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Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Jul 1912, p. 7

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H. H. MILLER - Ml. Land Hunter Look Hen H. H. MILLER 325 ACRES close to Proton Stati n8 brick dwellingfine large out-buildings windmill c.: hay, 2 tons to acre, only $5,500. Knocks the sunshine off A1- berta bargains. 533 ACRES near Proton Station anc Saugeen Junction. fine brick residence splendid barns. splendid soil. good water orchard 8pc. Will sell less than $25 an acre. A bargain surely. A HARD WARE and Tinsmith Bus- ness, Grey County. post office in conne’ction Less than $10.0“) will buy 40 acres of land store and dwelling, barn. other frame dwelling and $4 600 stock. GENERAL COUNTRY STORE five miles from Durham; very chap. Large number of cheap farm pro; erties Money to Lend nt Low Rates. Lands bought: and sold, Debts collected All kinds of writings drawn. No nun who doies business with H. H Hillsr is ever satsfied to go elsewhere Our methods seem to please. "Always Prompts â€"_ “Never Negligent, July 25th, .1912. The Hanover Conveyancer NOW IT’S HOT Misses’, boys’ and youths’ fine and heavy shoes at lowest prices. Now is your time to buy cheap rubbers. We have a full stock on hand for spring. Don’t fail to see our trunks, suit cases, and travelling bags. All we want is a call at the Big Shoe Store near the bridge. We have also a. new line for men, known as the “Monarch” Shoe, rang- ing in price from $3.00 to $55.00. We are the sole agents’ for the Relindo Shoe, formerly known as the I R SPRI\G GOODS are now ar- 0 11V 1n0 and as “e haxe selected our stock from some of thelead- ing Canadian factories, we have no doubt the most up-to-date lines that money can buy . I. D. King Shoe, which is the leading shoe for ladies’ in style and quality, made on the stage last, short vamps. high heel, Good-year welt in Gun Metal Calf, in blucher or buttoned styles. THOS, MCGRATH 2i: TERMSâ€"CASH or EGGS. Opposite The Rel House. Hanovc r is common to sufferers from uric acid poisonings. It is caused from the nerves and is likely to take the form of despondency, irritabil- ity or worry. Anti Uric Pills drive uric acid from the system and cure all kidney troubles. The' Central Drug Store sells Anti Uric Pills, with. their personal guarantee. B. V. Marion on every box. QMMMM. qwsmmm and all Household Furnishings New Stock just arrived and will be sold at the lowest living profit. Undertaking receives special attention UNDERTAKING EDWARD KRESS FURNITURE. Nervousness Rugs, Oilcloths Window Shades L a c e Curtains g a ' O O .4oo‘osfifi‘901 AND Q 5‘. ."z 0'. " 0.A entrance into where dwelt mother. their restles: ' they numben e ingulshed. . er come he crawled cl« the recumbent § about it on no guard had .1113 worn out dent of i Beside I d that whatever , the gate 0 their‘ fl: “011,1 see; we are already on a new footing. YLt I must call you some- thing." She 1:3:7‘1‘ (1 just ong enough for glm to nztic : it. Ether she had no substit‘. fie re: 1y 2.: hand, or else doubt- ed the adviaabiiLty or confiding her real name under present circumstanccs LO LETC‘ 20 maJy :1 stranger. ' “1 on me; all me 110; “A name certainly of good omen," he returned. “From this moment i shall forget Christie Maclaire, and re- member only Miss Hope. All right, Neb; now turn over a chair, and sit your man up against it. He will rest all the easier in that position until his gang arrives." He found the other horses turned into the corral, and was able, from their restless movements, to decide they numbered eight. A lire. nearly e inguished. glowed dully at the er corner of the enclosure, an. he crawled close enough to distinguish the recumbent forms of men sleeping about it on the ground. Apparently no guard had been set. the fellows be- .hg worn out from their long ride, and whatever sleep they could. How- , the gate of the corral opened '0 :- . e their. fire. and Keith dare not Feature upon roping any of their Wes, or leading them out past they slept. There might clippers in the cabin with which he ‘ (1 cut the wires, yet if one of the awoke, and discovered the herd t, it would result in an alarm. lead to early pursuit. It was far E6 to use their own ponies. He 1 . {to stunted trees on the Oppodte but. Everything within the cabin remained intact!!! hedlettlLanihahnet': what" ha‘oé‘currod" 7’ "The nation has only really begun,” 11. mod her, stm Manning his hold “upon her hand. "This was manly a He thrust his head out of the door, peering cautiously forth into the night, and listening. A single horse, prob- ably the one Hewley had been hiding. was tied to a dwarfed cottonwood near the corner or the cabin. Nothing else living was VlSible. “I am going to round up our horscs, and learn the condition of Hawley‘s outfit," he announced in a. low voice. “I may be gone for hiteuo or twenty minutes, and, meanwhile. has Hope. get ready for a long ride. Neb. stand here close beside the door, and if any one tries to come in brain him with name. That she was Christie Maclaire he had no question, yet that artist-.1 embellishment was probably merely assumed for the work of the concert hall. Both he and - Hhmi :3; cc 1"! scarcely be mistaken as to her identi- ty in this respect, and. indeed, she had never openlz. dcni: d the fact. Yet she did not at all seem to be that kind. and Keith mentally contrasted her with numerous others whom he had somewhat intimately known along the border crfEuit. It was difilcult to as- sociate her with that class; she must have come originally from some excel- lent family East, and been driven to the life by necessity; she was more to be pitied than blamed. Keith held no puritanical views of lifeâ€"his own ex- periences had been too rough and democratic for thatâ€"eyet he clung tel naciously to an ideal of womanhood which could not be lowered. However interested he might otherwise feel, no Christie Maclaire could ever find entrance into the deeps or his heart. where dwelt alone the memory of his mother. KEITH 0F . THE BORDER ward him, her every evident desire that he should think well of her, toâ€" gether with the providential opportu- nity for escape, had left him full of confidence. The gambler had played 'blindly into their hands, and Keith was quick enough to accept the ad- vantage. It was a risk to himself, to be sure, thus. turning again to the northward. yet the clear duty he owed the girl left such a choice almost im- perative. He certainly could not drug her along with him on his flight into the wild Comanche country extensi- ing beyond the Canadian. She mum, at the very least, be first returned to the protection of the semi-civilization along the Arkansas. After that had been accomplished, he would consider his own safety. He wondered it Hope really was her name, and whether .1: was the family cognomen, or her given your gun-stack. I'll rap three times when I return." He slipped out into the silent night. and crept cautiously around the end of the dark cabin. The distinct change in the gir l’s attitude of friendship to- Continued from page 6. FF "7s M n F '9‘.‘ . at“. We have THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. tr. Hawtey must deal F..J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, 0. We the undersigned have known F.J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honor- able in all business transactions and financially :able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN MARVIN, Wholesale .Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists, ‘ We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of :Catarrh that cannot be cured by 'Hall’e Ca- tarrh Cur-e. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con- stip'ati-O'n. A resident in Vienna who does not wish to be out of pocket must keep early hours. After 10 o’clock at night he is taxed on entering his own house or apartment. or for the matter of that any house or apartment. The “spew-geld" or door opening tax is not peculiar to Vienna. but is also found in other capitals of Europe. Vienna. is built on the flat or apart- ment house plan. Rich men and working people alike live in quarters of this kind. The houses are large, having five or six floors, usually with four flats on a floor; so that not infre- quently there. will be upward of 100 persons living under one roof. There is a common entrance from the street, and after 10 o’clock at night this door is bolted and barred. The 2,000.000 residents of the Aus- trian capital are practically impris- oned in their own homes from ten o’clock in the evening until six the next morning. They may go out or in only by paying: the equivalent of four cents to the janitor or. as the Austrians call him. the houseniaster. This tax must be met every time. one passes through the doorway. There is no exception to this rule. A man who has (lined with a friend must, if he stays late, pay four cents to get out of his friend’s house and four cents more to get into his(,m'n. A telegram in the night calls for the payment of the tax before the messenger can enter. ' “I don’t mind any of the housewm'k except cleaning the silver.” sighed a young housewife the nther day. “There always seems such alot of it and my fingers get so dirty and my back so tiredâ€"oh. dear. I often feel as if I’d like u) use tin forks and spoonsi’ 'm‘-.._.- ...1.4 D , 'There are lots nf young housewives Who feel the same way. but really it need not bu such a task if you go a- bout; it; riglm. An excellvnr, orweoa-day way to keep the silver in daily use from becoming too dimmed between its weekly p0- lishings is to add a teaspoonful of good washing powder to (be hot; rin- sing water in which the silver is He held her arm, not unconscious r‘f its round shapeliness, as he helped her. down the rather steep bank throus'h the dense gloom. Then the two TIT-{3 joined hands, and carrying her be- tween them, whded the shallow stream. The horses, not yet summent- 1y rested $0 be frlsky. accepted t:‘~C71' burdens meekly enough, and. with scarcely a word st‘O‘.’-"“. P " ""r '* away silently into We » ' “He'll remain there all 112‘" his men find him.” he declared. tively, “and that ought to give good 811: hours’ start. Come. H0pe, every minute counts now explained {he ley's bonds 3 1113 so. MUST BE HOME BY TEN CLE ANING THE SILVER Continued next week HOW’S THIS ? ”v.3 Ragwhmo CBM. NL?«>.L .romuuft us a Miss 27“ VVhen all your silver has been that" onzlxly cleaned. put that. fur daily table use in the sideboard drawer: and in 03.995 where they may be easily gut at. A few Pherisbed large pieces may def'xil"+t9 the mp of the sideboard if on“ likes; but; perhaps the prettiest Way nf fnmi~hing the sideboard is U» plave tall ('audl--.~‘-‘.icks m- candelabra at either end \\ ithouc further deem- anion. Dressing fable silver shnuld not, he tnflavishiy in midence. Much of it shnuld he k pr. in the diessing tank dmuexs This will plan-mt much nf the discoloration. 07d solid siIv r that has become deepty discolored throng!) neg‘ect may he mautifully cleaned by huuing it. fox-15 minutes in water in which a verysmall lump of washing powder has *een dissolved. All the silver not to he ucpd in the immeflfate depot-Minn uf the home, should be packed away in a silver chest. if you are the fortunate yOS sessor or one. plunged after being waehed iu huL soapy Water. Or wrap each piece separately in chamois, flannel, canton flannel or heavy linen. Put it all away in an unused dreamer or cupboard, where it may he kept under lock and key, yet easilv available for immediate use for the big party or in ‘Case friends come to din ner. If you are *a housewife you can-I not reasonably hope to behealJ thy or beautiful by washing dishes, sweeping or doing housework all day, and crawling into bed dead tired at night. You must get out into the open air and sunlight. If you do this every day and keep your stomach and bowels in good order by taking Chamberlain's tablets when. needed, you should become both healthy and beauti- ful. For sale by "all dealers “Are thev wild oats?’ sleepily in. gun 9d rhe hi1ed man. ‘ Wild? \Vhy. no. they’ re miue.’ “Well, if they’re tame. maybe I can slip up on them in daylight.”â€" Evez-yhody’s Magazine. It: appears that a certain clergyman â€"a ve1y scholarly man, but; one. who knew ve1y little about countxv life w as made Bishop at a 111ml see. A f1 lend remarked that: the1e w as a little farm attached to Lhe epiecopal palace. “You 0311 slip BMW: and cut that little patch of oats before breakfast," he ordered. A North Dakota farmer roused his new harvest hand from slumber in the haylyow promptly at 3 a m. V‘IJIV‘ "J\ t5“\\.§l~‘. “No 0, mum - they re jest; going to tubaâ€"Baltimore American. “That: Will he very nice,” said thei DI“: Dnnflnbnnb new Bishop, thoughcfully. “I think ll One of the Worst nuisances that: shall keep sheep and have fresh kid-lsailors have to put up with is harn- neys for breaxfast every morning l"~â€"!_acles. attaching themselves in great Answers. l numhers to logs of Wood. the hottmns â€"â€"â€"--.â€"â€"â€"-- l of ships and uthex- finfltlllg materials. cleared for Mackinac Island at 10 p.111., on arrival of train from Toronto. 'I‘wo heautifullv appointed steamers now ply from Collingwood to Chicago by Way of the Great Scenic Georgian Bay and North Channel Route. "You’ll be able to keep some ani- mals,” he said. NEW STEAMSHIP SERVICE CHICAGO T0 COLLINGWOOD “Are those. boys’ intentions of a belicnse natur ?” 1 Steamer Missouri Arrives With Long J Wm” “1." ."‘?““”'f’ "a" -“I””-‘~"’"“ "" . ; contract Itselt at, Will. Ivvpon the end List of Passengers i of the. stalk there are. five shelly val- lollingwood, July 5 â€"The Steamer! V08. the principal organs 0f the :mi- "Missouri” of the Northem Michigan l “11 being filmed Within. These val- Transportation Company of Chicago, EYES 0P8“ and (ilflse t“ Hlimit ”f $119 arrived last; night wiLh a long list (,filiai'wny31e spreading out and (‘lx-aowmg passengers, establishing another pas- ; backhts net. m apparatus by which it; senger service between Chicago :md ‘lbt'i‘v1_”9f”0d' . Collingwood The steamer was met- Ship bm'nacles congregate m $110.11 by the President; of the Board Of7munhei-s on ships thatthelatter’s 8311- Trade. Mr. M. Bvrne. and otherling powers are seriously impaired. members of the Boai‘d and a reception l The creatures grove rapidly. at the was tendered Captain Bright, andlsame time undergomg such wonder- officers. It is expected that anurherl Iul transformation that, they are ob- spacious steamer will he added to the J90ts 0f interesting study. Sel'Vlce next season. The steamer; â€"- ...._- THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE Deceased ww: t iif: lung resident 0f Nor" h Umvhester where he was box a in 1854. He was one of the must pm- grecsivu f 'I‘Hl"f.< in Ontario and was especially i1 t~1 ected in the bleeding (1ft horou h‘ned hUXSUS. No 111.211 in the di~11ict was 1111119, \‘ideiy km)“ 11, and his genial di~pusiti0n1 won him hnv nf fri-‘nd‘ everywhere. During the summer months mothers of young children should watch for any unnatiral looseness of the bowels. When given prompt attention at this time, serious trouble may be a1 oided. Cham- berlain s Colic, Cholera and Diarr- hoea Remedy can always be de- pended upon. For sale by all dealers. â€"--‘â€"~~'â€" Y ewnday he was smnewhat. weak- or and in thn :xftornnnn his condition henune sn Alannin'v that his famiW was hmtiedly summuned. Mr. Suth- ellanldied «LhUllL six ocluck in the evening. 1n the recent; eleétion Mr. Suther- land made a splendid run. and was re- turned. Besides his wife he is sur- vived by two sons {md two daughters. Robert. Snthfirland. M.P.P., of D0?- r‘hustpr. the member for East Middle- sex, died in lngwsnl! Hospital last Friday evuning unexpectedly. Mr. Sutherland recently underwent an "Der-Minn fm- appendicitis and until ”my a, stunt time before his death was snnpused tn he. x-eoovm-ing rapidly. ROBERT SUTHERLAUD DIES AT INGSBSCLL The management of this popular Exhibition will spare neither trouble or expense this year to make it the best that has ever been held. A new fire-proof Art Building is being erect- ed near the entrance to the Grounds which will be in readiness for the Ex- hibition, and will be filled with beaut- iful and expensive paintings for which very liberal prizes are being offered. This will help very materially the con- gestion of exhibits of other years in the Main Building. If space is want~ edit should be applied for at once. The butter and cheese exhibit promis- es to be extra large this year. In ad- dition to the prizes offered by the association there are good specials in cash and Silverware. Many new and special exhibits will be made in the Machinery Department. The Live Stock Department is one of the strong features of the Exhibition as the very best always comes to London. The Agricultural and Horticultural ex- hibits will no doubt fill the building to overflowing. of the very best. while the Poultry Building will probably have to be enlarged to hold the. birds on Exhibition. Prize lists. entry fm ms. and all information sent on application to the Secretary, A. M. Hunt. London. Ontario. Buy it now. Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is almost certain to be needed before the summer is over. Buy it now and be prepared for such an em- ergency. For sale by all dealers. The COIIHHOD. or ship harnacle. is a specieof shellfish, flexible smlk that is provided with muscles by means of which the creature can elongate or Cuntl‘act itself at will. Upon the end of the stalk there are five Shelly val- THE WESTERN FAIR September 6th to 14th. SHIP BARNACLES

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