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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 May 1912, p. 7

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â€"â€"â€"v v'v R. V. Pierce, M. D. She says “ just the thing to find out what 15 t e matter ,vntn the little dear.” Two million households in this couhtry own on .- and it s t: be had for only 31c. in sta.nps~l,€30 pages in splendid cloth bindzng. A goo family adviser in an? emergency. It is for either 563:. 'l‘hxsnm what many" youglen write Dr. Pierceâ€"in reapect to his “ Favorite Prescrxptxoa, a remedy which _as made thovzaads of melanchal-x 32:3 :ni ,erable women cheerful and happy, by curing the painful womanly diseasec ivhich undermine a woman’s health and strength. "Mv desire f< to write a. fmv lines to lot you kpnw what. râ€"â€"â€"_‘â€"""“' ”on" 5 ’ , '1.‘ medicine has done for 129.“-HiI)LP]S.MRs. A l \.. ‘k§ kl .1 ‘ . .. F‘ . ‘ . ‘ I I "‘ I 1‘ -m._ l SH RGAjiFIT Zr sum. ‘.’f 333 ‘51, if’gf‘y‘m wtree t. a n 1 ore, - .ea‘C‘A Y “"T (1 ""‘Or" Qil'L’ The worried mother wakes up to hear her baby’s heavy breathingâ€"a little coughâ€"perhaps the croup or whoOping cough. She does not want to send .for the doctor when perhaps the trouble does not amount to much. Finally she thinks of that medical book her father gave her, The Common Sense Medical Adviser, hy n v mm... M n Q2» cave “ {mt the fling to find out what is the matter wnth A WOMAN’S WISDOM. 3:25 ACRES close to Proton Stati n3 brick dwellingfine large out-buildings windmill c.; hay. 2 tons to acre. only $5,500. Knocks the‘sunshine off Al- berta bargains. MI. Land Huniet Look Hen 533 ACRES near Proton Station an“ Saugeen Junction. fine brick residence splendid barns. splendid soil‘ good water orchard c. Will sell less than $25 an acre. A bargain surely. Mas. 203m m BABE. A HARDWARE and Tinsmith Bus- ness.Grey County. post office in connection Less than $10,000 will buy 40 acres of land store and dwelling, barn. other frame dwelling and $4.600 stock. 30 men who doies business with H. E 111113: :3 ever satsfied to go eisewhere Our methods seem to please. "Always Prompt. -â€" Never Negligent. GENERAL COUNTRY STORE five miles from Durham; very cheap. H. H. MILLER '- :May 23rd, 1912. Large nnmler of cheap farm FYOIBItier Monev to Lend at Low Rates. Lands bought and sold. Debts collected All kinds of writings drawn. The flanover Conveyance:- .H. MiLLER ind. ”Before we snare}: came to our minus 1 unto you for mix'ice whic which made me a difiorm’. awn-mom 1 taking the fiar botmé of 'Favox-ite improving so that, I harfily knew I u I did my own honsmmrx--washing: sewing, and the wgr§z o‘f‘all nursed 1 ‘7-â€" __-_- A: I . SSH-lays) vv‘. râ€"av' â€"â€"â€" -7 'r mergency. It is for either sex. This is what many women spect to his “ Favorite Prescription, ” a remedy which has ' """“~' ~"" 'ni..erable women cheerful and happy, by curing : nta’r‘o'uâ€"a ‘ Unto. . scasec which undermine a woman’s health and strength. "My desire R to write a. {ow iines to let you know what {011: ~...‘. ...;.;.; nedicine has done for me.”-Frites MRS. J TA RGARET 7.1“ mam: of 323 S. ientaion Street. Baltimore, ind. ”Before i 2...; star-c 1.: crime to Our house I was a very sick v.'-:_n‘.:;‘:.:; i .' :.; you for advice which was kindly given and which made me a iiit‘im'rim women in a Short time. After taking the first bottle of 'Favorite Prescription’ I began improving so that, I hardly knew I Vi as in such a condition. I did my own hOiiSP‘J'tifK“‘“"dShilig and ironing. cooking. sewing. and the worst. of all nursed three children vgbo had whooping cough. I harmv knew of the advent ten minutes beforeâ€"so paw was it. The baby is a.Q fat as a butter-ball. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is the best medicine for anyy'ongn'to 33350 when in this condition. I recommend it. "$5., ' w all ii'friends.” Opposite The Reid House. Hanover. 0 MMWMQ gUNDERTAKING’ QM‘MWM. Household furniture, and other articles for sale, iron bedsteads, springs and mattresses, side board, dressers, Wash stands, tables, chairs. floor oilcloth, carpets, plat- form scales, and other household furniture. Also a new buggy for sale. At very reasonable prices.â€" At Levine’s, Durham. and all Household Furnishings New Stock just arrived and will be sold at the lowest; living profit. Undertaking receives special attention FURNITURE EDWARD KRESS Rugs, ‘Jilcloths Window Shades L a c e Curtains AND MARTINDALE BOYS An investigation fol-lowing . the suicidein Detroit of Anna Hailes, thfi Toronto girl who ran away With a man named A. D. Richards, shows that the Martindale boys, of Owen Sound, are entirely innocent. of the affair in which the became' involved. At first the po ice were inclined to lay part of the blame on the two young men, but they have proved that they were acting in the best interest of all concern- ed and were making an honest en- deavor to have the girl return to her home in Toronto. Wm. Mar- tindale is back at his home in To- ronto attending to business, while Norman has been released by the Detroit police and is at present in Windsor. William, Who is a part- ner of Richards in the real estate business, received a from him asking for money a few days after he had skipped out with the girl. .Mr. Martindale at once notified the girl’s father, and they left for Detroit, accompanied by Norman .Martindale. 0n arriving, the two young men .went on the search and finally located the el- oping pair. Hailes to consent to (return, and agreed to return for her at alater hour. The unfortunate girl ap- was averse to seeing her father. When they returned, they found her 1‘>zicking in preparation for the trip. but before they were there many minutes she. disz-ippez-ired and returned after having taken the fatal dose of carl;~olic acid. Rich- ards was also there at they but he has disz‘iitmeared and has not been seen since. The Martin- dale boys are entirely free from any biume'in the matter, having done their best to bring Hailcs hack to her home. This news will be very gratifying to the 'many friends of the young men in Owen Sound. where William and ,Norman are both highly respected IThc lmys" father. 311". (-l-ilbert MLil'-‘ 'tindale. has returned from Toronto and when seen by .The Sun said [that his sons were feeling very ykeenly the ' cumstances there is now no Hume attached to their conductâ€"0.8. Sun. i l telegram : A“ 61 IThey induced Anna1 peared to he very humiliated, and! tim c. . .Miss = gs me direct and inevitable result of irregular or constipated bowels and clogged-up kidneys and skin. The undigested .food and other waste mat- ter which is allowed to accumulate persons the blood and the whole system. Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills act directly on the bowels, regulating themâ€"on the kidneys, giving them ease and strength to properly filter the bloodâ€"and on the skin. Opening up the pores; For ure blood health take 9 and g°°d Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pill: 46 , ' , COMMENCING ‘ Monday, May 27th i A rare chance to get jewelrv, watch- ‘ es, clocks, silverware, cut-glass, um- brellas. and caving sets. In fact any- thing in our first-class stock at your own price. i ' \Ve want the money and room for , new goods and have decided to auction our entire stock. so come expecting to get great bargains. ’ 0's" It is not often in a life-time you see . a stock of this quality. I y The =ale is not for men only. as the -Auct.ioneer, Mr. Donald I-ienderson. iof Toronto, always conducts a. first- {Class sale and solicits Ladies” patron- , age. 1 On Wednesday afternoon, ‘May 29th he will have a sale for i Ladies" only, so gentlemen please keep _ away this: afternoon and give. the. 1 ladies a chance. You may hare. anv- thing in the store put up by just ask- ;ing for it. i 3 I guaranteen all the goods sold and position in which C1;--‘ Will be personally responsible, just the had placed them, 3‘“ same as It you boughtthem by private sale. I l i l I l l l l i l. l l i l i t a i l l l Palace Pool, Billiard and Bowling Club, arrived in Chesley last! Thursday evening. to be ready for? the trial before Magistrate Bell the; following day at 10 am. Along? with the members of this 1:)1'01.)rio;â€": tary club, came their solicitor, Mini Mowatt, of Guelph. But the case? never came to trial. The Guelph: lawyer soon saw that his clients; wvere up against it, and that the? Municipal Act never contemplated any such evasion of the law. The ‘ bluff had been carried far enough; and when .Mr. Mickie. acting for Ithe town, had consulted with the. 'mayor, councillor Wright and the{ clerk, it was decided to accept an; g0ff81‘ of $150 license for four pool: ‘ztables. with $50 extra if bowlingi lwas allowed, provided the mem-i gbers o‘f the proprietary clubg sagreed to pay $26 of the town’s; :extenses incurred in the. suit.: )This was mutually satisfactory,' land a new by-law will be intro- [duced at council meeting on Mon-f ';day next. the license to date fromi iMarch 1st. It is now up to Hanoâ€"’ â€"o-_v-.. I l ,ver and other towns where these: :proprietary clubs exist. to profit] ,bv Chesley’s experience, and call] 3 the b1uf1’.â€"â€"Chesley Enterprise. ; A Guelph barber and dry goods clerk, the main members of film l /\ few of the innovations that ;might be noticed are prmision for competition in breeding horses for stiings of fiVe horses; ,1 number 'of sections added to provide fox {the newer breeds of poultry , 133100 {in p1 mes for onions, tomatoes and Eccle1y in baskets. The last named 1"On the “hole the list shows a' ldistinct adwance on its predeces-z 50151 and, as the attractions will3 include a 1e1iew of cadets from! all the m erseas dominions of thel Empire, the Scots Guards Band andi brilliant historical spectacle, the siege of Delhi, it is safe to predicti ancthei record year for the Can-l adian National. ‘1 The Prize List of the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, Aug- ust 24th to September 9th, has been issued. It shows the usual liberal prizes in all departments of live stock, agriculture and home work. amounting to a total of 3555.000. It is also evident that the list has been carefully revised to have it in keeping with up-to- date conditions. ‘ ‘ There‘s nothing but tears for the‘ man who steers our ship o’er the‘ troubled sea; there’s nothing but . grief for the nation’s chief Whoever that chief may be. iWhate’er he l‘does. he can hear the buzz of crit- ics as thick as flies; and all of his aims are sins and shames. and .nothing he does is Wise. There's ;nothing butakicks for the man who fsticks four years to the White House chair; and his stout heart :aches and his Wishbone breaks {and he loses most of his hair. !There‘s nothing but growls and the knockers’ howls, and the spiteful ‘slings and slams; and the vile car- ;toons, and the dish of prunes, and a chorus of tinker‘s anathemas. §Oh, we humble skates in our low iestates, who fuss with our garden ’gsass, should View the Woes of .Ithe men who rose above and be- . ,vond the mass, and be glad to-day gthat We «go our :Way mid quiet and LE peaceful scenes: sh'ould thankfully 'ltakethe hoe and rake, and wrestle "Vs 1L â€"u-- vâ€" â€"â€"_ _ is a government suggestion meant to encourage export of these: commodities. ifake the hoe with spuds Mason. SETTLED OUT OF COURT. AFTER MORE RECORDS. THE THANKLESS JOB. FREE FROM BLAME. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. éi‘eéns 1â€"Walt Bad Blood A rare chance to get jewelrv, watch- es, clocks, silverware, cut-glass, um- brellas. and caving sets. In fact; any- thing in our first-class stock at your own price. \Ve want the money and room for new goods and have decided to auction our entire stock, so come expecting to get: great bargains. away this afternoon and give ché ladies a. chance. You may have amy- thing in the store put up by just ask- ing for it. I guarantee!) all the goods sold and will be personally responsible, just the same as if you bought them by private sale. The Keeler property, on Gara- fraxa street, south, will be offered for sale by public auction on Sat- urday, the first day of June. It seems to us that this is a good property that someone would do Well to invest in. See hills, and advertisement in next issue of the Chronicle. c. 8. Douglas is the direct and inevitable result of irregular or constipated bowels and clogged-up kidneys and skin. The undigested food and other waste mat- ter which is allowed to accumulate poisons the blood and the whole system. Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills act directly on the bowels, regulating themâ€"on the kidneys, giving them ease and strength to properly filter the bloodâ€"and on the skin. Opening up the pores.- For pure blood and good health take mmwmmméaxmzm J91?! l m fif’lW-u’ .: . fl t ofllllnnflflflflll 3 $1151.11! {I . EE Em p r Efifiwg‘mk a o o 51% flan ram raga, Sale starts at 2.30 o’ciock every afternoon, and at 7:30 o’clock ex ery evening. To make a clean sweep of H. Hunt’s Stock of High-Grade Merchandise we will give away Absolutely Free 3 Beautiful Prizes. We will credit Votes with every purchase at our store. These votes represent One Vote for each One ()ent of purchase, and the person having the largest number of votes at the end of the sale will receive a Beautiful China Tea Set, Absolutely Free of charge. The person having the Second largest number of votes at end of sale will receive a Handsome Parlor Lamp, absolutely free of charge. The person having the Third largest number of votes at end of sale, will receive a Beautiful lO-Piece Toilet Set absolutely free of charge. The Votes are transferable, and if you are not interested in securing one of the Grand Prizes. you can assist a friend in securing one. Our object is to interest you in this sale. We want a chance to show you that you can do better here than elsewhere. We do not expect to cover the heavy expense of this contest through the greater percentage of profit, but through the difference in volume of business. We expect the increase to more than repay us. We solicit your patronage solely through the merits of our good and lower prices. Come in and let us tell you all about it. We are smashers of prices. Beautiful Dress Goods, reg 500 to 75c, now . . . . .‘ Lovely Dress Goods, reg. 250 120350, now ..... . Boys’ and Men’s Felt and Hard Hats . . . .1 00 25 Men’s Tweed Suits. reg. up to $7.00 for. . .3. 21 Men’s Tweed Suits. reg. up to $9.00 for. . .4. 85 pairs of Men’s Pants, reg. up to $1.75 for.1 . 19 pairs of Men’s Pants. reg. up to $3.00 for.1 .: Ladies’ Skirts, clean sweep, ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . Come in and get; our prices. SPECIAL NOTICEâ€"Bring in yoptf bu_tter The GOODS SQUEALED WHEN GETTING THESE PRICES put on them. TORONTO HOUSE WRECKING C0. Dry Goods m cabwieetbeté Omnhvaaifl,‘ Dig ‘a Little and You Win “ Jump in the Game 99 Making a Clean Sweep of H. Hunt’s Stock Damonsmtion Free ! New Perfaction Wick Blue Flame 0H Booking Stove o . : +§§OOOOO+OQQO¢§~$¢Y¢ 02+¢¢+6 OOzQOOOOOOGOObéoeo ~¢¢6 G 1g in your butter and eggs, we take them same as Cash in this sale and allow you highest market) price. DORNOCH, ONT. Ladies-- The most economical cook stove is the Oil cook stove. It is also the cleanest, most convenient. and the quickest cooker known. The best oil stove is the New Perfection and Wick Blue Flame. It will do anything that any other stove will do, in the cooking line. and will not heat the kitchen to a temperature that interferes with comfort and health. A. S. HUNTER 82 SON D emonstrated by an Expert from the Factory ._._QN.___. Free refreshments served, made on the stove. 3.49 4-99 1 .25 1 .89 Fflicfiay, May 31 st You will find much of interest and in- struction at the ('1em<_)nstration. All are invited. J0me and bring; a friend. Men's: Dung. Shoes. reg. up to $1.75 fm: ....... .98 Men‘s Pine'Shnes. reg. up to $5.00 for ...... 3.49 Comfort and Sunlight Soap, 7 bars for ........ .25 18 lb. Grran. Sugar 1 .00 12 Nutmegs for .05 Unrn and P935, 3 cans for ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .25 8 lbs Rolled Oats . . ...25 7 lbs Rice for....25 Regular 35:: and 40c Brooms for ............... .25 Our Prices always Lowest. Boots and Shoes EXCEL: CL, 0L (90¢ c cmmmm \ .. 9 ”â€" 1 $4 <<$a¢¢¢¢¢¢+§+§¢++§§z SEVEN. VJ_

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