'4': BRICK COTTAGE, AND NICE Lot A bargain for immediate buyer.â€"Art1hur H. Jackson. 18tf A PAIR OF ONE-HORSE BOB- sleighs. and a cutter. Apply to D. MacKenzie. Upper Town, Dur- .Jgam. 5 12 111:: giOUSE AND LOT 0N COUNTESS Street, Apply to Mrs. John Har- bottle. Durham. 6303 pt! B-ROOMED DWELLING ON GOOD lot, with stable.â€"F.W. Kelsey 921 THIS WEEK WE ARE OFFERING for sale a 2-year-old. Well bred Yorkshire sow, due to farrow Feb. 19th,; three head feeder steers; and a score of good yearlin.gs.â€"R. T. Edwards, Ebor- dale P.O. FIVE SHARES, $20 EACH, IN the Kincardine Salt Works. Ap- ply to W.R. Edge, executor for the esttae of the late James Edge. 11 23 3 EAMWORTH PIGS FROM EIGHT weeks to 10 months old; both taxes. Prices reasonable. Satis- gction guaranteedâ€"H. W. Hunt LOT 2, CON. 4, E.G.R., GLENELQ .nx ROOMED HOUSE AND TEN area of land in .the town a! 012 pen: hem house and stable. W111 rent house without land, it duh-ed. Apply to John Moï¬att‘ AA-L- THE ROCKY SAUGEEN HOTEL property.â€"App1y to J. A. Brown, Durham. 12 M LOT 56, 2nd CONCESSION, BENT- inck; joins corporation, west of Durham, on Durham Road, on north side. Well watered, good bank barn, comfortable frame and log house. Will sell crop, stock and implements with farm. For further information apply to T1105. E. Hutton, Hutton Hill. m 21, CON. 2, TOWNSHIP Alumna. uh purchaser. DOPDOCh. A COMFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE In Durham. 2 stfovejys h'igh_, hard In the matter of the estate of Isaac Hopkins Hutton, late of the Town of Durham. in the County of Grey. Retired-Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursu- ant to “The Revised Statutes of Ontario" 1189‘. chapter 1:29. that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Isaac Hopkins Hutton, deceased. who died on or abowt the eighth day of November. .â€"\..-D. 1911, are required on or before the tenth day of Februzfm: A.D. 1912. to send by post prepa: Samuel Langril the-13.51: Will a: said deceaseda surnames. add) tiâ€"ons. the f t Anti further take notice. that after such last mentioned date. the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deâ€" ceased among the. parties en- titled thereto. having regard only f‘: the. chime of which he shail then 'haVe notice. and that the said Executor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by tzhem at the time of such distribution. Dated at Durham this 8th day’ of January. A..D. 1912. f SAMUEL LANGRILL, ’ ‘ Executoa‘ of the. last Will _ and Testament of the said: 1 hazeljï¬apkins‘ Hutton; de- eeased. c. , .. . _. 100 acres: 70 acres working land.‘ 10 acres new land, 20 acres hard-1 wood bush. Two good Wells onf premises. Good concrete housed frame barn. driving shed, 1,<â€"acre; orchard. Well fenced. Will sellg' cheap to quick buyer. For furol ther particulars apply to David: McAuliffe, Upper Town. Durham Oct. 5th, tf; For Sale 3-YEAR-OLD GENERAL PUR- pose horse. App}? t0 Samuel Ritchie, Durham... .1123“ Moment, containing 106 acres about 10 acres hardwood bush 8 acre» swamp timbered, the rest clear; barn 30x50, stable 30x40. Orchard 1 acre, watered by 2 wells 1111! spring. Pirt of purchase money can remain on mort age. For particula "9 apply W1 11am Bradley. Orchard. Ont. Durham. ad 901â€: water inside, good- cem- ent shalt)» frame barn on too, quarter acre 01' land. Price aWay down to quick purchaser. Apply a? the Chronicle office. 7 27tf Vickers.‘ TWO For Sale 01' Rent. Alma“ of one inch, qr lea, 5 cents for ï¬rst innerï¬on, and 10 cent. tot-each nbnoqnont 'n-oruion. Over one inch and under two inches, double in above :monnt. Yeazl'y rate on .pnhctuon. Farms for Sale. NOTICE TO CREDITORS For Sale. Colt for Saie reDa For Rent the Executor of Testament of the Leir Christian and sses and descrip- parti-culars of statement of their SMALL ADS. 3.17.1:2 OF .ate Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic Hos 2:12;. and to Gollen Sq. Throat and Nose Han SPECIALIST : M m, THROAT_ NOSE 1.1;†; PQPSOns tendering are notified 'htehat tenders will not be considered Iu-nless made on the printed forms gsupplied. and signed with their actual (signatures, stating their nation and place of residence of xiIn the case of firms, the actual (signature, the nature of the occu- ‘gpaJtion. and place of residence of flea-ch member 02f the firm must be - given. SR. BRGWN L. IL C. P... LONDON. ENG RADULATE of London, New York 4nd Chicago. Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. \Vill he at the Hahn House, Nov. 18th, and Dec. 16th. Hours, 1 to 6p.m. SFALED TENDERS addressed ’00 the undersigned, and endorsed “Tender for Public Building, Cthes- ley. Ont,†will be received at this office until 4.00 P.M.. on W'ednes- day. January 31. 191:2, for the work mentioned. Dr. D.S.Craig, D.V.S..V.S.V. D. ISEASES OF DOMESTICAT‘ED animals treated on most scientif- ic principles. All calls promptiy attended to. Office and residence. Garafraxa Street. Durham, nearly pp- posite the Chronicle Ofï¬ ce. 623 1 Plans. specification and form of contract can be seen, and form of tender obtained on application at the office of Mr. Thos. A. H’ast'timgS, Clerk of Works, Postal Station F., Yonge Street. Toronto, Ont., at the Post Office, C'hesley, Ont, at the office of Foster 8: Clark. Architects Owen Sound, Ont, and at this De- partment. U er, Qunveyancer c. I" Qgént. Lï¬mey to Lnan. Issuer riage Licgusm. A 39118.31 ï¬nancial bi mesa tramaf fan-I U stairs,‘1:a:rngt:on Street. Residence Corner Queen and Gear ._S~treets-â€"North 0t Memoa‘ist Church. flips hours 9-11 a:m.. 2-4 3.m.. “419 0411. Telephone No. 39 Ofï¬ce. near Mice Lambton FER"; rhmi Anyan )f monev to loan at 5 per cent. Trapertv. I, ï¬ce in the New Hunter Bloch (Hoe wurs, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and? £09 3. m. Special attention giv 1), to diseam 1f women and children. idence op Dosite Presbvnerian Church. ‘ Demmy‘m‘mï¬sï¬m __.- Ofï¬ceâ€"Over Douglas’ Jewellery Store. "WM U" VV'V! V U 3 We have them in the latest style, ____-,_ ï¬exceptiona‘lly well tailoredâ€"a really DTS. laMiOSOH Jamieson- high-class garment. ()FFICE AND RESIDENCE A; Regular Prices from $9.50 to $14.00 sh rt distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, P .. f. 6. 0 t â€.00 gmbï¬gn Syeet.__Logveg ‘qun, Durham Our I 1095.;1â€"5â€" 0 W“â€" “I. V'â€" Dï¬ioe hours from 12 to 2 o ’clock OFFICE: Over J. J. Hunter’s J F. GRANT. D. D.S.LD.8. ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVEREI- try of Toronto. 091mduaya»Rhys" College _De_ï¬tal Surgggqa Catnip A. H. Jackson. 0mm PUBLIC, COMMISSION» 1 av mnwmnr mar Vim-nan Arthur Gun, M. D. i HYSICIAN AN D SURGI‘X’N, OF {ice in the New Hunter Block, ‘ (Xï¬cg Each tenlder. must be ac- companied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, pay- able to the order of the Honourable. tine Minister of Public Works, equal to ten per cent. (10) of the amount of the tender. which will be forfeited if the person ten- dering decline tzo enter into a contract when called upon to do so. or fail to complete the Work contracted for. If the tender be not ‘cacepted. the cheque will be re turned.- . The Department does not bind liseEf to accept the lowest or any te Department of Public W'orks Ottawa. January 9,1913 he“ spapers 11 ill 1101’: be paid for this advertisement if tihev insert it without authority from the De- partment. MY FARM NEAR GLASCOTT. Holland Township; easy term-"s. Also a few acres of sound, 1y- ing timber, suitable for firewood for sale at $5 an acre.-â€"J. Ritchie, Port Arthur. 12 21 Spd 15 EWES BRED TO LAMB AFT} April 15th. In good shape. Til if required.â€"W.E. McAlister. I l. G. Hutton, M. 0., B. M. \FFIC'E. TELFORD’S BLQCK: UP l. P. Telford. ARBISTEI., SOLICITOR. Em ï¬'ï¬Ã©ï¬kï¬' ONT. (L4 Dr. W._C. Pickering ï¬ve ‘3, 'Frnm" St, 0W8“ Medical Dz'rectorv. For Sale or Rent Dental dedorv. Legal Sheep for Sale DR. BURT. By 9rder. 3. DESROCHERS an-r Town. Secretary TIEâ€"You Want ' A,Cheap Suit? One Door South of Burnett’s Bakery GARAFRAXA STREET LIVE POULTRY FARM PROD 'CE TAKEN AS CASH Highest Prlce, in Cash or Trade. paid for Raw Furs. Hldes, Sheepskins \Vool. Etc. If so you cannot do better than give us a call and inspect our large stcck. I Although the storm prevented labou-t a hundred and twenty fowl from being present at the poultry show that is being held in the town hall this week. there are about seven hundred entries as it is. Compared with other years. the exhibition is a success. the entries being about the same as ilast year, but the quality of the {entries beingâ€"if anythingâ€"a little better than in former yearS. Local chicken fancibrs are Well pleased with this year’s exhibit, as there are 4eertainely some remarkably fine {own being shownâ€"0.8.. Herald. _, Regular $10.00 and $15.00 OVERCOATS on sale at, from $9.00 to 12.00. WMOOOoouuunoeamu You are invited to call and see our stock at: any time and see for yourself that we can save you money in anything we handle. Mrs. A. R. Tabora of Crid-er, Mo., of obs-tructinn. After hearing tne had been troubled with sick head- case. the magistrates decided that ache for about five years, when ‘the‘re was [no breach of the law on she began taking Chamberlains Mr. Munshaw’s part and the case Tablets. She has taken two bottles W as consequently dismissed. Mr. Of them and. they have «cured her .Wallaace, 0f Markdlale, appeared Sick headache is caused by a dis- for flh-e Inspector and W'.’ H,- ordered stomach dor which these Wright of Fleislherton, i for the tablets are espemally intended. Try defendant. The hall was crowded ithem, [get well and stay well. sSold With a highly interested audience. by all dealers. - gâ€"Fleeherxbom Advance. M. GLASER MEN’S PANTS at Similar Reductions to be cleared at close prices. POULTRY SHOW A SUCCESS LADIES’ WEAR A Full Line of LWC’DL. We want every one in Durham who is suffering from any scalp or '.hair utrouble, dandruff, falling ‘hair «or baldness, :to 'try our Rexall “93†Hair Tonic. We Want them to use it regularlyâ€"say until three bottles have been used‘â€"and if it does not eradicate dandruff. cleanse and refresh the scalp. tigihten flhe hair in its roots, and grow new hair‘ We Will return ev- ery «cent 'paid as for the remedy for utihe mere asking. There is no formality expected, and we ex- act 'no obligation from the user whatever. Those who are in [close touch with Liberal affairs, declare that Onytario Liberal-ism will again un- dergo a severe shaking up. They even go: so far as to say that Hon. AG. MacKay will he asked to again assume the leadership, while the name of Hugh Guthrie, M. P.. Baldness is too Generally Considered * a ï¬gn of Advanced Age A bald-headed ‘pe'rsoan does ndt have an equal chance with one blessed witih a healthy head of hair, because baldness is $00 gen- erally accepted as an indication of 'IS MACKAY TO COME BACK? Considerable dissatisfaction is openly expressed‘in the Liberal ranks over the leadership of N .W. Rowen. K.C., and mo secret is ’made of the possibility of another change When the Legislature oupens the first Week in February. A number of Liberal members-elect are‘ in Toronto, and am undencur- remt of feeling is manifest in par- liame‘n'tary :circles. Mr. Bowel] in his policy did not declare himself on the matters for which he has posed as champion for years, and his followers were greatly disap- pointed. W'hen Hon. A. G. Macâ€" Kayw resigned the leadership. It was not Without the opposition of nearly all the Liberal members. However. they decided to allow Mr. Bowel] to see What he could do. The result. to say the least. has been Utterly disamioimingf is also mentioned.â€" Heral'd (Libera1.) We are established right here in Durham, and make [this offer with a full understanding that our bus- iness success enctirely depends upon the sort of treatment We alc- oord our customers, and We would not ldare make the above offer 1111- less We were positively pertain that we 'OOIUI‘d substantiate it in every particular. Remembe1 you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this community only at our storeâ€"The Rexall leoa‘e. Malcfarllaln’e C0. Bï¬LD Baldness age. Many large corporations have established an age limit, and refuse ItO take men over 35 years :of angle as new employees. Probably 65 per cent. of bald- headed people may regain a good head [of healthy hair if they V111] follow our 31le me and accept ou1 offer. We have a remedy that we positively guarantee to grow hair on any (head, unless the 1oots of the ‘hair are entiiely dead thei1 follicles closed, and Uhe scalp has become glazed and shiny. We V1 ant 'people to try this remedy at our risk, with the distinct under- standing that unless it does ex- actly as We claim it will, and gives satisfaction in every respect, we shall make no charge for the rem- edy used during the trial. We know exactly What we are talking about. and with this offer back of our statements. no one should srcoff, doubt our word, or hesitate to ‘put our remedy to an actual test. FLESHERTON HOTELKEEPER DIDN’T OBSTRUCT OFFICER. Atrial which created a great deal of interest was .held in the Orange Hall, Ceylon, 0:1 Wednes- day evening of last week, before a bench of four ‘magistrates Viz.. Messrs. James McMullen. J. Boxd Mark Armstrong, and R. McGill. The complainant “as License Ian~ specter Halbert, and the defend- ant A. Murshaw, of Flesherton. The charge was one of obstructing an officer in the discharge of his duty. The alleged offense oc- curred when High County Conâ€" stable ICo-ok undertook to locate cohtrabrand booze in the Mun- shaw House, and requested Mun- shaw to take up a portion of the floor in‘ order that he might see What was beneath. Mr. Munshaw refused to do this, but gave the constable permission to undertake the isobwhimself. This Constable Cook declined to do, and invited Inspector Halbert to lay acharge of obStmmtion After hearing the case. tlhe magistrates decided that thére was no breach 6! the law on Mr Mumsfliaw’s part, and the case was consequently dismissed. Mr. HEADS NOT WANTED W 811 Sound COST OF PYRAMIDS. A [contractor with a head for figures and building estimates 'has estimated that the Cheo‘ps for less than $100,000 000. With modern machinery and the em- ployment of forty thousand stone cutters. ihaulers, quarrymen. mas- ons and laborers. a duplicate of the pyramids could be erected in two years. It has been calculated that the Work really required the services of one hundred thousand .men for thirty years. The Cheops ‘pyramid occupies a space of otwelve and three quarter acres. ,and is 746 feet high. Kindness pays. This is not the best reason for practising it. but nothing is more certain than that it is true. The cow beaten with the milking stool will lessen her supply Vof milk, perhaps without having any choice in 'the matter: 'the horse teased when young and ready {to form habits. will soon Id evelop \' ices which will cut down his price; the team overworked at the binder and the {plow .Will an- doubtedly depreciate in value more than they gain by the over- work. " How a flock of starlinvs set fire to a small town in Wurtem- Where; is told in the German Elect- rotecrhnical Review. The town is lighted by electricity. and one evening itihere was a series of EXVI'O'SiOnSI most of the fuses New out. 'aund the people ran out of their homes. some. of which were burned to the ground. It was some \time before the true cause was ascertained. It Ihampened thus: A hawk had been chasing a flock of starlings. which had sought refuge in a corner of the power \house. and had cuowded together in terror between the ovenheasd high tension wires and a lightning conductor. Thus 'a slhont circuit was estab- lished which would have had ser- ious consequences had not the ground been in "am extremely dry and par-clhed condition. The absence of moisture in the soil :punt 'tlhe eartlh connection out of action, and the current had. therefore, to seek another outlet. with the result stated. It was not until a little heap of carbon- ized starlings, and an electrocute'd hawk wereflfound on the spot that the mystery was cleared up. Some years ago an experiment was carried out to ascertain if Sunday labor paid in the case of the Ehonse. Two horses as nearly alike in all respects as possible, were broken in as colts, put to very similar work, and «treated ex- actly alike for the rest of their lives. except that one rested on Sundays. and the other didn’t The ome that knew not Sunday was worn out many years before “his more fortunate broteher. A careful man with a systematic savin ' ° ' ' . , 3 . gs account, Will in time of need receive ï¬reater conSIderation from 1118 banker than the man who lives up to his income. $187051 have ngt already done so, open a systematic savings account with this Bank. eposrte monthly ml], at 3% mterest, compounded half-yearly, within}? venrg qmmmf. fn hour-Iv (1 Am S. Hughes, Manager years amount to nearfy $1,400. REV. TURK' INJURED. Rev. G. R. Turk. pastor of Hall- eybury Methodist church. and for- merly of Owen Sound. went down to tC‘obalt to look at some of the curling stones at the Cobalt rink. He went downstairs in the furnace room. picked out a set and car- ried them up to the men’s waiting room. The room was dark. and he stepped backwards after setting down the Stones. and fell through the trap door into the cellar. His left shoulder was dislocated. Dr. Jackson attended him at his home in Haileybury.â€"O. S. Sun. Establish a Credit for Yourself It was three o’clock on a cold aflSWGI‘; and frosty morning and the weary “Then THE TRAFERS BANK": BIRDS SET FIRE TO TOWN ESTABLISHED I873. .Uf‘ (,‘AN A1) A 105 BRANCHES... QUARTERLY DIVIDEND NOTICE No. 85. Notice is hereby given that a Dividend at the rate of Thu't' een Per Cent. " :- anon the Capital Stock of othxs Bank has been declared for: the quarter ending 3:1,; 131%? 19 and that the same W111 be Payable at the Head Oï¬ee, 111 this city. and at its brancha, on and fter Thursday, the lst dayq February, 191 to Shareholders of record of 20th January, 1912, . he Annual General Meeting of Sharehol ers w111 be held at the Head Oï¬ce of the an: in Tc, nto on Wednesday. the 2151*. February next. at 12 o’clock noon. order of the Board, 680. r. scnénm‘ .n. ' .. .gronto. 21$ December, 1911. General W 1 THE STANDARD BAN K Capital and Surplus $5,650,000 KINDNESS PAYS ALL HE GOT OF CANADA ESteamship Tickets on sale 1 by all Lines mfï¬gï¬guï¬g; {1:33 ï¬gmsemento fur 4J1 adverbisemenbgg to ensure inset-flan in unï¬nt week. should brought in not m m! MONDAY at 6 p. m. The Job . . 33. WTYPE. thus“ Déparmentb mugâ€! for taming mt For tAshramswnt adver . m Advertising(m1mmr an ._ . . Rams - t‘zonts; coats parline -..~ ( Winwrtian minion measure. i".v;;'- we, nut exceeding one inch $4.09 pay an. . .73. “mummy Without speciï¬c (11* - ’ , . .- liahed till forbid and chum : " musimt npï¬oea- Ian’“ :P‘mmd ‘ ‘ etaâ€"50 cents for ï¬rst insertion 26 cents gt 0.0“ subsequent insertion. AJJ dYQr ' esme a grad b stmn rs man be wig for {fadxgéefmd y go . y be tags-tr" W-if.v w. ' Wm flï¬ï¬‚ven red not so I. " 18 . -ubsvï¬pï¬m1 is tbs manner at» the address la Winter Resorts Round Trip Tourist Tickets now on Sale'tn all Principal \Vinter Resorts, including IS PUBLISH‘K) E-V'ERY THURSDAY LIDRNING At the Chronicle Printing House, Gar. Street. Fullv maranteed. at Macfarlane’n. and Funeral Director Embalming a Specialty Feature F mmmg on 5120:1355 name. cyclist had still many miles to go. Passing through a ‘ lonely village he saw a lighted Window. Per- haps, he th-might, he might be able to get something to eat, and d1ink.So he knocked. “Whos where?†came a gruff \oice from withm. “A tram/'eller.†the cyclist re- plied in clear boneS. ' Back like ‘ a shot came the THE ATTRACTIVE ROUTE TO Full line of can and white Caps Western Canada DURHAIVI. ONT SHOW Rxmurs-â€"-â€"I‘ Barber Shop. 1 door South of V blazcksmifl) 8110p. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. alifornia, Mexico Florida, Etc. Full partuicularslfmm J. R. GUN, ToWn Agent. J. TOVVNER, Depot Agent, IS VIA CH ICAGO W. IRWIN travel.†wort: January 18th, 1912. IOIiC Rabc for agrpd Next to Swallows RESUJENCE~NQx9 W. J. Lawrence“. 12$! 3" ptoc Durham, Ont. with a