West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Mar 1912, p. 2

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m mom npusz AND TEN Farm. 011 premises are good pan, hem home and stable. rent house without land, it flocked. Apply to John Hoftatt‘ «land-O BRICK COTTAGE, AND NICE Lot A bargain for immediate I-BOOMED DWELLING ON GOOD got, with stable. â€"FW. Kelsey 921 A REGISTERED SHORTHORN Bull, 10 months’ old.â€"App1y to Harry Wilkin:son,_Vamney. 2 Ltf OF ONE-HORSE BOB- and a cutter; APPLE: t0 1-5 EWES BRED TO LAMB AFTER April 15th. In good shape. Time if required.â€"W.E. McAlister. MY FARM NEAR GLASCOTT. Holland Township; easy terms. Also a few acres of sound, 1y- tng timber, suitable for firewood tor sale at $5 an acreâ€"J. Ritchie, Port Arthur. 12 21 9nd MIn the matter of the estate of‘ Robert Kennedy. late of the Town? of Durham in the County of Grey: Retired Farmer. deceased. 1 NOTICE is hereby given pursu- ant to “The Revised Statutes of Ontario” 1897, chapter 129 that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Rob- ert Kennedy, who died on or about the 18th day of January A. D. 1912. are required. on or before the sec- ond day of March A. D. 1912, to send by post prepaid or deliver to John Brown the elder, and John Henry Smith, the executors of the kit will and Testament .of the «said deceased, their Christian and sur- names. addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims. the statement of their accounts and the nature of the secuarit'es '1 held by them. 1 ‘ 1 any, And further take notice that after such last mentioned date. the, said executors will proceed to dis-‘ tribute the assets of the said de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said Ex- ocu-tors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person 01' Persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time 0'! such distribution. ‘ U'l' Z, LU.‘. ’, Shuuw.’ v~~-~â€"â€" .. 100 acres: 70 acres workmg land. 10 acres new land, 20 acres hard- wood bush. Two good wells on Premises. Good concrete house. frame barn. driving shed, y-acre orchard. Well fenced. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. For furâ€" ther particulars apply to David McAulifie, Upper Town. Durham Oct. 5th, tf. UUI'H'dJH, U” “UL “um ---___ north side. Wen wateredfgood bank barn, comfortable frame For further information, apply ”Lb-l- v L‘v v .â€" in the Towfiâ€"Stâ€" Durham.â€"â€"Apply to H. Burnett. 125tf UL W, HUM VV“ vw-vâ€"v inch; ioina corporation, 'west Durham,_on Durham Road, â€"â€" n- 7 L‘_‘J "I 3-Y'EAR-OLD GENERAL PUR- pose horse. Apply to [Samuel Ritchie, Durham. 1123 tfi OT 21, CON. 2, TOWNSHIP OF fitment, containing 106 acres shout 10 acres hardwood bush. 5 acres swamp timbsred, the rest slur; burn 80150, stable 30x40. Md 1 acre, watered by2 wells at! spring. Part of purichase -.“a_â€"v â€"â€" .â€" o D. MacKenme: Upper 'Down, Eu particulars Ep Bradley, Orchard. - 1y Wfili nt. ”"' V“.‘u ‘ -vâ€" â€" â€"_ web: to 10 manth 'ol'd; both oozes. Prices reasonable. Satis- hdion guaran'beodrâ€"H. W. Hunt Vicious. Dated this 30th da 15 . A. D. 1912. y 0 January 3.160.. Dfirhm. For Sale or Rent. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Advertisements of o luboequent insertion Farms for Sale. JOHN BROWN. Sr. Hanover P. 0., Ont. JOHN HENRY SMITH... Allan Park P. 0. Out. 131190qu of the last Will and Testament of Robert Kennedy. deceased, late of the Town of Durham}. and Township of 55. 2nd CONCESSION, BENT- For Sale or Rent Sheep for Sale For Sale. For Rent E.G.R.. GLENELG one inch, or less, ‘25 cents for first insertion, and 10 ce a. CV? one inch and under two inches, double Q amount. Yeady rates on applicamon. SMALL AIS. :5 '12 mt 6303pt! 3.17.111 of , - DR. BROWN ‘ L. E. c. P., LONDON. ENG 3 '1 BADULATE of London, New '3 ‘J’ York and Chicago. I I)“. of Eye. Bu Nose and That. J Will be at the Hahn House, Jan. 20 Feb. 17. March 16. April 20, and } May 18. Hours, 1 to 6 p.m. stairs Lagnbton Street. Resideme Comer Qn'een 3’11 George Streetsâ€"North 03 Methofixst Church. U ()9 hours 9.” 3111.24 ..m 7!!! n. m. T Bnhone No 59 Ls» Asusnnt. Roy. London Ophthalmic Hon lugs, and to Golden Sq. That and None Hon. SPECIALIS T I EYE. -. 5A3, 1r_HHQAT NOSE ,_ fl...__.‘ l. P. Teiferd. ARRISTEL. SULIDI'IDR. ETC Uflee nearly opposite the office, bambtop t. Herman ADY,‘ NWD‘U 3U 5V ‘9. *0, w - r. â€"- â€"'T" 7L: n 2. m. Special attention giv to disease? If women and qhildren. idema op» )oaéte Pres-bvnenan Church. Officeâ€"Over Douglas’ Jewellery Store. 1? 1113115}? to loan At 5 Far centfdn farm grapertv. " er. Conveyam‘er c. Iimu'me Agent. MQQEY to Ligan. 1.193)” of 1%- q :1ng Licenses” A general B'muicihl ~ DrmDSCraig, D.V...S..VSVD ISEASES OF DOMESTICA'I‘ED animals treated on most scientif- ic principles. All calls promptly attended 10.0flice and residence. Garafraxa Street. Durham, nearly op- posite the Chronicle Oflice. 623 1 ‘fivâ€"r‘ â€" 0688 {11'3an . DURH A M ONT. (Lower Town ( FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knabp‘a Hpteh Lamb ton Street. Lower Town. Durham Office hours from 12 to 2 o’clock A GIRL WANTED AT ONCE. Please apply to Mrs. T. C. Ritchie, Rocky Sasugeen. ')dYblt}1A1V' AN U SUBGEUN , 91"- t rice in the New Hunter Block, Office soars, {to 1.0_ a.._dm.,”to 4p. m. and 7 t9? 'â€"â€"â€"_ LA fluA‘g‘A FOR SALE SIX-ROOMED HOUSE, (30121311313 A GOOD ROUGH-CAST HOUSE. centrally located Apply to A. S Hunter Son. 229tf A H. Jackson. OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION 61'. ()0an c. IirR‘ILranc GOOD COMFORTABLE FRAME house on College street; six rooms, two storeys, hard and soft water. good half acre of land. A. bargain to quick pur- chaser. For particulars, apply to Ed. Lang‘don, Durham, or {01in _M._I_._it_tle, 205 Riopelle St, “A. iWELL-BRED YORKSHIRE SOW and twelve pigs five Weeks old. Will sell the] at, or separately, to suit .punchaser.-Jas. McGirr, Lot 64, Con. 3, Glenelg, Durham PP.O. 2292pd A COMFORTABLE BRICK DWEL- ling o<n Countess street, 2 storeys, on %-acre lot, With good stable. Apply to Mrs. F. Caton. 3371;! ‘FFICE: Over J. J. Hunter's LOT 1 OF 17, CON. 1, E. G. R., Glenelg, 50 acres; porty .acres amide;- _cullt_ivati:on, 7 acres hard- firs. Jamiesan- Jamieson. In a few days, Mr. J. H. Rhodes of Arthur, Ont., manufacturer of ladies’ braids. switches. puffs. cur-ls. pompadours, et‘c., made from your own combings, Will make a per- s-onal canvas of every home in Durham, With a full line of sam- ples, cards and prices. of Elgin and South streets. Will sell cheap to quick purchaser; A {good lot and garden yon. prem- isesâ€"Apply to Mrs. Thomas Saunders. 2 22 tf i. G. Hutton, M. 0.. C. M. LFFICE. TELFORD’S BLQCK_ UP Detroit, Mich. J P GRANT. D. D. 8 .LD 8 FONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- wood bash, 3 acres swamp. 2 small ’omchards, variety of other small fruits: watered by spring and well. Frame house 28x24, frame barn, 50x36; atone base- ment underneath, and other out- buildings. Als'o lots 2 and 301 15. Con. 1, W.G.R., Ben'tinck, 100 acres: 30 acres under cultivation. 30 acres pasture, 35 acres hard- wood baah, 5 acres swamp, V. acre orchard. Small frame house frame barn 50x36, stabling un- derneath. The above property will be sold cheap, as the owner intends going to Alberta. For further particular§_,_ apply « on 1-..--- --- vâ€"‘ farm, Or to Wm. .IIeéget'te, Rocky Saugeen, Ont. 125 tf IOflioe: .13, Mat 8"”, Mar. Wmml. Dr. WLC. Pickering SERVANT WANTED. Arthur Gun, M. D. Medical Dz'rectorv. Denial Dimiorv. Lem! Farms for Sale insertion, and 10 cents for each DR. BURT. NO TIxC‘E. :. Inmufance Lung; of M- the abovn ugh Roy-a 2 221:! C. L. Stevens. the Strathroy trav- eller, whose injuries were at first regarded as serious, is now out of dnsager. according to the Strath- cona hospital authorities to-(nig'ht. He took a change for the better on Saturday evening, and has :con- tir‘ued to mend. His wife is with him. Mr. and Mrs. SteVetns were married but two weeks ago. Continued fro-m page 1. The wreck occurred at the same place as the freight wreck of three years 89:0, when three or four «cars of clay Were overturned into the ditch, The Spot is not particular- ly dangerous, the freight being derailed by .the bursting of a car wheel, while the wreck of Friday was (caused, as previously stated, by a broken rail. As an examin- ation of the break showed it to be a. clean done, the wreak Was entirely unavoidable, and no blame can be attached to anyone. ALL THE INJURED ARE OUT OF DANGER Mt. Forest, March 10â€"-A11 those injured in the G.T.R. 'Wreck at Varney are .now doing well. Mr. Mrs. E.W. Pike, of Pall Mall St., London, has also arrived. Mr. Pike’s injuries consist of abroken collar bone and three broken ribs. He is also suffering from shock. Mr. J. A. Coles, of London, left yesterday for his home. MR SIMM’S STORY St. Mary’s, March 9,â€"John F. Simms‘ traveller for the .McCormick Co , of London, whose home is here with his Widowed moth-er in the west ward, who was in the G.T.R. wreck at Varney, near Durham. vesterday afternoon. was inter- viewed by The Free Press to-dtay, and found with his Left leg badly bruised, left arm. shoulders and back hurt, and almost paralyzed, and his right thumb badly cut. He is badly shaken up, amd all un- nerved. “The same leg that I had frac- tured in a runaway accident in 1908 is the one now injured,” he said “ The train left Durham at 2.45 13.111. yesterday afternoon. The accident occurred about three o’- clock and the train Was apparently running about ‘20 miles an hour. The first intimation I had of anything happening, the car was running on the ties. “There were four of us travelers in a seat. I then noticed the car we were in turning o:ve:r,. and ‘I grabbed the bottom of two car seats with my hands, and held on for a time, and, in the second turnâ€"over going down the embank- ment, something hit me on the back and kmocked me loose. And I was suddenly throwm to the side of the car, and them a fence post came up through and the car stopped. I must have become unconscious, as I remembered nothing 'aft-eerwards but was told I was pulled out from underneath two broken rear seats by some perâ€" sons mvho came to our rescue. The whole matter seemed only a few seconds. I did not remember any- thing after the car turned over the first time.” A despatch from Pembina, N.D.. tells of a thrilling experience of Alex. Copeland and family acou- ple of weeks ago at their home on the Miarrias river, near the Manitoba-Dakota bounndary. Mr. Copeland is a brother of Thomas Copeland, of the 14th concession of Proton, and lived here in the early days of the township. The despatch says; “After an exciting chase by Canadian and United States officials, a bandit giving his name as Dan Rice, of Texas, late to-dray Was captured in the bush between Pembina, N.D., and Joliette. Rice is accused of holding up Alexander Copeland. his son, Thomas, and adaughter. “The bandit appeared at the gainst alnother puzzle, almost ex- Copeland farm early in the day tactly like the first. This time. and finding the son at the barn they were more successful, and bound him with ropes. He next Wednesday morning the members went to the house. wthere he tied of the gang faced the Police Mag- up the father and daughter, and istrate. All pleaded guilty to then looted the place. Returning the crime against Mr. McSweesn. to the barn, he freed Thomas, made and two of them also admitted him aid him in (hitching a horse, having been concerned in the Flar- and fled in the direction of Pem- ity theft. On returning most of bina. Both Canadian and United the stolen goods and promising to States officials joined in the chase pay for the rest, they were al- and captured Rice shortly after he lowed to go on suspended sentence. had abandoned the sleigh. The â€"Owen Sound Sun. stolen articles werereco-vered. ! A valuable driver belonging to Mr. Geo. Craig of Brant dropped dead near the exhibition grounds here on Monday noon. Hitched to a cutter and traveling at its usual gait. the horse suddenly reared up at the exhibition grown-d5 here and falling on the road expired almost immediately in the harness. As Mr. Craig had purchased the ani- mal last spring for $250, the mis- hap is quite a misfortune to him. â€"-Brwoe Herald and Times. Seventeen Injured in Wreck. .‘DROPPED DEAD IN HARNESS. A BANDIT CAPTURED. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. 1 Of .Mr. 'G-eo. McS'We'en’s place of busiâ€" ,and. mess and stole a quantity of “931'- cloth. and the police were up a- the gainst amoth-er puzzle, almost ex- day actly like the first. This time. )arn they were more successful, and next Wednesday morning the members tied of the gang faced the Police Mag- and istrate. All pleaded guilty to ningz the crime against Mr. McSweesn. L MANY AFTER THE JOB. I The death of Registrar Dack here makes vacant. ome of the tmost .de- sirable public positions in the county of Bruce, and as might be; ‘expected, many claim-ants are im-‘ .proving their time hustling for {the froth. Besides many lesser flights who make up the rank and ‘file of the applicants, there are 'such outstanding figures on the 'list as Dr. RE. Clapp, ex-M.P.P., {Mn W,H. Macfarlane, defeated can- didate in Centre Bruce, and Mr. H. 3A.. V‘andusen, who unsuccessfully l-contested the North. While all or !nearlv all of them are more or . less qualified for the job, yet their . merits and claims are like the stars . which we are told differ in glorv ' one from the other. The mam who , would seem to have the strongest . claim on the Govennment’s atten- . tion is (Dr. eC‘l'app, who has the dis- , tinctioon of being the only Con- " rervative who ever carried South l Bruce since Confederation. He , ran three campaigns in the inter-4 l ests of his party, and during the - term he served in the House put some useful legislation on the _ books. If there is anything in public gratitude and political re- . ward Dr. Clapp should end his : days in a soft berthâ€"Bruce Her- . aid and Times. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of (Catarrhl that cannot be cured by Hall’s Ca- tarrh lCure. FJJ. [CHENEY 00., Toledo, 0. We the undersigned have known F.J. JCh-ene-y for the last [15 years; and believe him sperfectly honor- able in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall’s xCatarrh Cure is taken im- iernally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 73c. 'per bottle. Soldby all Druggists” Take Hall’s Family Pills for con- stipation. We call the attention of all newspaper readers inthis town and district to the fact that we have made special arrangements with The ’Weekly Mail and Empire, Toronto, to combine with our pa- per at a popular bargain price. We here offer The Weekly Mail and (Empire, and The Durham Chronicle the two together, for one year at the nominal rate of $1.55 to include FREE :21 large portrait of the Right Hon. R. L. Borden, 18x24 inches, which will be sent postpaid to every subscriber who takes advantage of the propo- sition. C Now here is a chance to obtain the two most useful papers to readers in our community and we state this advisedly, for the Weekly Mail and Empire is con- ceded to be the greatest home and fireside paper published in the Dominion, while The Chronicle. covering as it does, all the local news, amd advocating the best in- terests of this important district, will best serve all residents Within the horizon of our circulation. Send all orders to the office of this paper. YOUNG THIEVES ROUNDED UP. A. promising gang of young thieves has been wneart‘hed, and, it is to be hoped, broken up. Some time ago, Mr. J.L. Flarity’s tailor shop was entered, and a quantitv of goods stolen; but though the police were put on the case, they were unable to track the thieves. Sunday night thieves broke into Something over a Week ago, Mr. Wm. 'Blakey had the misfor- tune to lose three five-dollar bills from his pocket-book on the Way to Proton Station, and expected that the money was past recovery, but Mr. Lewis Hill had heard of the loss, and decided to keep his eye Open. The result was that last Monday his eagle optic orb sighted the little {green wad, and in ‘a short time it Was returned to the grate- ful owner.â€"Flesherton Advance, LEWIS FOUND THE MONEY. A STRONG PAIR. HOW’S THIS ? SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. ANY PERSON who is the sole head :of .a familg, or any male over 18 years 01 , may homestead a quartersection of available Dom- inion land in Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Don- inion Lands Agency, or Sub-agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions by father, moth- er. son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. .___. - -_._-__r_- - five and ten cent pieces, even coppers. Arrange with them to go to the Bahk and start a savings account. Afterwards, with them, watch the balance grow. Then, not only do you teach them economy, but you get into closer touch with them. 616 This is one of the greatest factors in their education. Have them put away their 'Du9ties.â€"-'Six monthS’ reSiden-ce upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live within nine miles of ’his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and oc- cupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. Further reports received to-day "at Grand Trunk Pacific headquart- ers go to show that so far as the Transcontinental is concereed the situation is well in hand. Vinity Sask.. reports that there has at no time been a car shortage there. Low price of grain and the fact that about 40 per cent. remuims unthreshed has mad-e trade very dull and collections poor. In certain districts 3 homeStead- er in {good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 .per acre. Du-ties.-â€"Must reside upon the homestead or 'pre-emption six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry Linclud- ing‘ the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homes'teader who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead in certain districts. .Price $3.00 per acre. ,Du'ties,â€"Must reside six months in each of three years, cul- tivate fifty acres and meet a house worth $300.00. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.â€"Unau'th.orized publication of 'this advertisement Will not be paid for. Melville, S.'ask., reports as fol- lows; “No car shortage or grain blockade has been experienced here this Winter,” and a visit to the elevators shows that both are almost empty. While the Grand Trunk Pacific has relieved the local situation and that on the branch lines out of here, considerable difficulty is being experienced in the delivery at Fort William, or in other words the spout is too small an outlet. We were informed that it has al- ways been from six to eight weeks this Winter before returns have been received, and this has had its bad effect on trade and collections generally. THE TWERS BM S. HUGHES, Manager, up at all. In some few instances. 1.111.) nLALwLIVAA v u perhaps, the returns have been slow in coming back, but after W enquiries made we can learn of no es ern Canada detriment to local conditions from , this source. Collections are about 18 "IA CHICAGO as good as in former years and in- The Grand Trunk Pacific" - . . .. Rallw deed 1n some lunee are 'bettffl" The shortest line, fastest time. finest 32:: only slackmess ms due to swant of vice between Winntpeg Saskatoon careful attentlom to busmess on and Edmonton ' the part of the farmers.” ' Bigg'ar, Sask., also reports in the same strain. “Taken all rownd, the situation is of the brightest, no car shortage is reported, and grain moves right along. The elevator is handling all the time and is shipping out regularly. No one is being held Fully guaranteed at Macfarla-ne’s. Capital and Surplus .‘v.w- w-â€"â€" - . and due by other Banks - 2,470,791.48 Dominion Govt. and other first-class Bonds - 53,862,194. 88 Loans on Call, on Govt., Municipal and other Bonds and Stocks - - 1,906,845.00 Government Deposit to ‘ secure Note Circulation 100,000.00 Bills Discounted and Current Advances Bank Premises Other Assets Cash on Hand - Notes and Cheques of The Standard Bank 9f Canada $6,800,000 Record of Business as at the 3151: of January, 1912 W. W’. CORY, Assns $37,311,317.78 25,397,668. 68 897,842. 13 57,253. 47 $3,618,722.14 DURHAM, Ont. {m y be on K Mum i an mum; v "’1’! the to" la iconnuuw' to all run urn “mm: of the p003}??? A. BELL UN DERTAKER and Funeral Directorw _A 11 Ed adamant Wt” mm if??? 33’: a: Mount at 6 p m. The 10b in mmnletfly «on wt? W’L mama 3%,, $352.1“ Kayak. “$1th; younflvvernuemenu he «inequa‘ni {hoértiâ€"on; SHMPM Tm: @3013!“ w“; h. Rm. - mflm ”533 93.12;“ Advertising 1"” ‘Mfifrm “wt . on“ I R m mm 1 me for the - a . “m; oonhperltno . mt hmmhumm more. P At the Chronicle Printing House, Gum/Ina Sheet. boa IHI DURHAM CHRONICLE San Franciso. Cal. Los Angeles, Cal. San Diego. Cal. Mexico City, Mex. LIABILITIES Notes in Circulation - $1, 9%, Deposits - - - 30,116, Dividends - - 65 Due to other Banks - 403, Capital - $2 H000 000.00 §§§§ 8838 Low Rates to Spokane, \Vasb. Seattle. \Vash. Vancnuver, 8.0. Victoria. 15. C. PorLland. Ore. Nelson, BC. Proportionate rates from other points in Ontario. Reserve Fund 2;600;000.00 Reb ate of Interest on Discounts - 71,643.45 Balance of Profit and Loss Acct. 61,383.58 4,733,027.03 THE ATTRACTIVE ROUTE T0] Full line of Catholic Robes, and bin: and white Caps for aged people. fiifim,%fi°m “" GEO; P. SCHOLFIELD, General Manger. DURHAM. ONT SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallow Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"~Nex’. mlfih of W. J. Lawrenco’n bheksmith shop. 18 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY “MINING Embalming a Specialty Full particulars from J. R. GUN, Town Agent. J. TO‘VNER, Depot Agent. SDITOR AND PROPRIE'I‘OR W. IRWIN .ll Total Assets $52,000,000 fifuflmw ah ammo Econ“ 6008 March 14th, 1912. Pacific Coast “I Lino .ada’S' lc djg $43.60 $1fl,3ll,3l7.78 strangers nut OX'

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