.' somewhere. When the bars are; closedâ€"and they ‘are closing in i more Lttowns every yearâ€"Why; should not the leading people in’ These objections are real. The pool room frequented almost ex- clusively by those Who are Willing censure of the community. unnaras than Ln.,connection with a gxme of checkers. Another fauit found with :such a place 13 that a young fellow may become so \" rapt up in the game that he may neglect his work in order to be present. and ma y spend money there which he cannot afford to part with. fauit found that a voun: THE DURHAM CHRONICLE gather pectivelyâ€" The banishment of the bar, and the retention of the liquor shops. is to be the main plank in the Liberal Provincial platform1 accord- ing? to the announcement last Week ofN ..W Bowel], the Liberal Lead- With temperance Ontario, Mr. Rowell’s plank might Win favor if it were not fort that knot in the middle of itâ€"the retention of the shop license. Just what benefit Will accrue from doing away With the bars and leaving the shops will haVe to be thoroughly explain- ed belorc Mr. Rowell captures very many temperance votes. Sir Oliver Mowatt and Geo. W. Ross both carried Ontario on the prohi- bition ticket. in 1878 and 1902 res- er. THE NEW LIBERAL PLATFORM W. IRWIN Editor and Proprietor. DURHAM. APRIL 4, 1911 FOUR. 11 i to the m W atever bec ne east an ame of ck to- d may t case. two up The last few days have made the snow pretty soft. The roads are almost impassable; some places there is too much snow, and other places there is no snow at all This is the ‘18t of April, and very little sign of plowmg. Weath- er as yet. Councillor Lindsay disposed of a nice bunch of fat cattle last week which brought a nice sum money. of Mr. Jas. Atkinson had Mr. Dan. McArthur With his circular saw one day last week, and got anice pile of wood cut. Mrs. “'m. McIntosh. accompani- ed bv her daughter Margaret, vis- ited a few days last Week with the Weir and Atkinson families, be- fore leaving for the West. \ a town face the fact that reform must not only de destructive, but constructive? If liquor-selling public houses are to be closed, another kind_ of public houses should be opened. Liquor may be evil, but is there any reason why pool and billiards should be aban- doned to the cause of evil? Hund- reds of people in Toronto have tables for these games in their In a small towm there is no evil connected with the games that could not be brushed aside in a moment. How would it do if the town of Durham should buy out the pool and billiard business, run it as a municipal enterprise at cost in connection with the public library. make it popular and res- pectable, and see how the idea would work out? own houses, and thousands more would like to have. Dr. Farquharson held a MORE MEDICAL TYRANNY RIVERDALE. weatnw Mr. Donald Watson is mOViIIfZ‘ this Week to the Dennett farm prayer- which he has. rented for a term. he MCVVILLIAMSVILLE. Mr Thos. ScOtt left on Satur- day with a car load of settl'ers’ effects for New IOntario. Mr Herb Harrison sold one of his horses recently for .a goo-d sum. Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Lawrence in- tend leaving next Week for North (lay morn in varied forms. of en- ioyment Everyone " pre'ent have warm words- of praise for the kindness and hospitality :shown them Mr. Young is proving a good local legislator Councillor Young and family gave'a monster party on Friday night, Where both young and old spent till .near the break! of Satur- meeting in the school last Tthurs- day night, which was fairly well attended. The Bible class will meet in the school every Sun-day afternoon, commencing April 'Tth, Quite a number from this part took in the .‘party at -Mr. Angus McArthur’s last Wednesday [night and had a very enjoyable time, Don’t be surprised if you have an attack of rheumatism this spring. Just rub -the affected parts freely with Chamberlain’s Liniment and it will soon disap- pear. Sold by all dealers. .M'rs. Hannah. of Mt. :For-est, Vis- ited her sister, Mrs. Wm. McFar- lanle, last week. ' We are pleased to see Mr. M.J Staples on the mend, and: hope to soon see him out again. . Mr. '11). Atkinson :‘had a gang of men taking down the timbers- of the barn on the Greenwood farm last Saturday. Messrs. [James Eden and Wm..'H'aas had the con.- tract, and everything Went smoothly. x DI SACKETTS COP NERS Well, Mr. Editor, the fir .its him, w 1th and b0, i1 is nearly 421‘: tions, there W m, with d board 10' 1n OD threshing c wag-es .at $6 . the first han=d,. and in )1‘ the '1 THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. n-e 8:110“ JCE nisfox 1C outf 60 I‘U i The police believe that Saturday gin all probability was a dry day ï¬ler some of the blind pig patrons jthe supply of liquid refreshments being unexpectedly shortened by a . big seizure they made on (Friday at fthe 6.111% freight shed. While 'Wandering about the shed on. St. Paul suc-et the officers ran across two barrefi. commonâ€"place looking hurrah, which attracted their at- .ention. fihey Were not addressed to any full name, but simply bore Lthe maiks “M.M., Collingwood.†The sncspicions of the police being aroused‘ it was opportune to make an invenhgation They did so, and in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hund- red Dollars for any case that it fails to cure Send for list of tes- timonials ' ~ Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con- stipation. SYDNEY Xmas, N.S., Jan. 25th. 1910. “For many years, I Suffered tortures from Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Two years ago, -I was so bad that I vomited my food constantly. I also suffered with Constipation. I consulted physicians, as I was afraid the disease was cancer, but medicine gave only temporary relief. VVHISKEY AT C'OLLINGVVOOD'; WW II was mam iddress F..J CHENEY 6: CO. t Toledo, 0. s “Fruit-a-tives†completew restored me rt .na .ritime B Of up he Da- local option town was properly andf ‘ satisfactorily accounted for. Nowi FOR SALE OR RENT in their possession, a closer in-iA GOOD COMFORTABLE ROUGH- spection was made, when it wasj cast 1101158 in ROOd central loca- -¢ ,. . ' tion. On the premises there is a d1.cmered that the shipper, or! good large frame barn on stone perhaps the purchaser, was a; foundation. Will sell cheap, on most impartial cuss. Instead of ! easy terms. Apply to Robert giving all his patronage to one Douglas, Durham. 443 brand, he split it, one-half of the 2“?â€â€"*"â€"*‘":’“"’"7"’:â€-=â€":::=== bottles being G. W., While theit instead of the barrels. It will other was Seagram’s best. No en- i no doubt be more easily taken care quiries being forthcoming as tolof, but may be more difficult to the arrival of the liquor, the pol-:get away from. The police waited ice issued a complaint againstiuntil yesterday morning, when the “M. M., Collingwood,†Whoever he, case Was call-ed. No one appearing she or it may be. The Warrant was “the liquor was formally confiscated left with the G.T.R. officials, andland ordered destroyed or dispos- upon appearance, the ‘applicantfor ed of, as the Minister may direct. possession of the booze will receive Collingwood Bulletin. twenty all told, all fully charged with genuine fire-water. 'It was truly 'a boozorium they had struck, and this led the police to another decision, to take the ship- went into their official care until such time as its presence in this 221%ng MOUNT FOREST 0 1 March days require that more attention be given to the face and hands than they get in summer. In our stock you will ï¬nd all the reliable Lotions, Balms and Creams required for protecting the skm. The one we draw particular attention to IS our Very Quickly Produce ROUGH RED- ‘DENED CHAPPED SKIN. MOUNT FOR ES 1CD March Winds DURHAM lno doubt be more easily taken care A lof, but may be more difficult to ‘ get away from. The police waited {until yesterday morning, when the case Was call-ed. No one appearing “the liquor was formally confiscated land ordered destroyed or dispos- For Durham School. Te be in by Wednesday. A CARETAKI nesday, April 3rd, 'to HUNTER, Secretary. 3R WANTED April 4th 1912. nae