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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 May 1912, p. 3

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Bra. “nod and Iron - Sling-e}; SHOP OPEN EVERY AFTERN 001$ Pumps From $2 Upward ALL RIPARING promp a 6 property attended to. m n PUMPS OF ALL KINDS. 93"!!!“ 9‘ 21‘?“ “Pills; Erase w. D. CONNOR Patient No. 1592.. “I 1 a regular Emission I don‘ and am feeling fine. The altogether different to me God for directing me to ya been an honest doctor xvi: Patient No. 16765. Age Indulged in immoral hails posit in urine and drain Varicose Veins on both sic back. weak sexually. He received your letter of rece in reply I am pleased to 33 taking two months‘ treatm consider myself Completely have seen no signs of t] back (one year)- ___, 0-wwu5ut 5U auu and shall never fnrgct the favor your medicines have done for me. You can use my name in recommending it to any sufferer. I am going to get mar- ried soon. Thanking you once more, etc.” 9m¢omwwwu THE WORLD SEEMS DII‘FEREVT‘ A Patient No. 16474 gone from my 1033 good now. I am \ Statements made by patients taking the New Method Treatment. SAYS TWO MONTHS CURED HDL Macfarlane Co. ’ , , v v u ' O 9 I ‘ Q T O .O.OOI.-O 00" 05-..OOQ‘QO 1". 5 oooooo O o O o .vv+9+e++++++e+++++++++++++++++++e++ Never substitute appemunce for quality~ but, rather choose an article a trifle more costly and 5btz1in both. Appearance is prudential But Quality Is Essential if best results are to be obtained. Remember that you can follow this example in purchasing any- 3 thing in Tinware, Graniteware, Stoves, Ranges, j Furnaces, and General Plumbing) Goods from i May 23rd, 1912. urecung me to you. honest doctor with No. 16474. “The spots are all my legs and arms and I feel I am very grateful to you never forget the favor your have done for me. You can __-_- \uuux. (Idlu m pleased tnisay that 1f . ¢ ¢ tet‘ months treatment I would 1951’ A,\_.._‘ - A \Vhat about (me 1:} 'l'he \V 01‘ 'P.R cure VARICOSE A "'*n -..__ _ “impleterA cured r. He writeszâ€"“I of recent date and haifs 4 yéars. De- drains at night. )th sides. pains in “I have not had )wn Ticket Office u“ft Us shnW \‘(m is filled with beauty which you can and keep by means of a. Kodak. “ u» - them ébming t know when world seems and I thank Hi. You have : this year. \Ve have them from $1.01) 11 p w you how easily they are operated. eep Kodak's to rent by the day.” Single. vv-â€"n-ubu‘ubc JUU. hater reportzâ€"“I am beginning to feel more like a man. I feel my condition is getting better every week.” His last re- portzâ€"“Dcur Ductorsâ€"As I feel this is the last month's treatment that I will have. to get. I thought at one time I would never be cured but I put con- fidence in you from the start and you have cured mo!” GAINED 14 POCXDS IN ONE Patient No. 13522. This pati‘ 58) had a chronic case of Net ility and Sexual \Veaknpcq and '_- wvv. on the face, etc. Aft treatment he writes as welcome letter to ham glad to say that I thin. My \‘aricwse Veins have appeared for quite a wh a cure. I work harde tired. I have no desire whatever and if I stay J I have every reason to Thanking you for your 1 etc. used without written consent VARICOSE VEIN S CURED. Case No. 16888. Symptoms when he started treatment:-â€"Age 21, single, in- «Eulxml in immoral habits snveral years. Varicose Veins on both sidmâ€"nimmnc Machine Oil. Harness Oil Ax1e Grease and Hocr Ointment, go to DRUGGISTS AND STATIONERS D U R H A M Buy Your Tickets Here £ 0 J c o n 4 c 4 o o a v a A. .m- . ,., v56 ' 0.0! 000“. 9. d! OOQVOO‘CQO‘oOOQOO 'M‘OMOQOO 95.00%.90‘4 v 0 . lou can find come extra good value in Hosiery here for Men. L:i.dies,;- Misses, Boys and Children. Prices from 150. to 50c. Trunks. Valises. Teles- copes. Suit Cases. (3.. in stock or supplied on short; notice. ()ustmm \Vork and Repair- ing as Usual. ARE the I in mind. 1 that Ideal L pair hex-0. large stock kinds of we EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. atmentzâ€"Age 21, single, in- mmoral habits several years. eins on both sidesâ€"pimples :0, etc. After two months’ Ie writes as follows:â€""Yuur ttc-r to hand and am VGI‘E A!-â€"A ' hat I think myself curedl.I Veins have completely dis- quite a while and it seems 'urk harder and feel less a no desire for that habit . if I stay like this, which “AAâ€"nâ€" I the [deals you have ind. You can realize Ideal by purchasing a hex-0.- _\\'e have a. stock of Shoes for all SUIT :0n to believe I “ill. your kind attention, " ." wonr and at, reson- ahie prices n find come extra Iue in Hosiery here. 1. L:Ldies,;- Misses. This patient (aged A __ They know it Cures ’. IBLOOD Harnessm alto: :9 MiCh. Nervous De- catch Question MONTH. GLENELG CENTRE FARMERS HOLD MONTHLY MEETING. The meeting of the Glenelg Cen- tre Farmers’ Club, which .Was held in the township hall on the 30th of April, should have been reported in your last :Week’s paper, but‘ seeding operations \interfered. However, they did not interfere With the attendance at the meeting When about 70 were present. After the short business session those present listened to a splendid address from Mr. Tisdale, of Mark- a-ale‘ on “The Farmer’s Vegetable Garden.” Mr. Tisdale is at present v--\I“'o'§\v yAle gun Lauu, uub 'aLLCLâ€" Wards it proyed to be only a cloud. but at last Tuesday afternoon about four o’clock, they were sighted by the barge Tempest, Capt. Johnston, from Toledo, and brought to this port. Their hands. and feet are badly frozen, and in some cases probably amputation will be necessary. The fact that they are alive is proof of their strong physique and their courag- eous spirit. Ronald McIntYre suffered the least. The men are receiving medical attention here, and every possible kindness is be- ing shown them. It is not thought any of them Will die. Jack Pyette is a nephew of Capt. Louis Py- ette, of the :C. P. .R. ’4': In” a \i “.1 O OAV 5n 0‘ ((n u n«t.n__:_‘.w.__.i“..u..... .138. .. who .‘I .o.w,'. , IS I 1 +0» 0] ‘IL 0' C r “ a C ...r ;+.v._.+.??v+.?: .T. I...\..~..P.r+++++ + SIXTY~EIGHT HOURS IN OPEN BOAT ON (.I-EORLé-lAN BAY. A tale of terrible privation and E grim endurance on the inland seas 3 is told. in a ('lcs‘patch from \\'i.:r- I ton, which says: For sixtyâ€"eight g hours, In'actically without food. 5 drifting about in a launch on i the roughest sea ever known on t the C‘reorgian Bay, Philip Clark. Jack Pyette, Thomas Ellis and lionald McIntyre, all natives of the Manitoulin Island, were picked up' by the barge Tempest, of Toledo, thiIty-nine miles from Cove island, and brought to this port safely this morning. It was a sight to make strong men weep to see them being carried on the arms of others to the shore. Their story is as follows: At 25.30 Saturday ev- ening, they left Providence Bay for their homes at Michael’s Bay, a distance of ten miles. After they had gone about five miles, their 'engine played out,â€"their gasoline was done. i.They had a five- gallon can full on board, but to their dismay, they found that the rocking of the launch had knocked ‘ the spout off, that the water which 1 had come into the boat had got l into the can, and consequently : they were without any power. A 1 strong north-east wind blew them 1 idirectly :into the lake. All that 1 night, all day Sunday and Sunday t night, in the rain :and snow, with the wind blowing a gale of 60 11 miles per hour, with the worst sea l ever known on the Georgian Bay, 1 they were tossed about and ex- 0 [used to the weather. ,All the food they had was some raw pota- g toes and raw prunes. Still they “ never 10.41 Lope. One- day they 0 thought they ’saw land, but after- 9‘ blood poison, abscesses, ul' cuts, burns, and all skin inji and diseases it is Without e. and should be in every home. box all druggists and stores. also Zam-Buk Soap, 25c. tablet Zam-Buk owes its unique healing power to certain herbal extracts it contains. Unlike most ointments it contains no poisonous coloring matter, no animal fat, but is pure- ly herbal. For eczema. Diless On another occasion I had one of my lingers c111she l. and in that case also bZam- Bul: was the onlx remedy I used. ~t\I l1 11ed the Wound splendidly. “My boy had boils, and once again. Zam-Buk brought about a 'complete cure. "We have -also used it as a household balm, for the injuries and skin diseases which are common to every person‘ and can say that in our experi- ence there is nothing to equal Zam-Buk.” For skin rashes, eruptions, ec- zema, etc., either in adults or child- ren, there is nothing known to sci- ence which equals Zam-Buk in the quickness and certaintv of its :_r11ratiVe pOVVer. Mr. Raymond 'V‘V ehber of Allanhurg, Ont. VV r1tes g“I have tried Zam- Buk for many ailments, and every time have found it successful. Some time ago, I had a bad rash all over mV body. I tried home- made salV es, herb sz.1\ es, and various home-made prepa ations, and these prOV ed of no use, but when 11 tried Zam- Bnk I Was cured in a quarter of the time that I had been experiment- ing in Vain with other prepara- tions. On another occasion I had one of my fingers crushed. and in that SOME FISHERMEN. Toronto-newspaper men, like other mortals, require a little recreation now and then, and a Idiet of fish food is recommended ,as an aid to the production of grey imatter and editorial brilliancy. Three Toronto gentlemen at least have faith :in this old saw and put their faith into practiceâ€"Joe Clark, of the Star, F. D. Smith of the News and A. H. U. Colquhoun, Deputy Minister of Education. Mr.‘ Colquhoun, of course, merely comes along to show the others how to prepare the brain food in its proper proportions of salt, butter and flour. The newspaper .,men say Mr. Colquhoun dodges the cooking, but that gentleman replies that it is only their cook- ing which he dodges. He has been up with them before, and experi- ence teaches Wisdom. As he runs the great brain-developing ma- chinery of this country nothing further need be said. Saturday last “'35 the day these gentlemen chose for an outing at their preâ€" serve in the valley, and it was an ideal fish-catching day. The catch was alleged to be a large one. Note. we say “alleged.” \If an added liwrilliancy is noted in the . editorial scintilaltions of the Star I and a more translucent diagnosis of 'l‘aft‘s designs on Canada is apâ€" zurent in the News, then you may consider the assertion as beyond disputinâ€"Flesherton Advance. HAVE YOU :3 SKIN RAE Zam Buk Will End 11‘ For eczema, piles, 1, abscesses, ulcers, and all skin injuries it is Without equal DURHAM CHRONICLE. or child- 'n to sci- { in the ASH? 3511? I Owen Sound is counting on a monster twelfth of July celebra- tion. Excursions from Hanover, Flesherton, Collingwood, ' and Lion’s Head are expected. Durham isn’t in tlle‘arrangement. ' M}. Mantell is quite strong for a man of his age, and although his hearing is a little impaired, he has a clear eyesight, and takes much pleasure in reading The News every day without glasses. He also takes long walks when the weather permits,-and thinks that this is the best exercise’ for ' any young man or old.-â€"Toronto News. He is probably the oldest Mason in Canada, having joined the Till- sonburg Lodge in 1840. When he removed to Toronto, he was made an honorary life member of that lodge._ . He was ofiered at due time a half-acre of land where the Eaton store’ now stands for $400. Many are the tales he tells his grand-children of Old York. These were the days when he used to go out and sell eggs at four and. five cents a dozen, and then get paid in trade. Going to market withi one hundred pounds qf mutton which he failed to sell at the price of 75c per cwt. In these days a stranger was always called into a house and - given food, but .Mr. Mantel] ventured to say that a man would have to walk a long wax before such hospitality would be extended in this day. He then Went West to Tillson- burg, Where, up to five years ago he was engaged in shoe-making. He is now staying with his grand- daughter at the Bea-ch. Mr. Mantel] was born in Middle- sex county, England, in 1809, and distinctly recollects the bonfires and the shouting of Victory after the Battle of Waterloo. He emi- grated to Canada in the strenuous times of 1837, and served in the1 ranks for a short time, and was present at the execution of Mat- thews and Lount, the rebel leaders! Although Mr. Joseph Mantell is 103 years old, and his back bent with age, yet The News found him yesterday working in his garden, assisted by his 3-year-old grand- son, at the home of his daughter, Mrs J_.A Edwards, 69 Herbert ave. There never was a time when people appreciated the real merits of Chamberlain’s Cough '{emedy more than now, This is shown by the increase in sales and voluntary testimonials from perâ€" sons ‘Who have been cured by it. If you or your children are troubled with a cough or cold give it a trial and become acquainted With its good qualities. For sale by‘ all dealers. CANADA’S OLDEST MASON 'TTOILS IN HIS GARDEN. fine new buggV, 1V ston a car: iag e, a: Gilmour, a cab, Kerr, of Allan Park MI". ‘Andrew He work at present on his hand. Mr. Thos. McRonald, and his daughter Janet, visited with the Henderson family recently. Miss Bessie Park has returned to Durham, to resume her duties as §I)p1‘entice with .Miss TorrY. â€"â€"vw V‘A‘J". Miss Gértru do Corbett with her aunt Mrs. A. Fu} week. -w-- “‘5‘ Mr. Geo. Nichol takes h the homestead. While M is assisting his mother Mr. Wm. McIntosh paid a fare- well visit to his relatives last Week, as he intends leaving for his home in Aspen. Colorado. Bornâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. George Willis, :1 daughter. Mr. Wm. ‘McInrtovs'li Well Visit to his 1 Mr. W'm. Sharp The sacrament of the Lord’s Sup-l per will be dispensed here on May 26th. The preymrzztory service will be held on May '22nd. Miss M. :C’ampbel}, teacher at; Vickers, spent over the week end! with her old school-mate, .Miss' Etta Anderson. ' I h .--_--v---uol I IUP‘I‘ w" uu. Lut: inner leaves over t e to H1 . head to keep the sun out Aspar- s a ' t . d h 1d t The topic of today’s 1 en years or more an sou no . n be harvested till after the third fulness. but from th year. Celery requires a rich: Scripture selections “3 moist soil. Do not grow citrons} be a warning 83311151: 8 and melons very close together,y’ mg the three passages. for they will cross, and they will! - . 0D. l o’ . be neither. For omon smut, treat :hmtro of the ton [.18 the same as for oat smut,-â€"With5 3133 right ”913130! formalin. Small fruits such as, Currants and gooseberries shouldgnrone is heaven, Hi find a place in all (arm gardens. In pruning these, alwaYs havelfgmitand Jerusalemf just six branches, and take out e C y Of the great 8 the two oldest every year, allowâ€" makes us think of Mal. jng two new ones to grow up ini He complains of the de .5“ y .77 T 3. r r f . . . then place. in the “ayathe “00d! ple m bmngmg film of the plant 15 alxxays young, and, wouldn t b ' 0 will hear 1wetter. Use insect pow-g . 0 “no to an 9‘ am. on the cabbages to kill the? he said. “I am a are: . .7 I _ cabbage Worm. Often Paris Greenland my name is drea< ‘F‘ .s I I": ‘~ 4- . fl 7 * ‘ -l " .. artist.-. ”Pit it bhf)t|11\sl‘.llluzlt{1bi?) (311 : nations. In Mal. u. 1. UAM‘I. ‘(OO :11 e. ()Z‘ 1‘ .1 J . 4| h . ' - I v ' l at head. of the cz‘ili:r.,~:1ge, and mu} Lll- t 8 Would be a curse lure the eater. llay it to heart to giv ‘ ..........a........... g name. Sometimes men HAMPDEN. f by others that it is said the sacrament of the land’s Sup- “That man’s word is : per will be dispensed here fm‘bond." How mueh m I :1 f" Lilith. The pie;mrzitoiw serncc, word of God sum“: as will be held on May 22nd- ! “Wu, grown and We will cull a few sentences from Mr. Tisdale‘s address, as nearly as We can re- member. To keep cauliflowers from being sunburned, break a few of the inner leaves over the knnra L- 1 iasszistayt to Mr. 10118, cabbage, carrots, lettuce, asparagus, rorn, citrons, melons, celery, and numerous bles should all be more of these that are _-_‘ -_- ‘A‘Ju .LVLL UV. ndexson is laid off u 1th an abscess has purchased a Mr. Robt. John- and .Mr. David from Mr. W-ni; Corbett Visited . A. Fulton, last , always have' and take out 91‘3" year, allow- to grow up in! S Wily, the Wood] Vays_y011ng, and; [Tnfi _--,.__ aVi vwâ€"â€"â€" It Job. who is mentioned in connec- l tion with the last verse in our lesson. L could under very great trial reject his wife’s proposal that he curse God and die (Job ii, 9) there is equal grace for every tried one. and God is able to make all grace abound toward us that we may have all sufliciency in all things (II Cor. ix, 8). Our tongues will be used by God or the devil as we yield to one or the other. as in the case of Simon Peter (Matt. xvi. 16. 17. 22. 23). “He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life." And "Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles” (Prov. xiii. 3; xxi. 23). it is well to act often. according to Ps. xxxviii. 13. “I as a deaf man heard not. and l was as a dumb man that openeth not his mouth.” It is well to pray al- ways (P8. xix, 14; cxli. 3). Selr confl- ; dence we must always avoid. but when 1 III-“Iâ€" â€"â€"-‘ - _ .; auu my name is dreadful among the nations." In Mal. ii. 1. 2. He said that there would be a curse if they did not jlay it to heart to 5' l‘T‘orever. O Lord. thy word is settled 'iln heaven." “Hath He said and shall lfl'e not do it?" "The Lord of Hosts ’hath sworn. saying. Surely as I have ’thought so shall it come to pass. and {as l have purposed so shall it stand" lPs. cxix. 89; Num. xxiii. 19; Isa. Him in word and deed. Beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord. we shall be changed into the same imag from glory to glory as by the Spirit of the Lord (11 Cor. iii. 18» and thus be more manifestly children of our Father 1 who is in heaven. C02 THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Lesson Vlll.-â€"Second Quarter, For May 26. 1912. SUNDAY SGHUOL no a, Him offerings they .g to an earthly ruler, and m a great King. " "‘ “ '. 12â€"Memory Verses, Upper Town - Dun-11;; L“ n u u u u u u “m “awnm mm9mmc New Grocery Store Fresh Groceries 0‘ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§O§OO w Trains will arrive and depart as fol lows, until further notice:â€" ‘3. UL. .10 “ Durham “ 11.54 21 McVVilliams“ 11.44 .24 “ Glen “ 11.41 34 Priceville “ 11.31 .6 l. Saugeen J. “ 11.18 7."O“ Toronto “ 11.15 .. MACFARLANE. - Town A “A- H. G Elliott G. P. Agent Montreal. -uâ€"‘u Trains leave Dfirham at 7.1.") 11.31 2.45 pm. Trams arr: 3.50 p m., and ve at Durham at 10.30 8.50 pm. EVERY DAY EXCEPE SUNDAY J. TOWNER Depot Agent JAMES R. GUN. Town Agent Start a. course in Book-keeping or Shorthand and use your spare time until this Fall or \Vinter and then finish it at college if you Wish. Many are following this plan. saving. expense and getting ready for a good office position. \Vrite to us for a free catalogue. Central Business College, Yonge Gerrard SEE” Toronto. \V. H. SHA‘V, Pres. Grand Trunk Railway , TIME-TABLE 6 L5 Lv.WalkeI-ton 6.38 “ Maple Hill 7.47 “ Hanover 6.55 “ Allan Park DURHAM You will find a nice selection of Dress goods in Serges. white, black. blue. gray and other col- ors. Also whip cords. poplins etc. We have our popular line of Dollar silks in the different, shades, also jacquhai ds at 35 cts., Ginghams in Checks and stripes. Linens and Towelings galore, Check muslins. etc. Kid gloves for Easter, popular price $1.00. (Dome and see us. nem pairs. A can solicite for quotations on Study at Home Also a limited amount of iron work andlmachine re- pairs. A call solicited. Ask xJ The undersigned announce to resi‘ Durham and sur country. that he Planning Mill and completed and is J )x [H RAILWAY TIME TABLE xt job â€" and all kinds of __ House Fittings . L. GRANT ersign ed begs eragned begs to to residents of mi surrounding H.124) 10.05 . P. Agent. Pox-onto. for at 10.30 3,111,, 12.17 12. 08 Factory prepared ONTARIO has Agent 5'0 ll 1‘ THREE. 9. 19 .. and

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