West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Feb 1912, p. 2

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BRICK COTTAGE Lot A bargain ' buyer. â€"Arthur H. A PAIR THE ROCKY SAUGEEN HOTEL propertyâ€"Apply to J. A. Brown, Durham. 7 12 7tf 15 EWES BRED TO LAMB AFTER April 15th. In good shape. Time if required.â€"W.E. McAlister. For Sale THRIVING BAKERY B USINESS in the Town of Durhameâ€"Apply to H. Burnett. 1 25tf MIn the matter of the estate of Robert Kennedy. late of the Town of Dufiham in the County of Grey. Retired Farmer. deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursu-i ant to “The Revised Statutes of Ontario” 1897, chapter 129 that all creditors and others having claim: against the estate of the said Rob- ert Kennedy, who died on or about the 18th day of January A. D. 1912.1 are required. on or before the sec; ond day of March A. D. 1912, to eend by post prepaid or deliver to John Brown the elder, and John Henry Smith, the executors of the last Will and Testament .of the «said deceased,their Christian and sur- ,7 _L'-__ OT 21, CON. 2, TOWNSHIP OF fitment, containing 106 acres that 10 acres hardwood bush. O actor swamp timbered, the rest m; burn 80150, stable 30x40. ”lid 1 uronntered by 2 wells d opting. Part 0! purchase may can remain on mart age. Far particulars apply Wi iam My, Orchard. Ont. "*-â€"â€""-â€"â€" .. n, 'â€" .__u_____ OT 50, 2nd CONCESSION, BENT- inch; joins corporation, west of Durham, on Durham Road, on north side. Well watered, good bank barn, comfortable frame and log house. Will sell crop, Itock and implements with farm. For further information, apply to Thou. B. Hutton. Hutton Him. “VVV'vvâ€"u, w--- _ names. addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims. the statement 0: their accounts and the nature of the securities, it any, held by them. OT 2, CON. 4, E.G.R., GLENELG.; 100 acres: 70 acres working land! 10 acres new land, 20 acres hard- ‘ wood bush. TWO good wells on premises. Good concretg house. cheap t.o quick buyer: For fur- ther particulars apply to David, McAnliffe, Upper Town. Durham PAIR OF ONE-HORSE BOB- oleighs. and a cutter. Apply to D. MacKenzie. Upper Town, Dur- ~5 1‘2 111:! L.-.” And further take notice that after such lest mentioned date. the said executors will proceed to dis- tribute bhe assets of the said de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the L1 - -4 . REGISTERED SHORTHORN Bull, 10 months’ chiâ€"Apply to Harry” Wilkinson. Vamney. 2 Ltf # "my- VVV - â€"--° _ v-n “_ __ claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said Ex- ecutors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. . 3-YEAR-OLD GENERAL PUR- pose horse. Apply to Samuel Ritchie. Durham. 1123 tf .Y FARM NEAR GLAS‘C'OTT. Holland Township; easy terms. Also a few acres of sound, ly- ing timber, suitable for firewood for sale at $5 an acreâ€"J. Ritchie, Port Arthur. 12 21 9nd Dated this 30th day of January. A. D. 1912. Advorthonolto of .no inon. nboequont inaction. Over NOTICE TO CREDITORS For Sale or Rent. Farms for Sale. Hanover P. 0., Ont. J OHN‘ HENRY SMITH“ Allan Park P. '0. Ont. Execumra of the last Will and Testament of Robert Kennedy. deceased, late a! the Town of Durham. and Township of Bentinck. For Sale or Rent Sheep for Sale For Sale. Dir-ban. For Rent JOHN BROWN. Sr. B, ' AND NICE for immediate H. J lacksaon. 18tf SMALL ADS. inon or less 25 cents for first insertion, and 10 cents for each Over one inch and under two inches, double tho above amount. Yuriy mtss so application. lioflétt‘ 3.1m 'éSOSptf l U uni-ma; treated on most, scientif- ic principles. All calla promptly attended 10.0mm and resicionce. .Garafraxa Street. Durham, nearly opâ€" \posite the Chronicle Ofli cc. 623 l ---v-â€"â€" stairs,'1:;mwai Street. Residence Cornet Queen and Georgqfltrootsâ€"Narth of {Methodist Church. hours 9-11 3.111.. 24 .».m.. 749 pm. T onbone No. 39 Damon»: AND SURGEON, or. 3. tics in the New Hunter Block, 0690 wurs.8 to 10 a. m.. to 4 p. m. and} to! ). UL Special attention giv to M f women and qhildren. fiance op- posite thvtenan Clutch. DR. BRCWN L. R. C. 9., LGNDON. ENG RADULATE of London. New York 4nd Chicago. mount of Eye. Bar Nae and Tut. Will he at the Hahn House, Jan. 20 Feb. 1", March 16. April 20, and May 18. Hours, 1 to 6 p.m. BR. BURT. Late Assistant Roy. Lonln Ophthalmic Hal. In; and ”Golden Sq. Thu“ and No“ In. SPECIALIST l' EYE, EAR, _THRBA_T Nos: VI_.__._.‘I short distance east of Knapp‘s Hotel, Lamb con 8m. Lower Town. D'Cu'ham Oflice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock )FFICE AND RESIDENCE A i (CHOICE ANCONA COCKERELS. Black Orping‘hons.‘ and White Leghorms. Standard bred birds. â€"Apply to C.W. Lang, Durham Greenhouse. ‘2 8 2nd UGUJ-l Lu wuuvv- .- vâ€"â€" u _ Correct tests and honest treat- ment to every patron. Writ-e for your can to-day. PALM CREAMERY‘ Palmerston; Qnt‘acrio. Dr. D. 8. Craig, D.V.S..V.S.V.D. “ISEASES OF DOMESTICATEQ â€"‘.â€"â€" .â€" ofoefhfiéimln Si‘firfi?’ce-n"tnyon “am “In ”proceeding tO other para- "' manor 0 '03” ‘ De - ' lgraphs found in the Speech from_: . t . ' INN V jthe Throne I would like to refer : A, H. jacmn. Am the question of prison reforms OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION ‘Bv the sale of the Central Prison' er. Conveyancer, 8m. Insurance property in the City of Toronto 5‘. nt. “my to Loan. Issuerpf Mag-g ‘ .. .c rigors Licenses. A general financial burs-find the transfel 0f the prlooners 363. transacted. {to an 800 acre farm in the vicinitv 1 DURHAM ONT. (Lows? Town-l iof Guelph, this Government is tak- 1 - ;ing one of the most advanced stel;s ‘ ever taken by any Government in, me. lthe sane, rational and modern 1‘ Highest prices paid for Cream treatment of criminals, (Applause) ‘ . i . _ ~a . . , . ‘ fe‘elé‘fiiiiddfii’c’émofeérisi (332321? When- Obiect is not so much to; X . ' . . . All cream received promptly Déid'i'nlm‘qh. gunnel ”2.16 :0 Dims? 1‘ if“? 1‘ for on {the 10th and 25th of each‘ .u e Cnmlna lns incts. lloleox e1 ! , i'hefv'atre removing the criminall‘ Everv cantested the dabr it ar‘il")0D'~llati0n from competition with H rives at the creameryi and astate- free labor. It is almost necessary ment of the flzgigngthalggulyeghecifoiin order to understand the work 821.821.1353 Itneélsts and honest treatâ€" that is being done. to make aperâ€" ,1 ment to every patron. 501131 Visit and See for one’s self, asI 1 Write for your can to-day. had the pleasure of doing during 1‘ PALM CREAMERY\ . the past year. The prisoners are: Palmerston. Ontario. 3 I allowed to be Comparative? .free, ‘ R.A. Treleaven, Prop. 8: Manager. 3 1 to go :about on the farm, working. WW 4. . ‘ â€"-- -_.__ among the [cattle or the other live at FOR.. SALE istock, in the fields or in the con-!1 CHOICE ANCONA COCKERELS. Struction of buildings and of!: Black Orpingboln's. and White groads. And just here I may say” Leg-horns. Standard bred birdU-lthat they have erected a cement ‘ â€"APP1Y ‘30 C°W' Lang, Dupham‘concrete bridge over the river': ' , 282pd Greenhouse. lwhieh runs through the property, - â€"---â€"â€"--‘ ”"E {which would be a credit to any 3 Farms for Sale architect who was aided by skilled ' ' 'kmen. In addition to this. . . . E. G. R. “01 L%?8391§F50175cse%§ pdlwty acres, some latitude is allowed for under dultivation, 7 acres hard- amusement and a night school is wood bush, 3 acres sswam‘p. 2 also conducted, so that they go small O'Pdh‘ards" variety or other out rejuvenated both in body and :fidlbéflmts:Fyafigredhloggsesggllrg‘i in mind and with their moral .char- l frame barn, 50x36; stone base- acter greatly strengthened. In ‘ meat underneath, and other out-i speaking with .Dr. Gilmour, the -- A _A 5â€"4 h... l __.._ --.â€". ._ ‘ _.-_..â€". Efflggggsi 1%78‘8 fiOtSBe-znrtiaribi 31:3 Warden of the Prison. he told me acres: 50 deres under cultivation. that although they ‘had already 30 acres . asture, 35 acres (hard-‘looo prisoners, passing through wood bch lzds Sabre}? fswat-1111i; V: g their hands on the farm, there had f acre or a . ma rame ouse . . . ~ \ frame barn 50x36, stabling umlonly been 14 escapés, .or a littleE will be sold dheap, as the ow-ner‘ thuSlastlc in his opinion that he - intends gomg to Alberta. For; expects to effect a cure or reformi furtiher particulars, apply 0‘9 - of 560 .per cent. :of all the prisoners. ‘ ; arm . W . L t ,: hock’y Sgagegon, 0mm?) e1g§5eéfe If there should be even 10 per cent - ...-_.___r . __ M’ho come out with a d-etermina-§ 2 “"" ““ ' ""mg':;;;, _ 1.. ‘tion to become good citizens, then; ’ _ I think this Government is doing a; iKILUNG OFF THE WOLV Eb Work which will be a lasting menâ€"EA -â€"â€"â€"â€" ument to itself and; to the Provin- ’ i J A'gcnquln Park Ranger: Have Bagged ~cial Secretary who has inaugurated . ; Sixteen Animals In December 1it. ( Applause.) Sixteen wolves were bagged in De-‘ “Then. too, the other“ public in- camber by the rangers in Algonquin stitutions under the care of the {Park according to T- W- Gibson, deâ€" Provincial Secretary have been ‘1 M minister 0‘ mm“- The ma“ Well looked after. The name of are being poisoned and at the present , . . , _ r. rate of progress their extermination Asylum has been changed to that will virtually be accomplished this of Hospital,"and while there is winter. Numbers of deer were kfllgd nothing in a name, still we find last year by the wolves, and more g- the medical staff in each of these grossive protection of this game has Hospitals for the Insane are de- ‘been decided on. The poison ig'being voting more time and :care to the .8119le by the government, and the cases under their charge and ' are d ' ran ar being allowed the usual . L‘; 3°" e .workmg along the most modern fincm bo on the head of every >f 21:11.10 untr . _ _ :and advanced lines in the treatment of these unfortunate cases of D O 'l I Highest prices paid for cream delivered 130 your nearest Canadian Express Office. or G.T.R. Station. All cream received promptly paid for on {the '10th and 25th of each Bum OFFICE: Over J. t J. Hunter’s Officeâ€"Over Douglas’ Jewellery Store. ARRIBTER, SOLICITOR. RTt Ofice nearly opposie the (Who hambton 516.1)er Anyon rf monarv to loan at 5 per cent. am A. H. lacbon. OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION \ er. Conveyanmr 8m. Insurance Agent. Mmey to Loan. Issuer of Mgr riwe License!» A general financial busi- ne 3: tranmcmd. DURHAM ONT. (Lowe-r Town. \ l. G. Hutton. U. 0.. C. I. \FFIGE. TELFORD’S 131.001;g UP Park, according to T. W. Gibson, deâ€" j pnty minister of mines. The animals . are being poisoned and at the present rate of progress their extermination will virtually be accomplished this winter. Numbers of deer were killed last year by the wolves, and more 3g. greasive protection of this game has been decided on. The poison is‘being gupplied by the government, and the rangers are being allowed the usual E provincial bounty on the head of every § OT 1 OF 17, CON. 1, E. G. R, Glenelg, 50 acres; fionty acres under cultivation, 7 acres hard- wood bush, 3 acres swamp. 2 small omdhards, variety of other small fruits: Watered by spring and well. Frame house 28x24, frame barn, 50x36; stone base- ment underneath, and other out- buildings. Also lots 2 and 301 15. Con. 1, W.G.R., Benrtinck, 100 acres: 30 acres under cultivating. 30 acres asture, 35 acres {hard- wood b , 5 acres swamp, 1/. acre orchard. Small frame house frame barn 50x36, atabling un- derneath. The above property will be sold dhearp, as the owner intends going to Alberta. For furfiher particulars; agply . on J F. GRANT, D. D. S .123 8 [ONCE GRADUATE. DRIVERS} ty of “’Iénmnho rains.“ Rhys. “mg. WW bingo; 13, 'cht a. 0mm mad. .. lavmieson . Jamieson. Medical Directorv. Arthur Gun, Dr. W. 6. Pickering Dental Diradarv. Legal l. P. Talfoni. ma. JAMIESON’S SPEECH Mr. :S.peaekr;â€"In rising to move the "address in reply to the Speech from the Throne, permit me first of all to tender you my congratu- lations on your elevation to such a high and important position. I have no doubt that your long Par- liamentary experience and the careful manner in which you have always followed the pi o'ueedings of the House will fully qualify you for the satisfactory discharge of the duties which have to be per-- formed by the occupant of the of- fice which you now adorn, and that the business of this Legisla- ture. under you, will be conducted Pm the same orderly and dignified way which has always character- ‘ized it. Th-ose of us who know Dr. Jam- ieson’s splendid industry, capacity and earnestness, are not surprised at the fine speech to which we have listened this afternoon? ’aSu'ch was the tribute of \Sir James Whit- ney. Prime Minister of Ontario, to the speech delivered by Dr. Jlam- ies'on, .M.P.P., for South Grey, in moving the address in reply to the Speech from the Throne in the Ontario Legislature, Thursday, February 8th. Dr. Jamieson spoke as follows;â€" Delivered by Dr. Jamieson, M. P. P., in Reply to the Speech from the Throne, at the Opening of the Ontario Legislature, February 8th., 1912. -'1'here are some paragraphs 1 in the Speech from the Thronei which 'I must take for ,my text in the few remarks I propose mak- ing to the House this afternoon. with which both parties can very heartily agree. It is gratifying to us as Canadians to kmow that we stand so well in .the eyes of the Imperial Government that they Eha've for the first time sent to us a Prince of the Royal Blood as our 1HG-overnor-Generasl While Per- haps nothing was needed, still it W111 st1mulate our loyalty to British ‘Institutions for it may be truly said that the Governor-General is one éEmpire. By the very democratic manner in which he has already gone about among the people, I am sure his stay in Canada will be productive of great good. (AD- Dnla use.) ' THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. IN ONTARIO {EGISLATURE mental disease. Efforts are being made to bring patients under treatment in the early stages‘ when :perhaps laboring umder tem- porary «excitement and when mani- festing only the first symptoms of which may develop into per- manent insanity. A quarterly bul- letin has been issued and distrib- uted free to (all the doctors in the Provin::, so as to place before the medical profession the latest information Which is obtained in all these institutions, as to the treatment and care of mental dis- eases. It is well known that such cases first drift into the hands of‘ the ordinary medical practitioner‘ and it cannot be said that the medical profession as a Whole is well educated on mental diseases. Hence, great good is being accom- lplished by the diffusion of this in- formation, and by the early treat- ment at home. many may be cared and the Public Institutions thus E relieved of their care. 1 In addition, in the management of these institutions, a greater revenue is being derived. The De- partment is endeav oring to collect f1 om all those who are able to. pay, and yet they have not been guilty iof inflicting a hardship on any ' one. I l l ! Now, I would like to make a 'referen-ce to the question of Hvdro-Electric po“ er. We all necognize that Ontario is destined to become a great manufacturing Province, situated as it is with an abundance of all kinds of raw material. With the exception of a lack of coal, the conditions are of the very best, and this deficiency is made up by means of. the mag- nificent Water-powers which are scattered all over the Province, and which can supply power which will very largely take the place of coal in manufacturing. The ten- dency of the present age is for concentration, and this is true in, population as in other matters I. firmly believe that the more of; the moderate sized towns and cit-I ies we can have, the better it will be for the Province, rather than building up a few large, un-’ wieldy centres. Each of these} small centres, sustained largely by‘ I manufactures. and giving employ-j ment to hundreds of men, consti-l tutes a- market for the farm pro-; duce of the district, and thereby stimulates the value of the land, and helps to solve the problem of keeping the people on the land. Now that there is to be some sta- bility of tariff, now that the «coun- try at the last Dominion Election declared itself unmistakably in fa- vor of a fair measure of protecâ€" tion for every industry, I feel s-a-. tisfied that manufacturing will continue to increase and develop on new lines. (Applause) When talking of the Hydro- Electric question the matter of ad- ministration «co'mes mp, and there has been some discussion as to whether the control should contin- ue in the hands of the ’Commissiion or be placed in the hands of a responsible Minister and member of the Cabinet. In my opinion there is not very much in the argument either way. Certainly the experience of this Government with Commissions has been very satisfactory, as Witness the T. N. 0. Commission, under the chair- manship of Mr. Eng‘lehardt, (ap- plause) and also the manner in which they have secured Adam Beck. who, by his industry, optim- ism enthusiasm and ability, has rendered such distinguished ser- vice to the Province. (Applause). think the chief functiom of the Commission should be to build main transmission lines, and leave the small power, development more to private capital and local com- panies. I believe the Commission should do the experimental work, as it has done, should blaze the way. and place its services in an advisory capacity at the disposal of the municipalities, or“ of any company or individual developing Water porWers, but I think that is about as far .as they should go. Municipalities may make foolish bargains, and I believe this Gov- ‘v' as far 'as they should go. ipalities may make foolish .ns, and I believe this Gov- :Cvon-tinlued om (page 3. The best Christmas box or birthday present you can give a child is a bank book in our Bank. Every time a deposit is made, the thought of the gift is revived, and as the years roll by, the depositor sees and redizes the great value of the gift. , :21 SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. ANY PERSON who is the sole head {Of .a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a qu'arteu'section of available Dom- ini-on land in Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Don- inion Laxnds Agency, or Sub-agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions by Lather, moth- er. son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Dutiesâ€"Six montehs’ reSidence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- s'teader may live within nine miles of ’his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and oc- cupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. ‘ Each tender must be accomâ€" panied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order Of the Honorable the Minis- ter of Public Works, equal to ten percent. (10 p.c.) ‘01- the amount of the tender, Which will be forfeited if the [person tendering decline to enter into acocntract when called , upon: to do so“. or fail to (complete ,the work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted. the cheque will be returned. . '. The Department does not bind In certain districts a homeStead- er in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 .per acre. Du-ties.â€"Must reside upon the homestead or pme-emption six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry Linclud- in}: the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifxty acres extra. A. homesteader who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot obtain a preâ€"emption may enter for a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price $3 00 per ac..re Duties â€"Must reside six months in each of three years, cui- tivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.00. THE TRADERS BANK 4 SEA-LED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed “Tenders for Extension to Break- water an-d Removal of L and Dredging at Meaf’ord, Ont,” will be received at this office until 4.00 p.m., on Monday, February 26, 1912. for the construction of an ex- tension to East Breakwater and removal of L om West Breakwater and Dredging at Me-aford, Grey County, Ontario. S. HUGHES, Manager, Depwty of the Minister of the Interiocr. NB .â€"Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. Plans, specification naind form of contract can be seen, and forms of .ender obtained at this Depart- ment and at the offices of H. J. lamb, Esq., District Engineer, Windsor, Ont, J. G. Sing, Esq” District Engine-er, Con-federation Life Building, Toronto, Ont, 34nd Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be considered unless made on the printed forms supplied, and signed with their actual signatures, stating their occupations and places of resi- dence. In the case of firms, the actual signature, the nature of the occupation, and place of resi- dence of each member of the firm must be given. Capital and Surplus ttrY t0 ICTOSB the A1 ship. early in May. tender. - .â€" . ....__.-_ DURHAM BRANC Satisfactory Service assured to all Buslnou Entrusted to this Bank. $6,800,000 ' N. Atwood, aviator, is to cross the“ Atlentic by air- Savings Department at Every Branch C. ID'ESROCHERS‘ Gifts to Children IOHN KELLY, Manager. CORY. Secretary. OF CANADA DURHAM, Ont. Funeral Directorx A. BELL UN DERTAKER Putting Frmflg on shaky; tho in”: Tu? mg; mdnnnd to all when of tho pm; Ra noun 5: H find-It m IS PUBLISHED EMY MUMDAY “HUG At the Chronicle Prinmg House, 0-4 West. ' â€"-- wâ€"V -â€"-V“ w“. “W“ m dmuiiwhacm W «New wan-om -« be ' 11’ «£an ms wank. .11an Se b'r‘vnght u: not “a: flows! 3: 6 p. m. Subscription rum-who .zvmmdp “var ma! Here is a message of hope and good cheer from Mrs. C.J. Martin. Boone Mill, Va... who is the mother of eighteen children. Mrs. Martin was cured of stomach trouble and constipation by Chamberlain’- Tablets after five years of suffer- ing. and now recommends these tablets to the public. For sale by Steamship Tickets on sale by all Lines Winter Resorts Round Trip Tourist Tickets now on uhall}? maraateed. at Macmlane’a. all dealers. THE ATTRACTIVE ROUTE TO Western Canada 0 DURHAM. ONT SHOW ROOMSâ€"~Next tn Swallow Barbor Shap. Rasmnxcxâ€"Nexf dquouflz of W. J. Lawrence't blltkamith shop. __ alé’ to all Principal Winter Resorts. including California, Mexico Florida, Etc. Embalming a Spcialty EDITOR AND Paopmm‘on. Full particulars from J. R. GUN, Town Agent. J. TOWNER. Depot Agent. .y be ohgri IS VIA CHICAGO February 22nd, 1912. Total Assets $52,000,000 '. IRWIN {On and :33 53 gum-omen.“ ~-

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