West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Dec 1911, p. 4

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oz.‘ I’ lb Contributed by Durham Branch 0. the South Grey I‘c'nmera'nce Alliance bv \Vhile we 1 indicutmn of the buys, the effectxvcncss DURHAM, DECEMBER 21, 1911 “'9 \Vhile we heartiiy rqc indicatum of interest in the buys, the question C! effectxvcncss of the C1 Will the opemng of lice: flap carrving of bottlego: lessened BOTTLE DRINKING RECORDS and Other Matters. »ys. The fear they cxpr r Local Option young come slaw es of the drinl rning baffles of “gum an §n groups With thC FOUR. 1'. IRWIN Edna: and Proprietor ten bar ' ’ was re- m mhs am» when It ‘ $011191 likely h) be '4‘ ‘est on the-local option bv-ia‘w "i singer in this iuwn smd m himseJ I don t h'elimel shall vote fut locn optinn this time. 1 boa-«gr: :0 .‘m‘axlidy £4021?" 0t placqs when: drink 1.3 :3 E‘ of peeple «airying it in bottles (11:. 0d: bovs diihking that. 1 am «hon: web of ii. W iiu gluomy thoughts suc as these. he casualiy diopped intoa ~ I‘Maefilin (\f DL‘VS UI .n“IC“ ‘Q-‘v \N'u'n gloomy thoughts such as these. be casually dropped into a neighbors heusv when the qua-shun of ' local vption cam? up for discussion.‘ Quirky the neighbor Wumau turned'; to him winh the plea. “1 wish you’ Would dn ~umething [0 keep lural up- tiuu in fur '9. Our family is \‘wry ('mur fut-Labia jnat- nowâ€"I (30 nm ea: 9 to tell how we lived brfm-e.” That. wom- an’s 100k and her appeal took aux-h a grip that he said to bimsvlf “That (me case is wmlb alt our efiortâ€"l shall Vuko for local option.” It. got “its namei from a fur-ged document published in 5 1314 against 335 K Folk 3 presidential mama-m. purpurting up he an VXH'VH'I frun. "The Travels uf Baron Rom-- hacn." Up to the he! hour there may‘ be rum-buns isallé'd mislepxesemingi has and giving an entirely false im-l Dresden cf the case. 1*Intbmg is too absurd, nnthimz too mean :0 appear as a last message frum the liquor in- iro 931. in >UCb H. Case 39 ‘hli Be on your «mu-d against ments” or “pleas for the - may be handed out at. the last boar. If any such reach you send them with- out dlsplay to some temperance work- ex. . 1f the statements are true. no 0%: can desuoy their force, If they are ' ° ' interest and m the interests of :he town that the false- hoods be rXposed. When the :94! state ofthe case is grasped by our citizens we huve no deuhc but there , an “hon msmmse such as mu give arkablc characterist state of the case is citizens we hnve no will beat response 5 petitions for rppeal a a. tar as Durham is (- '0'- ‘mt 0-; in“. ,0!‘ men SAVE THE BOY :ment of duly licensed :vil of boys drinking, will be at least much is the zeal displayed for the welfare of the :y express is that un- young lads will early he drink habit through ‘llu “V- v '. in thcface OIUXC"""' u - . , :hatthc licensed bar. Xourx has been a strenuous hfe.‘ n 1.‘ , a ‘ 1 ‘ . e carrying or saves Ycubave seen thi: counu'yreclaimed. around the 3”“ “3939 ‘9 -: from 1hef0re’s‘t priur'Vul to the smiL ‘They are simply out for a good mg: flvM-x and happy humesnf the pres- : time fan-st n-OW. Your scribe has 36 i z 2 BAR ' I THE . . ‘ent, YHII have sewn lbw H'uusiliun . ‘ .as fme hens and epullets as ever-i % ,- . from the ox-Isnm and the wooden! “ng baf r0033 m an" jumps-2 , un n thZvd track through the ,r sat on a I‘OOSt‘ bUt never an egg ‘ifiggg'slsi; scnltgrfégflrgge: Wfludf.h.)t{htt flue vurtltmges 37:1w:h§}ha\’e they laid this month. Yet ' . f . . . ‘ 993D '1“): can [In (wet ne gm) row. 8 n ' r ' w 5mg ms wxfes geath the plesent. You have seen the. Strange to 821}, there are fresh influence of liquor, change. frvm mt. “my? 109: school house eggs for sale. “7011de Where they sad facts said; "SuCh whom the teachers, undpr grvat, diffi- come from? ght almost cause thosehulties. labored faithfully to impart k , 'k , '+ 1 m the sale gnd useismm- knowledgetochildren who had R 'OaSt tur eys are h 91} ‘0 De nor to be wdlmg to be to work as we.” :19 learn, when reiiq- as dear as ever, n.0tW1thstan-d- I . ‘mg a report to the contrary I , . ved 0t what they con-fi ion< services were held in n. littip log 'nlenSure derived from harm, or x ) - t s - -. n w ' " v . . ‘- .“ Rd“ hi led-V o.‘ '..PX‘1'4_'1" Whloh appeared m the London paâ€" ROORBACH M! over UVAJVV uv avwâ€" :28 fixturxinésv duties," vnu at‘ll mse tn! ' *‘ > . ‘ every situation. you still was a leader 0f the \FOPUI‘a-r m.ember.=f03‘ ‘SOUtH 5CED i M men. In the munimpnl field the Grey at (the recent Provmcml elec- n in was re-‘Tawnship called you to Its councils. tionS. The Dr. "is deservedly pop-I. I like-1y m 'm: a and for many years you wm'e an bun- .. ‘ ‘ . . ‘ . . m by-iaw n cred and faithful member nf the TuWn- Ula’r filth 'hls OODStltP'eéts’ Mi} 1 to himself “I Ghip’s Parliament. Fur a time you or- his shadow and mag-orlty nseVeI‘ ‘ )te fur local! O\1I‘“’d thP highest position them and grow 1.955. ar- :0 many conducted flu.- husinesss Wisely and i dxink is sold. ‘ well. And in ‘be larger there of the S chool Will be closed by the . bottles and o; 1 UnnntyXCmeillwl’uu also muk an active time- this issue is in the hands m about tire 1 part. 'Lur imc- 4:9an and our caut- . , . ' , Mount)“. such h. inns and ma'ure jndguM-nr {roughz m Of.1ts .r'ead'ers. It would b? a goid Upped intu a \ ham-on ”19 business transacted thew. thin-f3; If all the” boys and WIS v" 0 [me question of '. enable-d ynn to perform your du'ies in are attending 35.01100] would make Eur distusshm. ‘ n m:muc_»r that! was a! unce a credit to a resolution (and keep it) to at- Vuuu-m turned ; yum-self and am honor to those Whom d recru- “1 wish you‘yuu repl'ea‘rnted, tend school'punctually an« ,'° a keep “"5?“ UP-‘ In (durations! manure ynn alcfi took larly every day of the New v1632113 l. 3" is "P"? ('nm- 2 an aokivu part, striving, Withothm's, to E If pupils knew What a drawback “.3 ”g’hai‘figfli gflfV‘d“ {WW 3“" '1"°a“9_"9<'uca‘in" 1 it is to stay home ‘half a day . g m the thing gmwmnun man was pro- . . 11 took stub n1 vided in thp Paflipr days. In Church h 110“ and agam, 6*” “Th?“ “m‘ i as we“ as m Slate you Were evm- ‘ strenuous efforts to be on efiorLâ€"l shun ‘ working townds the moral and Spit-il- everv day . ‘ u . ; ual uplift of the De'npue. luallspherpa‘ CH of acnvity vau were ever mergptic, he Norma‘l students are enâ€" faithful and hndes‘. the last the gteat- j-oyimg acoufple of weeks 01 ward of w ronr- ‘ . - u . .> eat Mtrubutv of all, fur An honest. , a, d puhhfrwd mt man’s the noblest. work of o‘rnd." Well earned rest. They hi“: pgt I“ . - ‘ _ A -__nl\ n" C 11“. ‘1. our. VU‘Latllllb st-v’ ! . i 1 :. lonzgest A“ Mr rend Mrs Inf: rmuimz from thP mm- farm life: their frwnc to If)? numhm' of am a$>ewhlud at thvir co Mg (m Freddy evenm (1‘8de to take pn§~es plutrp. F: iends nf al -- ‘un . ‘1‘ S“ !f- IV ' ,V‘ organized four: d hl1 0101?. Lu:- puâ€"u .. .v - tPrpd rmkmg (ham f0 M<Fadden and a jaudi) Mi“ MrFadden. M! ; feeling!" repiied. dimlfi on than pnxt. and ti friends for IhPir kind hPHuUtul HH~Pnffi, '1 Wnuid nay?! 1).. futgutfe A number of brief :tddrPSSPS were given by some 01' 'hnse present. largely of a reminiscent kind. A kplendzd luncheon Was prm'idvd by the ladiek m which amplp justice was done by all, The remainder ‘ f {be evening. or per- ‘ -- . ‘A'Il. . Dear Friends :â€" ‘ \Ve, vom' friends and neighbors. : have learned that. you have decid9d t0 \relirc from aetive life in our [Uldsh at {least for a time. “’8 have enjoyed your cnmpany and friendship 5'1 long that we fwu' w» may lose that which has lung been our privilege. u Your. has been a strenuous life. 3 You have seen thi: country reclaimed ‘ ‘ -v 7 :1 'l\ "uâ€"' haps, morning, was spent in music. song, and games of different kind». It was pronounced by all a very happy, pivnsam, social evening. To MR AND MRS Tnos MCFADDEN :â€" Dezu' Friends :â€" And as {imp went on conditions changed. and changed conditions Cal!- ed for new duties, you €911 €089 tn every situation. you still was a leader; nf men. In the municipal field the‘ Township called you ta ILS councils. and for many years you Were hm bun- onâ€"d and faithful membm- nf the Town- Ghip’s Pdl‘lialllent. Fur a time you or- mm‘nd ‘hP highest position tbexc and conducted the business-e wnsely and , well. And in 'be larger Sphere of the Yourself. Mrs MCFadden and family we ever ready In meek. your frimds in private life and mingle with them. 10 social mirth and glee. Your house wa‘ alvnys Upon in entertainment where all could jn‘m inim.ocem a'nusp mem and pleasant enjoy-cut. But vnu not. only laughed with then:- who laugh, you .130 went with tho»- who wept Wherever «here was trnuble there you were to nseist ; m alleviatp sum-ring and m extend your sym- pathy. r-‘www- - - app! eciatinn 0f V‘Hl!‘ many good qua“- luays. L'LLDD ties as friends and Deizhboxs. And as Stratflord, v tangible evidence of that npprpciation same inst'it1 We ask you to accept these presents at . . our hands. We ask you not. to value fnends m then: for their intrinsic worth. but as determ A. token of our esteem and love for you 3 :nd for the many businesses we have . ‘ Workers m received from you. and as a "Miami brace of the many pleasant memories number of “79 “met you here tnonight. as ppr- taps, we have all clean hefore to spend with you an evening of friendship and pleasure. W5 desire to exprpu 0.11? ---- ~--â€"-‘ --_AI: uf anuut sevw imir Cosy home- ‘3 evenmg Dec 15‘ . nus‘uessu)n fifth H snf a“ ages mingled in. ° ! Arvinnn whi 'he company was then proceeded to the more ‘ s uf (Ina vauiug, Mr; '10 was appointe‘d (haw-w thv nature of the ga.lh-‘ (3 Mr and Mre McFadden1 b the from . The- follow-3 them was read by Mrs‘ the pr-psvntatnms mad? Lime by \quscs John Bell 1 ann‘ Misx Sadie- VVhif- 949m: were fine npholsl chain: for Mr and M I" " rdiniex'e stand for ‘v. Mr McFaddf‘n vecy \land ddcn vec v ‘ up im: ng all mr tit, banking; thpir ,ion 1 addless andi Thpir kindnec I ha, PH ;hapwi" 'pq-n‘w’r -_-â€" nf And no“ in maumg WP hope still “fir-u ‘ 9121'}? rh Ll Hie-whiny and \yhpr, V”. j neiuhh‘ )l'~ 1‘ -14 bi“) f5 [as perfect as its friends pro-w ‘claim. It is well known also that there are dyedain- the- \\ ool su‘n- I gporteIS of both parties w‘ho would1 anot change their allegience if: ltheir party was as bad as the 'devil. Nevertheless. there is a considerable number of independJ ent voters (fortunately) to turn |the tidee when. necessary. These latter are the “salt” of :politics. ailroad talk is evidently , cheap. For the past two or three years our city council has lbeen granting rights to one will- o’éthe-wisp company after another to build electric rail-ways in our city. but we will likely have to fo'ot it for some time to come. 01 buy an automobile, dog-{cart or 1 bicycle. A Edit-or, Staff, and every reatiâ€" l er of the Chronicle. 1 any of our factories have " been Working Overtime for the past three months in order to keep up with the rush of orders for their goods. May the good time-s continue. F very Oomservzative will be 4' happy now. -H.owever‘ it is up to the members of the Domin- ion and Provincial Houses to make -'-"vi!. or to use» a slang phrase, "dawn (omens the-1r apple cart” at the next election. It is pawn». ble that every government is not as bad as its opponents assert. nor R aim and slush are resqao‘n-sible Torr the pretty muddy streets that at present o‘btain, but we have tto‘vtak-e the weather as it co‘mes. Ylo‘ur scribe, along with many 1 others reCeived an exceedingly acceptable Christmas 110% 1111 the shape o‘f a very handsome raise of salary for 1912. hristmas buy' mg goes on a« ‘ 'pace. The me33 spa-pers ad-.| ' 3ise the housewives to “shop earl3 and avoid the rush.” It is gcod I adVice ne3 ertheless it is patent ‘ to all that to buy early means t; lbuy often. It pays to ad3 ertis ..e l en-s are the laziest “cri tte1 1 1 around the l;a1:1 thcse dc: '. ,They are simply cut for :1 good ‘time iu-st n-033‘. Yeur scribe has 36 ias fine hens and pullets as ever sat on a roost but ne3 er an egg lhnxp prv laid this month. Ye: 'Q HP l t was welcome mews to your scribe to learn 10f the success of the "popular member {for South Grey at (the recent Provincial elec- tions. The Dr. 'is deservedly pop-a ular with his constituents. May his shadow and majority never grow less. ’n bidding you all nfu-‘u tn (uvwr. théi lcmfl’ u-+-ft fri (1 months in order to the rush of orders 5. May the good M rs G D that d "0‘" ”6'" (gwli. S'Hi:}]. \i rs A C. nic'n DURHAM h4: ymn f unnchI. (hp Phi UPS: It-‘H «rand h‘. \‘ul! and u 1‘. «IO: 9 the z“- 1 é' :1 reguâ€" ‘ ‘i‘ . , Ԥ' .x‘ Xear. l1 4. -awback : a day i [d make ‘é' . 4' )n hand - ”.1, '3‘ '? 1“... \.3. are e..- §,§. eeks of “r _ ~§° ve put 1n 3‘. afly 6n?! 4- hs “ At-«\: Indigestion for fifteen years. I was forced to deny myself all such hearty foods as beans, meats, potatoes and could not drink tea or coffee. For the :mst two years, I lived on porridge, stale bread, etc. I had treatment from two doctors, and tried nearly every kind of medicine, but got worse. 1 “Finally I saw a testimonial of 1 “Fruit-a-tives” and concluded to give ' them a trial. I took nearly four boxes | of “Fruit-a-tives” and they have made ’ me feel like a new man. I can eat all 1 kinds of hearty foods without sufiering, ' ( and am no longer constipated.” _____._...__....__........ LEMUEL A. W. BROWN. . O AvormALE, N. B., October, 15th. ' “I have been a great sufferer from 1. We’ll Both I ‘ . Many peOple look on “Fruit-a-tives” as a miraculous medicine. It has indeed performed what have seemed like miraculous cures in hundreds of . cases of chronic Indigestion, Dyspepsia, 1 Constipation and Biliousness. . 3 “Fruit-a-tives” is the only medicine , in the world made of fresh fruit juices 5 and valuable tonics. 50c. a box, 6 far . P“ , $2.50, or trial size, 25c. At all dealers ‘ I or from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. 2 +++~§o++++4wznz~+oz~po:-~:-~:~~:--:~~:~:~-:~~:~~:»:- thus cutting off seven bars. 3, anta'C‘laus has a big con- " tract ahead of him if he has to cart his goods around on wheels this «season. It is to be hoped that the old fellow and his rein-a deers will be favored with good roads so that his little ~folk will" McMURRAY.â€"â€"-In Ki-sbey, 835] December 12th, to Mr. and B. thMuzrray, a daughter. Central Drug Store From now until t-he enn ()1 uu you will be confronted with the lem of XMAS SHOPPING. Your (:hnice wil! he governed by the appropriateness of the Article and the price. Ve can bhnw yuu a Stu-priming number of useful haudsouw things to be had at prices which am» sure to fit in with yunr ideas on thi< pointy. ‘ ‘ “79 have a new and select stock to : choose from and by doihg your Shop- : ping here the. Gift, Problem will solve l itself. ELEGANT CUT (3‘: LA SS, Chic Designs‘ FANCY CHINA. LEATHER GOODS EBONY TOILET SETS. EBONY M ANIOURE SETS, SHAVING SETS EBONY BRUSHES, {(0, c. 1 PERFUMESâ€"In Fancy Boxes. i'nny \ in prices from 25c. to $10.00. ‘ BIBLES. HYMN BOOKS. and PRAYER, BOOKS XMAS CONFEC'I‘IONERY A large selection 0f other articles, 'as interesting as they are varied. which we invite you to see. “FBUST-A-HVES” CURED HIM The Central Drug Store :: Durham PRICES RIGHT ; Five Roses :5 Chesley Good Luck Milverton Three we handle the well known brandstof Flour such as McGowan’s Eclipse and Sovereign TAKE NOTICE WINDSOR SALT BRAN and SHORTS Goods delivered to all parts of the town on short notice, MRS. A. BUSES SUN FARMERS v, llntil t'h u end of the year -/ always kept in stock. gm QUALITY RIGHT SERVICE RIGHT y, -Sask.. on and Mrs. Jewel prob- :WWVWWVWW WVWVVWVVW‘Q .ui ((((€I\(,{(rm(f\f {(é . ..\f....§.n ((14% a ((((((((l I 1%.}.(/ 4 3.. g The William Buck Stove Co. Limited WAMMWAAMAfig-AWA - . ~ The Least Fuel, The Meg; Satisfaction fitters applies. Engine; taxâ€"ld'mneshma. Sash and Doors .Ge‘tmnl Wood ank. v'o' Iron and’Brass Oastixgs and genenal ‘39me Another Range May Be Good"- “Happy Thought” Is Good When a rangs combines ail the 1110st 1 1 . i ern conveniences and when the 111: 1141 1‘8 insist that only the best materials M1111 11d be used, and that everV range that iw11‘ws their factorv should be pmfed 111 \ Pi) detail of workmanshipâ€"“m it stands 750 reason that the prodect, the More than a quarter of a million "Happy are in daily use in Canada. DURHAM AGENT W. BLACK. "' " Durham 9 (Z0 SMITH v5: SONS, DURHAM. Merry Christmas; Range should be a good range. range. :Pake your time in buying a new range. It is mu m Important. of your household furnishings. Uh 3‘ pends Whether vour housework is gain}: to he :L (“"1 ery or a pleasant task, with ant-e results. 7' . “ hen YO" ha"? seen the many special features ('1 Happy Thought, have hPm‘d the enthusiastic pm?" the thousands of Canadian housewives who use it ' see wnat a. strong, serviceable fine-lookng rim?!" we have no doubt. it will surely be your final wiw“ for use in your home. 1 i Happy New Year THE DURHAM FOUNDRY o c ' 0.“... O'Hflri and 1‘ Own '1 December :let a perfectly ‘sauwwv‘f Wm prnx P goods; argams ma Men’s all-W” double neck a‘ Men‘s su'e men wiih ; Splendid 0 men Orglv. Men 5 Mk 1‘ egu a- $3.. red 01.13 Mren'c San p1 Men'? wear. 1% g Men wear. ail-1w Mer shirts lien Lien r, “01‘ and in full 5; Childxc Men‘s P Bovs .35 'I

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