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Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Jul 1912, p. 3

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\ Is made flom selected winter Whe and is a superior article for making pastry. etc. Special Reduction on Flour. in 5 and 10 Bag Lots. Goods delivered anvwhere in towr All up-to-date flour and feed and grocers keep our flour for sale. your grocer does not keep it come to the mill and we will use you right Call us up by telephone No. 8. All kinds of Graig bought! at Market Chopping Done Every 03} V‘m A blend of wheat and Our pure Manitoba flour, made from No.1pVIanitoba Wheat cannot be beat tor either bakers or domestic use A small or large bag 0} . White. nutritious flour, brand. Have you ever t1 your grocer to give you 0 time and see the superior ities it possesses. Beta wholesome. because of as that: we put the Whe Don’t. forget. People’s Mills >¢+e++++++++++++++++++++++ r$3”.A..w.+.»:w.++m..w3u:m:mtm:m:w.+A.+.m.+.m:m.+ Egg. EGGS TAKEN __.. .__.._._._... . ___________._â€"_.‘... nagâ€" -â€".â€"__..._.___ The DUWnTuwnShueSt tme : J. 3M1: A5 W. July 18th, 1912. John McGowan 250 a bottle other applied dry insecticides STRICTLY PURE 25calb. PASTRY FLOUR Church’s Bug Finish acfarlane Co. SOVEREIGN ' (English) C. P. R. Town Ticket Office ECLIPSE \Ianitoba and 3; Ontario a. strictly first. class Inin flour f Hen Lice Exterminator SHOES THAT SUIT PARIS THE --A.\'D-â€" .‘ m:- (1 1t? 1 our kind or baking tter an d a secretpx tlix after using our )U quaL [1101 t ’OCG next é'VV. D. Connor Stands in afclass by itself for strictly first-class work.’ Open all year. Write to-day for handsome catalogue. Also Age ing Dixec Pumping Supplies. Galvanized and Iron Piping, Bras. Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders SHOP OPEN EVERY AFTERNOOD Pumps From $2 Upward ALL REPAIRING promptly an? ‘property attended to. g, If you are in pay you to cor Fall Term from Sept. Manufacturer of And Dealer in PUMPS OF ALL KINDS 0t you are in need of you to consult the LOUISE WELL 1 DRUGGlSTS AND STATIONERS rite and have us call on you. batisfaction Guaranteed u'ou Patronage Solicited. S. P. SAUNDERS 'ATER! WATER! Ointment, 20 to . CONNOR Buy Your Tickets Here from 15c.,to 500. Trunks. Valises. Teles- copes. Suit Cases. c.. in stock or supplied on short notice. Custom “’ork and Repair- ing as Usual. able p1 ices You can find some extra good value in Hosiery here for Men, Ladies, Misses, Boys and Children. Prices gents for ARElthefldeals you have in mind.'?'-You can realize that ideal by purchasing a pair here. “"9 have a. large stock of Shoes for all kinds of wear and at reson- EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. NO TROUBLE NO MUSS NO FUSS TORONTO, ONT. PRATT BROS s for the Baker Ball Bear- Stroke and Back Geared \Vindmills, Pumps and Th e Harnessm ake ~ LOUISE P. O DRILLERS LHA lpply it will mi Flies pass the winter hidden in: cracks and holes in attics and cellars. Many of these may be killed in the spring by the two methods Just do. moistened and molded into cones. and' after drying ‘eacb cone should be placed. upon a dish and lighted at the toD- 1“ will burn slowly. and the odor 18.1103 disagreeable. How to Kill Flies. To clear rooms of flies use carbollc acid. heating a shovel and pouring qn it twenty drops of the poison. The vaDOr will kill the flies. Another A fly in the house is as dangerous as a rattlesnake, as filthy as a louse and as disgraceful as a bedbug. The time will come when any modern, cleanly home will feel itsel‘f shamed and dis- graced by the presence of a fly, and when every householder upon whose premises a brood of flies ls detected will be heavily fined or sent to jail.- Woods Hutchinson, M. D., in F1! Fighter.qg He is the best traveling salesman known to humanityâ€"carries a grip on each of his six legs and a trunk on his head. His line of samples ls the most extensive and longest known and will last you not merely from this year to next, but from time to eternity. We may admire the fly for his indus- try, pertinacity and business enter- prise. We may even love himâ€"luke- warmlyâ€"us one of God’s creatures, but we had better wipe him gently but firmly out of existence, just the same. Flies, like Artemus Ward’s Injuns, “In pizen wherever found.” A Fly In the House Is as Dangerous an a Rattlesnake. No longer can we dismiss the fly with a contemptuous “Shoo!" He in an influence to be reckoned with. Black as he is painted. we must con- cede him certain virtues. From I wordly point of View he is a hustler “from way back.” perpetually on the job and always delivers the goods. He distributes samples of pestilencoi with a lavish hand, and the goods al- ' ways match the samples whether you have ordered them or not and are marked D O D.-â€"Death on Delivery. And You Will Have More Milk For and Less Disease In the Family. ‘ Best Drugs Needed. Be sure that all dmgs and chemicals used in killing files are fresh and pure; otherwise results may not be satisfac- THE MESSENGER OF DEATH. Flies are prolific. Each one you mu means the death of its hundreds of. descendants. You do many harder things to prevent disease. Why not take this in hand early in the season and not run any risk? Begin your swatting nowâ€"Isabel Woodman Wait: ln Coos County Democrat. Watch your homes. Burn the un- necessary rubbish and waste as soon as possible. Keep scrupulously clean. Don’t dump dirt: destroy it with cleansing fires. One of the easiest ways is to start the children swattlng. Offer the one who kills the greatest number of the pests a little reward an the end of the summer, and you won’t need to buy any sticky paper or poison stuff._ If some one told you that that dell- cious apple pie was inoculated with typhoid germs. how quickly you would push it away in fear and disgust. and yét you nonchalantly shoo ofl’ the germy fly that is crawling around its crust and consume it with relish. There’s danger in that pie. There’s death In that fly. Swat him! Siaiiié F‘l’ie'émL'zâ€"iught Over One Cow In a Smgle Day An American girl 19 the first woman to fly over the English channel. And. speaking of flies. are 'you a member of. the swattlng crusade? If not. Join. Everybody’s doing it. Doing what? Swatting flies. and if you would live to be healthy. wealthy and wise you’d better get into the ranks. “PLEASE KILL THAT FLY!” SWAT ’EM! TEE DURHAM CHRONICLE. .. fl 6“ 7"? WU!!â€" l Terrible as. the squaring of the Hvorld’s accounts will he preparatory 1to the opei’iing of the New Dispens- fation with a clean page. they are rational as well as Scriptural. Hu- :manity will be able to look up to {God and acknowledge His Wisdom and Justice, and then to thank Him 'for the loving provision of the .‘Vl'es- fsianic Kii'igdon':, under whose bene- ‘ficient reign they may be help-ed back to full human perfection and, to a :world-wide Eden. - - \ The Church In General Assembly. ’ We have greatly enjoyed, dear bre- Ethren, our Convention or “Assembly. iBut what will it be to be thereâ€"in 'the General Assembly of the entire lelect Church of God! There will be lno sectarianism there, though there idoubtless will be saints of God from jevery sect in that Convention in .Glory! Let .us carry With us a sense I of the realities of he glorious pro- mises of the Bib e, which, we be- lieve, are hastening to fulfilment. | Even now, on every hand, we see {the evidences of social unrest; and lthe wonderful blessings of our day Tare being received by unthankful hearts with ingratitude, breeding dis- content and presaging the awful an- archy which the Bible teaches us to expect- It is a time for faithfulness to God, to His Word, on the part of all who are of “the household of faith,” of every nation and demoni- nation.’ It is a time for the Bride to malge herself ready,for. the Bride- groom. It is a time for the soldiers ’of the cross to have on “the whole 'armor of God” and to be thoroughly equipped with the Sword of the M London’s police force owes its orig- in to the Loliidon watch, instituted in the year 1253. Sfiirit. which the Bible uses. Society will be so shaken and its experiences will be so dreadful that, like the Israel- ites of old, all will be ready to en- treat for the Great Mediator â€"- The Christ. Head and Bodyâ€"Jesus and His Church in gloryâ€"ho stand be- tween them and the Almighty. It will be in response to this universal cry that the Messianic Kingdom will be established and by the New Cove- nant take over the control of the entire world of mankind, for whom, by the grace of God, Jesus Christ tasted deathâ€"Hebrews ii, 9. y The introduction of this Kingdom St. Peter styles the Day-dawn. (II. Peter i, 19.) He describes its work as most blessed, saying, “Times of refreshing shall come from the pres- ence of the Lordâ€"He shall send forth Jesus Christâ€"whom the heavens must retain until the Times of Restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all His holy Pro- ;phets since the world began.”â€"â€"Acts iii, 19-21. St. Paul’s interpretation of the Mt. Sinai experiences would imply a “Day of Vengeance”â€"-the very term All these things, said the Pastor, according to St. Paul. were fore- shadowings of still Illnl‘e "wonderful things to be expected in the near future in connection with the in: auguration of the New Covenant. Many had misapprehended the Apos- tle’s teaching in respect to the New Covenant and thought it already seal- ed and in Operation. But not so. The Scriptures assure us that the work of Christ and the Church dur- ing this Age has been a preparatory one, without which the New Cove- nant could not go into effect. A Time of Terrible Trouble. Everywhere the Bible associates with the coming of Christ a great trouble upon the world and assures us that the faithful of the Church will be spared from it by their resurrection change. The plowshare of trouble will upset human pride and humble the world and make them glad to wel- come the Messianic Kingdom then to be established for the purpose of bringing to Israel and to the world the long promised blessings of the New Covenant. “7'15” 5E1 As'semblyv The .-\p'ostle points us back to the axxful experiences con- nected with the inauumation of the Law Covenant â€"- \It. Sinai smoking, lightnings flashing 1rom the cloud and thick darkness which emeloped the mountain, the earth trembling, the \oice of God heard, the people in fear. - ' St. Paul pictures themarch of the Israelites from the Red Sea to Mt. Sinai, implying that. some got to the mountain much in advance of the 9:12.215; metmaitédumere $0.: the (3.61)- The speaker declared that St. Paul points us back to the institution of the Jewish law Covenant at Mt. Sinai and use-s it as a picture or type of ex- periences of the Church to be ex- pected at the Second Coming of Christ and the establishment of His glorious Kingdom. " .;.,.7.53.5:,..:;;::;;:;;;:::;.;., \V a s h i n gt 0 ii , D , Â¥~‘;-':-.-""- (3., July ‘14.â€"The , ... Imernatimml- Bi- g" hle Students As-so- ‘ '5--:..S.'- Ciation cl-oscd a v e r y SUCCB-SSfUI ..-. eight - days’ Con- vmition at Glen Echo Park tbnight. .-\1.)proxin'iately for- ty speakers have addressed the Con- vention. Pastor Russell was the principal speaker this afternoon. His 'text was, “But ye are come “ * * to the General As- sembly and Church of the First-born, which are written in Heaven.”â€"â€"He- brews xii, 23. n.’ _______ GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF BIBLE STUDENTS Pastor Russell’s Address at Glen Echo Park, Washington, D.C. He\Declares the Bible to Be the Only Centre of Attraction and Standard of Faithâ€"Four Thousand Represen- tatives Present From All Parts. The Old London Wat’éh. l As to the woman taking three meas- f ures of meal and leavening is till the jwhole was leavencd, is it not! very §c1e11r that the Woman. the chum-h. is E doing.r that Very thing. and in our day las never before? From the passover fstory of Ex. xii \"here they were to ismrch for and put 1m 11'» all leavcn. gthére is no plume in the Bible “here l leax en means 1'11131hing good. It is al- ‘ says something corrupting, and Israel was forbidden to offer it with their sacrifice (Lev- ii. 11: vi. 171. In Lev. xxiii, 15-18. where the church is typi- fied by the first fruits. leaven was commanded because of the evil that the Spirit foresaw would be in those first fruits, but it was met by the sacri- fice of the next verse. In Amos iv, 5, they were told that offering with Ieaven was just like them and their sinful ways. When Sarah baked cakes quickly for her visitors {she took three measures of meal. but we are sure that she had no time to use leaven (Gen. xviii. 6). Our Lord taught‘the dis- ciples to beware of the leaven. or false teaching of Pharisees and Sadducees (Matt. xvi. 6, 12). and the Spirit by Paul said, Let us keep the feast with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth (I Cor. v. 8). This age of the mystery of the kingdom. the calling out of the church while the kingdom is postponed. is marvelously set forth in these parables by Him who knew all. The growth of the mustard seed into a great tree, ’sheltering the birds of the air in its branches or under its shadow, sets forth another phase of present things. That an herb should become a great tree is something out of the regular course qt things, and these birds in the branches cause us to remember that in the parable of the sower the birds or fowls represented the devil (verses 4, 15).“ If in a dis- course the speaker uses a figure and explains it. then a little later uses the same figure. his former: explanation stands. The so called church has grown 'to be a vast something very difl’erent from what the Lord intended it to be, and if in the first twelve disciples there was one of whom our Lord said, “One of you is a devil” (John vi, 70;, we can- not doubt but that in the great com- pany of those who today are called Christians there may be many who for some reason other than the right one have taken refuge in the church. Text of the Lesson, Mark iv, 26-32; Matt. xiii; 33â€"Memory Verses, 26-28. Golden Text, Matt. vi, 10â€"Commen- tary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. .. The portion selected from Mark for today’s lesson gives us two parables, one of which, the mustard seed, is the third in the regular order in Matt. xiii, while the gradual growth of the seed is recorded by Mark only. The verse from Matthew concerning the leaven is the fourth in the series, according to Matthew, and next week’s lesson on the wheat and tares is the second. We will be better able to summarize these first four or five parables after next week. Concerning them it is said, “All these things spake Jesus unto the mul- titude in parables, and without a par- able spake He not unto them,” thus fulfilling Ps. lxxviii, 2, 3. He spake the word unto them as they were able to hear it, and when they were alone He expounded all things to His dis- ciples (Matt. xiii, 34, 35; Mark iv, 33, 34). His repeatedly saying. “If any man have ears to hear, let him hear” L (verses 9 and 23), or in the Revelation 3 episties, “He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." reminds us that many are dull of hearing and makes us long for such an anointed ear as Samuel had, to whom the Lord could whisper things and give him messages for oth- ers also. The admonitions, “Take heed whgt ye hear,” and "Take heed how ye hear” (verse 24, Luke viii, 18), were 3 never more needed than now, for false teachers and teaching abound every‘ where. Our lesson title, “The Growth 9% the Kingdom,” is very misleading, no doubt unintentionally, but bad all the same. It arises from the idea held by so many that the kingdom began when the Spirit came, in a special way and for a special purpose, at Pente- cost and has been growing ever since, whereas thetruth is that the kingdom then at hand did not come and has not yet come, and when it does come it will not be gradual, but by a great catastrophe, a judgment, an overthrow of all enemies, according to Isa. xi, 4; xiii, 9-11; xxxiv, 1, 2; lxvi, 15, 16; Rev. xix, 19, 20; xx, 1-3. What then is the growth now going on, as set forth in these parables and elsewhere? We must remember in connection with all these kingdom parables His saying when they asked Him about the first one, “Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God” (verse 11). The kingdom is not growing, but the mystery more fully described in Eph. iii and elsewhere is growing, The church, which is His body, the elect from all nations who are to share the Kingdom with Him, groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord (Eph. ii, 19-22). The seed of the first parable, the word of God, being faithfully sown, quietly works according to this first parable of today’s lesson, the blade, the ear, the full corn in the ear, until the harvest, which. we shall see in next lesson, is the end of the age. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou canst not tell whence it cometh or whither it goeth, is a truth on the same line. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson “Ir-Third Quarter, For July 21, 1912. R. M ACE low CANADIAN PACIFIC l TIME TABLE â€"â€"â€"â€" v- - VVV-w A fiandsomeli ifiuvst'ra .â€" weekly. Largest, cir- ation of any sci entitle journal. Terms for “mafia!“- vow mm Son in - - - ertn:‘;na§u'\~ J'mrone sending a sketch and doscflnthn may quickly ascertaxn oun’opinlon free whether an invention is probably Mutable. mmunica. tiom strictly confident HANDBOO on Patents sent. free. Oldest agency for seem-mg parents. Parents taken thrgnzh Mann a; Co. receive T! ’a i n s _} v M J. TOWNER Depot Agent. JAMES R. GUN. Town A §§§fififi§fimicm from July 2nd merges into our Autumn I‘erm from August 26. Many teachers and senior stu- dents will take advantage of our Summer Term and many will tinecnou until graduation in tour or six months leads them direct into a good salaried po- sition. Let us send you parti- culars about our courses. Central Business College, Yonge Gerrard Sts.. You will find a nice selection of Dress goods in Serges. white... black. blue. gray and other col- ors. Also whip cords. poplins etc. \Ve have our popular line of Dollar silks in the different shades, also jacqubai ds at 35 cts.. Ginghams in Checks and stripes Linens and Towelings galore. Check muslins. etc. Kid gloves for Easter. popular price $1.01}. Come 9nd see us. Grand Trunk Railway TIME-TABLE GRANTS .PLANINC: MILLS ZENUS CLARK DURHAM - - ONTARIO 01‘021 130 1111 Also a limited amount of iron work and machine re- pairs. Acali solicited. Ask for quotations on your next job. \ announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for M Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To leave D . L. GRANT Summer Session SASH, DOORS â€" and all kinds of â€" ARLANE House Fittings \V: Ma Durham McVVilliax Glen Priceville Saugeen J Toronto \V. H. SH A\\'. P1 u X( RAILWAY Zen!

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