West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Mar 1912, p. 1

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Renewals are now In Order. The Site £01 the ML 11 GO'1 einment' Monday last on account of the ser- :mst- office is occupying considei- ious illness of their sister, Mrs .11 1e attention at present. The James Tait who on Saturday un- EIBDL’I‘III feeling is that the 110“.-11e111ent an operation for append- postâ€"office should occupy :1 cenâ€" Hicitis ~ tral position in the business pa1t s of the 101111 and properly, on Ga1- : On MODddV 135‘: an 91111310399 Oi :1fr:1x:1 stieet. A petition is being-ithe furniture fQCtOI‘Y named Mont- signezl to 11:11:. it placed neai the ,oinen 111mg 111 Chiis.Scheue1- L . P. R. crossing at the foot of the. mann house on Garafraxa street the hill. While others favor the old had the misfortune to 313V"? hi5 pupilmne or .131. Hunter property thumb lacerated with a saw a few yards south of the Lambton WhiCh will 1513' ‘him 11131 f01' a W991i street crossing. The latter loca- or two. tion is much more central. The crossing of Lambton and Gara- fraxa streets is the commercial centre of Durham. and will contin- ue to be so for at least another generation or two. The Hunter property is much nearer to this staging":1.2.122... 5:11-? . 1 o be present. ing erected thereon would ha1e ai ‘ 1ery attractive appearance. It; The marriage of a young lady would be high and dry. and free in Egremont is announced through from some of the objectionable tea-l an unsigned communication, but tures of the :lot at the foot of gto save possible trouble, we hold the hill. It would not be half as: it over for another Week, The far from the business centre as the} writer’s name should accompany other lot and thus nearer to the e1 ery communication, not for pub- business community as a Whole. lication, but to give the publisher 3 When it is again considered that chance to clear himself in case the geographical centre of Dur- anything wrong should «appear ham is supposed to .be Where! The funeral of «Dr. Thomas Kell . Hamilton Allen’s blacksmith shopi y now stands. the selection 'of the who died in Omaha, Nebraska, on Hunter property means that botililgiamh lithhmbfl‘eld from 13119 resi- the business, as Well as the real- ' ence 0 IS rother, MP- JOhn dential centre of the town would John Kelly, here, on Sumday, Dr. {Kelly was born here and a la be beter served by having the of-‘ ’ . PEG ’vfice erected on the Hunter prop-inumber 0‘ his boyhood friends paid erty. While this is farther from a last tribute at the house and The service Was icondu t d the doors of the upper toern people grave C e the site at the foot of the 11111 is by Rev W H Hartley. and inter- equally as far from the doors of ment was made in Trinity church Miss Dick takes pleasure in an- nouncing Tuesday and Wednesday March 26th and 27th, as the dates of her formal opening display, and first complete showing of the new styles for spring and summer, in millinery. She extends to you and the people in the lower end of the, cemetery. town. From an unselfish stand- -â€"-.-._..._ ‘point, the Hunter site seems to be the better one of the two, situ- BORN. . ated, as it is, nearer the centre of KNIGHT. 'â€"A.t Durham, on Friday business and population that the. March 15th, to Mr. and Mrs $roperty at the foot of the hill. ‘ Edward L. Knight, a son. ‘ We regret to hear that Mr. E. A. Rowe, baker, has been laid up for the past couple of Weeks with eye trouble. Mr. Rowe is confined to his bed, and is forced to keep his eyes bandaged continually. Mr. Thos. E. Hutton had asuc- cessful sale of this stock and imple- ments on Saturday llast, and, with Mrs. Hutton, and daughter, Miss Hutton, left Tuesday for Saskat- chewan. On their way they intend to visit their son, .Dr. Thos. Hutton in Michigan, and Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Hutton’s sister, in Winnipeg. On Wednesday, M'r. Lytle Hutton; who spent the :past five" or six years in the (west. followed with a car load of settlers’ effects. The neighborhood of Hutton Hill loses an estimable family, :and not only in their own locality, but in Dur- ham, they Will be very much missed. Mrs. Hutton was an «en- thusiastic church Worker, and the ladies of the Methodist church will miss her services. We wish them all many years of happiness and' prosperity after re-uniting with! nearly all the members of their1 family. ‘ Mr. Ed. Hildlebrandt is enjoying his trip to Vancouver. He has been gone over .a month, and will be home in the course of a week or so. The Editor of this paper went to Thornbury via Toronto, this Wednesday morning, in response to a telegram announcing asister to be seriously ill, and not likely to recover. ' The ice on the Grand River is two feet thick at Ridgetown, and farther down, where the river is shallower, the ice extends to the bottom. Old settlers say they never saw such like conditions be- fore in March. Rexall Kidney Pills are fully guaranteed Macfarlane’s Drug Store For spring eave-troughi-ng, cal] and get quotations from N. H. SteI-nall. All kinds of clover and timothy seed. at the :Central Drug: Store. ’TI’Y Rexall Cough Syrup for colds At Macfarlane’s. For hand-made sap buckets call on iN. H. Sternall. ‘ VOL. 44â€"940. 2342. ‘ On Monday last, an :eimfiloyee of gthe furniture factory, name-d Mont- gomery, living in Chris. Scheue-r- mann house on 'Garafraxa street, had the misfortune to [have his thumb lacerated with a saw, which will lay ‘him up for a Week or two. The marriage of a young lady in Egr-emont is announced through an unsigned communication, but gto save possible trouble, We .hold fit over for another Week. The i'writer’s name should accompany :ev ery communication, .not for pub- lication, but to give the publisher a chance to clear himself in case in anything wrong should «appear. â€"‘ ' ‘ u 'â€" ’â€" â€"â€" 'v' â€"‘ ‘l The funeral of Dr. Thomas Kell .: . . . lWho died in Omaha, Nebraska, 01‘ Mrs. J??? Colvfll-e 15 (m To- EM ar ch 11th, Was {held from the resi- ronto, VlSltmg her daughter, Mrs. idence of his brother, Mr. John Barker. . John Kelly, here, on Sunday. Dr,i Mr. Fred Kelly, 'of Toronto, vis-J :Kelly was born here, and a large ited his home here from Saturday gnumber of his boyhood friends paid till Wednesday, and attended the ’a last tribute at the house and funeral of his uncle, Dr. Thomas grave. The service was [conducted Kelly, on Sunday. by Rev. W. H. Hartley, and inter- Buy your garden, fieki and flower seeds at the Central Drug Store. Listow e1 ministers unanimouslv' passed a resolution against Sun- day funerals, at their last regular 1 1 monthly meeting. : You can say goodbye to consti- pation With a clear conscience if you use Chamberlain’s Tablets. Many have been permanently cured bv their use. For sale by all dealers. Messrs. Hugh and George Mc- Donald were called to Toronto on Monday last on account of the ser- ious illness of their sister, Mrs. James Tait, who on Saturday un- d-‘erwent an operation for append- icitis. ~ New silks just to hand. New dress goods to arrive this week. At Grant’s. . l For the past five Weeks, Mr. John McAuliffe has 'been confined to his bed with an attack of ery- sipe-las, but is now able; to be up and around the house. We are pleased to report the condition of Mrs. James Morris. who last week underwent 'a ser- ious operation, as being all that could be expected. Last reports say she is recovering nricely. Hurry up and get your hair cut before the first of April, {Prices 9:0 up after that date. Two Weeks ago we reported Mr. Sam. W'right, of Chesley, as being seriously ill in Toronto. Last VVedâ€" nesday, he was operated on for stomach trouble, and since then has been improving rapidly. The Presbyterian Guild are giv- ing an Irish social in the church basement on Friday evening, the 22nd of March, when a pleasant evening is assured. ~[Keep the date free to attend. Admission 15c. Wanted.â€"Housekeeper, as soon as possible. Apply to George Yiirs- Durham. Lostâ€"A ladies’ gold ’watch, en- closed cas-e. No. 239654. Finder will be suitably rewarded by re- turning to Macf‘arlanle’s Drug Store. Farm to rent on shares.â€"Ln Sas- katchewan. 150 acres ready ,for crop. Homestead can be got with- in three miles of townrsite if acted on quickly. For particulars apply at this office. Rexall Hypophosphites will build you up Try it At "Mmcfarlanes Easter cards, booklets and nox- elties, at the |Central Drug Store. i Associate G.M, â€"H, lC.‘ Hocken PToronto. a Grand Chaplai Rev. J. Coburn i Toronto. No man gets rich whose pocket gis a flag-station, instead of a tterminal. Mr. and Mrs. 1Ed'Ward.Kress and family attended the funeral Mon- day, of Mrs. Hughes, Widow of the late John Hughes, Hanover. The clown may be amusing, but he is seldom the manager _of the circus. M'r. S. Wright, in town to-day, gave us a call. Miss “Dot.” Brigham, of Allan Park, is visiting friends in town. .M'r. Wm. Anderson, of Stratford, is here in response to a sudden call to see this mother,.W1ho is ser- iously in, and not expected to Survive many days. k To will is to do. To wish is to Willâ€"With the back-bone left out. If you are prompt in keeping appointments, you get a chance to rest While you wait for the other fellow. \ The advice gratuitously given is not usually read by the one who needs it most. Mr and .Mrs. John Lavellve, of To- ronto spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lavelle. Mr Ed. Allan, of Toronto, Was in town for a few hours Saturday, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos Allan.‘ Grand Treasurerâ€"J. F. Harpe,r Hamilton. Grand Secretary-TWm. Fitzgerald Toronto. Taking it easy is often- the cause of getting it hard. D.G.M.â€"Dr. J.J. Williams, VVood- stock. . Grand Lecturerâ€"Geo. E. Hunt, Grand Valley. Grand D. or C.â€"C.A.B. Jemnings, Toronto. Grand Auditorsâ€"A. “1'. Wright, Toronto: W.H. Taylor, Aurora. Delegates to Triennial Councilâ€" H. Lovelock and Fred .Dane. Grand Masterâ€"Fred Dane, T0- ronto. The wages of sin is always paid If there is any delay in settlement compound interest is added. The man who finds his work uon- interesting is the man Who finds it hard. < . No case of lock-jaw has ever been traced to a blister caused by a snow shovel. Those who feel secure in their virtues, should remember that “fire-proof” buildings sometimes burn. Messrs. Wm. Ritchie, County Master, and G-eo. Aljoe, District Master, were delegates last week to London to attend the Provincial Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West. About six hundred dele- gates were in attendance, and the meetings were full of interest and enthusiasm. The anmual report shows an increase in membership of more than four thousand for the past year. The following Pro- vincial Grand Lodge 0 ' ers were elected as follows; K Deputy Grand Secretaryâ€"Wm. Cook, Meaford. (Original and Selected.) “Wild Oats” take something out of the soil of {man’s life that no system of crop rotation can res- tore. You cannot make a bad boy better ‘by telling him all the time how bad he is. ONTARIO GRAND LODGE ELECTS OFFICERS Next place of meetingâ€"Windsor; POINTED PARAGRAPHS DURHAM. out, THURSDAY, MARCH 21,1912. need the Money. Our Clubbing Rates the lowest I ’ So great is the skill of these na- tive dentists that many of them are able to remove six or seven teeth :a minute. However, their skill is 'hardly to be wondered at when the course of preparatory training that =they are obliged to undergo is con- ! sidered. i A number of holes are bored in a lstout plank which is firmly fixed to the ground, and in the holes are 'driven wooden pegs. These pegs the would-be dentist has to extract - with his fingers without dislodging «the board. The process is repeated with pegs in apine board. and then with pegs in one of oak, and it is only when the candidate [has suc- ceeded in extracting the pegs from ‘ the oak plank that he may consider himself qualified to practise on his fellow men. . , RIVERDALE. Friday’s storm was :one of the worst of the season. Miss iM'aggie McGirr returned home on Thursday, after spending the past three Weeks with friends at Erin and Shelbunne. . Mr. Geo. 'Aljoe attended the Provincial Grand Orange Lodge meeting, held in *London, on Wed- nesday and Thursday of last Week. .Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MacKay, of Stratton, Ont, Wisited With her aunt, Mrs. Thos. .McGirr, and other relatives, the latter part of last week‘ and the first of; this Week. Mrs. John McGirr has been laid up with la grippe for the past week. ' ‘ Mr. and Mrs. David Donmelly, of Hutton Hill, visited With the lat- ter’s sister, Mrs. Robt. Bell, on Thursday of last Week. The Literary meeting in the school on Friday night, Was post- poned to Wednesday might of this week, March 20th. The adult Bible class meeting was held at Mr. Wm. .Jaques’ last Thursday night, When "a goodly number were present. Besides her sorrowing parents four sisters, Mrs. Thos. Cowan, Durham, lMrs. D. H. Cooper, Tees- water, and Misses Eva and Frankie, at home, are left to mourn her loss. ‘- Interment takes place toâ€"morrow, Thursday afternoon‘ at two o’clock, to Durham cemetery. Miss Burn-ett'was an exceedingly bright and clever girl, was full of life, and a great favorite with the young people of her acquaint- ance. She was a member of the Baptist choir, and of the Young People‘s Union, Where her services will be much missed. We sympathize With Mr. and Mrs. Burnett and family, who feel their loss very deeply. Japanese native dentistryâ€"which i3 the science of extraction only-â€" may not be inaptly termed ahand- craft rather than a profession. .A writer says that the dental chair is unknown. The patient is seated on the ground, the dentist bends over him. and forces his left hand be- tween the patient’s jaws in such a wav that the mouth cannot possibly be closed. Then he grasps the doomed tooth between the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, and with one deft wrench removes it. Iv _. For some time, the doctors couldi‘ hold out very little hope, though the fond parents, Mr. and Mrs“! Henry Burnett, always lived in? anxious expectation of a change for the better. Up to the very: last, the sufferer retained her con-2 sciousness, and bore her affliction; with the greatest of patience. She. felt truly grateful to the many: kind friends, who ministered to her wants during her illness, and‘ often expressed a desire that she; would some day rise from her bed:i of affliction, and thank them all? for the kindness she appreciated? so fully. OBITUARY. MISS {M'AUD «BURNETT. After an illness of inearly six months, Miss Maud Burnett passed away peacefully on Tuesday ,last, about eleven o’clock in the fore- noon. The young girl, eighteen years of age, :was a great suf- ferer for some time from inflam- matory rheumatism, which affected hex heart. \ L THE JAPANESE DENTIST. 02:99::000900694 #0 OOOzOOzOQOQOOOOOzzQO Q. S. F. MORLOCK We beg to announce our First Display of New York and Paris Models, will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday March 26th and 27th, 1912. You are cordially invited. $1.00 PER YEAR

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