West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 May 1912, p. 2

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acre orchard. frame barn 50x36, atablinB ., x derneat'h. The above property‘ will be sold cheap, as the owner‘ intends going to Alberta. . further particulars; apply oni farm, or to . Rocky Saugeen, Ont ”1:533“ ‘ v’ _â€"._.â€"_k -_â€"â€" 70 ACRES, 1% MILES FROM: DURâ€" ham. Good buildings, good land. Two concrete Wells. W'ell fenced with Wire and rails. For particulars apply to Mary Cauldâ€" Well, Box 1%,. Durham 6 pd ltf _.â€"___gâ€"â€"â€"â€"M~ MY BRICK RESIDENCE ON AL-g bert streetâ€"good land and good; stable. Also one mare, in foam "th buggy. cutter. harness. etc-.2 One good cow is also offered fori \ sale. Everything must be sold at once.-â€"â€"Jas. Lenahan. Durham. YVEDDING STATIONERY: THE; kind that makes married life: worth living. Furnished on- short notice at the Chronicle}l Office __ A _,___~____~-w,,__..._.__~ ‘ BRICK COTTAGE, AND Aims; Lot A. bargain for immediate __buyer.-â€"Arthur E. Jackson. 18tf A PAIR OF ONE-HORSE BOB- sleighs. and a. cutter. Apply to D. MacKenzie. Upper Town, Dur- “ham. ___._Ffl_,__ _.- L 51211th THRIVING BAKERY BUSINESS} in the TOWn oi Durham.-â€"â€"A.pply§ to H. Burnett. 12§E\ Saunders. Advertisement subsequent insertion. 3 of one incn. or 10”, :0 Over one inch amount. Yearly Farms for Sale. TWO SHORTHORN BULLS; ONEI extra fine, 16 months old, by a! Prince Royal sire, and tracing to Cargill stock on the dam side. He is a choice animal, and has proved himself sure. Also one 12 months’ old bull, very cheap. Apply to W. A. Livingston. Vickers PD. 4 11tf GOOD COMFORTABLE FRAME house on College street; six rooms, two storeys, hard and soft water. good half acre of land. A bargain to quick pur- chaser. For articulars, apply to Ed. Lang on, Durham, or John M. Little, 205 Riopelle St, Detroit, Mich. 222tf A COMFORTABLE BRICK COT- tage in upper town, well located, about a quarter acre of land in good condition; Will sell cheap to quick purchaser.-â€"Ap- ply to Greo. Finney. 418t£ THE ROCKY SAUGEEN HOTEL propertyâ€"Apply to J. A. BrOWn. Durham. 12 7t! THOROUGHBRED BERKSHIRE! at Lot 54. Con. 3, VVG..R., Bent-s V inck.â€"C. S. Dunsmoor. p2 i GOOD ROUGH-C centrally located S Hunter Son. LVJ‘LV V‘.-----â€"__ __ ling on Countess street, 2 storeys, on x-acre lot, with good stable. This property will he sold real cheap to a quick purchaser. and on terms to suit the buyer. Apply to Mrs. F. Caton. 3 7t! . .,.__-â€"â€"~â€"_â€" ___. COMFORTABLE BRICK DWEL- -L n h‘nnnwa April . 19 '7 1.. Owen Son 6 n.., Ont ‘ ° h We h a V e . 11) st ructi r) *. n ‘ s t o s ell L o t 3 , C on. 9 H G la n 3 lg LL PARENTS ‘ RESIDING I}! V " “ the Tdown of dDuihz-im, are re-l TENDERS quire to sen c ildren Within: - school age to school. and in caselTI‘EfiDERS WILL. \ 3 the Counc1. of their neglect so to do, infer--t D mation will be laid before the! urham, for t] a cement abutr Police Magistrate, and 005“ “Vim wall at Lambt be incurred. west side 'I i v . ,2 ' V Dated Ma) 11th~ 191 - for, both .for ' THOMAS DANE}; l en bloc and 5164 §}oi)rietor. Boar for Service Notice to Trespassers and are open for offers. 10f June 1 KILBOURN KILBOURN,!f0T9n00n . k . tum-.0.- .‘~.‘ Farm For Sale Truant Notice For Rent Ti‘uant Officer. a, 25 cents for first insertion. inch and under two inchel Yearly rates on applicanon. Jun? § 01 wu‘uo‘l all“ vuâ€"â€"â€"â€" - 3 Of l posits Presbvterian Drs. lamieson lamieson. 2 OFFICE AND RESIDENCE M short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel‘ f Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durham t ')fice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock ‘ 1' 6' Hutton, “' D" c' M' ‘ Hall’s Catarrh Curé‘is~ taken in; FFICE, TELFORD’S BLOCK. UPlternally, and acts directly om the stairs, Lambton Street. Residenc blood and mucous surfaces of the Corner Queen and George_StreetSâ€"N°Tt fistem. Send for testimonials free. Church- Ufilce hours, 9' F.J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, 0. of Methodist a..m. 24th!!!" 7-9 Mn- Telephone “0' Sold by all druggists, 750. ________,______.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"’~ . . Take Hall’s Famxly P1118 for con- brine Asa-sham. Roy.London U 6:12.. and to Golden Sq. Throat ....... A- lDDAk’JJL’ \r; -., v-____ ‘g 1) animals treated on most scientif- ;ic principles. All calls promptly * attended [0. Office and residence, l Gm'afraxa Street. Durham, nearly 0p- 1 ‘ _ { posite the Chronicle Office. 623 1 _A_ __ I. 5 .16 313 L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG "QRADULATE of London. New a7 York 4nd Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. \Vill be at the Hahn House. Jan. 20 Feb. 17, Marc-1116. April 20. and May 18. Hours. 1 to 6 p.111. Dr.D.S.Craig, D.V.S. VSVD. 1\ run \ QL‘Q (”4‘ T)()\IRSTICATED UL‘ VLV v ~â€"â€"â€".â€" ' ~, ty of Toronto. Graduate Boys. College Dental Surgeons of Ontario Dentistrv in all its Branches Officeâ€"~0xet Douglas Jewellely Snow. )FFICE IL‘ er. Uonveyancer, iAgent. Money to Loa riage Licenses. A gen ‘ uess traxfigcfiegl. ““ A‘vm I 3UJv-Uav - â€"-â€"â€" 7 _' ()fiice. nearly opposite the Regxsfry office.Lambton :t..Durham. Anyampuut if munev to 102m at :3 per cent. on tam) .JEODBI‘TV’. Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage L1censes. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. A. H. Jackson. V OTARY PUBLIC, COM MISSION- er Carnegmuer, 810'. Insurance .l. inn... v . .__.._n~ LOT 33, ON. 9, GLENELG, CON- tainine: 100 acres of first-class land in good condition. Reason- able terms. Apply to J.A. Rus- sell, Box 39, SedgeWi-ck, Alberta. M'ar.14tf ON OR ABOUT THE THIRD 01“; May, a buggy belonging to the; undersigned was stolen from the; rear of 'Walpole’s Livery stablesfl Durham. The thief, will return the same at once. or put up with; the consequences.â€"â€"Thos. Harrisâ€"'3 on, Priceviue. 516 3p; w t COMFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE in Durham. 2 storeys high, hard and sofit water inside, good cem- ent stamn frame barn on too, quarter acre of land. Price away down to quick purchaser. Applv cf the Chronicle office. 7 27 ti 7 MM ‘.‘,.... I . ‘ 1‘ COURT OF REVISION :CNotiiebis herfeby givCen that thef; n . ‘ Trys a‘ “prin ' ishing‘ ‘lub, 4113““?- ' vanShlp Of filenelg igizlleased all thg fishing and angling}- NOTICE Is hereby given that the: “533‘“ .0" Strfmms With bmm‘hes ‘ first sitting of the Court of Revis-m anon tributaries on the lends -Of:: ion for the Township of Glenelg Messrs. Blyth and COWS“- being. will be ‘held in the Town H311,'L0t5 30 and 31’ 0011095510“ 3. and! IGlenelg, on Saturday. the first dnv LO“? 30' 31 and 3?’ CODCLQSSIOD 2’; tof June next. at ten o‘clock in the?“ m the Township Of bol‘mnnin if‘orenwoon, of which all persons hav- 1n tléef CorfiIty 01;) Gr?“ as gpfiw tino .,usin C (. ,. serv. or e pro aga ion am (3' - ° 955‘ “t sud court “lutivation of fish, that fishing or: .xplgise dtake notice. 't , b th d r ‘ ate at Gieneio- th' , . respasemg y unau or:ze pe q \l‘lay, 191.3. " IS 14th day Ofsons W111 be rigorously prosecute ; iaccording to law. A rewnrd of; J‘ 8' BLACK $3515.00 will be given for mformaâ€"t Etion'given either personaliy..or 17?" TENDERS WANTED tletter leading to the convmtion of ' guilty of TENDERS W any person or persons Si by the (3011131431 OlgEtthgggiEg unauthorized fishing or trespass- ‘ Durham, for the co t . 'f me; upon any of said lands. 9‘ “5 ructmn 0 JUDGE BARRETT, W. HUETHER, l a cement abutment and retaining“ - . Wall a.t__Lamb£on _street briquiNeustfiéflgfgyt'. lst, 19813? .-Treas. Medical Directorv. I F GRANT, D. D. S .L. D. S. ONOR GRADUATE: UNLVERSI- 3. P. Telfora’. ARRISTEL, sow mom am; ‘A3 #1 s..- NOTICE Is hereby given that the first sitting of the Court of BeVisw ion for the Township of Glenelg will be leheld in the Town Hall, Glenelg, on Saturday, the first day of June next. at ten! o’clock in the 'Oflim: 13’ 11D 0. \ao ‘LUJLVH d.-.."â€"___. and dwelling, next to B. Bur- nett’s store. For particulars, apply to George Ryan, Sr., Lamb- ton street, 1933313331. 425tf D L! aqutVI U‘A. DURHAM ONT. (LOWer Town.) Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. For Sale 01' 33691;.~ ENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED“ i by the Council of the Town 0.1 Durham, for the construction of a cement abutment and retaining 2 wall at Lambton street ‘Ioridg'e 1 west side. Tenders are askedl for, both for the contract Works en bloc, and also by the cubicl yard of cement Work, and in- cluding the necessary excavation.‘ Plans and specifications may be, seen at the office of the Clerk of the Town of Durham, on and after Monday, the 20th inst.’ Tenders will be opened on Mon- day, the 27th of May, 1912. S. P. SAUNDERS, Chairman Board of Works, 5 16 2 Durham. Legal ’Dz’reatorv. :rtion. and 10 cents for each inches, double the above DR. BURT. Buggy Stolen NICHOL TARâ€"03 sgop vâ€"__ London Ophthalmic £108. in- Throat and N030 Hos. ' ‘ V '2 £011an 5), Owe (tlgv- to Loan. issuer of A general financial . SHARP mu A...“ u. u- 17".! Luau. D _ ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS , onnh and everv case Of C31 State of Ohio, City of Toledo,.SS 1 Lucas County. 1 Frank J. Oheney, makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney 6: Co., doing :busviness in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and .that said firm will pay the sum or __ __._______ “AT? the 3“» $‘u “Hanging” U .7-..” imach and every case of Catarrh {that cannot be cure d by the use oi Mar- busi- Hall’s Catarrth _Cure. nun; a 'baua-a. mu. v uu. w- FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and sub- scribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, AD. 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEAS‘ON Notary_ Pumice stipation. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF. ONTARIO. undm; the authority Of Chapter 4, Of the; Statutes Of Ontario, 1911, invites? subscriptions from the public for; a loam Of $2,000,000 on bonds of the‘. Province of OntariO. or “Ontarioi Provincial Loans of $2,000,000 and $210,000 a loan of $2,000,000 on bonds of the»l Province of Ontario. or “Ontario‘ Government Stock.” l The bonds will be dated lst l}. egg. 191:2, and payable on the lst NOV-i amber, 1941, in denominations of SEALED TEND‘: $1000 each, with coupons attachedxhe undersigned for interest at the rate of 4 perU-‘Tender for Wh cent. per annum, payable ghalf~i Wall at Owen Sz gyearly, on the lst .May and lstsreceived at this November in each year, at the ofâ€"lon Tuesday. Jur ifice of the Provincial Treasurer.‘construction of l’i‘oronto, or at the offices of the’taining Wall at ‘Bank of Montreal. in Montre:xl.{(ii-aunty, Ont. lCanada, and in New York, N. Ya} Plans. specific *at the holder’s option. Bonds will ‘ contiact can he be made payable to bearer, but on : tender obtained ,request will be registered in - and at the offi1 the office of the Provincial Treasâ€" ' Esq" District I ‘ure‘: and endorsed as payable only i ation Life Built ‘to the order of certain persons o;'!H. J. Lamb. E: lgcorporations, and on request, of'eer. Windsor, 0 tholders will be exchanged for “On- ' tion to the Po: I . ‘ s . gta'rio Government Stock" at an} Sound. Ont. l'time. l 4 Persons ten 0 ‘ n I 1 -. A __ -.-_-_ hn\\\i' LL .\+ *Afiflf-‘Oi‘c ‘1’; LLLC‘L U ulzuu. A. J. MATHESON, Provincial Treasurer. Treasury Department, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, April 19, 1912. Newspapers inserting this adver- tisement without authority from the Department will not be paid for it. Notice is hereby given that the? Saugeen Fishing Club, having: leased all the fishing and angling1 rights on streams ,u'ith branches! and tributaries on the lands oft Messrs. Wettlaufer, Mueller, ‘ Damm, Seim and Ryan, being Lots 30 and 31, Con. 12; Lot 30, Con. 13;! Lots ‘27 and 30, Con. 41-1; .Lots 29' and 30, Con. 15; and Lot '23. Con 3, all in the Township of Normanby in the County of Grey, as aPreâ€" serve for the propagation and culâ€" tivation of fish, that fishing or trespassing by unauthorized per- sons Will be rigorously prosecuted according to law. A. reward of $15.00 will be given for informaâ€" tion given either personally or by letter leading to the conviction of any person or persons guilty of unauthorized fishing or trespass- ing upon any of said lands. ____ var- fif'fin‘fino ULIGLLLALV¢ ‘uuvâ€" _._~ __, ing upon any of $5161 lands. JUDGE BARRETT, \V. HUETHER, President. Stacyâ€"Treats. Neustadt, May lst, 191:2. ONTARIO NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS FISHIN G 1‘30 EICE FISHING NOTICE In” passing on Lots 9 and 2 3rd [concession of the of Egremont, after the pearance of this notice, ‘ 1912, Will be prosecuted to 1aw.-â€"W. T. Wilson, 523tf ' I Some have finished seeding, but makes 03th30thers are delayed because of the mer of the 1wet weather dgrjpg the‘pasf. ‘week; DURHAM CHRONICLE. r gix en that the hing C1ub,l1a\‘ing‘. mag and angling w ith branches n the lands of d Cornish. being for WCL "‘u‘b‘uJ‘V-A “u- -a-D ‘-_- Mrs. Victor Wilson, dau hter of Mr. John Beaten, 'Who has een ill all winter, had the misfortune to break the small bone of her ankle while getting out of .a buggy. She is improving rapidly. 1170- - - __ _:.. “LL UV}! “Una-.- â€"_.â€"v A , We extend our congratulations to Miss Mary McFarlane, who was married to Mr. George E. Davis, of Toronto, on the 9th inst. They have taken up their home in Toâ€" ronto. __ _.. . AL-_‘_1‘J 1U}! LU. Miss Kate McFarlane attended' the wedding of her sister in To- ronto. ‘ Miss Laura McGillivray, who came home from Toronto recently, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dan "Mc- Arthur. k _. ,, _ _L‘A1-h‘l\“ £11 LAAHL . Mr. Thos. Gray, exâ€"postmaster, who has been confined; to his bed for the past couple of years, 13 not imprpving much. â€"-- t‘1Afin fko IlUL Lluvavraig, aa.“‘.--. A number of farmers along the} line are getting telephones install-i ed in their homes. Will give their names later. ' ~ A rural mail deliverv would he a great benefit in this locality. and we hope the good Tory Govern-a ment will not forget their Grit friends when handing out the fav- OI‘S. SEALED TENDERS, a‘ddresse 5:511:23..th 1.1.);‘Uu11-u, .V-‘-‘__ the undersigned and endorsedi “Tender for Wharf or Retaining" Wall at Owen Sound, Ont," will be‘ received at this office until 4 PM"! on Tuesday. June 4th. 1912, for they construction of a Wharf or Reâ€"‘ mining Wall at Owen Sound, Grey \,'?!U'.1L§, UJLL. Plans. specification and form contxact can be secn and forms of‘ tender obtained at this Department and at the offices of J. G. Sing, ”sq“ District Engineer. Confederâ€"i 0 ation Life Building. Toronto. Ont... H. J. Lamb. Esq. District Engin~ \_' “-_ _ Persons tendering are r that tenders will not be con: unless made on the printed supplied. and signed with actual signatures. stating occupations and places 01 -». 1‘ .1‘: “ma c LLICIL LLllktg;u .. unless made on the printed forms; supplied. and signed with their actual signatures. stating their occupations and places of resi- dence. In the case of 'firms, the actual signature. the nature of the occupation, and place of residence of each member of the firm must lie given. _ Each tender must be accompan- ied by an accepted cheque on :1 ‘ “ ‘n flu/x ied hy an accepted cheque. 0-11 ‘1‘ .___ _ , chartered hank. payable to the: . order of the H(_>nour:-fl)1e the Min-‘ Chopplng Done Every 03} ister of Public Works. equal to ten‘ 7 ~ ~ per cent. (10 Inc) of Che amount of the tender, which will be. forfeited All up-to-datle flour and feed and . . . grm-ers keep.m1r flour for sale. If the _person tendermg dechne to; your grocer does not, keep it come tr enter mto a contract when calledi -:he mt]! and we win use, you right upon to do so. or frul to complete‘ Call us up by telephone No. 8. tne work contracted for. If the‘ 511 k' d 'G ; tender be not accepted, the chequen ‘ m 8 01 ”1;“, boughttat Marke ‘ nee 3will he returned. 3 5 The Department does not hind; _â€" ”cow to :mcent the lowest or am" ~£ Enhn Mrfinwnr ._â€"_uâ€" The Department itse‘ f to apccept the tender. SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. ANY PERSON who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarters-(action of available Dom- inion land in Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Don- inion Lands Agency, or Sub-agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, Own certain conditions by father, moth- er. s:o-n, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Duties.â€"Six months’ residence: upon and cultivation of the landt in each of three years. A home-. steader may live within nine miles‘ of his homestead on. a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and oc-‘ copied by “him or by his father,( mother, son, daughter, brother or; sister. I I . v a _ ‘ A. ‘homes'teader who has exhaust- ed .‘his homestead right and cannot :obtain a preâ€"emption may enter if-or a purchased homestead in Ecertain districts. ‘Price $3.00 per ‘a'cre. Dutiesâ€"Must reside six timorvths in each of three years, cul- Vs tivate fifty acres and erect ahouse " worth $300.00. » N.B.-â€"Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. NOTICE is hereby given that the first sitting of the ‘Court of Revision for the town of Durham, for the year 1912, will be held in the town hall, Durham, on Monday, the third day of June,.1912, at 7.30 o’clock, pm; BUNESSAN. By order, Deputy eacn UL LILLC'U 3' wav, wu- ' acres and erect ahouse ,.00. W. W. CORY, MW of the Minister of the Interior. authorized publication .vertisement will not be 1 C. DESROCHERS, NOTICE are notified be considered . VOLLET, Clerk. 'k/LLLJA.~'V .! . . Secretaryme METHODIST HYMN BOOK. Parents, teach your children economy This is one of the greatest factors in their education. Have them put away their five and ten cent pieces, even coppers. Arrange With them to go to the Bank and start a savings account. Afterwards, with them, watch the balance grow. Then, â€"_-:AL LLA-m. ‘1‘ Dvmu a Du‘mbw wvvvâ€"_â€"-, not only do you teach them economy,ibut you get into closer touch with them. THE TRADERS BANK “ People’s Mills S. HUGHES, Manager, Capital and Surplus $6,800,000 '.. small or large ha: of a. film grain E White), nutritious flour, is sold as our ‘ brand. Have you ever tri'. d it? Get your grocer to give. you our kind next s time and see the superior baking: qua!- Hties it possesses. Better an d mom WhOIPSUIIH'. hw'emse (If :1, Nxcx-e-tpl-(u’fe S than we put thv wheat thramgh. Don’t furget. A. small or huge. bar: at a WhlBP, nutritious flour, is A hkmd off, Manitoha and§ OnLa‘z-u. Wheat and is a Strictly first. class family flour Our pure Manitoba flour, made from N0. 1 Manitoba wheat cannot he beat 901’ either bakers. or domestic us: I ‘ All up-tn-date flour and feed and grm-e-rs kvepunu' flour for sale. ynur grocer (1095 not, keep it come to the mill and We will use you right Call us up by telephone N0. 8. All kinds of Grain boughtiat Market I’rice 1 l i [5 made from selected winter whe and is a superior article for making pastx'v, etc. Special Reduction on Flour in 5 ant 10 Eng Lots. Grands delivered anywhere in tow: an Poor appetite is a sure sign of impaired digestion. .A few doses of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets will strengthen your digestion and improve your appe- tite. Thousands have been bene- fited by taking these Tablets. Sold by all dealers. Anyone sen ding a 31:0? ch gmd descr‘rntian may quickly ascertam our ommon free whether as inmminn is probabzy patentzghle. Communinm Lions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent. free. (was: aamwy for securing patents. I'atcnzs taker; tlxrimch Munn 82; Co. receive 3:):ng floticc, mthous ccarge. mum. -‘AH- m, A-.-‘A‘- vvuvuvwfi'wwfq" 'C‘ 1' i L at Cir. ndsomely fltlzqtmgr‘d vs eehly. 1mg gzfifiien of any smcmzzac journal. Tet-{us for Canada. $3.75 a your. manage prepaid. hold by all UQWEQUQ'icrf' .- II I manages“ New ggrk Branch 01330.3. 625 F St... Washington. . . John McGawan . 2:»:156, “;)TUUQ‘JULRH;.'J. tub Uu‘a acmemma. _ 311-- “n.â€" ‘ nvnnnv‘ I, rnrlvncf 'TORONTO L______ DURHAM BRANCH, John Kelly, U U U PASTRY FLOUR SOVEREIGN ©F @ANAEA ECLIPSE T H E DURHAM, Ont. A. BELL UN DERTAKER and Funeral Director» HH’E DURHAM EHHBMCU chture Framz'ng on 51202135: notice. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING At the Chronicle Printing House, Garafraxa Street. Full line Of Catholic Robes. and black and white (Taps fur aged pmwple. Subscription Tm: Cunoxumz will be sent tc any address. free of postage. f0: Rates - - $1 00pm year. payable in advance: â€"$1.50 may be charged if not no paid. The date so which ever) ubscrimimx is pad is denoted by the mummy cm the address label. So gaper die! continued to all arrears are paid. except at the 00mm: of the propriemr. Advertising For Lranalent .adverImementa b ('PUIS per line for the first inser- Rates - Linn: 3 cents poriine each subse' quent. insertion minim: measure. Y'mfessiona cards. not exceeding: «me' inch $4 00 per annum. Advernsements without suecific directions wil} be published till forbid a) 1 charged acmymm 1y. Transie at nonmflâ€""m st. ‘ ”Found." “For 83 e." etaâ€"50 cents for first insertion. :25 cents for each Subsequent insertion. - -â€".â€" _.-.-4 All advertisements ordered by be Daid for in adtunce. Contract rates for ye nished on application to VICTORIA SH()\V R(mM'Sâ€"â€"Next to Swalluw Barber 81m}... REsxmzxmzâ€"Nex’. door South of \V. J. Lawrence’s blacksmith shup. Good going May 23rd and 24th Homeseekers’ May 28th. June 11th and 25th and every second Tuesday thereafte um i1 September 17th Via Chicago and St. Paul Winnipeg and Return a $34.00 Edmonton and Return 42.00 Tickets good for 60 days The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest. and quickest, route be- tween Winnipeg. Saskatoon. Edmon- um. with smooth x-uadhed. elecu-ic lighted sleeping cars and superb din- ing on service. through the newest, most picturesque and most; rapidly dc- veloping suctiuu of \Ves‘tern Canada. Through tickebs said and reservations made by all Grand Trunk Agents. Costs no more than by other routes. Trains now in operation \‘Vinnipeg to Regina, Yorktou and Camera, Sash, .no 3 ‘IZ‘J-,._ Lbcslllll, .n‘-'---vw-â€" also to (hunrose. Mirror and Edson, Alta. Full particulars and tickets from any Grand Trunk Agent. or write A. E. Duff. D.P.A.. Toronto. Embalming a Specialty J. R. GUN, Agent. Phone 14 J. TO \VNER. Depot. Agent, Phone L) Canada, the United States or Europe is safe, economical and expeditious when this Bank's drafts and money orders are used. Single Fare for Round Trip Between all St. Eminm AND ENDING money to any point in Total Assets $52,000,000 Return Umit May 27th Minimum collar '9 25:: ( E May ~2¢3rd, 1912. W. IRWIN ESTABLISHED . for year.y ad vermsemente ation to thé office. PR ( n. ’m 1~ :T 0 R tition s in Canada Excursions strangers mus? 616 mm fur ET

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