West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 May 1912, p. 7

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. W = vâ€"n :â€" VJ ..;..;..;..;. n O O .g. . : b 1. ;. a. ( + ”r May 16th, 1912. ‘z‘ , . 1 n n no 101' _, , :: We. 1181‘ e a full .St()Lk O a .2: Three bYIaWS ‘vere passed by [he .Jtl’} I‘)! C(lllrb (ll [lt‘olbtUll (llltl Suuau;-.. spring. Don t fail to see our trunks, 3: ratepayersrecentlygrantingsuhsmnt-,”1310955- .2. Sllit C‘ISQS and tI‘aVQlliDO' baO‘S. All 4. ml aid to three important industries; .__.._......_â€".... 3: c j "‘ g. gh .1. vi ,:»â€"â€"a harness factory. a knitting,“i .5. WE? want 18 a call {It the 1g s- 09 3; factory and the McDonald Threshing; FAKING HURTS BUSINESS .2. .3 . . 1. ~ 0‘ ' l Machina 00. AS two of these factor. ‘ , . . ‘ 2:: More new the "“ch 2?: lies willrequire new buildings itwill -‘ Fakt-‘bargmg: “Hm hurt WNW-<8- ,3, .3. tax the capacity of the. contractors to ‘53pec1:\lbaws that are: not .fl‘iicmr. .2. 3: get the necessarv help and nmtnrials should be barred by every retail estab- :=: 'l‘liRMSâ€"i‘AfiH or EGGS. 4. as tkere is a great boom on in building! l‘SlmWf‘i- “WY ”ml-F all “WW?” WEI” .f. ~g~ ‘jngt now. _ ' unto (hm-(mute. making the buying -? Come to the Near the 3: ‘ ‘ . . > - lpuhlio 2.11.5trumful of all Mich lmsnwss ’5 , . , , T HOS “IQGRATH B ’d 3, l ()m P‘Chwfl population has increased , anmmmu-uwnts. AdV‘vrtlsv the. truth 3: Big Shoe Store ’ n ge ~§~ .' 5" rupmly “115 3’85}? th‘“ the Nzlmol Z and people will find it out .uul flock to . . 4- 1 Board have found it necessary to build : your dndrg. Ahvayg stivk t') the ”11‘. another schmwl. The plans calls f”? wars made in V011? advert,isvuwuts. one ot the most modvrn bmldmgsihnn't1mm fake M1“ m, Iicur mm) known to schoolurn-hitfcts. males. Don’t f0”! ilw ”mph”. don't I l A house famine is imminent in this .9an utthpt to fool them. By kppp. :‘7li'3" and unless the houses in (:(mrsé “ll-’5 ”Ml-"lfimily U) VHS polit-y tlw. imw of erection are, rapidly completml somc' “Hint W‘“ “V“‘flm‘lly “7‘” ”V“? WW“ J'umilivs will have to live in touts, ltntion :ummg his lmtwl pillHH.‘ for toll- " ° - ling 1h"- llfllh. "9"“1‘1 in his :ulverfiso ‘3 our Pmcmwlle {:orrespondmit i5!i ments.” Pw'iplv will find our, the truth- vvzdrnti‘y not much in 1”“) With “"1“ l fill advertiser and ruward liim in lus< ; Emotion .h-V automobiles. “731]. there 1, times than he thinks. 'l‘lwv will have ‘ H .CUHSldm'nbh-i room fm’ cmnplainb l Confidennp in him, and luuiiwsn is lus- mvmg m the 86".Iisele'ss spoed 0f “mill" l 0d on ()(‘iiili‘lmit52e.â€"â€"»-Einra l‘lxprvss. l .-â€" .\vv “-5“ ‘ V~J-‘\JU“-VVI.UV An Irishman .and a German werelpeace and harmony until the snake sitting on a. pier fishinfl- Neither'man spoke. “Some people” he said gave the other any concern. The "consider the snake hasn’t got any Irishmcnfimoked avyay Dhilosopbi- sense. but they’re wrong. For in- cally at 1118 clay. Whlle the German stance,once, when I was in India, I seemed absorbed in thought. or was saws. Hmdo mother place her year- silently expecting a bite. . old baby outside the but to sun him- Suddenly the German fell into the self and to keep its spirit up she gave water. The splash recalled the Irish- i the little chap 3. big feeeing bottle of I man from his preoccupation. That! milk. Well. as I wctched it I saw a. was all it dld, however: He never snake insinuate himself close up to made a moye to offer and to the mun that child. My heart wasin my mouth .[ruggling m_ the Wetter. I feared for the baby. But, bless you "I can’t sw1m,"said the German as the snuke was only after the milk! he came up. . . He just slipped the teat out of the “1 can’t swun.’ he shouted 100d” as child’s mouth and into his own and he come to the surface for the second then the kindly and thoughtful reptile timO- put the end ot his tail in the child’s As he was about to appear for the mouth by the wav‘ of a comforter. LL- h-â€"_â€"--‘ A‘:-J .L____A Suddenly the German fell into the) water. The splaz-h recalled the Irish- 1 man from his preoccupation. That! was all it did, however. He never made a move to offer aid to the man .truggling in_ the wdger: n | "1'.- he was about to appear for the third time, the German cried :heart- renderingly , 3â€" -ELI .. I can ’t swim!” {Moo 232:2, “It s a. mighty funny time to boast shout it,” replied the smoker of the clay. Sold by w. BLACK. WIT AND HUMOR "R SPRI\G GOODS are now ar- rixing and as “e have selected our stock from some of the lead - ing Canadian factories we have no doubt the most up- ”to date lines that money can buy. We are the sole agents’ for the Belindo Shoe, formerly known as the J. D. King Shoe, which is the leading shoe for ladies’ in style and quality, made on the stage last, short vamps, high heel, Good-year welt in Gun Metal Calf, Tan Calf, Pat. Colt and Wei Kid in blucher or buttoned styles. We have also a. new line for men, known as the "Monarch” Shoe, rang- ing in price from $3.00 to $5.00. mg n. 1....W -- -_ __ , ._ Misses’, boys’ and youths’ fine and heavy shoes at lowest prices. Now is your time to buy cheap rubbers. We have a full stock on hand for spring. Don’t fail to see our trunks, suit cases. and travelling bags. All we want is a. call at the Big Shoe Store near the bridge. <++++++Â¥++é+++++A++++++c++++zz++zz rat and Woolloomoolloo préceedéd in And the}: the'y passed silently out. into the night. With a great Bob the president of the society arose and handed the lan- rel which encircled his brow to the snakeatorymen. The Pre____v_aticatm’s Society of Balla- SWEEP absorbs the dust, brightens the floor, and cleans your carpet. One week free trial. Yours for health, A handful in a WHEN YOU DUSTBANE. ALL GROCERS line THE SECRET 0f PAUL FARLEY and Farley is groaning, Ior ever groan- ingâ€"it’s heartbreaking, that patient, suppressed groaningâ€"after a night like that Iâ€"it's troubled me more since my acmdent, smce I can’t sleep bxuvc “A; u.- _____ , â€"â€"and now you tell me that groaning. writhing creature was a womanâ€"a delicate, slim slip of aâ€"Agnes!” He gazed across at her with an ex- pression in his eyes she never forgot -â€"it was a fearful thing to witness that deep. vast. boundless despair. He stepped forward as if he were He stepped forward as it me were about to go and wring from her a denial of this colossal travesty of cir- cumstantial evidence, which the devil himself mtst have devised. when, without any preliminary warning, he dropped. went down with a crash that made the china, the chandeliers ring, that jarred the whole room and in- fluenced eyerything in it. The iron had entered his soul. and he lay there white and still in his first dark mom- ents oi' nothingness, unconscious of Agncs’s terrified shriek. unconscious of existenceâ€"for the first time in his healthy. hearty. wholesome life Felix F‘reming had fainted! . Potatoes have reached a prohibitive ' price in this burg. Last Saturday 4th ! the common price in the market Was ' $2.50 per bag. One lady actually had i some potatoes of no particular useful- ness except that they were for seed. At first prospective buyers thought I the old lady was surely joking but she , stoutly maintained her position by demanding the ‘two hucks’ from every inquirer. One joker asked her if they were gold. Another wag hinted that be might take 8 bags at that price but as she hadn’t that amount he wouldn’t bother with any. It is needless to say that there are many potatoless dinners in the Classic City now-a-days. To make matters worse however meat went up from 2c to Be a lb. last week. \Vith butter 25c a 11m, eggs 22¢: a doz., and flour $2.90 a bag (a. rise of 200 lately) it is adifficult job to make ends meet 'as wages haven’t risen propor- tionately. generous ratepayer who evidently appreciates the work of the school teachers. It was a. fine spin and thoroughly enjoyed the pedagogues. Seeding is Well-advanced in the dis- trict. Thnnks to the exceedingly fine weather that has obtained so fer this month. Bv the time this appears in print, all the grain W111 be in the ground. The fall-wheat in not as pro- mising looking as one could Wish. al- though there may be a. fair crop yet. Your Priceville correspondent isli evidently not much in love with loc0“i motion by automobiles. \Vell. there‘. is considerable room for cmnpluintl owing to the senseless speed of many i rimll’eurs. The. only way out of the‘ difficulty is to breed horses that are not afraid of autos. This has been} :(ione. Last Satnrdziy we passed sev-i ioml fine smart drivers that merely Ilifted their heads and stepped a. hitl l more lively when they saw the car. lUn the other hand we. encountered lsome old plugs that were so listless ‘; and indifferent looking that it seemed i as if nothing but an earthquake would leg-are them yet when they saw the {auto they jumped like a. half-tamed '1 ill-bred hroncho. By the way are we 1 to infer from our Priceville friend that gautomobilists are non-church goers 'j since we suggest that legislation he in- ' troduced to prohibit 'running cars on Sunday. Perhaps there is a grain of truth in the inference as it is quite noticeable that more autos are seen lined up before a. hotel on aSunday than befOre a church. CLASSIC CITY CHRONICLES. I’ve come to lick the editorâ€"- Oh yes. I want his blood! I want to club His head and rub His whiskers in the mud! I want to Knock his false teeth down His throat an’ mash his nose, An’ break his neck And smash his speck- Tacles, and tear his clo’se ! I’ve comato lick the editor, ’N I fwant his printer’s life! I’m mad clean throughâ€" An’ dad 18, too, So likewise is my Wife. W 6 had a big reunion To _ou_r h_ous_e yesterday, Continued from page An’ all the Brbwns From forty townf Was ,here from miles away. “A gathering of the Clans” it was. And so We writ it down, And sent it to The News-Reviewâ€" The Weekly of our town. I’ve come to lick the editor, Newspa. r men is hams! L He fixe that. head- i-Ie fixed that; head- Line no it readâ€" ‘ The Gathering of the Clans.” Continued next Week. THE POOR EDITOR THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Toléao Blnde. 1 Rev: Henry J. M’unton. of Black-1 'falds, Alta., Writes: “My wife had: a very bad sore foot, which it seemed impossible to get anything .to heal. The sore ‘would heal to a 2 certain point and then {ester again. ‘and so on. I procured .a box of figZam-Buk, and after perseverfng Hwith this herbal balm for some itime, the sore was completely 1 hh-ealed. “Tells How He Cured His Wife’s Bad Sore “We were so grateful for this, cure. and Zamâ€"Buk acted so dif.fer-' ently to any other of the numerous remedies We had tried that I thought you ought to know of this case. I have since recommended Zam-Buk to several of my par- ishioners, and -it ahways gives sat-â€" isfaction.” ’ Another instance in which Zamâ€"f Buk proved of unequalled value isl‘ told by Mr. N.L Gerry. of Brandon‘l Man He says: “I had my left foot run over by a wagon loaded with Wheat. The foot was very badly crushed, and my little toe and the .next toe were laid open. I applied Zam-Buk, and only 'had to miss work for two days. Zam-Buk healed the Wound so quickly that on the third day I was able to Eput on my boot and walk to my work. In a very short time my [toes were quite healed, and thel Ifo-ot is now as sound as lewer,‘ |thanks to Zam-Buk.” Just as good for chronic sores, ulcers, piles, blood ipois-on, burns, scalds, eruptions, eczema, and all skin injuries and diseases. 500. box at all diruggists and stores, or Zam-Buk ‘00., Toronto. Try Zamâ€" Buk Soap, too, 25¢. [per tablet. l When Everything Else Has Failed MINISTER PBAISES ZAM BUK '. o’clock of May 25th. " Carried ' Metealfeâ€"Crosxâ€"â€"That we now ad- :journ to meet, at, Lzuulztsh un May thy 27th for court. of Revision and general ‘ business. Bencinck council met at the clerk’s office, Hanover on Monday. May 6th inst"- All the members present. Owâ€" ing to the illness of the clerk. Mr. Duncan Campbell, Mr. James Garner acted as clerk pro tern. The following motions were passed: Metcalfeâ€"Crossâ€"That the clerk be instructed to order one hundred claim papers for damage for sheep Worried hy__dogs. f ML-- L‘-:n nn-snn:‘ I. “V U Fischer â€"-Lunneyâ€"â€"Thab this council deem it necessary to appoint a clerk for the township of BenLlnCK for the balance of 1912. Applications to he received by Jmnes Garner up till 12 Fake bargain M'fm's hurt lm~iness. “Special Sales” that are not. SPECIAL should be barred by every retail estab- lishment. They bring all special sales into disreputp. nmkiug the buying public distrustful uf all such lmsinpss -1- L_l.-.l». BENTIN CK COUNCIL St. Mary’s church let the contract for a. new organ to the Matthews Church Organ Company; 1" Tor-(mm. It will cost between two and thres thousand dullm s and is to be intalled by the first 01" July. 'John’l‘hom-os. a bno her of 1‘. J. Thoxms nf this umn. was amongst the doomed 11011) the ill- fated '1 name. The Bell Telephone office has been moved to the new premises on 9th st. King George’s gift of six.8wans to the Mayor. was shipped ‘on May 3rd. OwingY '0 ill health-Rev. H. A. Fish, of the VVeslside M ethodist cpr'Ch. has handed in his x-esignatinn. H? exâ€" pects to (-nntinue to reside in Owen Sound. In is reported that he may accept, a Government position. 111:1). A. Gr. Mac-Kay has cutlnnencefi t » practise law in Edmonuw. and his "*‘Sigzmtiun as representative of North Grey m the Ontario Legislature may handed in at, any time. Artemesia Township Council met on Saturday last. The members were all present, the. Reeve in the chair. Min- utes of last, regular meeting and spe- cial meeting ot April 11th were read and confirmed. The following com- muniCations were presented and read: W. H. Wright. solicitor, re Closing of certain streets in Priceville; Messrs. McKenzie and Graham, report as com- mittee re the incorporation of Flesher- ton: Tenders for fill at the horseshoe : washout from Wm. Clan-k, Cole Bry- son. D. L. Weber. A. C. McDonnell, and Lorne Mch-chur; D. L. W’eber, bill for broken axle and loss of eggs on road\. By-law 740 to authorize a loan for current. eXpenaes was introduced and read a first, second and third time. Grahamâ€"A. D. McLeod-«That the contract of building concrete arch at lot, 1501 con.2, NtEL, be_ gynntecj _to A. C. McDonnel of Dundalk, at his ten- der of six dollars per yard for concrete and$1 50 per hundred pounds for steel. All the said work shall be wording to plans and specifications of Isaac Tray- nor. 0. E., the work to be commenced at once and to he completed on or be- fore the 15th day of June 1912. and this concil to receive tenders for flu.â€" Carried. D. McLeodâ€"A. D. McLeodâ€"That Messrs. Meldrum and Graham he a committee to examine part of 10th concession west of Meufm-d Road, and report at. next meeting of this council. â€"Uarried. Grahamâ€"~A. D. McLeodâ€"Than the report. of the committee to take legal advice to the village of Flasherton, seeking incorporation be adapted.â€" Carried. V-v~v---v Meldrumâ€"~A- D. MCLeod-"Jl‘habL the that we bfitwthé Vévhéét" through. Council meet as a Court of Revision“ Don’t forget. on the assessment roll of 1912, on the ‘ 8th day of June next. at 10 n’clock mm. - ECLIPSE and the Clerk give the required no-g Lice, and the Councx} meet for general ' A blend ofé Manitoba and . OllLdI‘lO husmess safer-wards, InsteadofJune tst . wheat and is a strictly first 81355 X . , o , a o u ’ 'V, 9 - . Wthh meetmg 18 vmthbum xixâ€"(jar d. .5 farmly flour I»P LICENSE REDUCTION Just; as we {:0 m press we are m- fox-med than the local Temperance forces are cmmuenciug to divide on the questinn uf whether to submit Lu- hzil Option or Livense Reduction to the electors here in January. Those who favor License Reduction mainâ€" tain that there. are some huteis in \Valkex't.(m living strictly up in the law, and as: under Local Opriun the gimd and the “ad would meet. the saline fate, in is their idea Ln separate. as it, were. the wheat, fmu. the ti-ll'98. and to issue licenses tn the BMW) Uih‘i law- ahidlng hutels in tuwn. and tn (-ut nfl' the privilege uf selling l'nmze i'rnm the remainder. As :L umjm'iiy Vnru wnuld vmry License Reduction. whiie a, three-fifths mine would be needmi fnl' Local ()ptiun. it is ziitngefhvr likely What the iiwiui'linn idea. would he PH‘iv her carried here than the pi- 'hihitinn ! measure. At all events the People are. :m decide next. week which they will ' suhi'nit.~â€"I‘1emiii-Times. Local Option. that the Red m er carrivd hm measure. At Council adjourned. ARIEMESIA COUNCIL OWEN SOUND. OR LOC AL OPTION Mr. Land Hunts! Look Here 325 ACRES close to Proton Stati brick dwellingfine large out-building:S windmill .o.: hay. :2 tons to acre. onl." $5,500. Knocks the sunshine off Al‘ berm bargains. 533 ACRES near Proton Station an? Saugeen Jutctiun. fine brick residence splendid barns. splendid suil. good water orchard c. Will 3611 less than $25 an acre. A bargain surely. A H ARD WARE and Tinsmith Bus~ uess.Grey County. post office in con nectlon Less than $0.000 will buy 40 acres of land store and dwelling, barn. other frame d Welling and $4 600 stock. GEVERAL .COUNTRY STORE hve miles Large number of cheap farm properties Monev to Land at Low Rates. Lands bought and sold. Debts collecttd All kinds of writings drawn. No man who doies business with H. H Mill ~r is ever satsfied to go elsewhere Our methods seem to please. "Always Prom pt, â€" Never Vegligent, People’s Mills A small or large bag 01 a fine grain white, nutritious flour, is sold as our brand. Have you ever tried it? Get your grocer to give you our kind next time and see the superior baking qual- ities it possesses. Better and more wholesome. because of a secretproce s that we put the wheat through. Don’t forget. . H. MILLER Our pure Manitoba flour, made. from No. 1 Manitoba wheat cannot, be beat for either bakers or domestic use [5 made from selected winter whe and is a superior article for making pastrv. etc. Special Reduction on Flour in 5 and 10 _Bag ths. Goods delivered afivwhere in tow: Chopping Done Every Day All up-m-date flour and feed and grocers keep our flour for sale. your grocer does not keep it come in *‘he null and we Will use ymx right Call us up by telephone No. 8. ill kinds of Grain bought! at Market Price from; Durhguiz i'ery cheap. The Hanover Conveyance!- John McGowan PASTRY FLOUR SOVEREIGN THE Opposite The Reid Rouse. Hanover BBVE!‘

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