West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Mar 1912, p. 2

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SEVERAL HOUSES IN DURHAM. One nice cottage in Lower Town. -â€"-A. H. ackson, Durham. BRICK COTTAGE, AND NICE Lot A bargain for immediate buyer.â€"Arthur E. Jackson. 181;! For Sale THRIVING BAKERY BUSINESS in the Town of Durham.â€"App1y to H. Burnett. 125tf A. 3-YEARâ€"OLD GENERAL PUR- pose horse. Apply to Samuel Ritchie, Durham. 11 ‘23 tf FOR SALE OR RENT FORTY-TWO AND ONE-HALF acres of land, a good house, barn and stable, hard water at house door. Some fruit trees. Close by the town of Durham. Apply to Wm. Wall, Durham. 3 21 LOT 21, CON. 2. TOWNSHIP OF Egremont, containing 100 acres, about 10 acres hardwood bush. 5 acres swamp timbered, the rest clear; barn 30x50, stable 30x40. Orchard 1 acre, watered by 2 wells and spring. Part of purchase money can remain on mortgage. For particulars apply to William‘ Bradley, Orchard, Ont. I For Rent THE ROCKY SAUGEEN HOTEL LOT 33Y CON. 9, GLENELG, CON- taining 100 acres of first-class land in good condition. Reason- able terms. Apply to J.A. Rus- sell, Box 39, Sedgewick, Alberta. MarJ-itf 15 EWES BRED TO LAMB AFTER April 15th. In good shape. Time if required.â€"W.E. McAlister. LOST A POCKET BOOK CON- taining 21 good sum of money either around John McGowan’s mill, or in the shed at the Hahn House. Finder will be liberally rewarded on leaving the same at the Chronicle office. Mar. 14tf small orchards, variety 01 Other i The fact is that Weâ€"“are‘n ‘ o . - ‘ 0 small fruits: watered by 8581.131? ; sufficiently satisfied with £225in and well. Frame house X ‘»to think a woman has justified frame barn, 50X363 stone base-{he} self by bein _- , g good to look at ment underneath, and other out [Thirty or forty years ago, people buildings. Also lots 2 and 301.came from all . , - parts of the W (1* acres: 30 acres under cultivation. Langtr . __ y, and Mrs Cornwal -W 30 acres asture, 35 ,acres hard Walk in the park At anhsearlggfi W°°d bu" ’ 5 acres swam“ "4 date the beautiful G - - . ' , unn - acre orchard. Small frame house: ed riots, so great Was tfiggsniaieltsy - y . a un-i ~ . 32:13:21.3?“ 2191);? hboitgbtlrlrlocimrty 3 to see them Anne 01 Austria drew will be sold cheap as the ownerip‘eOple fromvthe mOSt Inaccessible intends going to ’Alberta For;corners ~0f “1.1m: Was then a very further particulars apply on i Elficgfiilble “ orlcll, Who made their ’ ' ! '3 1 year- ong iourn'e s to farm, or to Wm. LeggetteuPafis. caught a glimpse ofy her Rocky Saugeen, Ont. 125 H :‘entering her carriage and went __ - {home again saying that they had ATTENTION Iseen lovhness itself To-day, We ’would not cross the road to see Parties who have sent to, or a pretty woman, possibly because left specimens of birds or animals there are so many of them Indeed, with me to stuff and mount, will beautiful women of to-day .are greatly oblige by calling for more admired by Women than by same, paying the. fee, and taking men But in any case, beauty as them away. a profession, is dead â€"London CHRIS. FIRTH. Durham. Truth. 10 acres new land, 20 acres naru- wood bush. Two good wells on premises. Good concrete house. frame barn. driving shed, y-acre orchard. Well fenced. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. For fur- ther particular! apply to David McAuliffe, Upper T0321 Durham: 2.4.}. OT 56, 2nd CONCESSION, BENT- inch; loim corporation, West of Durham, on Durham Road, on north side. Well watered, good bank barn, comfortable frame and log house. Will sell crop, stock and implements with farm. For further information, apply to Thou. E. Hutton, Hutton Him. 100 acres : [X-ROOMED HOUSE AN D TEN acres of land in the town of Durham. 'On premises are 399?} u “L JA“..--. ‘7 1-- : â€" v~_â€"Vi , pig pen, hen house and sfable. Will rent house Without land, if PAIR OF ONE-HORSE BOB- sleéghs. and a cutter. Apply to D. MacKenzie. Upper Town, Dur- ‘Mm 5 12 lltf property.-App1y to J. A. Brown, Durham. 7 12 7tf 0T 1 OF 17, CON. 1, E. G. R., Glenelg, 50 acre-8; .forty ,acres under cultivation, 7 acres hard- wood bush, 3 acres swamp. 2 small orchards, variety of other small fruits: watered by spring and well. Frame house 28x24, frame barn, 50x36; atone base- ment underneath, and other out- buildings. Also lots 2 and 301 15. C011. 1, W.G.R., Benltiqrck. 100 c L. acres: 30 acres under cultivation. 30 acres asture, 35 ,acres hard- wood bu , 5 acres swamp, % acre orchard. Small frame house frame barn 50x36, stabling un- derneath. The above property will be sold cheap, as the owner intends going to Alberta. For further particulars, apply on For Sale or Rent. TWO Advertisements of one inch, or less, 25 cents Inbooquent insertion. Over one inch and REGIS Farms for Sale. For Sate or Rent GISTERED SHORTHORN 0 mon-t'hs’ old.â€"App1y to Wilkinson. Varney. 2 ltf Sheep for Sale For Sale. Money Lost 1“. ‘2’ u.u.1|m’ uuuo'aâ€"râ€" : 70 acres working lama; new land, 20 agres _1_1ard- 4, E.G.R., GLENELQ. SMALL AD5. Octf 5th, tf. inch or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 10 cent: for each Over one inch and under two inches, double the above amount. Yearly rates on applicatton. i L. Br. C. P., LONDON. ENG ioaAwLATE of London. I x I York .md Chicago. SPECIALIST : EYE, EAR, THROAT Gr. NOSE Oflioe; 13, Frost St», 04m"! Squad. . stairs. Lambton S‘t‘reet. Residence Corn-er Queen a'u‘d George Streetsâ€"North of Methodist Church. Utfice hours 9-11 an. 2-4 .).m.. 744 pm. Telephone No. 39 nte Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic Eon. $33.. and to Golden Sq. Thmt 3nd Nose Hon. RAWLATE of London. New I York and Chicago. mime. ot Eye. Ear Nose and That. Will be at. the Hahn House, Jan. 20 Feb. 17, March 16. April 20, and May 18. Hours, 1 to 6 p.m. ' HYSICLAN AND SURGEON, OF- fice in the New Hunter Block. 0509 wars, 8 to 10 a. m.. to 4 p. m. and 7 m9 _). In. Special attention giv a to digaaé‘os )f women and children. ‘ésidenco op- )osite Presbvterian Church. SIX-ROOMED HOUSE, CORNER of Elgin and South streets. Will sell cheap to _quic1_{ purchaser: Dr. D. S.Craig, D.V.S..V.S.V. D. ISEASES OF DOMESTIOATED animals treated on most scientif- ic principles. All calls promptly attended Lo. Office and residence. Garafraxa Str.eec Durham. nearly op- posite the Chronicle Office. 623 1 A GOOD ROUGH-CAST HOUSE~ centrally located Apply to A. S Hunter Son. 2291;! GOOD COMFORTABLE FRAME house on College street; six rooms, two storeys, hard and soft water. good half acre of land. A bargain to quick pur- chaser. For particulars, apply to Ed. Langdon, Durham, or John M. Little, 205 Riopelle iSt.3 (inâ€"flog; De ‘ {Snin'ééoino offing-f 75b. _--, â€" Den-gnaw in all-“ta Branches. Officeâ€"Over Douglas’ Jewellery Store. J. P. Tavlford. ' ARRISTEL , SOLICITOR. ETC ‘ ()fice. nearly ' penile the Rgfiififits office, Lambtop s ., ‘rhgn. Anyfimgmfl ‘ er Conveyanoer 83c. Insurance gzent. Mpngy to Loan. Issuer 0‘! War- riz'rze Lic'ensm A general finamial busi- ness transacted ,. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A i ) short distance east of Knapp’s HoteL numb ton Street. Lower Town. DTlr-hwm ')t'fica hours from 12 to '2 o’clock A. COMFORTABLE BRICK DWEL- if mfibnev to loan it 5 36} cent )ropertv. 6-ROOMED DWELLING ON GOOD lot with stable.,â€"F. W, Kelsey. 92-1. Dr. W13. Pickering Dentist. )FFICE: Ova: J J. Hunter’s W'ithin the last week, two well- known beautiful, rich society‘g'irls bath young. both popular, with all doors to which society has the key flung open before them, have e1- ected to go into an East End Hos- pital and scrub floors for pauper invalids Perhaps they will not stick to it: the important thing is that the)" want to try it A. H. Jackson. - OTARY PUBLIC, coca mssxox. er. Conveyanoer. 8w. Insgmme A. GOOD COMFORTA BLI Ors. lamieson 8:. Jamieson. A; {good lot and harden on prem- ises.-â€"App1y to Mrs. ‘\ Thomas Saunders. 2 22 tf l. G. Hutton, M. D., C. M. Vv” vv--â€"â€" cast house, 1/.1 acre of land, good barn, hard and soft water. Will sell right to quick purchaser. Apply to Fred Sproat, Durham. Mar. 19tf Detroit, Mich. ling om Countess street, 2 storeys, on %-acre lot, With good stable. Apply to Mrs. P. Caton. 37tf FFICE. TELFORD’S BLOCK UP J F GRANT1 D. D. 8 .LD 8 TONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town.) ty of Toronto. ?Mu§.to Rays 56 Dew! Surgeoaao 0121mm. BEAUTY NOT ENOUG Arthur Gun. M. D. Medical Dz'rectorv . Denial Director» Lem] ‘Da’rectorv DH. BURT. FOR SALE ROUGH- 2 221:! I will answer just to Please my loving daughter, Agnes..â€" Just kiss your loving mother Through the telephone. â€"From a loving Mother. I The aboveâ€"we don’t know what to call itâ€"is (clipped from; one of our exchanges, and is a fair sam- ple of what some people call obit- uary poetry. It has no reference to anyone in this locality.‘ and it isn’t likely the “loving mother” will ever know that we made use of it for demonstration purposes. a line. No doubt the distressed mother Who sent this in: for publi- cation had a sore heart, and all the other troubles that mothers fe-ell under the bereavement caused by death, but to publish one’s feel- ings of sorrow, is not a sure way of enlisting sympathy from the ordinary reader. We have said naughty things on heading such stuff, and on many occasions We have heard some very uncharitable comments on What Was published for obituary poetry. This is the kind of stuff We do not publish at less than ten cents A verse or two for a loving daughter. Who has passed away to Heaven. If you please, sir, give me Heaven, For my loving daughter is there. You will find her with the angels On the golden :stair. She’ll be glad it’s 'Wel who’s calling her, Won’t you please give me Heaven, I Want to so surely! tell her We’re so lonely Without her. If you please, sir, give me Heaven, When my girl receives the mes- sage Coming over the telephone, How her heart will thrill within her. ‘ We believe there are very few sound-minded people who will blame us for consign-mg to the waste basket such effusions as we have quoted above. We have re- ceived some creditable productions but only in .a few cases. To pub- lish some, and leave others out, would be making a distinction, and cause a wound, perhaps, that would take a long time to heal. By treating all alike, and charging for such services when rendered in this connection, is the safest way to get over the diffi- culty, and for some years past we haVe had very little trouble along this line - Sometimes very amusing epi- taphs fin-d their Way to the ceme- tery. Here’s an example; We buried Bartholeme‘w down in the woods, ( In a beautiful hole in the ground‘ ‘ Where the bumble-bees buzz and the woodpeckers sing, And the straddlebugs tumble around. THE INFANT DICKENS. 5 A hundred years ago the kid wasi kicking up much fuss and bother,- and everything the infant did seemed cute as thunder to his fa- ther. The old man rocked him when he screamed, and jollied him when cross and snarly; and as he rocked he doubtless dreamed of triumphs that might come to Char- lie. “This son of mine,” the old man thought, and drew the cradle close and closer, “may some day own a house and lot, or be the leading corner grocer. He may a- rise through stress and storm, and and be a credit to his popper; perhaps he’ll Wear 'a uniform and! have a billet as a copper. I do not dare to soar too high Whenl dreaming of this latest comer, yet it may be, :before I die, I’ll see him busy as a plumber.” Thus pa-l rents dream and scheme and plan a‘. life for baby that’s a wonder: and! when the kid becomes a man, he‘ knocks the blue prints all to thun- der. Had Dickens lived 'to see the lad Win world-Wide glory as a Writer, he might have sighed: “This is too bad! I thought he’d be a first-class fighter.”--Walti Mason. l i l l through to Edmonton Vin Saskatoon. alro to Winnipeg and Calgary vra Mam Llne on all excumom. Com- fortable berths. fully equipped with beddin2.can be secured at moderate rates through local agent. Early application must be made. ASK FOR .HOMESEEKEBS' PQMPHLET contuning rates and full tnformatxon. Apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent or M. G. MURPHY . Dist. Pun. Ash. Toronto. ONLY DIRECT LINE N0 CHANGE OF CARS APRIL 2,16, 30 UAV 14, 28 JUNE 11, 25 JULY 9, 23 AUG. 6. 20 SEPT. 3, 17 Second clan dckcu from Ontayio station: to principal Northwut pomu at Winnipeg nnd return $34.00; Edmonton and return $42.00. and to other points in proportion. Ticket: good to return within 60 days from 20m: date. TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Trains leave Toronto 2.00 pm. on TOURIST SLEEPING CARS HOMESEEKERS’ LOW ROU N D-TRI P RATES IN LOVING MEMORY EXCURSIONS THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. feel-l Choir leader Wm. Ramage, and w-ayiMrs. Thos. Acheson, of Dromore, the rendered two beautiful solos at 'd the hall service on Sunday evening. . hi Although a little out of our suc- ‘locality, we make mention of the We fact that Mr. Chas. [McKenzie, sr., tabletof Dromore, is in .a very poor shedi state of health at present, and is {not expected to recover. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Ca- tarrh Cure. F.J. CHENEY 8: 00., Toledo, 0. We the undersigned have known F.J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honor- able in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall’s zCatarrh Cure is taken in- ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 780. 'per bottle. Sold by all Druggixsts.‘ Take Hall’s Family Pills for sti-patioxn. McWILLIAMSVILLE. Beautiful weather at present, with the appearance of spring ap- proaching. . ' Mr. Will Zufeldt is visiting in the neighborhood at present. Mr. A. Sproat, of Ceylon, visited the Brown family recently. Mr. W.J. McFadden’s sale on Friday last was a good success, under the auctioneering of Robert Brigham, cows going :as high as $57 Mr. and .Mrs. J. Eccles, of Dro- more, visited our cabin on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wallace, of Wal- kerton, visited their cousins, the Watsons, in this (neighborhood, for a couple of days recently. Mr. Wm. Moore recently took a tree out of (his bush which brought him the sum of fifty dollars, which, we think, is a record in bush- Whacking. Mr. John McKenzie returned home on Wednesday, after spend- ing a couple of weeks in the city. We call the attention of all n..e‘.'-.'spa.per readers in this town and CIStl‘iCt to the fact that we have made special arrangements with. The W'eekly Mail and Empire. 'i't-z-enlo. to combine with our pa~ par at a popular bargain price. We here offer The Weekly Mail and Empire, and The Durham Chronicle the two together, for one year. at the nominal rate of $1.55 to include FREE a large portrait of the Right Hon. R. L. Borden, 18x24 inches, which will be sent postpaid to every subscriber who takes advantage of the propo- sition. Now here is a chance to obtain the tWO most useful papers to readers in our community and we state this advisedly, for the Weekly Mail and Empire is con- ceded to be the greatest home and fireside paper published in the Dominion, While The Chronicle. covering as it does, all the local news, amd advocating the best inâ€" terests of this important district, will best serve all residents Within the horizon of our circulation. Send all ( this paper. LATEST REGULATIONS REGARDING QUARANTINE. According to the latest regula- tion of the Provincial Board of Health, in case of quarantine for contagious disease, the Medical Health Officer is empowered to permit the wage-earner to remain in the house and go to and from his work provided he is no". in im- mediate contact with the patient and providing his occupation does not necessitate his mingling with children or handling food stuffs. The reason given is that contagion is not readily carried by third par- ties. Quarantine will not now be the great expense it has been in the past, and parents noticing any symptoms pointing to contagious disease, should immediately .get medical attendance, so that epi- demics may be speedily . checked instead of becoming widespread throughout the community. Wme Black, Durham. Sovereign i Sheathing Felt THE STANDARD PAINT C0. contains no oil or tar. ls clean, odorless, waterproof, germ and vermin proof and practically indestructible. Makes houses draftâ€"proof, easy to heat, and comfortable in any weather. Come in and see it. 76 A STRONG PAIR 0 call the attention of Canada, Limited, Montreal. Sole Canadian Manufacturerl‘ TRADE MARK REG. HOW’S THIS ? SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS ANY PERSON who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 year; old,_may_ homestead a quartersection of available Dom- ini-on land in Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan or Alberta. The applicant muat appear in person at the Don- inion Lam-d8 Agency, or Sub-agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, OLD certain conditions by fat-her, moth- er. son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. An account for two or more persons A joint account may be opened by two or more persons, and it may be agreed that any one of the depositors may draw on the account. This privilege is a boon to travellers or pe0ple away from home frequently. Should any one of the parties to the agreement die, the survivor may obtain all monies in the account on their own cheques without any expense or delay. 61'.’ Duties.-â€"Six monthS’ reSidence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A. home- s'teader may live within nine miles of his home-stead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and oc- cupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homestead- er in :good standing may p-re-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Dutiesâ€"Must reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry Linclud- inp: the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhaust- ed fhis homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead in certain districts. lPrice $3.00 per acre. dDuties,â€"Must reside six months in each of three years, cul- tivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.00. Deputy of the Minister of the Interiocr. N.B.â€"Unauth»ovrized publication of this advertisement Will not be paid for. LIBRARY WORKERS Hanover. March 13.-â€"The splendid new Carnegie public library, just erected here at a cost of $10 000, was given a good send-off byI the meeting of the Orangexille dis-: trict Library Institute, held here on Tuesday. There was a good attendance from the counties of. Peel, Dufferin and Grey. ' The new library building is a splendidly planmed structure. In the basement there is a spacious lecture hall. 0:) the main floor there are good-sized stock rooms and three separate reading rooms for men, Women and children. The visitors to the library institute ex- pressed themselves as particularly pleased with the layout of the building as Well adapted to the re- quirements of the town. public librarian of London. gave a talk on reference work in libraries and on ('o-operation and organisi- tion in library work. In the evening, there was a pub- liggeeting, which taxed the capa- city of the lecture hall. Mr. H. H. Burgess, B.A., of Owen Sound, was chairman, and addresses and pap- ers were given by Inspector Nur- sey, by Rev. er. (Marschener, of Hanover, on “The Value of a Good Book,” and by Librarian Carson, of London, on “Self-Culture.” It was the first paper that Rev. Mr. Marschlener had ever given in (Eng- lish. ~ . \\ THE TRADERS BANK s. HUGHES, Manager, and due by other Banks - 2,470,791.48 Dominion Govt. and other first-class Bonds - 2,862,194.88 Loans on Call, on Govt., Municipal and other Bonds and Stocks - - 1,906,845.00 Government Depmit to secure Note Circulation 100,000.00 Bills Discounted and Cash on Hand - Notes and Cheques 9f Current Advance. Bank Premises Other Assets ‘ Capital and Surplus $6,800,000 )on cussions. us in the ave morning session‘s progr made up of short papers z ey gave an address on : in the Orange‘ville distr Fix th 1d dress Record of Business as at the 3151: of January, 1912 W. W. CORY, 3.1"}j MEET AT HANOVER. am Of Standard Bank of Canada Assns {I‘M as given by ML? v , 1e Orangeville lib-' 1 HO" Mr. W. O. Carson, March is $7,311,317.78 3,397,668. 68 897,842.18 5‘ ":2530 47 $3,618,722.14 and Funeral Director A. BELL UN DERTAKER Future memg on shades: notice. SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next, to Swalluw Barber: ShOp. RESIDENCEâ€"Next dog; Soufh of \V. J. Lawrence”: bidksmith shop. All advertisements. to a sum 1: aux-rent week. ohnnld be bron t in m MONDAY at 6 p. m. The Job. De art gm Tjgtgy stock I) ment a tie: fo'r Tturmglfiuzg C tract mm for year-4' ve 'ufého on wpucation to the ogoe The Grand :Trunk Pacific fRailway, shortest line, fastest time. :finest ser- vice between \Vinntpeg, lSaskatoon and Edmonton. ' ' For mam: eater-menu“ l Advertmg acute pet line tar the In} inur- Rates - 601:; scenic pertine Olen unbec- qnent insertion minim measure. meeuion eerde. not exceeding one inch $4.00 mutant... Advertisements without specific «mm 82 published till fdflfid and chi-led uoo . Tnneiefit notneeeâ€""L'C at." ‘:?ouid." "For etaâ€"50 cents for first insertion. 3 eente in em enbeeq uent insertion. San Franciso. Cal. Los Angeles, Cal. San Diego, Cal. Mexico City, Mex. All advertisemsgp ordered by “anger- nut be Daid for in adunee. 18 PUBLISBID EVERY THURSDAY MRNING At the Chronicle Printing House, Bum/ma. Street. vuma 5:!ku “Dy ‘ddfla‘, Eu 0? " ’ "'51:: Ram . - :1 00w; you. In; p o- â€"-.[1.50 guy be 05111081 xf not no . 0 t6 ihich ever) u satiation is m y thb nnmh‘er or the addi‘ou 131331. no man. continued to all “gun are paid. oxnoptflfln opnor of the props-£66m. Proportionat-e rates fromIother points in Ontario. M DURHAM EHHUNICU» VilUCOlAVBI'. H Victoria. 13. (‘ Portland. Ore Nelson, BC. Lumu‘nns Notes in Circulation - 31391353.“) Deposits - - 30,116,369.88 Dividends - - 65,459.“) Due to other Banks - 403,608.87 Capital - $2, 000,000.00 Reserve Fund 2,600,0w.00 Reb ateof Interest Subscription Tn: Cancun; Wm he lug: to any uddnu, tee of p ht: ' ‘ - '7.“ 009.923“! W‘Wmu on Discounts - 71,643.45 Balance of Profit and Loss Acct. 61,383.58 4,733,027.03 Spokane,i Seattle. \V Low Rates THE ATTRACTIVE ROUTE TOI Full line of Catholic Robes, and black and white Caps for aged people. GEO; P. SCH OLFIELD, Western Canada DURHAM. ORV?u Embalming a Specialty Full particulars fifrom J. R. GUN, Town Agent. J. TOWN ER, Depot Agent SDITOR .n'r) PROPRIETOF IS VIA CHICAGO W. IRWIN gfig‘o; Jere]: atoc w! I PF. nthua . work h Total Assets $52,000,000 '8161 “4511'. IPJBK Pacific Coast General Manager. DURHAM, Ont. $43.60 $37,311,317. flu-

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