West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Dec 1911, p. 3

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ed to all is Bank. Every 3'3”” fuvfu‘ S USN ; rs Pruusuw H THFRSDAY MORNING. irantepd at Macias-lacy! p811 : {eats 3n Tm; WNW will he a: 3. any aMmaa. tree af ‘0! $1 mpozrsvm, pg! 1 v v charge-:3 in nu; Re , '\ ~11?!th m - 19 O JHHAM CHRONICLE xfifi aiming a Speciauy 1 Director\, vidend at the rateof Ltnck 0f the Bankh. 3d that the Same Win rm and after the and cCrd 0f 15th Decem. V. IRWIN N IN": E 702‘ 323.11%“ 8d ‘ was put fine for t ion: .3 cents pea-zine e ,minion mare. P It :ggéisagmu name p rrrr 'C ember mt 3-». 50 ensure he brought m nut II than year; ' vemwmenta I. to {be ac. mined by stranger. Next to 8w; KESUENCE~ ‘0 PR] ETOR‘ .nwrenwj‘ a ne! 1910 'II M i ua-Qtin 0' 0t HIULJ u u H -\ \' E 'l ’4 "Z 3"“. Ti: \‘1‘ Xxms PH “We can 8h evvr'y nmn or b4: ~r-( 7" ”L 'I. ’t, -( .1 Hrh- are jus tbs» gnu-His yours: S‘N HATE SHIRTS, 'I‘UQI'ES. inrgwt :m TIHN 91‘: A RM L HT: ('(mw with t "Buy Something 1 (Mr gnnds‘ (u If 1 If It's New. It's H :5 cu I? «- oewoommm“”00”0999”o ..‘°*-.*‘.“....OOMOO“ *Li’o.’ DH. two IMO I”. {T QWOiHO OWOOW‘ o T +‘H‘ 9“. 9”. CW. 1M. 0*. 'H‘ 'MOOm. i+ : Next to the Standard Bank 3 3- P. SAUNDERS Machine Gil Harness 011, 5319 ‘xlease and 5001 thmem. go tn it contains no opium, or narcotic, and may be given child with implicit confi- ‘ Sold by all dealers. If It's New. It’s Here. \nything in the line of Furnaces, Ranges, Mw‘cm, Tim and Graniteware can be had. Humming and Tinsmithing in all its lines :wxriy and promptly executed. m: mu: THE MOST UP-TO-DATE STOCK 0F GENT’S H'RNISHINGS IN DURHAM. '{zz Xv» PRESENT PROBLEM \VoN’T \VORRY You LUNG IF YOU DROP IN HERE. The Ideal Gent’s Furnishing Store ('(mw with thP crowd and see What Buy Something He Can Wear.” REMEMBER . .\-\ ‘- ‘~-â€"A to call your attention 5M: that most infections such as Whooping cough, rim: and scarlet fever, are fed when the child has a ;1;n':.~erlain's Cough Remedy uickly cure a cold and lessen the danger of con- these diseases. This rem- 211110115 for its cui‘es of MEN'S and BOYS’ CHRISTMAS GIFTS ‘. SIK’ICA'I‘ER COATS. OVERCOATS, SHOES, GLOVES. \‘IIII’TS HATS, MUFFLERS, HOSIERY, SKATING ’11)th I S 1nd lots of others: NECK’I‘ IES, we have the '73- 5?" and mu<t up ~‘-t0 date stock in town: COMBINA- ' I'IH\ \IC TS OF SLSPENDERS, GARTERS AND .-\ RM LI. I S. something new and classy. 1' gmugh .111: now on display. Come early and get the best If It’s for “HIM” Buy It “HERE” .‘~‘ CL achlan, ml; show you things that will be sure to please eachand m or buy, who is fortunate enough to be on your list for a v o 4 O O O O o o a o v V . V‘ILOIr‘Q$OQ|b CV00... O‘quooOVOh o $$§i+++05‘t.‘. . . A up just a few suggestions. to appreciate them you must see zmlu'wlves. The Bun’essmâ€" aka) 2151:, 1911. ’l. zumrres nut offered in any other school in the province affiliated with Central Business College. Sbmtford, and (allege. Toronto. The courses are practically the same HUlS. The prnprietors of this school are receiving seven spplienninns as they have students graduating. \Ve can : than any other similar schaol in (humda. Take a course huw quickly you will secure apes-Mon. Yuur success success. Students are entering each week. Commence is Santa’ Headquarters for PR F SIDF JN T Nu 'I‘um'RLE TO SHOW Goons MOUNT FOREST ofi. LOUISE WELL DRILLERS Also Agents for the Baker Ball Bear- {Pg Djtect Stroke and Back Geared Pamping Windmills. Puu.ps'";6éi Supplies. Write and have us call on you. Satisfaction Guaranteed 1' our Patronage Solicited. PRATT 33.08., Winter Term From Jan. 2nd If you are in need of a supply it will pay you to consult the WATER 1 WATER! fem. :01'1' 7 A” @Z/ l TORONTO, ONT. Stands in a, Class by itself whpn strictly first-class work is consid- ered. \Vrite for catalogue. THAT OUR TINSHOP IS AT YOUR DISPOSAL. . o O _ ’ml v.9... 00600‘ L... ON‘OMO '0... 0.".3”. 9”) OK. OM. OM: Burnett have. and dun’t fnrgct to F. W. Kahle, PRIM .‘IPAL »+++++++++++++++++3 If It’s Here. “’5 New. LOUISE P. O. %+%%é+é++%+ __-.. u'pWJ.) uaxucu W811. it IS a Woodstock mm, and was sold, by Mr. ’l‘hos. Ryan, Durham. Miss Ethel Greenwood, and bro- ther. arrived home on Saturday for the Christmas vacation. They have been attending Normal at North Bay. up With gravel. Mr. A. Anderson had the contract,. Mrs. Jos. Firth, Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Mofiat, and Mr. Wm. Ritchie, were in attendance at the Provin- cial Winter Fair at Guelph ’last week. \ Mr. “Wm. Ritchie was in Holstein Saturday on business in con~ -â€"_’ vul- NI“ Alta, is visiting her William and George Ritc other friends. It is eig since Mrs. Beaton Went Last Week was exce fine for December. Ther To Mr. John McArthur, Reeve Egrem-ont. We the members this our last to convey to gram of council, session of 1911.. d. you our appreciz your kind, courteous, and ficient manner in which you 1 mresided over our deliberat fdm‘ing the Year nmv HwnM-w- 1L‘TI‘S Thos. friends in 0 dale J. Shea. 588; H. Moyer, $13.33, S. Neal. $4.33; V. J/ille's, $8; H. Hoffâ€" man. $10.66: J.O. Farrell, $5.33; R. Holbor-ne, $6; 8. E/ccl-es, $4: ,1. Merchant, $4; C. Melnnis, $8; H. Lamont. $17.34; W.A. Lawrence, $6 Totla. $94.99. 3% The following: fees were paid to the sheep Inspectors; Div. 1. Wm. .McFadd-en, 75¢; Div. 3, D. Allan, jr.. $1.50; Div. 4, J. Sinclair, $22.10; Div. 5, G. Smith, $4320: Div. 6, A. McDougall. $1.35. Total, $9.90. Ma'Lachlamâ€"McRobbâ€"-T£hat the Financial Statement as now read he adopted. and the Clerk 0'81: 200 Robertsâ€"-McLachla reeve vacate the ah deputy reeve take f The «deputyâ€"Reeve lowing ; To M7r By-law 259, to appoint a place to hold nominations, and appoint D.R.O‘s. etc" was passed. Rober'tsâ€"Philpâ€"That the fol- lowing parties be paid the sums Opposite their respective names re claims for loss of sheep killed by dogs. certified to by Inspectors, and sworn to by claimants. John Troy and O. Haney were refunded $1 each, and Jas, Haney $2 for statute labbor performed; J. McIlvride paid injto'counrcil $1 for unperformed statute labor in his hat John McDonald was refund- $1.00 error in dog tax. Orders were issued for $35 each to ‘Wm. Horsburgh and John ‘53. Adams, collectors of taxes. By-law 259, to appoint a place A N1 1‘ S Wm. JStinson was refunded $1 on dog tax certificate, showing same was paid by owner in Mt. Forest: Mrs. Die‘nnrett was refunded $3 for statute labor performed. F. Jordan was paid $13.50 use of council room for 1911; John Moore was paid $10 (damage to engine 'breaking through culvert. Noble G-rierson was refunded $2.22 taxes on lot 21, con, 20: John $Wilkins~on was refunded $2.00 on dog tax error. on Asst. Roll. Wm. Stimson was refunded $1 on dog tax certificate, showing same Phil-pâ€"Roberts-that $3.38 be refunded to the Mt. F., W. Grey Telephone Co., as per agreement. â€"â€"C~arried. Com. Philp reported an ex penditure of $16.50 «on roads. Re port adopted, com. fees, 50c. Com. McLachlin reported an expenditure of $35.50 in his divi- sion. Report adopted, com. fees $1 Com. Roberts reported the ex- penditure ’of $24.53 for road im- provements in his division. Report adopted, .c-om. fees, $1.50. Council met Dec. 15th. Minutes adopted. Com. MrcRo-bb reported in detail having expended $56.05 for road improvements in his di- vision. Report adopted, Com. fees, $2. EGREMON T ~McLachlan~ ”Dhat 5. Banks is visiting with Owen Sound and Mar" :0 you our appreciation ind, courteous, and ef- ner in which you have wer our deliberations year now drawing to a 1 1. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. What the fol- Dai‘d the sums ective name‘s re sheep killed by Ritchie, and eight years 'ent West. exceptionally There was a Herb. Ritchie 6 home from COUNCIL D luace.~L‘ar. read the fol~ greatly im council, at f 1911.. desire appreciation plowing; the the of i I l l Secretary, Dr. Leeson; 'i‘reasurcr. W. Blyth; sCha}iilain. D. Leith: Door-Ewegver. Jame Maiwhall. The f'0110Win-g resolution submit- % ted by D.M-cllvride to the meeting“ was unanimously adopted:â€" W’h-ereas Mr. Lancaster. memlvexf lfor the county of Lincoln has giv- fen notice in Parliament of a Bill to be introduced for the abolition of the Senate, Be it resolved that {that we, flhe members of the Var- ;' Eney branch of the Dominion; Grange desire to place ourselves,i on record as being heartily in' sympathy with the Bill and urge upon our representative for South , Grey, M'r. Ball, to use his vote and l influence in uspport of the same ' rv D I . O I | O The Boy Scouts of the country, ever true to their creed, have enlisted in the battle against: consumption. Under the direction‘oi their superior oiiicers, they are ' planning to do real ' ‘ Eal work in {selling of stamps, ' between now and the end of the year. Liv- ing up to their motto that each Scout shall each day do some kindness to another, the boys have resolved that this slogan can be well made effective in the selling of Christmas Stamps to help on the great work being done for needy consumptives in the M uskoka Free HOSpital for Consumptives. In fact, the young people everywhere, in Public Schools, 8311- 1 bath Schools, and through their many difl‘erent organizations, are proving them- selves a wonderful help in this Christmas Stamp campaign. If no one in your town is active in this workâ€"if you want to be ; activeâ€"write the Secretary of the National : Sanitarium Assoc ‘ .‘. in'- Y ‘MVOERR lie ” ¢E§‘§..§"‘r"'w ! l .‘N “bby. ‘ VVh-ereas Mr. Lancaster,I116“?1 °" for the county of Lincoln .has giv- en notice in Parliament of a Bill The f'OHOWiD-g‘ resolution submit- ted 'bF‘ D.MncI}Vride to the meeting was unanimously adopted:â€" All the former officers were re- elected as follows: Grand Master. James Moore: overseer. Thomas McNiece; Lecturer. James Watson; Secretary, Dr. Lees-on; 'l‘reasurer. W. Blyth; sCIhaplain. D. Leith: Door-keeper, James Marshall; BLYTH’S CORNERS. Intended for last week. If the climate of California can heat 011d Ontario for mildncss and balminess this 11th day of Decem- ber we have no particular desire desire to go out there. In the memory of the oldest resident we are sure they can’t remember hav- ing a milder December so far. Mr. Wm. Carson had a wood last Wednesday and .got a good lot of wood out. We are pleased to report that his wife is improv- ing quite rapidly since going through an operation some time ago. Mr. John 0. Moore, of Wilson, N. Y., accompanied by his nep’heW, son of Mr. Thomas Moore are we]- come visitors at the former’s pa-j rental home in ~Normanby. M131 Wm. Moore took advantage of the a chance to see his ,brother and came a over from Flesherton and visited; 1 over Sunday. We were pleased to a see them all looking so well. ‘ The annual meeting of the Var-i ‘ney branch of the Dominion] Grange was held on Friday night, December 8th. Quite a large num- ber were present including the la- f dies. About fifteen new membersf Were initiated and had the night}! been more favorable there would possibly have been twenty-five," joined. This brings the total mem- :' bership up to 46 in all and a good i many more will join shortly. So‘ interesting are the meetings be- coming that the time allowable for transaction of business seems al- together too short and in trying to remedy the evil of late hour meetings quite a lively discussion '1 took place. us”- Perhaps there is no disease, whilst often fatal in its outcome, is yet viewed with so much optimism by the patients themselves. It is well that it is so, for all know to what extent one’s own feelings, whether cheery or the Opposite, influence both mental and physical conditions. “I was certainly impressed with this thought,” remarked a newspaper reporter, “ in inter- viewing a patient of the Muskoka Free Hespital for Consumptives. She was a pretty girl of ‘24, brown hair and dark my eyes, who hatl come all the way from Saskatchewan. She said she felt pretty sick when she first arrived at the Hospital, and for two days the nurses had to person- ally feed her. ‘ I have been in bed all the time,’ she said. ‘ I have been well cared for while 1 have been here. I am Sure I am going: to get well, and feel better now than behave I took sick. Everybody seems so happy and bright, and tells me when I get up I am sure to like it. Everything is done to please me and make me happy.” One may well wish that. ,so l:l"l(1llh a patient should soon he restored to health. You can get a free trial bottle of D.D.7" “‘ "’mtim to the D. D. D. Laumawucu, Department DD, 49 Colborne St, Toronto. Give it a trial and the results will surprise you. 113 Your experience will be the same D.D.D. Prescription con- tains the soothing and healing oil of Wiinltergreen, Thymol and other ingredients, SCientifically com- pounded. It cleanses and cools the skin, and takes away the itch instantly. Thousands testify to thisâ€"thou-s sands Who suffered from Eczema, Psoriasis and- other skin troubles, until they heard of that simple, cooling Wash of ‘Wintergreen, ThYm'ol and other ingredients J. Samuel Lewis w.rites:â€"-“I used three bottles of D.D.D. Prescrip- tion, and now my skin, once a mass of fire and irritation, is as smooth and soft as a child’s”. INSTANT RELIEFâ€"The skin cooled and refreshedâ€"all burning and itching gone! SKIN A MASS OF FIRE Horrible tortureâ€"pain unendur- ableâ€"days When the Whole body seems to be burning upâ€"l-onsg nights of sleepless agonyâ€"Then THE OPTIMISM OF THE CONSUMPTIVE D I I l n :' in the selling of Chri I .q Ion the great, work" itself. , U‘ yfigfit} I). P. Agent. Single copies of this special: “"“‘°"" “0mm” number may be «obtained as usual 7 J. TOWER Depot Agent for fifty cents. or by present snh- T JAMES 3- GUN~ TQWD Agesr s-cribers for ‘25 cents; New sub- : â€"____'â€"'â€"â€"â€"â€"‘â€"â€"~ scribers Quill receive a copy free iCANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY While t e supply lasts, The; ; hubiishers are The W'illiam W'eldj TIME TABLE 00.. Limited, London, Ont. .____ l I" O I‘I - Pictorially and editorially. th s 96~page issue is exceptionallv 510.11g Inspiring biography is WI itten of two foremost agricul- tural leaders, Jas.\V.Robe1tson and LE Bailey. uhile the Home Magazine has distinctly surpassed itself. .m wager 1;..rolfesses himself ouite as “willing for readers to profit by his failures as by his successes. if all eventuates as successfully as the three-acre demonstration orchard leased three years age, the final story Will be a bright one. The 1911 balance sheet shows receipts from the fihree acres of $1,294.42. and disbursements. including rent. $693.49, leaving a clear pnofit of $600.93. A review of the three years’ results shows a net annual returning, combining profit and rent. of $395.38. for . $131.79 per acre. “Who wants to grow peach- es or oranges when there is mon~ ey like that in apples?” is the comment. Who, indeed? The reâ€" turns are almost incredible, and but for the candid recital of re- Sults in the two other orchards which have not yet shown a pro- fit. would be hardly believed,» “The Farmer’s Advocate and Home Magazine‘” of London, Ont, is coming to be known as the pa~ per that does things. By Provin- lcial prizes for road improvement, 'by orchard demonstration. and. last of all, by the purchase of a .112-acre farm to be conducted in 'che interest of it sreaders, it has identified itself in a prectjctl way with progressive agriculture ‘ and fairly earn-ed the right to be known as a paper with the courage of its convictions. Its 1911 Christmas Annual contains. among many excellent features, a fryefreshingly candid account of jthe summer’s operations in eleven jacres 'o-f rented orchards, as well Ias upon the newly-purchasedfarm. “Weldwood.” The Whole truth is itlod frankly, and this weread, is 'to be the policy throughout. The] THE PAPER THAT DOES THINGS Messrs James Moore and Bert VVat- son took in the Fat Stock Show at Guelph last week and speaul Well of it. \Ve noticed in last week’s “Sun" where a farmer near Brandon paid $764.00 duty on two ctr lo “18 of bar- ley which he shipped to the States where he got $614.00 more after acid ‘ing the enormous duty, than he would have received in Brendon. We also noticed that while hogs are about the Toronto level, lambs are ex- i hctly $1.00 per cwt. higher while cut- ‘tle are nearly '2 per hundredweight higher. In the face of this. Mr. Edit- : or, it does appear that those twelve favored Nations, of which we heard so much would he very unlikely to l flood the Canadian market. The Chronicle among many other papers i l in the Dominion, during the last Do~ minion olection, quisc possibly in good faith for the most part, devoted a. page weekly of aha-reciprocity litera- ture purpox ting to Show to the farmers of this country what a disastrous. thing Free Trade Would be for them. i A large amount of thiS literature. We 5 believed at the time Was absolutely} false and misleading and We are now more firmly of the opinion than ever that it was in View of the facts as we , have them week by Week, Ar we} both voted to kill the meats-ur- there is; nmhing left ‘m’ to sit on on the hli»; ter, but all the same We are quite con~é \‘inced that Reciprocity would have; been, and will yer he, in the near fu-l ture, a boon to the Canadian farmer. ; Last year a large number- of turkeys died With a disease called Blackhead, and this year another disease has greatly lessened the lnumher. Our better half lost about $35.00 worth. The disease affects the liver and bowels. Mr. James Marshal: returned home from the West a fortnight ago. hale and hearty. with the exception ofa fsozen toe. F or a. few days before he left: the theremwmeter registered about 20 degrees below zero. His son, Tom, was among the lucky ones, having in all 10,000 has. of grain, of which 6000hus. was wheat. Tommy is a. hustler and x-ecexved his early training at and around ‘The Corners’. BOY SGGUTS HGHTING GGEJSUMPTWH This Week’s budget. Rev. Mr. Cooper, pastor of the Mt Forest Presbyterian Church, occupied the pulpit 111 Knox, Normanby. on Sunday last; and deiivered a. very in- spiring sermon from a text found in 151: Peter 5th champ. and 10th verso. The Rev, gentleman is a very sooth- ing and ahle preacher and carried cway golden opinions. £4.00 7.10 “ Durham “ 11.54 :4.11 7.2.1 “ Mc\Villiams“ 11.44 $4.14 7.24 “ Glen “ 11.41 {4.24 7.34 “ l’x-iccville “ 11.31 :«1.40 7.50 " Saugeen J. ‘ 11.18 4 315 7. 5O “ Toronto “ 11.15 3R. MACFARLAN E. - Town A Tr ains will amine and dep :m as fol lows until further notice:â€" P. )I A. M. P. M. RM 3.1.) (i 25 L\. Walkm ton u. 12.. 4O 10 .0: 3.2. (3. 3S “ Maple Hill ‘ 12. 25 9. 5C 3. 37 7 41 “ Harlow“ “ 12.17 9. £5 3. 45 7 f I f I i f i 6.10 .. Allan Park 3 12.6% 9-33 Mrs. A. SULLIVAN Upper Town - Durham 4. 0’) 4.11 4.14 4. 24 4. 40 New Grocery Store Fresh Groceries Always in Stock VOO§§?¢¥O§§¢¢¢Q¢¢4¢¢(¢¢A 2 45 9p. Tm arrive at Durham at 10.80 a.m., {.50 pm.. and 8 50 pm» , mm mm EXCEPT sunrprv H G Ellimn A. E. Duff, G. P. Agent 0. P. Agent. M ӣ13133“. z‘nrnnfn W. H. SHAW. PRESIDENT Yonge . Gerrard Sta Toronto 26 teachers â€"â€" 151 typewriting machines -â€" multigraphs. roller copiers and filing cabinetsâ€" everything to thoroughly equip our graduates. “The to-day for catalogue. In the Central Business College of Toronto begins Jan. 2nd. Commercial, Shorthand, Teleg- raphy or Civxl Service Coursesâ€" Winter Term Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To ZENUS CLARK DURHAM PLANENG MILLS The Lm‘fmaigned iwgs Lo announce L0 t'és‘idents of Durham and surrounding country. that. he hru his Planning Miil and Factory completed and is prepared to take 01°de fur Also a limited amuunc of imn wmk and machine he pairs. Acan salicited. Ask for quotations on your next job. .D.CONNOR â€"â€" and all kinds of ~â€" SASH, DOORS House Fittings P. M. P M. XValkm ton «2.12.40 10. 05 Maple Hill ‘ 12. 25 9. 50 H :m (3,4 “ 12.17 9. 42 Allan Park “ 12.0% 9.33 ONTARIO THREE. Agent. 9. 19

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