West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 May 1912, p. 1

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__L c.“ Ul.\r work, He has many friends in this locality who will he pleased to hear of any honorable distinction which he may attain. The follow- ing is clipped from the Colorado Oddfellow. published in Denver. the city in which Dr. McGiIlivray has lived and practised his pro- fession'for many years: “Enter- prise Lodge No. 85 initiated a candidate last Friday evening on which occasion the Lodge tender? ed an invitation to Past Grand Representative Nicholson to give the conductor‘s charge and to Past Grand 'M'nflileâ€"nu L- -' ‘ to the rescue and bringing the young lad safe to shore. The boy's first enquiry after reaching terra firma was regarding the whereabouts of his fishing pole. Had it not been for the prompt ac- tion of .McLachlan. the boy Would most assuredly have been drowned as .he has no knowledge of swim- min: way he fell into lower side of the and Was struggli when discovered ' Lachlan. who lost Master Hiltcm Rov 9-year-old son of Mr the baker here. had cape from drowning ( evening of last wpp but ms made Dr. Mrs T1105. . Thursday. M An address ‘ R. Burnett ( Canada. an M tute mlles Mas mm om and or 011108. NEWS AROUND TOWN URGES 'ee IE r. C. McGillivray is evident- Oddfellmv Well up in the He has many friends in this r who will be pleased to hear ur )rovince Will V0 L. 44â€"N0. 2349. an n S \V uil Inf If hogs are $8.40 1T Ims misfortune iltcm Rowe. a young he may soon son of Mr. E. A. Rowe, mm the blow Iere. had a narrow es- ‘0 --.-_- ‘1 f0 into the water at the f the 'McKechnie dam, uggling in the water bred by Mr, James Mc- ' lost no time in going 9 and bringing the are to shore. The 1( le Lodge tender~ to Past Grand icholson to give charge and to ‘The Prosperity Memories of i >me time Quebe 117111 Dr. Watson on W’ednesday ?k, In some urchase rig pf the Dur- Women’s Insti- t the home of lout one te sale. Cheap ADDIY at this II HBDEI this situa ucted esent J. McGirI II members l I 11d of by NII‘ OUT YQIII Our quilt from INC meas- fou my LJerection of the steel Work, Which _l has been in the river since the big riflood at Easter. Their tender is : $595 for re-erecting steel work, re- ; placing broken plates, giving one coat of paint to steel WOI‘k, PUt" ting on covering. etc. The coun- ~cil is required to furnish the material for covering, and also to provide the abutment necessary. We are unable to give an accurate idea as to the cost for repairs. but presume it will run up to $1500 01‘; . O f 352000. This is only a mere guess.i I The Shelburne Free Press has ‘entered its thirty-eighth year of 'publication. For thirty years of. #that time it has been conducted by '-Mr. Mortimer, who still wields the} editorial quill. The Free Press-3.? like other local papers, has had? its ups and downs. The plant was tdestroyed by fire at one time, and :had to start up with a clean , 'sheet, not even the subscription: lists having been saved, In gen-f eral. the Free Press has always; been a good, healthy concern. which we think. is largely due to - the good financial guidance of the ' proprietor. We Went to school:' with Mr. Mortimer, and any stu-,j dent of human nature would read-J ily predict that his good common 1 business sense would enable him to ‘ steer a newspaper over the ice-3'1 bergs, and round the maelstromsl", which have wrecked so many ill-:< considered journalistic ventures.a‘ Everybody can’t. run a newspaperéz and run .it in such a manner as to '( keep the sheriff away from the C Premises. We congratulate the a Free Frees, Which We look upon as A_‘ 0f one of ut b'mm the minutes of the town council it will be seen that the tender of the Stratford Bridge Co. was accepted. This is for the re- erection of the steel Work, which thas been in the river since the big flood at Easter. Their tender is $595 for Y‘Oâ€"Oranf';hm h‘AA‘ u--- ,_‘__ no insurzu hen M Captaincy on short notice something cool est ice CI‘EQH‘I :11u )8 \V has c the Maid wantedâ€"For general house- work. to go to Guelph. Apply to Miss Chadwick. Durham. D3 Boar for se 1di‘es RSI II our 8006 exchanges )1 ooled by calling m parlors, Where ced and cool dri-I' mm 11 DUE Da [It W )f ll sincerely III convinced ) transfer t to hear of e O DSGI'VE the mywhere xt Sum dung, 111 [He cleaningâ€"up transformation is Was takes place It mould be Well to he had ,zhn'e it photographed no\1,2md be 51:35:31!) after the burnishing process near of has been completed But “8 [Y hODGEmustnt sax too much till we get 1‘900‘ ergthose ashes out of the way ' YO U I' .m ent t1 “'11 S l The members of our local fishing “niclub have been anxious to secure 19' a fish hatchery in this vicinity and OWhave for some time been in com- 9'{munication with the authorities at 3h()ttawa, but so far have received lgfno definite promise in regard to isgthe question: One ‘very enthusias- P‘itic member LS of the opinion that Le’the establishment of a hatchery, C-‘lby which the Saugeen and its 1" branches could be replenished at .94 regular intervals, would be a great: Ojbenefit to the community at large} V- He went so far as to say that; 9 $50,000 a year could be saved by} t“the people in easy reach of the} 'I‘fSaugeen in food supplies alone; Li’l‘h-ere has been some correspond-l Q ence through the Dominion repre-! f sentative, who has put himself in 5 f touch with the Minister of Fisher-f Y'ies, and the local men here have: 3 ' the assurance that the matter will? .freceive consideration. This, of? iécourse, is a stereotyped method; 5 of all Governments and Govern-é ! ment officials, to shelve a ques-! ,‘tion for the time being, but as the‘ liground was gone over here somef, .ftime ago by a fishery experti‘ “with a View to the establishment“ {of a fish hatchery, We have very} , little doubt but the Government3 . will acquiesce in the opinion of;1 _'our local advocates, more especial-,1 ‘ ly if the project can be at all dem- ' C .,onstrated as profitable to the1 people. The question is worthy of consideration, and after that, a. ;‘ judicious amount of agitation; ."“Show me,” is What every member! :6: the Government desires, and’l, ,when properly shOWn, a definite]; Eaction Will soon follow. Show thefih ‘Government that the establishmentl ‘of a fish hatchery.wi.ll be protitâ€" i1 able to the people, and therefore 9; profitable to the party, and the u; ithing is assured, ”- (QMH ext 1( the At (as perfi'n'med. On Thursday morning a second ()pcrati<.;>n was deemed necessary. for paraIYSis of the bowels. Though hopeful bul~ Jetins were issued. his *ase Was always critical. He was about 53 years of age. and practised law for five years in Listorwel. and about eighteen years in Stratford. Interment takes place at Port Rowan to-day, ‘Wednesdar. ll Mr 'I‘. R. W'helan, Minister of the ioard of Health, Went through own last Week instructing house- nlders to rake up the winter ac- umulation of tin cans and other 1 V )lT 111812291 Mr. Frank Lenah-an is making improvements aroupd his two new houses on Garafraxa street. The newly-made lawns will look attractive when the grass comes. merger 15 in process of : tinn. This will involve all the oatmeal mills of ) )1 IE um} has not yet Just before d1 iect. we would lif 1th Officer and :1 1d on Lambton stx veen the Chinese Methodist church ; both north and 1t 1D an tie is a: body put his 19an up the ' no fault to zfi so. but we 11 uesd 11 {mm DURHAM. 0N1. THURSDAY, MAY 9,1932. .1tt :\” notice that out MOI .) move 1C .1 Y m 0 mills of W to the tow cover. the not yet be ore drop vould like ' and all ( bton street Chinese In : church, a] rth and so )f ELI) S the 1E would be well to 1}.)th now, and )urnishing‘ process )_V‘ '16 OLSCUSS .11) the Winter 210-- 1 cans and other anxious to have is house in order back yards “’9 :find with him for haven’t found a “that ash pile, and 18 t 0 WI) d u mp in g‘ 1‘. the dumping yet been decided. 1n Don 1111 stricken with appendicitis. t‘hc met. any 9 I."'.1ndl‘ h. and c: i south transforr Oppmg :9 to 21 1 othel ospitztl estern Ont U OI CODSUDUTN - us death ing of ._V‘ hul.‘. '] m ODEl IE .ondon OI P 11161 practic lSt his )1} Of 1E 867D. \\ M’ SIM m' . 113mg 11 m Th Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Farquharson left on Saturday morning last for London, Where Mr. Farquharson has secured a position With the London Printing and Lithograph- ing Co. Mr. Farqulharson was en- gaged in the Chronicle office for the past three or four weeks, but he decided to enter [a larger field. 3 :1 I( 5 M: Robt. Hughes left this Wed- nesday morning to take :a position with Ryan Bros. where he former- ily spent three years before going VVest about eighteen months ago. i . Mx. James Burt is Visiting his lmany friends in town He came f1om Dauphin, Manitoba, to attend :the funeral of his brother Alex.,1.n 1;Toronto and decided before re-‘ gturning, to see his Durham assoâ€" ciates. He likes Dauphin, but Dur- ham is more like home to him. Mrs. Calder returned last week from St. Michael’s hospital, T0- ronto, Where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. We understand her condition has been much improved. She had been ailing for years, and at times was quite Seriously ill. ' ,tOWD With parents and friends. } Mrs. A. B. McLellan is spending a .month or more visiting friends in Toronto, Buffalo and Cleveland. Miss Lizzie Kinnee is home from Toronto on account of her mother’s iillness. 1113‘ 1‘69 Mrs. Wm .Arbuthnott returned to Portage La Prau 1e, after spending a fen weeks with friends in the \',icinity Mr. and Mrs. Saturday from trip. Mr. Robt. McCI ton is spending town with parent: Mr. John Kerr Chronicle staff. Work on Tuesd: Mr. Harper Kress, of T( spending a few days V mother, and other friends (")1 human Sunday. 1t home. 1r_v Coileg 1 oungâ€"-Ltoydâ€"-T_hat the re- quest of the pool room proprie- tors be not entertainedâ€"Curried. Ca1der-â€"Lloydâ€"That the Board of Works be instructed to arrange for a dumping ground for the town refuse, and insert an adver- tisement notifying the ratepayers of the location.-Cz-u‘ried. ! C‘alderâ€"-Lloydâ€"That the fire and! light committee be instructed to: investigate the present fire limjtsl hy-Iuw, and if they deem it neces-; sary to introduce a by-law at; the next regular meeting, reducingf the limits of the said by-law, or; amending it in any Way considered! Firth--McFa(‘idenâ€"~That Vidge be paid $60. as part for assessing the townâ€"C Youngâ€"-Ll,0ydâ€"â€"That t1 quest of the pool room tors be not entprrninon _r- m finance The minutes of last regular and special meetings were read and confirmed. The finance committee examined the following accounts. and recommended DZIVI‘IIC’nt: The town council met Monday night in regular session. Members all present. Mayor Black in the chair. )6 ccifications for W PLH amissonâ€"Young .1 PP] E lues .issue clerk orks be instructe [€26 of La-mbton street mt tenders be zed-v9 W O I 1eu 1t 11c uu umer Irlenn-ds in town. n Kerr is again on the staff. having commenced Tuesday morning. i1 Jackosn Vollet up TOWN COUNCIL SCI PE RS m mitte Bridge [Once be given them Who Was also instrm .11] 118 11] i1 1‘1'ied SRSONAL. 10 )sts contract Green returned their honeymoon Archie McDougall. were in town over *acken, of Hamil- a few days in , of Toronto, is days with his 11:1 try, etc .tary sex payment practice “dug deed treet bridge, xdvertised for, hat part of salary so instructe utments SEW â€"-L‘arrie t the Ed. to get out t tender of 2 accepted opte arried ll OD E BARGAINS IN BflflTS ¢¢+++¢+oo§¢¢¢+vooooo¢+¢+¢¢+¢+¢¢+¢§§+++§¢¢+¢99+ y s. F. MORLOCK Suit reflect credit upon it wearer Overcoat, and a' most efl’ect- ive aid to the lightening pro- cess will come from the know- ledge that, the Clubbing Rates the lowest A man‘s spirits lighten wi t h the shedding of his \Vinter Overcoat], and Saturdm Sales. and beyond all e New Shap most model results. Wt MEN’S SPRIN WILL you LOUIS? PRO EXQUISITE D00 Styles tog! we brougl eased to l Siilline cow 3" $1.00 PER YEAR I‘d." SUITS l {DUN 31‘ m; \V 9090.4

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