West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Apr 1912, p. 8

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gmmmis’ WEEKLYâ€"Ngws’é *WMWNXWWWWMW% 3 Large Sales Small Profits é DURHAM CHRONICLE. Mr. and Mrs. Wm .Falkingham, of Durham, spent Sunday With rel- Mr. Robt. Adlam, of Hanover, ‘visited one day recently with his sister, Mrs. H. Reay. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Vickers, of Durham, Sundayed With the for- mer’s parents, Mr. and -Mrs. J._ W. Vickers. . Mr. and Mrs. , of South- ampton, attended the funeral of their little niece, Gracie Torry, who died here Last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Burnett, of Durham, Sundayed With Mr. and Mrs. ..Jas Livingston. - .Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Hunt and family spent Sunday last with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lindsay, Glenelg. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Smith and family, of Durham, visited relatives in the vicinity last Week. Miss Campbell, teacher, returned after spending Easter Week with her] people in Walkerton. .Mis-s Marflha Torry, of Durham, spent a few days with relatives in this vicinity. Miss Maggie Donnelly spent one Sunday recently With her aunt Mrs. Robt. Bell. PARISIAN SAGE is guaranteed gby Macfarlane Co. to banish dandruff, stop falling 'hair and itching scalp or money back. It is a delightful hair dressing that wins instant favor with refined women. Sold for only 50 cents a large bottle, by M‘acfarlane Codi and druggists everywhere. Girl! with Auburn hair on every carton and bottle. PARISIAN SAGE. now sold all over Canada will destroy these germs and at the same time furn- is‘h the hair roots with just the proper nourishment to make the hair grow .lustrious and luxuriant. And this army .never sleeps: it Wages a War of destruction night and day. It destroys the mourish- ment that the hair must have in oxder to grow vigorously and abundantly. 'Dandruff means that down near the roots of your hair there is a vast army of little invisible germs or microbes. EASY TO GET RID OF DANDRUFF The council adjourned, to meet Mav 4th, at 10 a.m. M: .Mi‘ lanâ€"Youngâ€"Tbat J A. Mc- Donald. assessox, be paid $50 on salary on returning of the roll.â€"C. Lindsayâ€"McMillanâ€"That the cietk be paid $10 on salary.â€"Car. McMillanâ€"Lindsayâ€"Tmat John McKechnie be appointed path- master. in place of L. McLac’hlin, resigned.-â€"Carried. McMillanâ€"Lindsayâ€"That Domin- ion Express «Co. be paid $1.25 (ah-ar- ges on three express parcelsâ€"Car. Lindsayâ€"McMIlanâ€"T‘hat the Txeasurer be paid $3.10 for Postage and Stationery,â€"Carriqd, Lindsayâ€"McMillan-â€"That the Treasurer of the town of Durham be paid $152.001 being half cost of sending Mrs. Mitchell to the House of Refugeâ€"Carried. -vIchllanâ€"Nicholâ€" That all pal- ties ‘having sheep killed by dogs shall come before this council and ma e affidavit as to the damage and circumstances of loss -Car. .Txin'ry one day $2.00. Total $20.00 -â€"C‘arried. tween the hall and the. shed andI from the south- east corner of the! shed to the road .â€"Carried. i Lindsay â€"McMillanâ€"Ihat the fol-i 101x111}; accounts be paid on Board: of Health account viz,-- --A. Middi e-I ton for services re Wilson family one day and serx ices $4. 00; R. Nicholâ€"Youngâ€" That the account of the Municipal World, $10.,13 fer Municipal supplies be paid..--Ca1. Nicholâ€"Youngrâ€"That the council build a six-foot close fence be- Nicholâ€"McMillanâ€"That the fol- lowing parties be paid for work on the Snow Plow:â€"Dona1d .McLach- lin one day with team, $3.00; John Stoddart, Ihalf day with team $1. 50: Thos. Nichol, one day’s W ork, $1. .50: Godfrey McTaggart, 54 day with team $1. 50; Hector Mcanhern, 1/5 day “ifih team, $1. 50; Donald ,Mc- Kinnon, £3 day With team, $1.30: â€"Cz1rried. a letter from Archie ‘C‘alder claim- ing pay for Winter work. on roads. as he is leaving the township. This was deferred to next meeting of Council. . GLENELG COUNCIL. The Council met pursuant to ad- journment. All the members presâ€" ent. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Several circulars and accounts 'having reference to Debentures and Road Machinery Were read and filed. Accounts from Municipal World and Local Board of Health Were read as also ar epleased to see little Vera J. S. BLACK. Clerk. A despatch from Edmonton says: “Because his mother scolded him, Henry Hill, aged ten years, made a noose and jumping from a chair hanged himself.” Judging at ran- dom We fancy the boy’s parents have been saved a great deal of trouble. No doubt they feel heart-broken over the boy’s action but a boy of such a vicious j The Premier. in introducing the bill, said it provided for the construction of what was commonly known as the Vancouver-Fort George Railway. I t would be of standard gauge and would run from Vancouver to connect with the G. T. P. at Fort George. It would ‘receive from the Provincial Govern- ment a subvention equal to that al. ready given to the C. N. R. in the guarantee of its bonds for $35,000. Provision would also be made for ad- equate traffic connection with the cit- ies of New Westminster and Victoria. Construction on this line which is to be built under the corporate name of the Paciffc Great Eastern Railway, will be started within ten miles of Vancouver by July 1. The first bill introduced at the newly ' Opened session of the British Columbia Legislature in Victoria. was an act to ratify an agreement between the Government and Messrs. Foley. W’elsh and Stewart, and between that firm and the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company for the construction of a railway from the city of Vancouver to Fort George. The first agreement provides for construction and the sec- ond that the Grand Trunk Pacific shall have the first option of purchase and shall have running rights over the line. Remember, Rexall Remedies can be obtained in this community only at our storeâ€"The Rexall Store. Macfarlane 8: Co. « Rexall Orderlies taste like and are eaten like candy. They do not gripe, cause nausea, excessive looseness or any other annoyance. They act so easily that they may be taken at any time, day or night. They are paticularly good for children, aged or delicate per- sons. They are put up in conven- ient tablets in three sizes of pack- ages. Prices, 10c., 25c., and 50c. 1 Our own faith in Rexall Orderlies is so strong that W9 offer them to you With our own positive. per- sonal guarantee, that if they do not thoroughly satisfy you, you only need tell us and ‘We will hand back to you every penny you paid us for them. Therefore, in trying them upon our recommendation, you take no risk whatever. We have never had experience with any remedy that gave such great satisfaction to our customers as do R-exall Orderlies. This Remedy is not like any other laxative or cath- artic. It contains all the good features of other laxatives, but none of their faults. THE EFFECTIVE LAXATIVE Tastes Like and is Eaten Like Candy In our experience in the handling of drugs and medicines, we believe Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, of? Hanover, visited Sunday last with“ their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reay. \ l Much sympath3 is felt fm B In! and Mrs. John T0113, 33ho 33'e1e} bereaved of their youngest (laugh-f ter, Gracie, aged th1ee 3'ea1s 33 hoi died April 15th As she was such a bright child, she will be. muchl missed in the home. She was laid] to rest in the Saugeen cemeter3 011! April 18th. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Hamp-l atives in this neighborhood. .Mr. Joe Porter is engaged with Mr. .Ed. Hopkins for the summer. Miss Hattie Lawrence, teacher at Mulock, Sundvayed with her par- ents there. We are pleased to see little Vera Reay out again after a six months’ iliness. We have a grand stock of Hats. Black Hats for Matrons, made 0? rich Mohair Braid and Sequin trim- ming. Ostrich mounts, sprays, and Ostrich plumes, also trim 1m d with Black fl(m’ers. Smart Millinery For Spring and Summer We have made a number of new styles for your inspection. You will find something unusually dis- tinctiVe in every model They have the additional adVantage of being very low priced. ‘ Summer Hats made of White and Cream Mohair Braid with trimming of flowers, ribbon, and sprays. Any amount of large and small shapes. in tuscan white, and black. - SUMMER MILLINERY - MESS (First door south Burnett’s Bakery) GARAFRAXA ST. - DURHAM Butter and Eggs. Wool, Hides, Poultry, and all kinds of Farm duce taken as Cash. Be sure and give us a call. Yo save money by dealing here. Our prices are the lowest in town, and we ask you to call and be convin- Ladies’ Suits, Our Stock of New 8| has arrived and are r shelves for your inspec: stock comprises Men’s Tailored Suits, extra Men’s Pants all sizes. Skirts, and Ladies’ 3. W001, Hides, Live kinds of Farm Pro at April 25th, 1912. You will

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