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Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 May 1912, p. 8

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51(5wa XWWWWWWfié g Large Sales Small Profits § EIGHT. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Alfred I, Ritchie, a Bihla student of wide reputation in the United States and Canada, declares that everyone goes to Hell. Mr. Ritchie has some interpretations on the Bible that ap- pear sensational and along a new line. In an interview recently ae gave out some interesting infornmtion regard- ing various prominent Bible subjects that require more them ordinary enn- siderution to obtain their fnil meaning. “I have a new cure for infidelity.” declared Mi. Ritchie. "To prescribe the remedy We must find the cause, Which I believe is the inability of the people to understand how a God ”of all Love and W’isdom and Justice, and having all Power, could permit pres- ent conditions and conduct human af- fairs as proclaimed by the dominant creeds of Christendom. Uubelievers chokesitt the idea (if the great (-Jreavtm‘ providing an eternity of any kind of torture for His own crmitures. espe- cially if He was gifted with the fun:- knmvledge that nmst (if the human family go there, and that he had all \Virdom to plan otherwise. and all Power to do as He pleased. Truly the general religious teaching on this line is a we to reason umlthe muther of doubt Asserts That Nowhere in the Bible ls There Anything That Connects Hell With Fire. Well-known Bible Student flas Original Ideas 0n Final Destination DECLARES HELL IS GRAVE SAYS THAT EVERYONE GOES TO HELL There never was .a time when people appreciated the real merits of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy more than now. This is shown by the increase in sales and Voluntary testimonials from _per- sons "who have been cured by at. If YO“ 01' your children are trqubled With a cough or cold give 1t . a trial and become acquamted ’Wltah its EOOd qualities. For sale by all dealers. ,, . THE BIBLE GLORIFIES GOD. “The Bible taken as a whale pm- 5:51le no such idea of our blessed Heavenlv Father. but; praised, glori~ fies and exalts His holy diameter. And so, when understood, it will be as natural for average human beings to emulate, love and praise God as it has been in all human history for them to worship as leaders and heroes those who have shown greatness of character, either in power or wisdom or benevolence. When rightly shown the character of our God will compel the admiration and loyalty of the masses infinitely more than the char- acter of a Caesar, or 3. Napoleon. or an Edison. or a Rryan, or a Roosevelt. W'hat is the reason that the character of God is so little reverenced. that the Holy Name of Himself and of the Saviour are made the commonest “cuss” words? \Ve answer that it is because His character is blasphemed by the erroneom “Hell” teaching of Christianity. “Only sixteen out of the sixty-six Bible books use the word “hell." in the English translation. St. Paul wrote fourteen books of the New Tes- tament, but never mentioned “hell fire." John never mentiond in his Gosâ€" pel, nor in his three Epistles; nor did Peter in his two Epistles, nor Ruth, Ezra. Nehemiah, Esther, Jeremiah, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Obadiah, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Haggai” Zecha- riah or Malachi. Strange that all these holy'Apostles and Prophets did not harp upon the danger of falling into that “lake of fire” which is sup- posed to be the doom of billions of humanity! “Sheol is translated twenty-nine times as-“hull,” three times as “pit:” and thirty-three times as "grave.” In the revised version, “shed” is trans- lated as “hell” only about twenty times out of the sixty-five times, and its Greek equivalent, “hades,” occur- ring eleven times in the New Testa- ment. is not translated as “hell” at 311. but is left untranslated, because the Bible revisers knew it did not mean eternal torment. “N o Wonder that men turn away in disgust, full of fear and doubt! No wonder that church pews are empty and no one seems to care ? No wonder ihat hundreds of thousands are infi- dels, or fast becoming such ! The sure. the only cure, is to get, a. knowledge of God’s true character, for to know Him is to love Him. With present- day Bibles, Bible Helps. Concordances. Bible Dictionaries, and Studies in the Scriptures, no one need be in the dark.” “Well did Pastor Russeli, of Brook- lyn, N. Y.. Tabernacle say. ‘If the Bible does teach that. eternal torture is the fate of all except the saints. it should be preached, yea, thundered, weekly. daily, hourly! If it does not so teaeh. the fact Should he made known. and the foul stain dishonoring God’s name removed! I understand afree copyof his pamphleL. "Food ior Thinking Christians", which ex' amines every mention of Hell in the Bible can be had by addressing him. NO \VORK IN SHEOL. “Solomon said, There is no work. nor device, nor khowlekge in aheul,” nndhe adds, “whither thou guest.” Why? Because all in Hell are dead. Referring to the resurrection. the Revelator says “Death and Hell (marginal reference reads "or the grave”) delivered up the dead (not the living) which were in them.” “Everybody goes to Hell. Why? Because Hell is the grave, or death condition to which good and bad alike go to remain until the blessed time of resurreciiou, judgment, and restora- tion to perfection of all the obedient. The Hebrew Word slieol is positively the only ‘thell" word in the Old Testa- ment. Its Hebrew definition is the unseen state. or the place. of the dead. It, occurs sixty five times, and no- where is the word fire RSSOCl‘dted with. it. was peépling the asylums, but just how to account for this seeming opi- demio of insanity here was something that was beyond him.â€"-Herald-Timos. ATTEMPTED SUICIDE AT CONN. ronto, as he entered the Walkerton jail one day last week for the purpose of removing another unfortunate to the asylum. Continuing. the officer dwelt on the freqnecy of his visits to Bruce on the sad and peculiar mission of conducting lunatics to the asylum. And the fact that there were no less than three insane prisoners in the cells of the Walker-ton jail as he spoke, and all of them were waiting tranpor- cation to the lunacy joints showed that his visits were not likely to de- crease in the immediate future. In- stead. however, he had two more trips ahead of him before the jail sup- ply would be exhausted. and there was also the hmrible possibility that many might come'in before the last lunatic went out. The Provincial oflioer was certainly astounded at the way Bruce No small amount of excitement was occasional in the vicinity of 0111111 Tuesday morning by the diSCUVeI§ that :1 young farmer. \Villiain Dunn. had attempted to end his life by cut- ting his Lhioai He is \V-(‘ll known in the neighllm hood and this spling pm chased Mr. Don Ho l‘avden s fainx on the P1oton side (f the toVVn- line be. tween 0111111 and Egel'ton. After making the purchase he rented the farm to Mr John \Viddis and then en- gaged to work for \Viddis for the sum- mer. Everything seemed to be going along satisfactmily and nothing unus- ual was noticed Tuesday until Mr. \Viddis discovwed Dunn in.a semi- conscious condition in the barn with a wound in his throat caused by a jack- knife which la y nearby covered with blood. The fact that the. knife was dull possibly accounts for the rash act not having terminated fatally. The wounded young man was hurried to the local doctor at Conn. who after rendeaing first aid to the injured pass- ed the patient on to Strathcona Hos- pital, Mt. Forest. where recovery is looked for. It is not known. so far as we have heard. Why Dunn attempted to end hislife although it is said he once came near dro“ hing and it is re- membered now, that be attributed his being 111 the VV ater to an accident. sayâ€" ing that he had fainted and fallen in. Physically Dunn is a healthy, robust looking young man. His mother is living ,having uiariied a second time afterg the death of her first husband, D1111nsfather.-â€"Mt. Forest Rep. Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. You can do it by applying Chamberlain’s Lini- ment and massaging the parts freely .at each application. For sale by 'all dealers. INSANITY INCREASING IN THE COUNTY OF BRUCE. Poor appetite is a sure sign of impaired digestion. {A few doses of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets will strengthen your digestion and improve your appe- tite. Thousands have been bane» fited by taking these Tablets. Sold by all dealers. "I have conquered the air," man cries. “my pinions shall sweep the skies.” And, there comes a gale and his levers fail, and he sinks to the earth and dies. “Her secrets I’m bound to wrest from out of Dame Na- ture's breast." And Dame Nature kicks as her breast he pricks. and scat- ters him galley west. "1 have con- quered the sea, I think,” says man, with a cheerful wink; "watch the ocean wilt! For I’ve gone and built a Vessel that cannot sink 2” He shows us his rare design: all perfect his plans and fine, and we softly say as we go oun way that the sea should take in its sign. He launhes his mighty bark, that’s safer than Noah’s ark; it’s slick and clean in its lines, I ween, and swift as a trotting shark. "It simply cant sink.” he claims; “its bulkheads and mighty frames will dcfv the knocks of the bergs and the rocks and the ocean’s wildest games.” ‘ me sends it a-saiiing the, this triumph designed by men, God gives a twist of ‘ His mighty wrist, and the sea is on: top aga1n.â€"-Walt Msonn. “What IS the matter with the peo- ple of Bruce that so many are going insane?” asked Bailiff Sinlpser:_of To- SUMMER MILUNERY HUMAN SCHEMES A FAILURE. We have had the most prosperous Spring Millinery trade this season, and are well pre- pared for a bumper trade in Summer Hats. We were in Toronto. Monday, and bought another large stock of Summer Millinery, and as the hot weather approaches we will be rushed with orders. Whether you buy or not you should at least see our immense stock of Summer Millinery. MISS DICK Fully Butter and Eggs. “’ool, Hides, Live Poultry, and all kinds of Farm Pro duce taken as Cash. Our pzices are the lowest in town, and we ask you to call and be convin- ced. (First door south Burnett’s Bakery) GARAFRAXA ST. - DURHAM mama-«mum Our Stock of New Spring Goods has arrived and are now on our shelves for your inspection. Our stock comprises ’Men 5 Tailored Suits, extra We]! made. Men’s Pants all sizes. Ladies’ Suits, Skirts, and Ladies’ Wear Be sure andjgive us a call. You wil save money by dealing here. M. GLASER May 9th, .1912“.

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