn. ‘ «Hu'aswl pm" um (.f z A way to cure (lt‘afxnsu tiuna'l rcmwlw- 1w flamed condition nt’ 3 Eustacl‘xiau 'l'utm .. ‘ Vun huvv :I rumming came all gathered at Mr. Pennnock’s where Mrs. Penmock had a dainty sunper piepared. After supper 311 enioyed tiiems’e‘ives in various amâ€" usemonis until it was time to go home All seemed satisfied with Forest. formerly of this part-.spent l a couple of days with his father" 1 and bro t-her s‘shere. ‘ ver ylarge. After the prayer-! 3» j lmeeting, a Bible class was organ-; V” ,ized, with the following officers: ‘ ' Pres., Alex. â€"A1,ioe; Secyq Ernest McGirr; Treas., Miss J. Newell: Teachers, Miss Elizabeth Scott and Sin“?- Mr. Wm. Lawrence. The class will 11 t1"): meet every Week. The first ‘33???“ meeting will be at Mr. Jas. Mcâ€" burg. Girr’s. on December 27th. Q, .1. 3:1. - ' , Mrs. B. Cloutts, of V1ckers. spent V . nf‘: . a a few days recently With her par- and who xcsult :2 an and hearing of tau a but an i M1‘.'VV. L. F'alkinxgham, of the Falls Farm, arrived home on Wed- nesday of last week, after his long trip to St. Johns, Newfoundland. His oarl=oad of horse-s arrived in hoarty condition. On Monday morning, Dec. 11th, boy No. '2 arrived at the home of Mr. John Ellison. in. of \Vaudby. He ought to be a follower of Whitney. Pâ€" sold by Dummy-m 4; Wake Hail s )- a..-.ih' Mr. Jim Smith. of Hamilton, and Miss Laura Reed, of Mark'dale, were guests at the «home of Reefs Hunt the first of the week. BIr. arui hlrs..Ias. hIetcalfe. of Mable. Hill. were. the guests of Mr. :and Mrs. J.J. Peart for a comâ€" ffle of days the fhst of the uxmflr To be in the right mood to 91130y a real Happy Christmas. it will be necessary to attend Zion‘s big Christmas Tree concert on Fri- day night. ’Tis going to he a good 1211. Wili Cl 21 .V Irn it i4 vnti my and unlvs- mm [1 thifltnhv t'('-~‘-'~ l I; w ill be dvstrw .vnt‘w'lusm‘. [W (I in?! Jim «I rum}: ti ~\1!=,«_-in-H.:t Hu hl- 5-: u- .3! WI u\ ”v 50“,)! S U“ in.) Deafness Cannot. be Cured man, after which Mrs. John Bell read an address to Mr. and Mrs. McFadden, and Miss Margaret. Mr- and Mrs. McFadden were \preâ€" \‘x' m: (.f :lw vzlr. t‘at’no-sm. an 1h: 3- lumfsts is 'irm nf tlw muu 'ulm \\ twu tm ugh! in” gnaw] ut' 4 01!“va 0.05.» 1110.» {he i; fialnm TRAVERSTON. “1‘,~ urble and, if not abrogated, ad to the creation of liars SDOI‘ 101853.18. Minn. as they cam“) rmum um N (.f (I‘m uni ‘here 154 In: 3' one Elfin-SN. an that is by cunsta’tu- - lmul'm-ss is ('a-msml by an in- :m nt 11w tum-mu lining M the am Whom Una tube In inflamed :Ming‘ smuvlur 'x‘nperfvc'. heavin: unti NV rinsed, Ihafmms is 1h“ ;, Â¥'. (‘EIYTXEV s (N) , "l‘ulodo ( a» 31m i. fiulumaTiun can: be taken w rmu- red tn m: nnmml cnmlitinu thesu'nyml forevw'; nine cases am 4‘. by (Ialau'rh. which in nothing I wmditim. nf tlw mnmnu :mrfalftfifi (Im- Humh-ml Dullars fur any Caz-m u~w| ‘uy camrrln that. mmmt he RIVERDALE. \ll\(~|nu-.â€" -w. h Cure. Sand for chem.“ 11A for -, M; and therefore LLBL‘ Luc 1““.‘VJ . class Xi'as .or*gan_':5€‘nted With a beautiful uphol-: 1‘1 _ ollowin'g officers: stered rocking chair eadh, and to. mmxins‘ .. I >e; Secy., Ernest 'MiSS Margaret a jardintiere strand, “‘ j‘fji‘: Eff“) 7 ‘ ' _’ Miss J. NeWell: lVIr. McFadden made a neat reply {use} 59'1"“;- lizabet'h Scott and ma ferW well chosen words. thank 90“} 1}“ Cj‘~"1"f ‘ The class will 111?: them for their presents, and 37:15,.”$1,213,335 V lee. eek. The first 2'1"ng them a hearty Welcome to 1-01 U :17?- > .\' at Mr. Jas. Mcâ€" hls home. ShOrt Speeches were },f;‘13“3"“;""“‘11,.“£5."x . 1,rHI{‘ S, \ ..." ’ aber 27th. _made by Mr. Wm. McFadden, sr.. to me." _ 14 Z. , of Vickers‘ spent .Mr. Allan Bell, Mr. W.J. Young, 1‘ ‘ w a ‘ . ~ ‘ ~. . . "me anon-:- ‘. ' . " ntly 'Wlth her par- Mr. Th‘os. MCGHT? Mr. John Bell, All" or su-caiv , f2“; rIrs. Jas. Atkinson. er. D- Edge, and others. Lunch Mort-irtvy WW ' . Was served by the ladies, and the it "1”‘9‘1‘ tw ' ‘ s Lte Of the year “7111 : . failed. . ~'.‘~‘.;7' 7'5“.” ,remrander of the evenmg was P; ., 70,. 7,: e w chool on Dec. 29th.‘ . . . . . ”3" " " A~ F‘wcw" spent 1n musm, smgmg and or Filth"r -‘ s " Limited. Mont‘w‘.” debate 15 resolved ‘ games. m was a better Vaolfe.” -lSpeakers } ive Miss Anna Scott a; negative, Miss M. l Id son of Mr. 1v of the 9th heart trouble. on’s acre 0'11 va_ R. \V- )9 “.1 3' 01M! by (mustn't-u «I by an in- ;ning‘ 0f the at I "a?" reach the nu V 0!"? ‘â€" 8f Canada DIVIDEND No. 63. EREBY GIVEN that a divi 7A-... «La na;d-UD Capital St‘: 8% per annum been declared Bpon the Dai‘ for the curr€ e Bank and BE}, 1911. Toronto, Between all stations in (‘am-Ldn, al: to Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N.Y. I)etx°oit:md Port Huron, Mich. Limit Dec. 26. 1911. Also good going Dec. 30. 3]. Jan. 1, 1912. Return January 2. 1912 191]. and Limit FARE and ONE THIRD Good going Dec. 21. 191]. to Jan. 1. 1912. im-lusive. Return Limit Jan. 3. 1912. PM! particulars from J. R. GUN, Town Agvnt. J. 'I‘()\VNER, Depot Agent. or address .\. E. DUFF. D. P. A Town l u. Low Rates for Christmas and New Year Excursions _. fWfiifi “W ‘ER SINGLE FARE November 3rd 9 (Minimum Charge 25c.) Satisfactory Service assured to a“ Entrusted to this Bank- I Y GIVEN that. a dividend at the rateo ltshe paid-up Capntal Stock of the Bankha: ac current quarter, and that zhcgame Win JOBN KELLY. Manager- 1911. 25c.) also I y r W, OF CANADA Funeral Directorx Suture F rammg 0n Shades notice. IRE DURHAM EHHUH IS punmsn- EVERY THURSDAY 31011me At the Chronicfe Printfng House, Garafm 8treet. Subscription T33 muggy“) be can 8113' “MEGS, firm of LU. m Rates - $1 00wymmpay m:.-- “£550 ybechargefl‘tfnotso' m ‘ even subgmipt‘icm is T 15 034mm. . the name: an the addmw Label 30 ‘ anuamumi to all arrears are milier m - mm of the pmpaietur. Full line of (3.11.1 and White Caps ' ' For magnum adver on i Amenm cents per line for them ' 3312,88 - t‘ion ; 3 cents per line ' - Qua” {notation minim: measure $56.8. Bat exceeding one inch. $4.00 per v artimntg y‘aflgqut Expaflfic d‘im' T 'VI '5 naked an fnrbid angl clam .. Eggs“ nptigaeâ€" Lg ML 570ml,” '4‘â€" - "( AM.- ‘fi auxâ€"50 cents in! first in Sc’t‘mn. '25 cents for em subsequent insertion. Afl%dmcnts quieted by strangers mu‘ be an form advance. The 10b .§B 09ml; gfl‘ \ F‘Ki‘ag‘u “H y I r F thus (min: in Deparment Hines for fm‘nmg on Hm fl!!! 3.21:] now I an‘ rezginel the. 1 lost. I to?1 m SHOW Rams ---‘.\'<-*x Barber Shun H dhf! South Hf \\ bhwksmxth sht )p DURHAM. ONT. cer 3.211 mzfle >0 I had h dummy; 1‘ me for :1 getting th who runs yours, ms d your' but no: t about it. Embalming a A. BELL ne W. IRWIN EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR t {33 for yen.ydvemaementzfu app on to Q];â€" «, 6e. December 212% 1T and ,L to (mature in! he brought In not excl: “ward 5‘3! 9 to Swallow I)E.\‘(‘E-Na x. 1m Macfart :ne’fl 4a “Tam that 'We WiSh t0 (mil to the fact thnz. diseases such as \ diphtheria, and S( +++++++++++++++++ The Ideal G THAT XM AS WE HAVE TH 1- We can Show every man or buy. present. the goods yo Offers \‘ YOHr (ftnn'sp C'Cllle \Viih thfi ('X‘l)‘ “Buy Something He Can If It's New. It's Here MEN’S REMEM D. A. MC Lac? Anything Stoves, Tin. am Plumbing neatly and pro Here are just a few Our goods .4 re Machine {:1 L “8 these diseases. 3 famous far in It contains no . narcotic, and 111:1 child with imp? '- Sold by all dea? SVVEATEH CO- SHIRTS, HAT. 1OQUES. and 1 largest and [DOS TION SETS 04 ARM LETS. smn . P. SAU. NH‘SQ 1n , 1911. llI‘SG PR } If It‘s boy, who is Sa Next The XV

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