West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Sep 1912, p. 2

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3.03%: to Trespassers Notice is hereby given that any person found hunting or other- wise trespassing on Lots 9 and 10. on the 3rd concession of the township of Egremont, after the first' appearance of this notice, May 23rd, 1912, will be prosecuted according to lamâ€"W. T. Wilson, Varney. 523 t! LOT 3. CON. G, GLENELG, CON- taininz 100 acres of first-clans land in good condition. Reason cblo terms. ggly to J A. Rus- all, Box 39, ewick, Alberta. _ Mal-.1“! THEâ€"Jib. NICHOL TXI'LOR SHOP and dwelling, next to R. Bur- nett‘s store. For particulars, apply to George Ryan, Sr., Lamb- ton street. Durham. 4 25tf For Rent THE ROCKY SAUGEEN HOTEL property.â€"App}y to J. A. Brown, _Durham. 7 12 7t! A SEVEN-ROOMED FRAME COT-g tuge on College street; also a! quantlity of furniture Will be: sold privately. Apply to Mrs. Jacob Kreu, Durham. 815tt , ON OR ABOUT THE 3rd OF AUG- ust, a ewe and lamb strayed to the premises of the undersign- ed. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses.â€"Joseph Billings, Dur- _ham. 8154p A cmonnnu BRICK HOUSE in Durban. 2 fioreyn high, hard and not! tutu muido, good can- ont Itch]. frame barn on too, quarter a". 9! land. Price away AN UP-TO-DATE PIG-SKIN SIDE nddle; wlll be eold cheap, as the owner has no further use for it. Apply to Mrs. Seymour, at In. D. J ackson’a residence: 8‘15“ A GOOD BRICK HOUSE AND five acres of land, just outside corporation of Durham; stable to accommodate {our horses: buggy house, henhouse, woodshed and other conveniences; good well. Will trade for farm prop- erty. For particulars, apply to John Wilson. Durham. 8 22 9E A GOOD LOT IN UPPER TOWN, Durham, on Garflraxa street, near the Durham Road croulng, next lot oouth o! HcArthur’o old store. caplendld residential site. For artlcularo, apply to His: Mart a Slum. 37 Beverley 8t., 'Ijoronto. 5 a 3mm! A GOOD COMFORTABLE SEVEN- room house, about an acre and a quarter of land. lar e stable, a never-falling well. ill be sold cheap, and on easy terms. Ap- ply to T1100. Daniel, Durham. JEEP}! A MORTAR“ BRICK CO 1‘- tan in upper town, well located, about a quarter acre of land in good conditiom Will sell cheap to quick purchaser.â€"Ap- vlr to 000.1992» «133.33.! sump HOUSES IN DURHAMJOFFICE: One mce cottage in Lower Town.’ you, Durham. 321a J 1'. GRANT D D 8 I. D a Over J. t J. Hunter’s .___:-________._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"V ND NICE IRICchdTTAGB, A Lot A tux-gain (or Mediate buntâ€"Arthur E. Jackson. 18“ MST PART LOTS 41 AND 42. Glenel , 100 acres: 75 acres clear- ed, ba ance in hardwood and Iwamp: well watered with never- falling stream: two good wells: a desirable property. For furth- er particulars, apply to T1108. _Bauks, Edge Hill. __ 815.1119 LOT 16, CON. 1, S. D. R. CON- tainin 50 acres; about three miles tom Durham; well water- 0d. and well fenced; excellent puture land: easy terry; 1:91)}! LOT 2, CON. 4, 3.63., umsrcupu. 100 acres: 70 acre- working land. 10 acres new land, 20 acres hard- wood bulb. Two good well: on Dromuel. Good concrete house. from barn, driving shed, K-acre orchard. Well fenced. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. For fur- ther particulars apply to David IeAulitte, Upper Town. Durham Oct. 5th. t_f_. wâ€"-â€"â€" ,'_ -U“ 60': to quick nrchuer. Apply a? the Chronic 0 office. 7 27 tf lrame barn, 50x36;- atone base: wood bu , 5 acres swamp, 1; acre orchard. Small frame house; frame barn 50x36, atabling un-f dorneat‘h. The above property will be told cheap, as the owner, lntenda going to Alberta. For? further particulars, apply on' farm, or to Wm. Leggette, och! Sangeen, Ont. 1 25 tf -â€" OOD BUILD ING LOTS APPLY to J P, quford, or Mn. G. Black- .1960 53:533.? Upper Towe, For Sale or Rent. Advertisements of one inch. or lees. 25 cents for first insertion, ud monument subsequent insertion Uver one inch end under two inches. double the the" amount. Yearly rates on application. IUUIV It...“ 1 ""J Jan. Atkinson, flurham 3.13,. Farms for Sale. For Sale or Rent Sheep Estray For Sale. ’â€" ‘ETG.R.. GLENELQ- SMALL ADS. a '12 mg 613“ 8 15t£ Notice is hereby given that the! Crystal Spring Fishing Club, having] leased all the fishing and angling rights on streams with branches and tributaries on the lands of Messrs. Blyth and Cornish, being Lots 30 and 31, Concession if, and trespassing by unauthorize per- sons Will e rigorously prosecuted according to law. A reward of, $15.00 will be given for informa-; tion given either ersonally or by letter leading to t e conviction of any person or persons guilty of unauthorized fishing or trespass- ing upon any of said lands. JUDGE BARRETT, W. HUETHER. President. Secy.-Treas. Neustadt, May 131:. 1912. Notice is hereby given that the Saugeen Fishing Club, having leased all the fishing and angling rights on streams with branches and tributaries on the lands of lleurs. Wettlauier, Mueller, Damm, Seim and Ryan, being Lots '30 and 81, Con. 12; Lot 30, Con. 13; .Lots 27 and 30, Con. 14; Lots 29 and 30, Con. 15; and Lot 23, Con 3, all in the Township of Normanby in the County 0! Grey, as aPre- serve {or the propagation and cul- tivation of fish, that tishin or trespassing by unauthorize per- e sons will rigorously prosecuted according to law. A reward of 015.00 will be given for inlormaq tion given either ersonally or by' letter leading to t e conviction of any person or persons guilty of unauthorized tishing or trespass- ing upon any of said lands. JUDGE BARRETT, W. HUETBER, President. Secy.-Treas. ~â€"-â€" HOTEL MEN A'rrnx'nos Splendld Hotel business for sale cheap. Hotel, barns, stable, gar- den, lawn, and three acres of grounds, all in prime condition, good paying busmess, only $4000. Reasonable cash payment, balance easy terms. Good reasons for sellin . Apply 0 g R. J. SERQULE. Hal-ten: Conveyencer, Inner o! lorrioge Licensee. Ioney to loan at lowest rates, and term: to unit borrower. Fire end Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly relieble compndel. Deeds, Hort; ea, Leases and Wills, execute on shortcut notice. All work promptly attended to. own stable for the season ON 1912. All interested will bear this, in mind. Terms made known on: application. â€" Dan. McNamara.' owner, Lot 25, Con. 2. Normanby. _ v ‘w â€"â€"v-vâ€"v ‘ 0t. Can’t-ea. ' he. *luunu'e Ago-t. loan a: Lon. qur of lu- thgo Lincoln. A M fins-eh! busi- uu an“. DUIHAI ONT. (1...» Town.) l. P. Iolfu‘. ARBISTEL, SOLICITOB. ETC. 060.. mu] op it. the Basin" office. 143-an Si. 03?... Any unann’: at .0907 to Ion st 5 no: out. on fun U York And Chicago. Dina-u of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at the Hahn House, July {21) ch. 19: November 16. Dec. 21, Officeâ€"Over Douglu’ Jewellery Store. Hours, 1 to 5 p.m. ty of Toronto. Grndunto College Dents! Surgeons of Ontnrio. Dentistry in nll its Brnnchu. A. H. mm. Noun puma, ooumsxon .l’ Cavern-on. he I Inn on... fate Autumn: Roy. London Ophthalmic Hon. Inga, and to Gollen Sq. Thrmt 3nd No» 1100. SPECIALIST: ° EYE, FAB,_ THROAT nose . FFICEâ€"Over J. P. Telford’s c flice l nearly opposite the Resist“: ofl‘lce. Resudence Second house south of Registry office on east side of Albert Street. Office Hours 9.11 a.m., 2-4 p. m.. 7-9 p. :1). Telephone communica- tion between office and residence at all hours. I fice in the New Hunter Block. 0am tours, 8 to 10 n. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 to9 ). m. Special attention given to diseases )f women and children. Residence op- Joaite Preshvterian Church. Drs. lamioson Jamieson. (‘ FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance out of Knapp‘s Hotel, Lamb ton Street. Lower Town, Durhsm ”)fice hours from 12 to 2 o'clock HYSICIAN AN D SURGEON, OF- tice in the New Hunter Block. _ Qfice l. 6. Hutton. M. 0., C. M. UR. BROWN L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG RADULATE of‘ London. New ONOR_GI§ADUATE, UNIVERSI- YOUNG 1311mm: ERIE Office: 13, 'Frost :55. Owen Sound. Dr. V1.0. Pickering Dentist. FISHING NOTICE Arthur Gun, II. D Medical Dz’rectorv. mum. I 0110] Dental Directorv. Legal ’. J. SHARP DR. BURT. Fleshértoh, Ont. A SURE GIVEAWAY. “What are these cups for?" ask- ed a well-dressed man of aiew- eller, pointing to some lovely silver cups on the' counter. . “These are race cups, to be. given as prizes.’\ ' . “If that’s so, suppose you andi I race for one ?”l 1 And the stranger, with the cup in hand, started, the ieweller after him. The strange? won the cup.§ An article that has real merit should in time become popular. That such is the case with Cham- . berlain’s Cough eredy has been attested by many dealers. Here is . one of them. H. W. Hendrickson, Ohio Falls, 1nd,, writes, “Cham- berlain’s Cou h Remedy is the! best for coug s, colds and croup,. _and _is _my best sellerfi‘ For sale â€"v-v v- ‘LUU. There is about 40 acres of cleared land, about 15 acres hard wood timber, abbut 1‘5 ac es of swamp, and balan of slaih or second growth! ds. Non-buildings, and 182°“ are lairly,good. growth la‘dsi- Nut" ~w- “um" Gladstone and Grillion'a. fences are fairly $0213.1dmg8’ and Mr. Gladstone's election to Grillion's Terms: Ten, p‘ér cent. of the 0 club, which took place in 1840, was far purchase money to be paid down I from delighting him at the time. He atOthe time of sale, balance within declared it to be “a thing quite alien thirty days With 6 Per cent.i to my temperament. which requires interest. ‘ more soothing and domestic appliance! For further particulars and con- after the feverish and consuming ex- d't' 1 ms at fi’i‘filfilfiyfioucxsov 1 “item“ °‘ 9“" "fe' but the mm 01 Agent for the Vendor, Society oblige me to submit." Lord Dated at Durham this 20th day ' Morley adds: “As it happened. so nar- of August, 1912. 3 29'4 ; row is man’s foreknowledge Grillionl â€"_â€"‘â€"_â€"â€"::â€" e down to the very end of his life near- } ly sixty years ahead. had no more A SURE GIVEAWAY 'i'aithi'ul or congenial member."-Lono “What are these cups for ?" ask- :don Chronicle. by all dea'lers. Under and by virtue of the pow- ers contained in a certain mort- gage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be of- fered for sale by Public Auction on Saturday, the 2lst day of September, AD. 1912, at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon, at the Middaugh House, in the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, by Robert Brigham, Auctioneer, the following property, namely, Lot number Eight, in the Fifth Concession oi the Township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, and containing by admeasurement one. hundred acres, more or less. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. EUGENE FISET, Colonel, Deputy Minister. Department of Militia and Defence. Ottawa, August 6th, 1912. Newspapers will not be paid if this advertisement is inserted without authority from the De- partment. Tenders must be made on the form supplied b the Department and accompanie b an accepted cheque on a Cana ian Chartered Bank for ten 'per cent., (10 p.c.\ of the amount of the tender, payable to the Honourable the Minister of Militia and Defence, which amount will be forfeited if the party ten- dering declines to enter into, or fails to complete the contract in accordance with his tender. SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS ANY PERSON who is the sole head of a famil , or any make over 18 years 01 . may. homestead a quartersection of available Dom- ,inion land in Manitoba, SaSkatch- tewan or Alberta. The applicant [must appear in person at the Don- inion Lands Agency, or Sub-agency :for the district. Entry ,by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions by father. moth- er. son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Plans and specifications may be seen and full information obtained at the offices of the Officer Com- manding the 2nd Division, Toronto Ont., and the City Clerk, Coiling- wood, Ont., and the Director of Engineer Services, Headquarters, Ottawa. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED TENDERS, marked on envelope “Tender for construction of *Collin wood Rifle Range,” and address to the Director of Con- tracts, Militia Headquarters, Otta- wa. will be received until noon. September 9, 1912, for the con- struction of a Rifle Range at Co_llingwood, Ont,__ A homesteader who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead in certain districts. (Price $3.00 per acre. Dutiesâ€"Must reside six months in each of three years, cul- tivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.00. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.â€"Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be Department of lilitia and Defenco colllndwood. Ont" Rifle find. Duties.â€"Must reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry Linclud- in: the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. paid for. er. nun, nan-gnu”, URN-1“” U" "at” ' General Grant came up at the very or intending h0fl183$8§iero .d climax Of his {fight and, noticing his Duties.â€"Six m0” 5 P881 ence pale face, his blue lips and chattering upon and cultivation of the land .. . a“. A _ teeth. he said: Captain. you are fright- 13 each 0‘ three ye home ened. That is natural enough. You steader may live within nine miles ,, of his homestead on a farm of at will get over it. Suppose, continued Grant, “I should come to you with a least 80 acres solely owned and oc- cupied by him or by his father. hat containing ninety-nine white beans mother, son, daughter, brother or and one black one and I should ask sister. you to thrust your hand into the hat at In certain districts a homeStead- a venture and pick out the black bean. er in good standmg may pare-empty Do you think your chance of getting a quarter section alongside his that black bean would be very good? homestead. Price 8.3.00 per acre. Well, your chance for being hit under Duties.â€"Must reside “POD the this fire is no greater than your chance homestead or pre-emption six for drawing the black bean." mnnhkn an nfl.fik A, n;v ‘vnnnn ‘mnm Dutms.â€"Six months’ residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and oc- cupied by him or by his father. mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. IOITGAGE BALE W. W. CORY. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. i ferret end oi young turkeys which :heer theehrili cry ore hawk they have never heard or eeen before are I proved enmpiee of the strength oi . these instinctive entipethiee. But the {cue ot the venue] end rot is. perhepe. ‘more to be noticed becenee ot the ‘ greater eqnelity of the entngoniete. The tend in no hitter that e meeting he- His Reception. Young Manâ€"l have called. sir. to re quest the hand of your daughter In marriage. Old Grumleigh-Has she ac- cepted you? Young Manâ€"Yes. air. Old Grumleighâ€"Then what do you want to come round and bother me with your troubles for? Every character In the joint product of na°ture and nurture. Soon Romodiod. Irate Householderâ€" Why can’t you answer this bell sooner? The flre’s out agal‘d‘. Where have you been? Maid of all work (resigned and leav- ing)â€"l’ve been packln' up my things. 1 can't stop to do that. It'll light itself soon. The 'onse is aflrel”â€"-London Punch. wrong in that, what would be your next guess?" asked Mr. Barr. “I! he is not a maker of history he is perhaps s writer of itâ€"a great historian. prob. ably. Of course it is impossible for me to guess accurately except by accident. but I use the adjective ‘great’ becaush I am convinced this man is great in his line. whatever it is. If he makes silk he makes the best.” Mr. Barr told the French merchant who the portrait rep- resented and said. “You have summed him up in your last sentence."-London News. tween them almost certainly means death to one or both. Friendahipa are not uncommon between the cat and do; and have been known between a do; and wolf, but the mutual attitude at the weaael and rat in invariably war-- war that in waged to the death. Great In Hie Line. Robert Barr once showed a por trait of Mark Twain to a tilt merchant of Lyon. “Tell me who that In," Mr. Barr said. The merchant gazed at the portrait and answered. “I Ihonld say he wan a statesman.” “Supposing yon Animals That Are Always Enemies. Many sntmnls ere born with an In- herent antipathy for other animals. The excessive tear shown by yam nhhits which for the first time smell s the tot-cu of Islam would have Joined handatrom the west tothoeaatand lncloaed Europa In their graspâ€"Loo- don Standard Al: It In almost certain that it the xenlnl of Muse had replaced the incompetence of the hnlt dozen trlhnl lender: who“ Musa. though a very great general. was a very vain man. and he dyed his beard black. This was another trifle. One of his captains chafled him on the subject, and Musa forthwith had him stripped and scourged. For this. at the very height or his conquering ca- reer. Musa was recalled by the caliph and disgraced. This made it impossi- his for him to command the Moslem army at the battle of Tours, on the is« sue of which. as all historians agree. the destinies of Europe and perhaps of the whole human race depended. It Probably Changed the History of the Whole Human Race. The most striking case in history of the importance of trifles is furnished by the story of Muse. the leader of the Moslem host which won from Christendom in three and a half years dominions which it took the soldiers of the cross twenty generations to win back. He had a red beard. This was a trifle. This officer at once took heart, and from then on he never showed the slightest sign of teamâ€"Life. How Grant Cured a Badly Sound “I“ i Officer. One or General Grant’s newly ap- . pointed stat! oflicers had never been in i any serious engagement. But almost the first day that he reported to Grant he was placed under a fire of the hot- test and most severe kind. The scream- ing of the balls. the roaring of the can. non and the sharp crack and rattle of the musketry thol-oughly demoralized him. He became absolutely sick and paralyzed with fear. He was so weak from nervous excitement that he lost physical control over himself. minn- FRIGHT IN BATTLE. A DYED BEARD. | Ice quarrying is not unknown in this country. Crook county, Ore- gon, especially the southern por- tion, is pretty far removed from the traditional idea of Paradise. although irrigation in recent years has done something to render it more habitable. The region is of volcanic origin and a great lava bed bounds one portion of it, from beneath which comes the. sound of rushing waters, but inac- ‘cessible water. In this almost *desolate region one can almost i'm- 'agine what a godsend a lump of ice would be. And there it is. close at hand, hidden away in a The entrance to this cave. which is at least fifteen miles from any water, is about 4000 feet above the level of the sea. This entrance is small. From it you go down a declivity of some fifty feet, when you reac a chamber with afloor of ice. From there you pass through a narrow entrance into cave. QUARRYING FOR ICE. * Quarrying glaciers for ice is be»! coming an imgortant industry in Switzerland w erever one can be connected by chutes with some place having good transportation facilities. The ice is blasted out! of the glaciers with black powder and the blocks stored for atime in icehouses until the frost which covers them has been removed._ They are then sent down the mountain sides on chutes, curved here and there to lessen the great velocity. _ _ . _ . . J. R. GUN, Town Agent. Phone 14 J. TOWNER, Depot Agent. Phone 18 For Full articular: and tickets enquire from any Grand Trunk Agent, Write A. E. ufi. D.P.A.. Union Sution. Toronto. lull-cut Illa ulWII-lpcuplulfiltoo to bull-aflo- ln Enter- Cu“. August 30thâ€"From all stations Toronm to North Bay, inclusive, and \Vest thereof in Ontario some people are not ever-1“ {hea- ful winners. GRAN D TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM With the prevailing feminine shape. the chances of the fat woman are mighty slim. Farm Laborers’ Excursions $10.00 to Winnipeg chture F rammg ~07: shorten notice. Snow Roomsâ€"Next to Swallu Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"N91! door South of \V. J. Lawrence: blanksmith shop. and Funeral Director‘, A. BELL UN DERTAKER THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA LONDON. ENG" OFFICE Bank Bugsâ€"Rims SI. Full line of Catholic Rnbes, and blm: and white Caps for aged people. W9 all loye a cheerful losvefi but 'l 61F @AINADA Canadian National Exhibition TORONTO Darin-I to Toronto and Return $3.00 II“... In: 25 um All tickets vnlid to return until Tuesday. Sept. 10th. 1912. Ask any Grand Trunk Agent for full particulars. tickets. Embalming a Specialty TORONTO I DURHAM BRANCH, [can arm I VIA CIICAGO Pm Ian-cut lllc m. Wining to destination, but not buond nachos. Cdfiq or usual. Capital Authorized Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund . Total Assets gown 2m :- sen. 290 Branches throughout Canada. " For Ram, Etc., enquire of Local Aganw. THE TRAINERS BANK OF CANADA A General Banking Business Transacted. Savings Department at all Branches. WITH WHICH IS UNITED INCORPORATED 1869 RETURNING ECURITY for both ptincipal and interest is the first essential of II investment. the ability to realize quickly the second. Judged by these mdudge depoat in the savings depsttmeot of this Bank is an ideal fainofinveutmeu. l Geologists are puzzled over an explanation of this extraordinary 'phenonenon. The best offered so far seems to be that the water gtrickles through the volcanic rock from the Deachutes river. which takes a remarkably winding course at an elevation much high- ‘er than that of the cave. I But even more remarkable is it that ice should be quarried on {the sides of the famous Sicilian .volcano, Mount Etna. Etna is 10,840 feet high, and during the 10,840 feet high, and durin the fwinter is snow capped. 'hen- ever an eruption occurs the frag- iments of rock and ashes thrown out of the crater spread over 2the snow, which is compressed by 3the weight and so forms ice. Just II the sawdust used in icehouses protects the ice. so does the dust from the volcano form a non- 'conductor of heat for the com- 'pressed s_now on Mpunt _Etna. ' These deposits of ice have been formed for untold centuries and now and then they are exposed through an earthquake or the sliding down of a mass of vol- canic matter. On these occasions it the labor is not too great the lazy Sicilian will pick out a few blocks of ice and sell them in Ca- tania or Taormina. an inner chamber which contains an inexhaustible supply of ice. A block is quarried out and within three hours the cavity is filled with water which is soon turned into solid ice. l8 PUBLISH-D EVERY THURSDAY XOBNING At the Chronicle Printing Noun, Hurtful. 8treet. Allndvertuemeuu ordered b nun-gm not be acid for in adv-moo. 3' Contact am tor gouty “hm (I! cubed on applicuiou the ofloe. ' ' For transient navel-um. . Advertising contu pet line for the Gut W Rota - tion; 3 conic: periine snob “but. qnent inucrtion minion manure. Proton“... curds. not excwdinz one inch “.00 nor an. Advertuu-lnenu without unmitic direction. he published till forbid m 1 charted coco . Tron-Hoot notimâ€" ‘L( In. ' 'Tound." ”For ” etcâ€"50 cents for flat insertion. 25 can. (or a «1me non! insertion. - v- "v u put. yuan mauvâ€" 41.50 my be chsrge'écif not 5' m. Tho u- bo which es'er) >nbocn’pti0n in p: d to dental U] the numlm on the .ddrmm label. No ,1." lb- oontimwd to .u arrears ure pad. almpt a“. optmn of the proprietor. IH'E DURHAM CHRONICLE Emma AM) Pmpmma $2.25 W. IRWIN nny address. fie 0?on V [1i .1 ‘anrlymr. payalplp ln___ van- L‘_. n - Tm: (1880mm; will be cent 01: NEW YORK ‘GENCV 1W 1'll1am and (Marys. AUG. 27!. all On 5th, 1912.

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