West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Mar 1912, p. 2

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LOT 2, CON. 4, E.G.R., GLENELU.{ 100 acres: 70 acres working land. 10 acres new land, ‘20 acres hard-) wood bush. Two good wells on] premises. Good concrete house. frame barn. driving shed, 1)4-acrel orchard. Well fenced. Will sell? cheap to quick buyer. For fur-! ther particulars apply to David; McAuliffe, Upper Town. Durham 3 Oct. 5th, tf, LOT 21, CON. ‘2. TOWNSHIP OF Egremont, containing 100 acres, about 10 acres hardwo_od_ bush‘. HOUSE .4551 Street. Ap] FORTY-TWO acres of Ian: barn and stak houge door. SIX-ROOME-D HOUSE AND TEN acres of land in the town of Durham. 0n premises “are good pig pen, hen house and stable. Will rent house Without land, if desired. Apply to John .Moffatt. Durham. 3 17tf A COMFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE i»... Durham. 2 aforeys high, hard and soft water inside, good cem- ent stat)» frame barn on too, quarter acre of Land. Price aWay down to quick purchaser. Apply 15 EWES BRED T0 LAMB AFTER April 15th. In good shape. Time if required.â€"W.E. McAlister. LOST Money Lost a POCKET BOOK CON- - LOT 33, CON. 9, GLENELG, CON- tain'mg 100 acres of first-class land im good condition. Reason- able terms. Apply to J.A. Rus- sell, Box 39, Sedgeu'ick, Alberta. Mar.14tf I‘H RI and“ log house. Will sell crop, atock and implements with farm. For further information, apply to Thos. E. Hutton, Hutton Hill. "vâ€"v _' 5 acres swamp timbered, the rest clear; barn 30x50, stable 30x40. Orchard 1 acre, watered by 2 Wells and spring. Part of purchase money can remain on mortgage. For particulars apply to William Bradley, Orchard, Ont. OT 58, 2nd CONCESSION, BENT- inck; ioins corporation, West of Durham, on Durham Road, on north side. Wen watered, good bank barn, comforteble“ frame A-A“ Lot A bargain buy errâ€"Arthur Al ' VLUVA-a a... sleiOPhs and a cutter. Apply a D. Iackenzie. Upper Town, D o‘n. 81112111 11‘ULLU. WGLCLCu VJ vr-wr; and well. Frame house 28x24, Th fact is that we are no longer frame barn, 50x36; stone base-.suxf,clertlv satisfied with beauty menit underneath, and other out-”10 think a .Woman has justified buildings. Also lots 2 and 30f 1191,59” by being good to look at 15. Con. 1, W.G.R., Ben'tinick, 1003Tb’rty 01' forty years ago, people acres: 30 acres under cultivation. i came fromOall parts of the Worldt to 30 acres pasture, 35 acres .hs.rd--;‘5€‘e Georgina Lady Dudley. Mrs wood bush, 5 acres swamp, %,LangtÂ¥y, and Mrs Cornwallis-West acre orchard. Small frame house 3 walk 1D the park At an earlier frame barn 50x35, stabling un-;date, the beautiful Gunnings cans- dernea-th The above property}?d “Of-5’ 50 great was the anxiety will be sold cheap, as the owner to see them Anne of Austria drew intends going to Alberta. For people from the most inaccessible further particulars, apply 0-9901‘1191'5 ,Of What Was then a Very farm; or to Wm. Leggette,:1nacceSSIble world, Who made their Rocky Saugeen, Ont. , 125 tf iway. with year-long journeys to {Paris- caught a glimpse of her W: entering her carriage and Went home again saying that they had ATTENTION fiseen lovliness itself To-day, we ‘ would not cross the road to see Parties who have sent to, or a pretty woman, possibly because 13ft specimens of birds or animals there are so many of them Indeed, with me to stuff and mount, will beautiful women of to-day are greatly oblige by calling for more admired by women than by same, paying the fee, and taking men But .m any case, beauty as them away. _ a professmn, 18 dead â€"London â€".. m“ ‘ 1 _ ___ m, __L1- taining a good sum of money either around John MchoWan’s mill, or in the shed at the Rabin House. Finder will be liberally rewarded on leaving the same at the Chronicle office. Mar. 14tf 0T 1 OF 17, CON. 1, E. G. R., Glenelg, 50 acres; jorty .acres under cultivation 7 acres hard- wood bush, 3 acres swamp. 2 small orchards, variety of other small fruits: Watereq by spring AA A. and well. Frame house 28x24, frame barn, 50x36; atone base- ment underneath, and other out- buildings. Also lots 2 and 30! 15. Con. 1, W.G.R.,‘ Bentixycknloo 30 acres pasture, 35 acres hard- wood bush, 5 acres swamp, 1/. acre orchard. Small frame house frame barn 50x36, stabling un- derneath. The above property will be sold cheap, as the owner intends going to Alberta. For further particulars, apply on farm,J or to Wm. Leggette, Rocky Saugeen. Ont. - 125d TWO CK COTTAGE, DI For Sale or Rent. Advert‘nnementa of one incn, or less, 25 cents subsequent insertion. Over one inch and amount. Yearly rates WING BAKERY" BUSINESS the Town of Durham.â€"Apply Farms for Sale. H. Burnett y _- ‘_â€"vâ€" the Chronicle office. 7 7-27 tf EAR-OLD GENERAL~ FUR:- For Sale or Rent Farms for Sale t0 For Sale. CD LOT ON COUNTESE .pply to Mrs. John Har- rhnm 6303ptf 'é'HRIs. FIRTH. Durham. Truâ€"th land, a good house stable, hard water at )1‘. Some fruit trees the town of Durham Wm. Wall, Durham. 3 2:1 eep SAUGI 3.0.3.. GLENELQ AND NICE for immediate Jackson. 18tf SMALL ADS. ILL-1V l EN HOTEI ale A. Brown. 12 7tf '11â€", Durâ€" 5 12 lltf ik'tt"; A_ COMFORTABLE BRICK DWEL- 3 211: HONORf tyn of 1t 3’ stairs, Laughton Street. Residence sCorner Queen an'd George, Streetsâ€"Nor '01 Methoaist Church. Office hours 9-11 pun. 2-4 .-.m., 7-9 o.m. Telephone N“- .39 am- Asslsmnt Roy. London Ophthalmic Hos Eng" and co Goljen Sq. Throat and Nose Hos. SPECIALIST : EVE, FAR, THROAT NOSE Luulu. U“ EU tv "0 “lo, . W ..V. _â€".‘_.â€"‘: - v: v ). m. bpecm! attention ngen to dlsaasee zk women and children. Resxdence op- 3081t6 Presbvsenan Church. fiHYsIClAN ANDSURGEON OF 1. (ice in the New Hunter Block. Ufiice xours 8_ to 1_0»a. m. _to 4p. m. ‘an_d_7 t99 L R C P.. LONDON ENG {‘1 RADULATE of London. New \7 Yoxk and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. . §E‘P‘11;TE._TEI_JFOR_D’S BLQ‘CK; UP 1( D O S FFICE AND RESIDENCE A ‘ short distance east of Knapp ’6 Hotel Jamb ton Street Lower Town. Durban: )t’fice hours from 12 to- " o ’cloc'k Dr.D.S.Crai_a, D.V.S..V S V D. SIX-ROOMED HOUSE, CORNER ““C“ of Elgin and South streets. Will \01\E sell cheap to quick purchase1- I’l‘he A good lot and garden on p1em- $1.. gid fleaâ€"Apply to Mrs. Thomas Saunders. 2 22 tf iness. Offi A GOOD COMFORTABLI cast house, 3.4 :acre of 1 barn, hard and soft 'w l. P. Telfard. ARRISTEL, SULICI'I‘OR. ETC. _ Office. near!" opposite the Regictry office Lambton ~t. tHD'urham. Anyamâ€"ount 1f monm to loan at 5 per (But. on farm )ronertv. GOOD COMFORTABLE FRAME 3i :1 1' igent A GOOD ROUGH-CAST HOUS B-ROOMED DWELLING ON GOOD lot with stable,â€"F. W. Kelsey. 92-1. Within the last week, two well- known beautiful, rich society‘girls thh young. both popular, with all doors to which society has the key flung open before them, have e1- ected to go into an East End Hos- pital and scrub floors for pauper invalids Perhaps they Will not stick to it: the important thing is that they want to try it Jrs. lamieson Jamieson. l. G. Hutton, M. 0., C. centrally located S Hunter 8: Son. house on College street; six rooms, two storeys, hard and soft water. good half acre of land. A bargain to quick pur- chaser. For particulars, apply to Ed. Langdon, Durham, or John M. Little, 205 Riopelle St? A. H. Jackson. TOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION. Detroit, Mich. ling om Countess street‘ 2 storeys, on %-acre lot, With good stable. Apply to Mrs. P. Caton. 37tf sell right Apply to IE for first insr-nxon, and 10 cents for each under two inchea, double the above on ap phcataon. J F GRANT. D. D. S .LD S 'ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- 'Oafice .23, Fro-st $5-, Owen sound BEAUTY NOT ENOUGH of anonto. Graduajce Rays 3 Deutal Sqrgeoqs nfOntano. Dentzstry In all m: Branches. â€"0 \‘82’ Douglas’ Jewellery Store. Arthur Gun, M. D. Medical Dz'rectorv . ll" Lem! ‘Dz’rectorv {at the Hahn House. Jan. 7. Mal-(31116. April 20, and Hun 1's, 1 to 6 p.11]. 0 fed nveyam-er 82c. Insurance 1393’ to Loan. Issuer 0? Mar- =0~ A general financin i bmi- 5e, 34 :acre of land, good rd and soft water. Will .t to quick purchaser. 3 Fred Sprout, _Durham. .Al- M 0N1 DR. BURT. A) a! Dire 610W .0. Pickering Dentist. Over .1 J. Hunter’a- B. SALE Apply weer 'l‘owx Mar. 19t£ to X. 2 29ti 2 221;! n- “Ear-holes for wooden horses,’ came back the answer.â€"Philadel- phia Record. A FIREMAN’S PERIL 11; How Zam Buk Delivered Him 1- At 2.15 Fraser IA'v-ed Edmonton, Mil lives W.P. M'ahy, .a former mem- ber of the llocal fire brigade, who, A has wonderful cause to be thankful An. for the curative powers of Zam-l Buk. He says: “A serious skin! T disease broke out on my face, and? - spread until I was in a terrible' iTh state. The spots and little ulcers were frightfully irritating, and yet t,‘ (- wh-en scratched or rubbed thevi bled and smarted. Shaving caus- ‘ ed me agony, and sometimes I. I} would have to go two weeks with-i I out a shave. I tried home-made"T ' 1 remedies, herb salves, and various. other 1‘11'01‘1111‘ations, but the sores!-T ( got no better When Zara-Buk was 1F fnentioned I had little faith that l iit would be able to do me 11m ! )3 ggood. My case seemed such an M . . . ' c Eel stmate one. I gave 1t a law ‘ {ll-1'1}. however, and the first box ll” gmade such a wonderful change for; j] {the better that it gave me encour- 5 l ;agement to continue. I did so. and . lto cut a long story short. Zam- .x, A L l . . . 38111:. 111 the end, qu1te cured me; ,MV face is now clear iv! all traces {of the terrible disease, which trou- 81 Q I :bled me for so long.” “What «do they use ’6 asked the inquisitive one. THEY USED THE HOLES. l A breezy Western lumber sales-9 man. just returned from a trip; abroad, told this story to some; friends in the smoking room. “YesE boys,” he said, insisting that they; took Wine. “I can Well afford to; pay for the bubbles. Why, When I was in Europe, I pulled off a little deal that’ll net me more than a thousand trips over the pond. You- see, I trade principally in white woods, free from knots. Of course, pin-e knots are waste, onlv good for firewood. But 'I just mad-e a deal with a Swiss toy factory, and I’ll send them all the knots and knot-holes :Iâ€"” 1 Get a fifty cent bottle to-day‘ and become acquainted at once with the most deligihtful (hair dressing in the ’world. i “I gladly recommend it as the best hair dressing II have ever 'known. I find it the only hair gtonic that Will cure dandruff, gcleanse the scalp, and (make the hair grow long and beautiful." Miss Signa AM, 2 Farwell St., W., Worcester, .Mass. The smallest circular saw in p‘actical use is :1 tiny disk about the size of a shilling, which is used for cutting: the slits in gold Thousands of sufferers from ec- zema. blood poison, ulcers, chronic sores, cuts, burns, and skin injur- ies, have been relieved and cured, as was Mr. Mahy, by Zam-Buk, As a balm for all skin injuries and diseases. it is Without equal. All druggists and stores at 50c. box, or post-free from Zam-Buk Co.. Toronto, for price. Refuse harmful substitutes. It quickly kills the dandruff germs, that's Why dandruff van- es so promptly when PARISIAN SAGE is used. -\ Parisian Sage to eradicate dandruff, to stop fall- ing hair and itching scalp, or money back. SMALLEST CIRCULAR SAW The smallest circular saw EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Specinl Trains leave Toronto 2.00 13.11:. on APRIL 2,16, 30 MAY 14, 28 JUNE 11, 25 JULY 9, 23 MIG. 6, 20 SEPT. 3, 17 Second clan tickets from Onlag'io stations to principal Nortbwat pomu 1t Winnipeg and return $34.00: Edmonton and return $42.00. nut! to other points in proportion. Tickets good to return within 60 day: from going date. throuch to Edmontonvia Saskatoon. also to Winnipeg and Calgary_ via Main Luge on_ all egcurxipm. Corp- â€"â€"â€"v V' â€"- - Voâ€"‘vuv- '--â€" (omble berths.f1tlly~ equipped with beddmg .ean be teamed gt moderate rate: through local agent. Early application must be made. ASK FOR .Houaszaxsas- PAMPHLET oontumna rates and full tabulation. Apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent or M. G. MURPHY. Dist. Pan. Ash. Toronto. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS HOMESEEKERS’ LO\N ROU N D-TRI P RATES ONLY DIRECT LINE BANISHI Parisian Sage Is Guaranteed by McFARLANE CO 1‘ that it gave me encour-' A to continue. I did so. and long story short, Zam-‘A the end, quite cured me.9 is now clear 1'! all traces rrible disease, which trou- B for so long.” i N0 CHANGE OF CARS for? DURHAM CHRONICLE. and ut m 11] U .977 RU-BER-OID TRADE MARK BECISTE’JIED. 3 We offer One Hundred Dollars 'Rewar-d fbr any case of Catarrh ‘that cannot be cured by Hall’s Ca- tarrh Cure. 5 F.J. CHENEY (30., Toledo, 0 WALDING, KINNAN MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 73c. 'per bottle. Sold by all Druggistsd We the undersigned have known F.J. Cheney for the last =15 years’, and believe him perfectly honor- able in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligatioms made by his firm. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con- stip‘ation. If it had only been :a spade, Might Well have made of me,â€"poor du'ab’ As glad :a man :as ever played; And oh, those “straights” that lacked but one, Those “fours” I nearly had of held, THE HANDS I ALMOST HELD\_ I can remember when 'a club, Sh Fourteen passengers were so badly hurt that they are now in the hospital at Port Arthur. The. train was running slowly, and comâ€" ing to a broken rail, the front part passed over without difficulty. Five coaches in the middle broke. loose, and rolled over. The in- iured are: Harry Lemon, Owen Sound, bro- ken nose and bruised eye. H. D. Hollinger, Grenville, Ohio, A. Kooey, Proton Station, con- fined to bed with broken back. face cut. Alex. Quinn, ‘Frankville, Ont, hand cut. int shore of Lake Super 1nd rolled down an Fourteen passengel badly hurt that th Edward Shaw, Omanhee, Ont, head cut. , 1‘ Jones had taken one card less,â€" IF Brown had taken one card The most seriously injured is Mrs. Hutchison. Fully guaranteed at Macfarlane’s. IF The injured are at Port Arthur. have few-things to beg of Fate, But if Iliad to make my choice, ml ask a boonâ€"however greatâ€"- I’d lift my soft and modest voice ml wishâ€"no, not for gear or gold Not thus my dream of joy 'is spelled,â€" It only for the chance to hold 1 i ve of Canada, Limitchlontreal. THE STANDARD PAINT C0. is made in soft, hand- some shades of Red, Brown and Green, as well as natural slate color. These colors are an integral part of the exposed surface, not painted on. Cannot fade out or wash off. Let us show you samples. 7 7 Sole Canadian Mfrs. swelled, laps Imight 11 »me Dok-er ham m 332m Durham. more,â€" ul-d have had aflus'h, else a fist of aces four had filled; IF I had I had stayed, as bet ROOFING “fulls” that barely lost the monâ€" me those hands I almost held. “rm: MARK 889381285. OI HOW’S THIS ? 0km 11 D the the chance to hold hands I almost held ! 011C! SG( in the hospital embankment )r yesterda} had drawn inmost heh APPEARS an arm le OI‘ 110 SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS ANY PERSON who is the sole head :of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quartersection of available Dom- inion land in Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Don- ini'on Lands Agency, or Sub-agency for the district. Entry .by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions by father, moth- er. son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Is essential in case of death. A man will save his wife a h by opening a joint account of $200, or more, to be use emergency. All monies in an account. of this kind earn inn semi-annually and are payable to the survivor without an Dutiesâ€"Six months’ residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- s'teader may live within nine miles of ‘his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and oc- cupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or In certain districts a homestead- er in "good standing mav 111 eâ€"empt a quarter section calongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Dutiesâ€"Must reside upon the homestead or pre- ~emption six months in each of six yea; s £1011 date of homestead entry Linclud- ino‘ the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A. homestead-er who has exhaust- ed ’his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead in certain districts. lPrice $3.00 per acre. “Dutiesâ€"Must reside six months in each of three years, cul- tivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.00. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.â€"Unauth»orized publication of this advertisement Will not be paid for. Gently Outsk S. HUGHES, Manager, 011mg pr Thmnden. but we hope that in the near future we shall be able to have them over .Mrs â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" . nee Martha Young and daughter, are spending their holidays at home there with their mother, Mrs John Young. Mr and Mrs. James Mather spent one day last Week With the latter’s parents _ , _ . I ' We are all glad to see Mr Ausm‘; PaClIlC LoaSt Derby able to be around again, after an attack of inflammatory Tickets on sale daily until April 15th. rheumatism I Mr Wm. Henderson’s smile has been broadened by the appearance of a young son on March 24th. Capital and Surplus $6,800,000 -vv'vâ€" vâ€"â€"- â€"â€"â€"â€"1â€"_ and fine by other: énnks . 2,470,791.48 Dominion Govt. and other first-class Bonds - 2,862,194.88 Loans on Call, on Govt., Municipal and other Bonds and Stocks - - 1,906,845.00 Government Deposit to secure Note Circulation 100,000.00 Bills Discounted and Current Advance. r- $5,397,668. 68 Bank Premises . ‘ 897,842.13 Other Assets - - 57,253. 47 Th The Standard Bank 91? Canada em 2' {Tl lister ISSE IQ events Record of Business as at the 3151-. of January, 1912 'W. W. CORY HAMPDEN Dositi an 8 Service J. Ball Anderson Immediate Cash TIE 'son‘. havmg re- examination on '1‘uesday ev- Hanover Guild M.P $37,§11,317.7§ A man will save his wife a lot of unnecessary trouble him missed Homese {VII Cal- to April 2nd. 1 in serond Tnmda 17th inclnsiw ’10 $34M). Edm Tickets goud I ate rates to at ’." Saskatchewan ?11‘ Will 3150 be 0 A. BELL UN DERTAKER and Funeral Director chture F ra mzi-zg on. shorten notice. Trauma-"x etaâ€":30 c subseq ue At th All advertisemeu'ts ordered by strangers nut be paid for in advzmce. S ubscriptioz Rates Contract rates for youny fivenuemente it! niubed on application to the o co. Advertis: Settlers 0ne=Way $334 ()0. Eduumtnn and Wm”) $12.00. Tickets good for (50 davs. Pmpnrrinn- ate rates to other points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Tickets Will 3150 be on sale on certain datec via. Sarnia and Northern Navigation Company. - Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta on sale every Tuesday in March and April. Low Rates to Notes in Circulation - 1 Deposits - - - ‘ Dividends - ‘ - - Due to other Bank - Capital - $2,000 000,CDO. 00 Reserve Fund 2, 600, 000.00 Rebate of Interest on Discounts - 71,643.45 Balance of Profit Full line of Catholic Robes. and black and White Camps for aged people. , to be used only in case of great Western Canada is! GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD, General Manager. and Loss Acct. 61,383.58 4,733,023.03 SHOW Rom: Barber Shop door South < hhmksn'nith s Embalming a Specialty EDHOR AND Pm URHIâ€"‘U‘fl. ONT.. Full particulars from J. R. GUN, Town Agent. J. TOWNER, Depot Agent, “most at. 3%, compounded any expense or delay. 612 W. IRWIN bXCUI‘Sl Total Assets $52,009, 000 Lumu‘nzs March 28th; 1912. QM Pacific Coast PEI“), DURHAM, Ont. Line; PRU HR $37,311,317.” $1,992,353.00 $0,116,869.88 65,459.00 403,608.87 Tickets \VY'GIMX HIEIF [NU ("l .vallt @2- frax It the

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