West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Jul 1912, p. 2

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SEVERAL HOUSES IN DURHAM. One nice cottage in Lower Town. â€"A. H Jackson, Durham. 3 21tf SIX-ROOMED HOUSE. CORNER of Elgin and South streets. Will 6011 cheap to quick purchaser. A 'good lot and garden on prem- ises.-â€"App1y to Mrs. Thomas Saunders. 2 22 t1 GOOD COMFORTABLE FRAME house on College street; six rooms, two storeys, hard and soft water. good half acre of land. A bargain to quick pur- chaser. For articulars, apply to Ed. Lango mDurham, or John M. Little,O 205 Riopelle :St., Detroit, Mich. 2221:! A COMFORTABLE BRICK CO I‘- tage in upper town, Well located, about a quarter acre of land in good condition; ”Will sell cheap to quick purchaser.â€"Ap- ply to Geo. Finney,” 43213; A GOOD LOT IN UPPER TOWN, Durham. on Garafraxa street. near the Durham Road crossing, next lot south of McArthur’s old store. 'Splendid residential site. For particulars, apply to Miss Martha Sharpe. 37 Beverley St, Toronto. 5 6 3mpd BRICK COTTAGE" AND NICE Lot A bargain for immediate wguyer.â€"Arnhur E. Jackson. 18tf THRIVING BAKERY BUSINESS in the Town of Durham. â€"Apply to H. Burnett. 1251:: A ROUGH-CAST HOUSE. SEVEN A COMFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE in Durham. 2 storeys high, hard and soft water inside, good cem- ent stahln frame barn on too, quarter acre of land. Price away down to quick purchase-r. Applv a? the Chronicle office. 7 27 tf LOT 33. CON. 9, GLENELG, CON“. THE J. C. NICHOL TAILOR SHOP and dwelling, next to R. Bur- nett’s store. For particulars, apply to George Ryan, Sr., Lamb- ton street. Durham. 425tf HOUSE ON ALBERT STREET; 7 rooms. Town water and electric lights. Apply to Mrs. Neil McKechnie, Durham. 530tf THE ROCKY SAUGEEN HOTEL property.â€"Apply to J. A. Brown. Durham. 12 TH THE UNDERSIGNED WILL BE pleased to receive tenders at once for the completion of a barn 45x50 feet, with 18 feet posts, and long beams. Con- tract calls for completion from sills up, stabling not included. Apply personally to John Adlam, Lot '25,. Con. 4, N.D.R., Bentinck. Wu_.__~â€" ._ . 0T 1 OF 17, CON. 1, E. G. R., Glenelg, 50 acres; iorty acres under cultivation, 7 acres hard- wood bush, 3 acres swamp. 2 small orchards, variety of other small fruits: watered by spring and well. Frame house 28x24, frame barn, 50x36; sxtxone base- ment underneath, and other out- buildings. Also lots 2 and 30! 15. Con. 1, VV.G.R., Bentinnck, 100 acres: 30 acres under cultivation. 30 acres pasture, 35 acres hard- wood bush, 5 acres swamp, 1A acre orchard. Small frame house frame barn 50x36, stabling un- derneath. The above property will be sold cheap, as the owner intends going to Alberta. For further particulars. appIy on farm. or to Wm. Leggette, STRAYED FROM\ THE RE AR 0F Lot 16, Con. 1, \‘iIHDR, Bunessan P..0, on or about June 20th, a 3-year-old steer, mostly red. A suitable reward Will be given for information leading to his recov- ery.â€"Silas H. Edwards. 2 Rocky Saugeen. Ont 0T 2, CON. 4, E.G.R.. GLENELG. 100 acres: 70 acres working land. 10 acres new land, '20 acres hard- wood bush. Two good wells on premises. Good concrete house. frame barn. driving shed, y-acre orchard. Well fenced. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. For fur- ther particulars apply to David McAuliffe, Upper Town. Durham Oct. 5th, tf, on x-acre lot, with good stable. This propertv will be sold real cheap to a quick purchaser. and on terms to suit the buyer. Apply to Mrs. F. Caton. 37t£ COMFORTABLE BRICK DWEL- ling om Coqnteaa ‘agreet, 2_stqrg5_ra, PAIR OF ONE-HORSE BOB- aleighs. and a cutter. Apply to D. MacKenzie. Upper Town, Dur- ham. 5 12 11ti rooms. cellar, stable, orchard and} 8 acres of land. In Durham. Terms easv. Apply to Edward Burnett Sr. Durham. 627 «Had taming 100 acres of first-class land in good condition. Reason- able terms. Apply to J,A. Rus- sell. Box 39, Sedgewick, Alberta. M-ar.14tf . EWE AXD 2 LAMBS STRAY- ed from Lat 16, Con. 4, Glenelg‘, S. D. R, about the lst of June. Information leading to recovery will be rewardedâ€"Thu. Tucker. Top Clifi. '20 3pd For Sale or Rent. Advertisements of one incn subsequent insertion. Over TWO NOTICE TO CONTRACT Farms for Sale. For Sale. SHEEP ESTRAY Steer Estray For Rent SMALL ADS. incn, or less, 25 cents for first insertion, and 10 cents for each Over one inch and under two inches, double the above amount. Yearly rates on applicanon. ORS DHYSIcmN AND SURGEON, OF fice in the New Hunter Block. Office nours,8t010 a. m. to 4p. m. and-7 to!) p. m. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- oosite Presb vterian Church. .â€".\. -- -~.. A..4....â€"-._ 3:2. BRO WN . L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG { "QRADULATE of London, New 3 I York .1116 Chicago. Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. ; _\Vill be at, the Hahn House, July 20 Oct. 19, November 16. Dec. 21, g Hours, 1 to 5 p.111. ’ Notice is hereby given that any ‘person found hunting or other- ‘Wise trespassing on Lots 9 and l10. on the 3rd concession of the township of Egremont, after the ifirst appearance of this notice, .May 23rd, 191:2, will be prosecuted ‘according to law.-â€"“’. T. WVilson, I Varney. 5 '23 tf U stairs, Lambton Street. Resideue Corner Queen and George Streetsâ€"Nor- of Methodist Church. Ofiice hours 9- a.m.. 2-4 mm“ 7-9 pm. Telephone No. U short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street: Lower Town. Durham Office hours from 12 to '2 o’clock Late Asslstant Roy. London Ophthalmic H05. 332:, and to Gollen Sq. Throat and N086 Hoe. l) Oflice. nearly opposite the Regisfry office. Lambton 5t.,Durham. Anyamount of monev to loan 2;; 5 per cent. on farm propertv. SPECIALIST : EYE, __EAR, THROAT was: Officeâ€"Over Douglas’ Jewellery Store. Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. Dr. D. S.Craig, D.V.S..V.S.V.D. ISEASES OF DOMESTICATED animals treated on most scientif- ic principles. All calls promptly attended LO. Office and residence. Gar-afraxa Street. Durham, nearly 0p- posite the Chronicle Office. 623 1 J' F GRANT, D. D. S .L. D. 8. ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduafie Boys College Dental Snrgeons of Ontario. Dentistry 1n all us Branches. Agent. Money riage Licenses mess tramacted. OFFICE HU\TING FISHI\G AND OTHER- vise tregspassing on Ebé of Lots A. H. Jackson. \TOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- er, _Qonveyancgr, 8:0. Insurance Lost, Strayed or Stolen. A. 1?.§RKA BAY HORSE, TWO Drs. Jamieson Jamieson. \FFICE AND RESIDENCE A SECOND CLASS. FOR U.S.S. NO. ‘2, Bentinck and Glenelg. Salary $500. Duties to begin after midsummer holidays. Apply to Dan. McArthur‘ Durham, Ont 304 FOR U.S.S. BO. '2, BENTINCK 8: Glenelg. Second class. Salarv $500. Dutie: to begin after mid- summer holidays. pAply stating experience, to Dan. Mc Arthur. Durham. l. G. Hutton, M. D., C. M. \FFICE. TELFORD’S BLOCK. UP NORMAL TRAINED. SALARY $450. Duties to commence after holidays. Apply to W. J. Adlam, Secretary S. S. No. 6, Bentinck, M'ulock P. O. 7 4 3 WANTEDâ€"PROTESTANT TEACH- er holding second-class profes- sional certificate, for 8.8. No. 5. Glenelg township, county Grey: .light school; pleasant surround- ings, church and post-office near: salary $100 or thereabouts, according to qualifications and experience: duties commence af- ter holidays. R. T. Edwards, Eb- ordale. ; . 28 and 29 on the 4th concesison, and Lot ‘28 on the 5th concession of Fentinck, is strictly forbidden, and intruders will be prosecuted according to law.-â€"Thos. Torry and Alex Grierson, Proprietors. 62091) l. P. Telford. ARRISTEL, SOLICITOR. ETC. __ ' -ovvu White front feet, left hind foot White, White spot on nose, and white spot on forehead. Weighs between ten and eleven hundred pounds. A suitable reward will be given for information that will lead to his recoveryâ€"Edward Wells,_ Dromore P. O. Notice to Trespassers WARNING TO TRESPASSERS DURHAMV ONT. (Lower Town Office: ‘3 ,Fz‘cst 85.. Owen Sound. Teachers Wanted Dr. W. C. Pickering Dentist. Medical Directorv. Arthur Gun, M. D. W. J. SHARP Denial Dz’rectorv. Legal! 'Dz‘rectorv. DR. BURT. Over J. J. Hunter’s 'ancer, c. insurance :0 Loan. Issuer_of Mar- A general ’nnancxal bus:- ANY PERSON who is the sole head (of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quartersection of available Dom- inion land in Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Don- inion Lands Agency, or Sub-agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, Oen certain conditions by father moth- er. son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS Duties.â€"Must reside upon the homestead or preâ€"emption six months in each of six years fmm date of homestead entry Linclud- inO' the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. In certain districts a hiomeStead- er in (good standing may pme-ezmpt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre.‘ A rhomesteader who has exhaust- ed ’his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead in certain districts. (Price $3.00 per acre Duties â€"Must reside six months in each of three years, cul- tivate fifty acres and erect ah-ouse worth $300. 00. Duties.â€"Six mont'hs’ reSiden'ce upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- s'teader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a- farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and oc- cupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. Notice is hereby given that the Saugeen Fishing Club, having leased all the fishing and angling rights on streams with branches and tributaries on the lands of Messrs. Wettlaufer, Mueller, Damm, Seim and Ryan, being Lots 30 and 31, Con. 12; Lot 30, Con. 13; Lots 27 and 30, Con. 14; _Lots 29 and 30, Con. 15; and Lot 23, Con 3, all in the Township of Normanby in the County of Grey, as aPre- serve for the propagation and cul- tivation of fish, that fishin or trespassing by unauthorize per- sons Will be rigorously prosecuted according to laW. A reward of $15.00 will be given for informa- tion given either personally or by letter leading to the conviction of any person or persons guilty of unauthorized fishing or trespass- ing upon any of said lands. JUDGE 134131213”, xv. HUETHER, Deputy of the Minister of the Interiorr. N.B.â€"Unau-téhuo‘rized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. President. ' Secy.-Treaé. Neustadt, May lst. 1912. Notice is hereby given that the! Crystal Spring Fishing Club, having. I leased all the fishing and anglingl rights on streams With branches? and tributaries on the lands of Messrs. Blyth and Cornish, being: Lots 30 and 31, Concession 3, and Lots 30, 31 and 32, Concession 7 O ”7 all in the Township of Normanbyl in the County of Grey, " as aPre-l serve for the propagation and cul-l tivation of fish, that fishing - org trespassing by unauthorized perâ€" sons Will be rigorously prosecuted; according to law. A reward of; $15.00 will be given for informa-E tion given either personallyor by? letter leading to the conviction of any person or persons guilty of unauthorized fishing or trespass- ing upon any of said lands. JUDGE BARRETT, W. HUETHER As I have not disposed of my stallion Clydesdale Champion, I Will keep him for use at his own stable for the season of 191:2. All interested will bear this in mind. Terms made known on application. JOHN STAPLES. Owner. Neustadt, May lst, 1912. YOUNG PRINCE ERIE AS I HAVE NOT DISPOSED OF An Old gentiei'u:-m who is a resident? of Brunt and has a mania for stealing: appe:-ired before Magistrate Tnlton ()L‘ Tuesday on a charge. of theft It zip pen-ed he had made perindical visits to the local Egg and Dairy and on each uccassirm a number of eggs were missed. \Vhen he put, in his appear- ance on Saturday last, he was watched and when being Searchnd as he was a- bout to leave the building no less than 41 eggs were found in his spacious packets. This was too much of a good thing ‘and the manager had him arrested at once. When he appeared before the magistrate. as the Egg and Dairy ()0. did not, with to push the case, he was dealt, with very leniently with. havin'g to pay the costs of the courtâ€"Telescope. ‘ "Come in. you poor, tired woman,” he said and held the gate ajar But the women hesitated. “Tell me first.” she said, "how often you clean house?" The saint smiled. " You can’t shake off the ruling pas- sioa, can you?” he said. "Oh. well step inside and they’ll ive, you a. broom and dustyan instea of a. harp.” The woman who had chased dust: and dirt: all her life fi : ll - “ Peter. _ n L y reached .St. my stallion, “Young Prince Erie" I will keep him for service at his own stable for the season Of 1912. All interested will bear this in mind. Terms made known on application. â€" Dan. McNamara. owner, Lot :25, Con. 2. NormanbY- CLYDESDALE CHAMPION Making Her Feel Comfortable CHARGED WITH THEFT President. FISHING NOI‘ICE FISHING NOTICE W. W. CORY. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Secy.-Treas. i This pnpnlar. Exhibition will be held i this year September 6th to 14th. Ar- ‘rangements have been made by" the l management at a very great expense : for th best programme of attractions lever pIRSPDCPd at any previous Ex- !hihitiun. This programme will take {place twice daily before the Grand gStand. A great musical treat is in ; store for all this year. In addition to l the First Hussars Band. and the Band of the 7th Regiment Fusiliers, the management have secured. at very g1 eat expense. x WESTERN FAIR, LUNDON. CAN I "\Vhele IS \ mu- husbmd? " asked the ifm mer, expecting to find the neighbor fin bpd. The Besses 0’ the Barn. Band of Cheltenham, England. This is one of the finest brass bands of the world. The Glendale Troupe in their Wonder- ful Aerial and Trapese Acts. The Bra-ggaarBros.. the funny men, the La. Belle and Eddy Troupes in their Comedy Tramboline and wire acts, the Martellonis Troupe. the greatest. acrobats in America, and the Seaherts Riding Combination and Equestrienne Act, both double and single. Hams and his mule will make a laugh for every move he makes and he is mov- ing all the time. In addition to all this there will he extra. good speed events every afternoon and a nmgnifi- (tent prograum'ie of fireworks each night. The fireworks will consist of 56 pieces each night. including a. very exciting motorcycle race and conclud- ing with the wonderful production The Bombardment of Tripoli. The Midway will consist of :L large nuan- her of good clean shows and will he instructive as well as amusmg. All information regarding the Exhibition will he pronmtly given by the Secre- tzirv. A. )1. Hunt. London, Oniario. Special railway rates commence Sept. (5th. The marriage of \Iiss Zazel Bll‘ ham youngest daughtei of Mr. and t3Mrs. William Brigham. to Mi. James A. Mar shall. son of Mr. James Marshall sr.. both of Allan Park. was quietly solemnized at the bride’s home yester- day at 12.30 o’clock noon. The ytmng couple were miattended and only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties witnessed the event. Rev. W. Henderson of Hanover officiated. Miss Ethel Willis played the wedding march. The bride was married in cream silk voile over SilK. After the wedding dejeuner Mr. and Mrs. Mar- shall took the afternoon train for Toronto where they will spend a few days and then go to \Vinnipeg and spend a few days with her sister Miss Zita Brigham. after which they leave for Bradwell, Sask., their future home A reception was held for the bride at the home of Mrs. James Livingston on Tuesday evening. The Post joins with a wide circle of friends in ex- tending best wishesâ€"Post. “I reckon.”_said the first farmer, "LhacI get, up earlier than anybody in this neighborhood. I am always up hefore30’c10cx 1n the morning.” The second farmer said he was al- ways up before that. and had his chores done. The first farmer thought; he. was a liar and decided to find out. A few morning later he got up at two o‘clock and went to the neighbor's house. He rapped on the back door and the woman (sf the house opened Dysentery is always serious and often a dangerous disease, but it can be cured. Chamberlain‘s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedyhas cured it even when malignant and epidemic. For,sa1e by all dealers. "He was around here early in the mornmg, ’ :mswm'ed the wife. "but I don t know where he is now.” “You, brought. up as an American woman, must now forget all that and become :1 true German fruu. Always remember that your husband has two duties which take precedence over his home obligationsâ€"his duty to his Em- peror. and his duty to his regiment-” So said the German Emperor‘s nhnp- lain the other day at; the Imperial Garrison Church in Berlin to Isabelle Potts Lundis. of Philadelphia, when she became the bride of Lieut. Otto Van Brooke. of the. Imperial Marines. . The clmplain’s address put the bride- groem in tears and almost sent; into mysteries the bride. One of the muuv Americans present and witneasiug the ceremony. called it a. first class funeral discourse. This Imperial year- at the Canadian National Exhibition and H.R.H. The Duke of Connaught. will perform the opening ceremonies on Monday, Aug. 26th. For soreness of the muscles, Whether induced by violent exer- cise or injury, there is nothing better than Chamberlain’s Lim- ment. This liniment also relieVes rheumatic pains. For sale by all dealers“ » IMPERIAL YEAR AT THE FAIR The old instructions to persons “’l'lt- ing for 21 newspaper to write on one side only is being enlarged. SJme Writers begin too close to the top nt' The pagf’, leaving no rnmu for instrne~ Home to the printer. Others leave tun little space between the lines. Others run long corrections and additions round the margins of the page, or over to the ocher side; the right; plan being to cut the page in two at: the point where an extensive addition is being made, and pub thin addition on anemia page- -. _ I- . ‘A‘.’ fun) A l ... w“..- rub“ .All these habits are probably tra- dltions from a. Lime when paper Was dear, and it: was regarded as. a. sin to wastea. bitx. There is probably phe same reason for the ha bit of crossing a letter, writing across the page firsc from left to right. and then from top to bottom. Bad handwriting is a- nother source of trouble. but thi< cah- not always be helped. N on everyone is gifted like the present; writer, with the faculty of writing copperplate.â€" Editonal from Turon to Star Weekly. BRIGHAMâ€"MARSHALL Must Forget Her Country GOT UP REAL EARLY Writing Copy for the Press The alove t-‘icture of Miss Ruth Rector, of New York. is tak- en irom life and is (m the lul’el and carton of every genuine hottle of Sageine hair tonic. It is a guar- antee of quality and excellence and we urge our patrons to be sure to look for this label. Sageine is guaranteed to stop the hair from falling out, to cure dandruff in two weeks and to bring life and beauty into coarse unattractive hair. Sageine hrings out the nat- ural beauties of the hair and makes it rich in color. Sageine is not a dye. It is not sticky or greasy and is daintily perfumed. The Central Drug Store is agent in Durham for Sageine. A large hot- tle at a moderate price awaits you there. Other stores don't have it. Correct note forms to be used at a sale may be obtained at this office free of charge. All notes should be made payable at a stated place. We invite you to use our Bank as a place of payment. Sale notes may either be discounted or hit for collection, which assures you of prompt attention at maturlty. 629 A WORTHY OBJECT 0F CHARITY At least; one object of humanity in \Valkm'mn who has nor been blessed with an abundance of this world's goods. and who is deserving of charity can he fmmd in the pex-snn of Barclay Glynn. the typical (:ld Irishman win; for many yum-3 was in the empluy 0f the tmvn. his figure with pick and shm'ol rm 11’s sh’wuldax- nr hving “'Pild- ed in his hum! swing n \“H'_\' familiar Fight, But. ‘iln'lgil nn hard and stead yt'ru' ins sum“ wage quickly as it. canw. each may 3.9 \x'uulc' THE E“ EMERS BANK his (h hihed Bu ' it no“. Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedv is almost certain to be needed before the summer is over. Buy it now and be prepared for such an em- ergency. For sale by all dealers. S. HUGHES, Manager, Even if which 1' nm hee ed [I THE presex one: and months life This i‘ Will 5001) he est affivtin leave h T. 0 Support”) Shmlld hr town “'11 should [m zlll(i ( cnnld Capital anti Surp'i'u $6,899,033 \VHERE TO FIND THIS GIRL .693 OFFICE \ 'er desired without delay. TORONTO I DURHAM BRANCH, John KPny9, ‘ U D l nd \le i‘rod Bless ‘. r any 811ml “'8 Wlih iowman be Visit: ©F @WA \V SK“ hc I] I] (I 0 pt 1f D \V Farmers’ Sale Notes 11 (' K :1!” 13' hi I1 m h t1 \V‘ H ll sh IV \‘V H 3r (W haifig weildâ€" : a vmv familiar B 41"1 iv 14 NH}: Pd ily It“!!! year [0 was taken up as and at, the end of L film. Luubuf n0 l'l ills y slut.“ not. for- ld man's fervent, sufficient return n and they will Lrion that, they snmerhing fora. hven appreciat- H [9 reason nwthing ) induce pm hi I inn nu mths me tm ll fox-'3. mom HITS FIVE MEN eciac- ! ONE DEAD, FOUR DYING h h DE (DI A. BELL UN DERTAKER .I. TOWNER. D AVINGS deposited in this bank draw the highest current rate of interest. Withdrawal: of part or the whole amount may be made when- \ 'et' desired without delay. Funeral Director chture Frammg on. shortest iwtz'ce. ' ‘ Tm: CHRONICLE will be sent a sumptlon any addrees. free of postage, for Rates - - $1 OOper year, payable inadvanoe â€"$1.50 may be charged if not so paid. The date to which ever} - ubscription is pazd is denoted by the number on rhe address label. 30 paper dia- contiuued to all arrears are paid. except at the ontaon of the proprietor. ’ ' For transient advertisements i- Advertising cents per line. for the first inser- Rates . - tion; 3 cents per line each subse- quent insertion minion measure. Profession cards. not exceeding one inch $4.00 per annnn. Advertisements without snecific directions will be published till forbid a) 1 charged accordingly. Winnipeg and Return = $34.00 Edmonton and Return 42.00 IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING At the Chronicle Printing House, Garafraxa. Street. i‘E-in'sié'fit" 566533: '71)? ii. Virgdfiéf'ifi'ofr'é-Jéf‘; etaâ€"50 cents for first insertion. 25 cents for each snbseq uent. insertion. . Sold by metal-lane 8: Co., Durham, Special 10.30 p. 11 through < Sleeping Paul. frnm write THE DURHAM EHHBN All advertisements ordered by strangers must be mid for in adv-ace. Contract rates for youny ad vertmementa fur~ nished on application to the office. and every second Tuesday therean until September 17th Mnncton. N. B. July 5.-â€"â€"-In a light- ning storm on the nnrth shore last night five. men walking along the road near Campbellum were struck by a. flash. One was killed and the other four were rende red unconscious. and are in the hospital with slight; hopes for recovery. Full line of Catholic Robes, and black and White Caps for aged people. Fur Full particulars and EEWW W. 1: mm SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallo Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Next door South of \V. J. Lawrence’s blacksmith shop. HOMESEEKERS’ E X U C RS I 0 N S Embalming a Specialty June 25, and July 9 R. GUN, Agent. Plume DITUR AND PROPRIETOK n V Vin Sarnia m' Chic M M i fix Q h§¢ '- . ., ftcdij‘J :XL) . rack tram wxu leave 1‘01 . on above dates. 4 rmches and Pnlhnan (furs via Chicago U CHANGE OF ('A} W. IRWIN {in will Grand Trunk Duff. D. I’..-\.. Total Assets 35 52,900,000 J uly llthx 191:2. :ond and epot, Agent DURHAM, Ont. 'or 60 davs {2'0 A gem ‘ommn 01'0“ I8 14 Pho and arrymg Tom-wt 33$ ISLE mm RE

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