West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Jul 1912, p. 2

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SEVERAL HOUSES IN DURHAM. One nice cottage in Lower Town. -A. E Jackson, Durham. 3 21tf BRICK COTTAGE, AND” NICE Lot A bargain for immediate buyer.-â€"Arthur E. Jackson. 18“ A PA OF ONE-HORSE BOB- Ileigha. and a cutter. Apply to D. MacKenzie. Upper Town, Dur- Ihmm_ 5 12 lltf ”A" , THRIVING BAKERY” BUSINESS in the Town of Durham.â€"Apply to H. Burnett. 125tf SIX-ROOMED HOUSE. CORNER of Elgin and South streets. Will 6911 cheap to ‘quiclg purchager: GOOD BUILDING LOTS APPLY to J P. Telford, or Mrs. G. Black- A‘n Lt GOOD COMFORTABLE FRAME house on College street; six rooms, two storeys, hard and soft water. good half acre of land. A bargain to quick pur- chaser. For articulars, apply to Ed. Lang on, Durham, or John M. Little, 205 Riopelle St» DEII‘Oit, :MiCh. 222tf [ComoRIAB'LEWBR'Icfi" ‘ c0 :- tage in upper town, Well located. about a quarter acrefigfin land __11 ___________________â€"â€"â€"7 GLENELG. 0T 2, CON. 4, E.GoRo’ 100 acres: 70 acres working land. 10 acres new land, 20 acres hard- wood bush. Two good wells on premises. Good concrete house. frame barn. driving shed, y-acre orchard. Well fenced. gill sell buildings; Also lots 2 and 301 .15. Con. 1, W.G.R., Bentinck, 100 acres: 30 acres under cultivation. 30 acres aeture, 35 acres hard- wood bu , 5 acres swamp, 1/. acre orchard. Small frame house frame barn 50x36, stabling un- derneath. The above property will be sold cheap, as the owner intends going to Alberta. For further particulars. apply on farm. or to Wm. Leggetta UL A ‘1‘ -u, v__ - . Glenelg, 50 area; jorty acres under cultivation, 7 acres hard- wood bush, 3 acreg swamp. 2 â€"I -‘Lfin WUW LII-LU“, V “v- vâ€" -â€" small orchards, 'ariety of other small fruits: _watered by spring -â€" - â€" 00-901 A ROUGH-CAST HOUSE. SEVEN rooms. cellar, stable, orchard and 8 acres of land. In Durham. Terms easy. Apply to Edward Burnett. Sr.. Durham. 627 4pd A COMFORTABLE BRICK BQUSE LOT 33. CON. 9, GLENELG, CON- tain'mg 100 acres of first-class land in good condition. Reason- able terms. Aggly to J.A. Rus- sell, Box 39, S gewick. Alberta. Manna burn, Durham COMFORTABLE BRICK DWEL- ling om Countess street, 2 storeys, on %-acre lot, with good stable. This property will be sold real cheap to a quick purchaser. and on terms to suit the buyer. Apply to Mrs. F. Caton. 37t1 THE J. C. NICHOL TAILOR SHOP and dwelling, next to :R. Bur- nett’s store. For particulars, apply to George Ryan, Sr., Lamb- ton street, Durham. 4 25tf HOUSE ON ALBERT STREET; 7 rooms. Town water and electri}: "' hts. Apply to Mrs. Nell cKechnie, Durham. 5 30tf .‘THE ROCKY SAUGEEN HOTEL property.-Apply to J. A. Brown. ‘1‘ -J.‘ “L\’ “wâ€"vv _ in good condition; Will sell cheap to quick purchaserMâ€"Ap- Div to Geo. Finney. 418tf _._~.___ m.” , GOOD LOT IN UPPER TOWY, Durham. on Gargfranga street, “C ‘.“-"V near the Durham Road crossing, next lot south of McArthur's old store. Splendid residential site. For particulars, apply to Miss Martha Sharpe. 37 Beverley St” Toronto. 5 6 3mpd THE UNDERSIGNED WILL BE pleased to receive tenders at? once for the completion of a barn 45150 feet, with 18 feet poets, and long beams. Con- ti-act calls for completion from 91119 up, stabling not included. Apply personally to John Adlama Lot 25, Con. 4, N.D.R., Bentinck. Su Durham. 2 storeys high, hard and 50“ water inside, good cem- en't nah)» frame barn on too, quarter act. of land. Price away down to quick purchaser. Apply a? the Chronicle office. 7 27 tf Advertisements of one incn. or lose. 23 enbeeqnent its-onion. Over one inch amount. Yearly - Steer Estray STRAYpDfl FRQM THE 335%.}: OF "““ ‘__ M Durham. i i 6F'1"7, CON. _ 1, For Sale or Rent. _ EWE AND 2 LAMBS STRAY- ed from Lot 16, Con. 4, Glenelg, S. D. 18., about the lat of June. Information leading to recovery will be rewarded.-â€"Thos. Tucker: Top Cliff. Lot 16, Con. 1, N.D.R., Bunessan 13.0., on or about June 20th. a 3-year-old steer, mostly red. A suitable geward Fill be given for informahon leadmg to his recov- ery.â€"-Silas B. Edwards. 2 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SHEEP ESTRA’Y For Rent SMALL ADS.: i§5 if. 613tf 25 cents for first insertion. and 10 cents for each oh and under two inches. double the above 11:; rates on applicstxon. 12 7t! 203pd l. 6. Hutton, M. 0., C. M. FFICE. TELFORD’S BLOCK. UP stairs, Lambton Street. Resideue Corner Queen and George Streets-Nor oi Methodist Church. Office hours 9- mm 2-4 " m.. 7-90.11). Telephone No. U shoHidistance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durham Ofice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock Arthur Gun, M. D. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fice in the New Hunter Block. Ofice hours, 8~to 1.0_a.__m.,_.to 4p. m. avg} t09 vâ€"â€"_ 6- m.' â€"Sbâ€"eciil ittgiitinn given to diseases of women and ebudyen. Residence op- ooexte Presbvterian Church. Late Asmatsnt Roy. London Ophthalmic Boa. 332;, and to 60119:: Sq. Throat and Nose Hon. SPECIALIST .- EYE,_ __EAB,_ 111mm \ nose U York 4nd Chicago. Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at the Hahn House, July 20 Oct. 19, November 16. Dec. 21, Hours, 1 to 5 p.m. Dr. D. S.Craig, D.V.S..V.S.V.D. ISEASES OF DOMESTICATED animals treated on most scientif- ic principles. All calls promptly attended m. Office and residence, Garafraxa Street. Durham, nearly 0p- posite the Chronicle Office. 623 1 OFFICE Officeâ€"Over Douglas’ Jewellery Store. ty of Toronto. Graduajce Boys College Bengal Sqrgeoqs of Octane Dentxstry m all Its Branches. Drs. lamieson lamieson. \FFICE AND RESIDENCE} 4 D Oflice. nearly opposite the Regisfry office Lambton it. Durham. Anyamount o‘.‘ monev to loan at :3 mar cent. on farm propertv. Agent. 1 Money. maze Lxcenses. uess transacted. Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills. executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. Notice is hereby given that any person found hunting or other- wise trespassing on Lots 9 and 10. on the 3rd concession of the township of Egiremont, after the first appearance of this notice, May 23rd, 1912, will be prosecuted according to lamâ€"W. T. Wilson, Varney. 523 ti A. H. Jackson. OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION. er, _C_0nveyanc_er, 8:0: lnsqrgxpce A DARK BAY HORSE, TWO white front feet, left hind foot white, white spot on nose, and white spot on forehead. Weighs between ten and eleven hundred pounds. A suitable reward will be given for information that will lead to his recovery.â€"Edward Wells, Dromore P. 0. SECOND CLASS, FOR U.S.S. NO. 2, Bentin'ck and Glenelg. Salary $500. Duties to begin after midsummer holidays. Apply to Dan. .McArthur‘ Durham, Ont 304 NggMAg. TRAINED. SALARY DR. BROWN L. R. c. P.. LONDON. ENG RADULATE of London. New FOR U.S.S. N0. 2, BENTINCK Glenelg. Second class. Salary $500. Duties. to begin after mid- summer hofidays. pAply, stating experience, to Dan. McArthur, Durham. . . J F GRANTED. S .I..D S. [ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- MALE OR FEMALE, FOR U. S. S. No. 2, Egremont and Norinanby. Duties to commence after mid- summer holidays. State salary and experience. Applications received up to Wednesday, Augâ€" ust 7th.â€"Wm. Bradley, Secretary. Orchard. 3 MALE OR FEMALE. FOR 8.8. NO. 13. Bentinck, holding second class certificate. Duties to com- mence after holidays. Apply, stating experience, and salary agred, and giving references ugh R. Riddell, Sec. -Treas. ., Dornoch, Ontario. 4 l. P. Telforé. 213313me somcrrox, ETC WAN TEDâ€"PRO TESTAN T TEACH- er holding second-class profes- sional ce tificate, for 8.8. I’No. 5. Glenelg township, county Grey: light school; pleasant surround- ings, church and postâ€"office near: salary $500 or thereabouts, according to qualiications and experience: duties commence af- ter holidays. R. T. Edwards, Eb- ordale. ..-..A. $450. Dutiesmfi) _)inme£ce afte} holidays. Apply to W. J. Adlam, Secretary S. S. No. 6, Bentinck, Mulock P. O. 7 43 Notice to Trespassers DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town bflioe; .13, 'Fms: 3:. Owen sound. Medical Directorv. Lost, Strayed or Stolen. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. Teachers Wanted Dental Directorv. Lem! rDirectory. W. J. SHARP DR. BURT. Over J J. Hunter’s ancer, c. Insurance to Loan. Issuer 0: Max:- A general hnancxal bus:- SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS ANY PERSON who is the sole head :of .a familg, or any male over 18 years 01 , may homestead a quartersection of available Dom- inion land in Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Don- inion Lands Agency, or Sub-agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, . on certain conditions by father, moth- er. son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Du'tieS.â€"-Six months’ reSidence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- s'teader may live Within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and oc- cupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homestead- er in good standing may pere-empt a quarter section alongside 'his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Du«ties.â€"Must reside upon the homestead or 'pre-emption six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry Linclud- in}: the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifrty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead in certain districts. (Price $3.00 per acre. Duties,â€"Must reside six months in each of three years, cul- tivate fifty acres and erect ahouse worth $300.00. Depwty o»! the Minister of the Interior. N. .â€"Unauthorized publication of this advertisement Will not be paid for. Notice is hereby given that the handsome design and workmanship Saugeen Fishing Club, having will at the end of the present Par- leased all the fishing and angling liament become the personal mop-â€" rights on streams ,with branches eI‘tY 0f Speaker SDI‘OUIG.-â€"Ad\'anc€‘. and tributaries on the lands of i __._....__._.. Messrs. Wettlaufer, - Mueller“ Damm, Seilm and Ryan, being Lots HANGED HIMSELF BY STRAP 30 and 31, ‘COD- 12; LOt 30, COD- 13H A despatch from W'indsor says: Lots 27 and 30, Con. 14; .Lots 29 Half-crazed with the intense heat ando30, COD. 15; and LOt ‘23, C011 33 and suffering from neuralgia. ‘Wil- all In the Township 0f Normanby‘nam Nickle. aged 40, aprosperous in the County 0f Grey, as aPre'liarmer residing near Amherstburg. serve fer the Propagation and CHI-min Malden township. committed tiyation of fish, that fishin orlsuicide by hanging on Sunday. trespassing by unauthorize per-iWhen his mother missed Mickle sons will be rigorously prosecuted! from the house. after an absence according to law. A reward of;of several hours. she set out in $15.00 will be given for informa-E search of him. and was horrified to Etion given either personally or byldiscoyer the lifeless body dang- tletter leading to the conviction of,ling from the end of a strap at- any person or persons guilty of'ltached to the rafters in a tool lunauthorized fishing or trespass~ shed some distance from the ing upon any of said lands. [farm house. For sexierall1 t dais i , . , . . ‘Mickle had complainec t a tie 'JLDC’E BARRETT’ W- HLETHER’. pain he was leing called upon to I O Premdent. Say-Treas. {endure was driving him mad. but i l lNeustadt, May lst, 191‘2. ihis remarks caused no suspicion 1 §that he contemplated suimde. M-w.~ __,.., _._..â€"._._._...«.-___.â€"â€". --._ ._ -4“. --» ... ._. Notice is hereby given that thev CrV stal Spring Fishing Club, l1aV1ng ‘ leased all the fishing and angling rights on streams with branches. and tributaries on the lands of! Messrs. Blyth and Cornish. being Lots 30 and 31, Concession 3, andI Lots 30 31 and 32, Concession ‘2‘ all in the Township of Normanbvi in the County of Grey, as aPreâ€" serve for the propagation and cul-l 'tivation of fish, that fishing or trespassing by unauthorized perâ€" sons will be rigorously prosecuted according to law. A reward of $15. 00 will be given for informaâ€" ition given either personally or by letter leading to the conviction of any person 01 persons guilty of unauthorized fishing or trespass- ing upon any of said lands. JUDGE BARRETT, W. HUETHER, President. Secy.-Treas. Neustadt, May 1st, 1912. As I have not disposed of my stallion Clydesdale Champion, I will keep him for use at his own stable for the season of .1912. All interested will bear this in mind. Terms made known on application. JOHN STAPLES, Owner. YOUNG PRINCE ERIE AS I HAVE NOT DISPOSED OF FOR SALE OR RENT, WITH OR without furnishings, for one year, or a term of years, the Central Hotel property in the Town of Durham. Apply to Me- Grath 6: McAuliffe, Proprietors. EXISTING. ‘FISHIN G AND OTHER- WISE: trespassing on Ex 01 Lots 23 and 20 on the 4th concesison, and Lot 28 ‘on the *5th concessmn oi Bentinck, is strictly forbidden. and intruders will be prosecuted according to law.-â€"Thos. Torry and Alex Grierson, Proprietors. 6°20 9p ' "-â€"â€"â€"_â€"~â€"â€"_..---_-,i___,,____ "W"- Maid wanted. at once. Apply to LOST Mrs. Thos. Baskins, Durham. 2 EITHER ON THE FOURTH CON- Bills are out announcing another cessmn, or the second concession Horse Fair, on Thursday, July 18th. 01 Glenelg, a hand satchel, with10ver sixty horses are reported sold Purse inside containing about ,at the last fair, and this one prom: $2.50: Finder will be rewarded onlises to be better. Every kind and leaving same at The Chronicle condition of a horse will find a my stallion, “Young Prince Erie” I will keep him for service at his own stable for the season of 1912. All interested will bear this in mind. Terms made known on application; â€" Dan. McNamara. owner, Lot 25, Con. 2. Normanby. CLYDESDALE CHAMPION BUGGY LAP SPREAD. OWN- er may get it at this office ‘0‘? PaYing for advertising. CURTAIN, APPARENI‘LY BE- longing to an automoblle. En- quire at this office. WARNING T0 TBESPASSEBS office. FISHING N OI‘ICE FISHING NOTICE For Sale or Rent W. W. CORY, FOUND TEE DURHAM CHRONICLE. t Don‘t butv fruit." confectionery. ‘mastry. or any other food, that has L"been_ exposed to .flies. Don’t allow flies in the sick room, or near any child or adult suffering from a communicable disease. Don’t allow flies to crawl over the mouth of the sleeping baby or over the nipple of baby’s feeding bottle. Don’t allow your children to eat any food that has been exposed in_any. way to fly contamination. A large percentage of infantile diarrhoea flies. If You have flies in your home. there is some .filth near by. If Your own yard and premises are all right, take a peep at your neighbors”. Screen all doors and windows before the flies get in. and keep them screened until the flies have prgctiqall}: disappeared. Report promptly any breeding places for flies. to the chan'man of the Board of Health. If flies have gained access to your home. two teaspoonl‘uls of formaldehyde and a teacup full of sweetened Water, a small portion put on plates and saucers out of the Way of small children. answers as an excellent poisoning for flies. Sticky fly papers and the various fly traps may be used. EX-SPEAKER MARCIL GETS SPEAKER’S CHAIR In accordance with the long-es- tablished practice. the chair occu- pied by Hon. Chas. Marci]. Speak- er of the House of Commnos dur- ing the last term of the Laurier regime. has been sent to the ex- Speaker, and will in future adorn his home in Montreal and become a ~family heirloom. Hon. T. S. Sproule. the present Speaker. made use of the chair during the recent session of Parliament but when the House meets again he will oe- cupy a new chair. which has arâ€" rived in Ottawa and was delivered at the House of Commons. This chair. which is of particularly handsome design and Workmanship will at the end of the present Par- liament hecome the personal prop-- erty of Speaker Sprouleâ€"Advance. 1p buyer. ! During the summer months imorhers of young children should ‘watch {or any unnatiral looseness ‘0f the bowels. When given prompt ;attention at this time, serious itrou‘ble may be avoided. Cham- \berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr- i’hoea Remedy can always be deâ€" gpended upon. For sale by all 1 dealers. YOUNG: MINISTER IN TROUBLE A despatch from Boston. Mass, says: Everyhody in semi-fashion- ahle VVoll-aston. is discussing the attempt to oust from his pastorate Rev. \Villiam B. Ayres. a young minister from VValkerton, Ont.. who for a few months has filled the pulpit of the Congregational church there, and the equally de- termined effort of the minister’s supporters to have him retained. Chester Boynton, a wealthy member of the church, has sued the minister, seeking $25,000 for the alleged loss of his wife’s afâ€" fection. The pastor‘s friends have caused Boynton to be" summoned, before the trustees of the church. who will sit in formal trial. Boyn- ton has agreed to appear: the minister. seeking $25,000 fOI'i “All reforms said Dean Summer the alleged loss of his wife’s afâ€" 'of the Cathedral in discussing the fection. The pastor‘s friends have matter. have sprung from agitaâ€" caused Boynton to besummoned, tion by grourps of individuals or before the trustees of the church.,_from organizations. or from the who will sit in formal trial. Boyn- church the last being largely re- tOD has agreed to appear. {sponsible for the progressive legis- George 'Colburn. a member of lation regarding the matter of .dl- the ChUI‘Ch said; “We have learned vorce. Our aim therefore in taking that Rev. Mr. Ayers has sworn [the action we have at the cathed- falsely in regard to his age. At ' ral is to arouse first parents to the request of forty members of guard the health and physmal and the church I have conducted an moral integrity of the children m investigation regarding Mr. Ayers. new home life. and second _to On September of last year, he arouse the public to a realization gave his age as 3-2 years. I lookedlt‘nat it is time .for the state to up his birth certificate at Walker- ; take action looking to some sort ton, Canada, and found him to be of sane and carefully consadered but 27 years old.” {legislation on the matter.“ .1... ‘1‘?“ nmn+nn+;nh +Lo c+ofp EASY TO GET RID OF DANDBUFF Dandruff means that down near' the roots of your hair there is a vast army of little invisible germs or microbes. And this army never sleeps: it wages a War of destruction nightl and day. It destroys the nourishs ment that the hair must have in‘ order to grow vigorously and abundantly. PARISIAN SAGE. now sold all over Canada, will destroy these germs and at- the same time fur- nish the hair roots with iust the proper nourishment to make hair grow lustrous and luxuriant. PARISIAN SAGE is guaranteed :by Macfarlane 8: Co. to banish dandruff, stop falling hair and itching scalp or money back. It is a delightful hair dressing that wins instant favor with refined women. Sold for only ,50 cents a large bottle by M'acfarlane Co., and by druggists everywhere. Girl with Auburn hair-on every lcarton and bottle. SOME FLY “DO‘NT’SS' -â€". 0.0 oi the cases is caused by ‘77 A careful man, with a systematic savings account, will in time of need receive greater consaderation from his banker than the man who lives up to hisincome. If you have not already done so, open a systematic savin account With this Bank. 810 deposited monthly will, at 3% interest, compoun ed half-yearly, within 10 years amount to nearly $1,400. 609 Establish a Credit for Yourself Considered to have the most luxuriant and l'eautiiul hair in New York. Miss Rector sayS' “I find'a certain pleasure in recom- mending Sageine. as I know Sage- ine to he a real benefit to wom- en. I had a very hard time try- ing to dress my hair nice before I used Sageine. It didn’t matter what style the hair was being worn. my hair was always too dry and lifeless to dress properly. I suffered with dandruff more or less and my hair fell out until it was thin and ragged. My mother urged me to use Sageine. as a numher of persons had recom- mended it to her. I used it fin- ally. and was on y sorry that I had not learned of it long he- fore. ngeine has made my hair iust as nice and soft and thick as you see it. I have lzeen comment- ed very much on its unusual l'zeau- ty. Sageine is now sold in Dur- ham. and costs only Elle. a large bottle. Be sure to go to the (‘enâ€" tral Drug Storeâ€"Other stores don't . have Sageine. THE TRADERS BANK S. HUGHES, Manager, Capital and SurpEus $6,800,030 D01fl"tl€?5‘ the time will come when those slant to he married Wil‘ le requiied to produce prior to the ceremonv. 1hx sicians cei- tificates that the} are 11i1xsically and mentally fit to take upon themcelve° the I'estfvnsi: ili ti 9 of matrimony. Such 0 xxgtzlntiov. would work no hardshin eXCe ent rm those who. for their own sake and for the sake of succeding genera- (ions. should not he wedded and there. is no douht that it would marina great decrease in the num- ber of mental ineomnetents and phys'iqal unfits in the country. . 1 ' In the meantime a start in this direction has leen made indepen- dentlv 11v the dean of the Cathedâ€" ml of S. S. Peter and Paul in 'Chicagowho has_ annunced‘ 11131 no couples “in le married them unless the3 are able to« mescnt certificates of health. The first marriage unde1 these conditions has alread3 taken place and it does not appear that any objec- tions were raised by the hamw couple who were $1er to qualify. IMF‘AUva-vâ€"_ _ For its own protection the state must eventually take cognizance of this question. One step which in Ontario might help considerably in the right direction, says the St. Thomas Journal, would be the placing of the issuing of marriage licenses in the hands of responsi- ble physicians, giving them auth- ority to use their own iudgment when the fitness of any candidate for matrimony was in dispute, and making it obligatory for both man and woman to appear before the granting of the license. “Avuuw -J-v that it is time for the state to take action looking to .some sort of sane and 'carefully considered legislation on the matter.“ MISS RUTH RECTOR ©F‘ @ANADA M AKING A START TORONTO L_____ DURHAM BRA... NCH, Kelly. nun DURHAM, Ont. A. BELL .UNDERTAKER and Funeral Directorw Picture Frammg on shorten notice. SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallo Barber Shop. RESIDEXCEâ€"Nex? ‘door South of \V. J. Lawrence’s blacksmith Shop. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING At the Chronicle Printing House, Garafmxa Street. IH‘E DURHAM EHHUNIELE ’ ' THE Cnaorncu; will be sent u Subscnptmn any address, free of postage. for Rates . . $1 00per year. payableinadvanoe â€"$1.50 may be charged if not, so paid. The date to which ever) >ubscription is paxd is denoted by the number (m the address label. No paper dia- continued to all arrears are paid. except at the on-tlon of the proprietor. ' ' For transient advertisements (- Advertising cents per line for the first inser- Rates . ' tion; 3 cents per line each subse- quent insertion minion measure. Professions cards. not. exceeding one inch $4.00 per annnln. Advertisements without snecific directions will be published till forbid a) 1 charged accordxn 1y. Transient noticesâ€"“M st. “:Found." “For 83 e.” etcâ€"50 cents for first insertion. 25 cents for each subseq uent insertion. Contract rates for year.y advernsemenm fur niehed on apphcation to the office. All advertisements ordered by strangers must be naid for in advance. Only line reaching all. Summer R‘ gems in Highlands of ()ntaI-h"). incluc mg M IfSKOKA LAKES LAKE OF BAYS ALGONQU‘IN PARK MAGANE FA WAN RIVER FRENCH RIVER TEMAGAMI KA WAR'I‘HA LAKES Full line of CathOlic Robes, and black and white Caps for aged people. is an advantage sometimes to keepabank accomtinthenama oftwopasons. sotlmdthu'one may make withdrawds. Suchan accountiscalleda“ jointaccomt. Wcshallbefleuedtohnishpu- Full Summer Service now in effect to all of above resorts. \erte for full particulars and illustrated folders to any Grand Trunk Agent. Homeseekers’ Excursions Jul3 23 August 6 and 30 Sept. 3 and I7 and ev er3 second Tuesdav thexeifter until Sepbember 17th V' 1a Sarnia or Chicago. Winnipeg and Return - $34.00 Edmonton and Return 42.00 Tickets good for 60 days Special train will leave Toronto at 10.30 p. m. on above dates. carrying through coaches and Pullman Tourist. gleeping Cars via Chicago and St. aul. New Fast Express Service between Winnipeg and Regina. Smooth road- bed. Electric ligbed Sleeping Cars. Su- perb Dining Car Service. Leave Winnipeg. 6.00 p. m. Arrive Regina, 7.00 a. m. “ Saskatoon. 8.30 a. in. ‘° Edmonton, 9.00 p. m. For Full particulars and tickets from any Grand Trunk Agent, or write A. E. Dufi. D. P.A.. Toronto. , J. R. GUN, Agent. Phone 14 J. TOWNER, Depot Agent, Phone 18 DURHAM. ONT.. Embalming a Specialty DITUR AND PROPRIETOR W. IRWIN Total Assets $52,000,000 July 18th, 1912.

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