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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Feb 1912, p. 2

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B-ROOMED DWELLING with stablesâ€"KW. Kelse ON' GOOD '} y921; BRICK ‘ COTTAGE Lot A bargain buyer.-â€"Arthur E hardwood imbered. the teat £0083 AND LOT 0N couNTEss? Street, Apply to Mrs. J ohn Har- 6303ptf ,__.â€"â€"â€"â€"~ OT 2, CON. 4, E.G.R., GLENELG. 100 acres: 70 acres worki b . 10 acres new land, 20 acres hard- wood bush. TWO good wells on premises. Good concrete house. frame barn. driving shed, yâ€"acre orchard. Well fenced. Will sell weeks to '10 months old, both sexes. Prices reasonable. Satis- W. Hunt Caption guaranteedâ€"H. ,,___‘_._~_..4 THRWIX 15 For Sale or Rent MY FARM NEAR GLASCOTT. Holland Township; easy terms. Also a few acres of sound, 1y- ing timber, suitable for firewood tor sale at $5 an acre.â€"â€"J. Ritchie, Port Arthur. 12 21 9pd l W311 rent house ‘ fleshed. Apply t Burham. April 15th. if required. â€"W. E. MC Alister. Bufl‘ Hart NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of‘ Isaac Hopkins Hutton, late of the. Town of Durham, in the County of‘ Grey, Retired-Farmer, deceased. \ NOTICE is hereby given pursu- ant to “The Revised Statutes of - Ontario” 1897, chapter 129, that all ‘ creditors and others having claimsi against the estate of the said“? Isaac Hopkins Hutton, deceasedy‘. who died on or about the eighth '; day of November, A.D. 1911, aret‘ required on or before the tenth! day of February A.D. 1912. to send‘ by post prepaid, or deliver to Samuel Langrill, the Executor of‘3 the last Will and Testament of the 1'2 said deceased, their Christian and,‘ surnames, addresses and descrip-; tions. the full particulars of"a their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the' securities, it away, held by them. ‘ And further take . notice, tlggtl to the claims of which he shall} then have notice, « d that the ; said Executor Will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of Whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Durham this 8th day of January, AD. 1912. and, Testament of the said Isaac _Hopkins Hutton, deâ€" ;;c§é}fy.â€"Apply to Durham. Sheep for Sale W .sâ€"w- months’ oldâ€"ADI anznsnn. Varney w13nd in Isaac I ceased. ale or Rent. of Cl, 31“ .II â€" {or Mediate? E. Jackson. 18tf‘.‘ ”EGRADULATE of London, New York and Chicago. 11‘“?! ON GOOD ‘ Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and That. 'FW- Kelsey 923?. \Vill b_e_ at the Hahn House, Jan. 11. A“-_:] on and SMALL Ans, 0N GOOD } Diseases of Eye, Eat Nose and That. elsey 921; Will be at the Hahn House, Jan. _ , 20 Feb. 17, March 16. April 20, and A31) NICE ; May 18. Hours, 1 to 6 p.m. 3 V. ___â€"â€"â€"-â€" rham J. .A. BI‘OWD\ 12 7tf BU-SINES 3 Sam 11 :23 tf as, 25 cents for first insertion, inch and under two inchel, batty rate- orn appliance. and 10 cents for each double the abolve TEN OR to ..Dr D. S. Craig, “ISEASES OF D.V.S. .V.S...VD Assistant Roy. 1.01136; ‘0phthalmio Hos d 50 Gallon Sq. Thmat and Nose Has SPECIALIST : EYE, my maqn NOSE ‘â€"â€"â€"- find 43” $112.. an U ‘0‘ l0; 5 tvu‘w 'v - _ posite the Chibhicle Ofiice. OFFICE: Offic Cofieg' 8 Dental Surg Dentxstrv in J F. GRANT, D. D. S .L. D. S. HONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERS‘.- ty of Toronto. giadnafie RUya The annual meeting of The Grey Bruce Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in Miller’s Hall‘ Hanover, on Saturday, Feb« ruary 10th, 1912, at 1.30‘ p.m., to receive the Annual and Auditxors’ report and for the election of Directors, and other business. Hanover, January 18th, 1912. H. H. MILLER. Manager. LOT 1 OF 17, CON. 1, E. G. R.,‘ Glenelg, 50 acres; forty acres under cultivation, 7 acres tharde wood bush, 3 acres swamp. ‘2 small orchards, variety of other small fruits: watered by spring and well. Frame house 28x24, frame barn, 50x36; stone base- ment underneath, and other out-, buildings. Also lots 2 and 30f t 15. Con. 1, W.G.R., Benltinck, 100 1 acres: 30 acres under cultivation. ! 30 acres pasture, 35 acres (hard- ‘ wood bush, 5 acres swamp, 1,6 acre orchard. Small frame house ‘ frame barn 50x36, stabling un- derneath. The above property ' will be sold cheap, as the owner ‘ intends going to Alberta. For further particulars, apply on ‘ farm, or to Wm. Leggette, , Rocky ‘Saugeen, Out. 1 25 tf ‘1 Picture 9. street of frame buildings, 90 per cent. of which are shops, run- '@1113 from a slight knoll at one end 3. and terminating at a picturesque little 1, Jake. Such is the main street Of {'éColden City. The buildings as a. rule Medical Directorv. 'Oflim ‘4 131 late .one' story. many of which have We. false front built up to resemb‘e a ltwo~story building. Towrds the lak stand a number of log buildings, some ‘of them quite pretentious structurbs,‘ ‘the logs nicely hewn and fitted t3-k 1‘gether, making a very cosy-looking‘ ghabitation. Two banksâ€"the Traders! {and Imperialâ€"are housed in reall A Glimpse of The Life in The Nor- thern Mining Town. Picture 8. Street or trams uuuuiugs, ’0' per cent. of which are shops, run- A curious hing is the cuttleflsh \xit‘a Its long ar-‘s and bulging eyes. At 3-1118 from a slight knoll at one end 1., . . TBeveral points on the British ceast; md terminatin at a i t .. , lak S g p c uresque little there are ‘scated cuttiefish a his e. uch is the main street or ‘where the 1:; 19 creatures are kept in 30”“ CW- The buildings as a rule ;,tanks to be "milked” of their ink. This are .one' story. many of Which baa-eilnk, which is kept in a little bag or a false front built up to resemb'e a ‘ sack, is very valuable and each Lttie tWO‘StOI‘Y building. Towrds the 12k cuttle will yield about $3.50 a year. I 0nd is connected with stand a number of log buildings, some ‘ - e tank or p of them quite pretentious structurbs." . -'pe and a thousand 01‘ the logs hiveiy bean and fitted t3- {more cuttics are kept in a single 0ne« ,gether, making a very cosy-looking‘When it is cons: * habitation. Two banksâ€"the Traders ‘ time the sluice-s of the ponds are open- 8115 Imperialâ€"are housed in rcai led and the water is gently agitated. ~51ng little log cabins and are C91“ The cuttles then swim around the pond .tainly a strange contrast to the mag- 5and as soon as one passes through ‘ iflcent homes these same banks do the sluice is closed. The cuttle passes , usiness in in Hamilton, Toronto,'and xfdown a sman‘channei into a basin or the other iarge cities of Canada. -1?metal receptacle and as soon as it is or course this one street does DOt’Esecurely there the water is drained off. at once it comprise the whole town by any ’This frightens the fish and means, but it is here that most off “11qu its precious liquid into the the business is done, and Where most basin. In this way, one at a time, the .3“ that is worth while is to be seen. "milking” is completed. ' Mining towns are never slow to pro; ‘ _,______..._.â€"â€"-.â€"â€"- iivide some form of amusement, and . , , Take a look at your label. lawns are minnLthaLasét. .WgsteQ= - . . Dr. W. 6. Pickering Dentist. Over Dental Dfiedorv. Farms for Sale IN GOLDEN CITY DR. BURT. 9'63 Do u NOTICE l rDrifector’v ronto. rad nate .grgeoqs o Ont; i0. m all Its Bran'ciwa S elforci 11:10?!“ Jewellery Store am 1,! Grey W ”wwucamm “rac‘é‘ of vi nerallyi ms and ”dance part It is 8.; within f0 {:1 Ontar With 111' most of {>001 tab iquor tr A piano equipme' player ' .' 112'; My; L a11'<31‘nr.;v~ r-i'enmg. but anyone? who has airiliiy is at liberty to; amuse 1/79 ' on it as well. Much' talent is ‘- " f‘r_:;:n(l here. Frequent- ' 13', a 11:11:? <-‘:'0'-."~'d gathered around and good (":3 songs are sung again; ; Buch pier-"t as Annie Laurie, Old Black Joe "anr'anee River, and many. other old-ii- "e airs. Old songs bring" back old l“”".!Ol‘ieS. Here are gather“ ‘06. men 0-“ all types and nationsâ€"l e nativeâ€"‘3‘. rn. American, English, A. cotch, Irish. Dutch, Swede and Latin races, compared of miners young and fgold, in long: boots and tan overalls, land genera‘ly coatless if it is sum- ;mer time. Winter varies the attire 1R0 Bhoepar";:s. makinaw coat and ihouaers arrl heavy cap. Sometimes its. prospector just in stands in soiled Llsand faded clothes and several weeks’ "growth of untrlmmed beard. The “Quick and span travelling man or 1.1. -“A “11+ :THE P1365.) UAR CUTTLEFISH pick and S :_ gerk mixes Lothes do not count for much tfle notlce i ies y‘a‘râ€"v _ the law to sell liquor-I lie-s of a mining district “T. the place is supplied; 115 soft drink saloons-i ”:1 are furnished with' '1 some do an illicit: :1 iii? side, it is alleged..' 'rz-anerally part of their . Ks a rule a paid 1yiano? s the keys througi the’ i evening, but anyone, ability is at liberty to; if on it as well. Much! found here. Frequent- crowd gathered around i songs are sung again; as Annie Laurie, Old ’wanee River, and many .8 airs. 01d songs bring; 71!..- Eié I‘rffi'éfi’fam', s‘t‘ITT; We a theater, good billiard 19.11 that is rented for held. It was also a for many fire sufferers e on the floor a few .937 were abie to find accommodation. the law to sell liquor es of a mining district hall was occupied meetings, Liberal a dance, a D1123 Sunday a. church 1. It was also a HM i The local band were giving annual open air concert. The .ketâ€"placeâ€"where the concert heldâ€"was thronged with cage teners. On the outskirts of the crowd were two men, apparently enjoying the se- lections so ab} y rendered by the per formers. The music ceased. and one turned to the other and said; “Can you play?” “Oh, yes!” exclaimed his friend. “I can perform on six or seven instru- ments ! ” “Oh!”â€"in surpriseâ€"“and what do you play?” “Tin 'whistle, mouth organ, Jews’ harp, tissue paper and comb, andâ€"” “Wait a bit.“ I didn’t know there was shch an instrument as tissue paper and comb." {Didn’t you? Why there’s many fine (h)air comes through an 01 comb.” Wickshire: “I tell you, Yabby, my} boy, there is nothing like a baby to? brighten a man’s home.” ‘ A1--.L A (COMBHNATION OF (H)AIR8 1fabby: “Yes, I, have noticed that the gas seems at full height in your house at almost any hour of the night.” Jones: “Why did you break off your engagement with Miss Higgins?”1 Brown: “On account of her past.” Jones: “What was the matter with it?” Brown: “Nothing, only I thought it was too long.” ! the patier lbad I fee ple “Sophia. did you put the cat out?” “He hasn’t been in all day, dear.” 7 “Then bring him in and put him out again. We’ve got to show that beast we’re his superiors.” e11 Mistress: “Why, Norah! what are you doing on that policeman’s knee?” Norah: “Sure mum, he’s aâ€"restin’ int. u‘vbll I Mr. Green (sadly):-â€"“Yes; I played cards with a couple.” Lhar'. Wha cycle.” “Yes.” “Cash or installment?” ' “One dollar a week.” :(And thus it was she 1” KNOW “I see you THE LUMINARY. “HIS MASTER’S VOlCE." THE ARM OF THE LAW. BITTER EXPERIENCE HER PAST. I} i as she unknowingly :0 postpone his proposal IS POWER MEANS ert was agar lis- their mar- H Should start a systematic savings account in early years He not only builds up a cash reserve, but also establishes a reputation with his banker of being a thrifty ‘ 1 ‘ ___ câ€";.-‘: 1“ ABE. :a+aflfln :n man. This will future years. S. Hughes, Manager HIE Respiratory Appérélt-us Enables One to Breathe Under Water. A device that will be found of as- sistance in methods of facial massage, , where the patient is required to 11nd merse her face in liquid for a period,- has been patented by a Washington} man. It enables the wearer to breathe freely with both nose and mouth uni rler the surface of the liquid. A little; clip fits ova: the nostrils and holds} them closely enough to keep out the water, or whatever the preparation Hay be. A little tube has a mouth- etween the that fits « 1th her 1' his reapirw ay rest m age liquid 0 have thc {Y it and Eiece attacz Capital and Surplus $6,550,000 . AIR CON L ‘.‘Oh, I (IIPe be‘ was gra i‘ “IIeref’ unit of. Er itocsf’ ‘ He cea an omino asuspiciou nouth, .n thr" , His “1L: 'potatoes 2 baby at t and hande Binks (who. had ordered a pancake; half an hour previously): “Erâ€"I say; will that pancake be long?" Waitress: “No, sir, it’ll be round." Â¥,__.._â€" _ mlowsmé ma TOR :: NTO DOCTOR Dr. Sisâ€".18, â€"was house surgeo General Hospital for 9. ye and then went to St. Mar Citizenship papers were granted at; Detroit to Miss Mabel Griffith, former-i 1y of Essex, Ontario, now a law stu- dent in Detroit and who expects‘to be admitted to the Michigan Bar. A. S. Moorehead Was Awarded F. R.C.S. by London Medical Body. __.__.._1-_â€".â€"â€"_â€"~ TIESWDAED BANK The Boy on the Farm A QUEST!ON OF SHAPE. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Special Attentlori Given to Small Account. Induc- Doumfl d all" Brunch. ife, who was sitting peeling . and trying to quiet a crying the same time, rose slowly, fled him the infant. - .” she said. “take hold of your Empire while I try the pota- swigand him in good stead should he acquire pir the matter W angrily. “A? aking. and Empire {ROUGH TUB 1C He looked round a bit to hold a rubber shieid md the mouth. ched shut and with supper?” “Ain’t it read)7 enov SU' re “'38 A. BELL UN DERTAKER mt nuagpgympfigaumm and Funeral Directorw Future memg on sharks: notice. SHOW Booneâ€"Next to S w: Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"when domSwfl: of W. J, Lawrence’s At the Chronicle Printing House, Gaafm Street. Full line of Catholic Robm zmd flax: and White Caps for aged people. ' Tm; may; will be can“ t Subscription“ a“ m of? 9 Rates - $1b0w van; wflam ybechargad if not no mwfl iflvwxm mism am the number rm tbeb s lam No Jeafifitg continued to all arrears "are mm; r. of the prupfiafar. Advertising Rates . anbaoq A.” (1‘70? be M for Winter Resorts Round Trip To Sale to all blacksmith shop. Steamship Tickets on sale by all Lines Here is a message of hope and good cheer from Mrs. C.J. Martin. ,Boone Mill, Va., who is the mother in! eighteen children. Mrs. Martin was cured of stomach trouble and :eounstipation by Chamberlain's ZTablets after five years of suffer- ing. and now recommends these tablets to the public. For sale by all dealers. THE ATTRACTIVE ROUTE T0 Embalming a Suecialty 1‘5 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY mRNmG wuâ€" I I ‘Wn-grx, Western Canada DRAM! mar-an. Full particulars from J. R. GUN, Town Agent. J. TOWNER, Depot Agent, alifomia, Mexico Florida, Etc. February 8th, 1912. Resor IS VIA CHICAGO financial assistance In 608 Total Assets $50,000,000 For ion llI'lS Durham, Ont. z-ist Tickets now on ‘rincipal Winter including

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