West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 May 1912, p. 3

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All up-tmdate flour and feed and grocers keep our flour for sale. your grocer does not keep it come to the mill and we will use you right Call us up by telephone No. 8. All kinds of Greg} bonghtl at Market Goods delivegad. Special Reduction on Is made from and is a superi selected w C Inter whe or artlcle for making ,_‘v Our pure Manitoba flour, No. 1 Manitoba wheat ca] for either bakers or d! Our £1 mun.“ or large has: 01 a. fine grain white, nutmtmus flour, is sold as our brand. Have you ever. tried it? Get your grocer to glve you our kind next time and see the supemm' bakmg qual- an d more . . a secretproc es s that: we put the Wheat through. nmm cmmk A small or large bag 0: white, ngp-itmus flour THE L! John McGowan WWWM$+M$+M 1 PASTRY FLOUR Macfaréane 8: Co. superior article OD HIDE 1n 'a-ther 1] I‘ll ac ECLIPSE Don’t for H aJIVWhere in town: SHOES flour, made from at cannot be beat or domestic use 10 ‘ ‘.. I_v" ‘nJ't-v‘v‘â€"'-â€"-*""‘ 3:3 uln‘. AI.L3 ...1A.LL’J 4- . A... ‘1‘. . W"! '. o,v||_‘ll.t . '.‘ Y . r?” frxyy’l'glgu‘ I“ " ‘1‘” .I . '5 I l sS‘V LII su bsti and But Qu '1 Ticket Office ) W . 3.: Ontarlo first class '1 TI .‘X D‘De 'e to be obtained. this example in .re, Gmniteware, Peneral Plumbing p K0 ute appeaa article a t l1 laiity Is Es semi 10W ea game a B11118 1m agrance is pruden _._ â€"â€"â€" v“. V LJLCL - Wise trespassing on Lots 9 and 10. on the 3rd concession of the township of Egremont, after the first appearance of this notice, May 23rd, 1912, will be prosecuted Notice is hereby given that any person found hunting E or other- ”v:-A Lâ€"A Varney: uanaua. $3.75 a sin newsdealers. - ‘â€"â€" -â€"--v- A handsomely illustrated weekly. cmation of any scientific journal. 911392: $37.5 a year. postage arena _- _--.. \r-‘ovUU ascuxq‘;ul UCUUL‘IUE ' 'Pgtents _ta.ken through Mann 3; ‘ mega: fiance, without chame, tn the ‘A‘ A- u nun-uluuguv. Anvone sending a sketcfgnd desert th ; - - ‘ n qmcMy asgertaln our opxnion free wgezhexx'ngg zgvenunn )8 probably patencahle. Communicap moms gtrlctl y confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent. .ree. Oldest azencydor seem-1 g_patents. pnronrc fnlvnn .k-A.-_L ‘n_____ a ALL REPAIRING promfitly an; properly attended to. w. D. CONNOR :;u. use. umes: azency‘ror seem-m atems. Pfitents putter; through Munn 6:883. recexw maul 2011.68, thhout. charte, in the Saemmc Hmerican. knnflanmnlu :‘1.-_-_-A _ g , . . _ +++++++++++++¢++++++++¢+++ )pemzmce for quality but 9 a trifle umrecostlv and v---- w "I ' ’ I. . Branch once. 6251? St... Washulzgsn. D .C. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS ) ren Machine Oil, Harness ,01'1 Ame Grease and ~Hoof Ointment, ‘go to ‘WMWOON M - P- SéUNDERs that idea] by pm'chnsing a pair here. “'62 have a. large stock of Shoes for all kinds Of’wezâ€"u- and at reson- able prices You can find Home extra good vahw in Hosiery hero. for Men. Ladies, Misses, Boys and (.7l‘1ilcix'en. Prices fmm 153. to M's- Trunks. ValisR. Teles~ mopes. Suit Cases. 850.. in stock or supplied on short notice. qustmn \Vox-k and Repair- ing as Usual. ARE the in mind. EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. magnfacturer of 4 thed an) pmchasmo any- Stoves, hano‘es (mods f1 0111 emiflc journ'al. T'ewrffié Y6: P. postage prepaid. Sold by SUIT The Harnessm aka 31116 a! ;* in Hosiery hex-U Ladies, Misses, [‘hildxen. Prices 1 )C. to ENC. V i!iS‘:‘S. Teles- t Cases. c.. in “'\1: I‘ll-1 r-w\ 1-_‘- _-_ -_ A. Ideals VON lull can 16' by purchnsi LL KINDS mber that ‘ ‘ ‘ . Lgrfiest cir- \TIONERS 523tf receive have ~alize for the year 1912, Will the town hall, Durham, the third day of June, o’clock, p.m. ' (NEXT STANDARD BANK DURHAM, - ONT \Ve have a classy line of fine shirts. something extra in soft shirts, with soft collars, ties and cuffs. these are something- new. Also a large stock of rain coats and umfirellas. Shoes in tan, patent gunmetal or velour calf. in buttoned or laced. Call and look over our stock. A large stock of Men’s Hosiory in cotton. cashmere, colored em brmdered 11818 and fancy or black silk. Pajamas and night-shirts in diff'e) Cut) styles. 1n porous kn it Men’s and boys’ Summer Under- wear. shuts drawers or combinations. Zimmerknit Brand. these have a lastmg comfort, athletlc knee draw- ers. Coat cut shirts m- combnmtmus A large assortment: of black shirt and drawers also in stock Brand gloves large assortment shirts which are worthv 1’."me The stock Eastern caps, nohhy Lweed newest styles. The Fit-well fedm'as. Sole agent. Here is WhPPR . preme m everyuhi rge assortment of working Vhich are worthy of inspection. Well-known (Leather Label . of Over-ails, snmcks and IF IT’S HERE IT’S NEW ” rarest t 0 w n 111 every suit Finishing Stole {the (Court “of nd most up-to-date 1 0f Durham, .1 be held in , on Mondav, , 1912, at 7.30 faShinn reigns su mg a man wears given that ONTARIO. DURHAM CHRONICLE. capsin ats and The Dobson appeal, being regularly entered, was then heard. \Vithout hearing any of Dobson’s evidence or any of the defence witnesses, His Honour decided that even assuming that all of McMaster’s charges were true, and that the boy had been taken violently by the collar. this would not constitute an assault under the code. McMaster claimed that his boy was subject to fits, but that he had never taken but one in school. He claimed that, bearing that fact in mind, he should have been treated gentlv, and. that rough treatment might be very injurious to his health. .Dr. Lewis had examined the boy and said he was subject to fits. The son’s evidence 3 was also taken. The law, said Judge Wismer gives a school teacher author- ity over school children for the pur- pose of correction, during school hours, equal to that of the parent. he allowed the appeal, and quashed the conviction registered against Dobson, with costs payable by McMastenâ€" Collingwood Enterprise. day, and New Lowell presented the appearance of a big fair day. Mr. Boys t0uk objection that McMaster’s appeal had not been entered. as re- quired by law, ten days previous to hearing. Aftera lengthy argument, the Judge declined to hear the appeal against the boys’ dismissal. ~On behalf of Dobson, Mr. ‘V. A. Boys. K. 0., entered an appeal, and John Birnie, K.C., of Ooliingwood ap- pealed Magistrate Brown’s decision in dismissing the boys. All appeal or great interest to Sun-l nidale residents was heard at thel town hall, New Lowell on Monday, when Judge \Vismcr decided that , George Dobson, school teacher at Utopia, had not assaulted one Norman McMaster, a, fourteen-year-old pupil. The case dates back to December lSth. when it was alleged the assault took place, Jos. McMaster, the lzid’s father, charged that Dohson had dur- ing 2-1 spelling class, taken the boy by the lapel 0f the coat, given him a jerk, l and placed him from head to foot of :Ll class. There were only two pupils in l the class. This had followed an alter- cation between the teacher 9.an Hm 0 l l An appeal of g nidale residents town hall, New when Judge \V George Dobsnn- AUTHORITY EQUAL TO PAIII‘ENTS _v. v wvvd.‘ uvub fited by takifig these Tablets Sold by all dealers. Poor appetite is a sure sign of impaired digestion. "A few doses of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets will strengthen your digestion and improve your appe- tite.‘ :l‘housancis have been bene- ‘1 successful i ”I The curse of the Ontario syatem, boarding the hired help, eating at the same table :md taking them into the home circle on terms of equality.â€" tends to lower the standard of our home life and hinder the develope- ment of refinement in the farm home. Ioften send copies of “Canadian Farm” papers to friends in the Old Country, but have been ztsh'uned to send :1. copy of the “Oztnz-Ldi:-Ln Farm? with such deSeripthms of farm life thatims graced its pages during the last few months. l SHOULD HAVE COTTAGES l FOR MARRIED MEN N 0 Place for Misfits in Canada. (By a York County Farmer). I wish to call your attention to the possible effect of the many letters on the hired man question that have taken up so much space in your valu- able journal latelv. I have read with disgust many of the letters which have been written largely by degrunt- le'd Englishmen who were failures :tt horns and discontented anywhere. The views of such people should not ’be paraded in a journal that is pub. lished in the interest of farmers, and ‘ only tends to unsettle the minds ofl contented farm hands. I have studied l the farm labor problem in Limited I States, the 01d Countries, and Canada and find that the best conditions pre- vail Where the farm help live in cot- tages and ,do not board house. I I in a farm] I have Appeals on Both Sides m1 0', the charge was tried be- . Brown, J. R. of Thornton, a charge against Roy Bell, AVarden R. Bel} of Utopia. y named Arnold, that they H h ltc great I have read with 1e letters which ger' by degrunt- were failures :Lt )()( )1‘ experienc armers, and .e ufinds of lave studied in UTlit-ed have been l men for sfied, but; )f them in- Which :Lp- he at)? live Iiis life in Us and will u we yield 1' 1 fully to Him IJODII viii, 2:); ll Cor. iv, ‘5 mr' 10, 11). He was manifestly approved of ;:3 In! God by the miracles and wonders and ‘3 I“: sights which God did by Him (Acts ii, 31 g ”H :32). Our instructions are to study, to I i bv: show ourselves approved unto God, I ~ . workmen that need not be asMed '1": (II Tim. ii. 15‘). This can be done only fit as we are Spirit tilled like the disciples - on the day of Pentecost. and like them ,; we must be willing to be misunderâ€" 1, stood and even counted drunken or be- ; ' side ourselves for His sake. The old ‘ I word to Abraham is always helpful, E l . ' . | i." , l I >4 f" ‘ v e“ “Walk before Me and be thou sincere" ' (Gen. xvii, 1, margin), and also the oft repeated words in Leviticus, “unto the Lord” and “before the Lord.” Gen {,2 l“ cerning giving to any good work. the ;_ -y motive of the donor is everything. Ii 5 â€" 1‘1 the gift is wholly and only “unto the ll Lord," desiring only His approval, then ' .d it does not matter if people do know ,e of it It should be the love of Christ C constraining, and according to II Sam. ~34 l xxiv, 24, I will not offer unto the Lord n, ll, . I l 1 l C l of that which doth cost me nothing, . I and also according to I Chron. xxix, 14, 5 ll. d. “All things come of thee. and thine; own do we give thee." Concerning; prayer, it is real access to God by Jesus ; , J Christ, remembering I John v. 14, 15, l J p- '1 “This is the confidence that we have in f ‘ Him, that if we ask anything accord- l ‘ - ing to His will He heareth us. and if g 3 we know that He hear us. whatever we ! ask, we know that we have the petitions we desired of Him." As to this form of g prayer which 'He gave at this time and i T which we spoke of in a former lesson 10W ’ on the beatitudes. the late Dr. Saphjr lair said of it: “It is a model prayer and ,3-1‘) as such commends itself to the most ”‘8 (L3 i l' . Q â€" l 3 superficial glanceâ€"approves itself at ’33; once to the conscience of man. Th l prayer is short. that it may be quickly (4,00 learned. easily remembered and fre- 4.11 quently used. but it contains all things 4-14 pertaining to life and godliness. In its 4-24 simplicity it seems adapted purposely if? for the weakness of the inexperienced 0' 0‘ and ignorant. and yet none can say I R that he is familiar with the heights = and depths which it reveals and with N9 the treasures of wisdom it contains.” - In verses 14, 15, of our lesson note that communion with God as our Father de G pends upon our forgiving others as He forgave us. This. like all the discourse. is not a condition of salvation, but an- F other word for His disciples. As to fasting. the best comment I know is A Isa. 17111, 3-1L remembering that, like giving and praying. it must be from the heart unto the hard. The forty day 3111 taste of Moses and Elijah and the Lord Jesus were peculiar and unique, but the record of tastings in the Acts of the apostles is for our example. and our Lord spoke of the power of prayer M r and fasting in Matt. xvii, 2]. Consider also Ez. viii. 21; Neil. I. 4; Est. 117. Upp 16:Dan.x,2.3. at. Text of the Lesson, Matt. vi, 1-18. :°c. Memory Verses. 7, 8â€"Golden Text. 01; Matt. vi. R. V.â€"Commentary Pre- b- pared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. 2:? We have our choice today or the reg- d ular lesson in order or a special lesson id on the Holy Spirit from Acts 11, 1-11; ” but. Inasmuch as only by the Spirit can the teaching of the regular lesson on almsgiving. prayer and fasting be put in practice, we will take the regular portion with a look at the whole chap- ter, as we do not seem to have the rest of the chapter in any subsequent lesâ€"' son. The heart 01 the whole Bible seems to be “the kingdom of God and 11- His righteousness" (verse 33). The 8_ Lord Jesus came to set up this kingdom 9. on the earth. but as they rejected it n and Him it will not be set up till He (II shallcomea am in glory. Meanwhileall oI who become chlld1en of God by receiv- :I ing Jesus Christ and joint heirs with I Him should walk worthy of His king- 13. e- 4;. 1n 11, 1e 16 Te eI dom and glo1y while they wait for it I (l Thess. ii 121.1‘heir mOtto shouldI eI ever and always De. "P 1rst the king- I dom or God ” Then there would be no ; anxious thought about aught else, for I [II He gives the assurance that all will he EI provided by on: Father. who knoweth ‘ I all our need (verses 31. 32;. VS hether it I be the service or prayer 01 tast1ng 0: It the daily life. there is one principle to ~14! I l) govern all. It must, be unto the Father, who seeth in secret. who looketh upon the heart and to whom all things are anked and open. “Not as pleasing men, : but God who tiieth our hearts” (I I Thess. ii, 4), is a principal always to be 3 observed. in contrast to that the most I religious people 01 our Lords time did ; I everything to be seen or men (Matt. I xxiii. 5). It was even so in the days or 4_.._ - m....-_.~-.- ..._.--.‘_._ ..___ 4 I the prophets, and a special teature oi: . the last days of this age will be a turn- I I ing away fiom the truth and a form I I of godliness without any power (Isa. I I xxix, 13; Ezek. xxxiii, 31; II Tim iii, I I 1-5; iv, 3, 4). in each of the three para- I graphs of our lesson there is a contrast between a present reward or approval of men and a future reward from God I Himself. spoken or in verse 20 as I I ”treasure in heaven.” We cannot serve God and Mammou or God and the I’ I devil. for the friendship of this world I I is enmity with God, and that which is I highly esteemed among men is abom- ination in the sight of God (verse 24; Luke xvi. 15; Jas. iv. 4). There was only one who always and in all things .. pleased the Father. but He desires to THE INTERNATIONAL SERIESH Lesson lX.â€"Second Quarter, For June 2. 1912. ‘ 83%“ 3mm: Butter New Grocery Store Fresh Groceries Always in Stock Trains will arrive and depart as fol. lows, until further notice:â€" P.M’ AM. P.M. PJI. 3.15 6E5 Lv.\Valkert-nn “.1240 10.05 3.28 6.38 “ Maple Hill “ 12.25 9.50 3 7 .47 “ Flaunt-var- “ 1°) 1"! n 16) .m 4.41 " Lianover " 12.17 .45 6.55 “ Allan Park " 12.08 A.M. 00 7. O “ Durham “ 11.54 .11 7 Mc‘Villiams“ 11.44 .14 7.24 “ Glen “ 11.41 24 7.34 “ Priceville “ 11.31 7.50 “ Saugeen J. “ 11.18 1.) 750 “ Toronto “ 11.15 .MACFARLANE. - Town A . _-â€"â€" U-- H. G Elliott “ Trains leave Durham at 7.15 21.11 2.45 p.m. Trains arrive at Durham at 10.3 {.50 p m.. and 8.50 pm. EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY (Halt? Grand Trunk Railway _ TIME-TABLE Start a course it or Shorthand am time until this I and then finish you Wish. Man this plan. savin getting ready position. H r' 7‘ 7' 7' wmmw kink-no DU 01‘01 You will find a nice selection of Dress goods in Serge-s. white, black. blue. gray and other col- ors. Also whip cords. poplins etc. We have our popular line of Dollar silks in the different shades, also jacqnhai ds at 33.3 018., Ginghams in Checks and stripes. Linens and Towelings galore, Check muslins. etc. Kid gloves for Easter, popular price $1M). (Dome and see us. next IOI ‘ AT GRANTS “'01) “’01 RHAM Study at Home conml (3011 LVJValkertnn AP. “ Maple Hill ‘° “ Hanover “ C. L. GRANT 11 1'5 Custom Sawirm Promptlv At= [ended To 11110111 5 ’x [F] RAILWAY TIME TABLE SASH, DOORS Mi Depot Agent . GUN. Tewn Agent n I] \V. H. SH A“ ted “"1 ited A. E. Du 1 use Y It! CLARK reside! tc BXDE m IS DI‘f 7.15 a..m., and .t 10.30 3.111., ONTARIO Agent. Poronto. Agent THREE. 1( Sts 1n 1P to P9 II

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