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Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Feb 1912, p. 5

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has two experienced instructors and pupils get individual atten- tion. Ou-r courses are thorough and practical and we assist gradu- astes to positigns.1:x_1p_i_ls may en- tar at ainy time. Wfite for" {fee catalogue now. D. A. McLACHLAN F. W'. KAHLE President. Principal, , for the JANUARY STOCK=TAKING SALE The Central Drug Store :: Durham Everything guaranteed as represented or money refunded. and 25 per cent. reduction on an Fancy Goods. the hnm Indestructible Spirella Boning Ax‘r SIZE, ANY STYLE. ANY PRICE 100 Pairs of the FAMOUS SPIRELLA CORSETS must he said this ' Christmas Season. Prices reduced as npver before. Ranging from 98c. to $10.00. All honed with the MOUNT FOR 881‘ D0 Y 11 Wear Corsets? Mrs .19 .Nichol HE antral Drug: Store NV I N Miiverton 1H February 1661‘ 19:2, MOUNT roses-r ONT. have proved for over half a century, in every quarter bf the world, absolutely safe and most effective. U A. fit MOUNT FOR 881‘ Indian Root Pills 25¢. a box everywhere. th and have your choice at 'clll I50): UARTERS 5010 IVXECHCH'IES E83 8: SUN nd SHORTS Sovereign m7 Stores ntative, You can always get the genuine PARISLAN SAGE at Macharlane’s for only 50 ce 1ts a bottle. Thev will not deceive you. girl with th eVery bottle ISIAN SAGE We want you to know this for Your own protection, for there are manv imitations, and it is an easy matter to get the spurious article. a cure PARISIAN SAGE is rigidly guar- anteed for dandruff, falling hair and scalp itch. . ‘ “a _. - - Mr. Joseph Atkinson has the timb- er on the ground for the new addition to his barn and is busy getting out lumber and shingles. . Quiteamimber from this part took in the Hockey match'in town last, Tuesday night. It was rather too much one sided from a spectator’s point of View. nesd a! hp'en spending the p. months. He seems there to [his part of The young people busy preparing for held in the school Fsm-uay mm, the the aid ot the Base-l sion 100. and 150. E as a first Claus progz pared. Mr. Joseph Patterson accompanied by Miss Annie Atkinson spent Sunday with the Iatters cousin, Mrs. B. Counts "f VickerS- 88;. f8 6; “.- must. _..U .~" ~ .fiMr'. George X115; of tho-filth: Spent. Monday in thlS part. Misses Bella and May Donnely, 0f Hutton Hill, spent, Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. Boberp Bell. ‘ Mr. '1_homas W.‘ [1'11 Bea We,. the congregation of the Glenelg Centre Baptist church. appreciate very much the services Which you have rendered us in presiding at the organ for the past few years, Your services have been both diligent and effic- ient. You have denied yourself other privileges, and you have braved much inclement Weather to be present to assist us in our services of worship. Will you ac- cept this purse of money, as a slight token of our appreciation of ~Your services? We Wish you all hamiiness. prosperity and spirit- ual blessing in fhe future _ Signalâ€"D. \lr‘o‘mxn A. 31. Following is the address; Miss Mary Binnie, as A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. George Binnie on Tuesday night of last week, when the congregation of Glenelg Centre Baptist church as- sembled and honored :their organ- ist. Miss Mary Binnie, by present- ing her With an address and a purse of money. Mr. Dan ~Mc- Cormick read the address and Mr. Archie 'Beaaon, jr. made the pre- isen‘tation. Miss Binnie replied very !a'p;‘>rop:‘ia'?ely saying she had‘ 1done patching to merit such good will. Mr Binnie also made a brief reply. Rev. Mr. McCa‘uzsltamd, in a irepresentative capacity made a full and fervent speech expressing the warmest regards of the’ ser- vice of (Miss Binnie im the church. After the program was over, lunch was served by the Ladies, ' after which (the fleeting hours were «spent in music, games and friendly chat. Mr. Thomas Binnie _furnish- ed some good vocal and instru- mental music which was much a-p- : preciated by all present. ' l M rs. McKee-hm UK Want you to know that the zith the Auburn hair is on bottle and carton of PAR- MA? FARLANE CO tee Parisian Sage for Falling Hair am? Dandruff 1.9 tonic You will use use it once. . ’11 for piles failed. was then tried and Worked verb Hewitt v :4) Friday nig )2' Moftrez-Ll ‘ ding the past He seems [4 his part of tb mg people 0; paring- I‘Qp a cm H ewitt. who came home i ) Friday night leaves W’ed-! z- i\lui'treul where he hasi iiug the past seven or eighb3 He seems to wrefer living iis part; of the country. ‘ ng people uf this part areI raring for a concert to be e schonl on Friday night” Uth, the proceeds to go t0[ the Base-hall Club. Admis- nd 15c. Everybody come as labs px'ogwm is being pre- RIVERDALE. BUNESSAN V1.81 ti alwa SOII Duts ll'd. We Want you to try Rexall Or- derlies on our guarantee. They are eaten like candy, and and par- ticularly good for children. They seem =t0' act directly on the nerves and muscles of the bowels. They apparently have a neutral action on the other organs. They do not spurge or cause other in- convenience. We will refund your money if they do not overcome chronic or habitual constipation and tlhus aid. to relieve the myriad of associate or dependent chronic ailments. Try Rexall Ord‘erlies at our risk. Three sizes, “10¢, 25C» . Sold only at our storeâ€"â€" The Rexall Store. Ma'cfarlanestCo. Constipation is commonly caused by Wealtness of the nerves and muscles of the large intestine. To expect a cure you must therefore tone up and strengthen those owâ€" Eans, and restore them to a heral- tlheir activity. An Offer th t Involves No Money Risk If You Accept it We are so positive our remedy will éompletely relieve constipa- tiqn. no matter how chronic it may be. that We offer to furnish it free of all cost if it fails. ( ,--....J “av-.usus U week in Sc. J oseph’s, Markdale, ! the Rev. Father Ferguson he u’uited Miss Maggie Ryan. third daughter of Mr. and M rs. James of me 80h concession. to Mr. M: gan,‘ of Fort, William. The bride :L lovely gown of white Duchess which tended to enhance her :1. l l‘wauLy. She was assisted by he tug Miis Lizzie. who wore blue with picture hat r0 match. Mr. Ryan ably filled the part of bes‘t After [he (JPI'GUJUIly {he guy on” druve to the home of the l)l’l(lt~"5 ents when: z-‘L day and night, (if ing, music and dancingfulhmml. .lnuws Mum-mm mru-it- a. wit: masher and helped in lmguilv {hf'Hll'H Will] Snrur --n-3 - " ‘ __â€". O de f ram on lnts II [I l) ‘OVer. But; that unf-anlixv) w v Y u that few can brew ’ 3 cup 0t Lea, Cle rk, Mr. J‘. S. Blac ' stimulate and jaw o .. . A. McDonald was gp‘aqe‘ MI-HJUHU day for'l‘oronpp. to remain for some inne. She v‘wm be much missed in eague and bunday School work. A very pretty wedding t0uk l . . ace in 10.50 qu Wednesday umrningpof last week 1n oc.‘Joseph’s, Markdule. when the Rev. banner Ferguson happily “.llifflll h';g‘_‘ nil...‘-_:,- I The “Gospel Talk” of Mr. Zenus lClark, of town, who occupied Zion’s pUIplL on Sunday last, was full of deep spiritual earnestness and sincerity. Mr. Clark is it. forceful spraker and knows how to send the message home. The OouncilFathers met. on Samur- day and ’cis putting in mild to say the temperature on the morning journey was frigid. The February. meeting is alw'eys a busy one. There is the usual grist of small matters, all the'3 paohmasters, fence-viewers, irhe Voted and self- ze burden has 9 assisted by h ne t_heir" pm". 2 stranger and nmn y {t 1005 W grown to middze age 0. v generous kindne-s and h: the home and it has bevn the present, time. Mrs. sseesed wonderful Iightnok d strength of both? fora. slh Mr. Will Laughlin has ' bought Mr. James Hall’s ZOO-acre tax m on the 11th concession. for $3, 600. It is well wa tered and a goodly portion is vexy suitable for crOpping. IFS Miss Efl’ie Hastierret‘urns to her home at Dromore the first of this week. Mrs. E. Hunt spent lam: week and part ef this with relatives in Hamil- n strength of had .vmmm. VVP” in the early (In) mi! of butter on ac to Durham M 1m- :1rm, and he. he and (thvery. it-hful member ( (.‘llurch and :1. h ’JE d 181‘ Hinthg hem-ins a Maria 11 am W and hmm U .tt WHY HESITATE fled to enhance' her natural She was assisted by her sis- fizzie. who wore blue voile .re hat r0 match. Mr. Den. filled the part of best man. ceremony tl‘le'géty cmnpany he home of the bride’s par 5: a. day and night of {cast- zmd dancing fullnwuil. Mr. Prism! made: a witty must 1d helped [u beguile the" L .â€" ' my and m TRAVERSTON - m mmdness. been the sacrificing dnghtm'. Jeen a, heavy (me. but er family have :10ny The family came out 8-18 and in 1859 se tit led D . con. (5, which has 791' since. Mr. Quin- he: daze age mm recall Iness‘ and hospit-Mily it has bevn Sn down time. Mrs. Quinlan -ful lightnoks of font mly fora. slight. gmce- 11 do we remember ays hearing a. wood- ...- LA ‘ v v V white Duchess 83 Liu h ( \V l) y fora slight "1:109.- d o w 9 rmuem her 3 hemimr :1. wood- her head the nine Id often a basket r spix if w 13 :1!“ 213‘s She has ever b91311 1f the Roman (321th- gonerous crml‘rih- Hind: I'ifz'cii tst trying as smitten 85. he -â€""rl "J Ryan. Lhird eldest 1-1] V 52w lean m (1 sun- ren, “7110 as h er be app'oswd and 1:13 to be looked [IPS' Clip of tea, ”Vt 'H M 1°. Mat 112,- 1e bride wow DI DURHAM CHRONICLE. \V d |ver been Jan Cath- Cm.) t‘ I'i h- eaves to nd m p2 L \‘f ('1 air! recall m ”\V \V l U! H y :w n to hit {W V (i 3U PRICEVILLE. Friday and Saturday of last Week were coorkers. Saturday morning the 10th of February, the mercury Went down to 33 below, being the coldest for 17 years. On the fifth of February 189.5 the mercury went down to 35 below, as we remember experiencing the severity of that morning going to :Edge Hill to meet the good scribe of Travers- ton on business relating to town- ship matters. Someone said that We .Will forget the cold of the past days. When the'mercury goes up to 90 in the shade the complaint will be “Oh, dear me, ‘Wh‘alt heat”.! Lots of people got their fingers or face «a little frozen, but an ap- plication of dry snow made them all right again.‘ Our town is busy, notwithstand- ing the cold Weather. Logs Wood telegraph poles and such like are coming in in abundance. O’Neil and John Morrison Both these gentlemen made excellent addresses Mr. O’Neil traced the plant from the time of the Arabs to th: present. He showed the importance 'of lgood seed, and goo-i soil. Seed must be pure. anrl must be fresh, and the soil should be rich and in the best con- dition Sow 'wifih barley at the raie offl20 lbs.,to the were. Do not sow barley «heavier than, one bushel per acre, :50 that the clover will fa.. and was taken by Mess O’Neil and John Morrison not be'scorched too badly after barley harvest. In harvesting, cut clover when less than one-third of blossoms are in full bloom. Do not allow to dry too much, or the leaves. which are the best of the plant. will be Lost. ‘Mr. Morrison as June grass. The colleges and experiment stations have proven its value, and the plant should be found on all farms Where stock is fed. Songs by Wm. Keating and T. H. Binnie completed a good program. Buttermaking will be discussed at the next meeting on February 19th. and all buttermak- ers are specially invited. Of course, this, as a~ rule on the. farms”, nieans the ladies. treated'of the feeding. and shc that the plant is almost as as bran. The best method we feed with silage, as a mixture silage and alfalfa is just as g By the death of Mr. Joseph Ford at the Toronto City‘ Hospital on VVed- mesday morning. Jan. the 3lst.. Norm- ‘anhy Tp. lost one of its most highly thought of citizens and the Pres. church one of its most active members. Deceased was operated on last Aut- umn for appendicitis. Two other op- erations were performed after the first in the Toeonto City Hospital Where he went for treatment. but although the, most professional medical aid was surmnoned to the case. his chndition became more serious untill the end came. on the above mentioned date. Mr. Ford was just in the prime. of mouhoird. being forty one years old. He possessed a munarkahly strong constitution. was always a \'(‘l‘).' stroll-l Izn'::~' woi km' and helper at. home-‘- and. 3;: iii" church. ' M( OI‘ Mr. and Mrs. James Nichol and little daughter are visiting with rela- tives in Hanover. They leave shortly for their home in Enderby, B. C. The Haxnpden Guild will meet with the St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Guild of Hanover on Tuesday evening, Feb. the 27th. Both Guilds will take part in the Programme and all the mem- bers of the Hampden Pres. church are cordially invited to attend. At a meeting of the young people of the Pres. church here last Wednesday it was decided not to reorganize the young people’s Guild on account of the cold weather and bad roads. A prayer meeting will be held twice a month until Spring. Mrs. Thos. Fulton who took a para- ly tic stroke some time ago is not mak- ing prggress toward recovery as fast as her many friends would like. Miss Bessie Park was laid up pasL week with tonsilitus. Messrs. Miller and Seim, saw miller-.2 and Captain 0. M. Snider are having telephone instruments put in their homes which gives them telephone connection with Hanover and Durham by way of Robert Brigham’s rural phone at Allan Park. ne ene a lvavvs to mourn his loss little son, and five sisters hvrs. The remains were. H lealthy iealers under discus sic: the )1 4V ,‘0 baaflab: t1.) 9 H :1. m pden V Feb. the 3t"d U BIO HAMPDEN. VHShi‘T‘I ndl 11‘V em w U IS EC d a, wife md fmn' laid to PI‘Y 0H 3L11 I‘ICh \V this long! at the business, but neverâ€" theless is master of the duties reâ€" ,quired «to fill the office properly. The auditors suggested that it Iwould be a wise act for the coun- lei] to extend the sheds for the purpose of making more. accom- modation for the ratepayers and others on certain occasions. Coun- cillor J ohn A. McMillan was absent being. at his annual Parliamentary duties the past Week at Toronto. Rev. Mr. Buchanan, of Dundalk. ipreached in the Presbyterian fchurch in this place last Sunday. tHis subject was on Missionary pur- poses. The Rev. Mr. Matheson of this town, preached .fom Mr. Buch- anan at- Dumdzalk and Ventry, in exchange- ' f number of Votes Five elders were voted .On in the Pnesbyterian church in this place namely: 'Dhos. Nichol, ' Dan. Mc- Innes, Colin McLean, Peter Muir. Lostâ€"In Durham, 3 gold locket and chain. The Locket bears the initials “M. M.,” and contains in- side a picture of a deceased brot‘h'er. Finder will be rewarded bv returning same to M. M. Ar- rowsmith, or leaving at this office. Archibald McCu-aig. of To. attended the meeting of th and Bruce Fire Insurance nany at Han-over on Saturd: pany a't nanover on Saturday Wm. McLeod, jr.‘, and Finle§ Cuaig, from Top Cliff and A bald McLeod and Mrs McLeot ited friends at Collingwood Stayner last week Glenelg Township officials at the township hall on Satt last for general business Th ditors, Messrs R. T. Edward: W J. Ritchie, congratulated Council on the manner the bu: of the council was performed ing‘ the past year The r showed a large balance on to the good of 1912. Mr. Ed'\ has completed his 17th year a ditor and no wonder 'he can up a column of figures as fa he can *point ”them out. Of 0 paid his uncles locality a Visit last week. m Dan M=cKimhor LOCKET AND CHAIN LOST te, 00m “.ade Big Reductions on All Winter Goods Come m and Bargains on A number (3011111er am 1110“ given a w Nail these bargains on sight. Don't fail to secure something from this stock of Men’s Furnishings. This is the season of change here. Long before things are out of style, they must be “out of stock.” Spring things are knocking for admittance, and winter things must be cleared out at Slaughter Prices. Little Prices are doing the work quickly. valance on he L912. Mr. Ed'wa S 17th year as .' nnder'he can.z figure-é as fast In out. Of cou 6+ \V ean, Peter Muir, JOhn Weir equal SH?“ SOTDE H~ ley Mc- 719 Arch Lll‘ hat ed away downâ€"come and ll} of m E I‘SE (IS Therefore, “hen we assure you that Rexall “93’ Hair Tonic Will promptly eradicate dandruff, stim- ulate hair growth, and prevent premature baldness you may rest assured we know what We are talking about. We honestly believe that Rexall “93” Hair 'Donic Will do more than not gum the scalp or hair or cause permanent stain. It is as pleas- ant to use? pure cold water. It comes in two sizes, prices 50 cents and $1.00. Remember. you can ob- tain it only at our storeâ€"The Rex- al llStaore. Macfarlane 'Co. not give entire satisfaction to the users they would lose faith in us and our statements, and in conse- quence Our business prestige would suffer. We could not afford to so strongly endorse Rexall “93” Hair Tonic and continue to sell it as we do if it did not do all We claim. Should our enthusiasm carry us away, and Rexall “93” Hair Tonic 1n easlon for even Jn Enn( 11m KBOW'D um rseu‘ in an N Hf e C110 not II t mu, you 09! m ask yo .va 37 esitating‘ ffer do as FIVE. I‘D ave tc attend h h [I] l gne try ate

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