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Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Feb 1912, p. 7

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o o . o 0 ¢ 0 090*: 90.9000 00.0090. '0‘ OIMOOVJ 'VImOQVO O 3?. McGrath’s Shoe Announcement +++++¢+¢+++++++++++++++++ Besifles doing the work better than soap or any other cleanser can, GOLD L317 ST will save just half the time you spend in washing dishes. Dishes get dirty, greasy and sticky, and soap will not clean them. Soapy dish water merely cleans the surface; it doesn’t a’zlg out the corners and drive out the decayed food particles. More- over, soap leaves your dishes with a soapy, animal fat smell that is far from inviting. ; .GC‘LD DUST is the sanitary dish washer. It not. only cleans the surface, but digs "deep after, hidden pa ‘ticles of dirt and kills the germs of de- .' caved foe-:1 which ordinary dish-water overlooks. ; GOLD DUST sterilizes, as well as cleanses. ‘ You wash dishes about two hours every day; That’s one hour wastedi “Let the GOLD DUST Twins do your work." Made by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY Makers of FAIRY SC‘AP, the oval cake. “ Patent Colt Blucher in laced and button, $5.1M. f0! 4-15. “ ' Box Calf Blucher $4.50. for 3-75- ~- 1 -(mn VIeLal Ualf Blucher $5. 00 for 4. 00. RUBBER FOO TW EAR. â€"â€" “’9 have a full stock of all kinds of Rubbers on hand fox Ladies, Men, Boys, Misses and ( luldlen at the lowest prices in tow.n " lfym 9 :mt houst fontumr 11(2'195 th9 plme to get it at bout! 1271 p91 (391111017111 [ham arm 1111111 chain in tout). for,1 360- 12 pair misses’ Black Hockey Shoes $200 for 1 .25. Ladies’ Fur-trimmed Felt Slippers $125 for 750. Ladies’ All-Felt Slippers 750, for 35:: Ladies’ Carpet Slippers 65c. for 350. Ladies’ Leather-fox Felt Shoes $2.25 for 1 .35. Ladies’ Patent Button Shoes, high heel, shortvaunp, regular $4.00 for 3.40. Ladies’ Gun Metal Calf Button EShoes, high heel, Goodyear welt short vamp, $4.00 for 3.50. Ladies’ K id in button and hlncher style. $3.50 for 2.75. Men’s Felt Blucher 833.00.1'01' 2.15. “ Leather-fox Felt Blucher $3.75. for 2.75. Leather-fox Felt Blucher $2.75, for 2.00. 20 pair of ladies’ celebrated Mik-Mak Hockey Shoes in black calf $2.50 for $1 .75. . 24 pair of men’s Mik-Mak Hockey Shoes 111 black : x d H I. ”.11 $3.50 for $2.75. _ _. 12 pair of boys’ Mik-Mak Hockey Shoes $2.00 foro$1 .75. .. or 12 pair boys’ Hockey Shoes. black and tan trimmmgs; regular .3...) 3;“;32532; THUS. MCGRATH February 29th., 1912‘ .,. a; as. Canadian Gem Swede Turfipâ€"Acinnowledged a the best feeder. the but cooker. the best shipper. TRY IT. Buy now, as you will never get such an offer again. WNOIW >NÂ¥OOI wrrzmmv 02‘ .mu_D<J TWO WEEKS SALE Yes we want you as a customer. Ask us to send you our 1912 Catalogue. It’s brim full of all that is good ”in Flowers, Vegetables, Field Roots, Grains, Plants, Small Fruits, Implements, Bee Supplies, Poultry Supplies, etc. Valuable information is what we have aimed to give the Farmer. Gardener and Private Planter. All it W111 cost you is one moment of time and a two-cent stamp. u Write us to-day, the day you are reading this. DARCH HUNTER SEED 00., Limited. Dept. 92 London, Canada. 13 TERM Sâ€"-(‘ASH . WE WANT YOU ¢+++++++++++++¢++ Near the Bridge 'tplunge at the disparity between us. ‘ I can’t help feeling myselfâ€"” ! “NODSPPF‘ ”trlatk. ” he said, wring- ing the doc: . shand. “Barring ysear 5 3011 2”": ii' 1‘ :1:in a younger man than f1. Hard unselfish work and a holy ; conscience have \t arded off the result . of years, and, what’s more, I can’t see a trace of Time’s handiwork, and shouldn't care a jot if I could. I’m glad, Jack, honestly and heartily glad, and with all my heart I Wish you joy ' and happiness.” “Don’t know; mooning about the grounds, I concluded. I waited some time, but she couldn’t be found; any- way it was soon bruited about that Mr. Farley was not in the house, and lthen, as seems a natural sequence where that fellow is concerned, Sir Thomas and Lady Hargrave looked at one another with that kind of intelli- gence which conveyed the impression that they had solved the mystery. I ' said I felt convinced he was here, and *would find him and send him home. l 1 did find him, and sent him to the lHall in my trap, and laid, I suppose, ‘that unjust suspicion. 1 “I like that. lad, Felix,” he said, af- - ter another sip. “I take an interest in lhim; and I am sure he is a good lad. iNo one with any discernment wants .to look into those beautiful eyes of his without feeling pretty sure there’s a beautiful soul, mind, and character {behind them. Heavens! if the lad lwere mine how proud I should be of him!” “I was at the Ashwoods’ this even. ing, as you heard me say,” he contin- ued, pulling his chair closer and bend- ing forward. “I was called in to see Jennie, the youngest girl, the pretty one, she‘s a little queer, and the symp- toms all go to make up a suSpicious case. When Farley’s engagement was mentioned a look passed between Jennie and her mother which satis- fied me that whenever I choose to give the indisposition a name the re- sponsibility will be laid at FarleY’S door.” Felix took his pipe from his mouth and gazed inquiringly at the doctor, while a little pain, very small and shy at first, came creeping, turning, twist- ing, and gradually wormed itself into the core of his being, and there com- mehced to tug at his heartstrings. “But you are not everyone, Felix, my dear fellow," Hunter interposed with a smile and a friendly grip on his knee. “other people have griev- ances. Now, for instance, I was at Farmer Ashwood’s this morning, and they told me young Mr. Farley at the Hall was engaged to be married to Mrs. Wycherly; this evening it is deli- cately hinted he has eloped with Miss Hargrave; and later I hear he is horse-whipped for kissing Miss Flem- ing. The boy’s back isn’t broad enough to hold the amount of mis- chief these busybodies will want him to take upon himself. I should like,” he said, in a peculiarly impressive tone, looking steadily into the Squire’s eyes, “I should like for two reasons to get him out of this neighborhood.” “Does he know the girl?” Felix asked, beginning to walk up and down the room.‘ “I saw him speaking to her once, and from what I could gather he was directing her somewhere. The hussy had a mind to speak to him, and, prob- ably feigning to be a stranger, asked the way.” “And your other reason?” he asked, coming to a standstill before the doc- such a soil." “Farley has a champion in you. Jack,” Felix remarked grudgingly. “The lad needs one, everybody seems to have their knife in him somewhere, for some reason. The fellow is persecuted, and it makes my blood boil.” “I don't. see that,” the Squire said. looking at his pipe to see why it would net diam “Because I happen to object to his hanging round Agnes, it doesn’t follow that other peOpleâ€"” “I'll never believe great mind, a mind 1 ble of idle, evii thc sordid craft, libert) treachery, are not mind like his; vice c such a soil.” He lookec kept his eyc reluctant, u “Yes, I had no intention of propos- ing to Agnes just yet. I meditated feeling my way a little first, but cir- cumstances brought it to a head with a rapidity that took my breath away. I was really anxious to find Farley somewhere, anywhere in the vicinity 0t Weyberne, and knowing he was here four nights out of every seven, I concluded this was the right place to look for him. I never felt so Fleased to see the boy in my life as did when I saw him stretched out there in the shrubbery.” “Why, had you any other motive than a desire to see Agnes?” he asked, holding the glass on one side to pre- vent undue effervescence. Felix handed the glass to his friend, and Jack Hunter thought the access of color in his face could not have been caused by the slow and careful process of pouring out the Wine. “Lady Hargrave sent for me this evening," he resumed, after touching his glass gainst the Squire’s, “to see Judith, but when I arrived she was gonefi’ “Gone where?” he asked, setting down his glass and staring at the doc- tor. “I can’t very well refuse to do that,” he returned, laughing, and drawing a chair to the fire, “although I have one more visit to pay before I’ve finished my rounds. I don’t seem to have met with a suitable Opportunity to tell you why I dmpped in here to-night." “This brand of champagne I keep for special occasions,” he said. pro- ducing a couple of glasses from the same receptacle and uncorking the bottle; “’we’ll drink health, happiness and prosperity to the union, Hunter.” He uniocked a cupboard in an arch- ed recess, and brought out a small cobwebbed bottle. “Thank you,” he'sam qiiiéiiy thought perhaps you might shy THE SECRET of PAUL FARLEY complexion or attal'rs, antl' quashes any scurrilous chatter. I have nothing further to say on the subject, except to offer you my congratulations.” :ed at-Felix, but the Squire eyes on the fire and gave a unsatisfactory grunt. 9 'er believe,” he resumed, “a? :l, a mind like Farley’s, cana- ' e, evil thoughts. Impurity, aft, liberty of license, or are not indigenous to a his; vice couldn’t flourish in THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. | . V FARLEY - One great secret of-Iyoutn and bean; for the young woman or the the proper understanding of her womaniy system and well-being. Ever young or old, should know herself and her physical make up. A. "04 arrive at this knowledge is to get a good doctor book, such for insthe , People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser,” by R. V. Pierce, M. D. ld'quashes any rcadiiy be procured by sending thirty-om cents hr clan-bound conv, . have nothing I Dr. Pierce, at Buffalo, N. Y. 1' ' ‘ I TLA _..--__-"_- -__‘A_,A_ ' u‘k-‘_‘L -_--‘_,_A a $15.. as or; o a 2 h in ! m Ema 9R8 GBULD T HELP HIM and Bear in mind that the Canadian Pacific Railway offers the finest possible equipment and ‘fasteSt train service. The route is one of' the most scenic in the world. It is the {’onlzsr line opera-ting through standard and tourist sleepers, also dining. cars to Winnipeg; and Van- couver, with the most modern com- partment observation library pars through the (mountains and across Canada on transcontinental trains. ARE YOU GOING WEST THIS SPRING? If so take advantage of the reâ€" markably low One-Way second class Colonist Rates to Vancouver, Victoria, Nelson, Spokane, Seattle Portland, San Francisco, Los Ang- eles. San Diego, etc, in effect March 1st to April 15th. or if Western Canada is your destina- tion, the One-Way second class Settlers’ Rates should appeal to you. Settle-r‘s’ trains to Western Canada Will leave Toronto 10.20 p. m. each Tuesday during March and April. ”No, don‘t come with me; 1’11 5: good-night to Agnes and let myself out.” and with a conscious laugh the doctor closed the door. b‘eiix lighted his pipe and smoked. in" leaned hack in the leather c1121.: with his huh clenched on the aniocr mouthplcc; hcur after hour, bat. Le Zid not (3:11.; :mzch cg:)‘.:"c 1'i_ (‘2' E'Jlf. :1:- from its :53::':'.:":_ fl'i‘.‘.("". YT": 1"."1i’. ached and hi“. Matt shed. and “3:: mind went 1* . s en'ly hawk To the scene in th; ‘~-hl wiry. ’anl's white face and 1:; (Lefty in the beautiful eyes 1181.?Iii'_"‘ '11!“ \i‘ion had teased him 1 " but he h: (i kept it under (300?. .uuaie contr"1 while his wrath 3;; u ~.. 2‘. id his iiei rco s;-_-1‘.se of injury \; -Eke a live (01:1. 'l‘.r anger. the " .-.r":f."‘:i€.l‘. the i..di’naâ€" tion, had 6"" ‘zt‘wl. but it “as will? out. gone no 231.21 he \‘a (is sorry. were sorry than i-‘r‘r‘ woukl believe or per- the the erec 1121 The squire dropped his hand. pick;d up his pipe. and kicked a chair out of his pa.h. “I will,” he said. crushing the doc- tor’s hand in a vice-like clasp, “if he will let me. and it's in my power, and â€"â€"-I say, old man, you spread it on rather thickly about. Farleyâ€"eh, didn’t you, Jack?” “No, on my honor, I did not.” he re- turned gravely, “a man of your power- ful physique and blinded by passionâ€" why, it’s 0:113 a miracle, Felix, you didn’t kill him." They relieved the pain. I took two boxes and went back to the specialist. He said the stone was smaller but he could not remove it although he tried for two hours and a half. I returned. home and continued to take Gin Pillsâ€" and, to my surprise and joy, I passed the stone. Gin Pills are the best medi- cine in the world, and, because they did me so much good, I will recommend them all the rest of my life”. I. ALBERT LESSARD, Joliette, P.Q. soc. a box, 6 for $2.5o-at all dealers, and money back if they fail to .give relief. Sample box free. National Drug Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Dept. A Toronto. ' 89 “Well, see to it,” he said. holding out his hand for a parting shake, “see to it, there’s a dear. good fellow. .That innocent reserved lad is no manner of match for a woman like Mrs. Wycher- ly. You’ll sce to it. Felix?” “Yes,” Felix said in a comma? (3 voice, “I believe there isâ€"at lea t 1 know there is. If I had been a trifle less hasty l m'ght have been able to tell you the truth about the matter.” “During August last, I went to Montreal to consult a specialist as I had been suffering terribly' with Stone in the Bladder. He decided to operate but said the stone was too large to remove and too hard to crush. I returned home and was recommended by a friend to try‘Gin Pills. “There's some kind of diPemma, too at the Larches, isn't there?” he asked “Great heavens, Jack, how horribie! Why are women brought up without being taught to control themselves? You must be mistaken, Jack.” Us in v». “It’s Worse and more important than the other. I am afraidâ€"mind you, Felix, only afraidmthat Judith Hargrave’s mind is giving way.” He buttoned his coat and losirrd around for hi: hat. “I hope 1 am,” he said fervcntl “I hope I am. Felix? is thrc The womanly system is a delicate mac! tine which c tricate mechanism of a beautiful watch which will RC1 with good care and the proper oiling at the ugm tit: anism may not be won: out. \ get old or run down bciore the the improper handling of this depression, a confused head flashes and many symptoms 01 system can be avoided by 3 pr do, in these tryinfl tires that HOW TO PRESERVE YGEJTH AND BEAU??? A SO”? 81H MRS. WILLIAMS. BUT GIN PILLS BID To be Continued I in the leather c2222.: zienc‘: ‘cd on the 21.22;)“ 22‘ alter 12c122,b‘;.1. .-c 2122212 23‘210‘. t (‘2‘ 83111 :52 M" f" .:(,V' TT'. 2‘,.,..2~ ;- .a..‘ gt $2.. . . “cart ." "(‘d and “2: sis 0222.12 1:2:2'22 To We. 2‘. DIXâ€"2'". ~2'2221 s white! ) "2.22 in the beautfiul 'lh? 2:2022 had but he 121d kept it (vat control M2 ile 1. and his fiel 2(‘29 s 2259 .2222 a live (202:1. '1‘2212 ( ‘ u 1 1 1 .1v1.1ts.u. 1-1. WILLIAMS, of Lynnliuven, V'L. wrote: “It is six years since my health gave way. I had female trouble and all thedovtnrs (I employed three ) said I would (lie. I was not alzle to do my work, had to hire someone all the cime. Finally. I read in the papers about Dr. Pierce‘s Favorite Prescription. and decided to try it. 1 had not taken but one bottle until I found it had done me good. I took. in all. five bottles of ‘Favm-ite Prescription' and two of ‘Golden Malical Discovery,‘ and now I am able to do all my housework, and have. ga‘ned fourteen popnds. I advise all women who suffer from female trouble to try your Favorite Prescrinfion.’ It's the onlv medicine on earth." Mas. G. H. VVILLEAMS, of Lynnli since my heaiLh gave way. I ha (I employed three) said I would ( had to hire someone all the cime. Dr. Pierce‘s Favorite Prc-scriptior taken but one bottle until I found five bottles of ‘Favc-rite Promo?“ â€"â€"â€"â€"v" ' _ _ u” 5.1V- viser,” by R. V. Pierce, M. 2)., winch can one: cents fur clutiz-bound copy, addressi.;2 3 R leave {on the>11th of :March for Alberta, halving rented their fine ‘farm to Mr Robert Parslow for i one year Mr .Martin McLeod, of Priceville, , has taken up his abode in the _ Classic City :for a few weeks : Martin is here on a [business f proposition, but [other consideraâ€" ,tions make his stay peculiarly pleasant ’Nuaff sed. mum; of this human mechanism. Mental :onfuscd head, backache, headache, or hot 3' symptoms 0 derangement of the womanly Mr Robt. Blakeston o-f Artemesia is spending the winter with his son, W J. B., of 'this city. Altho bid is in his 8lst :year, Mr Blakes- ton can readily read without Elms§es - He especially enjoyed reading “Dr Jamieson’s fine speech. and as a result, thirteen “fair maid-s of Perth” started on ‘a trip to- Florida to-day, 23rd Just think of it! In a few days, they will be lying under the shade of orange trees *to get away from the heat of the sun Lucky girls! One of our local dailies has iust passed through an interesting and profitable subscription contest on the 13th ”Everything from from chickens to horses sold at top-notch prices .Mr. and Mrs. J. ‘ Your scribe was pleased to learn that his broth'er-in-law, Mr Jacob Parslow. of the O‘D.R.. Artemesia, held a very successful auction sale It should be used as. a dress- ing .bv every member of the fam- ily because it keeps the scalp clean. prevents hair from turning gray. and baldness. Large bottle 50 cents. You will have no use for ordinary preparations after once giving delightful PARISIAN SAGE a trial. (‘LASSIC CITY CHRONICLES. The Editor deserves the hearty _ _ thanks of e=verv reader of they~V01€£amml€wfijm Qénmithe beat " " -- " 'rnr eller M'Gl‘b 1r _'" Chronicle for 'i’mlflishing verbatuml ‘ ”meg“ "'59 the most excellent address by Drl PASTRY FLOUR Jamieson at the opening- of the: is made from selected Winter whe Ontario Parliament on January 5th i and IS a. super-5m. article for making His address was a clear-cut and; pasty-yew, informing outline of the progres-l sire. work that has been. and is: 31180131 RGduCijion on Flour in 5 and SOVEREIGN 3111‘ pure Manitoba flour, made flown ”0-.“ Collison. of Boston Strong com- mittees have been at Work per- fecting preliminary arrangements for these meetings, and a very successful revival is anticipated going on im our to school were bitten by a IT dog": recently They were taken Toronto for treatment at the P teur Institute The Board Health immediately ordered dogs to be chained up Evidexw ma‘nv dog owners have little gard for the lam or their dogs. twenty-three canines were sl this week by the policemen The. Presbyterian. Methodist. Baptist, Congregational churches. seven: in 3111, of the 'city, will com- mence special services in Knox church next Sunday, 25th under the leadership of Messrs Gale and \Vasih the lhair once, 53 Week. use PARTSIAN SAGE dailyâ€"keep your hair hrzzsh clean and in a few days you will give to your hair a Lea-utiful lustre that you will be proud of. PARISIAN SAGE is a most re.- liable hair tonilc; so reliable .that Macfarlane Co. guarantee it to eradicate dandruff. stop falling hair and itching scalp. or money back. ‘ By travelling C.P.R. you avoid the necessity of changing :dezrnte. Dining car service wnsurpaseed. All equipment is {owned and operated by the CPR, affording the higheSt form of efficiency. If such atrlp is under consideration. apply to any CPR. Agent for full partic- ulars. Any woman who neglects her hair cannot expect to have as lovely hair as the woman who doesn’t. During the recent thaw. were {heard to remark "I am ‘cze are going to lose the sun 5 needless to say that their For Every Woman Who Wants It. 11' \V O by a proper understanding of v. hat to as that come to all women. GLORIOUS HAIR .11 mess to 9:1‘0 undlc young woman or the mather is and wcli-‘ceing. Every woman, cal make up, A. good way to 1nd is well 9. I‘IIS Ll 9 children SS (Win Ding. of the 1 January 8th clear-cut and )l‘ n th( 11 )\\ (f) 1 .1 an _V m 1193,35. GIRL WANTED AT ONCE 0m_g Please apply to Mrs. T. C g Ritchie, Rocky Saugeen. M .‘ ‘0 It 5 All books in «circulation belong- }ing to the Durham Public Library [must be delivered to the librarian inot later than February 28th. A!- lter taking stock, books Will be ,re-issued under the free system, jcommencing on :Mar-ch 9th. 3 5. HARDWARE and Tinsmith Bus- ! ness.Grey Countv. toffice in connection ? Less than 510.000 wi! buv 408N683 of land more and dwel’ , him. other frame j dwelling and 3% Mods. By (order of the Board of Direct- ors. No man who doies business with B. H. Mill -r is over satsfied to go ekewnore. Our methods seem to please. “Akwun Prompt. - Never Vegligent. W- --'- nvuuuu sV‘III‘ “‘m " "W. Jessa}; wifi sell less than $25 an acre. Abargain surety. H. H. MILER 533 ACRES near Proton Station and Stage?!) Junction. fin. brick residence 8p3§ndtdnbarn§h§glendi _ soil. good water GENERAL COUNTRY STORE five miles from Durham: very chub. Large number of chat) farm prawn-co. Money to Lmd at Low Rates. Lands bought and mid. Debug cutlect'd All kinds of writings drawn. A small or la'ge bag 01 a fig: grail. whine. munitions flour, is sbld as our bmnd. Have you ever tried it? Get. your grocer to give you our kind next time and see the supsrior baking qual- ities it possesses. Better and more wholesome. because of a secretprocesa that we put. the Wheat through. Don’t forget. $5,500. Knock berm bargains. 325 ACRES close to Proton Station. brick dwellingfine large out-buildings Windmill .r-..: hay. 2 tons to acre. 011‘? {$5,500. Knocks the sunshine off Al- Ask any C.P.R. Agent for copy of " Settlm' Chopping Done No charge for berths Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West Colonist Cars on all Train} ML Land Hunts! Look Hem H. H. MILLER grocers keep All People’s Mills MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN 4onds deliver MARCH and APRIL I010 PM. Will leave Toronto For settlers travelling with livestock and effects Special Trains Each TUESDAY made from selected I is a superior article pastry. etc. LOW COLONiST RATES John MCG The onlz through line D The Hanover Conveyancer SERVANT WANTED. SOVEREIGN ECLIPSE NOTICE. Maniuym gnd j, Ontano rd THE Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers l0.20 PM. Daily Regular Trains Leaving Toronto Scales and families without livestock thould use UOWEH‘I Opposite The Reid House. Hanover. SEVEN. fist, class Day

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