West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Feb 1912, p. 4

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FLESHBBTON. Intended for Last Week. An interesting Masonic function took place here on Friday last, the occasion of the regular meeting of Prince Arflhur Lodge at which Rt. Worshjpful Brother. George Menâ€" zies. D. n. G. 11., Owen Sound (paid his official visit and also conduct- ed a Lodge of Instruction in which he was assisted by Rt. Wor- ohipful Brother David Rutherford. Past Grand Registrar. Owen S’d. There was a good turnout of the members of the Lodge and also of the. sister Lodges at M'airkdale and Dundalk, which assisted in the work Two sessions were {held- aftexnoon and evening. At the for-l mer the First degree was exempli-1 fied by the officers of Prince Ar-l thur Lodge. W'orshipful Brother, J. P. Ottewell 'presiding, and the Work of the second degree was ta- ken by the officers of Hirami Lodge. Markd‘ale, Wolrshipful Bro- ther W. L McFarland presiding. In the eVening the Third degree* was ex'rmplified by the officers of Dundalk Lodge. W'orshipful Bro- th“: J. F Vandusen presiding: ‘Jfat-shilrr‘ul Brothers Menzies and: KMIHIIOIC gave criticism and in- sfv'e.;'ti(rn. but highly complimented tkn'ui‘ficez-;~ (.f the several Lodges u 90.: their proficiency and the exâ€" k celieut manner in which the wor was done. The D D,G,.‘»i, was high- I‘: fleas-ed with the prosperous rw"m..ii':1;)'1 in which he. found Prince YHE DURHAM BHROMBLE W0 \V‘ W At the monthly meeuiig m We Women’s Institute last week the program was especially good by the excellent and deeply interestâ€" ing paper given by Mrs. Wellx'vood on “Memoirs of Our Queen.” A duet was given by .Mrs. Black- burn and Miss Boyd. The Farmers’ Club held a meetâ€" !) Thursday af’rernoon last at which Mr. Duff, afternoon 1am: at wuuuu m... District Representative, was pet-ted, but disappointed. meeting'hoWever was profita discussion of practical m .â€"‘â€"_.L Secretary DURHAM, FEBRUARY 15, 1911 Bornâ€"At West Tm day. Jan. ‘30th, to I Will Bentham. a so: On Thursday even u'pek a large numbe people were 30°C W as 011" UL ‘L tlers in Flesherton his 39am here Was {teamed in the com FOUR. MissW - 13F burn. 835k: rents ihesre t‘ ed b0 the W W. IRWIN Edit!” and Proprietor. 1C h refres inss May Henderson, of We‘yâ€" rn, Sash, Who visited her pa- rts there the past month, returnn 430 the West last 'Week. fir. Alvin .13qu is home from .ronrto visiting this moth-er. It . WWO .100. we was I 2%“ West Toronto 330th, to Mr. am. a 5011. an avwvâ€"â€"_ disappointéd. The ever Was profitable by f practical matters. v in the chair, after .- nents 'were served. thlv meeting of the rendere< the cha L were S anina' of last :3 be" of young A aimed at parties ?3- 31301“ i The severe frost of Sunday night} I penetrated the high school sufficiently t- to cause a, burst of the pipe of thei a mee heating plant. Repairs were. made on ; Thursday a Monday which was a day off for the. Mr. Duff,ipn[)ils. The. steam heating plant in! was ex- . the Mimehaw house gave out some} 1 The l days ago fund stgves had to be Slletl- l '. tuted unul repairs are made. l .f1table by l matters. .By a; newsy letter frgm Mr. Deagle; . \\ ll!) formerly supplled FIGSheI‘ton 1 ant “Of the wilh eieetric light, we are pleased to: Bellamy 15 learn he is meeting with much success‘ Operating his fine new plant at Blind ‘ River. The powerhouse situated at 0 .TneS- 2 White Falls. Seven miles distant, is and Mrs. l fitted up \\i' h the most modern machfi At, the meeting of the A. O. U. W. Ludo“) last week bthe annual installa- tit 11 Def officels Look place as follows: Latex \\ mkumn. W. J. Bellamy , ‘ui- cum: I R. H. 'Mupreg Overseer, I I I I; I Dr. and Mrs. Canter spent a couple of days in the city ' this Week. Mr. R. E. Wright left last Week for lhis homestead in Alberta. Miss Mabel Mitchell, of Harris- ville, Mich, is visiting her uncle, Mr. George Mitchell. Rev. G. S. \Milligan is on (a visit 430 the city this Week. Mr. and Ms. Fred Morley took in [the excursion to the city on Tuesday. ‘ Q We were 'pleased to receive a call on Friday from the genial ed- !editor of the Dundalk Herald, who attended the Masonic Lodge. Rt. Womsihipful Brothers George Menzies and D. R-woherfioa'd, of Owen Sound, the distinguished vis- itors at the Masonic Lodge on {Fri- day were 03.1le and gave us a very pleasant hour. Mr.-an'd .Mrs. J .B. McLean, of; Saskatoon,ASask., and Mr. C. H. Mr. ,Edgaa' Robinson {and sister, of Stayner, .svpent a few days with relatives and friends here and were accompanied ‘home on Tues- 1' 21.. C l e 1‘. Masonic Lodge on Friday evening. Walter is making good in the 10101" v vâ€" ____ were accompanied ‘home on Tues~ dav by their cousin, Miss Lily Thistlewaite. :ll Two hockey matches were played in the rink last week. In the first the public schoul and high school boys were matched and the same was 4 to 0 in favour of the former. In the second game Markdulc and Flasher- Lon J u aims were the players and the ton J unim latter won Mrs. Alf. Harrison was at Forest- ville. N. Y., \‘ibimng her nephew. Mr. \V. Benthuu, whose wife met; with a bad accident; by her hand getting caught in a. cutting box. The Lhumh was severed and forefinger badly lac- erated. i Miss Dell Bea ttfly. Toronto. line ‘. leaving «his week for Vancuuver. I Miss Ell-(L Karstedt left; on Mon ‘ to spend a. week with friends in "J ! onto. Inc: 11111 C(Jh inc; 3: 1111111 15“ vdm1 and will give four hm (11.1 d 11 use power. Eight tons of (:0; p31 \\ 119 wen, used in cunatrnct/ing the line. After'thirteen months con- sn-uctinn work the plant. Started in August. last, and has never yet: shut lawn f1 0m 1111‘: ("111159. Ruferx'ing to the weatht 1 Mr. Beagle reports 40 he- lnw zmo as common with one dmp down m 52. :x-cmzm. .LI‘Uld hi 2 Recuu The. ’Wewt has recently been attract- ing Mr. and Mrs. ‘vlowely who have, devided tn locate at \Veybnrn, Siâ€"LSK... and will leave here in a couple of Weeks. Mrs. W”. Trimble has returned from a. umnth’s visit with her mother and brother. Dr. Racket-ville at. Detroit. Ms. A. \thsand Mrs. MmkSteW- :11 1: ate spendit g a few (1: in with their sistei in the city. The band goes to Kimberley7 thiq Tuesday evening: to the Carnival post- poned from Friday last on account, of the cold. A carnival 18 arranged for the rink here on Friday evening. A Press despatch on Monday report:- ed the destruction by fire on Sunday of the fine Methodist church at Iro- quois, Ont. Miss L. M. Philp, B. A. of the high school staff here is a daughter of the pastor of the unfort- unate congregatwu. rmaon Moore eru at; Mr. John Latimer who has Spentthe past two years her». left on Tuesday to take p sition with. a. Loan} and In- surance Company in Toronto. Mr. Robert Bell‘axny‘was in the city a. day or two last Week The pfi'icial Board of the Methodise church voted on church union 1-3.5; wrek and of ten members present. nint THIS WEEK’S BUDGET. UH) UPC! (’1 J. Spun "\V . P. ‘ Ht [1t u I \V tram a: Guidé, R. C ler, L‘. ti. Munshaw Spruule: Treats" F. P. Urusslcy; 0. manor s wen bv. 7 t 0t w ell I) to a number esdav evenil‘ .1an neign ed by U n U] U has purchased 1. 100 acres, on Ville 1(' BI U( IQ Walk- ; Finan- G. Cole; \V.. Al‘f. nke [Cl Jf of I] St Monday in Tor- (1}:er W no}, 11m XI IS ‘ The choice of John Sandfield Mac- donald as the first Premier of Ontario was due to Sir John A. Macdonald. “John A.” and "J. 8” had been for many years political opponents. one was a Conservative, the other was nominally a reformer. But Sandfield Macdonald, however was a man whom it was difficult to classify in the cate- gory of any political party. What be cherished more than anything else was his personal independence: he re- peatedly warm-d the Legislative As- sembly under the Union that his utter- ances must not be taken as binding his political friends, and he frankly des- cribed himself in the house as “the Ishmael of Parliament.” So notice- ably did he dissociate himself, for in- stance. from the wing of the Reform party led by George Brown that Sir John Macdonald had at least on one occasion endeavored to inveigle him in- to a Conservative Cabinet, an offer which was declined by Sandfield Mac- .donald in the famous and characteris- tic Lelegram, “No go”. IT. was not surprising therefore that it should have been to Sandfield Macilonald that Sir John A. MacDonald olfered in 1867 the Premiership of Ontario. A He- former who had succeeded in fm'-niing a stable administration where Gem-9:0 Brown had failed: a Roman Catholic who had puxsued an indepemlcnt course in regard to separate schoMs: and a vigo mus opponent of Umfcder: ation wha. haul acquiescml in the new onler of things. the new .l’remicr was one who \Vilh‘Lullljlllc'tillkl to carry with him a (:(in‘lsitivral‘lw wit-'uwnt in the lic- form par‘y to gain the snmmrtvf both l’rntcst.:1.!:ts :mti Catholics. and to (fUll‘ «:iliatc that large l-‘ltlllUUI, in the popu- lulinnu'eiul: liru‘l lawn sl :‘(mgl)’ an? i. ilonl'w‘lt‘rat‘ionist. voted for and but one against. W’e fauor the proposed union and are therefore in harmony with the almost unanimous vote of the church Board. We believe the union would result in effectiveness of work in both the home and foreign fields beyond that which is being now done by the in- dividual denominations. ONTARIO’S FIRST GOVERNMENT It. was the desire of Sir John A. Macdnnald 333331 in this Sandfield M3333. Donald 33333.5 .331. 03333 wit 13 131333. to estab- lish the G33Vo33333333-3331 331' Ontario, 3333 .33. no party 13: 3518. 11V W 3.35 33 (333: ”Minn 113331; b 331 brought 3.331333 31 11333 13333113 331' (.3333- 133313333331i3333333333i it was thought 33.3131:- 33'3313’31313331. :3 «20331111033 5.3033131 set. 11333 (‘3333f31d1'33331i3313 533133333333 33-3333333king in (J31. 33.133 33331i11 331 13391. p: .333ti33s were 3313133. 3.33 323333333 3333 333313333.311Vi33 the 32,333.33 iOPERATIorJ FOR PILES EAILED :Zam Buk Was Then Tried and Work- ed a Cure Writing from Poplar. B.C., Mrs. 10. Hansont Wife of the proprietor iof the Commercial Hotel, says: “I i 5 i I LI suffered for years with bleeding piles The pain was so bad at tim>s that I could hardly walk. and ordinary remedies seemed ut- terlv unable to give me any 851‘. Finally I decided 'to un- dergo an operation, and went to the Sacred Heart H‘olspitalin Spoâ€" kane There they performed an | )1: me. For a time I was cerâ€" tainlv better. but Within twelve months the trouble started again an} t .3 piles became as painful as ere}; I tried liniments, hot poul- ti-:.es various ‘pile cures? and indeed. everything I could think would be likely to do anY good. but still I continued to suffer. and the shooting, burning, sting- [inzr pains, the dull, aching and -Wretlched, Swornâ€"out’ feeling that the disease causes continued as bad as ever. \ ~ “One day I read about Zvam-Buk and thought I would try it. The first one or two boxes gave me more ease than anythingelse I had tried, eo I Went on with the treatment. In a «short time I began to feel altogether different and better, and I .saw that Zam- Buk was (going to me me. Well, I Went on ulsing. it and my the time I :had weed six boxes. I was de- lighted to find myself entirely cured. That was three years ago. and from then to the present time, there has been no return of the ”trouble.” Zam-Buk is \a sure cure for piles‘ eczema, ulcers. abscesses. cold sores, chapped hvands, vari- cose sores, burns, inflamed patches and all .skin injuries and diseases. Drug‘gists and stores everywhere. 50c. box. or Zam-Buk (30., Toronto, for price. Refuse harmful substi- tutes. made such :11: :n-r:\.::gmner=t. pos- 'as the fact :hnfr, in the new pro- numm. there semxwd m be no for the perpehmtkm- of thu 185 that, preceded (‘Innfedex-atk‘n. '0 W h n THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. 1'11 h \V (j 4f h D l( (.i ()I flit M I) O ll , ALLAN PARK. Mr. and - Mus. Ernest Rose- borough, of Owen Sound. were visiting for a few? days at Mr. Thomas Brigh-am‘s lately. Mr. and Mrs. .10th (Schmidt. 01‘ Owen Sound, are Visiting for a Week at Mr. W. P. Bailey‘s. There are a f e v this part who are u ‘tIOI‘y‘S care on accou] Fever: but five are 4 they are imp-roving: Mr. and Mrs. Fre 13011,, are Visiting a for a few day-s. AVONDALE, N. B., October, 15th. “I have been a great sufferer from Indigestion for fifteen years. I was forced to deny myself all such hearty foods as beans, meats, potatoes and could not drink tea or coflee. For the past two years, I lived on porridge, stale bread, etc. I had treatment from two doczors, and tried nearly every kind of medicine, but got worse. “Finally I saw a. tEStimonial of “Fruit-aâ€"tives” and concluded to give them a trial. I took nearly four boxes of “Fruit-a-tives” and they have made me feel like a new man. I can eat all kinds of hearty foods without suflering, and am no longer constipated.” LEMUEL A. W. BROWN. Many people look on “Fruit-a-tives” as a miraculous medicine. It has indeed performed what have seemed like miraculous cures in hundreds of cases of chronic Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Constipation and Biliousness. 15 YEARS A DYSPEPTIB “Frfiit-a tives” is the only medicine in the world made of fresh fruit juices and valuable tonics. 50¢. a box, 6 f<.r $2.50, or trial size, 25c. At all dealers or from‘ Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Aytxo have Lon A party of young folks gather- ed at the home of Mr. John Hopi- kins (one evening lately and spent a Very enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Helpkins know how to enter- tain a crowd when they go there. Mr. Wesley Roseborough has been under the Weather for 3 been under the weather for a While. We {shall be pleased to hear of his speedy recovery. Councillor and Mrs. Cross? of LIouise visited the lattex‘s father .Henry BriOham, la, 53t “eel; One of our farmers? not far from here .got lost in the stormy weather lately and he held Sam- day for Sunday‘ and started uith his team to draw wood from the bush on Sunday, but by the aid of a nearby neighbor “as informed of his mistake. He left the load and went home to Wait for Monday Mr. Herbert Sachenk purchased the William Butter‘al farm lately, and last Wednesday was married to a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Redford, of Mulock. We ioin their many friends in wishing them a large measure of happi- and prosperity. Mr. Robert Scott, a young man who works on the railroad bought the home of Mr. John Lynn. That’s right Bob; get the cage before you get the bird. , Clitford, Feb. 7.â€"-Rev. J. H. Collins, Methodist minister of this village, died suddenly of heart failure to-night during the singing of the first hymn at a. prayer meeting which he was conducting“. The remains will be tak- en to his home at Ancaster for inter:‘ ment. Mr. Collins was well known throughout Western Ontario. being connected with charitable institutions with headquarters at Hamilton, Ont. Forced to Live on Stale Bread and Porridge. “FBUIT-A-TIVES” CURE!) HIM DIED AT PRAYER MEETING aw», few families in 3 under the «Doc- ount of Scarlet pleased to Say dt, of AV:- he 31 +: +++~+++~m y++:+.e~+++~9+¢++++++++++A++++++++++++++¢ FIFTY YEARS MARRIED Continued from page 1. Mr. Firth was never an aspirant for public positions, but \has served long and Well in some of the more private activities of public life For over thirty years he has been officially connected With the South Grey Agricultural Society, and: during: his long“ term of service he i has acted as jud'ge nearly every‘ year in many departments of the Society, as W911 as in the sur- rounding societies in the county. He was the 'O'I‘ig‘inator of the Dur- ham' Horticultural SociQLy. and has been officially conneczed with that institution since its origin altvout fifteen years ago. He also served as trustee for two or three towns in school section No. 1, Gionelg' and here. arSIelsethre. We believe, he did his Work honestly and well, with little or no compen- sation. In politics. he has been a lifelong Conservative, never cast- ing“ a,. vote for any other politi- cal party, .yet in his support of candidates for municipal positions. his political leanings were not con- sidered. He has been a lifelong member of the Church of England, and his affiliations are as strong, 0r stronger, toâ€"day, than ever in his younger days. ' Mrs. Firth, who has always been a good helpmarte, was born in the village of 'Westow, in [York- shire, England, one the 6th of Octo- ber 1836 and received .her early ed- ucation at the national schools. GUN’S DRUG STORE We tender our Come to the leading H and those connected with Examine om 65c” leather h sel Must not be compared with the many GRIP and COLD Cures that are sold, and which in most cases contain Aconite. Belladonna, and other narcotic drugs, which have a very in- jurious effect upon the system. We have some at We will sell We 16 Our “Grip Capsules" are unlike these other remedies in every respect, containing as they do. drugs that act on the mucous membranes, thereby allaying the inflamed condition and quickly effecting a. cure. Be sure and get GUN’s GRIP CAPSULES. - - Sold only at SMITH BROS ~ for Colds, La Grippe, 1’ . Headache and Neuralgia ‘ -- < E} ,/- eac. personal congrat- iene SCU in d-ow be 1m arriware Store, where the stock it are up-to-date. th Window"? The articles in it. an article in that Window will 0051 31 we 3 \V ulation-s, and in Wishing them many years of ’eontinued life. health and prosperity, We know We are «only voicing the feelings of their many frien’ds. Do you know that more I danger lurks in a common c than in any other of the comm ailments. The safe way is to to Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy thoroughly relial and rid yourself Quickly as pbssit is for sale by all int w- men an who ii x skin. hand 1 DL :10 he Fall \Vheab . Spring \Vheat Oats ...... Peas ......... Barley ....... )t‘thSS Potatoes. per bag ...... Dried Apples ..... . . . . . Flour, pet-cwc ......... Oatmeal, per sack .. Chop. per cwt . . . Live Hogs. per cwt... Hide-s, per lb .......... Sheepskins . Wool ............... Tallow .............. Lard ........... . . Turkeys ............... Geese ............... ' . . Dunks ................. Chickens ............. Hay ...... Butter . . . . R9 0 an“! Take a look at your label. MARKET REPORT OIV’SE v the DURHAM, FEBRUARY 15, 1911 DURHAM, ONT he Cold mt, mm the horses mo xtns the result that the Cold non xx ill to thoix ja-vu and tear away the Hold the hit; in your Warm s for (‘1 1L 1V BE IN COLD WEATHER u February 15th, 1912. OUNDRY few h )er OWL... 'a...... o... O... O. O. ......... O. ------------ O mmutes rle. ’l‘hi dealers \\‘ UIILD up: to the h‘ its or any but these be cold This re: these 19351 y 'SPS "H mm mm OUto 0 p rem ll 1C l3 will

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