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Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Aug 1912, p. 2

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BRICK COTTAGE, AND NICE Lot A bargain for immediate bgy_er.-â€"Art1hur E. Jackson. 18tf to H. Burnett. . 125tf SEVERAL HOUSES LN DURHAM. One nice cottage in Lower Town. â€"A. H Jackson, Durham. 3 21tf A COMFORTABLE BRICK DWEL- Iing om Countess street, 2 storeys, on x-acre lot, with good stable. This property will be sold real cheap to a quick purchaser. GOOD COMFORTABLE FRAME house on College street; six rooms, two storeys, hard and soft Water. good half acre of land. A bargain to quick pur- chaser. For articulars, apply to Ed. Lang on, Durham, or John M. Little, 205 Riopelle St, Detroit, Mich. 2221:! A COMFORTABLE BRICK cor- tage in upper town, well located, about a_ quarter acreflof land ' --11 A PAIR OF ONE-HORSE BOB- Iledghs. and a cutter. Apply to D. MacKenzie. Upper Town, Dur- ham- 5 12 11111 A GOOD COMFORTABLE SEVEN: room house. about an acre and a quarter of land. large stable. a never-failing well. “'iél be sold cheap, and on easy terms. Ap- nly to Thos. Daniel. Durham. 7 9:151 LOT 2, CON. 4, E.G.R.. GLENELG. 100 acres: 70 acres working land. 10 acres new land, 20 acres hard- wood bush. Two good wells on premises. Good concrete house. frame barn. driving shed, x-acre orchard. Well fenced, Will sell cheap to quick buyer. For fur- ther particulars apply to David McAuliffe, Upper Town. Durham Oct. 5th. tf. y” 7“. ONE PAIR OF EXTRA HEAVY draught colts, one and two years ‘oldz also ten head of good cat- tle, two years and under.â€"H. W'. Hunt. Vickers. 1 A COMFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE in Durham. ‘2 aforeys high, hard and soft water inside, good cem- ' ent stahle frame barn on too, quarter acre of land. Price away down to quick purchaser. Apply a? the Chronicle office. 7 27 tf LOT 33. CON. 9, GLENELG, CON- taining 100 acres of first-class land in good condition. Reason- able terms. Apply to J.A. Rus- sell, Box 39, Sedgewick, Alberta. M'ar.14tf THE J. C. NICHOL TAILOR SHOP and dwelling, next to .R. Bur- nett’s store. For particulars, apply to George Ryan, Sr., Lamb- ton street, Durham. 425tf For Rent THE ROCKY SAUGEEN HOTEL propertyâ€"Apply to J. A. Brown. Durham. 12 7 t1 NOTICE is hereby given that I will not be responsible for the payment of any debt or debts contracted by my wife, Elizabeth Acton. after Thursday. July 25th, 1912. the date on which this notice first appeared in The Durham Chronicle. WARNING 'ro TRESPASSERS HUNTING. FISHING AND OTHER- wise trespassing on E34 of Lots 23 and 29 on the 4th concesison, and Lot 28 on the 5th concession of Bentinck, is strictly forbidden, and intruders will be prosecuted according to )aw.â€"Thos. Torry and Alex Grierson, Proprietors. 620 Sn FOUND A CURTAIN, APPARENTLY BE- longing to an automobile. En- quire at this office. GOOD LOT IN UPPER TOWN, Durham, on Garafraxa street, near the Durham Road crossing, next lot south of McArthur’s old store. 'Splendid residential site. For particulars, apply to Miss Martha Sharpe, 37 Beverley St.. _-A fiif‘g‘éjbld Eheap, as the owner intends going to Alberta. For further particulars. apply on farm, or to Wm. Leggette, ,Bo-ckv Saugeen, Ont. 1 25 tf Toronto. OT 1 OF 17, CON. 1, E. G. R., Glenelg, 50 acres; forty acres under cultivation, 7 acres hard- Wood bush, 3 acres swamp. ‘2 small orchards, variety of other small fruits: watered by spring and well. Frame house 28x24, frame barn, 50x36; stone base- ment underneath, and other out- buildings. Also lots '2 and 30! 15. Con. 1, W.G.R., Bentinck, 100 acres: 30 acres under cultivation. 30 acres pas-tare, 35 acres hard- wood bush, 5 acres swamp, 1/. acre orchard. Small frame house frame barn 50x36, stabling un- derneath. _ T_he aboveflproperty -“q‘A-g OR SALE OR RENT, WITH OR without furnishings, for one year, or a term or years, the Central Hotel property in the Town of Durham. Apply to Me- Grath McAulifie, Proprietors. For Sale or Rent. Notice to the Public Advertisements of one incn. or less, 25 subsequent insertion. Over one inch Farms for Sale. THEODORE ACTON. 3pd For Sale or Rent For Sale. SMALL AD$.: incn. or loss, 25 cents for first insertion. and 10 cents for each Over one inch and under two inches. double the abona amount. Yearly rates on applicamon. 5 6‘3mpd Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. . All work promptly attended to.’ 5]. York and (.Yhicago. Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. \Vill be at: the 'Hahn House, July 20 Oct. 19, November 16. Dec. 21, Hours, 1 to 5 p.m. Officeâ€"Over Douglas’ Jewellery ScorP. J. P. Telford. a ARRISTEL, SULICITOR. ETC. Ofiice. nearly opposite the Regisfry office. Lambton '5t..Durham. Anyamount -f munev to loan dt :3 per cent. on farm wropertv. Notice is hereby given that any person found hunting or other- wise trespassing on Lots 9 and 10. on the 3rd concession of the township of Egremont, after the first appearance of this notice, May 23rd, 1912, will be prosecuted according to lamâ€"W. T. Wilson, Varney. 523 tf MALE OR FEMALE, FOR U. S. S. No. 2, Egremont and Normanby. Duties to commence after mid- summer holidays. State salary and experience. Applications received up to Wednesday. Aug- ust 7th.â€"Wm. Bradley, Secretary. Orchard. 3 MALE OR FEMALE. FOR 8.8. NO. 13. Bentinck. holding second class certificate. Duties to com- mence after holidays. Apply, stating experience, and salary required, and giving references to Hugh R. Riddell, Sec.-Treas., Dornoch, Ontario. 4 Jane Aaslstant Roy. London Ophthalmic Hon. ling, and to Gollen Sq. Throat and Nose Hos. SPECIALIST : EYE5 EAR, THROAT NOSE ‘ Oflic92 ‘3, Frau: St, Owen \‘nnnd_ k.‘ 91' Conveyanoer c. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses A genezal financial busi- ness tranqacted stairs, Lambton Street. Resideue Corner Queen and George Streetsâ€"Nor n! Methodist Church. Uflice hours 9- a.m.. 24 o.m.. 7-9 pm. Telephone No. L. R C. P., LONDON. ENG {lRADULATE of London. New WANTEDâ€"PROTESTAN '1‘ TEACH- er holding second-class profes- sional certificate, for 8.8. No. 5. Glenelg township, county Grey :’ light school; pleasant surround- ings, church and post-office near: salary $500 or thereabouts, according to qualifications and experience: duties commence af- ter holidays. R. T. Edwards, Eb- ordale. YOUNG PRINCE ERIE AS I 13ng NOT DISPOSED OF Though still an “enfant terrible” the aeroplane has achieved excel- lent records. It has attained a speed of 104 miles an hour. in a closed circuit, has flown nearly 14,000 feet high, and has carried 13 passengers at once, their weight aggregating 1440 pounds. It has flown through storm clouds, over mountains, seas and contin- ents. It has voyaged by compass over inhospitable routes, from city to city, faster than the eagle or the railway locomotive. I‘Julo’ U LU IV a. Ill.’ UV ‘1 V. w. "an“ - v o J. m. Speclal attgntion given .to disease:- )f women and qbzldren. Resxdence 0p- )osxte Presbvtenan Church. i)I-‘FICE AND RESIDENCE A short (instance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street, ,Lower Town, Durham 3508 hours from 12 to 2 o’clock One of the most common ail- ments that hard working people are afflicted with is lame back. Apply Chamberlain’s, Liniment twice aday and massage the parts thoroughly at each application, and you will get quick relief.. For sale by all dealers. . ty of Toronto. Graduate Roya Eollege Dental Surgeons of Ontario Dentistry 111 all its Branches. A. H. Jackson. 0mm PUBLIC, COMMISSION- er. Conveyanner. c. Insurance HYSICIAN AND’SURG EON , OF- fiee in the New Hunter Block. Ofice wars, 8_ to 1_0_a. m., _to 4p. m. an}! 7 toS B I \l firs. Jamieson Jamieson. my stallion, “Young Prince Erie” I Will keep him for service at his own stable for the season of 1912. All interested Will bear this in mind. Terms made known on applications â€" Dan. McNamara. owner, Lot 25, Con. 2. Normanby. 1. G. Hutton, M. D., C. M. \FFICEt TELE‘ORD’S BLOCK. UP J F GRANT, D. D. s .L. 1). s. [ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- Notice to Trespassers DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town.) Teachers Wanted AEROPLANE RECORDS. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. IE Own .3 J. Hunter’s Medical Dz'r eclorv. Arthur Gun, M. D. W. J. SHARP Den/a! Dz'rectorv. Legal 'Dz'rectorv. DR. BRCWN DR. BURY. -v n --J “44’ UV‘LMS ;30 and 31, Con. 12; Lot 30, Con. 13; Lots 27 and 30, Con. 14; .Lots 29 and 30, Con. 15; and Lot 23, Con 3, :all in the Township of Normanby !in the County of Grey, as aPreâ€" ;serve for the propagation and cul- tivation of fish, that fishing or trespassing by unauthorize per- ;sons Will be rigorously prosecuted ‘according to laW. A reward of $15.00 Will be given for informa- tion given either personally or by .letter leading to the conviction of {any person or persons guilty of [unauthorized fishing or trespass- iing upon any of said lands. ‘JUDGE BARRETT, W. HUETHER, ! President. Secy.-,Treas. gNeustadt, May lst. 1912. A rhomesteader who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead in certain districts. ‘Price $3.00 Ier acre. Dutiesâ€"Must reside six morths in each of three years, cul- tivate fifty acres and erect abouse Worth $300.00. Duties.-â€"-Must reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry Linclud- in}: the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. Deputy of the Minister of the Interiosr. KKKâ€"Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. In certain districts a homestead- er in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned. and andorsed “Tenders for Wharf at Big Bay, Ont.” will be received at this ofâ€" fice until 4 p.m., on W'ednesdny, August 14th, 1912, for the construc- tion of one crib. the stone and gravel approach, and the reconâ€" struction of the superstructure of the existing wharf at Big Bay, County of Grey, Ontario. Duti-es.â€"Six months’ reSidence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- s'teader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and oc- cupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. ANY PERSON who is the sole head of a family, or any maie over 18 years old, may homestead a quartersection of available Dom- inion land in Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Don- inion Lands Agency, or Subâ€"agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, 0:11 certain conditions by father. moth- er. son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. V‘â€" nation and place of re°i *ence 91011 member of the firm must Each tender must he qccompnzw ied by an accepted cheque on .1 chartered bank. payable to the or- der of the Honourable. the Minis- ter of Publis Works. equal to ten per cent. (.10 p.c.\. of the amount of the tender, which “will be for- feited if the person tendering (le- cline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or fail to complete the work contracted for. If the tender benot accepted the.che_que will be returned. leased all the fishing and angling' rights on streams ,with branchesl and tributaries on the lands of Messrs. Wettlaufer, Mueller, Damm, Seim and Ryan, being Lots: ‘30 ““13 0‘ IN- Notice is hereby given that the Crystal Spring Fishing Club, having“ leased all the fiShing and angling rights on streams with branches and tributaries on the lands of Messrs. Blyth and Cornish, being Lots 30 and 31, Concession 3, and Lots 30, 31 and 32, Concession 2, all in the Township of Normanby in the County of Grey, as aPreâ€" serve for the propagation and cul- tivation of fish, that fishin 01' trespassing by unauthorize per- sons Will be rigorously prosecuted according to law. A reward of $15.00 Will be given for informa- tion given either personallybr by letter leading to the conviction of any person or persons guilty of unauthorized fishing or trespass- ing upon any of said lands. JUDGE . BARRETT, W. HUETHER, President. Secy.-Treas. Neustadt, May lst, 1912. . \ywulllhkl. The D‘epartrhâ€"exvuvt does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, July 19, 1912. Newspapers ‘will not be paid for this advertisement if they insert it; Without authority from the De- partment. F FISHIN G NOTICE FISHING NOI‘ICE W. W. CORY, THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Cf be } Rev. and Mrs. W'ard, and little :boy, spent the fore part of this .week visiting in this neighbor- hood. ' Mr. Walter Blakely, of Grafton, N ..D, is visiting his mothe1 and brothers heie after an absence of seven y.ears Mr. Blakely was a visitor at the Masonic Lodge on Friday evening, Mrs. Jos.‘-Cornfield is spending a week with friends in Toronto. Mrs. H. Gaudin, of Heathcote, has been visiting a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Breen. Miss Mildred Patterson, of Mt. Forest, is visiting her cousin, Miss Maud Boyd. _7 ' Mr. Frank Téte, of Lu'cknow, spent Sunday with'Mrs. Tate, who is_y_isiti__ng her parents here. Miss Jern Bro§vn, of Toronto, is visiting; Miss Maud Richardson. Mrs. Wm. Sharp visited her sis- ter at Hanover last week. Mrs. VanDusen visited with old friends at Chatsworth last week. Mrs. J. Neely and children, of Riverdale, visited the former‘s sister, Mrs. Jas. McClocklin, last week, and Miss Zeta MeClocklin and Master Alfred, of Holstein, also visited their uncle. Miss Zilla Trimble motored with a party of friends from Owen Sound, and spent the past week with her uncle at Detroit. Mr: Stuart Forbes, Knox College student, supplied the Presbyterizm pglpit Ecceptably on Sunday. Mr. 308. Clinton returned on Saturday from visiting his brother at Edmonton. Born. -â€"At Saskatoon, Sask, on July 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar E. Bellamy, a daughter; also to Mr. and Mrs. Ale-hie Stewart, west back line, on July 22nd, a son, (stillborn) Mrs. Vance, and little daughter. of Porcupine, are visiting the for- mer‘s aunt, Mrs. Jas. Jameson. Miss Eldai Karstedt is Vviszting her cousm at Owen Sound. Miss Lou Nicholson, of Toronto, is spendmg a couple of weeks with her Slsters here. Mr. David White, and daughters. Mrs. O'Neill and children, and Mrs. Stephenson and children, have come from Toronto to summer in the country, and are occupying Mrs. Parker’s residence on the old Thos._Quigg_farn1.__ 311‘. and Mrs. J. R. Hogg, and son \Villie. of Minor, Sask., .Were visitors last week with Mr. Frank Cairns and family. .Mr. and Mrs. Hogg were wel- come callers on us on Saturday, af_t¢r five years’ __absence. Mrs. Weir, of Singh51111pt011.z111 old lady of oxer 80 vears. is visit- ing her newhewsW.Shz-11p and R. Bentham Mrs. Kéiller. of Toronto, visited her cousin, Mr. P. Quigg, last week. .Mr. Robt. W'right, Principal of Hagersville High school, spent part of last week with his mother and brother here. ' Mrs. J. anafds, of Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs. T. W. Wilson .Mr. and MPS. Lewis Pedlar, of Toronto, Visited the farmer‘s mother over Sunday. The baseball team went to Kim- berley last week. and in a match with the team there lost, with a score. of :11 to 9, The residents of the west back line joined in a picnic at Eugenia last week, and :report a good time. - The Methodist Ladies” Aid had a successful garden party at the residence of Mr. John Bieen. on Friday exeninglast.\\ithp1eas- ing progr-lm and :other amuse- ments, a pleasant time has spent, The results of the “middle" ex- aminations for entrance to Normal as given in the Toronto papers on Monday. show the following stu- dents of the High school here suc- cessful: Laura Armstrong, Thos. Chard (honors‘, Gladys Cornfield, Carrie Karnahan, Elva Lever, Jos. Oliver, Beatrice Thistlewaite. u “â€" â€"â€"wâ€"~â€" 7 Misses Bessie and Edith Meyers, and Misses Katie and Pearl Brig- ham, of Allan Park, spent Sunday with Miss Mary_ A_d_lam. _ __- i -1 .. 321;.8313 fi;§.JR_()â€"1;t-Tiindsay, of Glenelg, spent one Sunday recently with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McCul- loch. ‘ L‘._ _- lv“-o The Timmins gang are ‘austljng the mason work on Mr. W. Grler- son’s barn. “ - " C 0“ Tfie Ebenezer Sunday school will hold their annual garden party in Mr. Wm. Livingston’s orchard, op- posite tho school grounds. Every- Rev S. Baring-Gould, author of the hymn, “Onward Christian Sol- diers,” recently celebrated his 78th birthday at his home in North Devon, England For 50 years he has been a prolific writer, hand- ling with amazing ease theological studies, histOrical researches, rom- ances, novels and sermons. In all that time his clerical work has not suffered. The origin of his famous hymn is thus told: Some Sunday school children were to march from one village to another, and as Mr. Baring-Gould knew of no suitable hymn for them to sing on the way, he sat do.wn.a d wrote one, «which he never %ream would attain world-wide iiopular- ity. _â€"_ _ ‘â€"‘â€"â€" Miss Bertha Cuff Sunday ed with her friend, Miss Zetta Marshall, of Durham. _ , â€"-1_ __ body welcome. --â€"v Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and child- ren of town, visited her brother, Mr. James Alexander, over Sunday, “Miss Gladys Hopkins was tfie guest of her aunt, Mrs. Herb. 'Chittick, re_cen§ly_.- ~ - Miss'Mary Bailey, and sister Rita are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. McFadden, Durham}. ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS Mr. G; H. Brigham. of Allan Park Sundayed with his cousin, Mr. Stanley_ yix'ixlgs‘ton. V 'MiSs Mary Adlam spent Sunday before last with her cousin, Miss Janet Marshall, of Durham._ FLESBERTON. VICKERS George W. Smith, foreman of the Port Elgin Brush Factory, had one arm torn from his body and sus- tained other serious injuries and severe bruises when his hand caught in the shafting of a belt he was operating. He was whirled about by a shaft making 300 rev- olutions a minute, until the ma- A 30 pound motor driven by storage batteries weighing but 20 pounds has been perfected for driving light rowing boats and canoes. . J. R. GUN, Town Agent. Phone 14 J. TOVVNER, Depot Agent, Phone 18 August ll, [2, l3, [4, round trip rates from DURHAM TO G RAN D TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM New London. €70me Cacomm. Que ........ (‘h uluLtet nwn, PJCJ Hulimx, N S _. Hun.- L)’ B.» . Que. Old Oxchaud. .~le ..... Portland, Me ........ St. John. N13 ........ For Full particulars and tjckets enquire from any Grand Trunk Agent, or Write A. E. Duff. D. P.A., Umon Station, Toronto. and Funeral Director D THE St'd n (’3‘ Unix 111114 1e11111i11g111 1511111111131 Re- sort-s in Higumnds 1f Ux1t1111 11 111111111- 111g VILSKOK A L AKES IJ “AIXE C)F B A Y S ALGrU\(2.[ I\ PARK \L‘AG A\E PA VA A.\ RI\ ER FEE .\(,H HIV ER TEMAGAMI KA WARTHA LAKES Sailings from Sarnin for 800 and Port Arthur 3.30 p. m. Ahmdays, “Madnes- days and Saturdays. \ A. BELL UN DERTAKER "chture Frammg on shon‘esz notice. SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallo Barbe-Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Nex‘. dnnr South of. \V'. J. Lawx'ence’ls blacksmith shop. Full Summer Service now in effect. Q to all of above resorts. \the for full 3 particulats and illustrated folders to. any Grand Trunk Agent. Correct note forms to be used at a sale may be obtained at this ofiooefree 0' charge. All notes should be made payable at a stated place. We mute you to use our Bank as-a place of payment. Sale notes may either be discounted at Ht (or collection, which ensure- M of prompt attention at maturity. ‘3 THE TRADERS BANK S. HUGHES, Manager, THE flflYAl BANK OF CANADA Capital Paid Up . . . . $7,900,000 Reserve Fund . . . . 8,900,000 Total Assets . z . . 123,000,000 II. 8. Holt, President. I. L. Paasa, Vic. Pres. and Gen. Mar. 190 Branches In Canada tram Coast to Coast NOON. ENG. OFFICE NEW YORK AGENCY Bugsâ€"Rims 5?. Cor. William and Cedar Sis. Capital and Surplus $6,800,000 Full line of Catholic Robes, and blac and White Caps for aged people. SEASIDE EXCURSIONS Return 1mm ©F @AMADA Embalming a Specialty WORKMAN MAY DIE. UPPER LAKES SAILINGS Farmers’ Sale Notes * For Rates, Etc., enquire of Local Agents. ()1 315?, 1. mg. . INCORPORATED 1869 KEB’ING a bulk account for The 'Chinese have prepared an international manual in order to make the translation of foreign languages easy and rapid. chine was stopped. He was re- moved to the house of H H. Stevens, Where his wounds were dressed. At present he is in a precarious conditionâ€"Post. cozvtches and Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars. The Grand Trunk Pacific route is five hours shorter between \Vinni- peg. Saskatoon and Edmonton two trains daily, \Vinnipeg-Reginu over Smooth l'O:Ldl)€-d, Electric lighted trains. Sleeping Cars, both uppers and lowers electric reading lamps. and containing compartments and draw- ing rooms. The route is through the newest, nlOSL picturesque and most rapidly developing section of \\'estern Canada. eliminating any monotonyr on the trip. Dining Car Service has created a new stat-Miami of excellence. It costs no more to have choice of routes. Tickets and reservations pro- cured from all Grand Trunk Agents. Lv. ‘Vinnipeg. 8.45 3.111. 6.00 p.111. Ar. Yorkton, 7.10 p.111. 9.30 a.m. Ar. Caner-a. 8.30 p.111. 11.45 3.111. Ar. Regina, 9.00 p.11). 7.00 a..xn. Arrive Saskatoon. 8.18 a. m. ‘° Edmonton, 9.00 p. m. Winnipeg and Return -= $32.00 Edmonton and Return 42.00 IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING At the Chronicle Printing House, Garafraxa Street. ° ‘ Tar: CHRONICLE will be sent tc Subscnptlon any address. free of postage. for. Rates - . $1 OOper year. payable inadnnoe â€"$1.50 may be charged if not no paid. The date to which ever) ubscription is paxd is denoted by the number on the address label. 30 gape! die- contiunm' to all arrears are paid. exvept st the ODthTl of the proprietor. For traneient advertisement; 8 Advertismg cents per line for the first insero Rates - Lion; 3 cents per line each subse- quent insextion minion measure. Professions cards not exceeding one inch. $4.00 per annum,. Advertisements without specific directions will tie published till forbid a) 1 charged accordingly. Contract rates for year.y ad vertlsementé fur nished on application to the office. Special tlain will lean» Toronto at 10.30 p. m. (m above dates. via Chi- cago and St. Paul, canying through [HE DURHAM CHRONICLE hinge“notiaész-‘IL; 51'. 7‘:'I$Zd£?"-7i‘3r'§féf'; etcâ€"50 cengs for first insertion. 25 cents for each onbseq uent Insertion. All advertisements ordered by strangers must be naid for in adx‘ance. Homeseekers’ Excursions August 6 and 7 Sept. 3 and 17 Via Sarnia nr Chicagu. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Tickets good fur (in d No CHANGE ()F (‘.-\I W. IRWIN Total Assets $52,000,000 August 1st, 1912. DURHAM, Ont. it V S

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