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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Feb 1912, p. 7

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H o . $++++i++5$3 McGrath’s Shoe Announcement February 8011, 1912. Here is one of the many cases in which several members of one family have benefited from the household box of 2am! 311k. Col-Sgt. Louis Elliott, 3rd 00., 461:1 Battalion, Peterboro, Ont. says 2 “The lower part of my face, cheek and chi: broke out in small red p'mples. whicl later fostered and broke, forming nasts sores and dry scabs. The itching set 11] by these eruptions and sores was terrible and seemed far worse during the night All kinds of soaps, washes and ointment: were tried in the vain attempt to ge1 relief. even to bathing with carbolic acic‘ and water. Finally I thought of Zam-Bul and straightway procured a box at th« drug store. One night’s applicatior 1_-__LL ._.--L ___12,‘ n W Here’sachance worth taking advantage of. Never in the history of Durham has there been such a. shoe offer as we are giv- ing in the next two weeks. Mr. Reader, it will pay you to read every item in this Well, we have a. $3,000 stock of all kinds of footwear that we must, have cleared out in the next two weeks, and in order to do so we will almost have to give it away. :20 pairnfladies’ celebratedMik-Mak Hockey Shoes in black calf. $2.5!)f0z' $1.75. . . 24 pair of men’s Mik-Mak Hockey Shoes 111 black and tan calf. $3.3) for $2.75. 7 _- - N. a._\ --n n; A; I..- ad vertiseme‘nt. Great Mid-Winter Clean Up Here is one of the many cases in which several members of one family have "benefited from the household box of Zam- Buk. Col-Sgt. Louis Elliott, 3rd Co., 46th Battalion, Peterbore, Ont. says 2 “The lower part of my face, cheek and chin broke out in small red p'mples. which later festered and broke, forming nasty sores and dry scabs. The itching set up by these eruptions and sores was terrible, and seemed far worse during the night. All kinds of soaps, washes and ointments were tried in the vain attempt to get relief. even to bathing with carbolic acid and water. Finally I thought of Zam-Buk and straightway procured a box at the drug store. One night’s application brought great relief from . the intense itching, and as I kept on applying this balm daily, the inflammation soon drawn out, and in less thana week’s tune the sores were :haoi'oughly healed and every scab banished. 1C1 iC pan 0 pair b air m 15583' b Buy now, as you LADIES’ AND GENT’S HOCKEY SHOES 1 I50. )oys P-tI‘I m Io 3171:3111; Hockey Shoes $2.50 for $1 .75. , wkev Shues. black and tan trimmings, regular $2.2. WONDER HOW WE DO IT TWO WEEKS 5 AL Hocke Felt S lippers 3.50 Shoes $2.00 for 1 .25. ppers $1.25 for 75¢. {01' 35c- 01‘ 350. never get such an offer again. 5 for mp, regular $4.00 Bridge $14 (11.. welt, ‘ They entered a richly furnished apartment, the walls were hung With tapestry from the Gobelin looms, re- presenting scriptural stories in still unfaded colors. There were a few bronze and marble casts scattered about, all requiring explanation, and so fulfilling their purpose of promot- ing conversation. She moved to and 'fro, chatting, leaving one object for another, glistening and lighting the room as a bird of bright feathers illu- minates the whole of a dusky tree by darting in and out half seen, half con- gealed, among the clustering leaves. Paul’s wandering gaze caught 'the shadowy purple of an oil painting in an untapestried recess. He walked towards it, and silently contemplated the saintly Raphael face. The eyes [oomng back into his were not unlike his own. large and dark, with tender mournfulness. THE SECRET 0f PAUL FARLEY “I call that picture T311?!" said a soft voice close to him that had some sweet notes of the thrush in it. “I tell him abC' " my heart’s great sepret â€"â€"and those dear, dark eyes say such 9! kind, brave, loving things to me; A little tre‘mulous hand stole through his arm, warm, velvety fingers curled themselves round his. “Do you know the name of the ori- ginal?” he asked in a matter of fact tone, gently disengaging himself, while his heart fluttered up and down like a bird on the point of taking flight. “I thoughtâ€"what’s that?” he exclaimed, looking towards the door, strangely startled; “didn’t the key turn in the lock?” “Very likely,” she rejoined, not at all concerned, “that stupid lock does sometimes catch. It’s no consequence, though; we can leave this room by a. sliding-panel behind that piece of tapestry representing David and Bath- sheba. I think I’ve shown you most of the curios, but not the enamelled ware. I have some exquisite pieces of majolica.” i'stipatiuom. l Sold by druggists, price 75c Take Halls Family Pills for con- “Perhag of seeing politely. _“Algood many times answered. plucking a c from a pity? and letti her hair by its prick!) go now, or at least w! swered just a 10009 10 tion.” fieved CATARRH CANNOT taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for many years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known combined with the best blood purifiers. acting directly -on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is What pnotduc-es such wonderful results in curing Catarrfh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY 8: (30., Props; Toledo, 0. Waterfalls In Japan. Waterfalls in Japan are almost countless. There is one at every turn, and Where there was not one in the beginning the Japs have made one, for it is their passion. Every little garden has a fall or two or it would not be considered a garden. There are many very beautiful ones in various parts of the country, and they are all of them shrines visited by thousands of pilgrims every year. Tho Best You Have. Always give of the best that is in you. Feel responsibility toward your- self and your work. Never be con. tent with a compromise with work. Give an employer the best that you have in you to glve.â€"Belvedero Brooks. Moan Reply. “Talk about man!” exclaimed ,the suffragist. “What has man ever done for woman '2” “He’s furnished her with a model she’s trying dumed hard to imitate.” came a voice from the rear of the hall. â€"Boston Transcript Remorse. A chemist had made a mistake in his weights and poisoned a customer. When the fatal tidings were brought to him he exclaimed, “Wretch that I am~and my best customer too!” It is the rule of rules and the gen- eral law of all laws that every person should observe those of the plant where he is. --M_ontaigne. ‘A-_ Continued from page 6. o'cal appncatu reach the se reach the seat of the dis- Catarph is a blood, or utional disease, and in order a it, you must take internal es. Hall’s C‘aztarr‘h Cure is To be continued may have the pleasure another time,” he said y times. I hope,” she ing a (1‘1erst cactus .l‘HE DURHAM CHRONICLE. D’s The Last Hape. When Lemuel Gregg died a cousin from a distant town appeared, saying he had cometo settle the estate and take the residue as Lemuel’s only klnsman. He had a jaunty air at first. but at the end of a week he had ac- quired a watchful and anxious expres- sion. When he stepped into the oflice of Lawyer Mears on Saturday after- noon he seemed to be extremely nerv- ous. “Well, how are you coming out?” asked the lawyer. “I suppose it’s all Nature’s laws are perfect if 0223:; we obey them, but disease follows disobedi- ence. Go straight to Nature for the cure, to the forest; there are mYStefiCS there, some of which we can fathom {or You. Take the bark of the W:Id~-cherry tree, with mandrake root, Oregon grace root. stone root, queen’s root, bloodroot an golden eea! root, make a scientific, glyceric extract of them, with just the right propartxons, and you have clear sailing, isn‘t “Clear sailing!” echoed the executor. “Do you suppose I’d be here with a fee to pay if ’twas ciear sailing? I’m desperate, I tell you! 3% La “74%. ’53: I A TUB _;. if...“ ., 9; I} “There isn’t a thing left or Causing Lem’s estate except a two dollar bill; and three pewter plates. 1 want to: know if there’s any way that 1 can! oblige the town to accept those plates; for the tax bill it sprung up on me after I thought I’d got everything paid? If there is I’ll give you a dollar and use the other half 0’ that two dollar bill to get back where I came from this very night.”-Youth’s Companion. ' Spruce Trees Nursed by Pines. A singular fact with regard to the re- lations of diiferent species of trees has been brought out by the reforestation of the peninsula of Jutland, Denmark. It was observed that when planted alone spruce trees did not prosper. but that if a Spruce was planted near a mountain pine it grew up vigorously. Further experiment has shown that 11 the pines are placed near the spruces at the beginning and after being al- lowed to grow together with them for a few years are cut down the benefit to the spruce continues. The phenom- enon is not understood, says Profes- sor J. W. Harshberger, but it is sup- posed that the mots of the mountain pine are inhabitm’l by some niycorhiza which produces the nitrogen needed by the trees and that this organism is transferred to the roots of thesur- rou pine Old Time Lond Now and then one complaining that th dull. They want u attractions, life. But had they urea in the seventeenth centuxy they would have found a vast difference. At that period a Sunday in London was a day of trials. One had only to fetch or carry to break the Sabbath. Men were fined for carrying such things as a haunch of venison and a pair of shoes, While another individual had to pay up for swearing on a Sunday. A duke and a knight were fined again and again for riding in their carriages on the first day Of the week, and one un- fortunate pedestrian had to pay a sov- ereign because he was caught in the act of strolling from Bristol to Bath on a Sunng.â€"Pearsnn’s Weakly. BCQYGR PIERCE-'5 EELS-£53 C. W. PAWLEY, Esq. It took Dr. Pierce, with the assistance of two learned chemists and pharma- cists, many months of hard work experimenting to perfect this vegetabie aiterative and tonic extract of the greatest efliciency. taken pl is no Ion 'ld Time London Sundays. and then one hears Londoners .ining that their Sunday is too They want more amusements, "ions, life. But had they lived seventeenth century they would ound a vast difference. At that a Sunday in London was a day Lls. One had only to fetch or :0 break the Sabbath. Men were for carrying: such things as a SDI‘IIC e it ?” 16 be~-1et it be permm; thng 011 which you sell vour property; ‘ dividen (13 in conven the falm remains y They last as long; as the very hills themselves. They do not require experts to build them. Their first cost, in most eases, is no more than for inferior materials. Aren’t you interested in the subject of permanent, modern farm improven‘iants‘? . Then write for the book that describes hundreds of them-â€" “WHAT THE FARMER CAN DO WITH CONCRETE" It isn’t a Cata'. ogue. Every one ing and Instruct we. They tel! how with it. The book was printed to s . Your name and ad ‘â€" T". VD” MR. C. W. PAWLEY, of Millvillc, Calif.,writes: “ I Wish to tell you that I have used your 'Golden Medical Dis- covery’ in my family for twenty years. We have had a doctor called in but once during that time. I have a family of ten children, all well and hearty, for which. to a great extent, we owe thanks to you and your ‘Golden Medical Discovery ’ and ‘ Pellets,’ which we use when sick.” Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stognach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules. t1 H! umy nan oeen at 8Ch'0‘01 together; they had fought both shoulder to, shoulder and face to face. Now, after the passing of years, they met again. I 1‘" A __9 _ “How’s the world treated you ?” ask-‘ ed the long, thin one. “Like 3 lord," said the short, tat one.‘ “Got my own business. wire and three youngsters, two thousand a year. And how are you?” s “How?” replied the thin man. “OhJ anyhow l" “Dear me! Sorry to hear it. Let mé think. You went on the stage. didn’t you?” i “Yes. But I had to give it up.” ; “Why was that?” asked the city' man. “Oh, I thought it best.” said the oth-' er. “I had a few hints that I wasn’t quite suited to the profession.” t “Well, not exactly,” answered the ex- actor, with a painful smile. “But they would have been birdsâ€"11 they had been allowed to hatch.”â€"London An. SWGI‘S. “Oh, I see!” nodded his friend know- ingly. “The ‘little birds’ told you, eh '2" PROMENE N’“ 1 RA ILROAD MAN? STRONGLY ADV!SES H35 FRIENDS TO TRY GIN PtLLS FOP. THE KEDNEYS during the last four years ago, I intense pains in t' back, and suffered I tried to urinate. fam been cured mnmve: I'OV.( he of Canac If you suffer with Constipation or need a gentle laxative, take NATIONAL LAZY LIVER PILLS. 250. a box. 105 {QEEICAL EiSSGVERY. “I have been a P fl, 03 33.3 3333' 10;.)16801111 a3- :t33al c2? sh outlay. or 36 3.3.3333 of 30331 self and 30333' help, 101323113 3.3373 just the same. \\ hen you make1 an tenzoutâ€"no matter how small its cost may 330/335 Then it is a real investment, some- can re? 21129 in cash should you decide to and something that will pay you constant 11.9.1108 sightliness and comfort as long as (3111’ 0WD. one of its 166 handsomely iuustrated pages is interest- how to mix concrete, how to place it. what can be done to sell for 50 cents, but we have a copy for you, free. .1 “mu-“c nn 3 nosta! wm bring this book hey represent act :nc of yourself am Just the same. \ \ iements Are Permanent ‘93?!” .n Conductor on “fifflafi EV 31 éML Land Hunter Look Hate . 325 ACRES close to Proton Station { brick dwellingfine large out-buildings windmill c.; hay, 2 tons to acre. only $5,500. Knocks the sunshine off Al- berta bargains. 533 ACRES near Proton Station and Suugeen Junction. fine brick residence. splendid barnS. .plendid Sui], good water orchard 851:. W U sell less than $25 an acre. Abbi-gain surely. A HARDWARE and Tinsmith Bus- ness.Grey County, t. office in connection [.935 than $10,000 wil buy 40 acres of had store and dwellim. barn, other frame (1 wailing and 84 can srock. GENERAL COUNTRY STORE five miles from Durban: vary chap. Large number of cheap farm 'rrorertieu Money to Lend at Low Rates. Landfifiought unmade”: Pituiélchud All kinds of writings drawn. No man who doies business with H. H Mihu‘ is ever satwfied to go elsewhere Our methods seem to please. “Alvvays Prompt. -â€" Never NagfinentJ H. H. MILER - A small or large bag 01 a. fine gram, white. nutx'i‘tiom flour, is mm as (ml- bmndi Have you ever tried it? GEE your grocer to give you our k‘ihd nentt time and see the superior bak'mg qual- imfi it possesses. Betta and man wholesome. because of a secret process that we put the wheat through. Don’t. fnrvp'r A_s_mall or lagge ba People’s Mills r nrofiizs V0 All kinds of Grain b0 H. H. MILLER The Hanover Conveyancer John McGowan )UV LUMIE’DL THE 1w ()0an Betta and” zimu of a secret process Wheat through. Opposite The Reid noose. Hanover. Every Dav SEVEN. [anket 70W! and

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