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Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Feb 1912, p. 2

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BRICK COTTAGE, AND NICE Lot A bargain for immadiate buyer.â€"Art1hur H. Jlackaon. 18tf ms AND LOT 0N COUNTESS Street, Apply to 1111. J ahn Har- uttIe. Durham. 6303pt! For Sale THRIVING BAKERY BUSINESS in the Town of Durham.-â€"Apply to H. Burnett. 125tf Vichers. ‘“ Boom HOUSE AND TEN ans land in the town at Wham. On premises are good * pan, hen house and stable. mu rent house without land, MIn the matter of the estate of Robert Kennedy. late of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey. Retired Farmer. deceased. NOTICE is :hereby given pursu- ant to “The Revised Statutes of Ontario” 1897, chapter 129 that all creditors and others having claims against the estate «of the said Rob- ert Kennedy, Who died on or about the 18th day of January A. D. 1912. are required. on or before the sec- ond day of March A. D. 1912, to gehd by post prepaid or deliver-to MY FARM NEAR GLASCOTT. Holland Township; easv terms Also a few acres of sound, ly- ing timber, suitable for firew o-od ior sale at $5 an acre. â€"â€"J. Ritchie, Port Arthur. 12 21 9nd 15 EWES BRED TO LAMB AFTER April 15th. In good shape. Time if required.â€"W.E. McAlister. John Brown the elder, and John Henry Smith, the executors of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, their Christian and sur- names. addresses and descriptions. the full particulams of their claims. the statement 01 their accounts and ItShe nature of the securities, if any, field by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned dwate the said execmtors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said: Ex- ecabors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persoms of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated this 30th da. 1 . . A. D. 1912. y 0 January 100 acres: 70 acres worxmg l‘dwu. 10 acres new land, 20 acres hard- wood bush. Two good wells on Proud-sea. Good concrete hOuse. frame barn. driving shed, u-acre orchard. Well fenced. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. For fur- ther particulars apply to David McAuliffe, Upper Town. Durham Oct. 5th, tr. 0T 58, 2nd CONCESSION, BENT- iDCk; loin: corporation, weot of Durham. on Durham Road, on north side. Well watered, good bank barn, comfortable frame and log house. Will sell crop, Itock and implements with farm. For further Lntformatignzh _alggluy to Wont, containing 106 acres :bont 10 acres hardwood bush. 5 scru- awamp timbered, the rest “I; burn 30150, atablo 30x40. W 1 acre, watered by 2 wells n! upring. Part of purchase my an remain on mart go. 80: particulars ap 1y Wi 'am hadley, Orchard. (int. PAIR OF ONE-HORSE BOB- Iledg'hs. and a cutter. Apply to D. MacKenzie. Upper 'Dovvn, Dur- 3...... :5 12 11a 3-YEAR-OLD GENERAL PUR- pose horse. Apply to Samuel Ritchie, Durham. 1123 tf For Sale or Rent. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Advorthunonu of one nbuqnont inaction. Farms for Sale. “all-Iv V 61 JOHN HENRY SMITH“ Allan Park P. 0. Out. Executora of the last Will and Testament of Robert Kennedy. deceased, late 0: the Town of Durham}. and Township of For Sale or Rent CON. 2, TQWN§§IP 017 '9 Sheep for Sale it. LulLVLuu-uv-v B. Hutton, Hfifiton fiilfl. o ” DOUQAI-50’ v aâ€"â€"â€" - â€"_ _ 70 acres working land. 2w land, 20 acres hard- 1. Two ,good wells on Good concretg hause. JOHN BROWN. Sr. Hanover P. 0.. On EoGoRo’ GLENBLG. SMALL AD $ incn, or loan. 5 cents for first insertion, and 10 can“ for each Over one inch and under two inches, double tho above amount. Yum rates on applicauon. SPECIALIST : EYELEAQ mnon moss A 1‘ A______ L‘Aâ€"J FFIW. TELFORD’S BLOCK. UP stairs Lambton Skeet. Corner. Qu’een 3811 George Streetsâ€"North of Mefilomst Church. 3.113.. 2-4 3.11).. 749 mm. 3R. BRGWN L. R. C. P.. LONDON. ENG RADULATE of London. New Ybrk 4nd Chicago. 0m 01 Byc.BuNae and T”!- Will be at the Hahn House, Jan. 20 Feb. 17. March 16. April 20, and May 18. Hours, 1 to 6 p.m. Dr.D.S.Craig, D.V.S..V.S.V D. DISEASES OF DOMESTICA'PED animals treated on most scientif- ic principles. All calls promptly attended to. Office and residence. Garafraxa Streec. Durham, nearly op- posite the Chronicle Ofiice. 623 1 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF Eco in the New Hunter Blcdt. fig; wars. 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and? too 3 amyfi :fflggg. gfvfiéoemé op gou§£3_§;eamerfin Church. Officeâ€"Over Douglas’ Jewellery Store. l. P. Telforti. ARRISTEL, SOLICITOR, ETD Ofice‘ xrearlzop opposfle the ’ ”4‘. O‘Bce. hambton ‘i Durham. Anyficu . . _ )f 1110115" to loan at 5 per cent. on Correct tests and honest treat- ment to every patron. Write focr your can toâ€"da‘y. PALM CREAMERY‘ ‘ Palm-eMon. Ontairio. RA. Treleaven, Prop. 8: Manager. ngnt. '. Mpngy 1'in anyses mess transacted. SIX-ROOMED HOUSE, CORNER of Elgin and South streets. Will sell cheap to quick purchaser: A {good lot and garden on prem- isesâ€"Apply to Mrs. Thomas Saunders. 2 22 tf A GOOD ROUGH-CAST HOUSE. GOOD COMFORTABLE FRAME house on College street; six rooms, two storeys, hard and soft Water. [good half acre of land. A bargain to quick pur- chaser. For particulars, apply to Ed. Langdon, Durham, or John 15!. Little, 205 Riopelle ISt., Detroit, Mich. 2 221:1 txapertv. A. WELL-BRED YORKSHIRE sow A H. Jaclmn. ' O’I‘ARY PUBLIC, 00M MISSION er. ‘Oonveyamgr, 83c; lmrano and twelve pigs five weeks old. Will sell the] at, or separately, to suit punchaser.â€"Jas. McGirr, Lot 64, Con. 3, Glenelg, Durham PRO. 2292pd )FFICE: Over J. J. Hunter’s LOT10F17,CON.,..1EGR, Glenelg, 50 acres; fionty acres under cultivatnon, 7 acres hard- firs. £amieson Jamieson. l. G. Hutton. centrally located Apply S Hunter Son. J F GRANT. D. D. 8 .LD 8 FONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- wood bush, 3 acres swamp. 2 small orchards, variety of other small fruits: watered by spring and Well. Frame house 28x24, frame barn, 50X36; B\tJO-ne base- ment underneath, and other out- buildings. Also lots 2 and 301 15. Con. 1, W.G.R., Bentinc’k, 100 acres: 30 acres under cultivation. 30 acres pasture, 35 acres hard- wood buzsih, 5 acres swamp, 1,; acre orchard. Small frame house frame barn 50x36, stabling un- derneath. The above property will be sold cheap, as the owner intends going to Alberta. For further particulars, apply on farm, or to Wm. Leggette, Rocky Saugeen, Ont. 125 ti 'D'fiRH’LA'M OUT. (Lower Town.) 73min: 137nm 831.,me smut Dr. W. C. Pickering Medical Directorv. Arthur Qua, Denial Directory. CREAM WANTED Legal Farms for Sale DR. BERT. F OR SALE to Loan. Iqaugr at May- A general financial hm:- aer, ' Sac. Imurance Loan. .I'gaugrfwf' 311-21; to A. 2 29tf The Council met Feb 10th pursuant to adjournment. All the membes pr°senr, the reeve in the chair. Min- utes of last meeting read and confirm- ed. Communications read as fOIiOWs: Rep obt of committee on Treasurex’ s sureties. S. J. Parker, re landsliahle. John Kelly, re bank account, Wm. Ritchie, app icath n for assessor. sev- eral Bridge and Match? ne companies" circulars. Thomas Lauder’s account, for searches. Standard Printing'Co’s accounts for ads. W. L. McFarland re dangerous roads. the report of the township Auditors. Nicholâ€"Youngâ€"That By-law No. 526 no appoint an assessor be filled up with the name of John A. McDonald at a salary of $75 and shut it. he then read a third time, signed, sealed and engrossed in the By-law hookâ€"Can. Youngâ€"Nicholâ€"That By-law No. 527 to appoint township officers he now read a. third time, signed, sealed and engrossed on By-law bookâ€"Car» ried. Nicholâ€"Linds ayâ€"That By-laws No. 528 and 529 be filled up with the name of Neil McCannel and George A. Walker as trustees for Continuation Schoo! Districts of Durham and Mark- dale respectivelyâ€"CarrieJ. Nicholâ€"Lindsayâ€"Thab cheques is- sue for $75. being the salaries of col- lectors for Wards l. 2 and 3.-â€"Carried. Lindaayâ€"Youngâ€"Tbat John Ellison be paid $25, being salary as collector for Ward 4 for NILâ€"Carried. By-laws 527, 528 and 529, appointing township umcers and appointing Cun- tinuation trustees for Durham and Markdale districts respectlvely, were introduced and read a first and second tim e. Youngâ€"Nicholâ€"That this council make a. special grant, of $50 to repair dangerous places on townline between Holland and Glenelz, providing Hul- land Council puts up an equivalent. â€"Ca.rried. Lindsayâ€"Nicholâ€"That the Audit- ors’ Report as re-audited by this coun- cil be adopted and that the Clerk get 200 copies of the same printed and that the auditors he paid $10 each for their aervices.â€"Carried. Lindsayâ€"Youngâ€"Thnt \Vm. \Veir be paid $1 for trip to Mm-kdale for 1e- gal advice.â€"Carried. Lindsayâ€"Nichol -That Donald Mc- Fax-lane be paid $4 for sheep killed bv dogs and that John Mofl’at he paid $1 for inspecting and certifying the same. â€"Carried. Nicholâ€"Y mm gâ€"That the repoxt of the reeve and MI. Lindsay to Treasur- ex ’3 surities be adopted and that; they be paid $1 each for theii services and mi): Thomas Lander be paid $1 for searches. â€"Curried. Nicholâ€"Yonngâ€"That George Ryan be paid $2.75 for board of Andrew Kelly and that John Whittaker be paid $3 for conveying A. Kelly to the House of Refugeâ€"Carried. Nicholâ€"Lindsayâ€"That the Clerk be paid $50 on salaryâ€"Carried. Lindsayâ€"Nicbolâ€"That Neil McCan- me] be refunded $1 dog tax as he had no dog.â€"Carried. The council adjourned to April 6th at 10 a. m. a unnat ULUVUV“AL* I , , , , . London, ()mt., Feb. 26,â€"The To- Certam Ingredients that ready DIO' ronto and Hamiltom Scottish Rit- mote halr growth when properly ers, whose Special train on Thurs- combined. {day last struck and killed :a milkâ€" R . . aman named Drake, his sister-in-law esorxcm 18 one of the. most ef- “and the latter’s baby, a few miles rective germ destroyers ever dis-'east of here, have contributed a covered ‘by science, and im connec- ”purse 0f: $30030 to the relatives 0f .. _ . ,- .. '_ . , . , The Vlc-tlms. Resoncin is one of the most ef- fective Lgerm destroyers ever dis- covered ‘by science, and: im connec- tion with Beta Napthol, which is both germicidal and antiseptic, a combination if formed which des- troys the germs which rob the hair of its natural nourishment and also creates ,a clean, healthy con- dition 'of the scalp, which prevents the development of new germs. These ingredients in proper combination, with alcohol added as a stimulant, land for: its well-defin- ed nourishing 'Iproperties, perfect perhaps the most effective rem- edy that is known lfor scalp and hair troubles. Pilocarpin, although not a coloring matter or dye, is awell- 'known ingredient for restoring the hair to its natural color, when the loss of hair [has been caused/ by a disease 30: the scalp. We harve a remedy which is chiefly composed of these in- gredients, in combination with other extremely invaluable medic- inal agents. We guarantee it to positively cure da-nedrunff and to grow hair, even thO‘Ulgih the scalp in spots is base of hair. If there is any vitality left in .the roots. it will positively :cure baldness. or We lwill refund your money. If the scalp has a glazed, shiny appear- ance. it’s an indication that bald- ness is permanent. but in other instances we believe baldmesrs is curable. We want everyone troubled with scaLp disease, or lass Olfl hair to try Rexaill “93” Hair To-niuc. If it does not pure dandruff and grow hair to the satisfaction: of? the ans-er, we will, Without question or quib- ble return every cent :pacid us for it. We print this (guarantee. on every bottle. It has» effected a positive cure in 93 per cent, Otf cases Where. .put to .a practical test. 5 F Rex-all “93” Hair Tonic is entirely unlike, land We think, in! every par- ticular, better than anything 'else we know of for. the purpose for which it is prescribed. We urge you to try this preparation at our entire risk Certainly _We know of no better tgwaramtee to give you. Remember, you can obtain .‘Rexall Remedies in Durham only at our storeâ€"The R-exall Store. Macfarlane 82. (Co. GLENELG COUNCIL. A GREAT DISCOVERY J. S. BLACK. Clerk. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. BENTINCK PATHMASTERS, POUNDKEEPEBS AND FENCE VIEWERS FOR 1912 Garafraxa roadâ€"~Wm. Smith, J. Ledingbam, Alex ,Cranton, Donald Stewart, Neil McLean, John Vessie, James Johnston. Timothy Grasby. Concessions 2 and 3, W. G. Râ€"R. J. Corlett. John Stewart, David Watson, Dan McDonald James McDonald Neil Clark. Elias Edge, Henry McCas lin, Thomas Miiligan. Robert Hop- kins, Flank Muxdock, Thomas Moun- Lain. Durham Roadâ€"John Hoele, James Fursman, Jmues Davis, Thomas Brig- ham. John Park. Herbert. Hunt, (Jon’s 2 and 3, S. D. R.â€"Frank W’ag- ner. James McMahon. John Hudson, Genrge Willis, Ephraim Fursman. Alex. Archibald, Wm. Willis. James Park, “'m. Grierson. (Jon's 2. and 3. N. D. R.-â€"Fred \Vhlteman. Chris. VVeidendorf, Geo. Westphal, Thomas Fleming. Edward Bailey, James Hopkins, George Migh- ton. Con’s 4 and 5.-â€"-Amos Haas, John Carson, George Smith, John Meccalfe, Samuel Vickers, John Adlam, Joseph Noble. Con’sfi and 7â€"David Litt, Henry Patterson, Wm. Owens. Henry Shier- hnlz, Edward Redford, Wm. Fulton, Neil McCallum. Con’s 8 and 9â€"denry Beaker, Adam Pfofl', Henry Schrienert, John Weid- endorf, Herman Schrienert. Alex. McDonald, Richard Boyce, Duncan McKinnon, Donald McKechme. Elm- WOOd, Chew. Emke. Con’ s 10 and llâ€"Lo: :is Dietz. John . Klagus, erd Leeson John Kaufman, Joseph Teasdale, Wilbur Anderson. Con’s l4 and 15â€"Uhrisbsan Hilbury. James Anderson, Robert; McCaelin, James Jackson. James Carter. Con Cabbo. Oscar Schx-leber. Henry Honey, John Schilling. Thomas Flannigan. 0011’s 12 and 13â€"Wm. Pepper, J. A. Dodsworth. John Kellaher. Peter Kranber. Andrew Milne, August Brodkagen. Pound Keepersâ€"Rx,)het'c Leding- ham, Hugh McLean. Alex. McDonald, Thomas Bailey, Thomas Hutton, John McLunney. George Schenk. James Park, George Leslie, Joseph Hooey, W. G. Hastie, James Tulloch. Beautiful French Dressed Doll. 15 inches tall, with; eyes flhat open and shut: Rolled Gold Locket and chain or Solid Gold Signet Ring, free to (any girl. Send us your name and we will send you thirty sets of beautiful Easter and other "post cards to sell at ten. cents a set (six cards in each lset). When sold... send us the: money, amd We will send you Whichever 'prize you choose. For selling 40 sets we will give you «a rolled gold extension bracelet. We prepay all charges. Address Homer-Warren Company, Dept. 104,. Toronto. Fence Viewersâ€"Duncan McKinnon. Rahert J. Corbett. Duncan McLean, Henry Reay. Wm. Grierson. Charles Lawrence, Andrew Mayer. John Pat,- terson, Alex. Archibald, Wm. Irvine. Louis Dietz and Thumas Clark. Council met, Fe pmtponen‘ent. ‘ Him-ting adopted. munt nnnimn. Tenders for tile-making were :1- WMde to S. Robh at the folluwing prices: 10 in 21:30 cts.. 16 in at 30 vts. and :30 in at 35 cts.; also to John Mc- Bcth at 10 in at 30 cts., 16 in at 35 015. and 20 in at; 40 cts. Cmnr. Roberts reported Treasurers suriLies sntist'm;t.nrv, Cost; or search $1.50, also John Durmnu repairs to \Valker’s Bridge $1.50. ppoint Collectors was also passed. J. l (3. Adams was appointed Collector for; ho. 1). Salary $40.00, and J as. T. Durrant was appointed Collector for. the S. D.. salary $40.00. i By-Law N0. 263 to increase the' Clerk’s and Treasurer’s salaries was‘ also passed. The Clerk to receive! $200.00 a year. but no extras for se-l lector of Jurors or for making out Fin- ’ ancial Statement; other extras will be removed by a. change of system. The Treasurer’s salary is to be 3 125 a year but no extras for making out Financial Statement. Lothianâ€"McRobbâ€"That the Aud- itors report. be adopted and auditors receive $10.00 each for their services and that we get 200 copies printed for distributionâ€"Carried S. T. Chapman, Sec. Treas. S. S. No. 2 paid $1.40 into Treasury, refund for Formaldehyde and carbolic for dis- infecting School in said School section. Lothianâ€"Robertsâ€"Resolved that the following accounts be paid: John Garson. gravel $5.33; Geo. McFarlane, do $2.40; Dr. T. H. Sneath quarantin- ing four families for contagious dis- ease $20.00.â€"â€"Carried. The Clerk was instructed to rreâ€" pare a. By-Law for next meeting to re- vise list of Pound-Keepers and Fence- viewers. Lothianâ€"Mcnachlanâ€"That we now adjourn to meet. again on Monday. épri! 1.51:. 1912 for general business.â€" Carl ied. (j EG R EM ONT (JOUNCI L Icil met Feb. 1911) according to nement. Minutes of previous gadopted excvpti'g adjourn- FREE .TO GIRLS. D. ALLAN, Clerk. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. ANY PERSON tho is the sole 'head :of .a familg, or any male over 18 years 01 , may xhomestead a quartereection of available Dom- inion land in Maniboba, Saskatch- ewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Don- inion Lands Agency, orSub-agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at «any agency, 0m certain conditions by fat-her, moth- er. son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Du'ties.â€"'Six months’ reSidence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- eteader may live within nine miles of ’his homestead on‘ a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and 0c- cupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. The Average Deposit of the Canadian People is $122.00 per Person Saving money can be made a habit. A portion of your weekly or monthly wage deposited re arly in a savings account W111 soon brin you up to the average, and you will surprised how rapidly $2 deposited week y will amount to enough to make a substantial payment on a home. 513 In certain districts a homestead- er in {good standing may pie-erupt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 .per acre. Dutiesâ€"Must reside upon the homestead or 'pme-emption six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry Linclud- in}: the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultix ate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhaust- ed Ehis homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead in certain districts. (Price $3.00 per acre. '-..Du'ties,â€"Must reside six months in each of three years, cu]- tivate fifty acres and erect ahouse worth $300.00. Depwty of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.â€"Unauth'o-rized publication of 'this advertisement Will not be paid for. Overs'h-o-es are now being made of mixture of rubber and asbestos. Many cathartics tend to cause in- jury to the bowels. If you are subject to constipa- tion, you should avoid strong drugs and cathartics. They only give temporary relief, and their reaction is harmful and sometimes more annoying than constipation. They in no way effect a cure, and their tendency is to weaken the already weak organs with which they come in. contact. We honestly believe that we have the best constipation treatâ€" ment ever devised. Our faith in it is so strong that we :sell it on the positive guarantee that it shall not cost the user a cent if it does not give entire satisfaction and completely remedy constipa- tion. This preparation is called Rexall Orderlies. \These are prompt, soothing and most ef- fective in action. They are made of a recent chemical discovery. Their principal ingredient is odorless, tastelenss, and colorless. Combined with other Wellâ€"known ingredients, long established for their usefulness in the treatment of constipation, it forms a tablet which is eaten just like candy. They may be taken at any time, ‘ ‘Dv eithér davy or night, Without fear of their causing any inconvenience whatever. They .do not gripe, purge, nor cause nausea. They act without causing any pain or ex- cessive loose'netss of the bowels. They are ideal for childrem weak, delicate persons, and aged people, as well as for the most hearty 'per- son. 1/ ages, 12 tablets, 10 éernts; 36 tab- lets. 25 cents; 80 tablets, 50 cents. Remember, you can obtain them only at our storeâ€"The Rexall Store. Maciarlane Co. THE TRMERS BANK ‘ S. HUGHES, Manager, Capital and Surplus $6,800,000 DURHAM BRANC AVOID HARS 3. DRUGS Every Department I: fully Equipped to ensun Prompt and Efficient Service. W. W. CORY‘ JOHN KELLY, Manager. Savings Bank at all Branches and Funeral Director“ A. BELL UN DERTAKER Picture memg on shorten tho undue: 53 (he, mun-um to all a when of the plop! IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ”NEG At the Chronicle Pr'nting Home, Garafm street. "if DURHAM EHHUNICLE “Em .M LE3?“ ' 3%.: u" sum shrlld brought not MONDAY at 6 p. m. Boone Mill, Va. ., who is the mother of eighteen children. Mrs. Martin was cured of stomach trouble and constipation by Chamberlain's Tablets after five years of suffer- ing. and now recommends these tablets to the public. For sale by Winter Resorts Steamship Tickets on sale by all Lines Round Trip Tourist Tickets now Sale to all Principal W'inter Resorts, including all dealers. ’ully marmteed. at Mural-lanai THE ATTRACTIVE ROUTE TO Full line 9f Catholic Reba, and blank and whibe Caps for aged paoplo. Western Canada DURHAM. ONT.. §HQW Roomsâ€"Next to Swallow Barber Shop. Risifiixéngfie}! @801133 of W. J. Lawreneo’t bliu'ksmiih shop. California, Mexico Florida, Etc. Embalming a Specialty 3 9 cents per line mm“ min whim J EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR Full particulars from J. R. GUN, Town Agent. J. TOWNER, Depot Agent, Lino IS VIA CHICAGO W. IRWIN Total Assets $52,000,000 February 29th, 1912. ordained by stronger- nut DURHAM, Ont. tampon” ht.

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