West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 May 1912, p. 8

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The Central Drug Store :: Durham JANUARY STOCK=TAKING SALE Everything guaranteed as represented or money refunded. 25 per cent. reduction on all Fancy Goods. on-“ J» +++++++++++++z:.++++++++ EIGHT. (f. of Durham, 0m. ' tâ€"Icnndo pain' qtrickcrwithit. ° â€"soIdon'tg:topaintsootcn. gllxlgtnamthcrdom, B-H “ENGLISH” hthechapcstofign thepaintnlhavenaed." 88 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ «V. \.\ \«x , \ \\»\ X... . DURhASI CHRONICLE WZV/fl/I/ We were slightly in error in stat- ing the departure of pastor :Ken- dall for Edmonton last Week. He left Tuesday, the 28th. Choir leader Bro. James Watson will run a risk of moving Bro. James .McIl- vrid-e to tears, should he decide to sing for a voluntary next Sunday “Will ye no come back again.” Victoria Day was sensibly ob- served around the Corners. by the farmers, they for the most part attending to their usual work, pre- paring their mangold and corn ground. Mr. W. Stockley, of Toi'onto, vis- ited with the Thompson family over Victoria Day. Could those people in the west take a drive along the “old con- cession” roads and view the beau- tiful orchards, seldom, if ever seen with heavier blossom, and the many various and different kind of trees, each seemingly vieing with the other for beauty and grandeur, we feel sure none could hesitate to admit that for beauty and splendor, old Ontario takes the lead. 1 ' i The excessively fine warm days following up the heavy deluge of rain, is producing an excellent growth. The hay crop is almost an assured heavy prop, and ev- erything is simply looking beau- tiful. .1 ' Mr. and Mrs. Pete Black are en- Joymg a visit from their daughter, whose home is now in Toronto. Mr. Thos. Lawrence, and young son. of Toronto, spent the holiday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrence. Mr David Chapman. of South Porcupine, has been renewing 01d acquaintances and visiting rela- tives around the old home. for the past fortnight. ready 'for anything. I We are all sorry to hear of the loss J. W. Roberts has sustained by the loss through indigestion of hisi famous hackney stallion. He met with about the same loss a couple of years ago. have nothir teams now “fishes to k could find 1 active servi making up. ready for a] We have no ood fish stories, but have hear of {a couple of fox hunts, but they took. place on Sunday. and our citizens were hor- rified at such performances. They don’t want to hear it spoken of. and hope the likes will never occur again. Of course, the hunters were from town. Mr. and Mrs. James Tucker were over to Belgrave last Week. to be present at the bedside of the latâ€" ter’s mother, who is seriously ill. Your Priceville man says thex‘ have nothing in the line of ox teams now in his township. and. wishes to know how many we could find down here. None in Mr Thos. Tucker drives a hand- some new buggy these days, and that is not all, either. The very wet Weather is rushing crops ahead, and holding work tback Alfred and Albert Watson. W‘hol left here five or six years ago for the the West. «went out about thirt} ‘21:: miles from Swift Current. Sask" GI onto the barren prairie wilds and; a: took up a homestead each. They; roughed and toughed it for awhile? = but the dim clouds rolled by. and' last Vear a railroad passed hV W their farms, and now a beautiful Corr town is springing up, almost 11th n their door, whick makes their,O ,‘ property worth big money. We. on * hope Chronicle readers will not'yom think we are boasting by giving Ju the 8.1)Ove item. A: 1, Horses in these parts have, been considered high for a number of years. but Mr. Joe W'atson. in writ- in}.r home from Brock. Sask.. states that he sold a farm horse {or the sum of $700. He was considered the. best: in ‘that part. Bornâ€"T0 .MI‘. and Mrs. George Hopkins. :1 daughter. All Well. L.O.L. No. 11.92 have decided to spend the glorious 12th of July in Mt. Forest. and are making me- pm'ations for the monster day. Mrs. James Whitmm‘e’s \VOOdSth was also struck. but fortunately no damage was done. Messrs. A. Hooper and J. LuWâ€" W‘INfQ invested in :1 new buggy each. The thunder storm which Inlssed over on Thursday last was about the Worst 0f the. Season. A 1mm ‘lvz-longing to sMr. 'Edwin W’olls. of Greenside. was struck and burned to the ground. _. â€"-â€"v can't serenely sit and read “ lebel- lion,” Money Moon." or “Queenf or t’othuermost humdinger. On fireside pleasures he :Will dodge: he. says “I have to go to lmige as outside guard. dear Sallie: tomor- I‘OW night I have to go to act as usher at a show. next night I ‘1 BLYTH’S CORNERS. heaves a Iy from} h ontented. then: “I CORNER CONCERNS service MCV‘VILLIAMSYILI THE RESTLESS MAN )me 1t but ple. gremont 31:15 SOUI h on Hooper 1111 1t} \V ownship. and. 0w many we ere. None in plenty for the M 3d read “Rebel ," or “Queen humding‘er. O lS nlways U n st W'e were among the number to, sell at the horse fair in Durham onl .- Thursday last. Prince was a: "noble horse in every way, but had incurred the habit of running, away at every chance. so had to m-we out. i We. have been informed that the, fi dei ision of the court sitting re the! [laycun budge, which our councxl : tried to shelve on the county. has . been au'arded against the town- Iship We are not going to censure ‘ iu'u’l’ nuncil for their somewhatg' ;=rash act, believing they did it for :, .lthe best, but we cannot see in the!‘ l l JJ . light of common sense Why our~ council should have been so prone gto run the risk of incurring the ex- lpense of a costly court, when any .. lblockhead could see that they had ‘ Ilno grounds to fight on. The idea‘â€" ‘of trying to have the bridge site! ,changed to bring the length under} the requirements of the law, was a ‘1 complete bluff, and although \ve,(: are among the ratepayers we} Icommend the judge for his Wisdom in deciding against the township. g Had he decided otherwise, there " lwould be no end to the building [of county bridges. We would sug- ‘gest to our council to practice a .great deal less law, and a lot [more brains. I The old village of Orchard is on the up grade, as three retired far- mers have purchased property there, and Will soon become resi- dents, namely, Messrs. Adam Kel- ler, Jos. Blyth, and Jas. Hopkins, all from around the Corners. We Wish them one and all many years of solid comfort and contentment. I Mr. Henry Seim sold 100 bags of ipotatoes this spring. Henry is 'one of the many progressive [fur- mers W8 keep in and around the Corners. The excessive amount of rainfall is becoming quite serious with many farmers on low land. Quite a few farmers west of this locality are simply at a standstill, as it is practically impossible to work on the land. The big snow storm last Monday, followed by the very hard frost at night, did considerable damage. It was particularly hard on the al- falfa clover, which 'was beginning to make a fine showing. Quite unexpected came the news of the death of Mrs. W. E. McAlister, who passed away pn Thursday last, after a very brief illness. We extend our sympathy to the devoted, bereaved husband and relations. The Grangers of Varney ordered :1 our lcad of salt in the fall )51311 to sow on their mangold and tur- nip land, with the Heat in mind of drawing moisture. It‘s drawing it all right, for it has rained every day since we sowed it on our man- We set the pace for the “Royal iCompany of Corn Growers. Limit- ed,” by finishing sowing our :corn on May 27th. Not too bad for your humble Weather-cock. Judging from the small number of lambs to be seen, with here and there quite large flocks of sheep, We feel safe in saying this is an of! year for lambs in this part,‘ which will mean dear mutton if the; shortage is the same in other; places. The chief reason is that{ sheep were in poor condition in the fall, owing to shortness of fodder. 01d ground. Write us, mentioning this paper and we will send you a sample box free. Then, if you cannot get the regular size boxes at your dealer’s we will supply you at the regular retail priceâ€"50c. 1 box, 6 for $2.5Hnd money promptly refunded if GIN PILLS do not give safisfmfiom National Drug 8; Chemical C0. of Canada, Limited. Dept. A Toronto. 87 money on remedies that were little or no good. After taking one dose of GIN PILLS, he found them to be exactly what he needed, and after taking two boxes of GIN PILLS, was completely cured. We heartily re- commend GIN PILLS, at every opportunity to our friends and re- latives”. MRS. JXVIESB. MILFORD. ""- ..----r “My husband used Gin Pills for Backache and Kidney Disease. The pain in his back was dreadful and the kidneys failed to do their. work properly. As he became w,orse we tound it necessary to berrin treatment and unfortunately wasted time and money on remedies that were little or ()I pl wit 1 Sum W BEFORE THEY FOUND BIN PILLS 11 Fm1 the Holiday Trade habit of mu chance,so had Special Display at New Spring Goods Fully GARAFRAXA ST Butter and Poultry, and duce taken as Ladies” Suits, 5 LV Men's Pants all s has :u'rive shelves for stock comm Our pri 1nd we a: (First door south Bur [<00 Men s Tailored Suits Be sure and give us a call. we money by dealing hex-e Waco- ()llr oeaacopocooooo 00.0.09...” W'e have now in 51 the latest styles in ture mouldings. (‘all see our samples. Coal Oil and Gasolir All Goods Delivered. Cash for Eggs. We have in stock the famous Blue Flame oil stove, two and three burners: also Boss gaso- line stoves. Each stove is tested before leaving: store. '10 have a night‘s rest. an' Ostermo Pillows at po for making old furnitfiré look like new. Floor paints by the same makers have no eq- ual. Floorglaze is our standard seller. China-lac ram-Henderson English}: Paint, the purest and best paint sold. I chal- lenge any person to dis- pute this fact. Here is something for everyone who is going to paint his or her home in- side or out. Use Brand- Now that house-cleaning time is here, you will want to buy or rent our Vcau- um Cleaners. They save time and hard work. Agents for Portland Cement must have a fountain spray and lawn mower. Buy them from us, and get value for your money. The Samson garden and field toolsâ€"no better tools made. Every article guar- anteed. . Lenahan 6: C0 . GLASER FURNITURE 199$ nggs. \\ 001, Hides, Live all kinds of Farm Pro, Cash. of New Sp! and are no Have Arrived Hf at Medal-lane‘s. \V {I )DUla 113' xett's Bakery) ‘ ')€ I) tion H DURHAM National well made iies' “'ear I! om‘ us ttress. in towr convin - on wil CK O

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