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Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Jul 1912, p. 8

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*WNXW’WWWWW* g Large Sales Small Profits g §JUST A new stock of Groceries and selling at low prices McKEcHNIig’ WEEKLY uEwséf Yellow Rose Soap ' 10 cakes for. McKechnies' Pure Soap 8 cakes for Comfort Soap (S cakes for ...... Life Buoy Soap 6 cakes for ...... Infant’s Delight 3 cakes for ..... . Castile Soap 2 cakes. for ...... Monkey Brand Soap. per cake . .. . French Toilet Soap. 3 cakes for. . . Jersey Cream Soup, 6 cakes for. . .. new stock of Boots and Shoes, in the newest designs: Boots and Shoes ..$1 00 3 lhs Good Currants for . . . . .. . :50 3 lbs Good Raisins for ........ . . . ............ 2.50 6 lbs Figs. select for.. . -. ............ . ........ 256 “Light of Asia” Black '1‘ea. p91 11) ........... 350 Select Black Tea ............. . ........... . . . 250 Select Green Tea. ...... . . . . . ....... . . .......... 250 Select Mixed Team. . . . ............ . . . . . . 2250 Fresh Saluda T ea. fmm Ceylon in diffei ant; grades. Try McKeChnies Pure Soap,9 i soakes for ...... 25c o.voo.v.looooooouoooo.o- 0 I000... ..... 0.00-9.00 00. 0.000.000... ....... Q .0. to. ooooooooooo ........... .00 V.....! d.) -(l THE DURhAM UBnOXICLB. Mr. G.A..- Watson Waé' a delegate to Masonic Grand Lodge at T0- ronto last week. â€" Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Bellamy visit- ed over the week end with her mothelj at fiottawasaga. Dr. and Mrs, Washington, of Baltimore, were visitors at Mr. flMiss" Nellie Bradbury, of Blind River, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. G90, Bugledgge. ”Miss Ethel Trim‘Ble, has returned from Owen Sound, to holiday at her home here. The band and ball team attend- tended a church garden party near Maxwell last week. at which the former supplied music. and the latter played a match with Sing~ hampton team. Winning with a score of 8 to 6, At a Special meeting of Orangeâ€" ville Presbytery last week. the resignation of Rev. G.S. Miliigan of this charge, was accepted, and Rev. Mr. Rose, of Corbetton, Was. appointed interim moderator. Mr. Rose occupied the pulpit on Sun- day. and formally declared the charge vacant. The congregation listened with deep interest to the excellent sermon ‘ delivered by Mr. Rose. Court Flesherton I..O F. attended the Methodist church on Sunday morning, when Rev. HE. Well- wood preached the annual sermon to the society. The appropriate and thoughtful discourse was ap- pieciated hv all. In the excninsr Mr. Wellwood commenced aserics of sermons on the book of Genesis Service in the Baptist church has been withdrawn for Sundays, the 215t 'and 28th inst, the pastor, Rev. Mr. McLaren and family. be- ing pff on holidaysin Bruce Co. ‘ Mr. W. Little, of Owen Sound. visited his uncles, J. A. and T.'A. Blakelyngsgt yeeg. We have often thought that the city press was purchased, but we never imagined that our local ed- itors could be so easily influenced. However, the recent editorials in favor of automobiles can be read- ily traced to the free rides given by the aristocrats of Ottawa at the recent Press Convention, and the subsequent joy rides given by local townsmen. who, are desirous to turn the trend of public opin- ion. It is a queer old world 2 There are few farmers in a town- ship, who, at the end of a life of toil, have funds enough saved up to buy a machine, without saying anything about their expensive upkeep. Never mind, however, everybody will soon be flying. ”MisfisfiIzet Ashenhurst, of Toron- to is the guest of Mrs. George Mitchell. "‘Mi’s’s"isi£é McKenzie. of Eagle Lake, is on an extended visit at the home of her uncle, Mr. Georg-x3 i % McKenzie. _ _ - m. ‘ wfiii‘sâ€"KTMcPhatter, of Ow en S',d is visiting her mothei, Mrs. Wm Wright; It isn’t proving the best of hay weather, though the crop is very gOod in this vicinity. W. J. Greenwood has a field of mam- moth clover that is yielding thxee loads to the acre. “\v.‘ --- vâ€" 'â€" Misses Marth aand Lena ’Wzight of Detroit, are on three \\ eeks , holidays With friends here and at, Kimberl_ey._ : _ - . C O I "ME. Efiéland, and two boys, of Goldwater, are visiting her parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs. JothBreen.‘ VIVA-AA: uâ€"-â€"â€"â€" V“ EU) Jul-J» o “it“ «5"; 0.! Mrs. J. W. White, and grandâ€" daughter, Leone Thompson, Xi‘iF ed last week with the former 5 son at Wiarton. h ~er'. W.E. Sbuthgate. of Seaforth, paid his brotherâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. Geo. Mitchell, a short visit 'last_}veek. Rev. Mr. Prudh'am’s sermon in Zion on Sunday last was a mqst elgquenth intellectual one. Mr. T. 'E. Blair had his fine new barn made more secure last week by the erection of lightning rods. R. Ewen, of town, put them on, and made a neat a_nrd tasty job. _ 1 1r "- vww ~ Mr. and Mrs. T. McAIister, of Normanby, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. Gray on the first of the week, and recalled pleasant memories of bygone days. A. young ladies’ baseball club has been organized, and much in- terest is being taken in practir’a‘. We understand the team will be open for matches with any ladies” clubs nearby, Miss Muriel Mc- Tavish is captain. Machinery is being placed in! the cohntry thls season in car’ loads. "Last Week W. Jack par-lg chased a cultivator from N. Wal-g pole, John Laughlin a hayloaderg from G. E. Arrowsmith, Geo. ‘7 ' Peart. a 7-ft. Deering‘ from $1?! Knott. " Among the many who disposed of horses at the horse fair on Thursday of last week, were J . W. Stoddart. W. Jack, Wm. McNally, of the 6th, and your scribe, who purchased another from J. Newell. __ __"â€" “-IVU‘. fl v1.11 U. $‘CV‘ :11. Miss Horton, of Hartney. Man, arrived at the home of Mr. E.W. Hunt last Week, to be the guest 01‘ her friend, Miss F10. Hunt, for some weeks. She had a pleasant coruing by way of Duluth. Mrs. Bert. Wilson, of New Jer- sey, is enjoying a fortnight’s visit at the home of her brother, Mr. Wm. Beaton. Mrs J H. Km’g' and two child en of Owen Sound, are holidawing at the homes of her brothers near W_a_udby Mrs. E. Peért arrived home on Sunday. after spending some months visiting her daughters, Mrs. J. Hudson, Mrs. G. Furneauxfi and Mrs. Robt. Milburn. Mrs. Milburn drove her home. Hearty congratulations to pu- pils on Winning the examinations, and still warmer congratulations to the teachers, Who spurred them on. -‘ . Mr. :CLJ. Bellamy is spending few days in Toronto. Mrs. "Alex. Livingston, of Price- ville, is over on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Jos. McNally of the 10th con. ’Tis reported that Mr. J. Delaney is soon to open out an implement house in the burg. A big load has algeady landed. TRAVERSTON FLESHERTON. ‘ ‘3 -r-avflfi 0‘. ”on: It is'with pleasure that I give a .public recommend to PARISIAN SAGE, which I know is a Wonder.’ Mrs. Ella Gilchrist, W. Pitt St, Bed'ford, Pa. “In the spring I was recovering from a savere case of erysipelas, which left me virtuall bald on the front of my head, an next to my ears. The hair kept coming out rapidly, and nothing I used st0p- ped my getting entirely bald, un- til I used two bottles of PARISâ€" IAN SAGE. This tonic made my hair start to grow in, and, intact, grew me a good fair amount of hair, and it has entirely stopped my hair falling out. That’s Why a Thankful Womau~Reco- mended Parisxan Sage Macfarlane Co. will sell you a fifty- cent bottle of PARISIAN SAGE and guarantee it to banish dandruff, ‘stop falling hair and itching scalp, or money back. It's a delightful hair dressing that makes hair lustrous and fascinat- ing. Miss Abra and Miss Olive , of Owen Sound. are visiting Mrs. Wellwood, at the parsonage. Mrs. Ed. Whitten. and daughter, Fernie, of Toronto, visited the former’s sister, Mrs. Thos. Whitten last week. Mré; Corbett spent Monday with old friends at Corbetton. Rev. GS. Milligan spent Sunday in Owen Sound. Mr. Robt. Blackburn was home from Toronto, for a visit over Sunday and Monday. He was ac- companied, by Miss Banks, of Orangeville. Mr John Sharp, and sister, Irene Visited their sister at Meaford, on Monday and Tuesday. Mrs John Bellamv is on a tuo weeks visit 111th her son at Lind- say Mrs. R. McFadden, of Mono Cen- tre, is visiting her parents, Mr. and M‘rs. R. Waller. Mr. W.F. Garf, Mrs. “CH, Moore, and daughter Evelyn, and Master Howard'Moore, of Toronto, are visiting Mrs. W.C. Parker and Mrs. C;H. Munshaw. ”Miss Vida Bundle, of 'Dundalk, visited Miss Ella Karstedt over Sundav and Monday \. du'Av‘a“ Dr. and Mrs. Moore. 0?! Thorn- bury, motored through one day last week and were callers at Dr. Carter’s. Dr. McWilliams, of Dunddlk. and Miss Lapatrickoff, of hew York. also paid the Dr. and Mrs. Carter 21 short visit. Misses Agnes and Mabel Hen- derson Visited over Sunday and Manday in Dundalk. Miss May Moore, of Teeswater, is spending a week with her uncle, Mr. Wm. Moore, before leaving to. reside in thegvest. I ‘ha- .v uâ€"r â€"â€"â€" â€"â€"wâ€"â€"â€" ”\11'3.Ge<, Alton, of Markdale, is visiting her paients. Mr. and Mrs W'iic oci: Miss Zella Bentham. is holidaV'ino- at Lions Head. Outs. Peas: Barley Hay . Bu Etc-1- Eggs Ling HER HAIR GREW fH. 30E by W Co.. The Central Drug Store :: Durham ' ‘QVhen we sell youinsectivides 0f the most; absolute death dealing kinds. which can be relied upon as. pure and effectual, and can be had in large or small quantities, Don’t let your horses. cows. and farm animaus be worried with pesti- felons flies, fleas or noxious pests. '“ Our courses are thorough and prac- tical. “’9, have txvn experienced in- structors and give individual atten- tion. “'9 assist; graduaros to positions. \Ve do more for our students and g1 ad- uabes than does any other similar school in the province. 0111- graduates meet with success. ("mnnwm-e your course at once. Get our five catalogue and learn what we are doing. D. A. MCI.ACIIL.»K~’{ \V. E. \ViLSON President. Principal. Central Drug Store PURE ENGLISH PARIS GREEN 25c per pound at A MERCIFUL MAN IS MERCIFUL TO HIS BEAST MOUNT FOREST CONT. MOUNT FOR 361‘ 7-er convimgth- July 25th: 1912'

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